Apex Legends: From the Rift Gameplay Trailer
Go Original and experience the beginning of Apex Legends. Again. Relive the first drop in Launch Royale with original Legends, Weapons, and more. Charge your loadout with overcranked weapons and abilities from Rift Relics. Get active with Lifeline, revived with new abilities. Sharpen your arsenal with the Raptor’s Claw Universal Melee Cosmetic and conquer an all-new Battle Pass!
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App, Epic Games Store and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
Follow us on X: https://twitter.com/playapex.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 23,apex legends trailer,apex legends From the Rift trailer,apex legends from the rift,new season,new LTM,apex legends Lifeline,Wattson,Horizon,Doc,Prestige Skin,update,collection event,apex legends skins,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (1403)
I heard you took away duos…..again. Apex just got deleted.
There will be no Newbies unless the ridiculous inertia-ignoring tapstrafe goes away
Of course, we need to lower the AA by 0.1 more
This is the first time since the game launched that I am taking a break from the playing the game.
Titanfall 3
They mustve realized they are losing players
i stop playing this season. now give me reason to back. im just gonna peek in this Map revival later
Pls tell me you can do movement with that new gun
Just use a controller so you can win.
Lifeline looks unbeatable now!
Im super hyped i cant wait to see season 0 kings canyon again!!
Apex Legends players are cry babies just like fortnite kids
lol og season
Hmmmm, news for season 24? 😂
We need apex legends mobile
Old animation studio was PEAK!!!
That isn’t the original King’s Canyon, as real ogs know.
Break the game? It’s bin broke
No let the game die
Titanfall 3 when
This game really has fallen off the cliff jesus. How anyone plays this daily is beyond me.
Are we using the same Seer from season launch? To all that know what I’m talking about, you would question this too
Ded game😺😺😺
no one is talking about the karambit or did i miss something?
Okay respawn, you got me. I have returned home.❤ rng blessed 😂
No way the copied a gun from titanfalk
Now you just need to fix the cheating and people might start playing again!
OH NAH THEY COPYING FORTNITE. It’s been 6 years since I’ve played this game (I played the first week of the release and then never again) and it still looks terrible.
Worst trailer ever ❤
Dude i have not played apex this whole season and i didnt knew theres a new season coming along that fast
Seriously, a day 1 milestone event… What a cash grab joke
Just fix lifeline and wraith, and make both revenant versions playable
This is pretty LACKLUSTER
U know the game is in a emergency situation when it has to use nostalgia
I’m so excited
What is the song in the trailer?
Please make back in mobile
Here is a crazy idea: Let Apex Die and create a new battle royale called, get this, Titanfall.
I miss titanfall
We copying fortnite agian huh?
That was pretty disappointing to watch ngl.
Really felt that theme of “Go Together” with all of them high-fiving at the end
That is great. The original game was much better and simpler than the one we have today.
There were good changes, but the simplicity of the original was better.
The community tells the developers that there is little content in the game, the developers hmmmm and let’s remove all the content, personally my opinion is the most miserable season
Stop bringing back Lockdown and BigTDM. You’re welcome.
nothing like more tone deaf devs
APEX Legends is Die ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Playing with bots is the only deal here
Life line is now broken
Wingman getting 12 bullets again. Let’s see how that goes
I called it Respawn had no idea what to do for this season so here we are going back to the beginning.
Just like what fortnite did
Remember just have fun vote with you’re wallets
bring back arenas already
Well… They got me with the cutest Nessie ever seen at 1:41 *.*
I love the reference to the first one of those
Amazing content as always!
Im sorry…i can fly with the kraber now?Welp, be expecting 2016 BO2 trickshot videos on apex for the whole season
Recycled trailer
Lifeline Buff (as if auto res wasn’t annoying enough)
Another $300 cosmetic
My god the game is dead have some respect and let it rest.
2 steps forwards, and a whole gymnastics routine backwards. Failure at even the concept of releasing game modes.
I would be excited for this if you blocked Masters & Preds from queuing together in pubs. My friends & I finally stopped playing because you refuse to cater to the 99% of players who aren’t mega sweats.
Again? Same content recycled instead of bringing new stuff other than skins..
We don’t need new season or anything else. WE WANT ONLY COLLECTION EVENTS! Give us a new collection event!!!
This video was amazing, learned a lot.
This reminds me of one of those seasons that have been redacted. Can something be redacted right now? And redacted has returned?
feel like respawn literally reuploaded the same trailer they made 5 years ago
didn’t realize it was that bad.
So you’ve officially run out of ideas.
looks so.dope cant wait to play it
Can fix the game but can’t fix the toxic player base. At least Respawn listens to the community unlike most AAA studios these days.
So each 5 years a start regaming? nice
Launch royale is terrible been playing for 3 hours and the loot is so bad you couldnt have made it possible to find weapons or heals at all instead theres dozens of white helmets in every poi. Why do you always insist on just limiting the mode options at the start of the season
When ur backed into a corner.
You gotta go back to the beginning
Dropped the ball! 😂 these rewards are a joke, right?
Bring back apex mobile please 🙁
this game is so cooked lol
Also fortnites OG mode and season is way better then this trash😂😂
i love the part when they … ok, i don’t love nothing
Nah, leaving Pathfinder hanging.
No bloodhound heirloom 😫
A reminder that they removed Linux support from Easy Anti-Cheat in these updates; This means anyone who bought a Steam Deck to play Apex on the go can no longer open the game.
We jus guna ignore the karambit?
ok apex kinda cooked with this season
Nada nuevo, okey
They tried to mimic the OG start. What they got was half the comment section thinking “huh, this aint much” and 15k likes in 5 hrs. On official YouTube channel. Yikes
Please tell me seer gets his old buff
Very fitting that the last season of Apex I’ll play is where we go back to where it started. I started late season 0, so this is very nostalgic.
The best season lets gooo
They are nostalgia baiting for an ongoing game while Titanfall ip is left in the ditch. Man do i love gaming market
EA or respawn if you guys see this plz y’all gotta add the dummies to do whatever players can do movement grenade throwing different guns they can use and they can use attachments and there should be a button where you can press to have the storm so you can have a real fight and you should be able to have a button where some of the dummies can have legends abilities but you have to make all of this equal not broken but not bad either just add a lot to the firing range so it’s fun
Never thought I would live to see the day when Apex copies Fortnite
Why is lifeline getting a health drone shield isnt that like a defense characters kinda thing??
Devs be like: lets give them old school kings canyon again. Some will really like it and some will hate it. Thats the plan. We take them back to all the old bs controls and they become more appreciative to how far the game has came when we return the usual pubs back to them.
They cooked
As much as i love this game I no longer have any fun for the facts being its just too competetive to the point where skill is needed and there is a clear skill issue also i lost over $500 and my account has not been recovered
Og apex🤯🔥
I always try 1 ltm game and after i never play it bur now there isn’t even mixtape 🤬🤬🤬
1:30 If you get the pause correctly there might be a new gun
I hope there will be Like update from old seasons, i mean now is the original, start season 0 i hope there will be next season 3, 4,5 =best seasons
Wow just played the new season. RIP APEX 😱
600 euro for the new heirloom 😱
R-99 still in care package and they realeased 5 or something since it is in the care package but can’t never play with it 😱
If they haven’t removed gun run or at least let us choose whice gamemode we want to play, I’m deleting Apex 😱
So we can play as the OG Lifeline and Rework Lifeline for this season?
It’s great that with the return in time we also return to the artistic style of the old trailers. They had so much more personality than those of the current seasons. 😢
I simply forgot how lame OG Apex was and how good it became. By making og the only pub gamemode I don’t have anything to do in Apex
They know they ruined the game so they roll it back 😭
This trailer doesn’t do anything to get me hyped. Redo the trailer with a metal track, it would fit a lot better. The current track just adds to an overall meh feel.
Изи анти чит Kall Sobaki
Aw man… Apex is officially dead… Cant begin to explain my disappointment. They’re putting all of their eggs into a new titanfall universe game. This is a pathetic excuse for a “new season” uninstalling and moving to the new cod i guess
old map? yessss
The game is already broken, there is no need to break it.
Well cool to see Launch Royale LTM though. Wish some things were how they were then, some from later on. Basically improve core game, not add extra random and bloat.
no more 950coin battlepass?
We got Apex Classic before GTA 6.
starting to look like they might actually care just took ya’ll forever and two years of losing money.
I love you apex
lol BRAND NEW SEASON (well old cuz non binaries cant think of new stuff) and still cannot get over 100k player count LOL… 12 year old game like rust and pubg outdoing it
I haven’t played this game as long as most but this is def the most disappointing season I’ve seen.
Worst season ever, I won’t buy season pass this time even.
thats sad to see what happened to this game as og that didnt play the game for 3 years
Going back to the old ish and pretend its the new ish cause everybody that was passionate about the game starting hating it increasingly since season 7 and you don’t improve your servers it’s 20 ping, and the engine is outdated too
So it’s Apex Legends OG, got it
Woooooooooooo. OG Apex with OG Lifeline wish some tweaks.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
well you guys ‘had’ chance to make things right but…. 60/100 i guess. it’s a game. a normal game for us now.
Old map and 8 legends this is whole new season ? Where is the new content
Top 3 better seasons, they cooked hard here
Holy mid…
I had to ask for a bathroom break as well to watch this.
Anyone else?
Mid tbh
Did yall think yall could copy Fortnite with a og season 😂😂😂 embarrassing
Time to go back to bangalore
I played a bit it’s not worth it
Actual Respawn W
RJN’s new favorite weapon is here, it’s Quake time.
Once again instead of having a new character with ALL those NEW skills. They chose to delete one and replace it.
About time you do something logical
They made lifeline too over powered again…and will nerf her soon lol
Literally just play Titanfall 2 at this point
No Orginal Worlds Edge? 🥺
finally a season worth coming back for
The Rise And Fall of Apex Legends
Now Streaming on Netflix
Can’t wait to see it
Please we mobile gamers love Apex Legends Mobile bring it back to us please 🙏🏻😭😭😭😭
So yall skipped making a Maggie heirloom again?
I would trade Apex for Concord.
I like the actual new stuff it looks great but tf were they thinking pulling a fortnite like you don’t need to Bring back old stuff for a game that’s on its death bed. Actually listen to the players and instead of adding stuff nobody asked for
Sooo bad Respawn, im disappointed
The original map is the only good thing about this season, but resetting the game and the legends is the worst, I mean instead of bringing something new and fresh it is better to do nothing and give the most basic, it shows that they really ran out of ideas
How’s the story looking?
