icl Lifeline in #apexlegends Season 23 be glidin’
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Ice Spice – Think U The Shit (Snakehips Flip)
Blur – Song 2 (Tookie Tookie Remix)
#lifeline #apex #apexexe
Business contact: Revetekbusiness@outlook.com
Taqs:revetek,apex,apex legends,apex exe,apex legends exe,apex lifeline,lifeline,lifeline rework,lifeline apex legends,lifeline apex,apex lifeline exe,lifeline exe,lifeline season 23,season 23,season 23 exe,exe,apex apex new season,apex.exe,lifeline.exe,lifeline apex legends gameplay,lifeline apex legends rework,lifeline apex legends voice,lifeline apex legends tips,lifeline apex voice lines,lifeline apex rework,lifeline apex gameplay
コメント (95)
I really liked the video and I can say that such videos give motivation to play Apex and return to it
The sound bug is irritating like why is lifeline in my ears😂
Очень классный контент бро
Going back to apex
Nah I don’t think so
1:02 track name????
W vid
Wait…this isn’t gooflol? Bro I’m so confused.
Love the content bro. Always die crying from all the laughter. Keep it up bro. Happy Thanksgiving
The “shhhhh” 😂😂😂
J’adore tes montages juste trop inspirants et trop drôles 😂😂😂
Let’s gooooo legend!!
Sorry for late
Cool edit, always fire songs ❤ what’s name of first remix with ice spice?
U R sooooo good at the game and ur Edits are insane !! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Bro I’m laughing so hard rn
Revetek I. Love you
You have to give your playlist bro, or at least where you get yo music from, great vid!
Yeah ngl stopped playing apex this season.
Like why tf do all the supports now have a million passive’s?
Open blue bins.
Faster res.
Health on res.
Built in gold evo.
They all also have their own unique passives.
Thats 5 passives and I feel like I’m forgetting some XD
uuh revetek i love u
te amo
not lebron sunshine catching me in apex vid also 😢
Glad I’m not the only one who’s thinks Lifeline’s Ult is basically the old Gibby bubble.
Damn wish the cod community had you these videos make me smile
Can you use newer memes some of these are like 15 years old now
absolute peak.
nice very good edit good video <3
music at the end, it’s bo3 zombies, shadow of Ewil map, (if defeated)
Love your videos and memes and I enjoy your videos very much❤
shhhh ,,,,, 🤫🤫
Yet Another PEAK editing 🔥🔥🔥
This game is fully dead, worst meta to date
Revetek, I dare you to watch a game of…. BOT ROYALE
2:47 😭😭
Please put some Tony soprano memes in your vids I beg of you bro
Bro, your music taste is something else
Revetek never misses!!!
Apex platers: COD gas omni
Respawn: we got omni at home
thank you for existing bro
I just wanna be able to tap strafe on con again
They be STRAIGHT copying Fortnite Gliding! (Just a joke:)
The edits make me laugh. Nice shots. 🙂
love this channel
especially the shadows of evil music in the end
Revetek content is better than Apex Legends at this point. 🙏
He don’t misss
The editing is so good in this vid 😆 Keep up the great work 💪
I don’t get it, how do you keep creating quality meme edit videos even though the standards are way too high due to the massive amount of meme edits present on YouTube. Like if you try to watch a normal meme video, you won’t even smile, thats just how overused and boring its gotten. But for some unknown reason, your videos can people laugh. How do you keep it so fresh. Do you think alot while making these?
i left playing APEX long back .. but still love to watch your new videos ❤
Revtek, is lifeline FLOATING! Without a doctrone, BUFFER THAN BUFFBAY, SHES FAT 😂
God I’m so glad i uninstalled this game at the start of the season. Lifeline main from season 0 until they removed her res shield. I’ll die on the hill that they shouldn’t have ever removed it. They said it was too strong and then just gave it to Newcastle AND let him move it. Incomprehensible stupidity
Thanks for the Art Rev!!!
As long as there is a head bong against obstacles i upvote
support legends are so hilariously busted its actually funny
Bro i love the memes 😂 n i need that track list🔥 had me skaaaanking. Love from Brum
3:08 that KSI voice caught me off guard 😂
The better your content gets the worst apex is 😂😂😭😭
please i’m dying. 0:43 that can’t be a real song. you think you da shit, you aint even the fart
banger video as always Rev <3
apex still bad and boring…
jajajajajajaja buenísimo
lifeline in the bo6 winners circle with all them shushes
The editest is back with a new classic
Apex is so dead. It’s cooked. Sadge.
Baller mix and edit once again <3
Common revetek W
Damn i haven’t touched apex in awhile. I only come to see the EXE vids this man puts out cause all the other Apex Content creators had to go get real jobs since Aped is in a slump.
Babe babe wake up
Yo that Octane Pad transition was tight Rev!!!
2:55 Bro got rekt in every single dimension
Your consistency is insane, every video is damn good, revvytek is the goat
ty ty pog
this shii is fire
Great video as always
Best part of apex these days
Thanks homie
is this only me who press LIKE before watch video ?
This new meta is fucking aids, why would respawn think buffing Castle to this level of power AND the support class buff is a good idea..
Ok cool, But mastiff or pk?
rez me
Bro playing blur in the background is just 🥵👌
Blur – Song 2 (Tookie Tookie Remix)
ahhh, another great edit 🤤
revekek is one of the last remaining memers of apex trying to keep making a bit of money so he doesnt starve but also play enough apex to get the footage but not too much or his brain will be damaged forever
Hilarious video as always! The gliding is so much fun. I’m surprised I don’t see more people using her movement to chase me down like you did here. Much love!
Don’t show hover, phase reflex and the EPG-1. It’s trash
Love the Lifeline upgrades. I realized very early on that her Doc passive is velocity based so you can use it after some very interesting mechanics to to fly/float fast as hell.
1:28 bruuuh that Faide scream 😂😂😂
I like the editing style tbh
What is this?