Apex Legends: Winter’s Haunt Event Trailer
Face relentless frost in the Winter’s Haunt Event, featuring the return of the action-packed Winter Express LTM. Earn Ice Gems to unlock rewards in the Reward Shop including Epic Skins for Valkyrie and the Triple Take.
Pull from 30 iced-out cosmetics including Legendary Skins for Bangalore, Bloodhound, and more with an opportunity to unlock 150 Heirloom Shards, Bloodhound’s Heirloom “Winter’s Bane” and a Reactive “Attunement” Hemlok Skin. Survive the brutal chill of Winter and claim your place on the Champions Podium!
Want to learn more?: http://x.ea.com/apxl/winters-haunt-event
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App, Epic Games Store and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 23,apex legends trailer,apex legends from the rift,apex winters haunt,apex legends winters haunt collection event,Winter Express,Bloodhound,Bangalore,Reactive Hemlok,apex legends skins,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (499)
winter express again
Broooo now Jibbs isnt the only Polar bear lol. I think the head is way to big Rampart be looking like a bobble head 😂😂
This season is horrible between the relics and support characters are worst meta ever opening knocks and damage mean absolutely nothing
FINALLY winters express
Oh, look, another “event”…
winter skins in apex are honestly the worst and I neer see players using them after december-february
*_Apex Legends is getting boring, plain and simple. How hard is it to come up with a new Legend or weapon? The game feels like it’s stuck in a loop, and the updates barely do anything exciting. Players don’t want recycled content and minor tweaks—they want something fresh and impactful. Stop dragging your feet and give us a reason to stay invested._*
why can’t we dislike the video??
Same event every year. All good. I have other games to keep me busy this holiday season. I’ll also be checking their shops while I’m at it. Apex, get it together
Yes have winter express I wait so long🎉🎉
That’s it?
Dar nada y todo… es lo máximo que se puede dar-.- hasta en el orden diferente…
See ya’ll on Marvel Rivals.
The train has gotten so repetitive like make something NEW a new huge map addition Im sure they’re aware how repetitive it has gotten but higher ups probably make them do the same thing again and again without much say in the matter
I personally love the winter express mode, but it feels like they can just slap it in anytime. A new creative mode could go alongside it instead of another cheap recolor
It’s a shame i quit this game last season and accidentally purchased apex coins
Yall should be shamed of yourselves
Let’s be honest here, how many of y’all are actually still playing this? I stopped years ago, and man… I don’t plan on coming back seeing this lol
Dive trails for the older prestige skins when?
music is really slaps thow
RIP Apex
Our heart cried out for this . And sadly Respawn listened
Respawn has 0 development a year its speed
Ever regret your choices in this life? because they led you to Respawn
Respawn should have paid closer attention to its betters
How does the say go? a buck in the wallet is worth two in the game
Time for some new moves Respawn . We have studied played acknowledged and replaed all your moves
We saw another Respawn . A Respawn that cares for its players and dosent ask for money . But its long gone
Respawn efforts were elctroCUTE . and we have evloved that
i love how they all are scattered and not sticked together . a true apex experience
Atleast the skins are better then this years Halloween right.
The train is so back on its rails again yay
Add solos so I can actually play.
El mismo modo de siempre, mas skins que nadie esta pidiendo. 🥱🥱😒😒
They had fornites rivalry in the palm of their hands and flopped it.
كل مايريدونه هوا المال فقط لا شي جديد اشياء ممله لقد خسرت مالآ ولا فائدة ولا شي جديد أود بيع حسابي من يشتريه
So good memories the train 🚂❤
Another recycled event this year. This is BS🎉😞 apex was fun while it lasted.
Man, I used to be so helplessly addicted to this game. Now I literally cannot be bothered to redownload it for yet another throwaway seasonal event with a few extra skins and a mediocre game mode. You hate to see it.