мой коментарий забанили сразу (типичный респаун контора ……..)
инновационный сезон без режимов “вдвоем”, “втроем” а только “слезы олдов” БРАВО!
лично я надеялся на режим “соло” ну кто уж геймера мнение спрашивал
и как же вы притяните онлайн если у вас в одном режиме ищейка на переключателе режимов и 2-4х прицеле, а в рейтинге вообще такого нету?
сомнительный сезон пока что
Ok my hopes have been mildly restored
That’s it….ngl that was weak asl
“Let’s keep going together” sounds desperate. If Respawn really cared they would remove the Battle Pass split.
I would be excited but you dropped linux support. Big L respawn
And yet the sound from footsteps got even worse and don’t forget about the cheaters. How can we stay toghter like this?
Apex be copying fortnite with their own og season
I think they fired marketing and went back to basics
back when lifeline was even more op, the game mode? wow great job guys
Bring back apex mobile
Lol you think this garbage will get me to play again nope 😂
This season is fire 🔥🔥
So glad you’re going down.
So, Apex is doing a fortnite thing by going back to OG seasons?
They really tried to copy fortnite.
Good job EA🎉
Even the rift 😭😭
POV me forgot to take meds:
– TITANFALL 4 IS REAL!! *jumping from window at mental hospital*
– WAIT!! *orderlies are trying to stop*
Just like the 2019 launch. Out of nowhere and now in sight for a good experience.
The game is dead and broken and it’s not getting any better. They stopped releasing new characters and did lazy “reworks” hacker run wild and the game is buggy. It’s sad to see.
I suppose this is a gamemode?
This is awesome!!!
it beautiful
Bring back arenas
Bro they in competition to beat Fortnite remix, this isn’t going to end well
a heranças vão sumir???
Entonces revivió apex ?
For those of you talking about how the trailer is released. THATS HOW IT HAPPENED. No warning no nothing
Wow. Respawn us really out of ideas
That trailer was so mid… but the lifeline rework seems intriguing, and the new weapon.
can y’all add a real heirloom not recolors
I’ve played this game for thousands of hours, but all I have left now is this feeling of betrayal. Please don’t say “we.” Don’t say “together.” All I’m left with is “you guys.” All I want is for as many people as possible to know that this game is just causing so many people pain. I want you to realize that as many people as possible are suffering, playing on the palm of the developers of this game who are not doing this justice, and not doing the least to be fair. I want you to sink deeper with the weirdos who want arena mode. Apex Legends. 😆
aww good old times! x3 and select fire on prowler…moz throw animation…shield rez…Mirage is useless…
Add arenas back already
no hi fives for you get the cheaters out of the game including all the pros that cheat then you might get a fist bump
Everyone here talking about the trailer, and here I am, asking what’s the song name??
Wow that was garbage. Such a sad fall from grace. Played for 5 years straight and spent thousands in-game. Played once last week and it was the worst experience. This trailer just proved it
How can we break what is already broken?…
Update time? Why’s it late today? I played a match in Shockwave today! 🤣
without surprises…old farts never get better …
read the patch notes and honestly my only issue is moving E-District out of map rotation when it’s only been here for one season, really don’t get why Storm Point has been in rotation for nearly every season the past few years but as soon as we get a golden map, it’s gone after just one
Lets goooooooo!!!!
W apex
Your bunny wrote 🎉🎉🎉
Rework life LINE? Kings cânion? New gun.Its new Seasons???? Poorrr
This reminds me of Fortnite remix/Fortnite OG…
Except horrible execution from a very shady/unethical company.
Let’s keep going together down the drain…..
i havent played Apex in over a year … im just here to say this wont change my mind neither , FIX THE GAME …
Are we cooked
I Love it
Time to Reinstall the game!! lets go!
You know a game It’s dying when the devs decides to bring back the og version of that game…
Hooray, another weapon from Titanfall 2
No enough to save it imo
When they said “we’re in this together” they meant them and our wallets
lifeline main here, looking forward to the new rework…although i will always miss the res shield from the earlier seasons T_T
bruh tf is this??? 🤦🏽♂ litteraly no one ask for this shiii
bro tryna compete with fortnite og 💀
nice show of aimbot…. this game is dead just pull the plug already Ea; we know you wont invest to make it cheater proof and untill it is im not playing it
Ok, so can I please play the game then? I’m on Linux, and you locked us out because you can’t engineer server-side anti-cheats, apparently.
“go play the original” and Im like, It never should go in the first place 💀💀
together, except for those who don’t connect
Only way to lure players back to your game is by using the original devs work…again. Nice Work Guys👍
Make unique heirlooms for legends and fix the matchmaking. would help the game a lot.😁
W season
bro some fortnite og ahh season
Juego de mierda en xbox no sale la actu
Bro i havint hyped for apex in a couple years, but this is bringing back memories, imma play tf out of this
go back i want to be monkey
Sooooo, lifeline res shield is back.. as an upgrade maybe ?
This season reminds me of the “Definition of insanity”
might be the best and worst season.
They used the music from launch trailer
Now we’re doing something!!!!!
– How scares are EA and RE?
-YES! 😂😂😂
What gun is that ?
Quake 3 OGs: rocket jumping is back, time to fulfill your calling! 😅
If the game would look like in the cinematics, that would be great. Also does this mean the old shield system is back? Okay, not playing this season I guess, its trash. And, also also does any of these cRazY modes contribute to the Battle Pass or still nah? It was awful playing for hours and then noticing it didnt level up the Pass at all
Apex feels nothing like the trailers butcher trailers feel so much like apex ❤️
Reject future return to the past
Y’all have to remember when Apex launched, there was no marketing prerelease. The release Apex the same day they marketed it, and since we’re getting and OG season, they’re releasing the promotional content with the new season
I would love to play this season, if that is I could.
Oh man the first trailer 😅
Ban zen players
I did not play Apex two years ago but seeing this trailer I can see whether the game was unplayable now it will be more, I am not a fan of this game and I don’t play a lot of hours, if you want to be a good player in this game, at least you must play more 7 hours every day, I never played that time but seeing the pro-players that they played at least more 10 hours, I only say this may be the final of the game.
That looks sick either way gonna play and grind it
What is going on with Apex⁉️ Now I see why they didn’t release this earlier🤔 it was the most low effort trailer I have ever seen from Apex and I’m scared the game maybe dying behind the scenes….
Yeah when Fortnite goes OG they put down the effort this ain’t the same level it may be good but not the same level!
They really gave lifeline a fortnite glider. 💀
Pls rerelease to mobile
literally last week I was saying to me if there was a way to bring back OG Kings Canyon I´d return.. well
IDK if I wanted to go play back Apex exactly as it was way back then! Some changes were for the better! and it will mess with your head if the normal mode is next to this as LTM!
I just have one request? Can we NOT have every engagement in these trailers be one-shot kills?! That’s not how this game works!
I don’t get a update
As much as this has me intrigued I don’t really think it’s enough
Is it really killing yall to not make a terrible ranked rotation? Why are broken moon and storm point even maps.
Apex is literally dying rn
that Kings Canyon is not the day one map, that part with the gas towers didn’t exist
Wait, so is this Lifeline’s new default design or is this just a Battle Pass skin?
apex season og is INSANE
How to copy Fortnite:
Why is no one talking about the new universal
I just want Arenas back
Where’s the update for Xbox??????????
bring back wraith’s running style from the first seasons 🥺
so old kings canyon, new annoying lifeline meta, people are just gonna jump and shoot the ground with the new gun and nothing else? classic apex
Xbox not getting the update yet whyyyy
Did I just see Wraith naruto run?! Is that back
They literally reuse their first cinematic lol
Cinematic budget went to $0 for this season
Wasn’t the starting the trailer for apex mobile?
Why is there a trailer but no update
yayyyy… a new season another collection event
The heck this is the first season trailer???
I don’t want any collection events this season. None give us post Malone give us events like the good old days. Have this be a new chapter in apex’s history? Do better
With a community like this do you really need haters? 😂
Is it just me or is the game not even updating? It’s almost 2 and it’s not updating
no arena return yet? might as well just declare bankruptcy now apex
The original lifeline is back🥹
Ban cronux xim Matrix and strike pack player on console please we need help
devs so lazy that they just reverted back the gameplay and no effort on the trailer too lol
Ban those who use cronux xim matrix or strike pack people whit not talent on console please please
You being a lazy person to not add season 23 in my xbox
Okay so this is basically a restart. Perhaps instead of restarting like fortnite maybe we can return to what made the early seasons of apex great.
they definitely show that they are inept. the most hated maps and they bring them back…
The new weapon reminds me of the rocket launcher from Quake
I don’t want to GO back. I wanted to go forward smh
I didnt have a update on console
Because there needs to be ANOTHER character to get high ground. As a Lifeline main this disappoints me a little
I swear every trailer they make looks exactly the same hits all the same beats and everything all the way up to then”funny one liner” at the end
1:38 go play the better game – The Finals
I love the part where they said break the game but it’s already broken. Truly an Apex Moment.
The execution of this season was just awful
Lifelines Shield is back 😱😱
Ok so when it is live because I don’t see nothing
The end of apex?
Respawn entertainment got lazy 😭
Im Xbox player, dont got update
All that talk, then you bring out a milestone event.What a load of …..money grabbing hoes,I hope no-one spends on it,pure greed.
the biggest nothing burger of seasons just dropped guys
That health drone turn into a whole Pokémon😂
So this is to combat fortnite remix right
I’m confused, what’s new?
This trailer gives off “Please stay with us” vibes.
Add better ranked rewards
Где обнова, мазафаки?
Ngl i forgot apex even exsisted still. Removed it like a year ago from my playstation library. And honestly after seeing this trailer, im starting to realize that i made a great choice xD
INB4 there’s 50 lifelines flying around the map
Where is the grenade launcher in the firing range
have they fixed audio finally?
When Mirage was actually handsome.. not like now in the other new trailers hahaha.
It still hasnt dropped on Xbox in The UK.
Grenade launcher? Lol
Want to be Fortnite so bad
AAAAAAND all the content’s gone
When is the new season
What the song plz ?
I cant play apex season 23 in my Xbox pls
Hey….so how long do we have to play literally one game mode that removes half the roster??? Like when do I get my mains back?
