Faide vs Rank #1 Apex Predator (Reactions)
faide vs ranked players
Apex Legends Season 23 From The Rift
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#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,legends,apex legends,apex legends new season,apex legends early gameplay,rookie to apex predator,killing ttv,killing twitch streamers,streamer reactions,streamer reaction,ttv reactions,apex legends season 23,apex legends from the rift season 23,og apex legends,new apex season,lifeline buff,lifeline apex,lifeline movement,hacking,accused of hacking,ranked,rank 1 pred,rank #1 pred,rank 1 pred pc,rank 1 apex predator,rank 1,apex predator
コメント (260)
you clipped my boy nicmercs😭
I thought I heard a familiar whisper voice 😂 Its Knocked lol sick
So no one noticed the knife animations into wraoth grabbing heir heirloom lmao
Such a shame Lou switched to controller- man was a menace in gibby meta.
Faide you lost fair and square in that first fight😂 they aren’t bad
I’m glad I was born the Asian country where Faide doesn’t dance.
2:18 The best video clip of 2024
“They are literally so bad” to the number one pred 😭
Jesus even Lou swapped to controller?
How could respawn and controller players have been so dishonest about how imbalanced the inputs are, literally 4 years of them all talking out of their asses.
Console rank 1 cant stand a chance when it comes to pc gameplay.
The first fight , losing team the guy that went down second called for a res the second he got knocked 🤦🏾♂️ while the team is still in the middle of combat explain your self
Controller able to aim lock on that fast of movement is insane shit needs a real nerf lmao
That rev player shouldn’t be streaming haha trash
Oh man when I saw dna and shxtmercs approaching streamers, I knew it was game over 😂
dooplex should be proud of herself for dying twice to the world champion
2:19 that was cold af 🥶
you playing with ex lately they god dam dynamic duo haha
bro how are you so good myan
dooplex is so bad bro
Love seeing preds getting shit on. They be in my lobbies shiting on me
2:10 it’s a blast !
Aim Assist is not OP, meanwhile 90% the clips were taken against controll players =) They look so powerless when they see actuall skill 😀
So good 😂😂
Nickmerc thinks someone is trash. Adorable
All cheaters
No disrespect but there should be a mandatory iq test or brain scan or smth after each gaming session for roller players
For their own good, apex is temporary unlike brain damage !
all that movement at the start to still lose to a controller , classic apex
you should play fortnite because it has wall jumps
Not nickmerks🤣
This is what I’m saying, there is and will forever be a big skill gap between Pros and Faide, he is just different
I love to see Faide stuff from other pov
“- No way that’s faide?
– Nah he’s playing pubs” xD
why you’re not a pro Faide? That’s a genuine question. Like, you play so freaking good. Content creator for YT worth more than pro?
Hey Faide, I was in your stream this morning and got banned for “cringe” bc I asked in chat “does any1 else use faide videos to fall asleep?” I’m never in your streams bc my work schedule, I made some coffee and saw you were streaming so I figured I’d hop in since I literally put 5 of your most recent videos on to sleep to last night. I requested an unban and I still haven’t been. I’m honestly pretty butt hurt about it bc I was about to drop bits :/ I wanted to show my support. I’ve been a fan of yours for a really long time so I really hope you see this and do something about it. I’m 23 and I install fence man, I’ve maybe said 20 things in twitch chat at most :/
Anyone noted dooplex apear in The first and last video? 😂
ALGUÉM notou que o dooplex foi o primeiro vídeo, e foi sequestrado no último? 😂
Old ahh video
Ea should give you money because you make the game fun to play
2:18 this is why I love faide
6:30 what a nerd. No self accountability . So cringe. How is he pred. Just shows anyone can get pred. 😂
video quality like 480p, so disgusting man ….iam out here…
again zzzzzzzz
Controller players look so dumb in comparison to mnk I just had to say it
“ what he just did to me was absolutely not ok “ meanwhile bro just casually sittin in the open bein a bot 🤖 no disrespect to that guy but cmon now 😂
Awh yeah Faidy Faide😫show em how it’s donnnne’ahh🔥seriously u be poppin off🔥
So at high ranks there are like the same 20 people playing the game
thanks for humiliating dooplex
I dont even know what this matchmaking is. Diamond vs pred 1???
