Apex Legends: Shockwave Dev Update
Catch a sneak preview of the next season in this special update from the Dev Team – and get ready to tap into a whole new energy with Apex Legends: Shockwave!
Want to learn more?: http://x.ea.com/apxl/shockwave
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
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*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 22,apex legends trailer,apex legends gameplay trailer,apex shockwave,apex legends shockwave,revivals,battle sense,akimbo,E-District,apex legends shockwave rewards,apex legends ranked updates,apex legends legend upgrades,shockwave battle pass apex,apex legends skins,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (1414)
amazing stuff… can’t wait , the map looks insane
The text “リスポーン!!!” on the wall In E-District, it means “Respawn!!!” their company’s name in Japanese.
Why do they all sound the same, lol
Good vid tho
I don’t give money to these clowns
Apex is actually gonna get better.
Respawn has actual human devs??????
Where were they being kept? Do they see sunlight?
I need a pc 🖥 😢
разблокируйте меня пожалуйста bublikoed
Add kbm already
22 seconds in al sort this out for you before we go any further GET RID OF HACKERS !!!!!!😂
That’s a lot of cool changes, I’ll be coming back. I like this new Dev Update thing too.
Injust started playing again at the end of this cyrrent season but im stayig to see these new changes im excited to get. Back into this game
They made numerous fresh additions. But did they resolve the previous issues?
Pls add new servers and improve anticheat (Cant play on servers with continuous issues and high ping and remove Bahrain server )
now you come out. after such backlash but guess what you guys are done apex is dead now play alone with those bot lobbies
3:57 = I love how they said “here’s a new feature that we are adding” … Then immediately proceeded to show !*NO*! footage of the feature that they were highlighting. Truly an Apex experience
Imagine how *SEVERELY WARPED* their ‘new player’ data / experience would be if people weren’t smurfing every 1-2 teams per match 🤔
biggest issue: THE CHEATERS
Well I be super duper darned 🤯
Is it possible to fix the bug of not connecting and the bug of not hearing footsteps…?
Tuvimos que amenazarlos para que al fin hagan su “CHAMBA”
why is there aim flinching at 2:32?
2 mozamques uff 😅
And 0 acknowledgement of battle pass controversy…like nothing has ever happened…smh Respawn
Nice Fictional character for the speaches, just full of bot and Ai in this video😂😂😂. If they are real human, bet their aim just like storm trooper and the real expression represents stressfulness by EA😅.the truth is all ideas and concepts made by hacker.😢
Mickey Mouse at 5:33
Good communication and the new season looks incredible. One question I have is does anyone still get the early-update/pre-install opportunity on consoles? I got it one time a few years ago, and never again
trash company
So it’s just…. “Three Strikes” but with less steps? 🤔
When will you start banning cheaters? The game became uninteresting and lacked balance in the rating.
Give wraith horizons movement pls
Apex Offline mode wud be a nice
This sounds like load of fun🎉.
Give us back Apex Mobile😫
Love the changes! BUT! Still nothing about a new anticheat for pc or something about teamers/6men/9men on console…
Man yall need to bring kbm support to apex legends console all console. Not js that but also maybe consider bringing splitscreen. I dont know why I’m typing I know yall wont read but I just wanna see others feedback
U know these bearded dudes are plat 2 at best
5:15 ¨I am excited to show you our new map¨ says the robot.
He specifically has to say he’s excited since robots do not have the innate ability to display their feelings.
all this is irrelevant you could of put all that energy into anti cheats and bans
oh and sort the hair out, you a grown man not a 11 yr old kid
Just give up 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️And your game will succeed
“we will continue to turn a blind eye to cheaters and pump out new skins at higher prices for you to buy” ah somethings never change
Bring back arenas
healthbar is pretty lame tbh
The question is how will the fps be in E-District? Because it looks cool and all, but all the geometry is heavy on the graphics card. I wouldn’t be surprised when the system requirements are much higher.
Honestly if yall make it so we can choose from solos duos trios and squads im happy instead of having to wait for them to rotate
Great changes. Steve needs some lessons on acting though.
do nothing to cheaters?
lmg more competetive :DDDDDDDDD ty for L star boiiiiiiiiiiis c:
2:31 deleted aimpunch detected xd
What About console servers?
6:03 You wanted feedback! Bring back ARENA as a LTM, see the response and we’ll see how it goes from there! ARENA is so nostalgic and fast paced, repeat play for sure, and so much FUN, it’ll send SHOCKWAVES across the APEX community.
Did you guys fix the cheating problem?
I’ve been playing Apex for 5 years, almost since its release, not so long ago, or to be precise a week ago I decided to play Titanfall 2, and I can’t understand why no one is playing Titanfall If she is much better than Apex.
When we will see some crossover with Titanfall? A titanfall mode, maybe with exoskeletons who increase the legend’s abilities?
Now we can blame someone for once
Please look at the legends feedback post on the apex EA forums by blackliight about crypto. It suggest a passive called nuero lens that spunds great along with ultimate recommendations when drone is not available. Some quality of life changes and more. A brief suggestion for mirage also.
The saddest wallbounce I have ever seen, at 3:48
We are witnessing the death of apex
Great – now take a break from new dev and go online and ban the hackers – just look at your leader boards.. quite ez.
Holy smokes a dev update! This is W comms, keep it up!
Stop making LMGs viable, anyone can be Gibby now
SOLO, DUOS, TRIOS, and QUADS please ~
“ keep your feed back coming “ I don’t think you want to or will listen to the comments because it don’t matter you guys are like overwatch now where if something was mid or not very good you make it broken next season
Do guys love to you find new ways to make the game worse
The most underwhelming gold loot bin I’ve ever seen has had to be 1:20 xD
For me they reset my acc to a fresh lvl 1, default skin & few legend unlock. Tf ea? A lot of afford, time & money hv been wasted for more than 2 years of playing. Iam quit!
Arena…..arenaaa….arenaaaaaa….. Areeeennnaaaaaaa…..Mod Arena please
Bring back arenas. It was better to be certain on how many enemies you faced.
65 gigs…yall and cod alone are KILLIN me😭😭🤣
“Powerful loot” bin contains a blue helmet and the 4x-10x digi scope that doesn’t see through smoke anymore. Nice one.
It took 5 years but Respawn finally developed the ability to talk to players outside of monthly tweets.
Finally we get to see the bloomers who have spolied this game!
Just bring back arenas bro🙏😭
when they gonna fix the Hacker issue ?
Every game aim hack No recoil hack wall hack
Do you ever consider putting Apex legends back on the Apple Store?
i thought first would be ENEMIES FOOTSTEPS SOUND ADD
wait a min , ” close Range Highlight” does it also means that no more “Guerilla war” ?? or if a player sense / scanned his enemy then only this “close range Highlights” will work ?? please reply
Thank you Respawn! Love the new content coming! Keep up your hard work, been here since the beginning and will never leave. You guys have made my favorite game of all time. Keep up the good work!
W communication tbf, keep it on, that’s more how we like it
Please just bring back duos
would be nice if ranked got fixed.
Could’ve said making the game easier I see they scrapped the stickers idea still waiting for a apex anime
I love the bot Royale!! My bf and a lot of my coworkers don’t play because the game has picked up so much and it’s hard for even returning people to start fresh. Hope it helps restore their interest.
does anyone else think this is going to be really overwhelming w the sheer amount of new things and changes coming? people keep telling me its not and that its instead just exciting…
Nice to put a face to some of the faces that ruined the game.
so uhh any updates on what yall are going to do about the cheaters or we just not gonna talk about it
Still no african server. What a Shocker
I wish there was a way to report the people on LFG posts (console) for posts they make trying to 6, 9, and even 12 man in ranked lobbies. I have reported them to Xbox Soo many times but nothing has been done because their posts are still being made.
Hola Respawn… cómo están? Quisera ser creador de contenido directo de ustedes presentando estos videos en español!!! Y solicitando que necesitamos una traducción al español Latinoamérica de calidad !! Para las siguientes temporadas … talvez se pierda mi cometario pero lo intente ❤❤❤… con aprecio . Wero
Fix matchmaking
I hope this season is as impressive as that jawline!
wow this is awesome (not) … what about a good anti cheat, routine server maintenance and stable servers … the game has gotten to a point when majority dont carer for new maps and skins they just want to play the game with no issues and with no cheaters!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why can’t they just talk like normal people, and not robots
Everyone’s gonna be using snipers on E district ,can’t wait gonna be so fun
Best season
3:38 juicy sight 😋
So this is what money looks like as a person
We need the town takeovers again. Give us events too. Not just events that take money from your base
YES FINALLY BOT ROYALE!! No more consistent sweaty Apex pub lobbies 😭🥹🥰
bring custom matches without the need for a huge lobby
The most underwhelming gold loot bin I’ve ever seen has had to be 1:20 xD
add more energy by getting rid of cheaters.
I really hope there are no game breaking bugs this season
Been playing since 2/21/19 and I just got my first pack of heirloom shards. I’m still not buying the battle pass. (Which I believe helps your chances of heirlooms)
what about akimbo re-45 and wingman?
Can you still play squads
Apex Warzone 😂
Where arenas?
so we will still die to No Audio?
everything looks great, i just hope the cheaters and hackers are to be dealt with next
Get the highlight out cuz there us a lot of players scripting and u are making it easier for them… They are tracking red colour 🎉
Strengthen anti-cheating
Buff mirage
Here’s some feedback start fixing the cheating issue
I spent money on this game in store stuff and now I can’t play it because of the cheaters
Why is that
Nice, but get better anti cheat❤
Give us a season with no cosmetics just content
Idk what you guys are talking about. Is this “hacking issue” a pc thing? I play on xbox and I haven’t played for a hot minute. Is this a recent issue or what?
could remove broken moon from rotation
nobody wants recolors. we need audio fixes, better servers, and most importantly the cheaters.
Need better ranked rewards, banners and charms aren’t cutting it for the grind give us a fancy gun skin diving trail something better than a banner that you can get anywhere else
Сервера почините лагает, каждая вторая игра это потери пакетов, пропадает звук…
Nothing on the cheating. We don’t need trackers every season!
If the game is more optimized for getting more fps it would be great.
Remove Bahrain, Add Indian
Fix the cheater situation or im not coming back
Everything is good but what happened to the community there were also problems about cheaters and servers.
The community got calm down after seeing this goody-goody thingy, they never said anything about hackers and server update
these are AI’s lol
ok i love all of this but like is that wattson hoodie available to buy cus i love it
They made numerous fresh additions. But did they resolve the previous issues?
I’m so excited
1:21 is the powerful in the room with us?
If they ever put full game replays like Fortnite’s, it’ll be a game changer
I was hoping they would bring Arenas back that was my favorite game mode
Hello Steve, Evan, Eric, and the entire Apex Legends™ team,
I wanted to take a moment to congratulate you on the incredible work you’ve done with Apex Legends™. I’ve been a loyal player since day one, and I’m still as invested in the game as ever. Each season brings exciting new content, and I’m really looking forward to experiencing everything that the “Resonance” season has to offer.
