Apex Legends: Halloween Collection Event All Skins
Apex Legends: Halloween Collection Event All Skins
Techno Terror Collection Event Coming on Oct 15
Taqs:Apex Legends: Halloween Collection Event All Skins,apex legends leaks,apex legends halloween event,apex legends new skins,apex halloween,apex halloween event,apex leaks,apex leaked skins,apex halloween event skins,apex legends skins,apex legends event,season 22 apex,apex legends season 22,apex legends event skins,apex event,apex legends leaked skins,apex leaked event,apex halloween collection event,hypermyst
コメント (107)
new castle is jason or sam from undertale meme?
No Vantage as usual.
Freddy Kruger octane skin is pretty cool
Definitely copping the pathfinder skin, so gundam.
what is the first bgm of this video and what is the valk skin referencing?
Cleanest R 45 skin ever
Put some purple paint and call it a day garbage I’ve been waiting for is just that garbage
Missing out on the seer one
Giving me full Danganronpa vibe with these pink ass blood visuals
RE skin looks beautiful but I’m loving the longbow the most. All the gun skins look good actually. Best in awhile.
These skins are garbage they needa fix there design team
Does the game feel weirder to anyone else? I’m on ps5 and I came back from Space marine 2 and the game in regards to ADS FEELS OFF
What day ??? Need that path skin.
Halloween how is this Halloween?????
I’m buying the Wattson skin because I main wattson. I swear that’s the reason why.
(I don’t main wattson)
These are really nice skins for all the legends. I wish i wasnt working on a cruise ship i would actually buy some of these lol
i’m so sick tired of this gay pink color palettes
Man the design team is trash. Always safe and boring skins
Hey lovely community, whose your main in apex. Personally, mine is Ash.
Yay Wattson skin looks great just wish she looked more robotic like in the holo
dang we got anya taylor wattson skin now, we also get increased FOV with that?
Fans of Elm Street button —>
I really hope i see people with the full set
i loved the wattson skin but her face looks slightly awkward, also everything was meh, for me only wattson, re45, mastiff and pathfinder skin looked good, the only reason im not getting pathfinder skin is mythic finishers being attached to the T3 variant of the skin and because I have Omega Point skin which is one of the best skins for pathfinder in my opinion.
edit: i understand why some mythic finishers are locked to the mythic skins ( like this new mythic finisher on pathfinder, or Bloodhound’s Mythic finisher. ) but theres no excuse to not being able to use lifelines mythic finisher on any legendary, or loba’s mythic finisher.
Honestly for halloween skims these are pretty mid to what we’ve had in the past
Alter skin go hard
Ah yes more skins instead of fixing the game, audio isn’t working and console lobbies are full of cheaters (EU servers), Im dying to aimbotters every 2 games, it’s getting ridiculous 😤, no wonder why this game is dying
2:21 wait she can do that?? how are you holding the wrecking ball?
I just want my gibby prestige skin
Question are we gonna be able to craft any of the skins
5th years and still no LOBA LEGENDARY skin for Halloween. Why?
So, NOBODY is talking about the WATTSON SKIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Watson/RE45 skins are dope!! 👌🔥
Where’s the Horizon halloween skin that you’ve mentioned before?
Will it be possible to buy skins for precious metals?
demaciado voluminoso el skin mitico de pathfinder …..
MASTIFF and RE45 are MUUUST have
The wattson skin 😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭🤢🤮I’m a wattson main ✨️
Getting that newcastle skin with shards 100%
Where’s the path demantor skin?😂
Ah yes some egirl skins for valk and wattson on halloween
I only need Two things in this word a goth mommy and that wattson skin 💀
Which music is this?
Octane = Freddy Krueger, Newcastle = Jason Voorhees, Valkyrie = Killer Clowns from outer space, Alter = Chucky… Is Mad Maggie supposed to be a cenobite? Is Wattson supposed to be Megan?
Gonna cope the volt. Already have green surge but this one i like the color.
