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0:00-7:00 Game 1
7:01-13:32 Game 2
13:33 Game 3
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#iiTzTimmy #Apex #ApexLegends
Taqs:apex,apex legends,iitztimmy,iitztimmy apex,iitztimmy apex legends,apex iitztimmy,apex legends iitztimmy,apex legends moist,iitztimmy leaves moist,timmy leaves moist,apex competitive,falcons,imperialhal,zer0,algs,apex pro,apex legends pro,apex roster,rostermania,apex new,apex legends new,apex season,apex trailer,apex highest kills,apex highest damage,tsm,mst,apex falcons,apex lan,apex funny,apex pathfinder,apex nicewigg,nicewigg,faide,apex movement
コメント (88)
Is Timmy playing controller here!?
Glad genburten joined you guys i saw a vid where hal just ditched him outta no where
Man I wish you guys the best. Hope you do well considering why this team is a team.
Clark Barbara Hall John Jones Gary
Shesshhh that transition at 7:00 was clean asf
13:22 for the peek purists 👀
Bro is the Shohei Otani of Apex Legends
transition so clean took me a second to realize it was a different match
Ohh wow respect that you playing with your 10000 smurf account in lobbys that arent for you easy game´s clap clap like all of you “preds” still farming gold/plat/dia players 😀
/// Game one plat3 /// Game two plat1 /// Game three plat3 i find the hidden spots
Still ain’t gonna win shiiit you a pub player stick with it not a land guy 😂
So happy for Genburten right now! Timmy u a real one <3 and HAL it's the biggest SNAKE this community ever saw!!!
Haven’t even watched this yet just wanted to state Timmy mad respect for you on being a friend to genburten its so messed up Hal is scum trying to act like he didn’t do anything wrong and for zero to get 3 time champ with Gen and treat him like this is a joke I hope they both get dropped and can’t get signed again Hal has been washed for years and can’t even realize he’s to problem anyways mad respect you just keep being you. It’s just a dam game at the end of it play the game not your friends period
you guys should be named the mozan team, all 3 of you carrying mozans LOL
The transition
New Gen DOJO🔥🔥🔥🔥
A lot of people saw the transition at 7:00 but did you see the transition at 9:59 ? btw, who else kept replaying 14:09 – 14:21 . Just me? ok ok :3 (There are 2 more notable transitions, can you spot them?)
Dezign is such a team player, plus gen is a monster!👿
hope you guys lock in🛠️
The transition actually got me, I thought I saw ‘ You are the CHAMPIONS”
then there is another squad I was like waiiiit WTF ???
3 pros stomping plats💀
I’ve been telling people for years, wait till Timmy gets a little older. He’s going to dominate! I was right.
What the hell that transition made me lose it… i thought i blacked out a few seconds!! 😀
This team is going to be nasty
It’s so sure that this team won’t let their best shooter play Crypto and blame him as the reason the whole roster failed to get good results….
For every like this comment gets I will do one push up
the Genburten noob with controller dude …. lol u make me laff …
That kraber no scope by Timmy though 😂
Excited to watch this team let’s gooo
Imagine having these guys casually running around in your Platinum matches 😰😰
I thought the game was continuing somehow…damn that was smooth af
He needs to drop his skin routine and diet. He always looks healthy and refreshed in his videos. Skin super clear
6:53 transition so smooth it confused the fuck out of me 😂
Timmy should play Newcastle, Gen Valkyrie, and Design Catalyst, maybe Bang if its a more open map or they want to play more edge of zone. Definitely a co IGL situation where Timmy is controlling the positioning of the team, and Design takes over when they are fighting. Gen needs to Hard frag and design and timmy make sure hes not over extending. Ill be rooting for you guys.
let go dsg.. i want to see falcon get buurrrrneeeddddddddd
This team chemistry is going to be awesome
My new superteam😍
Set the new team straight. You are a path main that plays path no matter the meta
Dezign is so lucky to still have stacked teammates after all the crap that came out of his mouth lmao
Imagine solo queuing in ranked and then just running into the stack of Timmi, Gen and Dezign
‘Cuz my love goes 4:01 .” 😂
why not show scrim footage with the new roster rather than just wiping gold teams?
Bro your flickz are insane
Genburten bring success to anywhere he goes ❤
Bro switching teams more than I switch fits in a day wtf
is it just me or is Timmy and Gen gilling well together
You know Timmy is mentally doing better where he’s at now he’s not as stressed or having to yell over everyone either
I dont understand hé play with dezign again.. hé is so overrated…😮
Ion know Timmy been gone a while missing some shots
haven’t played apex in a few months might try it again lmk if its better now
Pros in low Plat. Sure it was great for everyone else. The ‘We are just running people over’ at 16:55 is a bit of a joke statement really.
Amazing what happens when you aren’t sat in a crypto drone all game. Moist wasn’t the one
After the Digi play we all already knew Enemy was getting dropped.
W team, if yall can communicate well, I think you guys are gonna go crazyyyy
Gen finally have teammate who is good with kraber
This is a great team holy
Wait this is the dream team
Glad to see you back with dez. You guys play so well together and I think having you as IGL will give him the ability to calm down a bit. Obviously Gen great pick too. Looking forward to scrims/champs
I’ve had that bug with the Mozam! I thought I was being hacked
why plat
I miss moist already 😢😢😢
Literal cheater
Why can you see the outline of the enemy in bang’s smoke? Isn’t the whole point of the smoke to obscure their image/your image?
I wanna see timmy vs faide
Yo that transition between games was clean
Bangalore Timmy is unmatched
how was game 2 in plat 1 while game 3 was in plat 3 timmy you silly goose
everyone on this comp team can carry their own w/o bitching too much, we might be seeing an undefeatable team right here man
actual broken comp
the transition at 7:03 was nice
I forgot Gen actually plays Catalyst. I saw the silhouette in the thumbnail and thought like “Who the fuck is playing Alter?”😂😂
That transition tho at 7:00
Luv u Timmy. Been watching since day 1
Bro timmys flick onto that wraith tho
what org are they under?
Best streamer on algs?
The last time I was this early I apologized to my ex
Hi everyone
I liked my own comment
W Timmy 🙏🏼🖤
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fell off
First baby!
Hello timmi big fan