I have immense respect for the work you do, and I understand that some decisions might not always please everyone in the community. After all, it’s essential to strike a balance between profitability and player feedback, which certainly isn’t an easy task. You’re doing an amazing job, and the game is truly a gem.
That said, I’d like to bring up an issue that’s really important to me: the problem of cheaters and users of devices like the Cronus, particularly on consoles. I’ve noticed that many players use these tools without fear of consequences, sometimes even live on social media, encouraging others to do the same. It’s frustrating to see this happening because it really undermines the gaming experience for many players.
I believe it would be greatly beneficial to implement a more robust security system to combat these cheaters. Currently, the Discord for reporting these issues seems mostly helpful for PC players, but it would be fantastic to see stricter measures and more accessible tools for players on all platforms.
I understand that this is not an easy challenge to tackle, but I believe these improvements could greatly enhance the integrity and quality of the game, while also showing the community that this issue is being taken seriously.
Once again, thank you for everything you do. Apex Legends™ is an extraordinary game, and I’m sure the future of the game will continue to surprise and excite players around the world.
See you on the dropship for the launch of the “Resonance” season!
Buff controller
Please give me a heirloom I’ve been playing since day one 🥲 boneNskin15
so many things change, except for servers, cheats, and converters
What about server’s update and anti-cheat upgrade 🙄🙄
nice i rather play with bots than hackers
We dont need lmgs in the meta
Apex is dying and all we can see is desperation from the respawn team
Want feedback? Make wraith have a dive trail for prestige skin you greedy cucks!
2:45 biggest lie ever
“Fun competitive game out there” *doubt*
I’m ngl yall complaining about cheaters is tough luck shoulda stayed on console lol
Respawn for years – It will take us a long time to nerf aim assist because it’s not a simple as just changing a value
Respawn after play numbers tank- Aim assist is too strong we just lowered the value by 25%
new updates same server, is there any update on the servers?
Titanfall3 plz …
Just add arenas and I’ll download your game again
Caustic are about to be extremely meta. I’m calling it
we need duo back
I’ve been playing since beta nearly 6 years ago now…… I can safely say you guys FINALLY DID SOMETHING WORTH wanting to keep playing Apex. I was just about to give it up honestly
Looks really good but surely a Rev nerf should have been there.
Another nothing burger of an update that doesn’t fix much of anything that actually matters but instead bandaging small nit picks almost nobody asked about.
Average dev team in 2024
These are not my devs. This is not my apex. RIP.
Drop vantages heirloom
Duos ever coming back?
Wendy from terrible to good in season 22 Well done, Apex team.
Do you want to truly transform? Stop extorting players with $20 reskins and $160 mythics, and instead concentrate on cheats. Make more than 1/8 of the entire store accessible with crafting shards
the Devs tried hard to make people believe that everything has been renewed… it’s a shame that they didn’t talk about the real problems of this game… new season, game always the same… it’s just an optical illusion, people, don’t fall for it ..
wats a gibby?
Making lmgs more competitive to smgs when they literally nerfed smgs to the ground 😂 What sense does that make? The nerf to the car this season or last season, the nerf to the r99, and now the nerf to the alternator this season? Only decent smgs is the volt and prowler, and everyone’s not good with the prowler give us back full auto!! I haven’t liked the burst mode ever since they nerfed it. The season 4 version of the prowler was peak for me.
valk is still useless
so many ziplines for faide to crutch
they’re really trying to push for zone, and nerfing edge play
also they’re trying to push for shotgun meta
I hope the cheaters enjoy the new season changes…
“Give you some POWERFUL LOOT” – Opening golden bin and its white bolt with blue helmet with no gun whatsoever 😅😂 gotta love it 😂😂😂
so glad that it took 5 years to nerf controller, other games only took 1 month
rotational aim assist is still untouched though
Whole team should resign
So these are the faces behind all these horrible skins and horrendous nerfs 👀😈💀
This is nice and all but have you finally added footstep sounds to your game? It’s been 5 years, stop focusing on taking our money and fix the game first, people would be more willing to give you money if you actually cared about the quality of the game.
Support mouse and keyboard on consoles pleaeeeees
U waste my time and money
Apex Dev: and one last update. If you’re a Strikepack, XIM, or Chronus Zen user, you won’t be banned as long as you meet our $$$ minimum purchases each season.
We saw this as a plus to our revenue and with so many modded control users with the intent for ani-recoil, it’s in our best interest to keep our revenue flowing rather than banning the bad actors.
Theatre mode plz
I didn’t now the devs were actual people. I appreciate them taking the time to show face to the community.
Buff the r9
0:40- why does that alternator sound so good but the peacekeeper sounds like trash
Blink twice if you guys are being held hostage
Let’s pray that all of these new adds to the game don’t break the only decent parts of the game left. 🙄🙄 instead of changing the gameplay maybe get a better anti cheat, make the game more affordable, have WAY better match matching, and bring back heirlooms for characters. Heirloom events are over rated now because of the price and it’s not even cool nor fair for those who don’t main the legends that already have heirlooms. So dumb.
Gibby shield + lmg shield got dam gonna be tough 2 beat lol
The L-STAR meta baby!!!!!!
Y’all apex dev should learn from Hunt Showdown devs who are actually communicating with the player base
The additions sound cool, but it’s the subtractions that still keep me from returning. I took the removal of duos personally, even if it does come back. And why won’t they bring back arenas? Lastly, and most importantly, better anti cheat. If those 3 things were well maintained I would happily play this game and spend copious amounts on cosmetics. Just sayin.
Games bad make Titanfall 3
I’m tryna figure out which one of these dude to be mad at for trying that wack battle pass, and which one to thank for not going fwd with it.
Not a work on cheaters or how to deal with them why not take all recoil off all guns and level the playing field for once oh yeah how much did you have to pay for the hair cuts?
I love you apex ❤❤❤❤❤
Is it me or did they kinda use bo2 theme music in the beginning
Apex might bring me back after 4 rough seasons
Are we keeping quads?
Love the devs actually talking to us PLEASE keep doing this and do it often as u can
watched the whole video and they didnt say anything about the cheters do ea sell this aimbots for players and earn money from cheters ?
Nice to see team of Apex
Tell me why the Director looks like every character in Starfield?
make it easy for us fix the severs
Add wall running pls
Haven’t been this excited for a new Apex season since season 3 to 4 tbh lol
Ea is your cancer, this is what weve been needing
This game is turning more and more arcade overtime, now it even looks like quake 3 arena or something from the 90s and btw people plays the game just like a TDM so I guess they’re in tune with the playerbase.
The BR part has been completely gone for a long time now since the Overwatch refugees invaded the game and now they are 70% of the player base. RIP BR apex
Did nothing about cheats
Still haven’t fixed the main problem of this game , people leaving the game without penalty… Seriously… 5 years man!
3:48 the saddest wallbounce i’ve ever seen
I can actually see them reading the prompter
Sooooo no discusión on cheater no fixing battle pass either welp time to switch games
caustic is the new solo queuers main and his red shield is probably stronger than normal red because of the permeant overcharge and the tank perk he already had
It’s a blast! Hats off to the Respawn Team for spicing up my go-to game. And hey, while you’re at it, give those cheaters the boot, okay? Thanks a bunch!
so the new apex legends update makes gibraltor useless
I can’t wait for the new update
I hopped on today after not playing for the whole season. Man, this game is a real s*** show. Anyone still paying to play this game is a fool and I hope you see the light soon
Only thing left is cheaters
“Mozambique here” truly an apex experience
I’m ready to dominate! 👑
Lifeline missing 🤔
im losing pred because yall lied about how rank rumble wouldnt effect normal ranked. fix your issues before putting more “events” out which will probably have more issues
Feedback: FIX HACKING -_-
Don’t care about any of this stuff, please just put 99% focus on security and I’m positive your population will be happy
Why there is no DLSS in Apex?????
This is like warzone
Estas son las caras de los subormales que estan destrozando Apex
Another game adding Resurgence in their BR. Sigh
fixed matchmaking. my only complaint
Rework ash and stop putting lvl 20s in the same lobby as 3 stacks that play the game 24/7
The demons of greed themselves eh
New map!!!
Titanfall players disappointement when we realize it’s not called legion hop up
Add kernel anti cheat.
I wasn’t charged to watch this video, so I feel the season is already off to a good start 🤑
Alright now remove Broken moon & storm point
U guys are money hungry goblins
Call of Duty WarZone Ressurgent Best Mode 😀
how about hackers? lol
Now i know who to blame
okay okay show me
So many more problems we want just fixed with the game. I’ll take less content with making actual changes to improve the game.
Question #1 that is still not answered yet: ARE DUOS COMING BACK???
So does the gun shield hop up double on gibbies gun shield? Or how does that work?
Bruh remove the health bar or at least hide the flesh health. That is way too much info given for no reason.
they didnt mention one thing that costs money, guys this is actually pretty good
Please do not bring back ranked rumble, it is just something we waste our time on for some terrible rewards.
can u also try to make the game cool again
first dude looks like sal from impractical jokers
Is he real?
Fix server, Audio , BAN cheaters from ranked its easy
Borren a crypto
Notice they didn’t say nothing about the battle pass, so hopefully they don’t change it to that 2 split thing. I’ve heard they would change it back tho. Who knows
When is the lifeline rework
Hey I redeemed an apex code and it didn’t work pls reasoned!!
Please bring servers to Africa 😢
I like the new additions a lot. But it’s time to upgrade the servers and game engine. That would take Apex to next gen status!
Would love to see a classic mode or at some point bring back the og skull town map!!
There’s no way Steve is real, dude looking, gesturing and speaking like an AI.
I wish there was a dedicated tdm only playlist like the latest ltm
How about you stop funding apex and make titanfall 3
why does the first guy also sound like hiswattson
Got to admit W update definitely coming back to Apex Legends let’s go
i dont understand why everything has to be read off a teleprompter. Why can’t the dev’s talk to us like humans and not robots?
Mouse and keyboard support for console ??
Season 22: Weny goes from terrible to good Good job, Apex team.
is apex back?
Let’s gooooo I feel the heat coming ❤
2:47 “one of the most fun” 😂😂 they haven’t been listening at all
show us the dislike button bro
I rather u learn how to play in the actual match 🤷🏽♂️ it makes u better
Thought it was only 12 yr old girls who said things have energy
Communication is key, gentlemen.
Gimme Titanfall 3
It’s really sad that there are actual people that work at this company and agree with it
This game is so fire 🔥🔥
But why Not a new legend ??
Sooo in summary, spent thousands $ to polish the firing range and give random map/gun bonuses.
And once again keep millions $ by ignoring the hacking/smurfing.
Thanks devs on the updates.🫡
It is amazing update put now is perfect time for a different scaracter like someone who can turn in to a raven for example it gives so beautiful and fun contrast I am sure it will bring so much to the game but however you don’t read the community comments orrr….. you do?
I think the last time I’ve seen a dev update was season 4
When are you going to stop catering to PC players they have more Advantage than us console players and now you are Nerf controllers
Now just add actual content during events and not ridiculously priced cosmetics every 2 weeks!!!
Apex Legends Mobile wait today
Im only here for Evan he’s the homie
Why are all the Devs like 60?
