Farewell Albralelie
After 4 incredible years under the TSM banner we bid farewell to Albralelie and wish him nothing but the best as he moves forward as a free agent.
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#TSM #ApexLegends #Albralelie
Taqs:TSM,TSM Apex,TSM Apex Legends,apex legends,Albralelie,TSM Albralelie,Albralelie Apex Legends,Albralelie Apex,ALGS,TSM announcement,Apex Legends Announcement,free agent,farewell,farewell albralelie,thank you albralelie,ImperialHal,Reps,Verhulst,Roster,TSM Roster,Apex Legends Roster,Apex Legends pro,Apex pro,pro,esports,competitive
コメント (252)
From everyone at TSM, we wish you all the best as you move forward and thank you for an amazing 4 years together ❤️
Didn’t even realise this guye was still on tsm 😂
ownoooo such a big mistake watching this in public 😰😭
Farewell, Albralelie…
No matter where you go where you fight for, I will support you with all my heart.
You were part of the reason I continuously playing Apex and I really really hope you can prove yourself as always.
Good Luck, and I will see you on stream as much as possible.
Love you Mac !
Absolute Beast. We will all be watching and supporting you Mac. Go well Lad ❤
my heart ached when he said “to hal and reps”
I’ve been a big fan of Mac and TSM for 4 years.
I actually miss this decision,but I’m supporting you from Japan!
I see this is what Hal was saying about the org having to tighten up but tsm apex was safe. Why did they add so many random streamers when they have to risk alb? They even have a Japanese streamer who casually plays apex not even close to as hard as alb. Some of the recent tsm signing is confusing af.
I still can’t believe they dropped alb from competitive, I loved snipedown and verhulst, but nothing compares to og tsm comp team to me
Tbh this mans made me get into apex
Verhulst replaced you. Have an amazing future!
Still waiting for the onlyfans
God mac
thank you abralelie you were one of the biggest influences that got me interested in apex legends, tsm and esports
Never really saw him as a TSM member since the second he left the pro team but this is nice to make for sure lol hope he does well.
If only he never left the pro team lol …
Have a friend that didn’t agree when I said you were one of the best until one day she brought you up in convo and said you’re so good 😂
Wishing for the best to one of the truly OG apex champs! rooting for you and LAN all the way up, you got it boss.
im the 4k like Thanks me later K..
Your a demon alb became a fan of tsm because of you will always be you fan your a legend man
Frist trophy Tsm apex with alb, remember❤
What a GOOON❤️
wish you n the boys would play ranked more often or somn. loved watching you guys win back in the day. I just wanna see you n hal n reps win again <3
I’m Not Crying, Ya’ll are 😢
Community loves ya Alb.. Turning over a new leaf is a good thing.. hard but you will do amazing things man <3 We all believe in you.
im getting the feeling that alb didnt really want to leave the org, could tsm be laying people off because of the whole ftx fiasco
Forever a TSM member
this brought tears to my eyes holy shit. wish you all the best Alb
I thought he left tsm like a year ago? So doesn’t feel any different. GL bro
This hit different bro, much love to the GOAT ❤❤
This is passion at it’s base.. refined… The Hal, Reps, Albra trio is really a piece of apex history that just can’t be denied or forgotten.. good luck in future endeavors Albra..
Damn that was sad af, gave me chills.
it feels so sad after seeing one team for whole of your life from season 1 and 1 day it comes that the team has to break up.😪😢😰. we will miss you mac. Bye😩
never expected this would happen!!! really came out of nowhere
Still a beast Alb TSM or not. goodluck with whatever you do
that was honestly a bit odd
greatest comp pathy ever, if pathy is ever meta again, i mean
We love Alb
Legend ❤
I’m not crying you’re crying. What I would do to be as incredible at gaming and for the experience this man got to have. The dream come true.
I joined season 7 but this hits hard, I’ve always enjoyed seeing you on tsm and tsm has easily become a favorite org, but I’m also excited to see where you go from here, keep shitting on dudes alb, support you forever you kickass legend
One of the most successful players TSM ever had
o7 thanks for everything Alb
Where can i get that hoodie from tho
One word
I cried watching this one of the greats leaving
i’m not crying you are shut up
The og thumppppp
Who’s cutting onions
I didn’t come here to cry 😭
I dont care you farewell from TSM, you’re still best PATH for me.
