Apex season 22 finally blessed us with a new map… ugh
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i was only temporary (Slowed + Reverb)
Not Like Us X Don’t Look Down ( MRBLOXY REMIX )
M.O.P & Busta Rhymes – Ante Up (SKC, Munk & Falkon DnB Remix)
[Donk/Electro] Kendrick Lamar – Humble (DJ HÖRDE DONK EDIT)
Central Cee ft. Lil Baby – BAND4BAND (LAMM Edit)
#apexlegends #apex
Business contact: Revetekbusiness@outlook.com
Taqs:revetek,apex,apex legends,apex legends season 22,season 22,apex exe,apex.exe,apex legends exe,apex legends akimbo,apex legends akimbo p2020,apex legends akimbo mozambique,season 22.exe,apex new,apex new event,apex new update,apex new season,apex new map,apex legends patch notes,apex legends patch,apex memes,memes,meme,apex legends funny moments,exe,apexlegends,apexseason22
コメント (215)
*Goofy ahh commentary edit on 2nd channel ↴*
legende der typ…ich liebe es
This gotta be the best one yet! 🤣😭☠️👏🏼👏🏼
Fact anyone still playing ts 😂
tears in my eyes. brilliant revetek BRILLIANT
where is my economy dudeeeeeeeee
The fact an Akimbo P2020 does more DPS than a Flatline is astonishing to me…
Akimbo and rebirth Trios was the best thing they did in a long time
I remember a simpler time when everyone was running around with the R99
Fire video easy sub
I like itt 🎉 ❤
Revetek russian confirmed
The only good thing they did with apex is give us duel p20 and mozam 😂
Holy shit it’s been a while since i’ve enjoyed an edited shooter gameplay video like this. Well done sir.!
so just for saying i always hated APEX for its aim assist bullshit might as well just dowload the game now and see if i can get better and make those controllers complain now. big reason i hate WARZONE now becouse of how over broken aim assist is
3:23 NAME TRACK PLS!!!🤩🥺
5:40 he is actually saying “Amına koyayım senin”, its not russian
Иду нах блет
Best edited videos ❤
What a fantastic edited video. Flawless Dude. Impressive, most Impressive
LMAO The part where the guy whines aim assist doesn’t do the job for him XDDDDDDDD
Great video 🤣🤣🤣
nice edits maaan
always insane bro
can we talk about Vantage’s mini kraber because I was kept getting 2 shot by that thing when ever in early stage of game.
Apex will one day burn to ashes as its older brothers look on in disgust. Tf1 sheds a tear for another fallen brother but yet smiles at his end. Tf2 grins with happiness as he watches his evil counterpart fall as he once did, only hoping that his little brother feels the pain he endured. They both sit and watch as they wait for the day their unforgiving sibling falls so that their greatness can rise from his ashes.
I fw this heavy!! might have to start playing apex again ngl
1:20 the beat 😂🔥
Really good edited Video I like it!
🤍 the song at 0:11 is my song “i was only temporary”
– thanks for sharing it here, i love apex! 🤍🤍🤍
5:38 he said amına koyim which means fuck your pussy in turkish xd
P20 20 got the mega eveolution with this one
Man is ACTUALLY cracked. And them edit go crazyy too. Another W vid added to the roster o7
Highly entertaining video right here
Забавно что реветек вместо того что бы сказать ИДИ НАХУЙ БЛЯТЬ говорит ИДУ НАХУЙ БЛЯТЬ
Still waiting for that miss, it’s like tryna collect a pokemon card in Africa
PC players when aim assist gets nerfed to the point where it can’t track their parkour stunts in a dead game
“went from a star to a…. a vagina”😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
the subscribe edit went so hard i actually just hit subscribe like a fukcing robot. sick vid.
my fav: «idu naxue»
I like when guys who didn’t know Russian saying that. That’s sounds rlly fun)
(also, I’m rus to, ahaha)
5:37 Да, блять.
3:52 I see that cypto’s invis is crazy
Why they keep buffing instead of nerfing Sheila id beyond me but i guess the world requires its evil
song at 5:18?
I’ve never played this game but this video is funny af wth, ggs
Awesome editing
revetek eres el amo de esta pendejada
5:40 турок пиздел, а это чучело обиженное приплел русских, ахах.