Need more seer stuff
no rampart skin
Well the Octane / Newcastle skin are rly nice… they end up finally with some good “theme skin”… finally… not for me cause i dont play them but anyways very nice idea.!
Lmfao how much times to you have to repost the same shii 😂💀💀
me saving my 1.7k crafting material for the wattson skin 😫😫 I NEED THAT !
Ea must be running low on money to actually drop a good collection event and other good skins during this
wattosonn is bahha.
I love the music woahhhhh !!! which season is it from?
Can you make one with all the Halloween skins cause I thought there was a horizon Halloween skin coming? But not the ones from the collection event.
no wraith skin? that’s abnormal.
Oct 15 damn thought it would be closer
wattson skin is actually clean, besides the most important part… they kinda messed that up😔
can’t believe they forgot to recolor alter’s tail in the q, so much for an event skin
wild how i dig the halloween skins but hate pathfinder mythic skin, which it’s the skin that’s supposed to be the best designed and important one. Literally ruins the whole event for me cuz i wanted to get it but the path skin ruins it. I swear devs at respawn hate money.
Path skins bone? ???? 1800 apex coins of craft metal??
Is ranked rumble coming out at the end of this season?
Why didnt the reward shop change today?
My girl Valkyrie gets a decent skin finally!
Lmfao wait is that a Chucky skin? tf 😂😂😂
5+ videos of the same skins cmon bro
Why I don’t main Wattson *_*… why I main Caustic ? xD
Wattson + valk
look like shit
Best watson skin ever ❤
why is prestige path one so sh’t. so upsetting
Remember when the Halloween skins were the most hyped ones?
Im waiting for Loba OP bundle leaks
Where’s the Pathy skin with the hood/shroud on his head? I think that’s much better than the Prestige skin
Wheres the conduit skin?
Crap skins bringing back the trick r treat gamemode back that no one liked, respawn doesnt listen to their community
when does the event store update it says weekly but it anit update today
That re skin is the best gun skin
I know the game lowkey garbage right now but I NEED that Newcastle skin
For every character that has a prestige skin, there are gold skins that are better lmao
Online the skins for Halloween but the fact they are ripping off assets and likeness of Halloween characters shows apex character. Its like this is Freddy but if anyone asks it’s not or this is Jason but no it’s not we don’t know what you are talking about. Its just toilet water taste left in your mouth when you think they really stoop low selling us art basically
Nothing for rampart AGAINE thanks apex
These hands are amazing 😻
Why don’t they just do OFFICIAL collabs… 🤦♂️
Very cool skins
definitely Gonna main path now 😂
Why don’t we sign a petition to bring back shadowfall and shadow royal LTM
Octane got the short end of the stick
I hope Pathfinder mains like the color purple
new castle skin finally got a skin witout his beard
That wattson set had me
Missed a trick not having Caustic as Leatherface/Bubba
That has to be the best mastiff iron sights in the game
half those skins no ones gonna buy cause no one plays those characters, cool newcastle skin, sad its in newcastle. No loba, no horizon, no rev, mid fuse skin, no lifeline, and seer? ok
That RE-45 skin tho 👀Love the Newcastle skin as well, been playing him an awful lot lately and it’d be nice to have a skin for him
I forget what music pack that is
Why the wattson skin look like the main sister off white chicks 😂
newcastle skin is sick, unfortunately is for newcastle…
My friend doesn’t know anything else but to upload
Did you all realize that alter’s skin is a reference to Chucky from child’s play and what is Watson and valk skin reference
I like how the way Respawn ties the Halloween skins in the split 2 battle pass for the theme of the end of the season🔥🔥🔥
im surprised this game is still up and running after the neglectful things they did to it
These better be craftable for once 😭🙏
Edit: I am aware the crafting amount was shown, Its just these events get turned into milestone events sometimes where said items can’t be crafted
Yeah , I love Halloween I hope they will add a lot skin for Christmas too
wattson skin is so good
defo copping alter