Apex Legends: Temporal Chaos Collection Event
The Temporal Chaos Collection Event is here to electrify the Outlands!
Hot drop into the new Straight Shot Revival, and light up a new TDM variant with only Akimbo and LMGs. Conquer the Reward Track and earn items like an Epic+ Newcastle Skin and matching Peacekeeper. Finally, collect all 24 Temporal Chaos Event items during the event, to unlock Bangalore’s new “Emerald Edge” Heirloom!
Want to learn more?: http://x.ea.com/apxl/temporal-chaos-collection-event
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
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コメント (574)
ts tuff !
If u main octane or mirage you are the equivalent of simple jack😂
I like apex but I like lobs and Valkyrie more
Why is no one talking about the jjk reference
Bring back trios
Anyone else having problems where during their games sometimes you get kicked out because it says the servers shut down or something
That’s ending hard 😂😂😂
Oh Well… at least the music of the trailer is lit 🔥
why don’t Show Health bar? lol
Dogshyt Developers
Thanks for sending this notification can’t wait for the event!
normal trios return without the revival
Can you please fix the internal server shutdown that makes the game unplayable 😑
Recolor bangalor….where the recolor blood or remake of animation pack
When pathfinder!!!!
EA just fix the servers! You gonna lose a lot of players … mark my words
Guess, what is next heirloom collection? Mirage recolor event
lol y’all complain so much this the first heirlooms recolor in so long 😂
Octane skin is a must
Oh look another recolor
Oh goodie, another heirloom recolor. Truly an Apex experience.
bring back normal trios
Im already bored , should’ve aded a legend a weapon, and a buggie car with custom paint and neon lights.
Just like COD back in the day, you’re stuck in…
repeating the same thing over and over and over again thinking this time is gonna be different, nonononono please, this time is gonna be different _Vaas_
When Maggie heirloom?
Yaaa I think I’m finna need that
Wraith got a recolor but no special move smh
Just do Grand Soiree 2. Events fell off since then…
Bring back duos and solos
We want titanfall 3
My favorite part about this game is how my shots do 0 damage, or go completely around where im shooting
They gata meet the cost level of the battle pass that they took off😂
EA need a money
Can we have regular duos and trios lobbies again?
The last thing we need is a Bangalore recolor. Where’s my mirage recolor?
Bro where is quads
This is how ea gets their money back for giving out the battle pass for free I guess
Why are they doing recolours so much? There are other legends that could use an heirloom or prestige skin. Leave the recolours until everyone has one of both.
Respawn is racist
Another missed opportunity few a Newcastle heirloom 😪
Ash crawling away from expensive prise 😂😂
I’m gonna give them my money this time jus coz I’m enjoying the new season
Give us free hirloo
Not gay enough. I’m not coming back to Apex until it’s 100% gay and there’s only female characters on the roster.
Recolour Garbage Event -> Equip all legends with heirlooms first!
The faster yall realize apex is just a big cash grab the sooner you won’t like it 😂
Just add arenas back pleaseee
I got the original heirloom but it does nothing but now they made a recolor heirloom with a finisher. No one buy nothing from this event. Let’s stop this.
Still no love for Maggie as usual
Community:we want a new heirloom
Apex:oh we will just give another recolour
oh yeah money brother🫰
Why is Ash always getting abused in these trailers
is Mirage supposed to be Gambit? cuz he looks like Gambit
No one asked
Another one, thank you
Wish they would add an event that just gives you shards instead of constant recolors.
When does it come out
Why is it Ash or Revenant getting beat up?
New finisher on the heirloom? Finally heirloom finishers?
What is y’all’s problem with beating on ash???
There will never be a new heirloom I guess
where is bloodhounds recolor???
Like who was in charge of the Bangalore animations need to get some survival training they never went camping or something you can’t sharpen a blade with a flint it to start a fire
Already begging for money😂 rework ash and sell a recolor would net more cash
Bro why is she trying to sharpen her knife with a flint the comes with survival knife’s like that is used to start a fire not to sharpen the blade😅
Pls give us lifelike inspection
I need a new universal heirloom pls!!
