Apex Legends: Shockwave Gameplay Trailer
Apex Legends: Shockwave has a whole new energy! Play Revivals modes with Free Respawns to keep you right in the action. Flex new upgrades like Class Perks and Battle Sense to make the Outlands legendary for all. And do it all in the new map E-District, your own neon playground. Grab the squad, Legend. It’s time to Tap In.
Want to learn more?: http://x.ea.com/apxl/shockwave
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
Follow us on X: https://twitter.com/playapex.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts, PSYOP & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment, Formosa Group & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 22,apex legends trailer,apex legends gameplay trailer,apex shockwave,apex legends shockwave,revivals,battle sense,akimbo,E-District,apex legends shockwave rewards,apex legends ranked updates,apex legends legend upgrades,shockwave battle pass apex,apex legends skins,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (1183)
some one please give the song name of the trailer
You explained this so well, thank you!
Awesome video, looking forward to the next one!
This video was amazing, learned a lot.
I’m so excited. I was wondering in which season this new map will appear, since some leaks in season 14, and here it is! I’m waiting for August 6th rn
Is this basically arenas revamped
Loved the content, keep it coming!
Fantastic video, really appreciate your effort!
Battle royales whenever they ruin their game: “It’s rebirth time”
Very well done, appreciate this video!
why does this look like it was upscaled to 60fps with ai, the animation just doesn’t look right in some places.
This video was amazing, learned a lot.
This new map looks absolutely amazing, great works to the design team 100%
Really appreciate the insights in this video.
I got more fun watching this gameplay trailer than actually playing the game
Today I learned, this game is still alive somehow. How did it survive the past 5 years is a mystery
2:45 Death
This will cause a shockwave for our wallets.
Good map but what about those cheaters
0:37 0:37
Shoutout to the animators for making this cinematic trailer. The quality is smoother and Wraith’s eyebags have lessened!
Every time:
get rid of hackers first, then I might care
cool trailer now fix the game
I don’t get it. Whats new?
Game is dead
Seeing my wraithypoo get some screen time made me happy
A new map isn’t gonna make the problems in this game go away by itself…..
Imagine how hype everyone would be if there was no battle pass drama and they just announced dual wield instead.
Mirage finally cooked and didn’t get cooked💀
Trailer so good I’m surprised they didn’t make us pay to watch it 💀
I love that they added valk and pathy chilling next to each other instead of killing one another, truly an apex experience
Why doesn’t the craber have a scope?
Enemy health bars 🤔
Like this trailer has nothing to be hyped up for honestly.
Here to dislike❤
no thank you
They put the wrong trailer on PS with this thumbnail ☠️
anyone else notice that the dual p2020 was in beat with the song?
This looks a lot like Apex Legends Mobile.
This ought to be the best season in a while
Here’s hoping for audio fixes and less cheaters
WE ARE SO BACK. I am genuinely excited for this.
So no new legend?
Season already looking like a bust. Hows the cheater situation working out?
Love how it still doesn’t showcase the PATHFINDER PRESTIGE SKIN AND HEIRLOOM RECOLOR
The noodles were already loved so don’t let it die a lot of players love the same old noodle with different twists.
Bring back arenas 🙏
As a newcastle main I love the heirloom canceling energy!!!😊
I wasn’t expecting so many hate comments… the patch notes are great, there’s a whole new map that looks sick asf, there’s a lot of new actual game content, the bp looks amazing, they reverted the bp like we asked, they’re making apex more new player/returning player friendly, they’re changing the meta, they’re changing ranked a little, and they teamed up with epic games for some improvements (servers, anti-cheat, store, etc).
normally I’d slam ea cuz lately apex has been stale and they didn’t seem to care about what we had to say but I’m glad they’re actually trying to listen to the community. never thought I’d say this but i’m actually excited for szn 22
Sooooooo Fortnite reload bootleg?
Que buen trailers loco
will this season be cheater free or at least LESS CHEATERS? aint hype if its full of cheaters again ugh
Dope map
Did they forget to add skins on character? idk why should i be hyped about
bring back arenas
Why is everyone in default skins
Would you guys get creative and make better collection events? 😂 these skins are literally bad
don’t disable regular ranked. almost in masters
Looking forward to calling some new things OP and blaming all my deaths on them 😎
New cheater energy
Now Revenant’s passive skill is almost useless(
Best map so far
Sure hope they add in duos back and stop replacing it with other gamemodes for a whole seasson😅
Con el matchmeaking como lo tienen, cualquier modo de juego es una mierda… como es posible que encuentres predator en todas las partidas que juegues cuando jamás llegue a Master? Este juego esta hecho mierda…
So still no new weapons, after how many seasons? They can’t even do the bare minimum. Apex used to be so good
Why do all these trailers get me hyped, but then the actual game makes me log off >.<
Massive W ea
An apex legends series with these cutscene graphics would be amazing! Apex legends already has crazy lore!
Can we please get ranked dive trails back? You giving us dive trails with prestige skins is the exact opposite of why you said you got rid of the ranked ones. The legends with prestige skins and no dive trail need them too, it makes people want them less. Thank you for keeping the same BP system, long time fan of the game and criticism aside thanks for the game!
have they stopped doing season reveal trailers? Or is it just when a new character or map comes out?
IT’S GOT THAT Skins for over 100$ and Cheaters are dominating……. Energy
I bet there was even a Cheater in the Trailer.
It’s not apex if wraith didn’t immediately leave when she got downed (0:56)
2:43 that should be a wallpaper in the game 😂
This game has gone downhill. They are money hungry and not listening to the community this is becoming more and more like titan fall
My wife and I played for years until tap strafing got way outta control.
Got beamed down by someone while they were tap strafing, changing directions back and forth one time. That was the final straw.
Movement tech has always been part ot the game, but the competitive integrity of the game is compromised when exploits are that egregious.
The game is unplayable and I used to be mad about it but now I just feel indifferent toward the game.
Double mozam sounds sick.
Path with a gun to valk head is crazy work😂😂😂men said “gun to your head name me three apex predators without cheats”
Meh, still wont play it. Nothing much changed.
Apex Mobile coming back???
aim skill is back on the menu?
This is actually so fire good job yall keep improving this game fr hy
You guys all act like you hate this game when you know it’s one of the best multiplayers out right now. This was their best trailer in a long time too
bring a sever to africa pleaseeeeeee
They did listen this time about one thing, concerns are listed as well.
Lets keep it going, please :”>
lowkey felt like a borderlands trailer
Thank you apex legends
Yeah but did you fix the cheating yet?
Can’t wait for everything to be nerfed again this season
Man even the legends are getting bored of the games it seems if they’re just eating mid game😂
Akimbo Wingman, lets have it
New map was definitely needed
Nice to see Valk front the trailer, shame she’s almost unplayable. New map looks real fun tho!
is this season 1 trailer ?
apex is now stagnating, there used to be events with interesting modes, but now there are only donated skins for fabulous money for kleptamaniacs
Anticipation was built
Did anyone else notice that when they were showing the shooting scene with the flatline that you could see the enemies health amount almost like how you can with seers abilities? Could this be a new feature or something?
Can’t wait doe when they release the reactive akin looks
I love the “it’s got that run it back energy” it signifies that they know and see that lately it’s been bad and that lately they have messed up and that it’s time to run it back and try again. I love that
So y’all gonna let them have two season passes all y’all chumps
its got that “killing your enemies just got even more difficult” energy
actually goated animation
I like how pathfinder’s building anticipation for the new ways EA and Respawn are gonna rob us all blind
No hemlock or havoc this can’t be an apex trailer
can you guys please make that we can save more random favourite skins and this map looks amazing
Let’s gooooo apex legends we are soooo back 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
How many times they say New and Energy? lol. Same game, same micro transactions, same hackers, I’ll pass.
so no audio fixes and no server fixes with no solutions on the cheater front…
How does pathfinder still get hurt by caustic gas? All these updates and can’t fix a robot somehow breathing toxic gas
tldr comments:
Rampart laying prone with the Kraber? 🤔
Is there a fee of $160 to access the next season?
2:43 valks gyat🤣
Wonder if I use ballistics ult I can duel wield 2 max lvl Mozambiques 😂
Is this a new map?
2:43 valks all caked up💀
0:07 وين السكوب هنا ؟
We are so back
This actually feels like a refreshing season. Good job Respawn. Keep on listening to the community!