New map looks 🔥🔥🔥 so sick!
Yay another season meant for camping this is gonna be so fun 😑
yea honestly how am i supposed to know if its a real comp or if i got lucky against a cheater i got snipped through a horizon ult a few weeks back all three hits back to back yall should be able to tell the difference its as if yall dont accurately monitor the game yall cool with giving 10 min bans on game malfunctions but losing games back to back cus of unknown cheaters n hacks is becoming a waste of our time dedicate time correctly so we dont waste our time after spending our money on skins just to die from a hack that you guys cant seem to stop like stop the havking and cheating then drop skins and event’s
No rank changes? Sick of preds in diamond lobbies. This game is going to die.
Am I the only one who doesn’t like the health bar change? I think it’s pretty good for recons, but everyone? Kinda removes the point of reading your dmg numbers correctly. Tbh it just feels like an unnecessary obstruction to my screen while I’m fighting.
still missing better servers
Amo esse jogo …😍
please apex legend mobile 😊
Are quads still available ?
A little confused with “Battle Sense”. It was stated that it was “tested” in Solos, but none of the patch notes indicates that it’ll have the feature of indicating when an opponent is nearby.
take away the health bars and the game is amazing
If Respon sees this i just want to tell you Good job on apex
1:21 “end game loadouts” ah yes the blue helmet and white bag, cornerstones of endgame loadouts. where’s the part where you announce more prestige skins that cost an ungodly amount?
Plz bring back arenas
fix the sound ans servers that what we need the moste
Rev ult + Conduit shield + spitfire w hop up… Boutta be figthing pre-rework ow1 Bastion in my games
i downloaded the Japanese voices how do i switch to them in game ?
Dead milked ea modern gaming cash cow
Steve.. please pronounce your last name correctly bro. FerREIRA! Be proud!
Skill to identify enemies at range? Buddy that’s an eye dif I’m blind
These are the faces I’ll imagine when they charge m 20$ for a skin
So many years, so much money and no updated servers
They all look ai am fr scared
Idk why they but gibbies passive on a gun now I wonder if both activate
Why do these guys look like they’re A.I Generated? 😅
Does the community include hackers?
Are you fixing the servers tho?
Finally we are hearing from the Devs, cheers to that!
So these are the dudes that we all need to run hands with 😂
Maximum effort
These Devs are some b0z0’s smh…..LISTEN TO THE COMMUNITY…..the community been saying Akimbo FOR YEARS smh….No New Guns, No New Legend, Dogshyt Updates to Legends that NO ONE ASKED FOR….Shield IN ZONE??….WHY?!?!?!?…..straight up M0r0nic ideas smh
Do you want to truly transform? Stop extorting players with $20 reskins and $160 mythics, and instead concentrate on cheats. Make more than 1/8 of the entire store accessible with crafting shards
What no way since when they added the shield to the gun and two guns lol 😅
Jogo tá cheios de hackers com vantagens usando cronossmax😢
Stop the cheating
if duos aint there, imma be disappointed.
Parou de mistura bronze com mestre na rankeada covardia dos diretores
New map loks goooooood!
Wait so no more respawn beacons?
Too late I uninstalled the game already
New energy more cheaters lets go and ban legit players softboy
Bring back arena
are you making solo queuing enjoyable?
Please keep quads as a permanent mode it’s so fun and i can finally play with all my friends, thank you.
Aye man, y’all owe me a diamond badge, this was my season I swear
All the overpowered buffs out now are great and all but , I just hope that they did something about the cheaters.
Ngl, really like the changes – almost feel bad that the battlepass backfired THIS bad but I guess it was for the better
Dam youre so bad director! We dont know why are they paying u, u cant do anything vs cheaters, bad skins designs no one wants pay, still giving us trash things like charms, holograms, stickers, youre not making money for the company so please leave it, you needed years to change something simple on Crypto, you are sooooooooo bad director
So you are getting rid of hackers right? Right? RIGHT?! :/
Bro fix the cheating problem and not adding akimbo
yeah lets give more feedback that they’ll ignore
Please give us duos back, more people prefer it to trios
About time you listen,learn and help us as a day one player I’m hopeing the cheating is caught it’s destroying your game make or break this season 1:31
lets see how much time they last without having the game death again
remove Battle Sense
bro please unban my account please
It’s the first time I saw the developer’s face in five years.😂
This season made me quit apex
I though the devs would be greedy goblins
Don’t like the revive bit, hackers will be gagging
Great first steps. Take away $40/ season premium plus battlepass. Stop with the gambling events and stop the $160 recolors like you promised. We haven’t forgotten. We will let this game die.
Try cleaning up the cheaters it’s so bad no one want to play your game because everyone is cheating and it’s obviously. At least 60% of all lobby’s are littered with cheaters
we are always looking for ways to put more woke agenda in to the game
Matchmaking change soon?
for the first time ever they are cooking 😂
healthbar is the worst thing ever
Idgaf all I want is to solo q into ranked with people who actually care about the game instead of jimmy and his friend who can’t stop edging each other the entire time I want to play the game. Please bring back arenas.
uninstall for nerfing aim assist i play controller without using zen cheating devise like streamers and you nerf it because of them not me so goodbye
Please don’t make HP visible, it’s terrible (
Wait, they do care? 😂
The highlights will help us see all the no regs we get. I can’t wait to hear 9 hit marker sounds and watch the highlight not move.
Your entire team are clowns.
ai devs
And nothing about bug fixes good job
Why can’t octane get an upgrade like speed 😢😢😢
Pls removed hacker🤓
i hope the bots are on the highest difficulty…
Buff the R-301 🙏🙏🙏
So , no New anti-cheat ?
Duos?? Please??!!
As a bot myself, I’m truly excited for bot royale.
Apex easy fix . Give controller players movement. Neef aim assist.
Adding “new player” friendly features makes no sense when the only new players anymore are Smurfs. You’re not bringing in new players in any noticeable capacity. All these features that are going to make bad players feel like they’re playing better will just be abused at the higher levels and have the opposite affect. Genuinely don’t know where the changes are coming from, none of them make any sense to add to the game when there are so many things that need fixing.
Didn’t mention the battlepass 😒
Thx for nerfing Rev ❤
apex is slowly becoming fortnite lol
What about the cheaters or server stability ? still 20 tick rate ?
I’m happy they are taking ideas from r6 siege and fortnite, this can be great for the future of apex if they copy games that are doing really well
This is the communication we’ve been looking for
what about the cheater problem damm i hate this company
Man xdefiants responses to players and them keeping a player base and listening to us and making changes on the fly has the game devs doing the same thing now. If it wasn’t for xdefiant I hardly doubt devs would be doing this
no more respawn beacons?
Наконец то у Кирчика свой сезон
Soooooo no lifeline rework?
6:04 If only this was true 😭
AKIMBO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The revival feels kinda forced and unbalanced
Pongan apex en idioma español latino es muy diferente al español de España
So basically resurgence, akimbo weapons, and custom Gibby passive
Sal from impractical jokers
Hello Apex devs, I hope you are all well.
Please make ranked a competitive experience that requires people to use their braincells again.
Kind regards,
Me – a person who very much loves Apex but is disillusioned with the ranked experience.
I really like the new changes but plz make solos permanent 😢
Give us Lore
Give us Lore!
Give us lore anymore
Less skins, no cheaters and no EA.
Sounds like a good season ahead
This new map looks so fire
Have the changed knock sound?
The damage control
It’s about time we get some actual communication from the Devs. Things are starting to look up. Hopefully, this trend continues.
Bro you guys gotta bring back arenas next season
Cant wait to a gibby with a gun sheild, arm sheild, dome sheild and still taking reduced damage 🙄
OK what you guys dont understand.. NO ONE WANNA DIE TWICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dx I swear.. get to know your player base more.. lol.
just when i thought i was out, they bring me back in 😩
Would be a good video if you guys didn’t sound like yall let EA reanimate your dead bodies to record this video
Not sure if I missed it, but won’t the lmg shields make Gibraltar’s passive kinda useless? Everything else looks cool though
amazing , love neon 🙂
This is gonna be one of their best seasons yet. As long as we are listened to things will only get better.
Why did I lose my heirlooms
How do they keep their beards nice and even.
Please bring back quads 😭
This is sooooo freaking awesome!!! I love all the changes yall are making! Akimbo is gonna be WILDDD!!! And this map is insanely awesome!🤯🤯🤯 edit: I love that yall are adding an lmg gun shield, but gibby mains are NOT gonna like this!
I love the fact we’re moving to this kind of presentation for the updates.
Please keep doing them. And please rework Watson fences.
The control buff to pick them up from far away was nice, but her tactical feels utterly useless half the time.
Let me place a single electric wire anywhere on a wall/floor. Maybe max the damage out to a total of 20 at 1 time, each line holds 5 points of damage and slows?
Let her hold 10 lines?
OR make it an electric trap. Like a AOE and she holds 3 of them.
Guys PLEASE add duos again 🙁
Make more than 8 favorites weapons and skins please
BR is fun because it’s high stakes. if i wanted infinite respawns ill play deathmatch yall
Apex mobile 😢
Im all for these new changes it completely changes what we’ve known for five years
this looks sick
Pls add new servers and improve anticheat (Cant play on servers with continuous issues and high ping and remove Bahrain server )
Im excited for Bot Royal not because its fighting bots but because i get a chance to warm up on actual br maps and i can zip around the map as pathfinder
I like the dev blogs, would prefer if they weren’t scripted and reading a prompter like the original dev blogs from back in the day lol
a autos gamaei to game…
put mouse and keyboard on console we’re been waiting forever
Teaming in console is such a huge Problem, WE NEED A BAN WAVE
Is season 0 audio coming back? because that’s the last time I’ve heard enemies properly.
No wonder there’s 6 man’s and 9 man’s, Cronus and xims on apex. These guys look like dweebs probably do it themselves
hackers what about the hackers
I really hope they revert battle sense, it seems like they’re trying to dumb down the game
Are you going to do something about the cheaters. Or are we going through another season of 2 second matches?
With the bouncies everywhere is Octane ult useless in this map 👀or with the health bar for all what about Seers tac ability 🤔
Bring mobile for the Broke girlys
Bring back Arenas! At least for an LTM
Hello Devs please bring gyro aim to PS5 like Fortnite, CoD and The Finals
good servers, no hackers >>> cosmetics, btw good job with E-district devs.
Лучше бы сделали чтоб из акимбо можно было стрелять лкм и пкм по очерёдно, тогда можно развивать свой скилл, а зажимать может любой рак
It’s $21.99 to access this update tho I had to pay &2.99 for this video 🙄 and they’re going to up the video bill to $5.99 soon after this update 🙄
bro this season is stacked
all this just to not bring back arenas and making us still
Pay 20 bucks for each battle pass is insane
missing every shot at pathfinder is crazy 2.30
how about cheater? main problem of the game
The game is finally getting better after a very very long time, jeez.
is it true that theres a new dev team
Day 678 of hoping the old charge rifle comes back 😭
Could you answer why Africa has no servers
I just preordered bo6 apex your done
2:48 stop the cap
What about cheaters?
Bring back Arenas!!!