Ahh nice again and again and again . No maggie heirloom or skins or anything mad Maggie really. I genuinely feel they hate mad Maggie . She gets almost zero Love
The laziest heirloom of all time…
0 efforts
0 enthusiasm
1 desire to pump money
Boycott apex
So bangalore prestige dive trail??????
If we gotta spend over 20 dollars for battle pass and can’t use apex coins this should come with it this a free game but this is outrageous every single little thing cost money now and get something in poor quality when it’s free. We all struggling here with everything going up I didn’t think a free game would up their prices so drastically.
How about adding duos back.
wow another rev skin
Hey um, fix the game
Wow a recolor again? Other legends need heirlooms…
Trying to compensate after that battle pass fallout – and fast 😂😅
Stop spending money on this trash and maybe they will stop price gouging us
The only thing I want them to bring to the store is the Static trainers skin for Wattson
Well, what about fixing the game! I’m not going to waste my money on a recolor
You guys will complain about anything. This is 100 times better than those gambling events.
third full day of the season btw
EA said money
Map is mid.
Not cooking
Bloodhound waiting for his heirloom to be upgraded: ☠️☠️☠️
I can’t buy the pas on Nintendo switch I buy poin tanks u ea for make buy something I can’t not use any more
Looks like they moved Straight Shot to a week eh? Wonder why.
Apex always be releasing mirage skins
I need money
We already got most of these in game
Oh boy, another $300 recolor.
Your customers would like duos and trios back please and thank you
Mr.Krabs, is that you? $$
WHY do we keep getting re-colors of heirlooms? There are legends who haven’t even gotten an heirloom yet, come on guys
Not a 1 thing that I want in this event or the last…
new octane skin im always sold
Give us duos and quads back
Couldn’t give Bangalore a helmet?
Just a friendly reminder
Stop kicking teammate catalyst doors when you can just open them. Only enemy catalyst doors have to be kicked down. I’ve had too many teammates who lack this basic knowledge all night 🙄
How about you fix the problem where I can’t get any dam rp in ranked
Fix the ranked rumble problem now.. getting put in ranked rumble matches since the launch..
Can we uh… Get a brand new heirloom and not a recolor?
I swear we just had an event
Only 2 days and Event trailer??
RIP Maggie heirloom
my bf has been waiting for pathy prestige skin for ages
So fast
Just one problem, Bangalore has ZERO CHANCE against Ash!
Crypto needs new finisher
How about a mythic wattson skin that’s not a recolor and is unique to the game since we’ve been waiting 20 seasons?
Not even a week into the new season before another recolor event gets announced
bangalore looks so cute
octane sreeming on the jump pad and zipline even tho its doing nothin. typical octane main…
Anyone buy the battle pass?
ea need many more??
hoam boring
Newcastle Been getting a lot of love with skins and i Appreciate that ! Keep it coming !!
Collection Events >>> Milestone Events
so bad that face-less skin=beautiful in this game
Love the pink hair on mirage!
Also, curious why there doesn’t seem to be any new voice lines this season, I thought we’d get some tied to crypto and caustic cause of the map….
Fix ranked .
Looks awesome can’t wait for it….And any NEWS on my missing/absent Rev Heirloom Divetrail???
The season barely started and they are already asking for more money don’t play their game until they stop being greedy this is the first season I willingly didn’t play day 1 I don’t even have it downloaded anymore
Bangalore mythic skin dive trail when?
Dawg can we get regular br back before ya’ll drop an event on us
i’m overstimulated (i begged for a change of pace)
Why did have the trailer so many dislikes?
apex please i play apex sinc season 0 and i have no heirloom whyyyy
Siiiiick, that trailer was clean
Recolor recolor recolor
Fun fact that every legend that wasn’t in a legendary skin or didn’t get a event skin but was shown in the trailer like ash will get a skin next event
Every legend thats been out a while should have had an heirloom before they started this recolor bs
Nothing like a brand new heirloom recolor to start off the new season
Nerf Horizon plz
Whyyyyy they keep making recolours of already existing heirlooms? There are still legends who don’t have an heirloom at all yet… The greed of respawn just gets thicker and thicker… I’m never spending another dollar I this game.
where is Gaming Merchant’s comment ?! 😄🥰😉
Season started two days ago. LOL
Akimbo re45 pls lol
dude that finisher i want that someone gift me
Bring back titanfall, you greedy cowards
Dark skins in a dark map, no wonder they added threat vision 😅
Fix the FPS lag on ps4 and ps5… good quality update was the new season (no)
I won’t be buying anything from this event
All the legends that don’t have heirlooms:
Ah shoot, here we go again
still no mad Maggie heirloom?