We always with u mac.❤ good luck for ur future…
Here’s to the incredible dinks we’ve had, and the incredible dinks we WILL have that are yet to come! Shine on you inspirational golden god Mr. Mac. THANK YOU ALBRALELIE
The best squad in apex history
Nunca é um Deus sempre será um até logo 😊 família tsm
The Meta Master, The best pathfinder, The GOAT of apex and one of the OG tsm apex Pro Champion.
No disrespect to anyone but this whole thing kind of reminds me of when Darius left TSM LOL
The G.O.A.T.
What’s he mean by with his teammates? I don’t follow all this
Proud of u Mac. Been following u for a long time, and still u r my fav player. I wish u all the best for ur future.
who cutting onions 😭
This shit is going to make me tear up man, wtf 😭
Al , Mack whatever your name is GTF OTTA HERE WITH THAT SHIT.
God that made me tear up I’ve been there right with you all your the 1st team I’ve ever watched live and followed and broke my heart to see albralelie leave always kinda hoped with the name you would come back but I do wish you the best ill still watch tsm and mac thank you for my memories lads from a gamer girl I appreciated all you 3 achieved ❤️
Got me wellin up you basterd. Love you seen the passion. ❤️
BIG BALLED mac giving up a safe income to enter free agency with his boys and go through trial by fire is so respectable, fair play man
Get some braces bruv
This shit made me tear up fuck u mack , best of wishes to my favorite tsm memeber
Nossa uma mistura de nostalgia com tristeza, assistindo o albra pelo pokis que me fez jogar o Apex pela primeira vez e não parei não parei mais.
Cotinuarei acompnhando o Mac como um grande fã que sou, boa sorte na nova jornada e quem sabe um dia a lenda TSM_Albralelie retorne ao seu trono na TSM.
A decent player, I just hope he had a little less arrogance.
look im being honest, i was never a big albralelie follower
BUT alb was the guy who had a big impact on the way i view the game
foremost the way how i now look at new characters and content and their mechanics in a creative way
gj alb and ggwp
Did he die?
Your the reason why i main pathy. All love mac.❤️❤️❤️
You are a creative player all the time. You did well, Mac, you are the idol of many people.
Mac is the reason why i cheered for TSM.
Not gonna lie, there were some times it would irk me to see him playing without TSM in front of his name as I feel you should always rep your org whenever streaming, there would be time where I would even question if he was still on TSM because of it
Damn this was tough to watch. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t a little tearful. Mac is so humble and I hope him the best. Watching alb has been a pleasure and I know he will succeed with anything he puts effort into. Good luck alb I wish you the best!
One of the most innovative and talented players in this game. And tied w Mande for top pathy players❤️ This man has brought this game so much, you cant hate mac
Fuck i already miss him so much 😢
One day, when he grows up, Alb will look back and realize he’s a toxic fuck that no one can stand to be on a team with.
Hasnt he been gone? Lol i feel like this is a while after
kicked to the curb
Lmao farewell discount dyrus. Gl in the future?
Man, this one hurts.
head up OG alb you gave so much to this game. wish EA has your passion for this game . im sure youl do great with your new teamates all of you are cracked
We love you Alb ❤️ you started as my favorite and always will be. you’re the reason I’ll never play anyone else but pathfinder. I wish you nothing but the absolute best my guy.
Is it possible for TSM to have 2 spots in ALGS? TSM White / Black. So we don’t need to see Mac leave 🙁
🙁 i love alb
Much love Alb! Wasn’t around following apex comp during your tsm comp era but it laid the foundation that made me an eventual fan.
I’m a fan of yours and hope the best for your future 🫰
big loss for tsm
Was here for you from the start excited for the future LFG! 🎉❤🎉
be happy it hapened not sad cuz it ended
damn bro still the best mechanical player in my opinion watch yall win so many wins in a row❤️ goodluck on your new journey alb GOAT🚀
as 1 chapter ends another begins. you are a great person and great team mate no matter where u go in life. keep up the hard work my guy! <3
may man <3
Albralalie is my favorite person to see man, he’s so great.
The APEX GOAT of tournaments
One of the greatest players to ever play apex. You inspired me to play apex on mnk PC. Good luck with your new team. I’ll be supporting.
