Apex Legends – Funny Moments & Best Highlights #988
Welcome back to another Apex Legends – Funny Moments & Best Highlights video. This series contains the best funny, fail, epic, wtf Apex Legends moments and top Apex plays all submitted by our community.
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Apex Legends – Funny Moments & Best Highlights #988
►Want be in a video? Click to submit!
►Gamers featured in this video:
faytemeansfate: https://lsm.gg/faytemeansfate
Canxzz: https://lsm.gg/canxzz
ihmonte: https://lsm.gg/ihmonte
KnightDIAC: https://lsm.gg/knightdiac
critical_ly: https://lsm.gg/critical_ly
Slaughter209: https://lsm.gg/slaughter209
wraithsonlyfxnz: https://lsm.gg/wraithsonlyfxnz
youluvbrookee: https://lsm.gg/youluvbrookee
.mewts: https://lsm.gg/.mewts
.jngle: https://lsm.gg/.jngle
NowaFPS: https://lsm.gg/nowafps
_jstar_247: https://lsm.gg/_jstar_247
asapttv: https://lsm.gg/asapttv
average_rev_main: https://lsm.gg/average_rev_main
Freeze2neat: https://lsm.gg/freeze2neat
mfpepega413: https://lsm.gg/mfpepega413
quarterdutch: https://lsm.gg/quarterdutch
thelobaprint: https://lsm.gg/thelobaprint
toast.gif: https://lsm.gg/toast.gif
Outro Song (Ellzo – Snakes & Ladders):
Livestream Moments is a community where gamers/content creators can record and share their best gameplay moments using our platform. We’re not a simple platform for reposting pre-existing content, but we’re a creator of original videos through the use of informative commentary and transformative visually engaging edits. Livestream Moments always has the permission to use player’s/creator’s content. If someone submitted your content without permission, mistakes in crediting or other inquiries please contact info@lsm.gg or direct message on Twitter.
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コメント (10)
Love that emotional intro 😂😂
6:53 Sao Paulo servers
Controller players: “BuT MnK hAs MoVeMeNt”
MNK players: “you guys literally run strikepacks, zens and movement scripts like your life depends on it”
See 1:00
1 sub away from 100
Keep it up
7:31 omg dats meee !!
7:08 hee hee
primer comentario jeje
Boy a liar