It’s not called a “Collection event” because of the cosmetics, it’s to collect our money
Fix the servers. Everytime, FIX THE SERVERS.
Better be somewhat free like the battle pass
1:20 I love that Bangalore says “We’re stuck in a spiral shooter” referring to constant heirloom recolors
Fun fact that every legend that wasn’t in a legendary skin or didn’t get a event skin but was shown in the trailer like ash will get a skin next event
Oh look more new finishers with heirlooms weapons… Too bad its only with recolors.. 😒
So, we’re just doing Collection event every time the other one ends? Ok. I guess that works
Pls can you fix ranked cuz my fav streamer is not having the best time and it makes me sad
No car/trident .no play.sorry
ランパート Please
W mirage ult moment
Skins are trash that saves me some money thanks
Maggie’s heirloom would be nice.😢
Every trailer the enemy is 1 shot lol
Dumb season and event for sure! 👎🏻👎🏻
Okay but the Banglore finisher is badass🔥
Did octane stimmed after the jump pad?
Managing to monetize a turnover of game modes and calling it “event”… Looks like they’re trying to unlock all the achievements of ultra-capitalism 🫠
Looks good
now the battle pass can’t buy with coins? only can pay with euros EA needs moneeeey hahaha
Okay I’m actually hyped for this event. Haven’t cared for an event in a long time till now. Love the skin color pallets
Should add back the double hop up for the G7
It’s not a loop, it’s a spi… Oops, wrong game
I just want a Pathfinder prestige skin.
no way another recolor
Primero arreglen su pinche juego, como que por jugar Watson se te va a crashear, mamen
Awesome! Another new finisher that starts with a beating!
I haven’t played in awhile. What was that gun with the shield? Is the shield an attachment?
Ok I am conflicted.
On the one hand, I am glad its an heirloom and not some low quality standard knife.
On the other, the season barely started and you haven’t fixed the issues a lot of people mentioned.
Sorry but this is just weak.
Season start on Tue heirloom trailer Thur $$$$$$$$$$$$
i like thw part where octane stims on the zipline like it makes a difference
I hope they nail Halloween season this year like the last one. Had so much fun with living shell trios in world’s edge
If only the heirloom was universal :/
I pay, get it
Yay more things for people to waste their money on
Will the Wattson bug that crashes the whole server fixed soon?????
I knew it, bangs pick rate is high asf so bamn… new recolour.
Respawn, you guys created such a simple & fun mode with Revival its just too good. Make it permanent for normal pubs
New legend heirlooms ❌
New recolors ✅
at this point everything is repetitive.
at least give us a good gamemode if you are gonna rub this event in our face
So now you give my girl Bangalore a new skin.
28k views in one hour, bro fell off
Man had to be while my Internet is broken
Can you fix the ranked rumble bug first or at least acknowledge you are working on it first???
Fix how heath bars react with Mirage, you nuclear nerfed him this season despite him being below average in both pick rate & performance. Why do you hate Mirage so much?
I was looking forward to the new animation for the heirloom, it is disappointing. I got the yellow one, and it doesn’t make me feel like it is a new heirloom like Octane’s when he got new animations.
Travis Scott?
A recolor heirloom event, waw 🤨
The greed of EA is actually insane. They couldn’t get $20 for the battle pass so instead they decided to put out yet another collection event… cringe.
Apex, you have an issue where there’s a glitch and people can’t get rp even though we are playing rank.
now give mirage his prestige skin
How about finishing the actual herlooms first before making recolours. Idk just a thought.
Give Conduit an heirloom and the alternator a reactive already
i like how (Rampart or wraith ?) is lootin the loot bin which behind a portal with a foe comin towards her instead of runnin away . A true apex experience
When Vantage gonna have more skins ?
I like how Bangalore is inspectin her heilrome weapon in fronta a downed enemy instead of finishin her off . A true apex moment
The season just drop 😂
Listen, i understand heirloom recolours, but how about all legends get their heirlooms first?
