Apex Legends Season 15 Eclipse
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Tweets by WlnterSkys
#Faide #Apex #Movement #ApexLegends #season15 #Catalyst #Stormpoint #Storm #point #CAR #SMG #Wingman #gun #combo #20K #Badge #Montage #Edit #Killing #Twitch #Streamers #ttver #Kunai #wraith #Mastering #clutching #Solotomasters #solo2masters #Brokenmoon
Taqs:faide,movement,apex,legends,apexlegends,heirloom,ranked,guide,predator,buff,solo,no fill,aceu,solo to pred,iitztimmy,Apex Legends,Apex,apex legends,gameplay,apex legends season 15,apex legends eclipse,eclipse,season 15,apex predator,wraith,wraith prestige skin,prestige skin,Wraith prestige skin,apex pred,apex predators,predator ranked,movement player,hardcore mode,hardcore apex mode,hardcore LTM,solo apex,solo experience,solo vs squads,solo vs squad
コメント (417)
Dude I just found you, you’re skill is amazing
Yu are the best player in apex
900+iq portal on horizon and path
When waide place that portal on the lifeline she was like do I go in or no 😭😂
Bro starts the vid by doing the most insane zip wallbounce. I opened the video and was like ”what the hell just happened”
Guys I went to highschool with faide and everyone picked on him it was so funny to watch
Lol at 1:05 he lost that fight
And cut to the intro
1:06 he survied
I tried being diet faide didn’t work
He is dancing with the enemies, but they sweat for their lives and die anyways
Man I like how he plays but this is all his videos it’s the same boring location and the same shit zip line kill zip line kill zipline zip zip zip same 2 hot spots his movement is fire but boring once you seen one video it’s basically all his videos hahah
i was watching ur streams how do u get in a lobby by urself?
Faide please can you gift me an heirloom
Faide has gone through some rough times to be this good. Hope you get 1 mil soon!
Still at it ☝️
1:06 that cut 💀
he moves like a gust of wind
these mantle jumps getting out of hand, they gonna patch em now
bro makes dropping 4ks look so easy
Super goated plays bro 💜
This makes me not wanna come back lol There’s DEMONS out there fam…
NGL faide you should do coaching
ur next username should be “xXTheLittlestMunchkinXx”
whatever that movement was at the start has me rethinking the entire way I play apex rn
you call the wattson cringe but ur plain wraith
Casual match enemies are too weak to be helpful
Bro Faide, how are you so good? Don’t care about movement but my aim is just so horrible.
Yo faide do you ever get a single jump mantle or do you always get super jump from the scroll wheel?
my man you are freaking cracked nbs
The SBMM in this game is absolutely disgusting
Also bro is cringe
I don’t get why he opens the map over and over again, also why does he only play on world egde
Hey Faide, how do you beam people with the r99? My aim is sometimes really good with it, and other times I waste half my mag.
11:55 in the time it took that Wraith to phase away and b-line for the train building, Faide was able to run inside, zipline to the 2nd floor, hit the corner on to the balcony, jump down and meet the Wraith outside and kill her 💀
Crazy 🔥😎
The movement, my guy.
Dam this my dream, one day.
faide vs noobis…play more rank pls….
Sheeeshh I have yet to see any controller players be able to pull those moves we are getting there though
New movement guide as tryna be half the movement god you are 😂😂
If you doesn’t now your Character is in the apex mobile (Faide) 🤟🏼
Bros a Huge problem in pubs
Faide what is you sensitivity? OMG I almost nutted watching this
The gameplay feels different today
it would be an honor to get shit on by faide
I feel sorry for the poor souls who get into a game with this God among men.
what tf is that spiderlike movement bro
How Do You Do Tht Ledge Pump At Tha Garage Nd Tha Main House?? I’ve Been Trynna Figure It Out Forever
The accuracy with the r9 is disgusting
Roller lobbys are just diffrent. 4 minutes in and there are 7 squads left
Extessy is that you?
Hard to know if these are custom lobbies or pubs
Does anyone else think that faide playing ow would go crazy? Like he’s unlock parts of the game that shouldn’t exist
PC vs controller players😂
wtf is that movement 4:54 bro
That poor team at 3:00 😭
When Faide says “Not bad”
This guy is just incredible
You can maybe do ranked experience
Imagine having a pk skin that’s cooler and cheaper than the one in the event..
Faide you should win a game with every legend in one stream
His disgust and mockery of Wattson players is my fav 💀
1:05 To be continue→→→→
You have 2 types of apex players:
1.) The person with the most insane movement
2.) The person that has better aim than me trying to pee.