11:00 Horrible Newcastle player didn’t even rez his boy right there.
awesome, the absolute chronus player xRementv was completely taken apart ❤
faide u’re the number 1 pred and i love u so much broo u’re my number 1 youtuber keep going goat
2:18 is the coolest and most scary apex clip of all time
Nickmercs is a joker manh my kid plays better than him😂
I love your video vs streamer do it mire
2:21 wtf was that bruh is that even apex at this point
if they only use rolla they literally have no chance against movement they need that aim assist huh but it dont lock on neo strafing gods too well huh
That boy faide king Von of apex😂 2:20
Scary to think you could run into a full pro team in platinum 🤣
i need more reactions!
2:24 a sweaty wraith wall jumps on him & its got to be faide lol
I wanna see faide play Lucio
3:53 How interesting, the “ability to hit shots” suddenly disappears, and Faide just happens to be doing movement at the same time. Any LINKAGES ??????????
“He want to catch me I think. He catch me” lmaoo he knew what was about to go down
“wtf, r u a bot? ” To the number 1 pred is crazy work😂
“It’s faide” = “it’s John Wick”
He violated bro at 2:18
i love you bro)
calling #1 preds so bad is so funny cuz of how hard you dunked on them
Rogue needs to leave the Mastiff alone 🤣
My fav thing is watching the movement team stomp everyone who convinced themselves they’d win against them
Why are most of these preds are controller bot?
Axeys is the Faide of Gears Of War and is a movement demigod.
Only us old timers know the multiverse just ran into itself.
2:18 will go down as 1 of the sickest viewer clips ever seen
Its hard to comprehend how good you are. UNBELIEVBLE.
Made nickmercs look like it was his first day playing the game. Sheeesh
…’Oh FUQ its FAIDE!!!..”
#1 with aim assist. Kay bruh
Bloodhound guy saying he almost has ult
Like it matters 😂😭
Faked play rivals please
in FAIDE we trust
carry me FAIDE
Faide is a menace. 😂
Faide carries apex legends
those controller pred got no skill in bubble fight,so funny
2:13 this is actually scary.
Naw the fact that faide is like this makes me 😂😂😂😂
And they call faide “pub stomper” 😂😂🤡
faide and lamic is the ultimate duo
Yo those kidnaps are fucking hilarious and devastating great video
is it not odd guy can shoot though smoke like nothing?
juicy video, loves these so much!
Bro was disappointed fr 12:49
its sad that legit the only gun used in that fight with doop and lou was 100% mastiffs from both team, hard forced meta its rough
I thought Nick Mercs quit Apex for COD and made a whole big thing about it?
Being controller is as 1# is not cool it sucks
Mastiff legends
9:45 Transphobic controller meat head gets DESTROYED by WOKE gender neutral MnK movement wraith
You’re not #1?
Let these boys no! Poor rogue 😂
All i gotta say is your chat mods are cringe and weird asf 😷 will still watch yt vids tho 😂
Bro, I have never been so lost when you killed us at 5:35 that kidnap was insane 😂
This was one of your best videos, MORE OF THIS 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 ❤
Sad seeing Apex die game has the highest skill ceiling imo
Fuck yeah Faide reaction video
faide just exposed everybody
“Nah that’s not faide he plays pubs”meanwhile faide making it look like he playin pubs but it’s ranked😭🙏🏾
I love watching the movement trio dog on pros in ranked 👌
Rank doesn’t mean a thing when the movement Gods decide to play together.
I love seeing Faide stomping all these controller zombies
2:18 looks so cool like he just appeared out of thin air and became a ninja
I’m not so keen on these vids for one reason: an elite pred stack destroying lobbies. Like you can’t get more skilled players and there’s three of them. And we all know what it’s like to die to a pred stack.
Killing aimBOT assist players
He wants to katch you I fink.. he katch me.. o ok nice bro
how tf does he hit the superglide everytime!
