How an Apex Predator Plays Wraith…
Apex Predator Plays Wraith…
Apex Legends Season 16 Revelry
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#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,apexlegends,apex legends,apex legends season 16,apex legends wraith,wraith buff,apex legends revelry,heirloom,heirloom shards,movement,nemesis apex legends,wraith,buff,animations,kunai recolor,apex legends new event,apex legends season 16 revelry,aceu,iitztimmy,wraith heirloom,Wraith heirloom,new heirloom,Apex Legends Imperial Guard Collection Event,wraith recolor heirloom,ash,ash heirloom,ash collection event,pred,predator,apex predator,apex pred
コメント (145)
Happy Easter faide
Its time to watch the best player in apex and i’m from Egypt ❤️❤️❤️
Faide got aim assist today
Can u get to 1m subs already waiting for that gameplay
The best wraith main to ever touch a keyboard
That 3 stack really thought 😂
Really up at 7am for this
Bro never stops being a demon 😂😮💨💪🏼
Worst shit is when your PK hits for two 9s back to back. Like bro, just fucking kill me lmao
Wow i hope one day ill find faide’s pk
Cause mine hits 9
8:06 this is funny as hell. He’s fighting one squad, wall jumps, slides to the other side, sees someone looting, chases them, kills them and then zips back. But the who the f are you part is what got me. Then kills him and zips back to kill the other squad😂
i am also Predator just not in APEX
Here for my daily dopamine treatment
Crazy how he survives the most unlivable situations
This guy rly knows how apex predators play wraith
Love the content bro!! Keep it up, you’re the best!
Haters will say “He nEveR hIt PrED” 😂
we could say that the last squad was not a 3 stack, but a 2.25 stack + 0.75 ai
You are to good for this Game bra
Up at 12:17 pm
Late night 3am thought’s thinking ima get good 1day😞👨🏽🦯
i love u faide i hope to play n meet u sum day🎉😂❤
so close to 1 mill u can do it 🙂
Faide thorwing the PK in the bin: ” no one shall have a PK.. but me hehe”
Why you here!? 😂
Edit, “How the apex predator plays wraith.”
this channel is prolly the second best ever behind pewdiepie
Whenver i see a new video by faide, i superglide onto the vid (love the gameplay btw)
gotta love those r9 lasers
6 am every morning . gotta love the consistency!!!
It’s like me, but better. Much, much better. Heck it’s not me. It’s Faide.
Also, been a while since we saw him play in Olympus.
Just shut the system down was going crazy I even seen a kid in gun run with your name
i th9nk im adicted to ur contnet xd. if i haad this movement i would be so happy, keep it up man <3
The spray just keep getting juicy. Faide’s vids are always inspiring. Faide’s the best hands down
Watch all your videos would love to see you play some comp
Bro, this guy ist amazing 🎉🎉
Thank god. Just what I needed on a night I’m having trouble sleeping.
faide. ilysm and you’ve inspired me alot. don’t stop the grind! keep up the great work 🫶🏼
Well finally an upload i always watch your stream but i cant watch it sometimes due to work.
Hi hun
Все пишут про 5 утра, лично я смотрю в 12 часов дня)
El mejoooooor
1:30 the mf riding the zip down 😭
gotta stay up late to watch faide per usual 🤣
This is by far the speediest 3stak killer in one video 🤩🤩
11:58 dude that bloodhound’s controller has died 💀
it’s 5:00 and mans is still grinding out videos, huge w
faide rlly stays up this late for us i like the work ur putting in man 🤝
brother drops at the most peculiar times man gotta love it
Faide 1v1 me with that wraithussy
I love your upload times. I’m always up 😅
faide love the vids ❤ But can you play ranked for a change
faide when are we getting streamer reactions
“Apex Predator” – shows casual gameplay against newbie and bronze players. Not a single ranked clip.
Faide is just so amazing to watch man much love to you bro
Babe wake up, Faide uploaded
19 mins ago? Wait, what?
8:05 Lmao homie was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
2am post 🔥
Cringe 3stacks defeated once again
Woke up at 5 am just to watch faide 🫡
Last kid was cracked 😂
15min ago dam thx for upload g💯💯🐐🐐🐐
I’m in my mid 30s and feel like I don’t belong in this channel… I feel like i should be watching videos about improving a golf swing or something… But instead I dribble over Faide and Lemonhead doing the impossible. I have 500 hours in apex which my friends think is completely insane… I was told Hiswattson has over 8000 on one character alone lol 😂
As bad as EA are, I love this game and want to get to Master Rank. My son might find it cool some day lol.
Perfect time for an upload, just before going to bed
Bro you may not know this but you are the only apex predator who can play wraith like this…❤
The best
my insperation.
5 am w faide posting so early love u🫶
W timing for a new video
Nothing like waking up at 2am and having a Faide vid posted🔥😩
bro uploaded at 4 at the morning ☠
Already know it is going to be a great vid
Edit: thanks for the heart Faide
long ?
10 am in nigeria still watching u faide 🙂
hey faide for how long have you been playing apex for?
Whats up bro Happy Easter❤
Happy Easter everyone 🎉❤
The goat posting at 4:00 getting me ready for bed🥰
heart my comment HAHAHA
if everyone first ill be second
It’s 4 am, I’m feeling rambunctious… uh oh… I’m turning into a werewolf…. hahaidofmdkwpals mf keeps👺👺👹👹👹👿👿👿
*in aggresive tone* FAIDE UPLOADED *growls seductively* time to get wicked *winks at invisible camera*
We need more twitch streamer reaction vids🙏
to good
Hey bbg ❤
It’s already 3:15 in the morning and I’m not even going to miss your videos, I haven’t commented for a long time because I changed my account, but I want you to know that I still love your videos
he tried hide the pk
Perfect uploading time to me waking up!
Love your vids Faide !!
Give me your servers 😭, I wish to run into you one day 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
The best wraith hands down
2:17PM here…
5am goat
Faide be the new #1 pred ❤
Do u prefer pk over mastiff i honestly dc but when I use pk … Oh have the turns table 9-9-9 120-9 💀
Faide The 🐐 No 🧢
Bro it’s 3 in the morning but I’m going to watch this vid first😎
(There is no such thing as a sleep schedule)
This is gonna be lit!
This video gets a chefs kiss 💋 😅
good boy
First lesss gooooo
That is in fact a real player
Up at 5am watching faide as usual 🤣
movement god 👑
love the effort, u were uploading and streaming at the same time😂
“First ☝🏻🤓” 🤡
I love yu Faide❤ ty
Brasil vendo mn 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
My sleep schedule is awful, hi faide 😂
First comment 😊
Not first 🥇
Luv u Faide
I am first!!😮😮😮
First ❤
Hello there.