2024 Halloween Skins – Apex Legends #apexlegends #apex #apexleaks #apexlegendsclips
2024 Halloween Skins – Apex Legends
Taqs:#gaming,shorts,apex legends,apex,apex leaks,apex legends skins,apex shop,apex store,apex legends leaks,apex event,hypermyst,apex leaked skins,apex new skins,apex season 22,apex halloween,apex halloween event,gaming
コメント (65)
its with gold akin
Nice conduit skin to
Dope pathy skin
Where the horizon skin ?
Pathy skin looks way better than that trash prestige skin he getting
Whats the music?
The music is so cool
Pathy skin hits hard like my father
poe collector has joined the apex games
People who are getting that party skin.😭😭😂😂
Instead of pink as the eye it should’ve been green
Another conduit stomach skin 🤤
Pathfinder Skin = Mass Effect – Geth Race
Get the conduit skin
Reaper Pathy > Prestige Pathy
Best path skin !
cool wig
Only two?
The Pathfinder skin is kinda 🔥🔥reminds me of ghost freak from Ben 10.
Def copping the pathy
Path turning into rev omg
This Pathfinder skin goes harder than his prestige skin
*leaks pathfinders prestige skin* *immediately leaks skin that’s 1/8 the price and 2x cooler*
Release… when?
oh my…my pathy lookin hella sick🤤
Naaah im not a pathy main but that skin is better then his prestige one bro look like ghost face but a robot
I thought we were getting a horizon Halloween skin
The fact that the skin is for Pathy and not Rev makes me *so* jealous and upset but a huge W to Pathfinder mains
Finally a fabulous pathy skin since retro bot iron giant joint ( :
Will these be in the shop?
Sick skins
wow bammmm
Uh oh… I smell 2,800 bundles…
Now THESE are Halloween skins!
Dam they went off with pathy !
That Pathfinder skin is 🔥
Sure hope the skins can be crafted 🤡
the pathfinder skin should’ve been revenant’s but it’s still awesome
Are they going to be released Before the new season ?
Holy shit this skin is better than the pathy prestige!!!!!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Ngl, that Pathfinder one is tuff! Gives me Revenant vibes a lil bit
The conduit one is sooo cute but I wish it was a full onesie and not a crop top one
No ll? its over 😔
That conduit skin is for halloween too? 🤢
I hope that we can unlock those with fragments cuz I want them so blady
That Pathfinder skin looks so simple yet so sick at the same time
They trying out that NOS at Apex headquarters giving the Grim Reaper skin to pathfinder instead of Revenant
Not even a pathfinder main but that skin is 🔥🔥
Pathfinder skin better be craftable…I’ll pay 9k crafting for that idgaf
pathy insane
FULL Halloween event…only has two skins to show.
Us pathfinder mains eating goooooooood
That pathy is outta here 🚀🔥🔥🔥
Only two???
That Conduit skin looks hella fire and cozy
I hope you can craft these skins the pathy goes crazy
I need that patchy skin