Horrible editing
Bangerrr As Always!! #Ggzz #Kidnapped
Faide the real CEO of apex😂
There’s nothing more cringe than people in this comment section shittalking Pred-players as if they would stand a single chance against them in game. Just because Faide makes it look easy (and some of the people in the vid did put up a really good fight), doesn’t mean any of you ordinary fanboys would perform anywhere close on this level. Leave the excessive shittalk to Faide.
Gz 🔥
If you listen from 2:24 to 2:27 with your eyes closed
that preds are bots xD
Dying to my glorious king is a blessing 🙏✨
Best bday gift
Love seeing nickmercs get shit on for what he did to the 2x. Snake mf. Dude has always been dogshit anyways.
Seeing Faide actually playing as rFaide, made me tear up a little of nostalgia 🥲
anyone else notice that there is a gold knock on the rez at one minute? That shouldn’t be there because it’s season 23 and life line has her ring ultimate, right?
The day of reckoning is upon them 😂😂😂😂😂😂
“He want to catch you, oh he catch meeee” lollol
wat team did doop used to play for?
Something I ask myself is, why in ranked when you kill or get killed by someone, does it show the rank of the one you kill or get killed by?
Nah he s playing pubs got me dead 😂😂😂
Ranked vids hit different 🔥🔥🔥🔥
True plebs say, “Faide is in pubs” but don’t speak on s1mple, the CS GOAT, stomping in ranked 🤓
Oh hey, look, it’s the brand new map… that.. we can’t… play.
Mmmmmmmm tasty. Yeah baby
mastiff legends
Your content is fire bro ❤makes u wonder if these preds are real 😂😂
bro i cannot thank you enough for posting as much as you do. life is hard and it’s nice to take a break and watch you go crazy
8:29 he want to catch you i think 1 secend later he catch m ok nicehilarious
That port wall jump was nastyyyy
Like this is so fun how bad are high preds compared to mvment players XD
Auto Aim + more than avg brain at tactic thinking and youre high in rank
The fact that both preds are using controller definitively shows that aim assist is OP in APEX.
if that was #1 pred gameplay then im the coordinator of the Apex Games
On which server do I need to play so that I can come across such noobs on gamepads?
Watching faide on my birthday fosho frfr💯💯bros crazy asf in ranked😂💯💯💯
“These guys are so bad” meanwhile number 1 pred 😂 Faide is king
Wipes 1st pred: “they are so bad”
Faide is a legend
No sound
thanks for this video montage bro
Jesus christ 2:!8. Its like a horror movie lol.
That end to this vid had those kids in the corner STUNNED! Took them a full second or two to register faide just popped up and is gonna ruin your whole ratting plan
Ranked gameplay 🔥🔥🔥
New faide hitttt
the best thing is to see your movements from the outside)
So controller brain
11:32 did you really have to clip baby murks that’s craaaaaazy
Ya dude at 2:18 beeen waiting his whole life to clip that. I hope it was as enjoyable for him as it was for faide
People always fuss and say that top players arent phased by movement and faide wouldn’t stand a chance but he took on some big names here and cleaned their clocks.
“What he just did to me is actually not okay” LOL!
Faide playing pubs 😂)
3:00 how tfk is his heirloom purple ???
that gamepaders so funny
this is entertaining af
Are We all just going to ignore the ending? That was freaking radical bro!!
2:15 moment of silence then you just swung out that port wit maximum aura that shi was crazy 😂😂😂😂😂
aren’t these “pros” the same people who said that if there were no zipline building faide couldn’t play?
i watched many videos about hal successfully career, aceu chilling play, the tactical genius sweet, snipergod mande but the most impressive for me is faide. it doesnt matter pubs or rank, master or pred he can slide through them like a knife in butter. when a wraith with god movement appears with aim on point and send u back to lobby u know who this is
Bro called the number 1 pred ass 💀
**gets shit on**
“It’s Faide”
Dooplex getting clowned on by a pub stomper😂😂
Take notes, chat. When you hit 1 bullet in an entire fight, its okay to call out that you didnt do anything. Blaming the game or someone else is cringe, these pros actually take accountability when they dont do shit and die
How is that losers even became preds there are better players in plat lobby also these are consol players hahahaha
be a content creator and do comp like timmy
Lou never popped off the same after switching to thumbs.
