Apex Legends: From the Rift Battle Pass Split 1 Trailer
Unleash the power of mad science with the From the Rift Battle Pass Split 1! Unlock the Premium Battle Pass for 950 Apex coins and formulate your destiny through 60 levels of the Battle Pass to earn Legendary skins for Ash, Caustic, and the Rampage as you work towards the Reactive Mozambique. Upgrade to the Ultimate or Ultimate+ Battle Pass for even more rewards like Instant Rewards, Apex Packs† and Crafting Materials.
Requires Apex Legends (available separately), all game updates and gameplay to unlock battle pass content.
†Not available in all territories.
Want to learn more?: http://x.ea.com/apxl/battle-pass
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App, Epic Games Store and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 23,apex legends trailer,apex legends from the rift trailer,apex battle pass,apex legends split 1,battle pass,battle pass split 1,ultimate,ultimate+,E-District,Ash,Caustic,Rampage,Reactive Mozambique,apex legends skins,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (334)
Anyone know how to fix white screen?
Can’t even open the game
can you modify the apex legend shooting gallery please
I just blink my eyes and video is over 😂😂😂😂
This trailer was absolutely epic!🔥 The new Battle Pass and the Rift map changes look amazing—Apex Legends just keeps raising the bar. The action, the visuals, and the fresh content are so exciting. Can’t wait to see what’s in store! 💥🎮
Remember when people used to care about these updates?
Ending the trailer with: “another precise execution”. Not really 😅
Bring back the old battle pass the new ones are hot trash
Fix your Server !!!!
Where is the new legends this is ridiculous
I guess this is a reminder to those who aren’t buying the battle pass—you’re not missing out.
Captain cold?
These trailers are getting real short and bad😂
Hey apex one of your challenges from part 2 of the OG event isn’t working its called “Play 1 match with each Apex OG Legend in any mode” I’ve been trying to complete it but it’s not confirming
Fix it plz
Grind pa$$ splitting it into 2 so you have less time to grind and if you want all the rewards you need to pay 20 bucks! It’s the WORST decision ever! Greedy EA and Respawn, how to alienate your playerbase and pretend you listen to them. This and last season are the worst yet, thanks but no thanks, am out! 👎🏼
Trash trash trash…….
Hey! Is it true that Apex Legends Mobile will be back again this November?
I wanna buy the raptors claw with my heirloom shards but have to wait 55 days 😭
I logged in to the machine that was banned by mistake, resulting in my account being banned. I didn’t know in advance that this machine was banned from logging in, so please give ea Studio a chance to unban my account. I promise to strictly abide by all the rules of the game in the future. I like apex very much.
Bro this battle pass is actually going to go crazy. I can’t wait to log in again to look at it again to not even buy it until I get max level because the first split is like literally a week long. (Exaggerating of course but it feels that short)
game is dogshit
Huh well I be darned
Yea in a subscription for the BATTLEPASS yea count me out y’all helping the game at all Y’ALL KILLING IT SMH as a OG PLAYER I hate to say this but the game ain’t what it once was when it came out February of 2019
You guys are so lost… its sad to see such an amazing game come to this… played the new season for 2 days and got so bored I uninstalled (note that I played every single season until now). No regrets at all.
Yet again we got the battle pass before the battle pass trailer 🗣️🗣️💯🔥
Trash company is here
if you dont like the game when asked yes or no you will be targeted if select NO
i wonder what the second one could be like
Maybe if ea listened to their community for once, they could afford a trailer release. Crazy idea. Clowns.
If monthly subscriptions come to the game I’m 100% done. I barely play this game compared to how I used to, but subscriptions would make the decision to part ways easy.
This game has been unplayable for over a year. While you stuff skins and garbage down our throats. Time to shut down once and for all
I came to the comments thinking they made a dc collab I thought it was green arrow n mister freeze
I just played a few matches , did cheating get worse? It’s insane , think I’m done for this season, I’ll check back next season
How did The marketing team fumble this season’s trailers bruhhh 😭🙏
Desenvolvedores por favor não enfraqueça a classe suporte fortaleça as outras para que tenha igualdade no game
😂😂the game is all out bad 😂 i see why its free to play because its not worth playing 😂
Horrible skins
Why bother spending time making purple skins for guns/characters? Nobody runs them unless they are actually decent and there are very few that are decent.