You are the best and always be mac, whatever you do, wherever you. So excited to see which org is going to sign you and the boys. Always supporting you and good luck for this split
is it possible to watch this video without shedding tears?
Made me shed a tear. Thank you Mac for everything you’ve done 😔🖤
i sense a lanimals signing on the horizon
Good luck mate.
Mac we love you❤
this is sad but i am surprised that he only left now
The Gold Pathfinder at the end 😢
had me in tears, you got this Mac.
genuinely the most stand up dude in the scene, you’re the best mac. 🤝
Hall having women’s issues 😂
Hall of famer
play cuts hittn huh?
GGs Mack, we all love u
A Sad day for the apex scene
Best of luck Mac! ❤
Definitely one of the best in the game! Excited to see how things go for him in the future.. best of luck Mac♥
We love you ❤and always will know you. For you.
Mac has always been my favorite member of this team ngl 🙂
The best pathfinder for his time streaming with only 30 viewers, deserved to be recruited.
When I soon become an adult with a family I can give so many stories on how good my generation on content was. Turkey an era of heartfelt moments and times. Wish him the best🙏🏽
Leaving as a TSM legend
GOOD MAN, your ma favorite for real i like
Quit al
Always my favorite player❤
TSM cutting onions today
F*uck tsm 🙂
Mac is the best path player i ever seen ❤️
The dick riding in these comments is crazy
Thank you Mac!
This is why I love TSM. GL to Mac and his new teammates!❤
This was the first person I watch from tsm love u bro farewell❤️🙏🏾
This was the most cringe shit of the week. Stop crying wake tf up.
Best fuking Pathfinder 🔥 No Cap!!!
It was a pleasure to watch you playing with the Boys Mac. You are a great Guy. Wish you all the best in your Future. Stay healthy and keep going on. You deserve everything what is coming for you in the Future! Greets from Austria <3
Bros been playing for so many other teams that I lowkey forgot he was on TSM for bit. Love alb so much though.
The feels 😢
Als a shitter
the golden path at the end made me cry, damn
Mac is the real Path Finder, if u know what i mean, this man is going places.
Using the current teams top picked champions to rep them in the video without taking away the focus on Alb is pretty classy. Its a fitting way to show they support him without having to say it. TSM!!! Fuck It, Bay Life!
No matter how many path main come and go, still my fav pathfinder player… gl mac
Ngl i thought he left along time ago
to the next chapter GOAT
Jesus christ, i didnt realize how much i had invested emotionally into this game….this was a tear jerker fs.
No fking way man!!!
We fucking love you Mac!!! Thank you!!!!
The fact an org , would post this after someone leaving , is just a testament to the person and the org. Love to see it. Love Alb and TSM
he will always be the G.O.A.T idc
Bro… this might make me cry honestly. Love TSM, Love Alb, they are forever family. ❤
What do you mean ” you was the best ” ?!? You still are one of THE BEST Apex Legends player to ever GRACE the game 😢🎉
A true legend and one of the best player in the history of Apex.
The first spider man of apex lengeds. I used to watch him when he was pub stomping with 30 viewers grappling from one end of the skull town to another one-shotting noobs with PK
Albralelie = 🐐
Bro has me fucking crying over here 😢 much love Mac ❤❤❤
I’m not crying 😭
Thank you ! THANK YOU !
End of an era..
Good luck Mac! You are the reason I started cheering for TSM in Apex! All the best from Kraków! 🙂
Life is hard man and you need to be tough. It’s ok to have someone in your ear and it’s ok to stand up to them when you’ve had enough. I wish you manned up and told Hal to stfu and talk to you with respect cause what yall could have continued to accomplish is gonna be the biggest “what ifs” in apex history.
LAN gonna do great things, them boys are not a glass cannon, gg gl
Don’t be sad because it ended be happy because it happened
An Apex moment
I’m on the toilet 💩 💩 while I’m watching this 😢
I think I can speak for a large group of the OG TSM APEX fans when I say that you were the reason we became such big fans of the ORG. I cant wait to see what ORG decides give you a chance to make their brand Tier 1 and and hope you’re more motivated than ever to cement your name among the goats!
guy peaced before all of tsm got nuked, smart
Passion! 👊
Hal mac and reps will always be my all time favorite apex team ❤❤❤❤❤
nah this is hard man, cmon 😭I cant FUCK
I’m not crying you’re crying
On to the alb lou naughty dynasty. Legendary through and through.
