OG Apex Legends Season Teaser!
OG Apex Legends Season Teaser! Apex Legends News. Apex Leaks.
The brand new Space Hunt Collection Event launched within Apex Legends when the Season 22 mid-season patch released on September 17th.
A brand new teaser on the Kings Canyon map can be seen with an Alter Void tear in the skybox.
New “OG Weapons” were found within the files pointing to an OG Apex Legends mode to release in the near future. OG Weapons like the Wingman which would take Heavy Ammo, the Care Package Mastiff, the Single-Fire Havoc, and the Full-Auto Prowler Select Fire Hop Up could return! Additionally, Void Weapon Voice Lines were discovered when the Legends ping a specific Void Weapon.
Alter will be the next Legend to receive a Prestige Skin after Pathfinder’s Mythic Skin!
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コメント (57)
Might be enough to get ppl back
Nobody talking about the lag spikes randomly in the middle of a fight?
I uninstalled the game after 5 years game is trash now, new battle pass is a letdown
alter getting a prestige skin before mirage, gibby, and wattson is just a wtf move
OG apex legends is gonna be god awful and that’s coming from someone whose played since season 0 lmao the memories were amazing but the mechanics were dog. Only Fortnite can pull this shit off
that means my PTSD will kick in from the beginning, everyone on spitfire with purple mag up to 60 bullets and fast fire wingan with 12 bullets. I like it.
Why giving Alter a prestige skin if there are lots of legends that don’t have a heirloom yet?
Alter….next prestige skin……..are you KIDDING ME 😡😡😡
They’re so stupid. Always creating new modes/characters to bring in players but never focused on the core issue which would help them a lot more.
? Alter I’d an absolute garbage character… Where is catalyst heirloom?
If they bring this back I’ll come bck😮💨
W alterr
Can’t lie that’s kinda a cool idea
Alter is trash.. leave it to the devs to make prestige skin for one of the least used legends 👎🏻
It’s Kevin the cube from Fortnite. He’s made it over to apex 🙉
We already had this. It was called the genesis event like 10 seasons ago lol
so u yelling me alter gets a prestige skin before the heroes before her wtf
Ash destroyed the time crystal thing that horizon was going to use in the bracelet to go back to see newt, when she destroyed it left a rift which is what I assume caused the big rift on kings canyon.
so alter gets a mythic before my girl cat? literally wtf
Such garbage man. This game lacks innovation and its so obvious. Just a soulless money hungry pit
Evil 20 damage spitfire BEGONE!!!
bro kevin the cube
Im saying that since they started with this time travel lore with alter and horizon
Alter before wattson?
no amount of rewind can bring back the great memories once shared
I’ve been watching my older clips of my apex gameplay to clear some space and I realised how much better barrels on SMGs were compared to laser sights… please bring them back ;-; i miss the R99 with a barrel attachment so much…
Omg that eould be rlly sick
Dude the OG Season 0 Kings Canyon is my all time favorite, it needs to stay in the cycle
The game was just better before season 3
Bring back bhop healing like it used to be! In every br healing is so boring but in apex it was a skill you could learn and it was more fun
The problem with og fortnite and I mean the only problem with was when it ended everyone who came back for it immediately left again so if they’re gonna do an og season be ready for a surge in players followed by a steep decline that’s my thoughts
Nobody talking about the Select Fire Prowler…. Damn that thing used to rip.
Hope they bring back arena tho I was an god at that mode and fell in love with that mode 😅😢
Heirloom skin for alter already? She is just in the game. The next legend will just get dropped with a heilroom skin and weapon on the day of release
They’re not pulling a Fortnite, they did it first with the genesis event
Brooo g7scout with double tap I miss it
Why alter getting the prestige skin
Who all remember the sound of the select fire Havoc say yeah!
😂😂 Yeappii new lmg thats js whay we needed
It is only a matter of time till this gets released. If they want players back this is what’s gonna happen.
Na fam, I like alter and all that, but alter getting an heirloom BEFORE VANTAGE?!?!? Ass
The piece of the ark did this as ash cracked it messing up the timeline alter was trying to divert
Og with the present not so micro transactions, no thanks.
The fact that they are giving alter a prestige skin before a heirloom is crazy
Hear me out so one day as an event they call it op royale and make every legend and weapon its strongest form(not including gold or care package)
Ok fortnite
Fix matchmaking
These niggas getting desperate but I doubt they gonna do it😭
Nobody wants a alter heirloom skin before we have so many other legends that deserve one.
wingman pickrate will skyrocket
*Cough* Fortnite *Cough*
Fortnite battle pass???
ye i mean who needs a wattson preistige skin or a maggy heirloom or even a gibby preistige we need an alter preistige and even a conduit one
My S0 Wingman and Spitfire PTSD after watching this video 📈📈📈
I hope this will be true
First also didn’t alter just come out