Bro why can’t we just get Arenas back again man that was the one thing keeping me playing the game 😭😭😭
Not gonna lie. I haven’t played in almost a year, and we can blame fighting games for that. 😭
Это достойно дизлайка!
do a unban wave
can you make another titanfall game ☹️
Still having doubts that this season will be any better than the current season we’re in. I’ll still give it a try though.
This doesn’t seem interesting enough to jump back into it… maybe I’m just burnt out lol
Cant wait for new sesson!!🫡❤️
So no launch trailers anymore with any story? This doesn’t hype up as much as that would but ok
So, now I see the energy that I needed across several previous seasons. I hope the season will be outstanding and will return a pease of a little mayhem to apex!!!
Time to be back
i hope one day apex take this graphinc style in game, is super fantastic!
The valk is so me leaving the Squad and eating noodles 😂
I’m surprised I didn’t have to watch 24 ads and spend 30 dollars to watch this video
Can’t wait mirage doing joke then you split and eliminated
Im just happy we are finally getting a night map
Dual Mozambique w/ purple choke and hammer point bouta be a different kind of demon
I still have to change crosshair collor everytime I open the game? That’s the most fun part of experience
Remember keep disliking up to 6k lets get to 20k boys
Dang all the cheaters got a new map to enjoy
Hey , that’s cool and all but how about some Akimbo 2020’s… WAIT! WHAT?! Finally after all these years my cries have been answered!?!?!?
NO FIGHTING inside the Noodle Shop!! Its where we chill obv
got that waste of my money energy
So you telling me we just got dual pistols and a lil map and a lil battle pass and you call that change xD.
Mirage ❤
less go 😊
Some of yall are so gullible
Valk mains eating with this trailer.
Valk is so accurate when she completely misses her whole tactical
so can we get arenas back?
Apex legends! You did amazing!!!! Just keep up the good work and your game will come back! Also focus on the cheaters and audio bugs and we are golden! Your still my favorite game. I am hopping you make the right choices
The team waiting for Valk to remember that keyboards come with a Z key is the apexest moment of time
Why does the game look so different? Like the trailer was ment to be hype all i felt was meh.
These gun skins are horrendous. Who is rocking purple/blue skins?
ADD DUO BACK!!!! we dont want a random trash tm8 or squads
This trailer got me dying laughing 😂❤ this a good jawn
0:13 aren’t they just promoting teaming lol
Why do I feel like this game went through a divorce and us as the kids are just being gifted a iPad to keep distracted until the custody battle starts?….
New trailer! Same old game…. Wish titanfall three was on the agenda.
Just bring back duos
ngl, we are ARE SO BACK
As a p2020 main, i am over the moon thar my gun is getting love. Not r
F teir B teir❤
Ok, ok, ok… That trailer was straight hype beast, sign back me up 😂.
Hey, wait a minute, this mode looks familiar
pobre Valk, aun esta triste.
Apology trailer for trying to ruin apex?
All monetary jokes aside (and there’s definitely, DEFINITELY room for a lot of them), this is a pretty hype trailer. Love the color schemes, little bits of humor, and the giant bold titles in it. I’m feeling hopeful for this season!
Cool trailer. I’ll stick to fortnite though xD
Did they add antichear or not and did they add arena😢
already quitted the game lil bro
Der Riese?
Apex thank you for listening I and others appreciate it to much and I’m happy y’all are taking the game seriously for now and I hope it stays this way please. 😅
Aight cool! But have they solved the hackers problem? 🤔
Dual wielding worst guns in the game.. yeah no take one regular gun does so much more.
Honestly not even excited anymore for this game it killed itself for me unfortunately
New seasons new types of cheaters😂😂.
Free Palestine
The finals still better
Caustic still cant catch a break after 5 years
RIP it will never be like old days again
This looks like a bad mobile trailer
Day 269,710: bring back arenas
too bad i already uninstalled the game so tired of this game and controller players everywhere
Finally one (1) thing that was good (which should’ve been in the game years ago) now put arenas in the playlist
Is this a full game mode with badges or another LTM?
C’mon Apex! Let’s get back on track with this season
we don’t want broken moon or storm point at all
I try not to be a downer but this was surprisingly bland. New map seems cool, though ill temper my expectations after stormpoint. Dual wielding pistols was the only exciting part to me.
EA How much money do I owe you for watching this trailer?
We Need that NOODLE SCREEN FOR PATH in the real game
i need caustic to put me in the ICU < 3
This is the first time y’all actually made me angry af for listening to the community mostly cuz it took u 5 years for simple changes
прикольно да всем пох
Wow 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 thank you a new map
They added a new map and brought akimbo weapons,
We’ve been hearing about this for 10+ season.
How about fixes we’ve asked for
The most underwhelming gameplay trailer for a new season i have ever seen
This looks hype
sheeeesh double P2020! finally all my dreams are coming true. Cuz playing ranked & landing on a bin with two p20s just doesn’t hit the same.
I won’t play it when they don’t bring duos back 😢
Finally, I’m happy we getting a new map and akimbo. Those are good updates 👍
my favorite part of this trailer was when valkyrie was charging the sentinel and went to open a door, canceling the animation
2:43 valk double cheeked up on a Thursday morning
Just bring back arenas!!😭
I love how Caustic said “One thing is certain…” and launched another Milestone Collection event. Truly an Apex moment.
“Not all images appear in-game” About time they said that!! They had octane wall running before “Path grappling while shooting at the same time” 😂
since season zero i been asking for duels pistol
Would love a new map for BR, hopefully next season
Edit: Wait, this isn’t just a Mixtape map???? LET’S GOOOO
Apex Reboot 😭😭😭
The new ‘Battle Sense’ feature is going to be more of a break than a make for people. It will be cool for new players but anyone semi decent is going to hate it.
Day 1 asking to reduce the legends tokens necessary to unlock new legends (make the game more friendly to new players, we have a lot characters now)
мне понравились карты не такие темные как я думал
Sie ist vielleicht die bescheidenste und herzerwärmendste Person, die es gibt😊😊😊😊🎉
Bro why it’s she cake up
So glad I quit this game.. this trailer looks so bad like worst ever, great job respawn way to lower standards
is this also the season of life Lines rework or nah?
Look I love Apex and play it a lot and have been since the start, but these type of cutscenes AINT it. Looking from the outside this is doing nothing to rope people in. They’re so vanilla and unexciting.
I could see hella potential wall jumps seems like a w map 🔥😈
I feel like these changes are going to make a lot of recon Legends kind of redundant, especially crypto because he can control both the area and respawning and now that those both can be handled by the new system, he’s probably not going to be as good.
my caustic daddy looks so pretty here
Why do you guys use the original skins for legends in the teasers? This is ridiculous there are so many legendary skins that are really hot and this is an advertisement for God’s sake.
Looks boring
got that *buying the battlepass twice* energy
I still love this game but dont feel like playing this game anymore
Do i need Quartermaster for Akimbo?
Day 1 asking for craft mats as ranked rewards
Я играю с самого выхода и люблю безумно эту игру. Самая динамичная, необычная, графонистая Королевская битва. Respawn, пожалуйста старайтесь и чините игру, т. К. На Пк игра очень в плачевно состояний.
Wow, dual wielding pistols. The cheaters will have a field day
0:06 ironsight kraber? HUH?
No Lifeline rework, again?
Smells like Concord already been here.
Valk Cake Buff Confirmed ✅
Who’s like me thought that this trailer would start with lifelinr gliding as her rework but theres no even lifeline character herr
Looks great.
Make Quads PERMANENT please:)
No Lifeline in the teaser! 🙁
Apex is cooking again!!
Plz keep quads
whats the bgm
Did Octane called Wraith “CHICA”.
Add back arenas 🥲
Tbh Apex always has design and concepts that’s fire
I watched gaming merchants review and this season might actually bring me back to playing
UBI Look.
This is what it means to make a game set in Japan.
This new map has many differences from real Japan. However, it captures the characteristics of Japan very well. I felt respect and creativity from EA.
Caustic was bamboozled
That’s some crazy strong motion blur in the animated sections.
I hate these “Gameplay” trailers, everyone is one shot with 50 health no shield and the person who shoots never misses. Who makes these trailers? LOL!