Fix the ranked rumble glitch before i quit your game forever. In real ranked it keeps counting it as ranked rumble. I cant lose or gain points in a actual ranked match. First off this glitch shouldnt even be possible cause ranked rumble shouldn’t even exist. This shows how out of touch you are with your fanbase that you dont get we just wanna play real ranked.
What’s up with always changing how the guns sound?
We need squads back Asap
Temporal Wallet Collecting Event
Pleasee bloodhound nexttt
pls address the false ban bug
No Crypto legendary skin, truly an apex experience.
Do not buy the new BP with your money unless you want this Bp split to stay. This tactic is only around to keep you away from playing other games
Poor Newcastle
I love it when i go behind a wall and still get shot cus the servers are worse than roblox’s and even geometry dash’s 💀
Truly an apex moment
0:35 hacking has gotten so bad in Apex its now made its way into the trailers for collection events respawn doesn’t care anymore
Another heirloom Recolour? It’s been like a year since we actually got a new one
Não vou gastar mais nenhum centavo nesse jogo, obrigado.
Worst Game of 2024
The season has just started!I couldn’t even buy it, and now there’s something new, and the company just wants money
I like the part where alter uses her passive to reach into your wallet and takes $150 for an heirloom that already exists
fix packet losses in eu servers
Bake the mobile version of Apex Legend again
This trailer need to buy?
Skydives trail for og Prestige skins never coming 😭
Theirs a shield on a gun????
This isn’t a Vantage heirloom. Dismissed.
The recolor looks buns
Bro there’s a mirage, rev, and octane skin in literally every event… Can we please get some variety😂😂
Please fix whatever happened to matchmaking and add mixtape stat trackers!
It’s barely been two weeks in this season and there is recolour
here, have another plate of our finest bullsheeeeeet
1:21 Obviously I won’t pay money to the developers for another collection event, but I will give a like for the best execution in the game
Garbage skins as always.
each skin at the price of a triple Aaa game! LOL YEAH no thanks😂😂😂 a skin should around 10 o 15 soles, 3 to 6 dolars
Ahh yes finally a Skin that displays sexyness and power, now I can main bangy
Ffs the season just started!
So no mad maggie skins k
Can we get more conduit event skins?
Has anyone noticed a change in aim assist on console?? 🤔
0:45 Rev jumping over Cat’s wall😚🤌🏽
Dog it’s been two days give us a sec to play💀
At least the cosmetics arent recolors 🤷♂️ its a start
Thumbs down till cheaters are gone
Para cuando un evento inspirado en Guanajuato?
Is everyone one shot in these trailers or what?
Where is path perstige at
We’re never getting an update for Raven’s Bite, are we?
Duo’s when
When is arena coming back tho?
Everyone on the Apex Reddit is a DJ
Oh look…. Another heavily expensive micro-transaction based event that is just reskins or recolors….. apex holds a special place in my gaming time. But yall aren’t doing anything anymore
Recolors were a mistake
Can I at least use crafting materials this time around?
the last heirloom recolor had recolors this has brand new skins and no recolors well done respawn now people might actually buy this
The music is fire!
TLDW: More overpriced Reskins
As greedy as Respawn can be… You have to admit they go full out to make their game fun and interesting
This makes me feel nothing man..
Here comes the recolors 😊
Could you fix this bug of serve shut down!? It’s not cool getting a bunch of kills for them to not count and then going into another match only to die 3 times and then it to repeat all over again… Give me my kills thanks…. done playing until its fixed..
Please bring duos back for the whole season and fix getting kicked and bad servers/ lag !
Respawn every 4 to 5 seasons let’s do what our community likes literally few weeks later another bs event
Wonder how many recolors we get noone wants before they give the Legends an heirloom that dont even have one yet
Bring back squads
Ok…Pero poned trios o duos normales por favor
bro the season just started… chill out
Instead of a new legend getting an heirloom we get a recolour L
Recolour Legends
Another heirloom recolour 🙄
How about a Lifeline heirloom recolor? Hers has been out almost the longest.
Temporal Trash
Employees car payments are due
I really love the part where Bangalore said “you’re on the wrong end of it” because we really are are the wrong end of ea’s greed.
The recolor looks clean. I’m here for that.