This game is dying. APEX will never learn. If only they would bring back game modes and let people choose what they wanted to play but they are so afraid of shrinking the player pool on the normal mode..I unistalled the game
does anyone care?
Again this boring winter EXPRESS this mode just fun for new players
i dont think this is even nearly enough to save this game
almost seems like the execs are fine with apex dying
gotta feel for all the other departments working on this game with passion and love
Maybe id care if a new legend hot a new heirloom
Very cool! – RLM
RIP legends
every recolor is so mid
Used to play this game all the way back from season 0 and now it doesn’t hit the same due to lack of content and also cuz its Pro-sided
Cool edited trailer. A lot of love!
Better nef tf out of support
Is it just my dementia or is the train shorter than it used to be, are they really only giving us the 3 inches?
I’m not joking when I say, that finisher a clean.
The Bloodhound skin is from the devil character on the show Futurama. 🤣😂
This is not a content
more cosmetics less gameplay fixing. man EA is on top of it this year
The bare minimum is considered to much work to this company
Oh wow…another recolor….oh wooooow
Pa cuando la reliquia gratis que prometieron xd
Bro they deadass don’t try and dis is one of my favorite games bruh shi is sad
when we get wedding skins
i love how people said “no more recolor skins for events”
and then EA responded “we hear you guys loud and clear. new recolor heirlooms and a battle pass that we split in two cause we started charging $10 for it, that way we make $20 instead of $0”
The winter express… *land*
Only a matter of time till we get a Marvel Legends and everyone just moves there. Lol
I’m so excited for this reused event from like 4 years ago, overpriced skins that I’m not buying and a recolor of a heirloom from also 4 years ago, great content
Waw guys the Winter train ! New event with New skin ! And thé Price is low i think go go go Play this game 💀
Huh, I guess dropping this game was a good idea.
Welp i know waht im getting for Christmas
they better bring back arenas before its too late, or do a 3v3v3 type of arenas too help better fight off third parties
Using orochimaru’s theme for the trailer if anyone else caught that
This game dies this year, tired of the low quality content they give us. People spend so much money for nothing. Shame on yall I’m deleting apex tonight.
Yo, all that time recreating old skins for new characters could’ve been allocated to fixing the 5 year long issues. cause wow yall shattered the game even more with the last update!!!
Time to reinstall for a few weeks.
guder game! baal er game!!
Same old content. Was a good run playing this 4 years straight, glad I retired from this game. Was a fun ride
People working on this game have lost creativity
selling a recolored heirloom is a slap on the face…EA needs to pass this game over to different company
Pure recycled relic. I’m definitely leaving Apex Legends after 5 years.
Hahahahaha apex 🚮🚮🚮🚮💩💩💩🪰🪰🪰🪰🪰
Wild how I haven’t seen a SINGLE positive comment😭🙏💀
This game really fell off HARD!!!
I’ll be playing tf out of that train mode 🤷♀️ miss it
Bloudhound finisher is tough at least
at this point im unsubscribing. if the game becomes any good, it will be in the news, thats when ill know they did atleast SOMETHING good with the game
I can see why half the company quit 😂😂😂 this is a joke …..id be embarrassed to be a dev
maybe a new type of Christmas event. winter express has been over done
Bro is every event gonna be based on cosmetics ??? i’ve deadass moved to fortnite now tf
Having more fun with Marvel Rivals, sorry Apex! ✌️
Me:So is there going to be a new game mode
Respawn: nope same event
me:any new weapons that are coming
Me:is there anything new that is coming
Respawn:Well we got new skins and a recolor heirloom skin that’s going to cost $300
Not even trying anymore smh…
More OG season O please and thank you
I don’t mind winter express, it’s fun for a bit. They could at least update the layout of the train or something.