This guy right here is a bloody hybrid
Faide do you know hew I am I’m jaidens friend that me and you played with
Fade I have a question these two kids say they know you there gamer tags are jadenSlayer and jump_628
Which res does he use??
this man is just goated
You know you could really just title ur vids “ zip gameplay #28502058” non else really happens
Faide what the F was that for the intro.
Moves so fast I’m gonna have a seizure. I don’t get how you move so fast.
faide can play on youre pc
4.54 i think that movement is illegal, I feel sorry for the enemy
How do you play solo
dat 4:52 and the 5:28 moves kill me! OMG!
Hey Faide how do you feel about the idea of paying full heirloom price for the recolor?
Bro a streamer I watched was in your game. and I didn’t believe it was you and neither did his teammates. chat was assuming it was either you or Extesyy LMAOAOAO
Best watched on mute
【APEX】🔥Favorite to predator🔥Auto jitter aim macro (all mouse)
9:30 – You alive? 🥴
The movement in this is absolutely terrifying
I find it funny how he drops 18 and just casually says “not bad”
Maggie, Path, Bh deleted the game after meeting you xd u best
Good game, but the video quality needs to be better. This is level 480
They really ran away😂😂lol he was on they ass
0:45 the Ankle Snap of the Year for sure
NEVERMIND, 4:53 is a close competitor. You’re too good to us man
Nice bro but That Watson tho. was it LAMIC dam if it was that shit was close asf I watch both or them they hit different
i swear every time i watch his videos he got some new bs going on making me wanna get a pc😭😂❤️
0:00 look at that movement and people still complain about aim assist lol
Jesus loves you all
Hi faide! Love the video!
bro you’re going to end up being the reason why they start nerfing strafing. stop pulling these nasty plays🥲🤣👌🏽
somebody tell him why these guys are here…
The fact that so many of us still watch faide despite his cringe whiny personality is really a testament to how great he is at this game.
Idek what happened at 4:56 🫥🫥 that movement was insane
faide i love your content you are great, please work on the quality it look like shit
11:49 gave me an aneurysm @
Holy shit bro, Faide really knows how to abuse the zip-line mechanics 🍿
So hard to get in the first 100k veiws now but we did it
Bruh bruh the zip line to the wall 🦴🤕”ankles be gone” 4:54 bro a demon no cap💪🏽💯
Bro idk how you know where you are in game…. My mind was puzzled
Yoo you just killed Me in apex😂 same map too
out of all characters lil rotten waddup the most cracked
Love the vids bro keep up the good work ❤❤
hey @Faide #Faide how is that jump boost called the one you do after getting cable then look down and get a jumpboost to kill ppl on roof, can u make a tutorial for that?
Do you have auto sprint on please answer very important question thank you 😊
“Not bad”
What move tech did he do in the first sec where he looks up and goes to the window at the bottom floor?
bro his movement at 5:31 is so insane
Faide is supergliding now? Gamechanger
Yo guys, I’m currently learning how to mantle jump consistently, any tips? The timing and the coordination for it seems hard, its harder than super-gliding. I’m using w, s and interact scroll wheel to do it, is it better with crouch or s?
okay that intro clip kill may have been the most clean thing ive seen out of you in a while. and thats saying something.
The movement is tooo cleann!
Faide your a fuggin psycho and I love you
Would love to see some Pathy gameplay! Big fan man
Bro wait can we just appreciate that opening 3 piece for what it was that was savage
u died in the intro dont cap
What’s up fellow acue orphans
What kind of pc do you have
How terrifying is it when your just playing some apex then someone launches at you
How is this even Possible 😂☠️
dude two squads back to back reviving basically out in the open
you got me so fucked up to get a lobby like that i am constantly getting shot at if i down one they dont revive the homie right infront of you
bruh tf was that at 5:31 damn
omg how are you so good
How the fuck do you wall jump using wraith… only rev can do that
Faide what will it take to see a handcam
He means what everyone else is experiencing actually
The beginning of the video was so sick faide jesus I love your vids I never got on apex without watching you or extessy
That’s a 10
4:54 wtf was that zipline movement?
i tried soloing dam i got raped by the first team i fought you just built different faide respect
@faide – 1:04 im the only 1 who understands 🤯 your the movement god, im the pope
After watching you time and time again I just don’t understand how you do it. Always in awe…
bro was on his bag today
bro 4:53 was too smooth
anyone else routing for the randoms at this point?
RIP apex legends mobile 😕
Bro you’re the best player in this game that will ever exist.
5:45 “you’re on their sights” NOPE MATE quite the opposite
Updated movement tutorial for mantle’s and jump fatigue bounces?!
