The Rank #1 Lifeline in Apex Legends
becoming the rank 1 lifeline
Apex Legends Season 23 From The Rift
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#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,legends,apex legends,season 22,apex legends new season,apex legends early gameplay,rookie to apex predator,killing ttv,killing twitch streamers,streamer reactions,streamer reaction,ttv reactions,using movement to kill twitch streamers,apex legends season 23,apex legends from the rift season 23,from the rift,og apex legends,season 1 apex,new apex season,lifeline,karambit apex,lifeline buff,lifeline apex legends,lifeline apex,lifeline movement
コメント (168)
Miss playing lifeline haven’t played in 4 years tho when she get reworked
I haven’t played in so long. She can fly now? And has multiple heirlooms?!
i’ve watched faide since the beginning, he is peak performance rn
Givin the prowler sum love😂😂🤞🏾🔥
Finally an apex video without a bait title
Bro Faide with lifeline is just unfair
16:07 that guy throw own self to death😂😂
How to not miss the mastiff shots?
“bro my gun would not pull out”
Damn, parenthood strikes again
All v1 is insane gg Bfa🎉
Literally everyone gonna copy him now , this move will now be over used from even the “pro streamers” .. faide again w new movement is not surprising anymore lol
I can’t mOooOooove
This what carrying apex rn
Why would you even play valkyrie. This game is just so strange
The beginning part of this video is why we need death recap clips 😂
That Mr. President was hilarious 😂 showed up out of nowhere just to get put down… poor little fella
bro’s the only reason apex is still surviving
4:52 – “I CAN’T MOO”
This clown isn’t rank #1 😂🤦🏻♂️🤡
How did two goats in two days post a lifeline video, faide and extesyy me personally tho im picking faide to watch tho. He’s the goat fr
Where’s the I can’t move shirt? (Merch) 😂
Пошли раз на раз чёрт
Yooo faide unban my main acc from apex. Got banned cuz my name was too funny n EA couldn’t handle it. Much appreciated boo boo
Am i the one the see how he focus target through walls ?
3:05 21:24
When faide says he can’t move, he’s just movin to fast for the game 😅
you are INSANE!!
sens? dpi?
This is classic faide! name rFaide and no censor on curses! awesome
nah that chuckle at 1:45 is diabolical. lmao
you alr know w post
Man learned a new trick
Ggs baby 💋💋🫦🫦
First time watching apex content in a year, my wifeline can fly now ????
17:09 nothing scares Faide more then randomness LOL
The whole first match i forgot bro had a teammate
i can’t mOOOOOOOOOOve
كيف يجمع المتعه والاثاره مع الفكاهه 😂😂😂 الولد عبقري جداً
is faide really the no.1 lifeline now?
Faide please tell me what kind of mastiff skin you have? 5:35
So zesty on the mic
if he played titanfall or finals, it would be impossible to win a 1v1 against him
never dissssappointss!! love it
You drop 20 kills when 😂😂
My Teammate think im you😂😂😂
Faithy, you’re lucky I was too busy playing Apex mobile. I’ll make you my salad and toss you. 😠
EA needs to stop giving him new movement he’s not stoppable
A rare stream with the rFaide real name, awesome
0 aim…
Lifeline passive must be given to horizon.
you the man ! and always “i can’t move” i think that’s a thing now
Fade is a gay big time. No one bans people but he does.
the mantle glide is the new meta
ggs men 😚😚😚❤
I’m going to make a drinking game out of him saying “I can’t move” 😂 every time he says it take a drink or a shot if he yells it lol
1:45 is SO DIABOLICAL 😆😆
we need to start a bingo everytime he says I CAN’T MOVE 🗣🗣🗣
1:33 is crazy
damn thats the longest intro I’ve ever watched from you I think
Damn nerfing the game NERF THIS MAN TF 🤣🤣🤣
This game was literally made for this man THIS IS RIDICULOUS 🤣
3 min intro in into it
0:26 bro thought shit was sweet😭💀💀
7:37 bro i just thought faide prolly uses the phrase “why are you there” the most and the phrase is prolly used at him the most as well bc that catalyst was prolly “thinking where tf am i gettin shot from”😭😭
Ez against level 400 na roller bots come to eu here 1st mnk eu lifeline 😄😄
its faides new home
yeah bro its ab that time for apex again😭
rFaide is back 🙌🏾
Faide: mantle jumps to superglue, hits wall “I can’t move”😮
i cant mooooooh
That mid off with loba was hilarious 😂
But will you rez ShivFPS?