Nerf octane plis 🙏
Game died when they stopped adding new Legends
nobody cares about your game anymore
Хахахаха, даже снесли комментарий, когда все по факту было сказано, какие же вы жалкие мужеподобные создания🤣🤣🤣
Milestone event for legend specific heirloom ( recolour ) and a hemlook battlepass reactive skin recolour…
Thanks for motivate me to spend more money on single player games
Respawn… the people are ready for Titanfall
The game fell off so hard in quality over the years that It’s a certified tragedy
Let’s goooooo, so happy winter express is back 🙌🏾
Hey I got a great idea, fire all the devs and hire new ones
waiting for soo long
Ok das ich das mal verstanden hab, letztes Jahr meckert jeder das der Winter Express nicht kam und jetzt meckern wieder alle weil er kommt und schreien Recycelter Content.
(Ich freu mich trotzdem)
Ahh another event bringing nothing new but cosmetics truly an apex experience
Fortnite Legends .. 🤮
remember when theyintroduced us to new indie song artist, and there were secrets and details for events. the the skins had themes that weren’t just “future” and some armor. when we looked forward to the next airloom for our favorite character. generic music, no new even details, there’s no passion this is basically an ad say there are new skins go buy them.
Esta horrible
Game is dead. Nobody is asking for recolors. Upgrade the engine
Apex, you can be better like before.
Give us good lore, good gameplay and not overpriced cosmetics. I play since season and nowadays spot because is not fun anymore
That mask for the bloodhound skin is making me laugh, but its 🔥
We need Jack Cooper now!!!!!
So basically nothing new but stuff to spend money on. Typical.
God This game is more than cooked that even the trailers don’t get us excited
When they run out of ideas they just recolor a heirloom that no one wants 😅😅 Apex you’re dying 💀💀💀
I haven’t played this game since the first day of season 6. There’s no chance of me even getting good anymore
Is that Brak from Space Ghost?
newcastle heirloom?
Why tf are yall making another reactive hemlok skin😤
“its a free to play game so thats why they can charge thousands of dollars for skins and heirlooms over the years” –some dumba$$
I want to be happy to play this game I want to enjoy it but I just can’t with all the over priced items skins and records and the same events and things over and over again. I finically gave up sadly and stopped playing this game months ago.
Maybe if no one bought anything they’d actually get creative and do something different lol
I love the winter express as I started in Season 3! However not being on E-District really grinds my gears!!! ⚙️ 😢
Player count dropping fast. Do better. Stop nickel and diming people.
Give me my train back 👀🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
Yup this game is done for fellas
Best game mode
Every other game: cool Christmas themed events
Apex legends every year: *T R A I N*
Same event every year.
Yoo, let’s go! 10/10 move, let’s get rid of the relic weapons next !!
This game is just a cash grab 😢 these new devs ruined the game
Ok so where is revenants and wraiths.(im a rev main)
icl this game is cooked
0:56 Game Companies Plotting on my Money
Bring back arenas with it
¿Are you for real Respawn entertainment and EA?
They must be hella proud of that Bangalore skin they only showed it 6.0000 times
more dogshit, yay
JFC I hate to be that guy – but…a recolor ‘eh….jesus christ…
The train is back 😔 so many memories from the winter train
You need to bring back OG Kings Canyon with Skulltown & OG Worlds Edge …. I mean this game was so good… you guys killed it with the excessive agents/maps… Don’t become Fortnite … but sadly you already have!
نبغا انميشن هاوندي وفيوز باسرع وقت
So they’ve just like, given up on unique heirlooms huh?
FUSE !!!
Honestly my attention is focused on Marvel Rivals more, but still going to go back to this event as I love the winter express LTM and gotta get that Ballistic skin!!!
Ty!!! about time the winter xpress comes back!!! should’ve gave us the whole month bcs last year we didnt had it…….
Peapole still play apex legends seriously 😂
Vas con nada bro
Time to get wrecked by cheaters and Preds in a different gamemodeeeee
0:46 Average Ash being useless moment
when will u give your player base real content
Bruh moment
Please drop EA from the title guys, this game used to be crazy now its just sad
Every winter, the same mode with skin release, no innovation other than getting money.