Where is mobile game?
Why are you giving her a ring shield? It’s going to be in every early/late game with her and Gibralter. This game is becoming way too tedious.
I don’t think they understand fortnite og worked because the massive changes and removing the og map years prior what respawn did is revert some minor map changes and add in some new stuff im not going to play apex anymore because they seem deaf to the fact that apex is on life support and its about time for them to get working on a tf3
sooo… no arenas?
Absolutely nothing new in this season one overdue character change and the same standard dog sh** BP items that’s it. But also of course EA thought it would be completely fine including an RNG event for the new knife to gamble your money on absolutely disgusting. game will die off and the pensioners running it won’t even know why
One of the many reasons after 5 years stopped playing this
game so bad they had to go back to the start😂
man this trailer got me feeling Eeepy G
Now, after 2 years of seasons disappointment, I am going back!
Go together 😂
A new weapon after nearly 5 seasons yet you guys still think that a hero rework will suffice it all. Get real dude
Welcome home, here we go again!
The game is so NOT like that….
🌹THIS WAS A HAWT MESS😂, just let the flame go out🌹
Y does it take yall 15 seasons just to make a single gun was the titan luncher not leak doing season 5
so the game is dying, and the solution is to recycle? thats really sad respawn….. i quit apex 2 months ago, i tought i was going back again, guess im not 🙁
We love you Apex!!! 💞💞💞
So can we call it the og season of apex like fortnite?
Upgrade your engines and servers.
So they take away the best part of life line N then bring it back…..why didn’t u jus leave it and her care package was perfect and all the work that went into that jus to go back to og lifeline remixed with gibby, brush stop being lazy and start putting in work like we do to pay the game, u want players then listen to em
I don’t know but if this is like a transition period internally I hold sympathy ❤
I played this game day 1…and played like a psychopath for 2 years until i realized everything in my life got ruined…and barely played after that…i might play this season just to get the nostalgia
So what do I need Gibby for now?…
what the song mans?
Can’t wait to pay 200£ for the new Heirloom and than play ranked against all the cheaters Truly an Apex Experience
oh yea i like this one W Lifeline
как всегда насрали
EPG Jumpscare, got me quivering in my titan
Just hoping they’re taking this as a new beginning and make things the right way now, I still love this game, too many hours spent on it just to watch it die..
Whoooo more dog shi from respawn and ea
So Apex Legends and Fornite both went to past this season 😂😂😂
Feels bad for Titanfall fans. Poor grave constantly disrespected.
Can we have fair matchmaking this season or I’m just gonna be placed with top 200 tryhard every game
okay lifeline daddy
so just using clips over and over again thats pathetic
Ok ya I’m intrigued 😂
im so happy this looks so good
First they remove support for linux users, and now they add the epg from titanfall, sure wish my friend who plays on linux could enjoy this…
Respawn really need a “Respawn”
Aint no way they pulled an OG fortnite
Seen it first on Facebook 🔥
timing for this season is impeccable, I sure hope no other battle royale game drops their nostalgia season too
Oh look! A Fortnite idea.
Its now..or never. I’m going back to COD…unless.. something calls for me again
Lifeline, gibby and Newcastle squad Meta incoming!!!
Caustic once again getting beat up by wraith. Yep this is og apex😂
They saw fortnite og and said “oh yeah thats an amazing idea, lets do that too”. But the question is, do I have to pay 100 bucks to play? 🤔🤔
No money to make a trailer?
But WHAT IF?….Just hear me out…What if we make another titan fall???
Lets find out, how will the greedy devs try to take our money this time?
Well, time to jump back in i guess
Haters lol
This is so sick
It’s official, this trailer was not trying to emulate their release with hype. – They just couldn’t record voicelines, so had to go as barebones as possible. Better to release it last minute than earlier.
I’m coming back. Thank you for updating my baby Lifeline! 😭 Now I can play her like a true combat medic! So glad they dumb care package is gone
Now I get why this game is DEAD ….
ROCKET LAUNCHER !!! Yeah with Rocketjump 😀
If the developers do not fix numerous problems with bugs, servers, optimization and pumping out money, then people will continue to leave
I’m really just interested in the patch notes.
Fortnite copied apex, now apex copied Fortnite.
mid. nice try diddy . not going back
Please fix the cheating situation
So no new legend and lifeline gets an ultimate thats better then newcastles
please fix the server
Nah thank you you ruined the game even more now ill stay playing other games that deserve my time.
Took the idea off of Fortnite’s OG Season???😭
Rip Apex rip new legends
Well it’s been a good run everyone. ✌🏼
Lifeline is getting so much love what about the others and that karambit is too small 😂
Até que enfim, algo bom nesse jogo, deixaram ele quase morrer para agir.
Hail life line!!
But can we revert the Rev rework
THIS BETTER BE GOOD 😉 im live rn lets grind to masters ALTER MAIN
This map is still my favorite by a long shot and I’m so sad it’s not around anymore. I’m hyped to go back to it!
So no game lore and stuff?
Looks mid ash
If we are able to experience the beginning again does that mean you took out all the movement tech because I know for a fact none of that was at the beginning
This is what I’m talking about apex is back baby
What’s the point of watching the trailer the day it releases? Isn’t the point of a trailer to be released before the game actually drops?
เกมเริ่มตาย ขุดผีออกมากู้สถานะการ
Should I redownload
Respawn and EA are literally breaking my heart 😭😭 I’m not hyped to play at all… this is so sad
They should just always have a retro map in rotation. Keep the modern QOL improvements.
Why do I feel like I just watched a introduction to season 1 of apex 🤣🤣🤣 wow talk about being lazy AF
Every like I get I’ll be forced to play another day of this atrocious game 😢
F lifeline carepackage AKA battery supplier and gold knockdown shield provider (mainly)
yea no
Yo guys try putting a 2x-4x on the alternator again
why is no one talking about the carambit xD
bruh😂 i thought they just released the old trailer
Bro why is every game and their mom hopping on the og trend
Why th lifeline is flying lol
Lifeline gonna be OP now 🥹🙌🏻
If we seee a lifeline we are cooked
This looks so mid
Just sell the game lil bro what is this
Low quality trailer but I’m suspiciously hopeful for the new season.
Put in titans and you’ll have the number one BR
30mins till Update! Idk if its for everyone on Xbox. But it certainly is for me.
That gave me chills.
We didnt plan anything what should we do? Just copy Fortnite and go back to square one 👍
Actual goose bumps re seeing that intro
Its about time you bring back the original goat map. I have been waiting for this forever now.
lol ok i guess
Just fix the audio and we good respawn PLZ😭😭
Let’s goooooo 🎉
This game is gone
OG doesn’t will works in Apex, literally the game always gets better than the past
tf no1 want to play original dummys 💀😹😹
Genuinely excited
Other than all the bad negative things that’s constant to apex, they used the old music from each trailer to remake this trailer.
Yeah except the only thing going with the game now are cheaters and unfun players
Ngl the only thing I would actually play this game for……. Is the havoc select fire
And the battle pass? Is it still so bad?
FINALY!So much excitement!!!!
1:41 aw😅
They basically pulled off a OG season just like Fortnite 💀💀💀
RIP Apex Legends 2019-2026
Every single enemy I play against with controllers. On PC!
This was so low effort and lazy.
A recolor but for the trialers 😂
I don’t care what y’all gotta say but I’m with respawn… Wever come a long way, we keep going together n that’s it for me…
Ain’t this kinda copying Fortnite’s og thing?
متى يكون إصدار عالمي
Okay thats sick
This is a horrible trailer
love how at the end you plead us to keep playing this. shouldve just made titanfall 3
We need keyboard and mouse support
Well, at least they remember the EPG! The rest feel like i’m having dementia.
Apex legends OG
So lifeline broken?
probably going to be a few months before I see something interesting with this game like the Christmas train or some lore
We need keyboard and mouse support 😊
I didn’t really like this trailer. But i didn’t hate it either. It’s kinda like having plain salt chips, they don’t really make you feel anything y’know?
Just go make titanfall 3
Mirage will travel back in time to Season 0!? Sweet!
season 0 back? these new gens aint ready 😈
hey shall we bo6
It’s over
Fortnite Chapter OG / Remix ahh trailer
lol what”s going on
Good news,We came a long way, bad news, we went the wrong way
sigma tate give me karambit free sir cash or card
Your game is dead!
apex finally making a good update
Not going to lie I miss the og apex can’t wait to play this
creaming so much we might be back in peak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If they want people’s attention again they need to do more tie-ins from the Titanfall universe. Bring me Kuben Blisk as a playable character!
So much hype not
Farawell guys 💀
Trash game only knows how to ban accounts 😂
Why did mirage have to sound like jack cooper in the first few secs? Yall catfishing now?? Literally the only reason I clicked
Okay, I like LL new upgrades. That is all. I didn’t see anything else interesting or good…
Saying that knowing the player count went down and knowing B06 just came out shows ur all about money. Scared and begging players to stay now that you guys see an actual treat.
The END has come. This is the last season for sure. Huge thanks for Respawn originals developers for giving us the best game at that time
After YEARS, the cold war finally made it.
Bro this is not Fortnite
Time to play a bit and quit because of the cheaters and useless matchmaking algorithm again
Again, The Music, it’s so awesome. Who’s picking the music? Just give them a raise already.
Anyone else think that pubs, ranked, and the ALGS should be balanced differently from one another? I feel like that would have saved a lot of headache
Cañon de Reyes vuelve. Dios tengo es hipe en las nubes.
First time in history a multiplayer game was beaten somehow. RIP?
So the new lifeline ult is basically gibi shield without the top?
High Five Friends
Umm the only new thing I saw was lifeline and a new gun. That’s it ?
We’ve beaten the game, you guys. We starting over!
Well… it was fun…
This game is still alive? Dang
who else is going back to main lifeline?
Go together? huh? Something doesn’t add up when you lock out a whole community lol
“lets keep going together.”
*proceeds to ban linux
Woow finally the gameplay trailer!! Thanks!! Before the trailer my hype was on 0 …now is -10!! Let the game die with some dignity and make thia one the last season
worst servers 150 ping with packet loss every game
Lifeline’s are going to be annoying this season
Apex always made very cool trailers
Play this game since day one
Big fan of this game 🎮.