Giving Lifeline a better Valkyrie’s passive was a wild idea
play rank
Apex legends in almost 2025 is insane
I challenge you to a no movement challenge! 20 kills without movement! That would b entertaining.
17:23 does anyone know what mouse he was talking about specifically?
Bro is playing titan fall 💀
You’re always in for a good time when Faide gets a ‘stiffy 💥
iCaNtMoVe … always crying
Just automatically the #1 lifeline… That’s not how it works. I like Lifeline but with movement personally
0:22 100% Brain power being used here
Bro u got to stop moaning I had this shit too loud In my living room and my parents searched my phone💀
Didnt have to do the random like that 13:47
mfs playing ring around the rosie
I think faide was having to much fun at the beginning he forgot about his intro🤣
bro I have been watching all your videos for two and a half years, please show your face
10:30 , that mantle into drone glide was sick
Wassup with all the screaming and moaning??🤨
Faide says “I can’t move” in his sleep😂
Every time I enjoy watching faide play because of his 5000 dollar setup however whenever this kid screams or blames his mistakes on the tech, it gets extremely annoying and immature
Lol dudes wild.
he changed FoV?
Faide out here bamboozling with lifeline
Only way Faide could be more impressive is if he rezed his teammates.
Leamonhead and faide keeping Apex alive.
You faide and mr extesy are the only apex streamers I watch , y’all are legends, much love from Alaska my man
They def reworked lifeline for faide, my mans literally a god of war with those ult, heals and drone movement
Been watching your videos for a while now and I’ve been SO entertained by them. I was thinking of picking up a console and playing apex but i hear a lot of negative things about the game, is it worth the play?
Star playerrr
Faide, hey man how are you? just wanna remind you that you’re appreciated man and have a good rest of your day
#1 lifeline player and #1 players that happens to play lifeline for the single season that’s revolves around her are 2 VASTLY different things. In terms of a lifeline player your closer to #2,000,000 cause your shit at being a team player let alone support😂🤣.
@1:32 rFaide and his orgasms 😅
-Start watching
“Oh, no intro.”
-Three minutes later
13:45 that team voice so kill me
Who do y’all gain this momentum ?
i had to wait 3 minutes to listen the that bobby johnson beat
4:59 that alter made faide scream 😝
“i love your videos”
faide – *moans* 13:55
You can do the zip rap around with call too btw
Man 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
fav yt to watch apex🙌🏿
Very nice very cool 🌹
Faide… u crazy frrr. Like are you a lunatic or? 😂😂😂 serious question bro… …🤣🤣
bro did like 3 min intro
NGL your gameplay feels different. Like it’s footage of someone who is good at the game pretending to be you.
Bro stop trying to get lifeline NERF’ed
Who’s watching this in 2099?
Wtf is this game now lol bro flying with lifeline????
I’m gay
when are you gonna tell the world about us faide
I left Apex for a while and now I see he’s literally flying!? WTF IS THAT!!!!
Edit: oh I noticed the animation, looks like she’s grabbing a balloon.
I was walking threw my local library and unbeknownst to me I stumbled into faide an as I tip toed ova to him he yelled what are u doing their and mantle jump ova several book shelves before he disappeared 😂
I went to look up the number 1 lifeline was and didnt even see Faide in the top 5 so mire clickbait
That trick with lifeline is so creative. Awesome faide
Take a shot everytime Faide says ‘I can’t fuckn move’
See you in the E.R
wow people still play apex in 2024? thats wild
Lifeline just op asf mix that with faided the movement god and its ggs…
Love you bro good stuff❤
The greatest movement
I’ve been watching u for years bro and I never get sick of your videos 🔥🎯👌💪
im to early bro 😭
Ggs Faide❤
Yo faide keep awesome content bro, we lov u! 🫡
Here with 200 views before 1mil hit
wow old memories, faide playing as rfaide
Blessed to be this early🙏🏻
hitting psycho’s like that is crazy
Faide > All
17 views in 1 min, bro fell off
God Bless Faide
Under 1 nanosecond gang
never been this early
First 🫶🏼
Yoo faide can u unban ppl from ur stream pls😢
Like i was banned for saying that a girl who was complaining about apex in ur stream i wrote that she can stop playing and was banned😭am sorry if it was rude pls unban me
Your videos are always so inspiring! I look forward to seeing more episodes! ✨🍓
Very interesting approach to the topic! Thank you for such an informative video! 👄😻👅
Your the best keep up the great work
21 seconds ago is tantalizing!