I don’t play fortnite but at least every time I see people play, it looks completely different/new
its been 6 years… can we get something new
Please give me an in game survey asking if I’m having fun again,
So you can really the see the number of players you’re failing
How long has it been since a NEW legend specific Heirloom???
So glad winter express is back! Last year’s Revenant ltm was not great and was off theme for the season.
Though I really wish they’d update the map – OG world’s edge’s train went all over!
Deny. Defend. Remove… From the train 😀
Why even bother at this point? Just let it die and make Tf3.
Yup. The downfall is very noticeable. XDefiant style sunset on the way
Winter express again… How original…
anyone still play?
No new content, only skins with changed hues, are u kidding me ? Did u stopped working on this game ? I havent played for a year and its literally the same game
Now I’m gonna install it again just for winter express ❤
Ain’t this bloodhound 3rd recolor?
А вас не заебло один и тот же режим добавлять, где ничего не меняется
ngl i’m happy that winter express returns
naaaaa ya piensen otra cosa que no sea sacar dinero
No way Bloodhound finally got an heirloom and a new ltm! SO EXCITED KEEP IT UP APEX🗣🗑
Bringing back a game mode from 2019 for the fifth time without any improvements to it? You’re the laziest developers ever.
Undownloaded this game back in February of 2024, won’t consider downloading it again.. ever xD
Game is dying so hard? New recolors! New recolored heilroom! Old event! Keep doing that good my boys and online will keep to decrease:)))
who cares
Okay, seriously, stop with the heirloom recolors. There are still legends without one. Vantage, Maggie, Newcastle. Come on.
For years, I used to watch these on 0.5 speed to see if there were any juicy little teasers in the back ground. Now, I watch them at 1.5 to see if I can find a reason to download the game again without feeling like I’ve wasted my time.
Sério que ninguém notou a música tema do Orochimaru ?
Was it just me who noticed Orochimaru’s theme song?
When does it drop?
RIP Apex . It was a fantastic run and I had more than enough fun wall bouncing and clutching a 1v3 . But hang it up already my god , nobody besides content creators are dropping a dime on this game anymore 😂
Oh look a recycled event and a recolor heirloom and reactive gun skin gottta love it 💀
Glad to see the game is falling even more apart since I left. Devs are a complete joke, absolutely incompetent.
what happened…
Wth happened to this game
Yessssss! I’ve been waiting for this i’m so happy choo chooooo! 🤣
Is that a new bloodhound skin🤔
El mismo modo de juego de todos los años, que emocion 🤡👌
Cosmetics and recycled game modes aren’t content guys
Another recolor nobody wanted. Glad I stopped playing this game.
Yeah, keep releasing recolours like your player numbers aren’t dropping
love this game but the creativity is gone
Happy Holiday
Again nothing new 😢
It is never about fun or the community its always about skins and money with this company.
The game is dead and buried all because of greed
Una vez mas el mismo modo de los ultimos años, Apex pudo ser mas de lo que es ahora. Es triste ver como le van perdiendo el interes a innovar el juego.
I finally got to the point of considering stopping playing Apex; this isn’t helping me at all 😔
Cosmetic legends
Please add mixtape stat trackers! Kills, Damage, and wins for each legend. PLEASE!!!
The same game mod 💀
I swear bloodhound always have the best of everything
Cosmetics Legends.
Bloodhound it’s lit a skin of the robot devil from Futurama
WOW, this winter express event looks so cool and it’s very different from before. I’m happy to see it return. 💀
I can’t wait to play against cheaters on console 🥳
Respawn there is a event in your cosmetics
I am beyond stoked to see the train back! Merry Christmas
Yes let’s have 2 milestones events going on at the same time that’ll do it 😐
Not gonna lie getting that rampart skin that’s 🔥
Wow, we get the same skins, same event, same town takeover for 4 years in a row. What a great game!!!