Yea we on Fortnite OG
Dead ahh game
seria genial que volviesen al apsado y siguiesen la historia desde la season 2…con los bichos y todo eso…cuando metieorn cosas de que si planetas y politia se fue ramificando en algo aburrido que si que esta guay pero…LOS DINOS ESPACIALES ERAN LA ESENCIA DEL JUEGO
Who else is watching this while pooping, at work?
This is the most crying I’ve seen in a gameplay trailer comment section, during this entire game lol This actually looks good, and they finally buffed Lifeline. Looks good for someone who doesn’t live, sweat, and die apex.
Yall hate too much im actually so excited to play this season
they fr pulling Apex OG to get ppl play again
Isn’t there supposed to be a new legend not just a rework
EA: “We’ve come a long way, let’s keep going together”
Ash: “This is the best the syndicate can do? How far they’ve fallen!”
Maggie: “Syndicate dooooogs!”
How can we go original? There is no together after you…
1) fire your OG devs
2) outcast your voice actors
3) turn a blind eye to the hackers
4) obsess yourselves with greed and profit
That lifeline rework is soft af
Nothing about quality of life, this needs to be an update for the community not your pros and streamers
Lifeline revive!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is back!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
so… titanfall 3 when?
what about addressing the CHEATER issue that has been plaguing the game for seasons now??? no? yes?? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT ALREADY.
Respawn saving the environment with the amount of skins and content theyre recycling.
anybody calling that “boost jumping” is a filthy liar. I know a rocket jump when I see one.
🗑️ yeah the game is over and done with
Been a fan of every trailer of this game no matter wat happens.. will support for lifetime.
OG kings canyon should have been an event, not a whole season 💀
I’m so weak at how bad we have things as Apex players man 💀
Horrible.. yet again i wont be playing another season, good job 👏 yall should just close this game its just gunna keep losing money with u losers running it scumbags..
That was probably the worst trailer to date.
Lowest tick rating out of any game servers online…
New servers?
IMC ? thats… a weird way to say EA
We went from 3 trailers & hype to this 1 beyond lack luster trailer only 2 hours before launch…. Are you kidding me. I’m so happy I bought Black Ops 6
Looking forward to this since i’m a day 1 player, playing the og map with all the og abilities and weapons is gonna be awesome
This is so sad a new shockwave launcher and bringing back the “OG map” hmmmmm i wonder who that sounds like.
When wallrun??
i love this trailer but please do stories from the outlands in the future!! we are waiting❤
O sea que tendremos Havoc con single shot!? Porque si no, entonces no regresamos a dónde empezamos 😢
APEX IS SO BACK!! it’s been a LONG time since i got the shivers & can’t stop grinning after watching an Apex Trailer.
it includes the game crashes and actually 0 sound of the 1st season?
can’t wait for the new season thank you Apex
bro trying to come up with ideas for content since they cant use the voice actors “uhhh idk lets just use old stuff again??” like nah ea JUST SIGN THE INTERIM CONTRACT LIKE SEGA DID!!!! SUPPORT UR TALENT!!!!!!!!!!!
Nobody asked for a Lifeline rework
Nostalgia can only take you so far…pls fix monetization and cheater problems, the game is already fairly balanced in some aspects and there’s already alot to like.
Ranked arenas?
This is sad. They are pulling a fortnite because the game is dying amd they know it
Holyyyyy so many keep complaining. I am not even that active of a player anymore but we got a new pretty cool game mode, lifeline has new abilities, new weapon I mean come on guys, what more do yall want. Not even Fortnite and Valorant get this much
Can we get Titanfall 3 please?
Seeing that intro after all these years TRULY was an Apex Legends experience. The nostalgia hit hard.
Looks great! As long as they do away with the upgrade system, I’m happy!
wow they didnt even make a cinematic
1:51 maggie heirloom?
Still time to bring arenas back!
From the rift
to the store
to the bots
to the lag
wheres my heirloom
always cheaters when I play.
shouldve gave us free heirloom shards ngl
New gun?
It’s… all ?
Funny how majority of the legends in the trailers are default skins, just like how the game is infested with default skin hackers.
It is a good day for us Lifeline mains.
They has to sell their game by reminding us of day 1 apex
They released it so soon because the trailer was already leaked… Sad
My favorite part was when they said go break the game even though they’ve already been broke it for us🔥
they cooked ngl
I really wish people boycotted ea because they get away with daylight robbery but because we normalized it nobody cares.
RIP Lifeline 👏👏👏
Song and artist???
Let’s dig some old files and call it content!!!!!!
bro they copied fortnite. Since Apex fell off so hard
The ending it’s literally the apex player base😂
And the game is done gents. I played from season 2 til about 2 months ago. Won’t be coming back. Sad. Good luck Apex, you need it.
Even if I wanted to come back, you had just banned steam decks from playing apex. For a lot of people that’s their very first Linux or prebuilt pc. And to think I dropped money on that nutcracker Mirage skin…😭
Add back arenas then maybe
Yeah, they’re desperate alright.
Yeah, we didn’t need that trailer they already leaked it 💀🙏
Literally THE most underwhelming trailer ever, just rehashed an old one and a yawnfest song. Trailers are meant to get people excited for the upcoming… Yes Lifeline new bits look good but yet another season with no new character, really!?!?
WOW ça vallais la peine d’attendre 😂
OG Fortnite❌
OG Apex✅
This was fire🔥🔥I don’t get how so many people can hate something but continuously watch and play it lol there’s other games bruh😂
I think we know where this idea comes from…
Т.е. всё это время вы делали всего лишь новую пушку, реворкнули лайфу и саппов и пытались откопать конфиги “стартового” Ареха? Вообще мимо, ребята
I wish yall bring back the lore trailers…😢
Read the patch notes. The LTM is so OG that Legend abilities are back to square one with no upgrades, weapons are either OP or garbage, no Evo armor, and ofc, OG KC is back whether you like it or not.
Now we’re just missing the chill-adventurous-tactical-battle-royale Season Zero players… All the A̶p̶e̶x̶ L̶e̶g̶e̶n̶d̶s̶ Overwatch players are going to turn S0-KC into yet another TDM because everything has to be a TDM including ranked
Put 90 or 120 players in matches already
Bring back r99 please!!
What is the name of the music ?
Apex Games are dying so brutal than even they see their life pass before their eyes☠
NAH, not worthy to install again
I’m not in hype anymore, thanks EA for the server and game Forceclose when open the game
You know the developers just gave up and don’t care when they drop the trailer the same exact time the season drops 💀 what a joke
Titanfall 3 Pleaseeeee
Lifelines new ulty ???????
Just add arenas back
Apex legends mobile come back 😢
I never played Apex this early in its lifespan so I really have no affinity for this nostalgia bait.
They just pulled a Fortnite OG on us
Lol the trailer was out hours ago before the official one was released. I was hoping to see something new other than the leaks but meh.. it’s all the same.
Bring back and fix mobile 😭
Queen Lifeline is backkkk <3
Rocket jumps! How about that?
Not playing till the issues or matchmaking is fixed. Why TF am I out in lobbies with predators or people who have 50K+ kills when I have 3k kills
Yikes!!!Wat a dogshit trailer. Not going to reinstall this game again.
Ahora si dan ganas de volver!!
No Arene again!!! Cringe
We got Apex OG before GTA6?!
Lets keep going together lol sounds like a cry for help.
Half trailer is old trailer reused lol.
Shows how much u didnt put into this season.
Go broke
Oh yes. Just keep recycling stuff. That’ll make the game better…
Quite disappointing the whole trailer is just about taking it back from beginning and trying to fix what made the game so stale by ‘fixing their mistake’
Dope trailer❤
Honestly, I might just be old school, but I don’t understand why games have to have battle passes in season updates and all these different new things to come into a game. I’m really used to Counter-Strike and TF2 (If you don’t know what that is you’re too young) where the game was the game and you’d maybe get a new map in 2 years but that was it.
Bruh they didn’t even make a new trailer this is literally season zero trailer
Respawn was bbq with this one cant wait 2 get home & play lets gooooooo
Hmmm, the patch notes are interesting 🤔
Song name pls
OG Apex F yeah!
As the guy who stop see leakers, this got me excited, surely can’t wait to play OG mode!
A mi me encanta que los escudos corporales vuelvan al suelo, le devuelve su factor de aleatoreidad y recompensa típico de un verdadero battle royale
e isso poha……………………..carai to na mesma empolgacao da 2 temporada respaw sua linda mais seasons assim carai adrenalina pura
No one talking about the EPG?
Can yall stop crying, so many people wanted the changes reversed and the old map back but when we get them yall decide to cry like little babies😂
something i wondered for a long time is where is apex show yk? how LOL made a netflix series. i feel like a show would be so yk! @Apex Legends?
And for people that don’t know the beginning was from the first trailer ever for apex***
Did they really add the EPG from titanfall
I learned nothing from this trailer other than lifeline got reworked and OG Kings Canyon. And some OG/new guns? No wonder they waited till launch day. This could have been a midseason patch, not a new season… so disappointing
They really trying fast heals again 💀
wow.. if only i could play this on linux..
Still not coming back
they should have just done apex 2 at this point!
Thank you apex! I have been playing sense season 1 and lifeline has always been my main. I have always had faith y’all would bring her old ability back!! And it’s BETTER and there so much more thank you!!🙏
Bro I loved this trialer, I hope it’s the same in the game pls
Real ogs know thats not the original kings canyon
когда сезон новый то?
Probably be exciting for 1 week being OG after that mostly everybody will forget the new small changes
Does that mean the fav charge rifle goes to it’s og state?
but the question remains will we have to use real money to buy the premium battlepass for this season like the last season or did they change it back
Sad how one of the most interesting seasons only got 1 trailer before dropping
Finally dead
The game is dying day after day… but stays the best
Thank God we got COD so we don’t gotta deal with this worthless game ever again
just let it go bruh 😭
This is sad, EA ruined another game.
“Ok, we need players to stop leaving our game, but don’t make it too obvious”
(*me who can’t play the gam anymore, just forgot to unsubscribe…*)
OG apex is back🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Honestly alot of the people in the comments are very biased
Had to actually search for this trailer 😂
Im playong ither games now. Sick of the matchmaking.