The new map looks really cool and the dual wielding seems fun. However, that is definitely not enough content for me to continue playing the game especially when it has a large company running it just for money.
As someone who plays Apex daily and enjoys it, but is also aware of how a lot of people currently feel about it; this trailer was okay. New map is exciting. Not a fan of the cutscenes. Stick to the gameplay.
i love the part where they noodled all over the place
The duckwrth song 👌🏽
Why lifeline always left out and why she doesn’t have anything upgraded
You mean to say I don’t have to pay to watch this trailer? When did ya’ll get so generous?
…. running to be bored!
stop complaining bozos
at least wait until the season comes out u seem ridiculous
The trailers look so good
Did someone see that GIAT
People still play this game?
It’s got that uninstall energy
So is this a new mode or like some event
Still no New weapon and it’s been two years since the last one
I Remember when I would wait days in anticipation for the newest cinematic
Apex, don’t listen to all these people. You’re doing good things. Gamers be forgetting they’re playing a free to play game and boycotting it over cosmetic items, which is your only income. They then spread massive misinformation about what you’re doing, and refuse any and all logic or reasoning or to even do basic research. I’m sorry you’re so abused Apex devs.
Respawn: Warzone, Fortnite, hmmm we also can do it respawn game mode 😂
Bruh the grenade in the soup and caustic face has me 💀💀💀
Caustics eyes 👀 at the end 😂
Have I noticed a worn out animation at the beginning or is it just me?
Valk having such a heavy role in this trailer tells me she is getting a buff
So we all know that loba was the one who threw the grenade right 😂
I clicked on dislike button
The lvl 5 wraith with a kunai, pretty accurate
As many times as they used the word energy, I thought apex wss coming out with they own energy drink
I sold my house to buy the battle pass
Cheaters will go full akimbo! Rip!
Yeah im not coming back. You shown us all how you really feel about the players respawn and ea.
thank yall so much for giving the community what they’ve been wanting. haven’t been this excited from a trailer in a long time
:< i wish i could play
Trailer got me hypep AF…😮
It’s got that new “old apex was better’ energy
please fix tokyo servers. it’s unplayable in far eastern part of russia in cities like vladivostok
Bring back Arenas !
Im so confused what is even being revealed here dual pistols yeah but is that a all new map for br or just a collection of maps for mixtape alao was the end a tease of a Caustic buff please say yes, i wsnt my boy to be usefull again
next mode: EA CAN MAKE Apex Legends Imagine!
Sooo we got dual wielding? That it?
I’m really looking forward to the new season with all the new features! I can’t wait to play! See you all on the battlefield! I love APEX!
So is arenas back or nah?
mid af
Noodles noodles noodles
What happened to making an animated cinematic launch trailer before the gameplay trailer? EA unable to spend a little money on keeping us entertained and enaged with Apex’s lore anymore? Honestly you’re struggling to keep the gamers satisfied and now you can’t even keep the lore enjoyers satisfied. Apex L
Add back arenas
Love the new maps look
😂 bro respawn about to go M.I.A after new season just like crypto new passive invisible and gone like the wind.
“say hello to my little friend’s little friend” 😂😂😂
Yall better actually give us some good content
Caustic face at the end say everything about every battle in soloq ranked XD
Bro let caustic finish his line One thing is certain (Someone will die)😂
Thanks for the reminder. I forgot I was still subscribed.
Nice ❤❤❤❤❤
When you have to tell people what kind of energy it has, it doesn’t…
This was so mid lol
Whoever wrote that pathfinder bit needs a promotion
Buff valkyrie plz
[Caustic just walking into a room]
(Everyone in that room):GET OUTT!!
Bruh why is valk so caked up at 2:43 GYAAT
now this is what i’m talking about apex!!!
this update gonna bring me back to apex!
Y is everyone one shot😂😂😂
The cheaters will love this new content.
Am I the only one that didn’t see mad maggie??
One thing is certain : I’ll Pass.
shame shame!!!! ..dislike button here………………..!!!
Does battle pass remind you of anything?
Its got that “lots of words, nothing really new” energy
time stamp 0:07 has rampart with a kraber, but wheres the scope?
kraber on the ground??!!!
Ngl is the animation getting worst?
3(?) New maps + Dual wielding!
It’s crazy the amount of effort they put in when they actually try!
bruh that was so bad the animation at the start what a stinker
As a animator the frame blending brings tear to my eyes
30$ to dislike the video
And yeah 10$ for comment
Sooo wraith passive still useless…
the music is more cringe than the scripted gameplay
1:58 我沒想到繁體中文字幕組在這裡諧音梗我 這甚至不是中文的諧音 做得好重生
@2:01 really an apex experience when Valk’s missiles didn’t hit anyone
Bring back Arenas..
I love to see path animations <3
Where is the new legend?
Loved the part where caustic said”One thing is for certain,we will take all of your money.“Such an amazing line
You know, from my side they already gain a W for not using the Katar Melee and rather went with the OG Heirloom that started it all.
However despite this trailer I’ll keep my expectations to myself and see what Respawn offers.
Last seasons were… rough to be blunt.
Valks been squatting huh 😏
Just put my fries in the bag,bro.
A new hop-up for pistols, dual-wield
South African servers it is
HOLY… apex comeback?
I saw a scopeless kraber. I wonder what that means
1:11 Enemy health Bar like Naraka Bladepoint ? Dope !
bruh what double mozambique here!!
new map looks incredible!
2:41 ik where everyone’s lookin
Culiaw dejen de sacar modos de juego y arreglen los emparejamientos
I have no idea what that was even about!
Kinda mid trailer ngl
As long as we finally get regular duos back without garbage extras I’m happy. I’m not playing again with random teammates and I’m not dealing with a guy I just killed respawning right on me 10 seconds later like in solos.
Does it have that anti-cheat energy ?
Say hello to my little friend reference
Aw dang it still no vantage heirloom
terrible trailer….
Did they do anything for this season or just a lousy new map
@playapex Are duos coming back? That is the core game mode for me…
From titanfall 2 to this, horrible decisions
Ah yes akimbo flatlines this season, very nice 😊
Nice trailer @Jupi what do you think?
This trailer was so epic that it makes me want to buy the battle pass……twice! If only they had a battle pass split season
Did I just see a kraber with iron sights?
They keep getting cheaper and cheaper with their budgets for these videos. The animation on this one is amateur level compared to the originals.
Mozambic Here !
Can I run dual dual Mozambiques?
This trailer does a really good job illustrating all the problems with this game.
This season is going to be crazy.
Good job Respawn/EA just keep up the good work 🎉🎉
Did you guys interpolate the trailer to 60fps in post? every second frame is kinda weird, not really *that* bad but i’m just wondering
please fix the audio engine and increase the tickrate on the servers. PLEASE. PLEASE.
Nope valk i am not coming, sitting one out for this season, i dont see any reason to comback to
Where is the titanfall energy?
Reactive? Did I miss it?
I love this new map and its time to jump in and this Season is saving apex but the cheater Problem must be fixed
We Need That Updated Server Tick Energy , We need That More Localized Based Matchmaking Energy, We Need That New Anti-Cheat Energy, We Need That more response Base Energy.
AYE What’s Up DANGER!!! 0:48
Using poor frame interpolation algorithms to get 60fps instead of animating the frames is truly an apex moment
Pathfinder is shockwave Decepticon
Wow it seems like they are listening to us. I wonder how the next season will go :clueless:
Double moz p20 finally guns will be good now they were bad but using Tim grapple would be diffrent animation cancelling our 2nd moz p20
This trailer is the definition of false advertisement 😂
I love Straight Shot, having Straight Shot be permantly in Mixtape would be neat.
Also bring Arenas back please, you removed it in my first season so I never got to really try it out.
2:43 why is valk so caked up?
Wait is this a whole new br map ? Or is it just for tha gane mdoes ?
Anyone complaining about optional cosmetics when you’ll be there playing anyway is completely pathetic
Im so glad my favourite shooter game became dead, u deserves it.
Yet no new finishers
Mad Maggie with two Mozambique
Akimbo mozambique
I mean…unfortunately no…i’m not going.
I was waiting for the “it’s got no cheaters”
Wait, so are they not reworking lifeline?
boring map why night ?
Valk launches her tactical and doesn’t hit anyone. Truly an Apex experience.