😂 they still don’t fix the game 😂 all out bad 😂
E district is not even in
Shocked this wasn’t a milestone event trailer
Yo why we adding Mrs. Freeze to the game
Why does ash look like mr.freeze
Bring back titanfall you greedy cowards
Yes apex we can see youre cutting corners and yet upping the price. I enjoy the game but its so sad.
Caustic kinda looking like dr. Doom ahh.
I mean how lazy can this dev team be 😂😂 This is getting ridiculous now…
No comments.
Who’s buying battle passes still? I can’t justify it since EA made it “eAsIeR”
RIP Apex
Crazy, next time leave the trailer up to someone who knows when the season actually comes out
Wow now I know the new battle pass skins I just bought
I think the battle pass is going to be short
Just let the game die and make something new already. Titanfall 3 or Apex Legends 2, whatever!
What 30 sec
Apex Legends honestly died completely to me when they started season splits.
akimbo mozambique XD
Horrible skins 😮
Can’t wait to see the gameplay trailer for this split
Completely incompetent dev team
Something tells me some people got layed off
half the battle pass, less items, but same price. thanks respawn!
They must fix game and some legends must be get nerf but no, they just think about getting money from the game .If the game is good and some errors are get fixed, they will take more money and new players means more money they are just thinking more money
fix game
Reactive Mozambique. Finally. Literally the only thing I want from this BP. Goofy ahh Mr Freeze skin on Ash. Caustic’s is just mid.
What the point of dropping this 😂
Ah yes, I finally know what the BP contains, it’s not like it’s been out for a week now 😂
Now i understand why people leave from apex
“Better late than never!” ahh trailer
Titanfall 3 plz
Guys anyone else having the battlepass challenges being inactive,can’t select legends,can’t open store???
If anyone knows the solution plz help
Can’t wait to see this skins 😮
Is this what a dying game looks like
A game where today means last week…🤣❤
Rip game
A little late
Shots fired! Playerbase is now lower than ever. Good job, EA.
Mr Freeze?
I don’t think we needed a battle pass trailer but ok
Perhaps they’re trying to seem like they aren’t making their priorities cosmetics, I don’t think it’s gonna work though lol
Great job at ruining the game 🎉 it was literally better before
People still buying the battle pass?
why are we making no revenue because we push out more bad executions like this. ea please I implore you to stop killing the game with all this new ideas to cash grab
What is wrong with Respawn’s team this season? 🤔
This Ash Skin in the Thumbnail looks just like Dawn of the AI – Ordan Ogan.
Look it up I swear they got inspired by this.
Dayum is the VA strike hitting yall that bad??😂😂😂 Its not even a minute long hoooly
Took you guys a week to make a 30 second trailer?
Not updating the store this week really blows. I log in weekly to see if the skins I want are back in store but there was barely an update today. Add a daily section to the store please
Only reason I brought this pass is because of Loba emote
This ain’t a trailer, it’s a reminder 🔥‼️
Really? What is this trailer? And one week after the new season?
que onda que sacan los trailers re tarde kjjjj
I think what happened is that Launch Royale was supposed to completely replace the game for a week before season 23, but people got bored of it so they dropped the normal modes earlier, despite what they had planned. It was maybe supposed to release today?
😢 BP Not good
This really shows that EA and respawn officially given up on this game.
Rip never buying another battel pass dont have the time for it vs just the 1
get the anticheat to auto ban cheaters please.
ash from system shock 2
Every skin from bp is horrible
Music is 🔥
Bring back E district map
I’m hyped! 🔥
😂its painfully working you gotta admitted
0:33 seconds lost of my life
I’m guessing they’re using internet explorer?
Fix matchmaking . Every teammate is a bot who leaves after 10 seconds and doesn t even Hit 100 damage
I missed end of s22 and couldn’t up my bp to have enough currency to buy next bp 😂 All because they released new season trailer after season release 😂😂
Go back to the old battle pass format
EA Good Job.🆘🎉🤦🤦🤏🕳️
the reactive weapon skin is for the mozam this season? ew
*Ban cronus*
yall fr?
A battle pass that some people can’t even complete because it doesn’t allow you to cycle through the pages☠️
The new wraith voice sounds so bad lol
Apex u dying a slow death baby
It’s really goood!!!
1 week later
“better late than ever!” Ahh post 😭
What happened to Respawn😂😂😂
Fell off
Releasing the trailer that much later since no one was going to play to see it themselves.