The asmr one clips he’s gives me 😮
Fade what resolution do you use for video (not in the game)?
Apex Spiderman! Mad skillz!
Coming from a party was kinda drunk and i watched this video, bad idea 😂😂😵💫
8:40 lmfao what did he say? something something something SHRED EMM
yo bro I love watchin your apex videos, but I think it would be cool AF if you made a video talkin a little bit about you as a person/gamer! for example, what games you grew up playing, showcasing your setup, a little of what introduced you to online gaming/FPS’s, who inspires you as a gamer.. shit like that. just a thought 🔥🔥🔥 much love from Georgia my boy
there is some moves on here i never seen before…. 😀
i am a fan of japan
looking forward to the video
Keep up the good work 😄
faide learned mantle crouches, ghost jumps, and mantle jumps in like a week bruh. bro is insane
06:50 when you juke the juker
Day 2 of asking faide to play a match with me
Hey Faide do you coach on feizer because I want to learn how to do that crazy shit.
2:16 clench 😬
Only complaint is all the videos are always in the same two buildings. Haha
In a world full of Aimbot and Strike Pack streamers, thanks for keeping it real Faide, you are truly the best.
Bro killing shit again lol
First guy got did so dirty lmao 😂
In solo Bro I be panicking like ” Shit a whole team” faides like like ” yes more kills!”
‘Why are you alive?’ – classic
every vid your movement evolves, this is my favorite apex vid i’ve ever watched, luv u faide❤️🔥
he didn’t die when it cut out to the intro in the beginning of the game I promise
One of your best videos yet love it
Lmao shitting on peasants 25/8
Like Hype Train RN!!! If you are new and if you are not if you don’t like all FAIDE’S VIDEOS The faide God’s will smite you thank me not. Sorry not a bot just a person talking about something and someone that deserves the top because his movements is better than the mop that’s sweeping the floor. Hitting you in the mental behind the door because the core of the movement is life let me say no more…. Bless the faide Gods 🙏 LIKE ALL VIDEOS PLEASE 🙏 time a life isn’t getting back for YOU! LOVE YOU BROTHERS AND STAY STRONG FOR A GREAT NEW YEAR!!!!!
Faideee.. R U OKAY?!
What are your specs?
10:10 I barely even understand what happened there. Frame perfect.
Best controller player ever
Best apex player ong
Bro your skill level increased so much since you started mantle jumping and doing other treeree tricks
„not bad“
Wtf does he do at 5:31? Reverse mantle jump!?? Never seen this movement technique before haha
Faide is so entertaining to watch
“fences” @9:16 made me lol
4:55 our man does not know his world 😅
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a reverse mantle jump like that. Super cool movement tech
Bro that new movement looks lit🥶
Nahh the first 10 seconds is fuckin crazy 😂
I don’t wanna hear this dude bitch about controller having an advantage ever
40 damage headshot @14:24 just shows a small piece why this game needs to be FIXED stilll.
apex ziplines are the equivalent of fortnite building
This is cool n all. But controller has aim assist
Faide could you show your stats? I mean games played, wins, total kills, KD
4:55, that zipline flick thingy holy sh
each time i see ur video i go play, i die soon and i come back to finish the video .
Not bad 😉
The movement’s daddy
What did you eat bro you’re dumping on these kids
woooow fr APEX GOAT
11:46 is this the same idea as a mantle jump?
can you do tutorial how to mentale jump
Faide solo adventures
Bro I low-key get mad when I see faide super glide coz he said he couldn’t and it was the only thing we had known common😭🤦♂
11:45-11:50 that shit just blew my brains out
The cut in the beginning was crazy
I swear. Faide is the lore accurate Wraith 💀
@faide was that an elitejump, or tapstrafe on the zip? 5:40
Dudes goated but mantle jumps shouldn’t be in the game
all fucking videos have new move …. hhaha gg you claim in the 13… why?. hahah gg bro love
Nothing is better than watching Faide decimate lobbies while drinking coffee
Nothing better than seeing Watson players getting shit on while desperately trying to place fences down 😂
Faide just cant stop getting better and better at movement
Intro was fucking NUTS, mantle jump god !!!
Just going to ask a quick question could you do a mad Maggie movement vid please I think you’d be extremely good as her
Watching your videos gives me inspiration you are amazing
what res u on?