You MUST dedicate one whole season on fixing the game (servers/ cheaters/ bugs) like operation health for R6 , otherwise its swansong for Apex
The worst part about this trailer is how close it feels to the state of the game: a solid foundation built on the merits of the game and how fun it is… that manages to feel cheap, lifeless, and recycled due to factors outside of the game itself. As much as I want to love it, it’s hard to give this trailer and by extension this game my all when it feels like it’s giving me the bare minimum.
big L
GO TOGETHER unless u play on linux tho lolz
Buff mirage please 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
This game looks so kiddie friendly and foolish. 😂
sorry but death is near
The number #2 top picked legend in the game gets a broken massive buff…the devs are idiots.
Hmm doesnt even look impresive whatsoever
I think respawn should close the game, it was fun but it reached the end of its life now
Did yall really try to do what fortnite has done twice now and bring back the og season? Do you lack creativity that bad?
Is that all?? No story-_-
This trailer was wack….
Do people still play this garbage? lol
I could swear, half of this trailer is already made cinematics from 5 years ago 💀💀💀
What a shame
Bro was that a dam karambit????
Analysis: apex og?, lifeline rework confirmed with expected abilities, new titanfall gun, karambit heirloom, some kind of new loot tick, wingman mag return. Lmk if I missed anything that is actually significant
Lifeline !!! BUT is it all true?? Oh my God
Finally, we get the epg-1
I forgive you apex 🫂
0:10 It’s been Generations since I seen you…
Welcome back, Apex Legends Launch Trailer narrated by Roger Craig Smith.
I have a toxic releationship with apex it hurts me but i still love her
Only us pilots will understand the mayhem the EPG will bring to this game. At least it wasn’t the sidewinder tho then the balancing would be real trouble
the digi is back?!!! woohoo!!
Why does Mirage sound like Kazuhira Miller :p
got baited thinking Wraith’s naruto running was getting a come back, but apparently not
Is this game free to play?
Wraith Back with Naruto Run?
Revenant original?
Alright fine I’ll admit so far yall saved this game going into the storage for now FOR NOW
yay apex og
Using a song with the word lazy seems pretty fitting….
Call me to optimistic or unrealistic but i hope this is the games revival and puts this game back on the spotlight. Hopeing to see the game back at a million players
this was the least hype Apex trailer ever had.
Too many people are complaining 😂😂😂just swith over to cod or any other game you’re not forced to play apex I hope y’all know that
Fix the servers and stop being all about microtransactions and maybe the game wont die as quickly
i honestly duncare much about changes but how bout the cheater issue? is singapore server still gonna be a nest for cheaters?
So what exactly is new this season.. that’s gonna make it actually more engaging… Like lifeline pick rate went up after she can self rez… So she getting picked isn’t gonna stop.. so basically nothing. No new map no new legends no update on anti cheat.. nothing on new engine..
A melhor Season desde a primeira 🤭😅🤣🤣🤣🤣❤
Is lifeline finally getting some attention? It only took 20seasons.
Lets appreciate FORTNITE for showing game companies that revisiting the roots is very much a profitable idea….
Do they really think releasing a universal karambit is going to save their financial downfall 😂
They canceled lifelines Amazon prime package subscription
Titanfall 3 dead for this really dude?
no hype
I wish we could go back in time with sweatiness of everyone so far to make it disappear
I love how br games have decided that when they’re dying, they just go back to when the game first launched and pray
Go go gadget OG season cus no money
I am excited about this 🔥🔥🔥
Que coisa doida 😮😮😮
Stail as ever since you can only do the same things so many times. Bleh.
I’m excited and scared this can be the greatest or the worst season I’ll least be optimistic
NOW you want to release the OG KC that ppl had been asking you to release again for 5 years. Before, it was a no because of map balancing. I guess balancing doesn’t matter when the player base drops off.
Oh boy, the TF2 goo launcher
So this new season is just a old map a character redesign and a new weapon and a heirloom that’s probably going to cost $500 and a new loot item 😑 really
Recycled trailer and double charge the battlepass is crazy . rip apex
Great thanks for banning my entire OS EA. Reeeeally looking forward to play.
Imagine if they bring back the OG World’s edgemen ☠️
Intro is pure nostalgia
Just getting lazy at this point
This has got be the laziest gameplay trailer ever, using clips from the OG season trailer?!? is this a joke!!??!
Her and wattson are gonna go crazy
Epic volver a jugar APEx entonces 🥹
Just like Thick of it, I think I changed my mind 😌
I’m confused lol
Now wey they reused the old triler
1:31 Didn’t read any comments on this, though I’m sure there must be some, but I’m curious about how the rocket launchers and rocket jumping will modify the gameplay. Like, it means more mobility, also more area damage (most probably). Interesting.
Please release mobile game 😢
I thought for sure we’d be getting a new legend
Trip back memory lane +shockwave kraber
So disappointing
Game is done for fr
EPG whohooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is wrong with wraith’s face
Let’s go mane
We got apex OG before gta 6
Man what happened to apex used to be fun but, now idk
That lifeline circled shielded insane!!
Deadlock better
I miss the old trailer style.😢
And I miss the feeling
Looks like lifeline is meta this new season and there is a new gun too? Or am I tripping
Wingman with digi-threat spotted
This might be one of the WORST trailers Respawn has ever released.
So does caustic buff return to how he was before season 12 nerf where his traps can be used as cover?
Lets gooo. OG kings is back
Buff Lifeline more
From Lifeline to AGENT LIFELINE. 🔥🚒🧯
L to cheaters, sweats, and DEI.
1:34 EPG
At least I can maybe play season 1 of apex for a couple weeks before I quit again
can we just get a new legend please
Lets Keep Going, Together🤍🩵
Oh my god!!! As a lifeline main I am so excited!!! Gonna be so different learning to play her again
Is this trailer dropped 2 hours before the season, a refence to when in 2019 the game was shadow launched with a trailer?
Revivió Apex señores🎉🎉
1:30 – 1:31 what do you mean? It’s already broken.
y el doble salto? 🙁
The emphasis on nostalgia is very nice
good time to reinstall Apex and play again like it’s 2019
from the rift to the ring to the pen to the king 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Them mfs forgot to make a trailer 😭
So I wasn’t the only one thinking it was weird they release a trailer the day of the season ?
Makes me glad i deleted apex ngl
That was kinda underwhelming lol
😂 All the Linux players self snitching cuz thy are crying over the ban 🤣
Bro where is the Wall running?, I’m leaving
You know they’ve run out of original ideas when they go back to the og map to win back old players.
Rocket jumping finaly
please use better anti cheat
Every trailer that dropped before new seasons had me dropping my jaws on the floor but now nah.
No OG World’s Edge with the train? 😢😢😢
The epg my sonnnnnnn
We going old school bby💯💯
“Go play the original!”
Shoulda shown Titanfall for that one
Thats gonna save the game for 2 or 3 weeks .
Last 2 seasons
Calling it now
Yeah! I love OG Kings Canyon…!❤🤟
Got so bad that they do be ripping off Fortnite.
The First Map is the Best Map ❤
I am a little bit disappointed. Wont be returning this season
so sad that Apex is dying
When is the update coming?
Not going to lie this was trash
You know – the reason this dropped today is reminiscent of how Apex originally launched – no warning, just a trailer and the game. I’m pretty sure they were trying to replicate that same moment, especially with the “launch” themed game mode
Try to spot players that just love to complain about the game but they’re going to be the ones updating and playing it first and they couldn’t wait to watch the trailer 😂😂
Bro lifeline used to be so OP 💔 BUT they changed her ult???? PLEASE
Nice trailer pv , when is the real trailer dropping? 💀
KC OG!!!!
2019 apex was peak tbf but this is just like fortnite og 😭
The desperate marketing of a dieing franchise.
You left out Linux players what an absolute disgrace.
I have never been so uninspired to update apex 😂 and I have the day off. Like it sounds like more of a chore.
They really trying to be like Fortnite og now huh
En mi opinión está temporada promete
yeahhhhhh ❤
I want to believe in the game, but with each season it gives less and less hope to everyone….
They had one of the greatest modern fps brs in their hands…..
Honestly no hype at all … Bro i’ve been here since day one,and apex to be honest is busted bro work on hackers,work on servers,work on optimizing the game,add new stuff like new legends,good new guns,add new ways to get heirloom shards,i dunno new ways to get apex packs,u are ruining the game 👏👏👏
Why no legend
Can’t wait to play the new season it looks fun
Okay fortnite og season 😍
Good job! I’m so excited for the new season.
ok now the only thing that will keep me optimistic the game quality and servers gets just little better im in yall
I played that trailer before season 1
What’s happening?
This is what happens when you hire DEI instead of competency: trash results
Please for the love of god give me OG world’s edge Please
I guessssssssssssssss
1:56 The digital threat optics are back!!!!!!!!!!
Bridges is back on KC!!! YES!!!!!!!!
трейлер давно уже слили
Just amazing ❤
Game is not saved
Titanfall 2: Has its 8th anniversary
Respawn: Idc
Was there something more, because from the trailer alone. That was disappointing. Their big answer to all of the changes and updates is basically, “go play Vanilla Apex”. Thats not a solution to any of the problems people have been wanting. OG Apex is going to look way different from the way we remember because of how people play the game now.
The Lifeline rework seems nice, but it doesnt fix any of the core balancing or primary issues in the game. And I dont understand the grenade or plasma launcher weapon. You can shoot people with it, but you can also shoot yourself with it to gain a jump boost?? Why was this added? Why not just improve or enhance movement in the game in general?
This entire trailer was a massive letdown and disappointment.
The only saving grace are the patch notes at this point.
Was that a suppressor on the alternator?😮
Chapter 2 season 1
-Do questionable updates
-Don’t do Marketing for the new season
-Expect profit
Please don’t buy the universal the heirloom. It is such a fried food version of what the game use to be
Apex confío en ti
Как же не хочется, чтобы эта игра умирала🥹реально, уникальная игра. Живи Apex мой любимый 🫶🫶🫶
I like the part where the Lifelines return the shields on the rebound from a knockdown. Just like the good old days, huh?
new lifeline looks amazing
canlanır gözümde hatıralar.
Glad I found your channel! You make really high quality and interesting content. Keep it up!🐷🐝💜
Gonna be lit!
Apex so desperate they are copying Fortnite word for word bar for bar
Respawn, пожалуйста больше рекламы этой замечательной игры. В медиа по миру мало рекламы apex legends. Это же уникальная игра. Ни на что не похожая.
Remember everyone they said lets go together, so don’t push Solo dummies 🙄🤣🤣
Seeing lifeline res shield makes me happy to see again
It looks like its gonna be lit this season
W video!