Albralelie ❤ Wish u the best and Success with Lanimals ❤thank you for the best apex competitive moments back in the days ❤
Heart broken rn thank you Mac!!!!
Thanks mac we love you
Now you can spit on Hal
True OG. GGs Alb. Will continue to follow your journey 🙂
What a Legend, The watermelon path skin will always be the Alb skin
Godspeed king 👑
Damn. I mean I knew he wasnt in TSM proleague roster anymore but i didnt think he’d leave the org all together. But I get when he said he missed being under the same banner as his teammates. wish nothing but the best for Mac.
Glad Mac put down his sword against Hal. Made this moment possible.
🙁 been a pleasure mac
GGs man. look forward to see what you do next
Im prinzip ändert sich nicht viel….er haust weiter in seinem keller und macht dasselbe wie immer
Official, 😔 much ❤️ Mac 🎉❤
He suck tbh
only love for Albralelie
thats a little heartbreak ❤️🩹 wish you all the best mac!
Albralelie deserves a statue at TSM compound with pathfinder next to him. A true legend.. but he’s not done. Big things coming!!!
ps: that OG TSM squad… still the best ever. And one of the best in E Sports History. Wished they were still together tho
keep tissues at hand while watching this one
Love you Alb. Definitely one of if not my favorite apex legends player.
Was always hoping for a TSM team blue but fuck EA, also, who is cutting onions man?
😢 hope for nothing but the best for you one door closes and another one opens 🙏
Na this is sad man the first org I ever supported and esports team was this apex team. Been a crazy ride. Can’t wait to see the next chapter Mac ! Best path ever in history of apex
You may not have TSM in front of your name but we will still follow your journey! Looking forward to you representing your new home
Love you Alb! Can’t wait to see what you do with LAN!
hope he returns to tsm one day! one of the few apex players i always cheeres for aside from the tsm squad
Wtf kinda sad
Damn Mac 💔
Mac <3
The brotherhood in TSM always shows me how a good org manage the team spirits. It is always good to watch some quality videos like this made by TSM.
😢 I’m not crying, you’re crying 😭
gonna miss you Alb goodluck in the future <3
Good luck brother! We all ❤ you
As a long time supporter of TSM, Mac was the one who first made me connect with the org. No one will ever forget him and he is STILL one of the best and most consistent individual players. Where ever he goes, I’m sure great things will follow.
Albralelie/ Mac we will all miss you sad to see you go but it was a great time while you were apart of TSM ❤❤
I’m not crying, you’re crying
Bout time.
Im not crying it’s just raining in here. Love you Alb, on to your next org with the Lanimals and then of course Lan! Best of luck to you.
I know Lanimals are about to pop off, it’s the end of an era but the beginning of a new dynasty. I know you guys will get picked up after you win!
😭😭😭😭 mac you Will vê Forever part of TSM
Lets go Mac! I hope you find happiness within your next team and accomplish your goals in your life and career.
Thank you Albralelie best of luck to you!
thank you
My GOAT right here. No doubt he’ll be top of the scene again.
It’s really sad that Mac is officially leaving, but at the same time I also feel like this is probably the best decision for him because he can finally be a whole new player instead being affected by his past glory and the title of TSM world champions. I’m very happy and looking forward to Mac because I know this decision has been tough as most of the tournaments and championships that he won were mostly with TSM. But I’ll be happy for him and the best of luck to TSM and Mac in the future!
This is what we lost at the expense of controllers in this game
love you alb. big things coming in the future for you
Will misss you ❤ but will always support you whenever you go ❤️
im not crying your crying 🙁 one of the greatest players!
Damn man
I hope whatever you seek Mac you will be able to get what you’re looking for thank you so much for being an awesome team player for TSM ❤️ we will always support you wherever you go
im sure youll do great with your next team man, keep up the work and you will succeed!
Hope he find success on his new team, can’t wait to see them on lan
No way huhu
Missed you on the tsm comp
Now the org🥲
Damn 😔
We will miss you
One of the ogs in tsm apex even when he wasnt playing competitive with hal and reps it always a pleasure seeing him on this channel with the boys
The OG
Damb I called it sadge
Going to miss you Mac
nooooo 😢
les go