This would be cool if they actually talked about how they improve game servers maybe add new ones for other countries and just find ways to improve the system but there just talking about content 😐😑
Boeck???? Like I really would love for this weapon to be ground loot again…
Xdefiant got these devs becoming content creators 😂
Gets these guys to unban my account 🗣️🗣️🗣️
is it me …. or did i hear from the songs playing overwatch 2 music for s split sec on 5:33 ?
you know the drama was real and they gotta play the “x factor”, which is team, players, people etc
Awesome. Looking forward to
My only problem with apex is map rotations and dying even though my body is around the corner
But what about a new character and new weapon?
Why is Henry Cavill talking to me about the new updates in Apex Legends
We finally see the faces of the people who’ve destroyed this game
PC controller nerds crying 🤣
Mozambique here! *lifeline voice*
Respawn doing nothing about hackers and also removed apex legends mobile as valorant is upgrading their game by releasing it on many platforms why did apex removed mobile platform 😢
These were queued for all that BP money they planned. Do we know of we’ll have the audio fixed so we can hear these shockwaves?
Rampart mains are going to love this.
Get rid of cheaters
Ok but can I cross play?
I can honestly say I have not been excited for a season of Apex legends since before season 17 and I only play anymore because of my friend but this season I am actually looking forward to playing. I just hope I’m not let down.
what about brining back arenas 3vs3
Please reduce the healing time…
The “E-District” is from Titanfall lol that angel in the background gave it away
I miss and want solos!
Does the new content is more gambling events?
Solve the GPU 100% problem immediately
Yo why is erics voice so soothing 😜
First destiny 2 and now Apex legends, We should let games die more often.
No one cares make titan fall 3
Not feeling this tbh
Разработчики очнулись, когда игра уже умирает😂 Вы своими кривыми руками убили Apex!
bring arenas back PLEASE
I’m Trying to get Back On This GAME forever 😭
I hope the Spitfire doesnt really shoot that fast, that surely gonna become a problem 😢
Get rid of all the cheaters please.
Удалите читеров из игры, и хакеров, ранкед на высоках рангах просто невозможен. Все играют с читами, коробками софтами и т.д.
Rerolling loot bins mid game is huge
Heeey Steve!!, Can you focus on those who cheat in the in the game instead, if you haven’t caught it, then we have a cheating problem
What about 50 more gacha events?
Greediest company know to man
I give your game 2 more years all you care about is the money.
As long as they keep adding nice gameplay additions and new legends and guns (which ik we get akimbo now but a new gun would be nice) but new gameplay features every season are what we need
Loving whats coming! Glad to see some faces of the dev team!!
6:04 is this a joke or do you actually plan to listen now ?
Thank you apex for gifting us with one of the most creative and cool maps for Season 22 🎉🎉🎉
The alternator sounds different?? 0:50
Where’s titanfall 3 you dipshits
Can’t wait for the new season’s day one server crashes
And what happened to the guys who offered to make a working anti-cheat and fix the sound? Were they thrown out the window? 😆
stop the cheaters bro
Love how they haven’t said anything about match making or the huge cheater problem
New legend ?😢
done alot, but still havent stopped cheater issue
Keep this up guys, more transparency , less greed, more fixes and keep the community up to date. Make Apex Great Again!
LMG + Shield Generator Attachment + Gibraltar With His Shield = OP Maddness 😂
All this is really cool but man can i just get duos back 😢
May be you will do something to create heirlooms more than 1 per year?
May be you will do something about loot boxes which is no interest to open?
May be you will do something about legends who’s played by 1% of players?
Its painfully obvious they are reading a script
This is great and all but buffing LMG’s this much?
The diversity though
I don’t like the new battle pass
You guys are making the game trash everything is too expensive. Shame on you.
Are you like the worst performing employee or sth, that they made you show your face here?
Not bad. Get rid of these hackers and the ship might have been righted.
Evan is henry cavill’s doppelganger 😂😂
i just got banned for no reason 2 days ago can you guys fix that too?
Apex is the best game in the World ❤
hello Apex legends team please bring back the Apex legends mobile please please
loved this❤
Now we know who we can blame for the state of the game
took some notes from The Finals I see
So these are the people responsible for the horrible season pass greed attempt 😂
Apex Dead Season 21
Unban me
Ranked rumble is bugged for me still, says im stuck in rookie
Wow it’s been awhile seeing actual devs in video lol . Awhile ….
all good an gucci but now lets focus on servers and anti-cheat 🙂
Where is Lifeline Rework?? Any new Weapon?? Somethink lovely reward for doing Ranks?? What about improvements of the games, like bugs, crash and other shi**???
Will duos be making a return after straight shot revival?
Bla bla bla and you never talk about cheaters,, do you found any way to get rid off cheaters?
why do they all look so alive are they cloned? so not easy to look at them.,
Lol, the first woman ceo apex legends
keep quads or bring it back again soon please
Can u add more recolours been waitting for these
The health of enemies isn’t “guesswork” its a skill check, this is a dumb change
I was underwhelmed until he thanked us, for real I didn’t know I needed that 🥲🥹
So there adding resurgence like fortnite did while there game was dying
We never left…we just have a cheater inconvenience…
Thanks for communicating 3 times a year and not actually fixing anything.
This is giving overwatch 😂
All the changes look exciting and it will be chaos with lots of action it’s AMAZING!!!!
Here is a quick feedback: dont mess around with the battle pass again.
These comments are so abusive towards apex… And a lot of them are outright just ignorant. This isn’t the first dev stream, they don’t communicate solely via tweets, they have been working on the cheater problem for a long time(it’s not just a button that says “turn off cheaters” like everyone seems to think). So much misinformation being spread… even when the apex community gets a positive update they still have to say “this is fine, I guess”. This is literally the best American company right now. We should support the only company treating us with the respect of a free to play game with cosmetic only purchases, with constant free items. You want to see a TRULY evil company? Go check out CoD. Horrible devs, horrible cosmetic purchases, new guns are always OP and locked behind battle pass for an entire season, etc. Every single online pvp game is plagued by cheaters right now. It’s EVERYONE’S biggest focus, because cheaters are always on the attack, and anti cheat is always on the defense. Fighting cheaters is always a losing game.
Man what a birthday present to me, played since day 1 and don’t intent to touch grass anytime soon with this new season full of great updates
I wanna see people post their bot server wipe RTA
Mejoren los servidores!!
Well good QoL features. New maps does look sick. Separate inputs would still be great to see. Also servers need improvements though.
South African servers?
Oh wow we got dev talking to us now.
Why are we giving fortify Legends more shields?🤔
There trailers have no recoil like streamers but my PlayStation it’s all over the place
Why they act like community didn’t just cooked them
Give 4-8 aim assist
Poor Seer, they keep taking away unique things from him (and Valk with the jump towers, but I like the jump towers)They can’t keep getting away with this! 😭😭
I miss playing apex. It just looks BAD on ps5. I have an LG oled evo tv
I’ve been saying since the beginning you need to make this game more accessible to casual players. I stopped playing for 3 years. You took way too long to add TDM, but I am here for it and these other changes sound great.
Fix the matchmaking, like I just started and I’m already in high level lobbies!
pls add a permanent version of the game with everything rerolled to season 1 or 2 🙁 apex was so awesome back then … simple and fun
These changes mean nothing if cheaters still exist in every single game. Thats why I havent played Apex in months or even a year
Valorant will do me thanks apex is long gone u don’t care about your player bass at all
Just bring back arenas please😭
I’m worried the map is to big
Not beating Goku tho
I want to play NOW! GIVE ME AKIMBO
Вот те уваки из-за которых постоянно крашится игра
I send messages since s18 asking and begging to devs update old prestige skins with sky dives trails but they dont even care😢
The REAL devs are over at Gravity Well. “TRUST ME”
We love you Apex Legends 💖😎🦊🐾
please add new server for the poor telekom users in Germany
Did you have to Nerf the recon beacon?
Yall just made gebbie op now😂😂
“took 5 year to having a good map instead of skins….”
i really miss arenas…
So with more recon beacons around the map would that mean that we would also get less evo points?
Nothing about cheaters, audio, servers etc…
Ban adapter players!!!!!
Well with the two P2020 i can feel like Captain Rex🥰
So many devs but dont have the habilty to create and update old prestige skins with sky dives trails 😢
I love everything about this other than the visible health bar addition. Another W for apex
just saying… I still see the lmg scene that rampart slides down with the spitfire flinching like a maniac 😂
Let’s goooo true bot lobbies!!!!😁🤣
WHAT ABOUT TGE HACKERS/CHEATERS?????!!!!! All this is cool but I’m tired of the rampant cheating! Miss the the old days. I’ve stayed through all the bad stuff and I am the closer to uninstalling like all of my old teammates. Please do something about this is the ruin of your game and the constant money grabs
Come on teleprompter!!!
Also, Seer need a buff now.
Put it on the phone, please 😢😢
Keep this up nice to see the devs
I want arena back
Revival?? Not a fan.
why no new hero whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Upgrade your obsolete servers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cooked but need work on the hackers. That’s all i have to say.
That’s the nail in the coffin ⚰️
How are u gonna fix the cheating issue?????
Thanks for listening to us.
There are some issues thought,cheaters and Not enough Love for vantage and Newcastle .
But still appreciate what then devs have accomplished
No no no!!!! Apex was perfect back in the day. Only problem was hackers
It’s fine that you nerfed Aim Assist, just as long as you did what’s fair and nerf tap strafing.
Ok im buying the shockwave battlepass. New champion plz
Respawn Vancouver☠️ no wonder their main focus is making trans characters. Shame on you respawn
Good stuff Respawn
So much work for nothing if the game is going to continue to be overrun by cheaters
”competitive game” No. it’s not, you put Conduit in the game, that’s not competitive or fun.
have some hopes on new map but not on your end issues with the game up to this point. cuz you guys usually makes the issues worst. Then again it’s just apex which used to be a fun game to play daily. perhaps remove worlds edge and kings canyon from roaster. you changed it to a point where it’s not enjoyable at all with a horrible loot distribution. hate to pick only ammo types and run around the map to finally get a p2020 or a mozam against fully automictic weapons. hope to see some improvements with matchmaking in br thisseason
More anticheating please , nice map but , now its time or never will play this game
Sleeping dogs dev
I like all these new map LTMs but I hope they all become permanent in Mixtape someday. 🤞🤞 Really missing duos right now. Maybe have two subgroups within Mixtape like
POI Modes:
– Gun Run
– Control
Map Modes:
– 3 Strikes
– Straight Shot
– Revival
Finally some updates to make Rampart a better legend
Man he really muscled through that “keep your feedback coming” at the end of the vid lol. God i feel for these guys.
Literally copied warzone
Give back the totem
you want new energy? Fix my server
Apex finally listened to their community for once in a dam lifetime
Faide about to go dumb dumb
ngl bro found a way to leave ea they runied ur game
Not a fan of the revival aspect, and I hope it’s only a short term mode
Didn’t realize I was still subscribed, game bad
lol providing updates like it’s an iOS release, I dig it
Yes very good I approve of all of it you have done great
Respawn usually only releases these dev diary videos when they know their next season is a good one.