🙏🗿ez reads
Imagine releasing a movie and only running trailers after the box office
Хм… Робожопа! РОБОЖОПА! РОБОЖООООПА! XDD В целом, довольно прикольный трейлер, мне понравилось, посмотрел аж 3 раза. Момент с бегущей по мозамбику и Эш был хорош, кинематографичненько.
Ash is literally just Mr Freeze from dc
I can see by far that something was going wrong with this season releasee 😢
Still not a fan of this split battle pass they should revert it back
🌹Wanna be Fortnite so bad😂🌹
We need apex legends mobile 😢😢😢
Releasing the trailer a week late, just tells you how much they care about this game 🤣
I am having issues I am not getting any daily or weekly challenges and I can’t selenct anything in lobby
Are you guys ret*ar*ded?
We are tired of waiting for TitanFall 3
Yooo the marketing team finally hit upload
Next week halloween event trailer 😂
E-district in the trailer, in blgs and scrims but not in the actual game. Nice job
Fix this game !!!!!!
“Well that was a load a’shit”
This downfall of Apex legends is because y’all don’t wanna make Titanfall 3
As if the new season hasn’t been out for like a week now what’s the point of this? I genuinely do not understand this company this game like to waste their own time cause they’re bored they don’t wanna fix the game.
respawn are u ok like fr
Fix bugs pls…
That video should have been out 10 days ago! a bit late that teaser
Guys its from the rift so portal from the past so throwback to last week when the season came out, or somthin
Remember when trailers used to be around 2 minutes long and had cool voice-overs?
Marketing team showing signs of life at least. Maybe they got hit by layoffs?
Trailer released after one week s23 launch, truly apex moment
I am a OG player playing from day one, and just deleted the Game yesterday. Worst and unbalanced Season so far. Will Quit Apex with this update After hitting Master multiple Season 😢
Is there a bug with the wallet ?
My coins and the other stuff stay at -9999
I can’t change the legend or go into the shop or BP.
But I can play …
Are they all incompetent in respaw? 😡🤬🤬🤬
Fire Mozam skins🔥
Доброе утро еа
They probably split the marketing team too. At this point you guys might as well split the game in half and make us pay for use of full screen. Thanks for reminding me i was subscribed here…..I’m gonna split.
Why now
Hello Apex Legends youtube channel managers, just wanted to let you know that you usually drop a trailer for something BEFORE you release it, hope this helps 😊
Gracias ya lo vi, Ahora borrenlo. 😃👍
Yyoooo I can finally see what they’ve been tryna sell us 😃😃😃😃
Bruh, this company… 😞
This is a joke 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Brother, literally a video of a few seconds took a week to upload ahh video
Its too late to drop the trailer now lil bro 😔
Why show battlepass now?
My game is only letting me load into games and not access the other tabs like the battle pass, the store and my cosmetics, what do I do?
Waiting for this🙂🙂
De que me sirve ver el pase de batalla si ya lo ví empezando la temporada, muy mal por repawn
El BP está caro y aburrido. Por ambición están arruinando cosas que estaban bien en el juego 😢
Esta gente tienen y van con un retraso que ni se imaginan 😂
Add arenas again, with ranked too as a permanent game mode
Ash looks like Mr. Freeze and the skin doesnt even look good
No gracias.
Respawn, you alright ?
Wow what a complete waste of everyone’s time!!
Can’t complete the battle pass because this progress is glitched. Let’s see if this 5 day problem will get patched today.😒
When does this season come out ?
EA and communication team are stuck in a different time line 😂😂😂
ASH Prestige skin has to come out this season 😭🔥
releasing bp trailer 1 week after the season drops is some crazy work
saquen la wea un mes despues pa la otra xdd
Better late than never, keep it up guys, I mean it!
Just bring back the old battle pass style
good timing
At this point why even bother releasing it, just so it want for nothing?
I’m on vacation but didn’t this drop like last week?
Thanks guys I coulda made it myself since I must have early access
There is just NO WAY you guys release this trailer now NO WAY
Still no servers in Africa
Solve the hackers problem, also why Gold ranked guys matching with a Full pred team in a match. I stop playing because of that.
It is trailer for season 24 right?
the BP is cool…. but the patch notes are trash
the season is dropping in 2 days trust me guys
Bit late 😅
Se les durmió el gallo jaja
Ya para que lanzan el tráiler jajaja
Let’s can’t wait to play the season after one week of release
God this company is actually such a mess 😭
Do they have any shame for how are they treating apex community like this?