HAHA love the name of the knocks on the thumbnail, freaking pub 3 stacks 😪 thanks Faide for getting revenge for the rest of us solo queue Andy’s
I always love it when faide does the funny voices. Always makes me laugh, love the content man 💙
Faide: *Drops 20 bomb 5k damage*
Also Faide: “Not bad”
Faide when he goes into his nerd character is the funniest shit ever cracks me up everytime
Nice to see , you Mastered the Mantle Crouch as well, Been watching treeree do it for months and Even other movement players been Sleeping on that Playstyle
On top of All the existing techs, Man All the possible combos of Ghost Interact, Mantle Jump & Crouch, Fatigue bounce and Double/Multiple Wall bounces is a Sight for sore eyes
bro i would be freaking out if i did any of those types of movement
How respawn expects you to play and carry your lvl20 teammates in a masters/pred pub lobby
OMG that intro tho
Bro dropped 18kills and a 4k and said “not bad” 💀
The movement is crisp clean ❤
faide soon to be at a milli gang N dis Bih
That new defying gravity mantle jump at the bottom of the zip blows my mind!!
Gotta give props to that Wattson in the beginning lowkey😂
Faide mocking the enemy’s never gets old lol
Imagine dying to “controller movement” lol when it’s very much giving PC Behavior 🙄😂😂
My favorite part is when hes not in streamer buildings and actually needs to think rather than following a “routine” when it comes to these spots
Aye what’s ur sense and dpi??
Never been this early 🥲
Nobody will ever understand the true nature of the way Faide plays he truly is a different breed and this is coming from a season one player and I have been pred since ranked came out.
good stuff
The wall bounce juke is crazy af 😂😂😂😂
13:23 this is how cavemen discovered how to make fire.
bro u get better every damn video
first clip was already nasty, like how tf did you know they were gonna be standing there ready to receive the arc star?
movement is off the charts
intro had me droolin wtf is that COMBO
You know it’s a good day when Faide posts😂
This is weird, usually I’m the one getting one clipped
4:54 that ghost jump into wall bounce was sexy asf
A Faide classic : I can’t moof
The intro cut his death off. Therefore, he never died🤡😂😂
faide will always be the movment god he started when apex came out and is still on the grind today mad respect😤
his superglides are getting more and more consistent
went on break at work to watch this banger lmao. love you bro
Could you do a video on r5 reloaded deathmatch?
Noti gang ❤
Went from 500k avrg to 300k avrg numbers dropping gotta switch it up.
That last kid bought his account
Hey faide how you doin? It’s been a while man I haven’t asked but will you please play just one match of pubs with me? (Btw day 18)
And as always love the content👍
I wanna see what those fingers do
I’m early this time
Those baby voice mocks are hilarious 🤣🤣
😍♥️ 🇱🇰
4:45 the way she looks around 💀😭
rather watch faide and not sleep 😂
always striving to be like you
Fast as fuck boi!
do u play 120 fov?
Bro your zip movement is evolving by the days. Keep up the good work <3
4:53 this maggie might still have a trauma from entering the building 😂😂
how he playin like that? I be getting shredded everytime i land ;-;
The movement king 👑
Imag that one time faide upload a 2 hour long vid of him owning twitch streamers, i’m still dream about that day, love you man!
Can you stop with the little kid voice or whatever it is. It’s annoying af to listen to
Started screaming “why are you there!” in every fight, and now I get out of everything
You are the best!
Dude that zip mantal is op I love it keep it up man much love
Is he part of a team cause he should be
Gotta love when wattsons try to fence you mid fight and lose but woulda won if they shot there gun instead of placing fences
I was Looking and waiting for a video. It’s difficult to wait until new video comes. Last video your mechanics and movement looks very bad but this time it’s was upgraded to whole another level. It’s just different. Actually better than previous faide.
This faide is a new one I can tell you this Actually the beginning of another new era of newer version of faide. Love to see it. It’s sick. Love you. From Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 ♥️ and from whole world. Keep up “movement king”.
Keep goin bro u the best God of movement
We need another map like World’s Edge!!!
Let’s goooo. Best way to take a break at work is watching Faide break some 3 stacks ankles
nobody peeping these ghost jumps 👀 immaculate movement .
I see people train people I Apex you recommend anybody or a website ?
Roof Roof
Faide nice video 😤
Lord this man has always been on a different level 💯🙌🔥
The ninja himself is here
you gotta play w me and carry
u dont have to, but, do u think u can do a video with pathfinder? thanks
4:03 bro hit 2 people with 1 pk shot💀💀
this video gives me motion sickness, insane
4:55 he most def reported you😂😂
hey faide jsut wanted to let you know you killed a streamer named CtrlGhost i was watching him live when you killed him and i didnt think it was you til i saw this video
W waide good friday even though it’s rainy and shi coming in clutch when I’m at lunch during school
Starting my day off right, thanks for another banger faide 👍🏾
another lit video🔥👑
Faide is the best movement person I’ve seen truthfully
I love how you mistreat them every time! it’s so funny
This guy is kinda good can’t lie
Is my daddy working?