Apex has always been my favorite most exciting awesome battle royale now it’s getting 1000x better,great job apex❤ Dezperado-_-J
add duos back please? we waited 90 days now please let us have it back
This MIGHT save the game. Might. But only if its exactly how they just advertosed it.
This season actually looks pretty fresh, idk if it will get me back into the game but I will give it a try.
It’d be awesome to see more Titanfall related content in the game, help remind us how it all started, how about an archer that can only lock on to certain things like Ults, and can only be free fired at other legends
Just fix the voices of the enemies and we don’t want anything else from you
this isn’t a launch trailer…
Why Steve look like a Pixar Character tho 🤨
it sounds good but will it play how it sounds
I was so tired of not playing for months just to get put into a lobby with pred ranked players in pubs matches. Bots is a great addition
Fk u devs cant even fix cheaters
Rampart is going to be crazy this season:
-LMG Shield Hop-Up
-LMG Hipfire Reverse
-25 Extra Shield In The Ring (Because of she is controller legend)
-Destroying Barriers From Long Range
-Sheila (Her Ultimate) Auto-Reloading Like Vantage
Can’t wait to see her in the ring!
Better stay like this or ya lose ya fan base 😂
This looks amazing the last the that I want from apex is an update to fps especially on pc.
Please tell me if Duos will come back. I can‘t be the only one missing it.
Whatttt no over priced piece pixels!?!? 😮 the real question is can you deliver quality because knowing this game there will be lots of bugs
Keep the feedback coming you say? How can you not mention anything about an anticheat? Ignoring our concerns about cheaters is insulting. Doesn’t matter the changes you are making to the game if no one wants to play it because of the disgusting amount of cheaters. Swing and a miss here Apex.
didn’t know Sal Vulcano was the game director of apex
Can someone explain to me about the scans so everyone is just scanned red at close range? Thats a terrible idea
fix the sound
servers fixed?
How about spending money and updating your servers and getting rid of the latency and bug issues with audio.
pls fix anticheat and give ban asian server’s hackers😢
improve your 20 hz server bro
your dad was Fuse, right? u looks like him 😀
Lowkey i think a strat might be to not thurst??? that way they don’t respawn. The bot matches might be amazing to test movement in the real world! I am excited!
Is an engine upgrade possible ? Or would they have to create a whole new game to Change engine
Good boy
Can you guys explain why im getting in lobbies either preds with 4k 20 bombs with over 50000 kills when the highest rank I’ve achieved was plat and my highest kills was 11?
nice work, drop low ping eu server
Keep quads or bring back the limited time mode
This really Apex 2…….devs only come out when it’s a new game lol
Sure , finally something new is added , but what about all the issues the game has ?
Wait… that’s it? That’s the “dev update”? Just reading the patch notes out loud? No comment on long-term plans about cheaters?
What about mirage decoys? Will the health bar be on all of them or only the real mirage?
Akimbo re45’s but in the care package
Soo they gave a gibby gun shield and gave and op hipfire to every lmg ggs in the chat boys
how does it feel to have the worst servers in gaming history? incompetence at its finest
I love all there changes, feels like a game oveehaul and I love it!! 🙂
So whens arena comming back…
not a single word about the cheaters or servers changes, looks like the message you ve posted on X its just nothing. I guess Respawn made a choice, choosing between good game or profitable one, big L for you dear devs. Thanks for the quility of life changes but this is a drop in the sea keeping the elephant in the room
Adding Akimbo but the RE-45 isn’t even available???
Yes another operation health because you guys can’t keep anything right in this game
Caustic buff, Finally NOW GIVE BACK OUR OLD GAS
Those health bars are going to be a detriment to the game. It should only show shields then health or just shields because ita going to make third parties terrible.
2:45 why lol. Spitfire actually already has pretty good hipfire. That cannot be said about the rampage tho.
can u add solos
Does botroyale allow challenges to be complete though
Can y’all fix the rumble mode, such a cool concept but with FILLED with bugs. Would love to see news on it
New map is pathfinders play ground
We need solo mode again
Goodbye to the times I survived with 1 hp because the enemy didn’t know I was 1 hp
Steve. We coming for you.
Can we have titanfall 3 now
I’m loving everything!!
caustic mains no more 1hp
Feedback from the Community, PLS DONT CHANGE BATTLE PASS 😢
Sounds good. When will you add more global heirlooms ?
caustic love. but why the traps 😅
It’s a real shame that Duos is being sacrificed for new gamemodes, for season 21 now season 22.
you even put the angel on the map. angel city 2.0 but not a word about where it comes from. Thanks for completely ignoring us as always
I Think You guys should only start revivng once someone has a Blue Shield.
It’s the mid-game You need to fill up, not the beginning.
Fix the sounds!
I CAN’T HEAR when a whole squad is already shooting me in the back, but I can hear well when they stomp halfway across the map.
70% of the time I get killed because I don’t hear them coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Control legends outta have their shields change color based off their total armor capacity. I noticed caustics bonus 25 shield still was blue when it had a total of 100 and that would be confusing during fights.
Apex is still trash, i quit back in season 19 and i dont regret it.
“Bold of you to show your face”
They def hired all the diversity hires
finally apex is doing what we want
Hammer point on P2020 will be too good
They listened to the community enough to *finally* communicate properly… But didn’t listen enough to communicate *anything* that the community wanted.
This looks like the exact league dev Update format, i guess they think it works
Ok good we need more dev updates like this
Is arena’s ever coming back?
Anyone else notice how different the alternator sounds?
so.. where is the dive trail for the older prestige skins??
wow the devs of the worst game in history 💀
why they seem to be AI generated ? lol
What’s with all the whaite sis gender males? Where are all Catalyst converters and stuff? Do better Respawn! ❤
Steve fix the hacker problem 😢
I hope you guys fix the ranking queues too, it ain’t beginner friendly tbh
season 4 was peak it started getting over-complicated in season 11 now it is not like the old apex and not in a good way
Gibraltar:Am I a joke to you?
this is one of if not the best updated of this games history, i’ve havent seen a dev team listen to their community and actually make changes that improve there game in a while. well done, thank you devs
Fix the servers and the cheaters crashing the games
man when do we get the server fixes it has been getting worse since season 19, 208 ms ping in ranked is just outrageous.
is this is the final video related to next season
Just can’t trust them anymore 😭 They only doing this cause the game is dying and it’s now affecting there money not doing this for the fans , Get ready to see them disappear for years and just tweet there patches and note , same old PR Move Don’t buy any of this 😂😂
For more Dev Updates👏
Were is titanfall3
When did Johnny Rico from Starship Troopers become design director at respawn?
There was nothing rare in that loot bin 😅
Good job, patching all the fun community glitches. And leaving all the cheaters I did the glitches As a bunker until the cheaters went away. You fleshed me out first.
Do any Titanfall developers still work for respawn? These people look fake and planted.
Shock waves the cheaters
pls fix the server
I have not been this excited for a season in a hot minute
Apex Legends: White Boy Update
bring back OG Apex (Season 1) for a week at least.
Please tell me duos is coming
Please add proxy chat we really want that.
Whoa 🎉
There just better be duos back. I’m sick of trios. I just want to play duos with my buddy.
Game still shady and not fun
Probably the longest trailer in game history
The nerf to aim assist and flinch are just a bandaid for the real issue of 0ms reaction time rotational aim assist. If you really want to nerf it, add at least 150ms of lag to the aim assist and enemy health bars for anything outside of orientation matches makes literally zero sense. It’s a crutch for bad players and an absolute nightmare for good players. No more outplaying or letting people guess how much health you have by just getting your shields up with a batt/cell whilst being 1hp. I guess all the good players left after years of dev abuse.
the game is so hard tbh.
Ive been playing casually since season 0 but everyone seems like pros now.
Any fix on the audio problem?
Hmm, they didn’t mention anything about the cashcow battlepass energy.
Might be the most amount of Ws I’ve seen apex make in a while
Now I know who to hate when I’m upset !
How are there still zero servers in Canada but have servers like Bahrain
How about a game mode which has no or very basic movements like season 0 so players like me can enjoy the game after office hours…..
They removed the dumb article about the battle pass to remove tracks because they were so bad and hated🤣
None of this matters bc your game is plagued with cheaters.
The cheater problem will fix with time, mostly near future, lets start the new season with postive energy.
until u fix the cheater issue and other basic issue of the game , u can go duck yourselves and kiss ur game goodbye,
Saquen el Apex legends mobile de nuevo 😊
theses devs really think lmgs are underpowered🤣
Mirage theme on 4:52 hits enormously hard
Still 20 tick servers, laggish potato servers
That what we deserve, more cosmetics
Why can’t you look for a way to make the servers better?
Cyberpunk x Apex
4:17 so scout master intentionally allows you to see through Caustic gas?
That doesn’t seem intended 💀
Not mentionning that E-District is part of Angel City is a travesty
I haven’t seen this much hate for a game because of its cheating issues since the original cod warzone
Changes that have been requested for years. Game is dying.
Love the new anti cheat
Please address the cheating situation, at least acknowledge it?
Just like The Boys everyone is used abused told them what to say what to do Respawn devs just being used abused by EA i can see the passionate through these 3 mans in this video that they wanna make a a fun game but being pushed by EA around that they can’t do much…
suprisingly hyped again for apex
they just say that we already know nothing ebout ranked and cheater situation GG next season will be the same
We are listening to the community. But in fact they just want to milk the most money
Mozambique here! X2
so, neither this season there will be an arenas comeback and the bocek will still not return to the ground? What exactly you didn’t understand devs?
What about cheaters?
Yr not forgiven
Wait there’s devs?
Evan looking like Evan Velhurst daddy
This season will be fire. Those changes sound awesome
Apex resurgence 😅
Hahaha making LMG’s “more competitive”. You mean other than having almost twice the rounds in the clip and encouraging people to be brain dead by holding the trigger. This game is for the casual now, akimbo hammerpoints is going to make new players so happy to play
how about the cheaters who are taken over?????
Let see how long these “ changes “ last they gonna get players back and by the next seasons they gonna be even more greedy this ain’t the first time yall tried this….
Make sure the name of the season Shockwave doesn’t actually do what the name intends and push players away. Keep promises and keep pushing EA to make the game better. Don’t let EA destroy the game with Microtransactions and not putting back into their games.
Oh no the last time I saw a showcase like that the game died shortly after
What are your plan about the out of hand cheating issues
was that coppercab?
Bring back duos
Every thing looks awesome. Just curious are you planning to add more levels to the players?
Hmmm 🧐
Now just add wallrunning and double jump and apex is gonna be the best battle royale
The oversheild is gonna be a little bit annoying especially playing against campers but oh well
3:58 WANT
This patch looks so fun🔥
Everyone one shot 🤣🤣🤣
can you get this guy outta my face when i log on
If anyone doesn’t realize. They’re showing their faces to bring “trust” back into their shady greed. It’s a tactic used by companies to gain consumers back. Don’t be fooled
bring more servers and optimisation to the game, cut the resources and put more money in the anti cheat, we need servers in east europe to, Poland Romania and Hungary we play on west servers with 250ping… put at least 1 server in Romania, Romania have the best internet in the world
bring back arenas
LOVE the idea about the bot matches hope so it will have difficulty mode into it where even bots use movements
E-district map isn’t really new cause it was a map in Apex mobile, but they’ve definitely expanded it and made it better than what it was in the mobile version
What’s up with the Anticheat????? 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Lowkey like this update
So these are the people i curse everyday
no talk about cheaters????
why we never get any update on weekend ? why week day ?
