ALL Special “INTRO SELECT” ANIMATION – Apex Legends Season 22
Every Special INTRO SELECT ANIMATION – Apex Legends Season 22
Revenant uprising footage was from Jenova Godspeed
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コメント (63)
0:46 viper’s got you in the pipe 5×5
The seer one actually has a really cool intro….. Do bad I REALLY did not like the skin.
Young Sarah Jones Karen Harris Kenneth
Johnson Susan Moore Patricia Gonzalez Amy
Thomas James Taylor Timothy Miller Christopher
Octane’s still has no sound effects 🤨 wild
seer wtf LMAO
I saw the pathy one other night and was like wtf how
I need it for loba pleasee
and not a single one for wattson..
Dude these animations are fire
Bro what the ash skin and revenant skin
I’ve been waiting on this wraith skin 0:01, bruh its been what like 2 years now and they still haven’t brought back the black void walker skin “eternal life”.
The Revenant intro reminded me of The Puppet from FNAF, because they’re both held by something, and the pose at the end
Fuse’s one all the way 🔥🔥
where octaine?))
When will Ash’s Project 19 skin be saled again?
no wayyyyyyy the wraith skin come back!!!!!!!!
Voidwalker black return????? I need….😢
You know someone’s out of content ideas when they post generic shi like this 😂😂
It amazes me that it’s been this long and they still haven’t changed the gun skins on the intros. A small quality of life feature.
The current skin you have equipped on that specific gun should show up when u select your character. it just makes sense.
Custom legend intros is what should they be selling
i need the Voidwalker 😢😢
Never seen that seer one
Waiting for Lifeline 🥹
what about the conduit ones?
Skin names need more exposure during intros
Drop new skins
Don’t Valkyrie have 2? The one in this vid and another with her hugging her dad’s helmet?
I love using Project 19
The question is ,when they’ll return to the shop?
I wish Loba had such a animation like seer
Caustic wins the competition, now only if it was rampart getting shit on instead of Ash it would’ve been 10x better.
Did you mean (by season 22) that these skins are returning this season?
holy shit Seer’s was extra af lol
When is project 19 ash is coming back i missed my chance of buying it because my boss was dumbass and didn’t pay me in time
Memoir Noir and Untouchable 🥶
Hoping someday the Octane skin gets some SOUND during the intro. I thought it was a bug when I got it and it’d show up in a patch eventually, but it seems like they completely forgot about it.
Will Revenant Penumbra return this season?
Best intro of the 3 Revenants, it could be official for us to use forever❤️
I missed when special intro skins were actually linked to their lore now most of them are just random that doesn’t fit their character 😢
When return the skin of bloodhound??? a year has passed
I wanted caustic’s skin so bad but it was one of the gacha events. I got loba tho.
i neeeeeed the ash project 19 skin
Where tomorrow store return skin other
So are they coming back??
Damn i cringed at seers i tried not to tho sorry yall
When is project 19 Gonna come Back 😭😭😭
the amazing its 30 $ skin deserve a especial intro but 160 $ prestige skins dont have a especial intro , stats trackers and the most stupid its the old prestige skins dont have Sky dive trails omg
When’s eternal life coming back tho? Cmon EA Its been like 2 years
And how do you get all these special intros as I’ve never hear or ever seen them?
Will these skins ever come back?
Rev army intro should be rev prestige skin select animation
I like ash ❤
I’d be ok if they started selling select animations in the shop/make craftable. Like they did with emotes.
Remember when these skins would be based on really cool story animations before EA made them meaningless cash grabs?
1st one
fixed the game devs! it’s in the dying stages
I need Project 19 ❤😢
I feel like all the prestige skins should have a special intro select
I like Revenant’s one🔥🔥🔥