So heirlooms get finishers now or that specific to that skin?
I love when Bangalore said “Wallet out” truly an Apex moment
hey could you guys put the option to use the old rev abilities please? a lot of people in the /RevenantMain subreddit are asking for it
“oh but seer also have the silence now” bro there are like 3 legends with void/portal abilities
had a good start to the seaosn…dont push it
Why would I buy the mirage skin when you broke him with this health bar nonsense
this so bad color
Fix the battlepass. Its too much of a grind.
they really made a pop smoke skin on bangalore💀
We need revenant heirloom finisher PLEASE!!!!!
s-tier finisher
Remember, no buying.
I know it’s probably people higher up the hierarchy, but the prices in this game are extreme. You’re better off sticking your money on roulette, kids 😆 atleast then u have a chance of winning something tangible.
can we please get an animation rework for the Bloodhound heirloom?
Yay! More reskins. 🤦♂️
Please apex my wallet just needs a little more time I just completed void reckoning give me time 😭😭😭
Well, seems like they didnt got more money couse of BP drama 🙂
Oh whoopie more revival honestly prefer the other modes
where’s the fff is GIBBY guys ?? do u removed him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X#@@#@#!@!#@$#@$%%
No more milestone events plz
Getting copped so quick
This season really sending ”SHOCKWAVES” through out wallets…..
Bring trio and duo back. Fix you servers. Fix the issues.
…this is boring. lazy apex copy n paste mindset at ea is creating a really lame game.
no Vantage skin ?. sadge
That free bp aint gonna pay for itself huh
Heirloom is mid
Does this come with an anti cheat?
remove healthy bars and red outlines pls
This is why people left your game. Trailers for people to buy skins?
Crazy how they keep pumping put these trailers like we actually want this
Спасибо, так приятно ждать реликвию на свою легенду, и получить очередной реколоо, в прочем вы как всегда с пониманием к игрокам…
The answer is: no
Better make it so that the game doesn’t crash after a couple of minutes of playing
Good viewing 💫💫👇
seems like the community is hard boycotting the battle pass
Bangalore looks like Lewis Hamilton
First dislike on a trailer for me
What is the heirloom?
I’m not spending more money in this game. Extremely pricey and they screwe the new BP.
Slow downbEA jeez man
I just hit on dislike button
The finisher was cold 🥶🔥
Fix Mirage plssssssssssss!!!
What day is It coming?
Like how they didn’t even show Catalyst’s skin
what happened to not doing a battlepass rework
still waiting on an Mirage’s heirloom skin😮💨
Cool now fixed ranked my rp is frozen
all i can say, THANK YOU! to not making a repaint skins again for the event! even it was a repaint heirloom, im still glad they make a new skins of the legends, THANK YOU!!!
Not even a week and they already telling us to spend money, this is wild, bye apex you don´t care anymore, as well as i don´t care about you
As Phil Collins once said:
“I Don’t Care Anymore”
Buff aim assist
That beat is crazyyy
Se perdeu, paizão
always the same legends just getting back to back skins😂
bro cada vez mas horrendos los eventos, juego en decadencia
Apex Recolours
Okay cool..
What about Quads?
Bangalore skin is fire finally a black hairstyle that isn’t the goofy one
Love it 😄
The map os phenomenal, just add some loot on it please !
I can’t wait for the next legend
How about giving mirage some lovong like a recolor pr a prestige skin? Jeez
Sheesh these comments are always so toxic. Apex is free to play, they have to make money somehow or there would be no game to play. Atleast they’ve added a lot of new things this season
EA vs my ears at 0 seconds in
I would spend money if apex Mobile was a thing
So, whens Revenant’s Heirloom Finisher?
Don’t care, where is duos?
Ash mains that’s us at the end because our D tier legend is still not receiving any much needed buffs
We need more cinematic trailers
do i also have to buy the event to fix the somehow worse audio oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrr?…………….
Good i was waiting for it
Hello,i like money
So a recolored heirloom but with a twist on their finisher?
When we think they done, they just keep coming back with more😭
Yeah let’s just change the color….
literally 1 week jeez
I won’t buy it unless Bangalore is not getting nerf later
bring back quads… BRUH
Why couldn’t rev and wraith get a finisher 😢
Vantage or Conduit mythic? :c good trailer.