Bring back Arena PLEASE 🙏 🙏😭😭
Apex est fini.☠,
Akimbo attendu depuis trés ( beaucoup trop ) longtemps .
0 infos sur les moyens de contré les cheaters ni leur eventuel sentence/condanation dans le monde physique.
Les joueurs solos , on s’en moque .
Aim-assit nerf , mais les pros ne vont pas être content , donc le nerf va être annuler .
New map trop complexe et trop de verticalité , donc favorisation des joueurs mouvements ; les joueurs manettes ( et certain CS aussi ) vont râler et certain vont installer des cheats .
These trailers are a lot of fun
The energy is awesome!!!!! I would definitely spend my life savings just as EA intended it to be
Pathfinder:slurp slurp
EA, Respawn, big company, instead of animating more frames to reach the 60FPS they want, they started using Frame Interpolation algorithms to reach the wanted framerate. If you look closely, you ll see ghosting on moving part at high speed such as Mirage s hand or Pathfinder s pistol and that’s why it looks kinda weird despite being 60fps. That’s exactly the same type of algorithm random uploaders on YouTube use to render anime openings at 60fps
2:44 quads confirmed
Akimbo mozzy’s are gonna hit hard
where is lifeline in this video
Who wrote those texts, ‘LOOK LOOK – THE GAME HAS NEW ENERGY – but we only show one new thing – dual pistols’ xddd
Still I just discovered the game and gonna buy a Mirage skin
Is that all??no story line😑😑
Was rampart mounted like in cod??
Thank God there’s no new hero. We still haven’t accepted how cool Alter is
would be good if you fixed the cheater problem but til then rott
‘Say hello to my little friend’s little friend’ ahahahahahaha I love mirage’s scarface reference
More wall for wallhacker….😂
So what’s going to be “new” like what’s supposed to bring us back im just not very moved you guys do barely the bare minimum compared to everybody else 💀💯
2:42 Valkyrie’s hip❤❤
The last frame with valk dude 😫
Valk has the whole bakery 👩🍳
Bring back Arenas.
Well guys lifeline didnt get her rework by the way and you can see her care package in the trailer and thats how you know.
One thing is certain someone will die….
wingman buff when?
And where is the Ash rework?
So Akimbo and map. No quality of life changes anyone cares about, copy.
Bruh, it’s amazing how poor this looks, if it wasn’t for the new map it would really be a season 6, you slaughtered my boy EASpawn
Besides not fixing the game this was dope also 0:49 Valk really said: Nah Ima do my own thing, across the Valkverse
Are we not getting a legend or something
Caustic really ended on a dependent clause
Dead link in description btw
Two years ago I would have taken off work to play on launch day. Now the game is so full of cheaters and 6 or even 9-man teams that I feel zero excitement.
The new map looks great.
I love the part when a chinese player with dual Mozambiques send Shockwaves into my head while flying in the sky from across the map.
Truly a Apex Legend experience
So no one talking about the obvious caustic change. Why was it like that at the end?
Can’t wait to pay 50 dollars just to play this new game mode 🖕🖕
Game doesn’t seem any different.
No new character
The management should revive the arena as soon as possible.
Akimbo battle pass 🙃
Now just deal with the cheaters issue, servers, audio and keep listening to the community.
Is this a new map for br or is this tdm?
THIS will save APEX LEGENDS!!!💯
Love when the music says I got power as referring to respawn telling us they got power on how they want there game to be not the community
where is lifeline rework ?
Bring arenas back
i had to open 100 apex packs to watch this trailer
Biiim 🙌 “We entertain you with trivia instead of fixing the game for nearly 6 years now *energy* ”
Baaam 🙌 “We’re more interested in your money than your enjoyment of playing *energy* ”
Kabooom 🙌 “We’re doing everything we can to help make a negative mark on the history of video games *energy* ”
What an amazing trailer
Is duos coming back ?
This is EXACTLY the kind of map I have DREAMED about playing in Apex for years! I am so stoked for this, it’s going to be a lot of fun. Good job, team 👍
Respawn apparently thinks I’m some kind of godly speed reader
Yay Loba 😂
I don’t think I like it it feels to mich like Fortnite 😕
Was a tad underwhelmed at first
Then Mirage picked up a second P20
That’s actually huge ngl
Titanfall 3 please.
This is supposed to be a gameplay trailer right? Where’s the cheaters?
probably the best apex trailer thus far
don’t tell dual weilding is just for a game mode or somthing
I’m telling you right now if this season is not up to par with everything that we need and if there are no changes done with cheaters we will all stop playing this game.
finall 4 mozams in hand 💀💀
Caustic 😔
I want Titanfall 3
-And stay hungry! – said Electronic Arts introducing 40 USD battle pass.
2:37 POV: You try to 3rd party.
El final jajajaja nice
People still play this?
So they gonna address how Valk has depression now?
Was lifeline just not in this trailer at all hmm.
They stay disrespecting my boy caustic 😂
I still refuse to play this game because of how sweaty it is
When they fix the game, ban the hackers and update their anticheat, ill go back to play the game (and maybe buy some skins)
I sure love playing a game that only cares about how much I spend vs how much fan I have
All jokes aside, this season genuinely looks VERY fun. All the different modes and features really feel good to see. The bot mode, solos, fast paced LTMs, it’s a W. Still TBD about how ranked rumble will be, feels like a bad idea but who knows.
These guys are actively killing themselves, this is the first season where NOT A SINGLE CHARACTER gets a new skin 😂
It’s giving garbage season energy that’s the new energy
Since when did valk have that wagon?🙏😩
39 seconds in and this was hilarious 😂. This is what we need for the Apex comics and show. I know there’s alot to put into such small snippets and you have to focus on important lore/storylines but these interactions are golden
mozambique akimbo is sick, i love it
where is my tianfall 3
Oooohhh new trailer and nothing says about anti cheat system it’s a good thing. You got a PC now with the ruin everybody’s game thanks respond. Keep up the good work.
Quietly speaking: “this is the part where, you should start caring about your fans and these cheaters remember to add anti cheat system the next time you add an update;)”
OH.. i think they did use AI at the cgi animation.
Honestly this is all I ever wanted from apex. A true urban environment
Noodles new healing item?
Lowkey I saw the wallpaper of alter duel wielding pistols and I was like, when are they gonna add that, and now i see this, pretty dope
They didn’t show lifeline not once? What’s good w the rework? Also we’re they insinuating they’re gonna add respawn tokens for regular Br?
A bit underwhelming tbh… the map doesn’t seem to have new innovative aspects… just same elements rearranged…
Why they do caustic like that?
This trailer is trash
What’s the reactive skin?
The start🤣
1hr 87k views apex falling off, listen to the people for once if you want the game to survive, stop being greedy 😂
Even more rats sitting in the corners on this map… Bravo Apex you did it again….. When will the cheaters finally be eliminated otherwise many will leave Apex again
They spend more time on designing cosmetics then more than actually fixing there games
EA really ruined this objectively very good shooter for me
I don’t even understand what this is are they bringing back area or something
I loved the trailer ❤
How did this animation go so downgrade 😭
I’ve never been less hype for something
Last scene is hilarious
2:43 gyat
lol it might be time to recast wraiths VA the way they only recycle old voice lines
No, thank you.
At the end i saw 4 squad does that mean Quads are gonna stay?
They did not enhance the framerate with AI for the cinematics…
This trailer style that doesn’t represent game play at all is so played. It’s boring AF. You guys have been doing the same trailers for 2+ years now. Zero effort anywhere from you guys anymore.
This trailer was made by A.I. looks cool, but it’s about 2 weeks worth of content tops.
Why does it look like Fortnite
Does this content include an anticheat system that works and or game server stability?
what is this game mode, bring Arena back please
I like the combination of gameplay with cinematics and how cool to have a new map 😀
Don’t worry Valk, I’m coming
is noone gonna talk abt the kraber without the scope?
No new weapons or legend? Yikes
Not really excited after what happened.
Dual weapons? Never thought apex would add that
Are we getting kraber iron sights cuz it looked like it with rampart
No new legend? What’s the point?
Great trailer! Love the funny moments.
only stayed for the Duckwrth feature
Ban the cronus zen ffs
Hey could you guys put the option to use old revenant abilities, please? I really loved them
Akimbo Mozambique? This gun is getting close to Titanfall 2’s one
So is nobody talking about rampart having a Kraber with no sight
Apex is so back let’s go
Finally neo apex. Fortnite did it from season 10💀
nothing new but just a dual wield LOL.