Please buff mirage , improve his decoys it so easy to spot a mirage decoy
we just want our arena days back
Bring back dúos, ban cheters and fix audio don’t work day one , we want vantage herloom
Here’s some feedback: Stop charging REDICULOUS prices!!
This is basically Fortnite reload
I don’t get it. What’s the point of Battle Royale then if they keep coming back after finishing them off?
please fix the servers
Titanfall map fr fr
Akimbo is cool and all but when ya nerf the p2020 does it even matter
Just starting the vid and I better hear the word “cheaters” at least once in this video
remove the healthbar stuff and dope update
Introduced two friends to apex this last season. Excited to be able to use bot royale to help them get more confortable with the various mechanics for apex.
First fix the map hack.
make Titanfall 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Overwatch ahh video. Glad though.
Why no ash buff 😢
Still waiting for Prestige Pathfinders Skin
address cheaters and corporate greed pls😊
Don’t worry guys theres more skins on the way. No need to worry about bp issues or server issues.
The cheaters?
welcome new player
Still no address on cheaters :(( smh
Apex legends mobile
fix ranked rumble i lost pred
We got a good updated in apex before gta6 😂
So its over a year since a new gun and still nothing?
Where tf are 2x BP stars for endseason hello?
they are really existing
No duos ?? 😢
Hella hyped for season 22 Shockwave! Map looks fire
Bring Back Apex Legends Mobile ✅😢
3rd person mode plez
Please keep quads
Give South Africa a server it’s been 22 seasons already, how longer do we have to play on 200 ping
change your anti cheat and improve server
It seems that respawn don’t have a clue which direction they want to this game. So many different ideas and so many different changes every other season. Some ideas here are decent, but there’s no need for the health bar above enemies heads, it’ll just encourage third partying and takes out the players intuition on how low a player really is.
just more tdm less br, big L!!!
this game is more and more its own death by making their game more “accessible” and especially promoting a playing style that is totally anti what br is supposed to be
all this without a single word about the cheaters problem which is definitely worse than other Shooters in the same genre
Emparejar a la gente con su nivel,no se puede jugar al juego xk esta lleno de enfermos de nivel predator en publicas
please back mobile version of apex legends
Keep up the great work Respawn. 👍
Limpiar los hackers que esta lleno
bro really liked saying hose
Battle sense is the worst idea you could have come up with. I’m sorry but letting everyone know right where someone is in grass, around bins, in visual confusion, is a terrible idea. You mind as well remove ever asset of the game an play on a flat white field.
What of the cheating issue 😕
Pulling the only ppl in front of the camera that do a good job with this game. Probably by the same ppl who keep ruining it with their greed.
The only 3 things you need are a better publisher, bug fixes and better anti cheat. That’s honestly it.
Bro it’s really a sneak peak
Why not RE-45
OMFG stop copying Fortnite this is apex version of Fortnite reload
You literally look like Sal from Impractical Joker. Goes other way around xd
Thanks apex!! Excited for this season!!
We want apex mobile back
⏬Like to vote
That revival mechanic might be broken.
Wow Fortnite reboot mode?
Really putting all the people that yell “HE’S ONE” on blast hahaha
and against cheaters the most important…
What about Apex Legend Mobile comeback?
Fix the servers, the matchmaking system, the bugs and the amount of hackers… the store works fine, its older brother Titanfall worked as it should.
Apex is dying
I wish they would increase tickrate from 20 to 30 (like other competitors)
The guys who always design a repaint skins and make ranked become MORE WORST, and the greedy who always think about getting money from every skins for every aspect, soon or later they make a skins for building on every map to make it nice. 🗿
This feels like a PR statement made to calm down the people angry about the game’s monetization
Fix input delay on series x consoles
В кс читеров дохуище ! А в апексе еще нормально
Why they all look like AI’s
whats this new thing
Thx for you work❤!))) You game best in the world
apex fun competitive shooter out there….lol nope. Respawned murdered this game.
Your health bar things is going to ruin the game, talk about visual clutter and stop pandering to brand new players. Make the 5 year old player base stronger and you will make more money
Duos better be brought back. Brought in quads to only have 2 or 3 people quit once they get knocked. You can change the game, but can’t change the garbage player
Yeah but, what about cheats?
I think we should uninstall till the end of the year to send a message to EA not respawn
It makes me really sad. If this game didn’t have such a thick miserable EOMM system I’d be excited.
As soon as EA gets fired maybe this game will have a chance. Otherwise I don’t believe that audio issues and cheating have been fixed even though community feedback has begged y’all for 5yrs!
All i want to know is if Duos is back?
I thought the first guy was Sal from impractical jokers at first glimpse.
we are always looking ways to add new energy and more action..❌
we are always looking to loot up our players as much as we can ✅
Still I don’t have an heriloom 😢
Is arenas also coming back ?
Been literal years since I last touched apex, just don’t like brs, but these changes seem to lessen some of the downsides of br so it could be fun to try it out again
You can see why this game failed just by looking at the developers here.
that cyan and pink nessie merch looks so good
the finals killed this game 😂
Member when COD used to copy apex know it’s the complete opposite you guys literally stole resurgence
Mozambique akimbo with hammer points boutta be meta
Please focus on bringing new heilrooms for all the legends that don’t have one yet instead of bringing more recolors
Cómo es que antes que ustedes publiquen estos videos, ya en twitter ande todo filtrado? no tiene sentido….
So no camping2
I’m ready personally lol
Not buying the battle pass. Thinking about uninstalling the game. I miss the good old days of titanfall
Apex: yo fortnite can i copy your homework?
Fortnite: yeah sure, jus make sure its not the same
Pongan misiones coop como alternativa
Wow updating the game after 5 years almost 6 ?!! Thier a joke ! And still no 120 fps on console!? The game is trash !
Please separate the players on the controller and the normal players. I’m tired of dying from one round of bullets. Or remove the aiming aid permanently.
Where is the automatic pickup from your mobile game and what is going on with apex mobile.
I am excited for the new season but they need to address the biggest problems in the game, servers and cheaters. If those are fixed the game would be 10X better and its already really great
2:30 just got rid of gibby?
One more thing that you need to adjust lower from Skill Based Matchmaking in all gamemodes from depending what KD ratio and how many W/L you’ve got. The lower KD or W/L, the less fast paced lobby. The More KD and W/L, you’ll get more experienced players that have skill.
I’m already level 406 and my skills isn’t improved, I just quit that game because of how rage machine game simulator everytime i got killed or aim assist controller maniacs.
Fix my rank I lost my pred cause of a “bug” I have hit pred multiple times finally come back and get it to lose it to a bug…. Because of rumble my rank was supposed to be frozen
New map will be the best map in the game
other than anti cheat 🙂
Please fix packet loss bug on PS5. Eastern regions. Virginia and Iowa servers.
So what time exactly when release?
Steve looks like rpr
Cool new content neh update me when hackers and mm is improved there
When I hear the a bot mode that nice I can get better at apex and when it comes out it should be good 😍😍🎉
Hopefully you have some servers updates.
I love this season and excited but I’m wondering when we will get arenas back.
They all look like their rank is silver. Makes sense.
How about the hackers dev noobs
What about the tick rate on the servers, is going to be fixed from 1 tick per game…..
Why do they look like AI generated people?
is it just me seeing the game director’s face for the first time here ?
just came here to say I haven’t touched this game since season 12 and I’m glad that’s the case. adding their own rebirth/reload lol
Wait , cheaters get to shoot me with two guns at the same time now … yahooo ❤
This update is amazing! Really looking forward to bot royale 🙂 Thanks so much Devs
jfc just add arenas back
There could be dubbing in Portuguese. This would attract more Brazilian players to the game
the only problem for me are the servers honestly
this season looks good
The new season comes out tomorrow 😆!!!!!!!
What about cheaters and Strike Pack? They’ve ruined the game!
how can we get that hoodie
Is this just for the new mode? Or all around?
Not the enemy health bar thats a seer thing
So nothing perk wise for support legends cool lifeline won survive for rest of the games lifespan
It doesn’t matter if they added a new feature revive your teammates cuz we all know once they die they will leave the game once they are killed they should of focused for example if you die in the game you can’t leave the game what’s the point waiting for your teammate to get respond again if they’re just going to leave the match once they die if they blocked thar from happening l new future will be perfect 👌
you guys really know the main problem with this game right now? It’s not a gameplay aspect, it’s a potato server and cheater…
Improvements on servers tick rates when ?! Its been 5 years since apex launched and still runs on 20 tick rate *facepalm* the game has made BILLIONS and still no signs of upgrades in that aspect . Or at least region lock so we don’t get the funny north pole penguin shooting with 1k ping through every solid object pretty please?
nothing about the anti-cheat, can’t wait to get beamed instantly but in a neon map.
this time respawn finally take back the control. this is first time im truly exiting for the next season since season 12. my faith to the game is slowly getting back, wish this season will be as good as I expected, maybe even better. 😊
“This game is five years old, and we decided that communicating with you via tweets wasn’t sufficient.”
That first dev face made me think “deploying mi knuckle custa”
Fix the audio and cheater issues
They added alot of new things. But did they fix the old problems.
All fun and games but u know about 80% of the lobby die before the first ring, and i aint paying for that BP 😂
Shockwave my wallet to 20$ play button too watch this video
3:13 yessssss smaller maps lets gooo
Has long has they fix half of their problems this season and then they focus on other problems of next season I will be happy
Does loba auto-open the mythic bins?
nerf aa very good🥵🥵
With the LMG Hop up does gibraltar get double gun shields?!
Y que pasa con el sonido?
Apex legends móbile is Back
He looks like fuse lol
This funny how they’re reading everything that they need to say 😂 .. this game is dead no body right now is playing this f game only cheaters are to boost their level .. is sad I had fun the first 3 years after that Al about money.. Apex love their community 😂😂😂😂😂😂 they love our money 😮😮😮😮😮
That was missing . Interaction with players . Listen them fix game and people will stay . Simple 😊
Bring back titanfall
All i hear is money money money
3:57 boss… ima need that hoodie 🔥
Finally something new all I really want is for them to fix all the problem
The game would actually be fun if they focus on banning the cheaters.
They act like they listen but they didn’t still cheaters hackers and apex still running off of Temu servers
Don’t care about the new things I just want a game that works and that is fun to play.
bots really cmon I wouldn’t be surprised if they spread a few Bots around the map instead of real players. SMH
Didn’t care for the video just came here for the comments.
This looks chunky in a good way. Nice
You guys really turned this updates around! So great job!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Only thing I really really don’t care for is the new health bars over our heads. I hope you remove those in the future please!