I buy the ps just 4 apex
Bro adding a grenade launcher makes soo much sense smh
literally no apex player would ask for a OG Season, the game got its player base because of the good changes, not because kings canyon s0 💀 guy thinks he’s epic games
Thank you Respawn, I finally can see the future for Titanfall…. It’s dim, but I can see it now
This is the end of apex..
Zero new content…
So disappointing…
Okay back to apex now
Поздравляю всех с новым сезоном 💥💥🕺💃
It looks like the devs finally understood they were moving in a wrong direction 😅. Let’s hope they actually have introduced skill based matchmaking and put an end to these 3 stack no lifes ruining every lobby 😅😅😅
The EPG sound gave my titanfall 2 nostalgia 🥲
I used to love this game, so sad to see how far you’ve fallen :/
This is just Fornite OG mode
finally apex has 1 healer. it was time
oh nah we getting filler filler seasons now 😂😂😂😂
Наконец-то 😍💥сегодня я не буду спать 🫶
thats a big “L”
Another season no new legend
My favorite part was when they posted this on Twitter 3 hours ago
Ok, the “Let’s keep going together” reached my heart. Even with all the problems, we love to play some Apex man.
So this whole season is just the first season….again….except with a new weapon that isn’t staying permanently, a lifeline rework and even more overpriced microtransactions? Okay…
Was watching season 1,2 and 3 trailer earlier today and comparing it with the latest ones this one seems a bit convincing hope apex make a comeback, let’s be together
love it looks good cant wait
Life line OP wow
So Lifeline rework and a new Weapon that’s it? 😂😂
bro wth karambit??
Very anticlimactic 👎
It’s very impressive to watch you grow and evolve as a content creator. Your videos are always beautiful!🥞🪷🐬
Get ready for a bunch of crashes and continuous loading
Wraith said “mirage quiet” and proceeded to anounce a new 360$ karambit
Oh so they genuinely have no content this season… 😐
Downfall of apex has to be studied
Terrible trailer compared to all the other seasons….
titanfall 3 when
Apex Legends cooking!
bruh they have a link to the patch notes but haven’t posted them yet
EA mess this up in our exception💀😭
thats all ???
Another big L season for Apex
idk if it s just me but i really couldnt feel the excitement in this…always felt excited for the previous trailers but this one….meh
Never seen an L so big , what did the marketing team has done during 3 month?
Cant wait for another 360$ heirloom!!!
can’t we just regress to season 0-12 and remake stuff from there
Is og wraith out too like her phase
Weakest start to season to date! Hype wise. Please just be a solid season.
They think they Fortnite or somethting
what did i just watch
This go on together is more toxic than your ex
just remember that the cheater is still playing
this was the trailer ? that was posted b4 on Twitter? ya’ll still lacking.
Like if this game is dead
Where is patch notes ?
This was you’re last chance apex. And you lose it
using old trailer animation? wow
This was on X two hours ago? Who’s running these socials?😂
Why premiere a video posted 3 hours earlier on twitter by your own social media?
I like the part where Respawn Entertainment say that Apex will not be available on Steam Desk and Linux. Truly an Apex experience.
Thats it?
cool, no anti cheat again 😀
Wow so unoriginal! I use to defend this game but the lack of content, and drama from the voice actors is going to ruin the game.
Yeaah, this is how yk apex is desperate for players 😭
It has been 6 month without new legend wow nice ea 👎🏼
“Go Hiding” xd
Digi is back
So when does the season actually drop? 🤔
Respawn: 2:16
The Community: 2:17
yeah Im not putting more money into that
Whoever thought to add an explosive weapon in this really needs to be fired.
Who else saw it early
That’s it?
Apero waoooooo 🎉
I’m sorry but this just isn’t it.
They are cooking!
They return to the first day .another trash season
Yeah let’s go it’s going to be the best apex season yet
A glorified toothpick for an heirloom… that’s crazy
Y la “sorpresa” jajajajaja
Imma still play
bro why did u post that 3h ago in X…….
Looks sick ngl
Apex is dead…
This was weak
Bruh you guys wanting this stop complaining
I excited to play og apex
As a lifeline main this is DEF a big W for me!!
Fire season ngl
😍goosebumps I love this game 😭😭😭
Time for the noobs to see where the OGs came from 😈
Nobody asked for OG stuff
EPGzus is here!!!!!
Let’s go bruh
Still need to fix the queuing system
did they get so lazy they have to reuse old trailers
Back to the basics? Like a rewind kind of thing.
Let’s go together 😂 I sense their fear
Keeps lagging
Ok the new gun seems kinda fun to play with
Wow this is amazing
so its just lifeline rework
thats it ????
My favorite part was Octane soloing a trio
Already released on Twitter….
Dude this was actually really awesome!!!
They’ve truly run out of ideas.
Yep Apex is dead
Adding the EPG is crazy
We broke the game so much we’re going back to the start…..so we can do it all over again
Bro wat 😅
😂😂😂 god awful
This felt pretty empty
ok ok I see you
Let’s goooooo lifeline buff
Bo6 still better lol
Barrel mod
Respawn is so disorganized. They
posted this same trailer two hours ago on Twitter. what is going on?
Any Apex OGs excited?
Already posted before
Add back Linux support, better servers, actual anti-cheat, etc. Stop being cheap in a game that brought >3.4billion in revenue.
Lets gooo select fireeee
Seen it
Wait, this was leaked already on X
Same trailer that was on twitter 😢
this the leaked one seen it already
This was already on Facebook and twitter
Oh trialer
This leaked hours ago
Bruhhh we watched 1 hour before
Yooo og trailerrrr
This was on X 2 hours ago
New legend would be great
This season better be good or else
Why is no one talking about the fact theyre releasing an launch trailer Thursday when the season starts today
Hey now
I hope thi season saves the game
I’m about to release
Мы дожили до того момента когда Овервочь обгоняет Арех по активным игрокам))) Лол
We herreeeeeee
Gooi die hype dan chattt
Les’t gooool
Go go
Who else already watched the trailer on twitter?
Not gonna lie the preview music is good
This better be firrrrre
Let’s gooooo
From the screen to the ring to the pen to the king…
Hawk tuah
Apex legends mobile😢
Another troll season
Go together, what a joke! 😀
Surely it’s not the same trailer I just saw on twitter. Surely
Nicaragua waiting here 🫡
blud thinks he is fortnite
a nother countodwn <3
Saludos desde Perú gaaaa
They need to bring back quads
Lesss get it
Some time travel shenanigans happening in game and thus the trailers coming later than usual?
Lets go
we reviving the game with this 1
i hope the game will stay forever, i still need to upgrade my pc ToT
“We’ve come a long way, let’s go on together”
Long way of what?
Terrible relationship with the community?
Long way of cheater issues and bad servers?
Bro at work had to hide in bathroom just to watch this
we want new map
I’m laughing; there’s almost nothing new. What a shame. They’ve become so lazy about creating something fresh and just brought back old tricks? Such a disgrace… They’re trying so hard to bring back old players, but Apex still somehow manages to hit rock bottom once again. They’re not even trying to address cheaters or fix issues in the game.
We saw the trailer, thanks for the leaks.😂
Get ready for Apex is dying soo we bring the OG map with OG abilities so you can revive the good old days before the game completely dies. 😴
Thanks for reminding me to unsubscribe! See ya later cheaters 🤏
We’ve come a long way. Yeah but completely let the game go
What is the release date of Apex legends mobile version
Didnt this go live at 8 i saw it on twitter
Sometimes these comments make me understand why the Apex community is the most toxic gaming community.
I just hope that the team have listened to the concerns over the last 5 years and are actively trying to make apex a playable game again like it was back in season 1 & 2
titanfall is better
another trailer?
vamos esperemos algo bueno viva apex es mi juego favorito pero ponerle voluntad por favor y arreglen el sonido
Bruh, the trailer is already out
I got the caustic physique
Welp I see why they didn’t release this trailer last week. There’s nothing to really look at honestly. You showed an old map and lifelines changes. That’s literally the trailer.
Death game
2024 Music
Gameplay trailer before SFTO and launch trailer? No SFTO at all? Sad times
They done cooked so hard the trailer got leaked💀
more wattson skins
How has apex underperformed ??? Likeee bro u guys are not even giving us multiple trailers before the season , just skins and heirlooms which are a gamble like come on
I needddd herillom for lob a😢😢😢😢
I come from the future, it’s disappointing
Trailer already dropped on Twitter
Its awful
I hope it’s not 🗑️ like this season
Bro they are starting to copy Fortnite
Trailer same day as season release?
Also to aggressive marketing
E-District is really bad map
No one cares
Wooo wingman season and OP life line finally the best season to play life line 😁, and the trailer is already out on X..😅
Guys tomorrow is my birthday 😊 I ve just want to share my happiness with you guys ❤ I was born in 06 November 1998 ❤
Rip Apex
Hopefully yall don’t sell bro I’ve been close to quitting this game and going to Fortnite an cod
I bet it will be an heirloom vid ❤
I’ve been playing since launch, following the game for 5 years, and it saddens me to see how far it has fallen. It was once at its peak, but now the quality has significantly declined.
Please dont let the game die 🙁 i love apex, and its my favorite game💙
Guys, let’s pretend we’re seeing the trailer for the first time?
P.s. It’s been a long time since a trailer gave me such goosebumps.
this is so sad 😔
I have high hopes dont let us down respawn,
You will lose so many players for real this time.
This is like the last time players wait for you..
trailer already leaked… it smells like nothing new, only lifeline rework > drone follow you, shield is the half of Gibraltar dome and she can fly 1.5 sec… waou…almost slept while watching it !
Don’t expect for something refreshing…
Epg is coming! Rejoice Pilots.
What time does the game start
Ja vi no twitter,na pagina do hypermist 😅
already watchted it bimtch !
Plus I think the game will gain the playerbase after this lil one they did.
man i love all those new voicelines
Honestly idrc what anybody says abt apex I think apex is such a good game and I’m really excited for this season cuz I’m a lifeline main!! Also if you’re just tryna spread negativity and don’t like how the game is going then don’t play it💀
The trailer is out I’ll go ahead and spoil it they just brought back og apex and lifeline reborn I’m not happy
Fix the game❌
Make a trailer in time❌
Listen to the players❌
Block people on Linux💀✅
Release an expensive collection event✅
The trailer it’s already leaked on youtube. I feel so bad for respawn company… 🙁
guys the video is posting on facebook apex legends official account
This trailer is already on X
Lifeline: got my HALO here, come healing the shield
Gibby: I’m opening the SKY
From the rift either revive the game or kills it for GOOD
People asking for various teasers and trailers. As it ever made a difference in recent seasons. EA said “large systemic change is coming” and I think that matters the most.