How funny no horizon in the video good because she trash probably because she was too busy getting killed glad to see my crypto ❤
So no launch trailer? That’s the part I look forward to every time!!!!
Naruto x Apex Legends soon? 👀 Come on!! pls pls pls pls pls pls pls plss!! I would love eating ramen noodles COME ON EA!! PLEASSEEE! PLEASSEE!! xD lol
Resurgence fans eating good, fortnite and apex within the span of a month
Pathfinder Prestige or Uninstall.
Everyone is no shield one shot in the trailers.
need to make 2 cartoon series
You spend more time on these dumb trailers then banning hackers
One thing is certain,
Caustic is nerfed again 🤣
oh please i would give my wallet if you all fix the hacker problem
I love to path
I bet you that they won’t fix the game in about a month. I’ll try but low expectations.
This is literally nothing
@lululuvely mentioned
Titanfall 3 ?😢
Apex Legends production quality ↓↓↓
Apex Legends prices ↑↑↑
Will the Dollar BP continue?
to be honest is this trailer animation created on Blender?! bcz it looks garbage 🤣🤣 and btw best of luck with the new map, without Proper Anti-cheat and server fixes this game will not survive!!
Respawn/ EA
Before making any major changes , why don’t you do a poll and ask us your player base first ?
Lots of peoplle in the comments are saying we will have a shockwave in our wallets or we have to pay 40$, im confused can someone tell me whats going on
the graphics looks strange !! !! or just me,?
oh nice we get akimbo attachment .. a think we knew for 3 years
Imma just say this but um at 2:43 valk lookin 🍑
Hard to reach Gold Level 5 where legends can use a never before seen ultimate ability por fa.
Alter will be Meta in this map
ok so we got fortnite reload, cool
trash game
Guys I’m only 3 premium packs away from unlocking the trailer
Looks great!
Not having LIfeline say ‘Mozambique here!’ while dual wielding them seems like a miss opportunity
The hackers going big on this one. Truly an Apex experience.
I like the part where valkyrie missed her tact almost like they saying its no point in landing it since its useless👀
Hackers are going to love the dual weapons.
Get away from EA as far as you can please respawn 🙏. I really ain’t finna play the game again until it’s in a genuinely different state when it comes to the matchmaking, player experience and monetization.
Like it was a fun trailer :), I enjoyed it, but its just not a gameplay trailer ffs
Was this supposed to be a good trailer?
Valkyrie’s cake is up to the point at 2.43😩😩😩
A whole new season of pointless, toxic competitive game energy with nothing actually new to show.
This game started as something fresh and innovative now its a boring and repetitive multiplayer and it shows the way every trailer is the same. I feel sorry for it.😢
Lowkey I saw the wallpaper of alter duel wielding pistols and I was like, when are they gonna add that, and now i see this, pretty dope
These people don’t listen to their users.
Users only see it as a means of making money, and they only come up with new BMs without any intention of fixing optimization issues or bugs in the game that are actually important.
Even the security personnel are just waging a war of nerves with users through SNS, pretending not to notice their own incompetence until the end, and only treating users as villains.
I would like to ask whether this is the right mindset for game companies.
Ok now just add back good movement, add back titans, and we’re good to go
Apex getting goofy, I love it.
2:42 Valkyrie cake is insane
Still won’t bring me back after so many months of begging for a fix give up long time ago.
The new Legends look insane
is a new BR map? or is something like new game mode?
low budget animation ??? shittest trailer i ever seen
No reactive gun skin i guess
New map as predicted !!! Niiiiice
I’m not impressed
Buff lifeline give her back her shield
Respawn, if I may, I think apex could use a few elements from the younger days of this game’s life to help it, bring back some old features, I mean imagine how nice it would be to have those story missions again, fighting wildlife, saving certain legends, reawakening lost secrets like in season 5, I genuinely think apex needs that right about now, obviously this being a small example, but it could potentially be a promising start
Say hello to my little friend’s little friend ~Mirage 😂
2:30 .. u cumin?
Zéro hype
still trash
I learned nothing other than akimbo and health bars on enemies.
Esta animaciones son acesoradas por Epic Games🔥
Kiri just tryna eat her food in peace😭🥲
Been having insane packet loss but only in apex. Anyone know a fix?
If you can’t eat ramen in street food I ain’t a noodle joke with mirage
battle sense energy? is SOLOS PERMANENT?!?!?!?
ElectronicMoneY 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰
I thought they were just bring back that one arenas map for a second
we gotta dislike this regardless
I hope you we get solos again 🙏
gotta pay 5 dollars every time you wanna queue for the gamemode
I want that server stability energy
Valk and Pathy making a ‘teaming’ reference is ironic
do we have to pay for akimbo?
Crypto told me You have to pay $50 to unlock dual wielding. 😞
Si no sacan leyendas por lo menos armas nuevas
Saquen más leyendas
“It’s got that run it back energy” lol we almost had to run the battlepass back twice per season 😂
I stopt apex at season 10 started this week apex again it got some improvements i guess
Just making a class that can duel wield smgs, pistols, mozam and wingman 😒 also just copy killing floor 2 and the game will be good 😂
I was expecting a new Legend named Shockwave 😂
Where rework lifeline?
Roger Craig Smith as Mirage will never stop throwing me off, he just sounds like Sonic lol
We saw every legend besides lifeline mmm 🧐
Where is the battlepass trailer
Nothing about Lifeline?
im seeing a lot this season: akimbo weapons, a potential resurgence mode like cod and fortnite, i think i heard some new sounds for guns and some abilities, potential new upgrades.
:27 how the general apex community feels.
These trailers are lit, well done team! 😎
I hope the akimbo hop up doesn’t end the hammerpoint era
So no knew legend?
Yeah we’re paying 500 dollars for the next battle pass
Cant believe I got to watch that for free…
lifeline rework where????
You got me back for sure I’m coming
Wait this games still alive?
Noodles noodles noodles noodles 😂
2:43 Valkyrie’s jet pack 🤤
Make a chase game since 80 percent these players run after one shot
So, the main sell of this season is…Akimbo?
Trailer was solid af
No new Legen
Who else wants arenas back?
Did they upscaled animated part to 60 fps?
POV: you said titan fall is trash 2:43
One thing is certain…
Loba slayed as usual
Was that it…? Just a new a map and dual akimbo and they called it a day😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 guess we’ll see in game
they never give wattson love at all
Not having LIfeline say ‘Mozambique here!’ while dual wielding them seems like a miss opportunity
changes looks sick but its too late i aint comming back since cheaters will ruin this season as well
First 5 seasons were great but this is the boring and dumbest game in history. Btw thanks Ea for banning people’s accounts for no reason. Absolute A1 strategy😂
Wait valk buff??
Previously we were getting as same stuff but with new legend and weapon.. Wish Respawn will catch up old tendentions
Why is everyone always one shot and no shield in these trailers? Is there a specific game mode that we don’t know 😅
Did it just cost me 50 bucks to Watch this trailer?
I didn’t play last season. Apex was getting repetitive.
Superlike 👍🏼
2:42 GYAT ✋🏾😭✨🤣🤣
New map: energy…energy….energy…
Dual wield: energy… energy….energy….
0:07 “where sight?”
Looks like they are finally adding the features that hackers have been using since season10. My moneys on the hacking situation not getting fixed in the slightest.
I’ve actually got hope for apex for the first time in a while
Why do the models look like they came straight from the r34 subreddit
New map looks B E A U T I F U L Also, Valk buff?
So is this a TDM mode?
Apex where everyone is one shot… Truly an apex experience
Apex🤑Legends who thinks you can still buy noodles after their events…
W trailer
EA paid the editor so low they render everything half the frame rate and put frame blending like they didn’t expect us to notice the artifacts on fast moving frames. Duh.
There’s no scope on that kraber
天国ラーメン笑 これ食ったら死ぬのかな?
So what’s the reactive skin for this season?
also everyone just spamming hate about bp, just don’t buy the cosmetics but don’t tell me the map and akimbo doesn’t look like nice features. They’ll have other changes too obviously.
The most arcade map released to date, rip BR
Ok then, how much for the new update? 40$?