Winter express 👍
Another Milestone money grab event 👎
Why does fuse lowkey look like moira from ow lol😂
Is Catalyst still preaching about being transgender?
Bring arenas back permanently 😭
0:57 was smooth sheesh
Still waiting for the trailer🥲👉👈
wohoooo. generic ea slop
time to buy more dlc tards
someone still play that game?
Maggie heirloom when??
big question:
did they fix the container in the middle of the train where people can glitch through and stay there forever?
lets gooo!!!
more dogshit just in time for christmas!
Ah yes lets bring another old event in hope that it will help them revive the game
God they are creatively bankrupt
So you won’t let us craft event skins with crafting metals AGAIN??? Actual massive L
Why can’t they bring back worlds edge season 3 map……. please respawn 😢
But pre stacked squads are still ruining your game? 😂
Anything new? And wow i remember when apex dropped a trailer, it got hundred of thousands of views. We still in the ten thousands an hour later???? Whats going on?
Super excited for the winter express
Jeez these skins are…😬
les go winter express
Please nerf braindead Newcastle.
EA… imma be real…
Marvel Rivals just dropped with barely any marketing and blew up,
Fortnite is going through its third prime and also is pushing out actual content
People are paying homage to the last Christmas of GTA V before VI drops.
Meanwhile your answer to all this is a boring cosmetic showcase trailer and focus on a reused event.
Bloodhound got that Futurama Devil Robot skin
Wow cool event recolor of recolor, five skins in the likeness of one good one and the old mode that we have been asking you to return for 2 years
Winter Express….again…
Let’s gooooooo🎉
I don’t play Apex really anymore but I’ll always come back for winter express for nostalgia purposes
0:48 im assuming this is a hemlock but why does it sound nothing like one
1:06 Even Mirage himself is bored of Winter Express
This game is DEAD
…too bad this game is trash now. i’m gonna miss winter express 😢
I thought this Season would maybe safe Apex but yeah… no
Ohhh, wow wow wow wow, winter express. Again. Also an heirloom recolor. Again.
No thx this time
Lets goo!
Bro, again…?
reused heirloom with a recolor, reused event, another milestone event..
apex is not making it past 2025 with this one 🔥
Please don’t be a mildstone event
Please bring Arenas back! You can just make it a mixtape mode.
Please make a pathfinder recolour 🙏
That heirloom only has 1 intellectual animation
This event looks pretty good actually
Skins AWESOME !!!!
Let see if they fix the loba in the box trick this year 😂
Exclui o apex legends 😢
nobody wants the train back. think of something original for the holiday for a change
Glad to see basically nothing has changed since I left over a year ago 💀
they change color of heirloom and asking for 300 bucks, only in apex legends
guess you guys at dev’s department needs some healing…
Anyways. Marvel Rivals is AMAZING and did replace Apex for me, I would suggest yall to do the same!
Lowest player count in years but don’t worry guys the ceo is hard at work to create a dozen new monetization methods
Marvel Rivals is cooking right now, better step it up Apex or you’ll be lost in the dust
I’m disappointed, it’s the first time I say on Apex..
Lowest player count in years but don’t worry guys a reused ltm is coming back!
Hey guys wee need money any ideas?
Hey, just put gibi ice bear skin on sime legends free money oh and make the reactive hemlock recolour
Low key forgot I’m subbed mid game at best
For god’s sake create a new legend specific heirloom already.
It’s almost interesting
I’m completely burnt out on this game bro…
Yay nothing new except skins
Okay why does that fuse skin make him look like male Moira from overwatch lol
There’s nothing really to get excited about anymore
😪 ahí vamos de nuevo el mismo modo año tras año
This event looks great, most apex players will probably cry cause winter express is.back but if it was gone they would cry cause its gone, they just cry alot
Yay, more recolour…
No one cares apex
The game went from the Top 5 most played game on Steam to the number 12 spot instead. Guess this update isn’t really enticing old players to come back.