Are these not AI devs
dev jumpscare to prove theyre not money making machine /s
Congrats, guys, this season looks amazing. All I ever want to see in Apex <3
People are using stand-by on their modems like it’s 2005. So you should probably actually look when people report cheaters. Its really clear that you don’t do anything about players cheating… In a game where you sell fake digital T shirts for $30, and digital fidget toys for $150.
The game has big joke energy.
Sort the cheating out
So True… I do not why they took take long period of time to show their.. faces and talk about the game.. what about the Indain server.. We paly apex lot here … but not indian server.. Valorant, CSGo all have indain server.. but Apex Dev Team.. is India not in your list?.. please think about that too… thanks
Will you welcome me even though I’m not going to spend any more money on this game?💀💀
Fix the cheating and server problems for the love of everything holy…
okay we need this kind of content when the devs team and respawn can talk to us, the player-fan base
01:01 oh i thought that faraway things looking grainy was just an unforrunate side-effect of a big map
ill play apex again once they add a proper matchmaking system 💀
i swear i thought the lead dev was sal from impractical jokers
They really becoming simps to the community but still not changing the 2 battle passes
Lifeline revamp is not this season?
I’ll try it out!
They really need to start improving apex.
All i heard from them on this video is that we want ya to spend spend spend
oh no, the spitfire nightmare all over again.
А рыжий то походу дырявый 😂😂😂
can i get my apex coins back that got taken from my account at the start of season 21,i had 950 at the end of S20 but had 300 at the start of S21 but i didn’t buy anything…
Still got no game optimisation
People are 100% going to be hiding in bins😭🙏
Thank you
That Nessie hoodie goes hard AF! 😮
New level of cringe established
nice to see some faces for a change. just reminds you that real people work on the games we love. i cant imagine what some game devs go through when having to deal with all the negativity from us gamers.
We know what u look like now. Don’t make the game worse or else. 👊🏾
Rebirth in apex lowkey a W 😭
Steve is….Egg-shaped.
thought that after almost 6k hours id stop playin, maybe i was wrong
About time they made something good
I don’t like how generic these videos feel, but good to hear about the games updates from devs
What about cheaters?
Please no safe zone in full open at the end game
this is great but what about the RP glitch in ranked rumble thats pushed over 200 people out of pred when the RP was “locked” during ranked rumble?!
Can we get team death match in apex like titanfall
How is ballistic supposed to use his tactical?
Puis le cheateur vous en faite quoi
Pls delete horizon.
This game should have died years ago. i have lost all respect for respawn at this point they have become just as greedy as EA. You people only care about monetizing everything now
Can u add Upscalers?
You guys are greedy and have no shame
And. . . Arenas?
Should develop anti-cheat system Dev :sigh
too much lie
Why’s that Steve guy look so weird, like a ai robot or something
Season 22 is now! Many time we have waiting it will be realesing 6 august 2024 now there here come! Can’t wait.😮
Can’t wait. I’m super excited
Can you please remove battle sense once someone reaches a certain level.
What about the hackers and the constant money grabs
The changes sound promising! Can’t wait to play
Great News for Apex players! I give it two weeks before Thordan says EA IN DANGER YET AGAIN! 🤣 Another One dj Khalid 🤣
Booooooo battle pass
New season looks dope and i m finally feeling like grinding Apex again.
Things that do still need improvement though:
Stability, it has gotten better but was a wild ride of 7 out of 10 games getting package loss with my 2 friends from the same country. It still happens here and there but has gotten better, although there are high ping games now. Pls fix that, i m tired of quitting games over and over and wasting my free time.
Customer Suppor, EA really isn´t doing much of anyting once you ran into an issue. For example, i recently bought apex coins and didn´t get them despite having definitely payed for it. Shouldn´t be too much to ask, to get some help, if you descide to pay for fairly expansive skins.
Audio and dead sliding issues, the game has been out for years now and we still having basic issues, like not hearing charakters with robotic legs. Audio is a key component in FPS games and has to be reliable at all times!
I hope to see at least one of those things getting fixed in season 22, so we know Apex is heading in the right direction.
But still didn’t say nothing about getting rid of the cheaters
This game is not going to get better they did not even address any of the core issues with the game. They didn’t mention improving servers, improving anti cheat and taking a firm stance on banning cheaters. Keep boycotting this game dont play it and dont buy anything. They have not learned their lesson they have made no real improvements to the game. EA is only making this video to act like they are doing something do not be fooled by this.
Can you bring back duos please
return duo mode please
Make a Movie or TV show about Apex Legends
Lets go!!!!!!!! Finally bringing the excitement back! Good luck Legends!
Vertical… buildings.. the new map looks like it wasnt for legends… maybe… pilots? OwO
Can we get wall running at this point
oil up Steve
We want play keyboard and mouse in gaming consoles (ps & Xbox) looks like cod
6 manning and cheater??
Flatline got a nerf. Like it’s not underpowered already..
Wow this is a w season
Try to stop the game from dying challenge
double battle pass is a no noooooo
that’s cool changes and all and I can appreciate you trying to change the meta but you have yet to bring up the biggest problem in apex being the cheater issue, I feel like this should be your absolute priority seeing as it’s the biggest reason your game is slowly dying. Great changes overall and the map looks cool, now you just need to address the cheating issue and work on fixing it and I’d say apex is actually a good game again.
fix the cheaters issue.
how about u fix ur servers
i love seeing devs talk about this game ❤️
Im so hyped! keep up that work with apex!
Please add gyro aiming & flick stick support for PlayStation & PC.
I would have liked them to fix the issue where the game stops in the middle of the game and kicks you to the main menu of your device.
dont nerf AA
Really happy to see these Dev videos come back! Keep up this approach and communication ❤🤘🥳 So stoked for the New Season!
I love apex so many cheater best game in the world
6:07 fire these guys.
انا متحمس للسيزون القادم شكرا لكم
Amazing how they only needed 2 years of complaining and backlash to start doing things as should be done
Oh we are so back
Apex is really recovered since they announced that $40 battle pass bulshit
This season will make Apex better than ever
You know what should be the best competitive FPS game? TITANFALL 3!
they are litteraly copying cod wth
Sounds interesting.
but I am very afraid of an lmg meta….because when LMGs were OP it was the most annoying for me… :/
Loosing against someone who does not need to reload is just….cruel….and these changes look more OP than anything else 😀
Actually looks very promising, haven’t properly played apex for a hot minute but this season looks super fresh, can’t wait to try it out tomorrow!
Actually hyped for the first time in a while
First dude looks like a generated AI 😂😂😂
We need alternator reactive, i cant wait for the new seaon, new map looks so sweet
now actually nerf the havoc
this season is gona be yall!! even for newcomers! Bot matches! lets go!! 😁
And what happens to the slew of Cheaters and sound issues!? More content without fixing the old only goes so far.
When do you guys talk about the cheater problem?
“amazing community” we understand xd.
Make Seer masculine when
Well at least people now can really say he’s one shot
Hey mate, if they are holding you against your will blink twice
As an og player, I’m happy to see the game getting better
please bring us titanfall 3
You guys got some explaining to do.
Great you’re adding decent content. What about the cheating problem!?
Good Job Team.. I like this one.
Still don’t have my hierloom after 100+ days! Respawn is full negligence
Thank God they are giving us a safe space
Apex Squad For Life!!!!!!
To the game Director of Apex it still isn’t going to save your game😂
Did they fix all the technical bugs yet? All of this doesnt matter of the game doesnt function as intended most of the time
Now we have proof if someone is actually 1HP or not!!! lol
Season 22 Hype!
Beard month at the office, huh?
explain why you ever decided to make those battle pass changes.
1:20 has to be the most disappointing gold loot bin to get xD
This is all AMAZING but can we please fix the cheater, zen, xim, and teaming issues pleaseeeee ❤❤❤
when will older prestige skins get their dive trails?
Please keep up the good work
Lowkey cod resurgence 😂 messing with it
Please don’t make the Master Badge meaningless like it was in Season 17
Recupera minha conta EA do apex
I hope they fix rank and cheaters problem and we good for another 2 years
can u add replay mode PLEASE (You clearly have it or some form of it) The montages would be wayy better
Now this is what I call exciting. Thank you from your community!
It’s a great game but everyone knows it’s full of cheats & hackers.
how bout give me the 1k apex coins i paid for
We got Apex devs listening before GTA 6
Ооо, деньгососам привет 👋
so fortnite reload awesome
fire these guys.
gibby anyone?
Man what a birthday present to me, played since day 1 and don’t intent to touch grass anytime soon with this new season full of great updates
It is just me or this is the first session that looks promising after season 3😅
They really coping fortnite RELOAD😂🤣
Me on my way to go full on Deadpool with Akimbo P2020
Shock the cheat developers. What we want most from APEX is the destruction of cheaters.
Hiring the world’s best white hackers to solve this technological problem? Deploy AI and more people to monitor the servers 24 hours a day?
EA should consider this their last chance, if not, the APEX population will plummet and go to Vallorant and other games.
Vallorant is even promoting a Japanese artist as the official song of the convention to get Japanese users.
On behalf of ALL Africans we are begging for at least 1 African Server 😢
no one asked for lmg buffs
i have playing Apex since 2019 and i never saw a dev face until now.
Good to see that they are humans not like EA
seeing the apex devs makes me realize why this game has been so terrible
И ещё, ждём Titanfall 3 🙏Организуйте сбор средств. Уверен, что игроки быстро соберут нужную сумму.
Hope this can continue
Games dead
Nerf lobas thighs
the devs are finally listening to the community
but put jack cooper as a playable character and just do it first
The mirage music pack in the background at the end 🔥
Okay but did you fix the cheater problem
Because if you didn’t then this is all pointless
this gives me Riot Games vibe xd but I like that now they have this kind of dev updates, it feels more engaging with the community
wait the new map acc looks so good what? please Respawn make this a good season I want so bad to come back to this game and have fun
How much is the new battle pass? How much is the new battle pass really?
Nothing about improving anti cheat….yikes
the map looks amazing hopefully the gameplay is as good
Выходи почаще на связь с игроками. Живое общение с нами – ключ к успеху.
What will finally be done about the cheaters? Not a word from you about it… whether it’s PC PS or XBOX, when will you finally do something? The same with the sound bugs, you hear your mates’ footsteps louder than usual and you don’t hear your opponents until they’re standing behind you and you get shot down.
no Battle Pass Trailer, lol they are so much Scared!!
9 time of 10 it’s going to be hackers everywhere i this. Point
Increase security against cheaters
This all looks great but what about the cheating issues 🤔
So they admit LMG is low dps weapon. And how i should play with them if i didnt find this atachment ?
Is Rhapsody from the Mobile Coming as a playable character like Fade?
Apex is becoming easier every season by introducing so many thingy in the game, no competition anymore, no hardship, I am bored, give me some challenge, pls don’t introduce health bar, remove Evo shield, remove heat shield, remove crafting, remove everything and bring back season 2 apex.
Всем сердцем и душой люблю эту игру🫶Пожалуйста, не забрасывайте поддержку данной игры. Больше рекламы. Эта игра достойна миллиона игроков онлайн.
wait… are we back?
Please bring back arenas.