More useless naff to clog up the menus. Very cool. Cant wait to pay 20 euros every month.
LOL i love ea
1 week later they no longer their own game
Literally trash skin’s that is the reason they didn’t launch the battle pass early
Lets get a trailer for working anticheat and 128 tick servers
A trailer for half a battle pass at full price a week after the season started.
Long live the king.
My battlepass doesn’t even work
??? late???????
I like the ash and caustic skin, W skins IDK why people don’t like
Perfect Trailer. However, I have a problem with 0:00 to 0:33.
I’m not going to lie you guys have done pretty good with this but honestly the problem is simply the engine framework needs to be redone. At some point you’re going to have to and you know you will. You have millions and millions of dollars that we have given you for the skins and stuff. And the fact that you haven’t used that to remake an engine or make a new one that’s more stable with better frame ticks and better response as well as an anti-cheat that actually is competent And if it detects someone is cheating multiple times it ends up putting them into a lobby with other cheaters after a while. Or something. You can only look at the issue for so long before you go well this does need to be replaced
did yall not want the game or not stop complaining
Why do they even bother? The season‘s been out for a week and the hype is already dead.
Wow……. just wow…….. 7 days late
OK perfect 🤑🤑🤑
glad to know that marketing team is awake ‼🔥
Chat Gpt, generate me an Apex Legends battle pass and release the trailer almost a week later
Let me guess….. Internet explorer.
It’s like I’m being gaslit the season isn’t out yet
это я сифон подписыайтесь
About as late as the server fixes
Ya es tarde.
15 años tarde 🙄
you are killing the game gg ea
What i seen was: we want you’re money
The Rift is just EA laying off respawn Devs
Oh, thank goodness the trailer came out. I almost didn’t get the battle pass. This definitely convinced me.
The season came out a week ago and the trailer now!? Respawn what are you on?
Are you guys okay? We already saw the battle pass a week ago 😃😃
*checks watch*
The battle pass trailer comes out a week after season launch truly an apex moment 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
This is cold man how can you guys approve of this??? This is just sad, drown in silence not like this
Trailers are getting worse.. Remember the times when we used to look forward to trailers, now they’re just here as place holders.. So sad
lol I’m already half way through it now….preciate that tho
NGL the mister freeze skin for ash looks amazing. I love it.
But why the heck is this so far after the season launch?
The game is a joke
The multiverse has come ❤
1 weeks later
Split? You guys divided the battle pass?
Relasing the BP trailer 1 week after season launch is truly an EA moment
better late then never ahh 😭🙏
dybalai7700 is lying I am first
Долго думали
Please add jack cooper
Add a creative mode
Sacan su mamada 1 semanas después de qué ya vimos todo, ya mejor borren su cagada de juego
Why bother posting 😭
Why does Ash look like Mr Freeze😭
thanks man lowk had no idea
A bit late, don’t you think apex?
What’s even the point of dropping this 💀
33 sec 💀
im 2 😉
We don’t care🔥🔥
Bro the season deadass came out a week ago, why so late 😂
Oh yes, battle pass trailer one week later…
2 late???
i hope apex mobile will come again 😢😢
Would be awesome if they made 3 battle passes a season instead to get even MORE of our money
Bruh , they just release this after 2 weeks Battle pass
Bruh. A week late and 30 seconds. The new season’s fun tho so I won’t even complain 😂
six days later and you drop a battle pass trailer 😭 classic
isn’t it a bit late??
Awards are about to be completed
Not like I care about the battle pass, but seriously one week after the season dropped?
Be better
5 años tarde
who even gonna watch this
Oh and look at that it’s split 2 out already
Apex you slow? 😂
Season has been out a week?
Little too late, don’t you think?
number 1 ❤
Pls stop this 60lvl battle pass and bring back og battle pass system
Lol. Thanks apex I guess
what in the deja vu is this, truly an Apex experience!
cosmetics of course
Primero ❤❤❤
Yall a little late but ok lol
Bro what 💀
Uhhhhhhh really bruh
بالله منجدكم
A week to late huh?
Little late. But okay
Took them long enough.
battle pass trailer a week after the season dropped is crazy work
Did anyone like the part?
Why are we just getting this now???
Ain’t no way bro
a bit late?
Bit late eh?