Belleza que es mi bloodhound bro, ahora toca maltratar la billetera xD
Apex is DEAD
Too little too late
how creative.
this event again, nothing new, just skins… it’s sad
Sorry apex but you aligned your ideals to much with the corpo rats at EA
This is just more cash grabs for profit gain
game kinda dead but at least winter express is fun
Fire skins 🔥
yall woking 9-5 to just barely make anything for the game💀💀
there is just no new content
what a shame
This game is capable of doing so much better, but continues to give us stuff like this. smh.
SHARDS!!!!!!!! THANK YOU RESPAWN!!!!!!!!!!
Apex 🫶
Finally! The only thing I like about apex!
El mismo evento todos los años, juego muerto.
Did they patch the loba glitch?? Please tell me they didn’t
Same every year .😢 F
Your game is dead, give up.
Is the winters haunt the playercount?
Sorry to say…. Apex dying 🥺🥺
six years in the row…
money hungry lazy devs
Bloodhound’s heirloom along with heirloom shards for the same event looks like a W deal for me
Apex legends 2 when?
Ngl, until they do something new or add a fun event, probably not gonna re-download this game. Was literally an Apex die hard, but now it’s kinda upsetting seeing this game fall off hard. I didn’t even hesitate deleting it for storage to download marvel rivals.
we can use metal craft?
Another event zzz. The live game experience is so stale right now. Adding back the revival gamemode as a permanent pub-mode and the ranked system how it was in S13 split 1 would do WONDERS longterm for health of the game.
And even those potential additions to the game it’s not enough. Gun-META’s need to change from month to month, sure the Legend META can be as how it is right now with it changing on a split to split basis. But more legends need to be viable, decent. he discrepancy, the gap between the META legends and all of the other ones are way too big.
For ppl comparing to Fortnite, be grateful. Fortnite literally just copied Apex movement and unnecessarily so, not only do characters move goofy now with visual clipping you can’t even stay in the build grid.
There’s nothing fun about all the commercialization and broken gameplay weapons introduced just because of a collab. And they are milking money off “shoes” cosmetics now which only work on some skins, while making XP even harder to get and locking things behind paid subscription. They are cannibalizing their own game modes to the point I’m taking 5 min to match with people 3 whole ranks below me. I could go on but my advice if it ain’t broke don’t fix it
حظا طيبا للجميع
Look guys, recolors…again…look guys, the train….again, look guys…cosmetic heirloom shards that cost nearly 200 dollars…..a recolored heirloom…again.
Forgot I was still subbed to this channel, time to unsubscribe. 😅
Pelo menos algo divertido no jogo 😮💨🙄🙃🤭🤣🤣🤣
سرورا رو درست کنین بابا گوه گرفته سرورا رو
Okay reused mode again 😍😍
So cool Event.
Winter Express return.
New Bloodhound Recolor Heirloom.
New Hemlock Recolor Reactive skin.
New skins at all — no recolors.
But like always, are way to expensive
Yall serously couldnt add a new game mode evrryone is tired of playing the winter express mode due to how certain characters interact with the train ,like defensive and supprt legends it makes the game mode unplayable.
This is more like skin battle royal
You guys are ridiculous, our favorite game is dying and you’re not doing anything to change it. I feel sad to see this game dying with each passing day, the only good thing that will remain will be the memories. SOMEONE NEEDS TO BUY THE RIGHTS TO TITANFALL AND APEX!!!
after so many year skin is still s**k
Can’t wait
2 heirlooms is wild
yayy another event we aint ask for and another sarcastic comment section
Can we change the cosmetic of the train please? More carts? Green color?
w gamemode, time to enjoy apex for a good week (:
Creativity is dead. Make new skins, dont reuse gibbys head
Oh look, another £200 cash grab.
May i please have something for free ?
Games dead
What is the name of this song?
so when we getting on marvel rivals?