Just let this game die and start working on titanfall 3 plz 🙏
Только не говорите, что мы опять без новой легенды в этом сезоне…..
This looks perfect for caustic mains 😁💚
What does this mean recharged with revivals
I loved the part where they showed the akimbo grip weapons and decided to take a step further and akimbo grip the battle pass
Finally, a map with a faster pace of action. I can’t wait!!!
And what is the Reactive Skin now?
Now weak weapon has get on stage now😂
Nuevo mapa y ahora se pueden usar 2 armas al mismo tiempo. Bacanisimo.
can you do p2020 and a mozambieqe or is it just 2 of the same weapon
guys look at look at me what am doing xD
Did nobody else notice the iron sight Kraber??? Or am I trippin
Does it have the Cheating Energy? Asking for a friend.
Si si mucho trailer pero si sigue con cheats la gente de nada sirve nuevo modo de arena
dualies 😁
When i saw the double pistol i was so excited for it
Their animation budget is getting worse and worse
Vote for Trump if you want Apex to become the game it’s meant to be!!!
nice, but arenas?
No lifeline rework… interesting
Ok…looks good
Does anyone still play this trash? They only removed bad decisions AFTER backlash? They won’t learn their lesson. Just stop playing this slop all together.
I didn’t know there will be a new legend called Valk. She looks to be pretty important if she is featured so much in the trailer😮
Nah Pathy definitely been to a Diddy party
Another purple themed season, amazing
Like usual, there copying other games what now? Resurgence
double mozambique hacker incoming between
the music used in apex trailers is bottom tier garbage
cheaters did it first. see, yall need cheaters. i mean it took yall like 2-3 years but what matters is yall learned and applied dual pistols.
I felt like they showed too little of the map , how big is it?
Well well well
nooooooo not pathfinder
So nothing new this season but akimbo.
As long as the matchmaking isnt total garbage and the cheaters are sorted, im excited
bring back season 1
got the same cheaters tho
I like the part when shooting sync with music
Bring back Arenas
I’ll definitely check out the new map
They added a hacker
Gun pretty pog
Still wont play
that was lame
I think I’m missing everything
Love how Caustic run over a a trio and a solo player and all immediately try to jump him
BTW the valk cheeks 🍑
Imagine how hype everyone would be if there was no battle pass drama and they just announced dual wield instead.
Yeah battle pass stuff but does Valk have a tapeworm 😂😂😂 she never not hungry
Funny how they want us to pay for every single new thing added to the game but oh no wait a minute isn’t this game full of hackers and bugs? Why are we still with the same and even more issues to play nowadays? Since 2019 i feel like nothing has chance in a good way except for microtransactions because there’s a lot of that
Still no mythic dive trails 💀
seper nice
FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY double P2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but….
we still mad at yall.
Ngl apex can make an anime shi would be tuff
I think its time for titanfall 3
o salvan este juego en esta temporada o el juego se nos muere asi de sencillo Respawn
no le veo una vida mas, no lo arruinen
Map looks darker than expected. More neon lights please.
F Button
And lifeline?
Okay Apex….Maybe I will give you another chance
Not satisfied yet till they relase akimbo re 45
Love valkyrie//”
This map Is beauty!!!
Make the game more like cod and ask for more $ how couldn’t they succeed👍
No new legend ?!
Finally, my beloved mozam can be dual wielded
Yes revival
Your free game is predatory
Trash 😩
Now that’s a lot of cringe.
Thank you so much that I don’t have to pay for the trailer. you are wonderful
This is my favorite apex trailer so far💜
Where is lifeline?
Angel city energy
Now I don’t have to hack for duel welding!
This actually looks pretty good. Shame we’re still valued at a paycheck at most…
what about false bans can you pllssss fix that first
0:06 ramparts kraber doesn’t have a scope on it … 160$ for the kraber to be drawn in and animated correctly EA?
Nah not hype
LOL. Poor caustic in the end 🤣
Lol nice trailer
No new legend?
Can’t wait to pay another 150 euros for a lame skin
FINALLY AKIMBO!!!! a Respawn W! New BR map and new Mixtape maps are also a big W.
Now tweet an announcement that this’ll be the last season of apex.
Почему просто нельзя делать приятные реактивные скины на пушки или на легенд просто бесплатно или за активности!? как это сделано в callofduty
So is Watson getting a buff? ooof
useless trailer. 3 min of nothing really new. u needed 34 seconds to showoff new map and akimbo pistols. cool work idiots
What song is this? Seems like remix of duckwrth’s POWER POWER
No new legends or rework😢😢 but new map and better battle pass but ok
Caustic :
One thing is certain ….
Game will dye if you don’t get rid of cheaters 😂
1:04 Precision = Mouse and Keyboard, Yeah baby!
Take care of yourself
Peace and blessings be upon prophet Muhammad
Looks boring. 3/10
Does it have the proper anticheat?
Just let this game die
Im building anticipationnnn HAHAHA
Dual wield P2020, mozam and battle pass?!
Since ll reborn isn’t here in season 22 im not playing this entire season
One of the best games out there ruined by corporial greed and no market awareness
I think this seasons gonna be one of the best
Scriptwriter for this trailer: “how do you do fellow kids?”
Wow this skins looks gorgeus
Still bring back apex mobile 😢
Fix all the cheaters
how do you do, fellow kids?
“Double monzanbique here”
whats up with the weird smoothing. Its looks like ai was used to make the video 60fps.
embarrassing this game is dying
Hello nightcity 😎🤟
i really hope the map is at night if its day i think it will ruin the vibe it sets other than that the map looks insane
This trailer had so much new energy it drained my wallets energy 🔥🔥🔥
Where is duos?
woooooooooo que genial!!!!!!! la doble p20 y doble moza!!!!! nooooooooooooooooooooo
Valkyrie looking a bit cheeked up at the end there
So everyone just getting a resurgence mode now huh
I like how this isn’t just another gold skin fashion show. They have everyone in white, blue, and purple skins
p20 and moza being usefull for once
wow this was grim
Its the biggest piece of dog shi…….
L trailer honestly
2:32 i indeed came .
How many more months until they Sunset apex yall thinking?
Possible Caustic Change?!?!?!
the aim assist nerf is going to be the best update the game ever had.
All i need is flatline and akimbo re-45 I’ll put in work 😂🔥🔥
looks like this was made using AI
W trailer ❤ let’s goooo
Akimbo Mozambique meta
Y’all really stopped doing Launch Trailers? What happened to this game..
2:38 Caustic rework/ game mode hint?
Wow this trailer looks like a regular apex trailer nothing really spectacular about it new map and akimbo weapons thanks I guess
If only the legends played the same in the game as of the trailer…..I guess we will never know
Should have removed Easy Anti-Cheat before adding akimbo Mozambiques, just saying 😂😂😂(but im interested)
There needs to be an ltm based on Valk eating noodles
This trailer is so-so and the map doesnt look solid, but i have to see raw gameplay
Valk launching her missiles at absolutely no one. 🤌 Truly an Apex Legends experience
Rather lame for a new season gameplay trailer…..
No arena. It’s like they don’t want my money
We are cooked
Lifeline rework? Anyone? Someone?
When Arena`s will be added?)))
Bring back apex mobile 😢
Notice the detail that lifeline wasn’t in the trailer
Non saranno le Akimbo a salvare un FPS con un utenza bassa, e chi ci gioca come me, tra una settimana lo abbandonerà definitivamente, i 40€ li investirò altrove ma non su Apex Trash Legends 💪
So we get akimbo pistols and a new location…. Cool? Where are the new legends?
This game is just beyond soured for me.
The trailer is disappointing, boring season is coming
Why she got cake though??
overwatch 3 >>>>>
Can someone please explain to me what is so different in this trailer that is actually gonna make the game any better
Sorry, most of the remaining hype died when I realized you still weren’t finished super-monetizing this game to shreds. You’ll roll back on the updated battlepass, but you’ll find a new way to try and forcefully wring more cash out of your players.
respawn, just take my money
wow i didn’t think they’d get me to play the game again
wheres angel city?