2:22 🤣👏🔥🔥
Goat!! 🐐
Biggest inspo❤
“These guys are so bad”. Of course they are. High rank are always controller players. The entire pro scenario is made of controller players. Thats just plain stupid.
He has the goofiest badges and trackers equipped. The ttv knew it was faide
Always an honor fighting against Faide.
6:32 Why bro blaming his team? 😭😭
when tf did DOOOOP become #1?
Pro players said that players who use moves will always be melted by real Preds. but that’s not what Faide, Lamic and Extesyy are showing us haha
The fact that noone can say hes only a pub stomper now when hes out here clipping on actual pros let alone the number 1 pred himself
Ok you killed the 1# Pred, in the next video I want to see Faide vs 1# Dev.
9:47 “these kids are horrible” then proceeds to miss 2 shots in a row and give away location 😂
AGAHAHA dooplex 🤣😭
You were dumping on all these guys. This is the best streamer reaction video yet.
2:18 best part. Thank me later. (Faide or lemmyz from warzone ? 😮).
Faide can you please make a vid of you and extesyy 1v1
If it wasn’t for faide I wouldn’t even watch this game anymore. He is literally the only thing keeping me here.
Spending my friday in the hospital but at least i have faid to watch
Love you Faide! ♥
You’re my GOAT 🔥
random player 2 taps = cheater
faide 2 taps = pubs
2:15 faide made that guy cream hus pants
2:26 bro had an orgasm after his death 😂
Im so glad you shit on nickmercs. Dude is a horrible ass player who gets carried
Mercs got fucking worked 😂😂😂😂
2:18 Yeah, this shit is straight up from the horror movie 👀
AM i the only one who is still in 2017
Good kidnap but why’d he just offer himself to you and walk into it LOL 8:26
Goated video man you’ve inspired me to keep grinding apex and my goal is to be able to be crazy at movement like you man big props you’re a huge inspiration to alot of people❤
I love that normally these dudes just roll through lobbies than they find ya’ll and get cooked🤣
Bruh you seem to somehow make my day at work better when I see the upload🤙🏼
9:42 “nah hes playing pubs” oh how wrong he was
Yay! More Faide uploads than normal 🎉
U should try marvel rivals👍
i just wanna say you insdpire me to wanna make content ima give it my best shot. youre amazing
Faides ability to kidnap is top tier
9:51 faide killing nickmercs
9:14 bro straight up did a hit-and-run
Hi Fade! 🔥
Crazy to me how bad these “top ranked players” are. Shows you exactly how far you can go with a three stack. (I have no friends to three stack with)
-Bro , we fucking love it when you ahot on streamers! Keep it up big love
always a w post yknow it
2:15-2:30 I thought it was a knock on my door. xD
what is faide res and sens?
I remember when I used to watch rogue way back and he did a wall jump arc stick… that’s chump change now a days, times have changed 😂
On time ❤
There’s Masters…
There’s Preds….
And then there’s Faide.
No amount of aim assist, macros, or meta picks will save you from raw talent and skill.
“He wants tonkidnap someone i think” bro was the someone 🤣🤣
6:14 how can someone that bad be pred…
8:28 how
Faide kidnapping the players is the funniest shi ever😂
wait for faide responsseeee
That clip at 2:19 when Faide got out of the portal was wild ☠️
And people say movement doesn’t matter in ranked
2:18 is fucking terrifying, even i jumped when i saw it 😭😭
Faide drops I like ez
2:20 is crazy 😭
W faide post haven’t watched in a while tho
2 minutes and 46 likes, bro fell off
Faide really hates getting knocked huh? Cries like a baby 😂
Early to the faide upload!
we need movement guide bro
0 Views 50 secs after upload. Fell off
13 mins? Com bro.
We want 30+
why don’t u post some guide movement??
Meow Meow
Have a great Friday everyone🔥
first asf
Hi daddy faide
Always first for movement daddy