Season out for like 1 day:”we need more money”
Apex showing they truly don’t like Ash
Heirloom for maggie would’ve been nice but its okay
Announcing a collection even 2 days after the drop of a new season is absolutely insane. I think we’re reaching peak EA
Recolor let’s go
Finisher should be free at least.
Mejoren el Loot please
Skin design is so lazy now. Make one, Ctrl C, Ctrl P. Go back to counting the money.
Events are coming out faster than my paychecks come in… Not that I’m spending. Dear god, I’d save more money with a gambling addiction
Apex and cod both dropped a trailer at the same time
I’m tired of the Ash disrespect 😭
Are you out of your mind?
You should think about fixing the game, are you just making another piece of trash?
We’re just not gonna get a new heirloom are we? Also It’s literally been a day are we really that desperate?
So let keep making recolors for heirlooms instead of giving one to Maggie, ballistic, or Newcastle… sure
Buy buy buy
Oh no..another recolor…
Apex is trying to make a comeback
They did say this was season would have more content
The season just started the season just started the season just started
The recolor looks bad imo wish they went with a different color scheme
Fix the south african servers please..
Map is trash, can’t move without dying every 2min, battle pass is meh and now…………………….More money?
Why every legend has 1 hp in this trailers 🤦♂️
1:14 “Again and again and again… a heirloom recolour collection event”
Thanks for the free battlepass.
How about u fix ur game, yesterday i was in silver than randomly i get put in masters for one game which was like -75 and when i died the -75 still counted but i didnt stay masters
Ash from an announcer to a punching bag 😥
The game is laaaaaggggyyyyyyy
No effort anymore man. Why are we getting recolor events when 3 legends still don’t have heirlooms??
Please give me a hariloom
Can we use crafting mats for this event ? Just want that Octane skin
I really need the skin for revenenant waaaa looks so amazing
Cool, we need more legendary finishers tho.
Money hungry
No Dive Trail Still?🧍🏾🤨
Ngl, I like this Heirloom recplor more than Bangs first heirloom.
New season hella goated but they need duos
respawn try not to make heirloom recolour event with every legend skin being the exact same theme and all look identical to one another challenge: impossible
Yall should have made rev ability like the new revive mode and kept gameplay the same
fast as F boi
I really wish we got a astronaut skin for Valkyrie in this event
sadly only caustic got a helmet suit skin
They’ve created Titanfall without being “Titanfall”! Finally, some progress!
Maggie Heirloom waiting room turning into a cemetery
2 days in game is a broken mess but hey this is an amazing time to drop a collection event
Apex Pls Make a Tv show or Movies
Could we have arenas back pretty please
Great. Another collection event. Not like we have 4 a season now, and they have lost their specialty. You know, you guys could put a little more of your resources into the story, like quests, instead of the 15th collection event in the last 5 months.
stop recolor pls
Would love to see quads back!
Gotta say you guys are stepping up from the free Pashto dev videos. Maybe this game isn’t dying after all KEEP UP THE GGOD WORK, LEGEND!🫡
My favorite skin is the Mirage
Who is bangalore to beat a pilot like Ash 😭🙏🙏🙏
I’ll come back when path gets a heirloom skin which apparently take 10 years
Thank you for giving us 200 Ping in South Africa
Will APX Lidget come back to mobile
Sorry. Moved onto Valorant for console.
From the many gambling event we had in a couple seasons… Is it really that bad that I’m glad we have a normal collection event?
Season just started and they already want yall to swipe 😂😂😂 keep funding this game guys!!
Bring Arenas back..
Recolored heirlooms are so lazy
No Pathfinder skin..
please make it half price man
Mirage is definitely tired of saying bamboozle
A collection event 3 days into the season is crazy 😭
Can we get some new heirlooms?? Like Maggie
So we’re getting the recolor of Bangalore’s knife, huh? Was expecting a new heirloom or mythic skin for Wattson, but eh. Whatever floats their boat.
Can’t wait to waste 150 euros on lame skins, let’s gooo
The temporal chaos are the servers that are closing before the BR match has even finished 😂 🤦♂️ 👍 🤡
I like when apex temporarily cause chaos by rubbing more microtransactions in our face
mirage heirloom next years boys
These Bangalore one liner are nice
Can you make all the stuff free this time? Or I delete Apex?!