Keep listening to cryplayers I mean Pro players and you’ll end up like Overwatch
No 🧢 This map looks cool
One thing is certain, cheaters & server issue.
am i like, the only one who’s not really hyped about anything anymore?
i mean, cool new map and stuff but uh, will the game be playable? anti cheat? servers?
or those come with a season pass and i have to pay like 20$ a month or something
I love this game, it has its problems but man my friends and I love getting dubs on this. I’m sad to see the day it completely dies :/
At last we didn’t have to pay $40 to watch a trailer😌
0 new legend again💀
is the old drop armor system back yet?
We want arenas
L video all it did was show us a hop up and new map no bp or nothing
Hm… not bad, new map but that’s it?
This looks good, who are you and what have you done with Respawn we all know? Infact I don’t want to know let them rot and give us more of this!
Basically five years later and 22 seasons but where FIANLY GETTING AKIMBOOOOOOO
No lifeline has been found on this video, Where’s Lifeline!!
So how much do we have to pay to update the game?
Worst trailer ever.
2:43 valk 😝
Apex legends please add a jojos bizarre adventures collab and my life is yours
What is the song name?
Great a new map and duel wielding are in the game
But will this season fix the hacking problem? Will it fix the terrible matchmaking? Let us see
Apex mobile
This is progress
2:24 that cat wall tho
This has to be the most boring trailer ever..
Bro I swear season 21 came out like 2 weeks ago 😭🙏
I know most of these comments are busy roasting EA, but this trailer and the new map actually insane!
Guys you can have two P2020’s 😱😱
Arena is coming back
Man I am going to enjoy the akimbo p20 mozam people about to be complaining all over again this season is looking good 😂😂😂 gone absolutely love destroying yall in the games
clearly aim assist nerf wasn’t enough, players in the trailer has still super sticky aim.
Nothing new? Only weapons?
Wasn’t double pistol something hackers and cheaters used to do? And NOW they added this to the game!?
I want akimbo RE-45
Double Mozambique
Mozambique here x2
Más de lo mismo . Ya no ponpea como antes. 😢 es triste ver mi juego favorito morir. Ya no hay más que hacer….👎🏿👎🏿
Why does the trailer look like it running on a better engine then the game
Pretty mid, nothing ground breaking.
I love the part where the teammate is eating food instead of helping TRULY AN APEX LEGENDS EXPERIENCE
BP drama was indeed needed for Apex to give us such of juice.
Huge “W”!
Yet again caustic gets the short end
For those still hating drop it because their gonna try but they can never delete cheaters permanently
Это было весело. Мне понравилось
Ils ont ajouté l’AKIMBO pour le P2020 et le Mozambique
…where’s the lifeline rework tho
Bro the tripe mozambique at the end.
A looot of empty promises and fake hype. Not a good look.
You know what, the duel Mozambique and p20s is pretty sick.
Its kinda mid ngl but W trailer
Nothing for ll, reborn or new legend
This is titanfall map
p2020 二丁拳銃にできるの?wwww
Pleeeeease have wallrun 🥺
Ehh seems very mid
Battlefield 2042’s trailer had more energy than this
I’m sorry is that a Kraber without a scope
Awesome ❤❤❤
Valkyrie: You ruined my noodles
Indeed send a shockwave
Caustic gonna die lol
Otra temporada de relleno, cuando uses las doble armas se va a craftear el juego, mejor arreglen sus servidores
Okay its alright.
I m hyped, can t wait for the new season
Love when valkrie said “these games have a whole new energy to them” when referring to the greed of modern games
Where’s Lifeline!!!
Double pistols will get so annoying
What happened with my guy Caustic?
Yea this looks pretty sweet. Soo ready!
The people yearn for titanfall
Sounds expensive
Excited to see how the new Shockwave mechanics change up the game! 🔥
maybe tell us what we are looking at
Lol Pathfinder at the end though 😂
No new legend
Looks like it’s going to be the best map ever made.
No new weapons. No new legend. Wow.
They pulling a Tarkov
Does the trailer feel off or is it just me?? Very mobile-like
Fortnite ahh map
Did the animation in those trailers just got worse
Who else noticed that they deleted the dislikes of the video?
A new energy so you guys are gonna listen to us now?
Love the part where valk said, “I’m still hungry” And decided to make it so the battle pass costs irl money, AND makes two of them per season, until Wraith said “I’m down” and then Valk swooped in and revived her by making the battle passes cost AC instead of irl money. Truly an apex moment.
Akimbo let’s go
Until I get a heirloom after playing since week 1 I’m not taking this game seriously
Just stop focusing on skins for some time and start working on servers and cheaters. We can wait for skins. Skins do not make a game great, proper communication between developers and the community does.
Animation quality seems to have dropped again…
W trailer
This is going to be a ” Shocking ” Season, Get it?
なんだかんだいってみんな待ち遠しいですよね^ – ^
New music w
Bruh tf is this countdown, it’s already 8:01
Is the trailer free ???
Just give us duos back ban all the cheaters and give us apex back
To fix the hacker situation, you can now pay $19.99 a month for anticheat!
Do I have to pay for this trailer?
My wallet is still in shock 😢
Ofc we have to wait 2 more mins smh
How come I cannot see the option to make a superchat donation to support the trailer???? Huh Respain???? @andewwilson @vincezampella
Here we go
Yall fixing the servers and banning all the hackers? Is that the shockwave?
Nerf fatty loba
Pla nerf loba
This season is gonna be mid
Wake me up when the 0.5 sec freezes stop midgame,it started happening 3 seasons ago,i keep checking out every new season if it’s fixed yet,but still nothing.
3 minutes
apex the best game
La gnagna
Hey, at least we didn’t had to pay for the trailer!
Im not surprised if we need to PAY to play matches next season.
The amount of dislikes when the vid hasn’t evenstarted is crazy
ffs guys game is free, if you have addiction to buying cosmetics it’s your problem.
do not forgive them yet, no changes have been made other than the battlepass (which is another way for us to spend money), until the cheaters are gone and the inputs balanced, no forgiveness
Bring back DUOS or gay
Surprised I don’t have to pay to get into the game, maybe y’all should work on fixing the hacker situation next
They turned off the likes 💀
The best battle Royale for me
Here we go again…
So…how much $ or AC to let me watch this Trailer?
bleh apex is still going
I bet each minute is $50 to watch
Can’t wait to be poor again YIPPIEEE
don’t buy batlepass ! <3
New battle pass created a SHOCKWAVE. Now we have multiple battle passes 🤷🏻♂️
When is it going to start
we hope you listen to the real community, not Com-money-ty
At this rate they are milking a malnurished cow of its last milk before they put it down:/
yall better not fumble this new season i swear if you do😤
Anyone up rn cranking they hog ?
props to the animator
is this death of apex legends?
How is there still not a random buttom when selecting a legend?
I just want arenas back
Please re release Apex legend mobile❤❤❤
Guys the game charges us for picking up items in game
U guys are bad
You all got bamboozled, the trailer is split in half every half for 9.99
Or get the premium edition and watch tow more minutes..
This better be cool
No more stories from the outlands ? Bro what happen man
It looks like Valk will play the main role in this trailer and it makes sense, the style of the map fits the character and similar to one of the arena maps.
Excited to get clap by hacker in rank again😂😂
Buff conduit
Cant wait for Mirage to pop up and say “You Got Bamboozled” and take all my money
9 AM!
Чё так поздно
Input Matchmaking in ranked match when?
i wonder how much screen time is gonna be dedicated to new cosmetics
All people saying I have pay dawg game is free u just need something to complain about like shut
Yo whats the reactive skin
We should dislike this video just to teach them a lesson
Aim assist does not need a nerf to the magnet. It needs a nerf to the reaction time. Instant reaction time is not human and never will be. Aim assist is unfair and always will be.
Yooo dual wield akimbo weapons would be fire
Guys im watching it rn🤯 restart YouTube
Trailer won’t be accurate without a bunch of cheating preds wiping the entire lobby from the other side of the map while you have high ping, packet loss and prediction error
Tf happened to the launch trailer
Can’t wait for this shockwave to push me even further from returning to this game…. After a $500 charge ofc…
The possibly end of this game well it was nice nowing this game
can we get another walking simulator map?!
fix server and cheater
Imagine being the individual who couldn’t just wait until tomorrow 😂 (trailer was fire though)
If we have luck they’re not going to make the trailer 2 trailers
The only thing i want to see “we bring duos back. we know, it wasnt really a good move to remove the BEST mode in the game.”
Remember: No Spending Money On EA Games.