Day 2 of asking for duos back please 🙁
Holy at the start of this video I thought this guy was AI generated 😂
didnt talk about ch,EA,ter,ss
Straight Shot coming back is a massive W because I loved that game mode. Also Bot Royale sounds like an excellent way to warm up as well
Cool, so…. When will we be dropping titans 😂😂😂😂
Apex has devs??
I’m only one minute in and I’m redownloading apex!! These updates sound so nice!
I’m surprised they didn’t charge us to watch this video.
What about the cheaters in rumble and some players still having the ability to gain rp in rumble when it’s supposed to be frozen?
Make solo, duo and quad PERMANENT. and lock the servers to keep everyone play on their server.
Nerf Horizon the way she’s able to move is ridiculous, fix the servers, show some love to the old cosmetics like the original heirlooms. Stop making re colors and just have the recolor mechanics within the game.
Im glad that they really hear and care about the community, its simple give us what we wanna and we are gonna keep this game alive
ok there does something
I think I’m gonna play apex now. And for the first time, I’m a little excited.
Porfavor saquen otro Apex legends mobile
Incoming pro players crying about something and abusing something as well.
I forgive you Respawn
I hope they fixed the cheating problem
Please please PLEASE add arenas back
I love that now they are focusing a lot more on legends balancing than just weapon balancing, this should have been like this from the beginning
This is excited
Oh wow devs actually talking about their game.. instead of just trying to take our money
Thank you very much for your great work. Keep it up. I hope you also find a solution for those who use cheating devices on the console
Give me that Nessie hoody
apex legend: shockwave? literally true, cuz make me very dissapointing on their bp system. But surprisingly, they change how bp work
oh also, this is not the first time ea/respawn apex getting better and yes no it’s not. The tradition of apex legend—–> new season new bugs
can we get a Mirage prestige skin
Crazy to she what happens when you play with there money. We need to keep this up more dislikes and true comments on steam !
Apex Legends mobile comeback when? Don’t have a PC yet.
They don’t mean any of this it’s all just corporate speak.
If they truly care they need to prove it over the next couple of seasons until then all of the this is just telling the player base what they want to hear
How about stable servers?
oooh titanfall 2 maps
That defensive perk seems rly good
Do not try to copying The FINALS community managers, you are not them 😂
Really looking forward to S22. Thank you Respawn ❤
We are NOT giving Gibby passive to LMG users..
W season
well i guess im coming back to Apex
I got a good feeling about this, keep going guys
yest ewc made me wanna play apex again.
The new map looks absolutely fire great job apex
Arenas returning when?
please dont nerf the havoc
Arreglen los servers!!!
Learning from call of duty and making gibby pointless
Cool, now release more legends. Like, a lot more. Give us a season with like 3 new legends or something.
I wish I could get more views on my Apex videos! I love the game of apex
Wait a minute, So you’re telling me that Apex Legends has actual Devs 😮
Did the security team ever get around to address the cheater issue? Update?
add the pathfinder prestige skin and I’ll think about it bud
Apex really is changing they might have a battle pass you buy for real money
Maybe it’s time to fix the sound?
Thanks for nerfing Aim Assist and removing screen shake. As someone who has over 5000 hours on controller but has switched to MNK, you guys have no idea just how OP roller was compared to MNK.
You missed the 1 and only important thing and that’s a new legend…..this would be the 2nd time not having a legend come out for a new season
Супер! Ждём
Wheres the figth against the cheaters?
Please don’t make revival permanent for pubs
How does this affect titanfall 3 *wink wink*
correct bugg and sound xd servers
where can i get Erics hoodie? 😄
Finally, cool
Very interesting, hopefully it lives up to it. Definitely looking forward to it.
Bot royale is something apex needed 10 seasons ago, the game is extremely hostile to new players, cant fathom how EA wants to increse player count if 3 matches in new players are already annoyed at being shredded by smurfs and preds.
Looks promising. Good QOL features. Seer more power crept. Lmg “meta” once again. Nice
Change the battle pass and fix cheating
Y’all really flipped the coin to a good side
Why do these dev videos always seem like the devs have a gun to their head
cable company
I want Refundable HEIRLOOM SHARDS
And now buff revenant back. Then I am happy too. This cooldowns are killing me. Same for Valki give her fire and forgett rockets. Like Target spot, aim fire, maybe hit
Will we finally get divetrails for the old prestige skins
Hey guys cool stuff, when do we get Arenas back? I miss having fun
Awesome boyz! Thanks you, in new season please make next maps: Kings Canyon, Storm Point and of course new map for the new season! Ahh, but world’s edge and broken moon also so awesome..:)
Hey uhhhhhhhhhhhhh revert rumble RP. So many people losing pred over the RP not being frozen
apex my blood from season 0
Idk if it’s just me but “packet loss” makes it unplayable for me
Can’t wait!
Make titanfall 3
Controllers r just buffed for existing why ?
Proud to see Apex clean up and actually put faces and voices to the Dev team and make an actual update trailer instead of those text. This is a great step in the right direction
Gracias por seguir trabajando en este gran juego❤
So are controller legends running around with 250 health at max shields while in zone?
If you would have implemented the battle pass that you can’t purchase without apex coins, you would have send shockwaves across the community
Bro I am so happy that target flinch is gome
August 6th? So Helldivers or Apex… I have my choice
Best updates in apex history coming
Luckily, Respawn took back control of APEX instead of the senior staff of EA, who had never played APEX at all.
I love the part when Steve says “Keep your money coming. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts about new skins”. Truly an Apex experience
good changes W devs , but one more thing left . we need better servers please
Still no arenas?
there is still hope afterall
Mirage prestige next please
But next update change in Prolar riding on
What a great time to be a Rampart main
Honestly I’m stoked for these changes. I’ve been trying to get better on pc (I mostly play console) and the bot mode will help me with this hopefully
Dev updates instead of real updates and fixes. Btw Did they hire bots to positively comment on this vid?
Honestly good job, new maps remind me of Titanfall
Warzone and Resurgance 😂 nothing new
Here before the cry babies
I love this video
The map is so beautiful cant wait to jump in❤
Fix the 6 Man 9 Man players fix Wallhackers Fix Aimbot Fix Cronus ZEN fix Xim !!!!
No cheater talk
Rampart is gonna be really good this season with the lmg buffs
These quick info videos are great! Would love to see a voice cast behind the scenes with everyone again soon!
Please for the love of god ADD NEW WEAPONS. Would love to see New Sandbox additions alongside new Legends
Bullet ho’s??
Give dive trails to old prestige skins!!
Happy that Season 21 was my last season, billion of cheaters, not cheating players getting banned, season 22 pass is atrocious joke. Glad to support another devs next.
More Aktion More Cheater 😂
Mirage theme on 4:52 hits enormously hard
Just make titan fall 3 already
I saw the thumbnail and I swore it was RPR, I hope I’m not the only one. 😂
Naaaaaaaa, son muchas cosas, no falta nada para la siguiente temporada, emocionado !!!!
I’m very excited for everything! It looks awesome!, but I don’t know if the launchpads were a good idea, It kind of makes a lot of movement abilities. A little redundant in some situations (which might be good in removing skirmishers as a must-pick)
Im excited for Bot Royal not because its fighting bots but because i get a chance to warm up on actual br maps and i can zip around the map as pathfinder
bloodstrike ?????
Thank you for the dev update, we appreciate it!
Finally EA heard a little of our voices
This season feels like year 1 of this game actually they added something new
More energy to steal money from peoples wallet
Big Ws all around
Lol not the bangalore shade🤣4:18
bot royale is gonna be the “staged trickshot” lobbies
EA link doesn’t work
“If they really are 1 shot” I felt that 😂
Y’all been playing games with us for too long. More work to be done before you get me back Atleast
hose, hose, hose
How About Anti Cheats ?
crypto passive so op
Game is still dead and doomed to fail.
RIP Gibraltar passive
if apex responds ill redownload apex
I Just Love the game❤
Why do I have to spend $20 on a legendary skin for loba
I’m not gonna lie this actually looks awesome. I didn’t play much after season 20 but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m excited to play again
3:59 失礼だが昔のモンストのCMのハモリの人に似てる
why does eric sound like mirage
We’ll see, haven’t seriously touched the game in about 4 or 5 seasons so we’ll see if it can bring me back.
Omfg, COD had to follow y’all formula so semi-win…now yall are copying their formula script for script, can’t wait for the disaster…game is a shell of its former self💀💀💀💀💀💀
Rampart and LMGs and Sheila.
Big Problem…..
Your videos are a true cinematic experience! Thank you for your art and talent.🍂🛼🌕
Can i have normal teammates not bots in rank
More new legends
the new gamemode is basically rebirth but better
Can yall please bring back duos
Still a terrible dev team. You guys just like to charge for heirlooms, after heirlooms, and reskin after reskin, and tried to pull a fast one of the bp.
2:30 – woah … was that aim flinch?
First time seeing devs face from apex
I love that Respawn is communicating more with their playbase
Cant wait
why do they keep saying straight shot is new
I’m not too fond of the health bars and highlights but looking forward to testing it out tomorrow!
Where’s titanfall 3?!?! What happened to making good games and money is the byproduct of it???
will this season shockwave to height and win it all?
Valkyrie buff when
Apex lookin better already. Super hype for when this drops in a few days. Nice job team <3
Happy I quit gaming
Best game 🎉❤
Damage control…
Only fix Ur game why someone can get points für there normal rank and i dont this cost me pred
Bring back mobile version 🙏
Ни одного негра или женщины? 😅😅😅😅
Here before all the bots
fire EA as a publisher
Bring back titanfall!
Revival is literlaly Fortnite reboot or Rebirth from cod
Steve sounded like an ai
Thanks for your research! How do you usually gather information for your informative videos? 💞✨
They look like they’re ai
I am a bot here before the humans
Hoping people boycott Apex this season until they actually fix the cheating epidemic
Want to make a great change? Focus on cheaters, Stop extorting players with $20 reskins and $160 mythics. Make crafting shards useable for more than 1/8 of the total store
Can we improve servers pls?
Apex is slowly getting better
Now you have to stay true to your plans to get rid of hackers, so we don’t have to talk about the mess that ranked rumble is, as most top leaderboard spots are taken by hackers and other cheaters. The competitive integrity is compromised, and please maintain the quality that shockwave is going to bring, because the game suffered a large setback last season
Nerf aim assist again
Your videos are always so inspiring! Thank you so much for this! 🌺💚
How do you choose the color palette for your videos? Do you have any special preferences? 💕😚
Don’t pick my legend!! 🤦🏽♂️
Health bars? Nah
Can’t believe it costs $10 to watch this video
Riot Games ?? 😮
Less bots, please
Battle sense is an L
Pls add new servers and improve anticheat (Cant play on servers with continuous issues and high ping and remove Bahrain server )
Give up please and thank you
Where Bocek
Titanfall 3 when?
Apexing time
can you address ban bug
Will skill based matchmaking ever come to this game?
Let the game die 😠
Titanfall 3 when?!
Season 22 weny from bad to good
Good job apex team
Here before bots
Your videos are always so informative, thanks for the new knowledge! 😻👅
second fire