The elon meme abt aim assist reduction is hilariousss
Definitely subscribed after that! Great work dude!
1:41 Imagine complaining about aim assist being slightly worse. Brother, I didn’t even notice the difference.
Put a donk on it 🤙 honestly best bit of your videos are the fucken TUNES you slap on it. Big ups the dnb and jungle too.
The video was great until you included your filthy toxic cunt behaviour at the end. 😂
1:06 I see, I see you’ve got a great sense of music.
3:06 bro your edits!!
0:51 tell me whyyyy 😭😭😭
the russian guy’s name is wheresmyeconomey 🤣🤣
Его даже турок нахуй послал на русском от того как этот тип обосрался
i wish u could just do a half an hour or an hour compilation of kills and the memes
double mozams are overpowered! they need a damage subtraction lol
приятно проведенное время )))
I fucked the shit out of the pink haired one
Bros movement in the game is underrated
Bro I don’t get people that don’t follow you and only watch the video like damn these are the best apex edits on this platform
Bro thought we actually friends after a few good tweets and did smtg stupid.
all real reward on battle pass are hidden behind the prenium version 🙂
Thx god they will bring buying batlle pass with coins back later (i think this battle pass just free so there no button to buy with coins ))
Let’s gooooo legend!! Ma boi
Don’t kill the newbies
I enjoyed watching it.Thanks a lot, Revetek😘
Cant stop watching bro
The remix was CRAAAZY
Outro song name
This video is the only good thing about Season 22.
Nice job my brother! Amazing video👌
My favourite apex exe so far.Nice job Revetek!
My jigga *Laugh’s in Alonzo Harris*
Peak video as usual
Wow, that is sick. GJ!
But valorant is betther
5:40 He was actually a Turk (as you can see in his clan tag) and he said “imma f*ck your p*ssy” in Turkish but W I D E president walk works just fine lol
Gamers should expect to play a game that has a equal playing field. Apex is not that! Mnk players have all advantages console or controller just cant do
5:38 aminaqoyim senin .d
Where r u getting these Kendrick remixes dawg 🙏🙏🙏
They did what! Huh?
Love the whinning imperialHal
Is Revetek russian?
Fucking fire edit bro. The not like us sync went hard. Love the homelander clips too 😂
Your videos are so good 🔥🔥🔥
0:05 bro I was being ironic let me live
FUN FACT (noone plays ballistic)
BUT if you equip one p2020/mozambique to the “sling” it automatically doubles it to akimbo
(if you drop it it will drop only one but you dont have to pick up another one at least)
YES it will be gold if you ult with it and stays in akimbo
Best editor ever
Please we must save all the level 1 bloodhounds (maybe teach how to super glide) idk I be felling bad and just leave them alone they still have learning to do I can relate😂
Actually great job mixing the song with the shots
04:53 Huh
The spot he was stuck in at 5:09 5:13 is actually very easy to get out of. A simple fatigue wall jump works and a normal wall jump can as well I think
Even the weapons were singing not like us in this video drake cant catch a break 😭
3:58 this remix a banger, can’t lie
how does this man not have more subscribers….😠
Comment for algorithm.
Now I have a question, which is better, valorant or apex ???)
Double mizam is op af not gonna lie
This is fire 🔥 😂1:18
Kendrick Lamar and the akimbo edit on fleek
Revetek the only one that can make me hop on apex after 2 years
How many opps you really got? I mean, it’s too many options 👀
I had to sub
Aim assist change is the best change ever made to the game
Bro I love your videos I just wish they were longer and there was more ❤
Mozam and P2020 with Kendrick is marvelous. The Rampart bit is my fave though❤
Training day seen transition was clean❤🔥
Noice one, F.. aim assist players 😇
5:42 blud said “go f*ck yourself” to himself 2 times💀
It took them THAT long to fix Vantage q
Idk what the hate for controller players is. I’ll stay in my console lobbies happily theres a huge part of the players that live inspite of pc players. Who are arguably the reason all the hacks cheats and exploits exist. Because its that easy to fuck things up if you’re on pc why do you think I quit playing this festering game on pc that and the fact that Ive been a console player since childhood. I guess its popular to hate the platform that basically mainstreamed video games since the console pc superiority virgin war will never end.