Trailer already released on Facebook, why isn’t it up here?
Whats the point of showing me gameplay when I’m going to play it 2 hours later?? 😑🤦🏾
“I welcome the death of apex with open arms” – sincerely the entire titanfall community.
Pls trump legend reveal
I loved the trailer , thanks for bring the OG apex guys we need this refresh 🙏 thanks , i love this game but lately i didn’t enjoyed
Arenas pls?
Somebody remember halo matchmaking in the past?
Like you could chose your game mode from a list of several options they had.
We should have a similar list with all game modes that had ever existed in apex available to us.
I’d play the f out of that 🙂
I love that there were not many leaks for this season. And trailer 2 hrs before actual season frop is good too
what was the trailer that just dropped on Twitter then?
The trailer is already out on Twitter and Facebook what’s going on apex
we got no apex content only lame overpriced skins before we got gta 6
Just give us arenas back…. I’d even buy it in a DLC.
please please save apex 🫶🏾🙏🏿🙇🏾♂️
Such an immersive Season, even the player count is the same as OG game launch (it is very low).
I farted
Bro se filtro 🐧
Wow, they did a Fortnite, they’re desparate.
Hypermyst just dropped the trailer, looks awesome
POV you’ve already seen the gameplay trailer on their discord
We’re so BACK
Already saw it in X
Not the trailer dropping 2 hours earlier on Twitter. GG SoMe intern.
the trailer is already out on the apex twitter
It’s live on FB but not here 🤔
X got trailer early
wann wird der Trailer abgespielt?
We really got Apex OG before GTA 6 😂
You’re not Fortnite OG little bro
One of my favourite FPP game so far, don’t die please 😢
Soy el top 1 de Torreon Coahuila en Apex legend
Bro just trust the process, it’s gonna be good
I swear if the life line rework is true i might quit or become a lifeline main like tf you mean she can glide with the drone
I just was the support buff to be true
Heyo respawn EA apexLegends
Make revival FULL TIME
Me: Don’t do that
Apex: Do What
Me: Give me hope😞
This is either gonna be one of their best, or worst trailers.
Respawn / EA literally has this season to fix their game or they’ll be looking at tremendous losses
Apex Legends 2
the game is dead
In season 4 they got 15 milj views this can get 3😂😂😂😂😂
C’mon c’mon c’mon
back in the days atleast 300k people woulda been waiting 😪
5 reasons to buy the next Battle Pass with real money.
1. It’s actually good value. You recieve 17 loot boxes for $9,99, which is the best deal for lootboxes. So for those of you who buy lootboxes, you might aswell buy the Battle Pass. In addition you also get 1200 crafting material (You get 8 bonus boxes and save 950AC which you can buy 9 boxes for. 8 + 9 = 17).
2. You incentivise Respawn to make awesome Battle Passes and Seasons, instead of encouraging Respawn to pump out collection events or milestone events to milk the whales instead for financing.
3. Many of us have been freeloaders from the beginning, having bought only one battle pass and earning all the following ones for free. As for myself, I’ve only bought the first battle pass and haven’t spent a dime since then. Even though this is the only game I play and I love it.
4. The price is fair ($9,99) and get the whole value back in Apex Coins. For other games, you might as well purchase it up front for $59,99 or pay a monthly subscription, having no problems doing so. Some games offer Battle Passes which can only be purchased with real money.
5. You support to the game you love.
It better be worthwhile, I’m not returning unless it is… 🧐
I can’t believe people are still trying to stick up for this game. 😂
Get ReShade back so we can use custom crosshair, if not, fix ingame crosshair to be stable at all times atleast.
This is about to be lit 🔥
One hour before the season starts.. That’s not a good sign..
Go back to the old style Battle Pass. And if you want to sell more? Then make better SKINS!
This game isn’t fun anymore, anytime I have someone near me it’s almost impossible to hear anything, servers are all buggy, nothing has been fixed, no one is hyped for this new season and this game won’t be fun until ea does something about it. Try listening to the players some time. Not to mention cheaters and smurfs left and right
What time does it start????
Remember we used to get 4 trailers for a new season 😂😂 now it’s no hype
I’v been here since beta, guys i believe you still can do a really good stuff, please i’m begging u don’t let it fall like you let titans fall cause i’m and more of OG players already half way to COD
Whatever the rumors are about not having a trailer. It was so much easier to do an hour dev stream. And do a FAQ afterwards. That would provide so much more information. I would rather see that every season than a surreal trailer.
Today is the day ” do❤️ or die ” ☠️
They should just get the top streamers to play Apex again, like really
This is the make or break it season for Apex legends I love this game and have loved it for 5 years please EA and Respawn treat this game with the respect it deserves we know this game can be so much better because it has been in the past please return this game to its former Glory
Give us Titanfall 3. Literally, take my money.
Loved the part when ………………………………………………
Truly an Apex experience.
This is the end people ggs
Keep revival mode next season. Its super fun to play.
Mid plat 1 and think oh maybe ill try get diamond tonight before the new season… First two games and i die to top 100 pred 3 stacks. Seriously guys whats going on. Thats why your average player is out
Hopefully the trailer says something like no more pred 3 stacks in ranked when youre gold or plat … Thats killing the love i have for this game atm
My guess is that they got ready something pretty outraging in terms of monetisation. So they release the trailers last minute to avoid backlash. I think they’ll revert the BP to what they wanted to do in the first place.
I swear bro, at EA headquarters they got a big jar filled to the brim with cash that says “break in case of an emergency.” Better be safe than sorry am I right guys?
the video hasnt even come out yet and the like to dislike ratio is almost even 💀
Bring back battle pass gifting option
Apex Legends: BEST GAME EVER👍
I just want to know if lifeline changes are coming or not 😊
This has some launch vibes.
We better be getting a new character
last 20 hours. Trump or Harris … im waiting Apex.
Please craft metals as a ranked reward! 🙌🏽
The suspense is crazy 😂😂😂
No trailers before the season drops. Then put on hold for this trailer for two days. They be cooking absolutely nothing.
There is no way Respawn cooked something good for only 3 months or so. They didn’t fix issues for years, but you think they will fix something now ?! Nah mate don’t hope so you don’t get crushed again and cry
please be good. I dont even play the game now but I dont want the game to die.
My game is crashin i cant play whyy??
Fortnite crossover?
What time is it coming in England like day or night
STOP SPENDING MONEY ON APEX LEGENDS. We need to show their executives that adding more ingame purchases does nothing for the game. We want real changes that help the playerbase. please spread the message
The Last Dance ….had so Many Awesome memories with this game but i think this is the END Guys 🖤
This game needs a genuine miracle to keep on going
-People complaining about collection events and recolors
Same people when no teaser for new collection event
ea isnt making anough money from them so theyre moving to epic games? they should use unreal engine at that point
What disappoints me the most is that it will be 2 seasons in a row and there is no new content (no new character…)
haha dogshit game
Something’s definitely cooking. I smell something fishy.
One of the most enjoyable and stressful game thank u apex for everything 🖤🖤
no they want no leaks so we make our decision the moment it is out to build hype, not let youtuber tell us how they think it is and we just blindly follow
I swear to god if they try to pull some fortnite black hole event. I quit.
Gone are the days of the season launch, gameplay and battle pass trailers dropping before thr season drops. They have literally ruined this game.
If they are not honsetly sharing the actual details of why they would just not put good effort in this, then they might want us to think of them as professionals who are too good and don’t need any understanding and solidarity from the players. Well, that doesn’t really work.
What are they really planning here!? They ruining the APEX GAME bc they don’t care about US THE PLAYERS
no hype… NO MONEY FOR EA say it with me yall no money for Ea!!!
Игра настолько умирает, что трейлер выходит в день релиза нового сезона…И они в этом сезоне добавляют режим оригинальной игры, пхах.
Все их планы пошли по одному месту – все что разрабатывалось на годы вперед просто слили в унитаз. Вместо того чтобы заниматься игрой и геймплеем – думали как бы монетизировать игру и внедряли кучу скинов, реколоров, ивентов, наплевав на героев новых (которых затизерили еще в первых сезонах!!), наплевав на стабильность игры и серверов. К сожалению…игра умирает… и новые сезоны привносят лишь перекрашивания скинов, одни и те же карты, которые теперь убирают от сезона к сезону, героев новых почти не видим, онлайны падают, турниры становятся неинтересными.. Это печально.
Ojalá que valga la pena
i think that respawns want to do a global season and that why they doing 0 information that we: WOW IS SO GOOD or something like that
I thought it was today
I want a Mirage buff. Let him make decoys of his teammates and/or make decoys interact with ziplines/doors.
This was the best BR out but all it is now is a cash grab just let it die and do the OGs a favour
Fries. Bag. Now.
just dont bother releasing this😂
Cant wait for more recycled content (: this season is gonna be sick.
When’s the new season drop
This game is so much fun like Golden Treasure but it has most hate in the world idk….!
Can’t wait for new bug 🤡🤡🤡
Apex is busy cooking let apex show everyone that they are the number 1 fps vedio game in the world and they shall make history ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤love yall
Releasing the trailer just HOURS before the season, –Apex is cooked!
youllllllllllllllllllllllllll get more players and fix the game
bring back arenas
so toxic community.. Bro, give them a chance.. Why its a bad thing to not drop a new season trailer?
I mean I am more hyped this season then I was ever before in 22seasons. What they doing we don’t know and what they will give us, we don’t know. So, if you love this game, I am sure they will not disappoint this season.
As for haters, they never gonna like anything no matter how good a game is. there is no game like Apex Legends and still haters cannot even appreciate the things about it.
If you are not interested, Go play fortnite or Pubg.
Please stop asking Ea respawn for titanfall 3..
the passion and talent has been gone since season 12
Im Steamdeck player 😢
It’s finally here 🤞
Just make titanfall 3 at this point respawn
Just don’t die this season pls, this is the only FPS game I’ve played with enthusiasm for 5 years
why so late?
anything for money huh, not even a trailer for the season
Evenement en direct wouahhhhhh😂 comme fortnite 😂😂😂😂😂
This is gonna be the official end to Apex Legends, this game is dying and its gonna be dead if Respawn and EA dont do something to fix their game and listen to the community.