There’s no 5 dollar fee to watch? Wow!
No thanks
It has come to me in a vision that there will be cheaters and 3 stacks in the trailer
The apex community ragging on the game truly a apex experience
Its this the new season or is it a event?
Hopefully it’s not a trailer about emptying wallets
I paid $40 to wait and watch
Man EA if ur reading this, bro ur game used to be peak, honestly u guys are ruining(ed) it. Please make good decisions and dont be greedy❤
Cant wait to see it!
Thank god there ain’t gonna be 6mans in the video
Lets see how many recolours we can spot in these trailers.
Buff AA to 0.99!
all the pros who swapped to controller are going to swap back
Do an Apology trailer next time
if they’re not going to announce a trailer where they fix this problems, I’m not interested:
– Visual clutter and difficulty to see the enemy, skins that make you almost invisible. Put a higlight on enemy
– Balance the aim assits, and remove it from the competitive, create lobbies where we can only play mnk vs mnk.
– Improve servers, and that players who live in countries without servers don’t have to play with 120 ping vs people with 40 ping. Balance that the ping does not give advantage.
– Cheaters, wall hacks, cronus zen, macros.
– Remove the abnormal mobility of the game, remove the high skill gab and make the game more casual.
– Stop pandering to the crybabies, i.e. those pro players like imperial hall who have only served to make every change he or they ask for destructive to 90% of normal players, make the game for normal people not for guys whose “job” is to play apex, they have ruined the game.
– Fix the matchmaking and stop wasting our time matching us with bad randoms to fight against very high ranked people who play with discord, fix the problem of having bad experiences with randoms. Split servers for people who want to play with randoms and people who have a team.
– Balance legends like pathfinder, revenant, horizon, broken legens that just pressing one buttom gets an advantage from you in a fight. The game should be skill aiming not abilitys one buttom win or aim assits.
People need to just give them a chance to improve
Why do I feel like the server and cheater issues aren’t gonna ever be fixed, oh that’s right Respawn and Ea only care about the monetization of the game rather than fixing core issues. Yeah, f you Ea and Respawn.
I love this game!!!😊
Dying game
I literally cant wait, everyone else is hating but me on the other hand is buying thay premium++ because im not broke and can afford it!! 😁
Who else thinks that when we complete all challenges, we should get a special camo for guns also? Also go back to damage upgraded armour
Шляпа будет
The trailer is Free…..right?
Just skipped the launch trailer, not enough money or to lazy. SMH 🤦🏻♂️
cant wait for the new battlepass, you hear me Respawn!! Im with you on this, 1 guy that think its ok to pay for a game
I can’t wait for the new season, I’m just waiting for it!! Would anyone like to help me farm on Apex please?🗣️🤙
you want people to finish 120 levels of battlepasses in a Cheater manifested game , you must be crazy
What happened to launch trailers 😢
To think that you guys turned this game in to a Cheater’s den , and went on to exploit your own community via ingame stores, shameless
If yall dislike the game so much why do u go out of your way to interact and comment on everything apex related lol just go play something else
Frankly, it’s my first time seeing neon lights at a funeral
Hope this game die this season. Give this game Riot Games or Epic Games. They will save this game!!!!!!
Вся надежда на новую карту
Please do more to fight cheaters and make the lobbies fairer. 🙂
thanks apex for being greedy so i could finally uninstall and enjoy life
Does anyone still play this game?
what happend? its ask me for 20$ to notify me when this trailer is starting
Do y’all think apex is gonna be saved from unpopularity? Yes or no.
Bunch of copium in here
Where is the stories from the outland trailer where is the season trailer.why are we just on the gameplay trailer immediately.apex quality slowly dying is hurting me
I NEED YOUR HELP: An EA employee banned me from apex because I was playing in a way that didn’t suit him. He threatened me with a ban and then carried out his threat. It’s a pretty unfair act to ban someone just for personal gain. EA is doing nothing about it and keeps deleting my comments everywhere. Please help me
I am deleting this game, been playing since launch but they have ruined the game so much it ain’t worth the grind.
Dude these respawn greedy have put out more copy and paste skins in one season then actual content in all 20 seasons. They don’t even add new weapons. Ea is ran by clowns 🤡
aim assist 0.3 coming soon….
Who should my next legend be?
Respawn: we won’t sell reactives as a final reward☺️
Also Respawn: Naw!…here’s another Artifact collection event😩
Feelin like season ø with this and nerfing AA 🙏 can’t wait
I am betting on another bland season
Cool you are adding a transformer right? RIGHT???
Will you show cheating in the gameplay? Because that’s what the actual gameplay is like now.
Apex Legends: Shockwave of Cheaters Trailer
Finally the comment section isn’t full of “blah, blah, blah – truly an Apex experience” 🤣
No arenas/ ranked ? no duos ? No folk hero ? No sky dives trails for old prestige skins? 😢
Bring back Apex Legend Mobile!
Indid i love when they introduce sky dives trails for old prestige skins
Jesus Christ man apex needs to be shut down already and tf3 needs to begin development
Guys apex is going to Die 💀
shutdown the servers bro😭😭
You have to pay to play the new map. It will cost $40 for new. $10 to play any of the old ones
I hope they re going to improve the game😢
Pls read dislike in video apex legends
Please don’t charge me for watching this trailer im already poor from the millions of milestone events
Join for #1 coaching and boosting, affordable, quick and reliable done by top apex press
The comment XD
Do I need my credit card number to watch this trailer?
How bout working on banning actual cheaters, and not randomly banning innocent players
Came to leave a Dislike. Goodbye.
No launch trailer?
Are we at least getting a new gun or something 💯
New distract map here we come
Dang this looks shocking so far ha see what I did there ok I will g-
Double re45 p2020 et mozambique bon ca
Mirage skydive emote when?
Do I gotta pay to comment on this trailer?😂😊
Je le sens bien cette saison, nouvelle map,New life line et des buff sur mirage avzc fortifier en plus 😂😂😂
Im hyped!!
This game fell off
Wow it didn’t charge us with a milestone event to unlock this trailer :0
Thank you so much that I don’t have to pay for the trailer. you are wonderful 🥰🥰🥰
cheater’s game
I cant wait to play ranked with lobbys full of cheaters while im destroying my life playing this game…truly an Apex experience 😊
f you are geniuses making a strong aim asist, then why don’t you make some alternative for MNK???
You better keep listening to us and not just this season 🤨
22시즌은 진짜 진짜 기대해본다..
Me debería de emocionar? :v
I really thought today was August 1st
The new map is coming!!!😆
Nerf aim assist on PC? Hello from Steam Deck.
y’all stay hating but still play the game like Just quit the game or stop buying stuff. It’s not simple. You don’t have to hate every single day. It’s weird…
I will kiss another man for better content
This will Cause A Shockwave to our Wallets
if this trailer is accurate, we will see pathfinder using cheat.
Get the dislikes ready boyyyyys
Is this the apology video?
Get rid of milestone events then I’ll buy the battle pass maybe.
Apex please nerf console aim assist because 0.6 is way to op and I’m not a PC player.
i disliked the video 👍
How many crafting shards do i have to use to watch this?
Would be nice to get actual launch trailers but they make skins and try to sell $40 seasonal battle passes
how much will it cost to play the new map?
Finally,a new season,and a new map.But where is the launch trailer?
The battlepass did indeed send a shockwave , didn t expect them to make an apology trailer.
Excited for the new map 👍 Hopefully the new season is great.
ورجعنالكم بفيديو جديد من ابيكس أسطورة العاب التصويب
They rip apart the community and are doing everything to bring it back
In the apex logo there’s 2 mozambiques, pretty sure we getting dual wield this season
Its saying I have to pay 40$ For the trailer. O lord 💀💀💀
inspired by EA by reading this comment you must pay me $20
Big Hype!! 🙌
New Map🔥🔥🔥🤯
Надеюсь дистрикт бесплатный будет
How many exotic shards do I need to unlock the entire video?
Well well well. @EA @Respawn … Make apex great again. enough with overpriced cosmetics. Bring the content, support will come. Till then the community will be vocal!
For the future of the game !!!
How much do I have to pay to view this
Will I have to pay 160$ to log into the new season?
Nah why we have to wait for 23 hours more
game is died the moment you removed the og king canyon
No because I am actually so hyped for this map it looks so awesome!!!!