0:20 “o”
-Faide, 2023
1# player on apex ong <3
twitter squad already knew the intro clip 😁
Don’t think anyone noticed that after the intro game he usually does a full game of him dominating but he got two kills but than it cut to a different game we’re he also had two kill you can tell my the skin change on the hands great vid lol keep it up
FAIDE YOUR THE GOAT. And I have a question for you why do you never use the r301 at all?
11:47 wtf was that
4:05 I can’t believe this squad is actually playing double scan in pubs, wtf
Studying movement tech… how’d he hit that zip twice? 5:27
I got to admit. The best day is when Faide uploads a sick video while I’m here watching, eating a whole buffet laughing my ass off over how ridiculous his movement is! Day can’t get any better! <3
Every content you make me happy man,i love you so much man
I hope you read this 🙏
Faide you deserve your flowers… so here you go 💐
ps hope we can run one some day 🙂
bro literally first 3 seconds and I knew this video was going to be a violation.
built different😈
You create a training channel teach everyone how to play Apex
Thank God for young faide🥷🏿
watching ur vids make me play better
very nice video insane
plays as always i wish i was better at solo haha
i just cant get enough from you faide love all the content you put out
bro you are insane 🔥
The sound of continuous shield cracking 👌🏻
How do i get as good as you ???
Faides apex solo experience* my apex solo experience begins with watching Faide play, getting false hope and motivation, solo queuing, and panicking because 3 people are chasing me.
It’s been like 6 months since I have watched you last and holy you have gotten so much better, keep it up!
Yo faide
80 comments in 3 minutes is crazy
Faide again with another banger ! sheeesh~
U always make my day man ! U are the real one and only Apex predator . God bless u ❤
sheesh new vid
keep it up man <3
My toxic trait is watching faide’s videos then hopping on apex just to get shit on
Playing solos in these days, especially with the amount of “three stack communication predator ALG’s players” in the game is something that deserves respect.
And the fact that faide play like this almost everyday is really surprising.
I love this dude. W Channel, W Person, W Skill, W Game, W Faide, W soloing the betas, W VIdeo
the video hasn’t even been out for five minutes and people are already commenting great vid lmao
i love your scream🤣
imma be on ur level 1 day just wait for me
Thank you for helping me learn movement. You are my idol lol
Im back at night time to change a emoji 🤓
Dude I love your content sooo much ❤❤
Everyone always saying FIRST but can we just enjoy how this just makes us happy
Even when play ranked with randoms, it still feels like I’m playing solo but the goat just kills everybody by himself
Another banger by faide🔥🔥🔥
love from india <3 pin
the goat 🐐 🔥🔥🔥
Good morning yaal
Watching your amazing videos just makes me wanna get better at the game. Keep dropping the bangers!
The Goat Experience ❤️🖤
First ily faide i got a question actually is there a way for me to speak to you cuz ily man and i wanna know u more instead of streams and yt or twitter
Saw this from twitter. It was an absolute carnage time for faide!! Love from Philippines 🇵🇭💖
Faide I was just locked up bro all I was thinking about was you man it brought me joy you was my happy place 🖤🖤
never clicked on a vid faster
Faide is our inspiration to get better at the game!
Another banger 🥳
Hi Faide, thanks for another wonderful day with your video❤
I really wish they actually put a solo mode in the game
first hi faide its my b day today
Faides solo experience is a lot different to most of ours lol 😅
Love from India 🥰✨
Finally early love the content and you are to good with wraith
Your a goat love you stuff keep up the good work 🔥🔥
Pls play on controller🤓
first , pls ping me king (2nd try) : (
1 view 1st comment les go
pogggg new vidd
Notification gang rise up! 🔥🔥
Im so kewl!!!!
Keep going I love your content 😍
People play pubs like it’s algs
yo. movement god. wussup.
😈 Nah that mantle jump too 🔥 I can’t.
ur insaneeeeee
I never miss a video
Can i get a ♥️
Been waiting for this… faide can u teach me mantle jump i cant fucking get it 😭
King 👑
Omg first
My favorite apex YouTuber 😊❤
The God of Apex
Hi faide😊
Faide on a Friday morning? Awesome
W faide
perfect timing post
Damn im early
First. Love you faide❤
I love you
wassup faide back at it with another banger 🔥🔥
Yooo Faide
good boy