Its been 6 years but i have never experienced a better first person shooter experience in my life and nobodys making any better than apex during these 6 years
I’ve loved apex for what they have done so far. I appreciate thier hard work and support them in thier hard times. They are not perfect but I’m hopeful they would do better. We demand more from you cause we know you can do better. The only game that I’ve ever played for so long… You got this. 😊
Why would you drop this the day when the season starts? Might as well have not even made a trailer. Just load up the next season and play.
Probably going to make you pay for early access to see it 30 minutes early. But, you’ll get an exclusive recolored skin. So excited!! They’re going to make so much money.
Not interested 😂😂
Lets see
Three of the past five vids on the channel are garbage cash grab events
The hunter from the void is coming for Wraith, i can feel it. I saw a new gun on Wraith’s skin a couple of weeks ago 🤞
dear respawn, its not about the battle pass, its about how infeste with hackers the game is, its about the ridiculous ttk, and you wiling to do nothing, this can be one of the last nails in the coffin
If this is the end I just want you guys to know that it was a pleasure to play with y’all 🎉
lol the most pathetic devs of any game in history. What a colossal failure.
I remember when thousands of people were “waiting” to watch the trailer, and now it’s only a few hundred.
Hopefully the new season will be fun and good so that the players return to the game. I don’t want Apex to die
You better not mess this up
Love it cope
Fell off
Ladies and gentlemen.
This is it.
The season where apex is gonna fall off completely.
Please release it sooner🥲
EA: we are excited to announce we have now integrated tap to pay so it makes it even easier to buy Apex coins…….. that’s right you heard us right get your favorite skin only a tap away
No launch trailer? No outlands story? Nothing? Not even real teasers? The fall off of this game NEEDS to be studied
Launch trailer still launched itself in the rift and we’re only getting a gameplay trailer from the rift
Imagine they add anticheat
O right thanks for reminding me to unsubscribe
Bro trailer hours before the season start is criminal 💀
FOR THOSE WHO DON’T KNOW!!! the voice acting academy has an ongoing strike against the industry for some time now. …so that means no voice lines could be rendered in this time. Apex will probably drop a trailer with little to no legends voice lines beside ones they would have had recorded already
Feel a revenant vibe season going on here when we thought we was getting a certain legend but didnt ..everyone knows games dying and they acting lazy but plot twist the new bo6 came out there losing business and they about to bring out the big guns…. titan game mode later on in the season with rework lifeline right out the gate og game mode new weapon plus various quality of life changes 👌 be smart
Played from day one. Quit soon as this new double season pass came out…. trash and laters
Future me….is it dogshit?
Hurry up
The marketing team is so sad now. I doubt a lot of ppl even know there will be a new season in 2 days. Kills the hype with everything the whole team did for the last 8-9 months
I just cant wayt
Better than cod, fight me……
This is going to be either really good or really bad lol.
Yikes they’re not even trying to hide the fact they had an underperforming season. Shame since this is imo one of the better seasons since 7. Halloween was rough but the space raiders LTM was just genuinely refreshing. Shame to see the game become to robotically corporate
Not worth playing guys 😂 the game will never improve 😂 stop wasting yalls time and hop on some black ops
they’re killing the all game… They’re so creative for that !
it is so nice with the wait. don`t let the hype go over before the season do release!
From the Rift 🌌
To the Bug 🐞
To the Bling 🤑
To the Bin 🗑
Fix Sao Paulo , make only one las server plz
And they complain that Game is not complete the expectacion they have this season went no lore , no new Legends , Game full of cheaters , they only listen algs players went they play diferent of the rest of comunity
R.I.P Lifeline
Lifeline was so good with Legendary knockdown shield perk F
Can’t wait to play with cheaters in a new season! ☺️
Whatever it is I love this game ❤
New update trying to take my money into the rift at this point. Any solutions?
Wonder how many dislikes it’ll get
Huh?????????? What is going on why are we dropping the trailer two hours before the season? Did something happen with the voice actors respawn to where we have to drop the trailer two hours before the season?
45 hours hello!?
Please can anyone buy me a battle pass? I need it so much. I’ve been playing for 1 year. I haven’t had it once. I hope even 1 person can help.
Fire whoever in the marketing team thought that releasing the season trailer a day before it comes out was a good idea
Let’s give them a chance guys and see
EA didn’t give you guys any marketing budget this time? 😂 GGs
i hope for this season some BIG annuciantion its comin (im being a fool to wait) but i hope they are hiding something HUGE
Let me know if Wattson has some sky dive emote in the battle pass
They are cooking NOTHING with this season😂
أنا متحمس جدا على السيزون ❤️🔥⚡️
Hey, they are seriously ruining the game on purpose
👀 ppl have been saying that there is no hype, but they’re all here making comments 👀
Apex Legends 2042 😂
RIP APEX, GGS. few play this now.
I’m gonna be so mad if they just drop this game. Have so many hours, skins and heirlooms. 😢
They have just given up on this game. I really miss the old seasons where there was actual hype for the upcoming season , like season 2 with the ever first substantial map change in the game, and not the game being a credit card extractor like these days, either they fix the game or let it die as it it already with two feet in the grave, waiting for someone to shoot it in the head.
I forgot I was still subscribed. Unsubscribing now…
Finally deleted the game 💯🔥
Finally there is no millions of leaks half a year before the new season as usual! Exited for the new season let’s go!
Just make another game already
Wait is says the trailer drops at 19.00 but the season normally drops at 18.00 so the trailer will come out after the season launches 😂
the trailer comes out couple hours before the new season begins? makes no sense to me
Hey so if your gonna go all quiet and not release a trailer ONTOP of having no hype for said season. A heads up a week prior would have been great just saying…
Where is the cinematic launching trailers? 🙁
Ok ich muss es jetzt mal sagen an alle die rumheulen hört auf das game zu zocken. Immer zu sagen das dass game tot sei nervt ohne ende und das seit seasons. Ja Apex hat seine Probeme und EA mit ihre geldgeilheit nerft auch ja und das der Trailer 2 Stunden vor relase Veröffentlicht wird ist auch schmarn aber lasst uns doch alle erstmal den Trailer schaun und dann bewerten. Ich Spiele das game trotz all seiner probleme immer noch. An alle die mich jetzt haten ihr könnt mich mal.
(Ich habe den Sinkenden Player Count schon gesehen)
Did the whole entire marketing team get laid off where they can only make one trailer the day of the season?
Why wait until the 5th of November when you could just release it now…
If this isn’t good enough player count will drop to 20k, all of them being bots and cheaters, I hope they know this
Trash game !!
0 hype, this game is abandoned
Não deixem o Apex morrer respawn e EA!
Let’s give EA and the next season a chance. Stop hating before you have seen what is going to happen.
Also nobody has to play the game. Just play something else every once in a while
Nossa deve ser uma grande novidade. Porque pensei que nem ia ter nova temporada
Tell me why I just got on the game after playing on and off since the 1st split and I see this and that the season is abt to end
If i can wait this long for the trailer, I’ll wait another 2 hours to play the new season instead. This trailer is pointless.
As a day one apex player, you’re ruining the game, and pushing people away. Release the trailer today, try get some hype going and get your players excited to play the new season. (Like & get this to the top so Respawn will see)
Amazing E.A.
Apex lost many players every day.
Trailer 2h before season?
Nice season 23, wipe so high 😂
finaly save the game apex
Oh 🤨😐🫤wow, are these realistic voice actors on this trailer or the real voice actors 🤔
Your telling me the r99 still isn’t even on the ground after this many seasons?? Are you serious?
there wont be any new legend quips
I don’t get it isn’t the new season coming out Tuesday which is the November the 5 ???
Not hyped for the new season.
It will be such a TERRIBLE season that they will show the trailer only before the patch is released, apparently in the HOPE THAT NO ONE WILL SEE IT
Fun fact: 2 hours after this trailer launches we’ll be able to play the new season 👀
Why is it so late tho 😭
С почином!
Let the game die already please!!!🙏
Only 1 legend rework…. We need at least 5. Come on now. Make some balance changes already.
I’m excited for this next season! But they really need to get their act together, and start moving away from universal heirlooms cause no one wants to spend a bunch of money for a little knife. And do more events! Feels like there are a lot of empty weeks during a season cause there is nothing new or exciting to do.
So we get trailer when new season drops 🤦
dislike this
Respawn pls give us 100 free apex packs
What about the Stories From The Outlands? I need my Lore Fix 😂😂
So they forgot to make a trailer
From the rift to the screen to the pen to the king wheres my crown always trouble when i ring
What took yall so long respawn🤦🏾♂️ plus the gaming the game is killing itself so… i don’t have high hopes anymore💯
This is ur last chance respawn…. And I’m gone
Respawn what happened?
People acting like not leaking trailers is bad. Don’t forget this game thrived from releasing outta nowhere. Actually leaves some excitement and curiosity to be had for the players
Dropping the new season trailer before the new season starts by 1 hour 🤡
Calling it now Mirage will die somewhere in the video
Lifeline better revive the games …
apex fell off 😂
About dam time
This season better be a engine overhaul or else apex is cooked
Fix the game❌
Make a trailer in time❌
Listen to the players❌
Block people on Linux💀✅
Release an expensive collection event✅
What’s the point of watching the trailer the day it releases? Isn’t the point of a trailer to be released before the game actually drops?
Wow the day the new season releases incredible
For those that are unaware, voice actors are/were on strike.
What are they cooking that they have to release it 2 hours before the season drops💀
0 hype.
Gotta be something in it to push it back to hours before the new season. I wonder if patch notes getting dropped same day or monday…
Euthanize the game
It isn’t like it was before and hurts to see how gets even worse
You guys are so worried about losing money. You decided to not hype the new season. Truly an apex experience. Get better
very sorry to say that, but we used to get so many more trailers before a new season. You became pretty lazy with your game recently…
Back to og apex
This feels like another of those *redacted* Seasons. *Redacted* can *redacted* now ?? And *redacted* is back ????
Apex may be in a dangerous situation right now.
I’m really looking forward to the next season!
Please regain your momentum💪
Time for the lifeline rework and the EPG1
No launch trailer, come on now
Just drop it now… what…
Wow, the timing. Truly spectacular 💀
Finally 👍
gameplay trailer hours before the szn releases. nice
1 нах ❤