LFG!!! What an amazing trailer!
Yo just saying I’ve hit my first 2k on horizon twice and it hasn’t counted what’s going on respawn
Christmas skins are always so tacky to me 😂
I’m so excited for more expensive skins I can’t wait to smash my desk again
worse event! EA give me back my ACC 5K Hours!!!
I was saying to my brother last week i coming again in apex when arena is back or winter express.
Now i have to play apex
EA is killing this game😔
ballistic always gets the best skins
Happy Winter Express Back ❤🙂
The only thing that will add a new 100 player is this mode…dang is this mode so fun to play.
Ааааа😌😍😍какой кайф 😍
Comparing the state and content in this game to fortnite is crazy lol yet people are still gonna throw money at respawn for skins and heirlooms. Hope everyone enjoys the recycled ltm though
Buff lifeline again and nerf new castle and Gibraltar
Winter express 😍😍
Wallet express let’s go
Of course they try to sell you a heirloom recolor. Not even a new event jfc.
Atleast they afford to make trailer 😂
Sad what happened to the game. I hope it will get in Hype one time more
Game is dead
Keep treating your players like wallets.
Bring the game to Linux, please. I’m not installing SpyWareOS 11 to play the game.
Titan fall 4 perhaps?
W event Cant wait to play it
please EA. Just let this game die and give us Titanfall 3
Bro what happened to the lore trailers in this game those were loki fire
every year we get the same trailer with the same game mode with different skins
So we got the OG train back thats good I might just download this bs game back and get me some nostalgia
YES! My favourite event by far. Had assumed they were going to skip it again this year. Looking forward to it!
I’ve lost hope in this game.
Lock in
As a bloodhound main I screamed of excitement 😭
Your videos are always uplifting. Thank you for your hard work and creativity!🍀🎖♠️
They have been putting in winter express for 5 years. Don’t you have another new way of Christmas??? everything is already repetitive
Oh look, another store update 💀
Just let this game die in peace
Add the havoc recolour to the reactive skins shop.
I bet it’s gonna cost $200… 😒😒
no se les cae una idea ni de onda
So that’s bloodhound new skin and Heirloom 😮
Your game is dead, booooo!!
This game became so boring that even winter express isn’t making me excited anymore
Typical western game dev trailer. Mix gunshots with the beat of the song. F boring. 😂
Fortnite : Ballistic mode for people to enjoy!
Apex :
“Another falls…” Says Bloodhound after seeing all our money being thrown on another fricking milestone event. A true Apex Legends experience.
nice winter express back…. once more, was a good event at the begining hope they change something to make more fun
Let me guess, another Milestone event you F….
DEI infested childs play
We don’t care bring arena’s back
Ramparts Rejoice ❤️!
All I heard was “same exact event, new skins to spend money on”
We can’t craft it then it’s no from us
Yay winter express for what 4th? 5th time?
WOW… Winter express… Again…
It must be so hard to recolor a heirloom every month and sell it for 300 bucks. Don’t overwork yourselves
0:41 色違いやんけゴミ
Such original ideas. Hooray…
Next thing yk they’ll be having ai start doing the rest of what little they do now at that company
I almost feel bad for not playing this game anymore.
one thing i will never understand is why they never made a night version of this like it’s such a missed opportunity.
I basically watched a skin showcase cause theirs nothing new here💀
que juego mas muerto
no thank you I’m having fun in marvel Ravel
Thanks warzone cheaters and Apex sweats, you completely ruin the fun of the game
all aboard the wallet express
Games like fortnite and marvel rivals have really set the bar high in terms of new and refreshing content game publishers can deliver, so its dissapointing to see games like apex and OW just deliver recycled modes and reskined cosmetics as their main events
same event with new skins, very original
Another bloodhound heirloom skin? Bruh there like 14 legends without one
Hit like if u disliked the vid 👍🏻
As a rampart main, i want that skin!!