Bro was cooking I see
i wish i could move like that q_q
иду на*уй лять
хорошее видео
you’re the default bloodhound terminator 😂
ur video always great man Love it !
XDefiant again when they fix the game plz? 👉👈
Sincerely the best .exe editor from last 20 years
3:57 so cryptos mains will now turn invisible when they are in drone it a leve 2 upgrade
huge W video
you are insane ngl
Excellent Bro
Fastest apex memer in the west. And gun. Akimbo.
Bro there is already season 22? Am i getting old?
Edits hit very hard good job man
I come for the nice edits, I go with the best music links known to mankind, thank you sir.
Do any of you guys know the meme @ 2:32? It says banana ball (?)
*Drake dislikes video*
this Kendrick p20 feature got me hard, love to watch the next one!
The aim assist reduced ain’t even that bad tbh I play on controller sadly but still able to somewhat beam ppl I love the season
5:40 реально дурак в тиме попался. отличное видео. Хорошо что я больше в apex legends не играю.
There was a time when i would have loved to see apex legends win best concurrent game but if they ever do it now I’d call BS.
These new mode and season seem actually to be good , finally we could have some fun.
Easily best Apex edits on the platform 🫡
Apex is fun other than the akimbo Mozambique
Love these vid, want more of you ( UMMM )
W edit
Bro leave the baby bloodhounds alone 😂😂😂
waf waf waf !!!
This was amazing but forgot to include one of the most ridiculous ranked lock out and season split in all of gaming history……. but I’m still loving season 22.
Pc will complain about anything.
Revetek how do you Even superglide without configs? i thought its impossible without it
Magnificent as always
Another Revetek bangar for the bois!
Also, how you gotta show Vantage’s new snipe cannon I’ve never played her and I am murdering people who clearly dont read patch notes. Two hits to knock a blue or purple, three hits on a red armored player? Disgusting.
This man is still undefeated on editing to this day!
6:22 track name pls for god sake
it’s kinda funny seeing people think apex is dying with around 250k players, while titanfall literally has an 100th of that many players on average
Good to know the community in the game is still awful
These are just getting funnier and funnier!! Im dying
Certified BANGER
Song 0.21 second plasma guys ?
That 28 ammo p2020 and 12 ammo mozam with that kendrick line was hilarious
Lmao no way Timmy said that😂😂
New Revetek vid dropped!
You are the goat of this style. They just dont know my guy
Wtf le montage de la vidéo et la musique sont incvroyable ! Big GG directement de France aha
not like us remix hit hardd
NOT LIKE US remix was fireeeee, i need entire songg edit audio
ты лучший
I like the constant LOW AMMO waring in the middle of the screen. if only they could move it up and make that bigger and also increase R to reload prompt because I keep forgetting which button that is
yoooooo new vid bro! cool
EA woke up and chose violence like they did for every one of their titles
Damn, this edit is fire 🔥🔥
Another perfect montage of gameplay and soundtrack.
finally, my favourite youtuber Revetek 2 uploaded
Akimbo’s mozambig and p2020 is destroying apex ranked. They should be removed or revorked cuz their are hella fk op as fk
Oh it’s a damn good day today my friends
At @5:40 he cussed in Turkish saying “*mına koyim senin” and that translates to “F*k your p**sy” in English. Love your videos Rev, much love from Turkey (or Turkiye).
this one game got all the good ones
20 minutes ago hits harder than Mozambique Here
The goat is here
we need more brooo you are insane
You’re one entertaining sob. And thank you! 🙂
nice vid 👌👌
I like how you always put BF1 kill confirm sound. Its so satisfying.
What a masterpiece
Let’s goooo!
Apex & Revetek:😜🔥🤑
the music is just mint like
Bro is dkeng fast brk fr was goated in 2020 and 2022 fr me only here is crazy
Bro got me vibing with the new kendrick ft. P2020 & Mozambique 🎧🕺
Game is still ass
Omg Revetek what a video man! much love!
Very cool video man please dont die from an assassination while driving to get groceries at 4:17 PM tomorrow😁👍
One minute and only 24 views? Bro fell off
Finally another vid 😁
Video stars 00:01
My goat
Season 22 we though would be over but they saved it in the last min 😂😂😂😂
Bro where have you been
Yes Baby