Your game is currently broken with like a dozen bugs, fix those before dropping this
Booooo an heirloom recolor give me a Maggie heirloom
Its the good version of the events you can buy skins you want to buy
They spent a lot of money on the new map
Need another cash grab, quick 😭
Best new heirloom Bangalore looks awesome hot skin’s love it 😍❤️🔥
Mf It’s been 2 days 😭
If yall buy this, you’re the problem and Apex will never improve.
The heirloom finisher looks cold asf 🥶🥶
make apex great again
Newcastle Trackers when? 😢
I want a Wattson skin😭
Its been 2 days
BORING where pathfinder prestige skin
Events where all the skins follow the exact same visual theme feel really bland. Every event skin used to be unique to the character. :/
Imagine thinking you can compete with a zombies launch reveal with your money grab event
La nouvelle map est incroyable 🥰😍😎✌️
How about you fix whatever is making the servers have a seizure??
when maggie getting an heirloom
Y r we working on recolors for heirlooms b4 we get everyone one
3 days after the new season drops is crazy for a collection event 💀💀
fix the loot first
prayin they release them void weapons being leaked with this collection event
Off topic but make the battle pass stars count towards the normal XP progress…
apex is still alive
Make an event with 150 heirloom shards if you want to make money cuz every ain’t spending money anymore just make a collection event for 150 heirloom shards
im re-downloading apex again and then a new event comeout bruhhh
Hahaha Bangalore go brrr out of meta.
So what about classic battle pass?
“Temporal Chaos” would’ve been a great time for a Classic map(s) LTM
I can hold mine longer than that !
W season start
bru let me enjoy the new map
it’s a good finisher but that’s about it
EA said they listen to the feedback and revert battlepass so you can buy it with apex coins. BUT YOU CAN’T
They made current battle pass free just to divert the attention from their grEAd
Can we have duos back forever please 🥺
Greattt… here we go again
If this is another milestone event, respawn will erase 100% of the goodwill they earned back due to the (honestly) pretty good season & backtracking of the BP changes
How about an heirloom that isn’t a recolour???
Looks neat
Just give us titanfall 3 already
Okay, let’s see who’s in the plantation of EA?
Just put the apex coins in the bag bro🙏
Where’s duos at 😡
another 500 dollar event?
We just had an event last week. Let our wallets breathe 🥲
My favorite part is the Mirage running circles around Ash instead of shooting her truly one of the Apex moments of all time
Awesome already
lol I’m going to cod these mfs money hungry
Woooooo 😂 I need apex mobile EA please
Gay-pex Legends is persistent.
you ate my money and i didnt get my 1000 coins and now u are announcing a collection 💀💀
2 Days and already event to spend money what an apex experience.
Can a dev maybe look away for few and make the glitch that had solos, duos, and quads live for a few minutes permanent for a day.
Increasing supplies on the ground is more important than holding this shrimp in your hand
Unrelated, but does anyone else find it funny how octane always Stims on jump pads in the trailers even tho it has no effect
Why never any vantage stuff
The season just started 😊
this was quite quick
Dang already that was wayyyy to quick
what the sigma
its been like two days of the season-
Literally two days ago
The bills can’t be this high 😭🙏
Money money money…..
Wow that’s like…another recolor
3 days after the season releasing is crazy
bring duos back
Cool I guess? lol
Collecting your $ event 😂😂😂😂 they’re so shameless
add duos back
Can you guys stop adding recolors and maybe add heirlooms for legends who don’t have one
Another straight up L, all about the money they ruined this game.
I dont think another recolor of an heirloom is what we wanted, i dont think paying you greedy asshats more money is what we wanted either. Why not step away from your monitization for a bit and bring your community back before you loose your chance to.
We only need one collection event per season bro
33 seconds and 11 likes? Ppl watched the videos at the speed of light? Teach me
The season barely started man
That was quick
18 likes in 40 seconds? Apex fell off
Your videos are always a high standard of quality on YouTube. Thank you for your work!🍻🫢🫠🟩
No views in 27 seconds? Apex legends fell off
8 seconds is rambunctious