Reacting to the BEST AIMER in Apex Legends
Reacting to the BEST AIMER in Apex Legends
original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4o2mAGMEVc
check out taskmaster: https://www.twitch.tv/taskmast33r
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🎨Thumbnail by —-⪢ Ottr
🎬Edited by —-⪢ ViewtifulShiv
Production Music by www.epidemicsound.com
#Ottr #Apex #ApexLegends
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コメント (99)
funny how if we see an mnk player aiming like this we go ” this guy must be cheating” but if its a controller player we just go ” damn roller tings”
In the Commonwealth of Independent States (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and others), there are a lot of talented keyboard and mouse players
But these regions are deliberately strangled and often do not provide timely information regarding tournaments, and because of this, the guys do not have time to complete all the documents.
i play on asian servers.. I have so many pros like this guy in my lobby everyday..
What to take from this?
-> Movement is overrated and doesn’t help from a certain level
Also, the long-range beams aren’t that impressive, but the close-range tracking is insane on MnK… Regularly meet 9impulse on TDM/Control and to be honest, he is nothing special… never met taskmast33r tho… maybe once ^^
This guy is built different
Today is your chance to know a youtuber before he is famous. (Click the profile pick.)
Russian gaming is crazy
2:57 and 3:00 Sudden change of aim direction at exactly the same spot ? Twice
Ok, someone tell me .. does he have 4 fingers? 7:45 I watched it a few times but is Taskmaster missing a finger?
No thank u im better
then little timmy on his ps4 controller can do this easily cause of aim assist 🙂 ,fantastic
That first controller clip wasn’t even that impressive lol. But I guess if it was one of his first times in roller.
He looks like he only has 4 fingers. I can never see his pinky finger
Just goes to show how low the FPS fundamentals skill level is in Apex when this guy is glorified as a great aimer/player.
Here’s what an actual high skill FPS player looks like (this is the only video of him playing Apex):
You’re welcome.
P.S. He was a Battlefield (3,4,1) pro player and probably has max a couple hundred hours total in Apex…I guess it’s lucky for all you “Apex pros” that pretty much all the Battlefield 4 pros hated Apex (and BR in general), otherwise right now you’d all be correctly perceived as the noobs you areXD
meh….i rather see selly
Lol people who have never played Rust before recoil changes can’t conceptualize how legit this is.
So glad to hear the “davai davai davai” (go go go) from Ottr, I don’t even sure why I’m so excited about this.
Bro does he have only 4 fingers?
Bro some1 clip that and put it out of context pls put some poba swimsuit pic behind it
the best aimer is @hollow
Some people say aim can’t win the game
It’s easy to get lost in the sauce when you’re watching a compilation video of someones best moments when they get super lucky and what not. There are a TON of great aimers who don’t play apex or don’t’ play anymore. So you need to be very careful when placing generalized titles like ” best aimer in the world “. He’s really good no doubt.
“Snake” is the most underrated player atm. His tracking is insane. You should check him out
Seems like he has a god aim and some recoil help… like most players.
when did ottr get so sus 😭
I’d love to see him play with recoil he doesn’t miss cuz it’s not hard to point and click but try to control some recoil bet he be garbage
Dude 2:30 I was already convinced. This guy is too insane!
i have killed him in ranked lol
Day 43 of asking for an heirloom
Aim is relative to the ping to Apex Servers. If it’s above 50ms, my whole magazine give 120 damage.
And there are no human aimbots, there are just either aimassist or aimbots. fukin cheaters at apex is dick heads.
it seem he have only 4 fingers
Five Beavers and Taskmaster wouldnt be underrated, if EA let them play in ALGS finals last time, which their deserve, but you know all that politics stuff thats going on with russians rn, but those guys actually from Belarus
nah i will just use controller
Russia is a terrorist state !
oh ye crossover of the year! wouldnt say underrated but under the rader for sure
I wonder if taskmast33r Could beat TSM Hollow
flatline is a long range beamer … i have been getting the hang of its recoil and its honestly great to use.
Ex rust player 100%
Best at pure mechanical aim is definitely Snake_OW for me. The smoothest tracking in the game. Man is crazy.
Honestly this guy is definitely hacking because his corsair twitches over as if a player is behind that wall
I’ll never get these ‘react to’ video’s, why not just post it and let us react ourselves, now it’s like you’re showing us how we should react or something, must be a generational thing
Hardecki’s long lost brother. LOL
please make your facecam bigger I can almost see the video
Song name at 4 minutes?
It’s hilarious seeing all these self proclaimed “#1 aim and movement players” on social media that control recoil better than this guy and their reasoning is always “4-3 linear bro, just pull down on the stick bro, hit the firing range bro”
Bros in love with controller players
Good video- though I am unapproving of the language loopholes
Lev “Taskmast33r” Grigoryev
My hero
2:57 like actually why was he flicking like that
Cheater as f.. Russians have it in blood
Y’all goofy for thinking aiming with mouse takes any skill. I bought my first PC in August and tried MnK on Apex and literally destroyed my G7 scout challenge high score first try. It’s so easy to aim bruh, on controller I can fry too, but nothing like MnK. And aim assist barely does anything. Y’all just trash.
lol i think yall are tripping his aim is like the average diamond
Him and Soar Hollow are nuts
mande calls him task manager
only thing i can say i relate, besides gettin beamed by people like him 🙂 i swap to the iron sights a lot also, big advantage to close combat
freakiing aim bot ottr hahahaha nice control totally rock!
HELLO, good video! 🔥☺
If you like this type of aim you should check out Ayex, he is an absolutely cracked aim demon.
55th so early bro plz like this ottr
this is not racist
if he is Russian he is cheater
its just a rule man
Am I trippin or does he only have 3 fingers and a thumb 8:00
Dang there’s no recoil on kbm💀 guy does even move the mouse with the 301🤣🤣🤣
Learning recoil patterns is way more useful than jittering.
guys is it just me or dose he only have 4 fingers…
Day 60 of asking for a mande reaction video
OK ok now you find someone who plays as well on controller
How do you find these people lol he got game
Bro’s aim was so good ottr almost busted
You should react to Chenzou Ozisan. that guy has the best aim in this game.
Controller user
his hand cam it looks like that they have 4 fingers
insanely skilled guy
Russians shouldn’t be playing games etc atm
7:55 does he have 4 fingers?
You must really love Jesus because you keep saying his name
I still think hollows better
viscose has better aim
Damn, I have watched all of 2 seconds and this man has me hooked. Midair stick with arc star while moving that fast and then beaming
nice vid
Reacting to cheaters is fun 😊 look at 2:11 and then look again at his hand.. it doesn’t add up to the movements he makes
i have a challenge i want you to post on your channel and give people a run for their money, no pay to win skins on weapons (heck go for factory issue skins) and win. i want people to have a run for their money to show how many people use pay to win just because they struggle with normal (as a r9 cracked halo sight user i want to see what they can do)
yoo mans got 4 fingers what in the ai is going on here 😱
Wait why is he flicking to walls like that if hes not actually hacking??? Im confused
revosect entering the chat
Task master is the goat
Why is you face cam so big, ruins the video can’t see half the screen
Лёв,постримь пожалуйста
theres some roller clips because he was trying out roller for a little bit. Some people say he was thinking about swapping (imagine that lol) but idk how valid that is.
first… jk fifth
the taskmanag33r
early gang ———————————————————————————————>
I’m first for once !!! I love your content