I’m not going to lie, this looks Lame
Bloodhound scan with smoke !)))) but scan doesn’t work , lol , that’s so sad , RIP apex ,i hope the game was reanimated someday ((
and that’s like everything? the game is dying.. im lwl 500+500+19 = 0 HIERLOOM THIS GAME IS TRASH
This looks like the most absolutely mid event ever realeased
Wallahi we’re finished 😭😭😭
Give an heirloom to vantage
The 7 people that’s still play are gonna be disappointed
Bloodhound as Krampus… god
I just can’t be excited anymore…
All I see when ever the post something is a new event of reskins and people complaining. Yet this game continues to run… why…
Rampart Bear Skin!!! +u+
All aboard 🎉
There’s a reason why I moved to marvel rivals 😒
Could someone help me beat Paitent 13, from Black Ops 6 zombies map Terminus?
EA really killed apex
Trailer was terrible, some shots of the train which we’ve seen multiple times already, and new skins for characters and heirloom, there’s nothing in this trailer and you might as well not even made one, doesn’t get me in the Christmas spirit, an epic failure once again Apex
Recolor express event.
I remember when this game was good ngl
what did they mean by heirloom shards? 0:30
Again the same recycled mode every year? Why are they so lazy to create something new? It is not that the players give them more money because there they manage to put cosmetics and events to win more.
Mirage carry like usual
BH skins looks like the robot devil in Futurama lol
🎶It’s beginning to look a lot like fork🍴knife skins 🎄
Another recolor another $364
Please say you get free heirloom shards 🙏🏿
same boring mode with mid cosmetics
soo bloodhound now has 3 heirlooms and some heroes have none or no mythic skin..? Smells like money grabbing to me.
Yay more cosmetics and a game mode that returns every single year yay how fun I’m gonna keep playing Fortnite apex isn’t worth playing anymore
Christmas event gonna drop with no winter express 😂😂😂
Finally, more skins and a recycled gamemode! Can’t wait to play this on my Steam Deck!
I’m happy, i always loved winter express.
wow this is definitely a new event 😮
We need more modes like the grand seioure , is casual player are just stuck with only mix tape😢
Wonder how alter will work with the train, will the void nexus stay on it, and will the portal be bugged if done at the right angle?
That finisher was sick af
Syncing the finisher with the beat was tuff🔥🔥
They need to give us some free stuff
Im Bored of BR sorry Apex ill play Marvel Rivals instead
fix server
Mirage skin -__- nvm
Finisher was lowk gas
Let’s Goooo Winter Express is back!
The best LTM! Should be all of December though
Ahora que el juego esta casi muerto ahora si traen de nuevo el evento del tren, un evento que se pedía en las navidades pasadas.
No wattson skin ripoff 😂😂😂
Slowly restoring my hope in this game
why don’t they ever bother making new heirlooms anymore
Instead of making trailer pick ur self to correct the game
where arenas😢
This looks fun
As a Rampart main, I feel respected and heard
New event and new problems :)))
oh yeah!!!
Hey bring back Apex Legends Mobile man
I miss that game so much
Come on Respawn, do better. You have competition now, Delta Force, Black Ops 6, Marvel Rivals. Cosmetics and charging us is not content.
Merey early Christmas everyone, hows it goin?
Wow more money grabs
That’s crazy
0:46. Imagine doing this in game😂😂
I swear to Christ on toast STOP WITH THE MILESTONE EVENTS!
really why didn’t you bring it back last year
We really needed another recolor event 😭😭
winter express, such a cool original idea
train is back
Here we Go Again 😏
Make a new seasonal game mode please…. I love this mode but it’s so cheap to just keep using it
At least the winter express is returning 💀
First OG Royale, now Winter Express….next Arenas?
Nobody was first. Everyone was 3rd
Say hello @respawn
Respawn pls start banning people with Cronus zen (aim box)
this game fell off
Add arenas nerds