How is This Gun STILL This Good? – Apex Legends Season 16
sub to my teammate @SooXfar
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Run – Ross Bugden:
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Taqs:Itemp,itempp,siilencedxbl,ps4,ps4 pro,ps4 apex legends,ps4 apex legends gameplay,apex legends live,console,console apex legends,itemp,apex legends gameplay,apex legends live commentary,apex legends videos
コメント (28)
That Octane was screaming “for Narnia” before every fight
i miss the bongo drums at the end
Do I remember the care package mastiff? I once got 1 shot. A full 200 to 0 hp by that mastiff… yeah I remember.
That octane is like the randoms I get every single game 😢
When you got mad stiff in season 0 that was a gg
“If you’ve got good invertory management you’re probably bad at the game” – I’ve never felt so personally attacked before in my life 😅
it’s always been good ngl
iTemp: Alright guys lets think about this. Maybe we should sneak around to the right…
The Octain: LEROY JENKINS!!!
14:04 no brain octane 😂
Psycho: Wanna play again?
Rich: Ahh, see ya!
Is apex unplayable for anyone else? I’m getting stuck n crafter, lagging out, servers crashing. I used to stream so my internet isn’t crappy so idk how a billion dollar video game is having these issues.
“We can play for placements now”
-Octane, as he pads into caustic gas.
Hahaha I loved how you put the subtitles over the downed Octane’s head, very nice editing touch!
The season 4 devotion was definitely stronger than the RE45
R99 way better
I want you to show meeee!
9/10 excitement for looting while hanging
I wanna know what love is
Dont tell Sooxfar, but i was 1 min into his new video when i got the notification for this and switched over.
Video 1 of asking a trio ranked with rich, sooxfar and janks
Great game!
Rich there is a way to make it so that you can still zoom in your sights. First you go to the steam controller configuration, select the button you use for ping. Then create a chorded press. Make the chorded press button to whatever you use as aim (either LT or LB) and then bind your ping button to B on the keyboard. Now when ADSing you can zoom in but you will no longer be able to ping when in ADS. Let me now if you tried it and if it worked please.
At 4:11 he said 🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦😂😂😂
I miss the RE in ground loot, I’ve always enjoyed using it
Day 11 of asking Rich to play Fortnite for old times sake