APEX LEGENDS RAP by JT Music – “Not Even Halfway Up” (All 20 Legends)
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It’s about time we revisit Apex Legends with another rap! This time we name-dropped all 20 legends!
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APEX LEGENDS RAP by JT Music – “Not Even Halfway Up” (All 20 Legends)
#apexlegends #jtmusic
Taqs:apex,apex legends,apex legends champions,apex legends gameplay,apex legends music,apex legends rap,apex legends season 12,apex legends song,bangalore apex legends,battle royale,jt,jt machinima,jt music,jtm,lifeline apex legends,mad maggie apex legends,nerdocre,not even halfway up,not even halfway up jt music,octane apex legends,respawn,respawn entertainment,video game raps,wraith apex legends
コメント (615)
kinda had a sea shanty vibe to it
do a left 4 dead rap please
Update this song with new legends like alter and any you don’t have in this song
My new pre-work tune to take on the day 💪🏻
I was listening to this song on loop when i was playing ranked and i got 357 RP, thank you.
I need a new line of this song with all the missing legends
Apex ,please add this to apex lobby music
This rap made me reinstall apex but then I learned again that it’s apex
Lonely at the top is one of my favourite songs of yours. And this is a perfect follow up to it.
cant wait for a rap on the next few legends
im just finding this
Bro this is FIRE really cool man
Listening to this while grinding hits different.
Jt music could you please do a live version I know this is a old song but it so good
if you listen closely at the end, youd here the first song’s theme they made of apex
We need one last one
“Reached the Apex”
Playing this song during hikes is a crime
banger video
Probably not now, but I wonder when there’ll be more like this. Maybe a couple more verses as it is now, but I’d like to see an update eventually.
Even after all this time this song is still my favorite they have done
“Your highness” 💂
Lol I play the game and I listen to this exact song while I play
I have a request can you do a song for Macarena please
Bring more Rap Apex Legends plz!!!
I don’t play Apex, but this is fire nonw the less
W saved the best for last, bloodhound #1
Jesus is god alone
Happy 1st Anniversary
We need a new apex rap every few years
Am I the only one who uses this to work out to?
trying to find one negative comment challenge
Now we wait again for more lines for the next couple of legends
0:05 ah I see that reference for lonely at the top
I love all the music you guys do here but this song is one of my favorites the chorus and hook are so infectious that I find myself muttering them under my breath on an almost daily basis. It’s also great hype music, like I throw this on whenever I’m getting ready to play ranked and in between my matches and it really helps keep me focused and stops me from tilting.
Hey i like ur songs for apex u should add the new people in a song for apex i would like to see what u can come up with
this is cocky.
Time for a S16 TDM song!! Hahaha
I love you man, I needed this for my apex gameplay thank you♡ its awesome!
I’m Not Even A Big Fan Anymore Butt This Song Is Great
I love this more than all your raps I was rapping this one out to but missed a few words. I gotta say that I love this song, probably more than you guys do. Awesome rap that you guys can up with.
Jesus loves you
i really love this song! my favorite lines is literally the chorus itself! i’ve been listening to it everyday at least three times and im still not tired! for a long time
should i play Apex Legends? ive been looking for a new game that will hype me up
bro this song SLAPS HARD
i´m still motivated to play apex again now . good work
Love the base line
🧼 nice song😉
Apex legends cooool
Ooffff bro this is so fire
When you hear not even halfway in the song its good
I found this song like two days ago and I’ve been totally obsessed ever since 😀
You should call this apex Legends player rap
try 1.25 speed sounds pretty good 🙂 nightcore version ………… almost 🙂 i know how to make nightcore afterall 😀
HOW DOES THIS NOT HAVE MILLIONS OF VIEWS? This is easily my favorite song by you guys thus far. Well done 👍
good game like it 🙂
gg like it 🙂
Valkyrie is related to viper the boss in Titan fall 2 which was I think was a Northstar
I love the reference to the other rap “lonely at the top” absolute 🔥🔥🔥
for those coming later cuz this song bangs this was made in season 11 as ash is the ledgend mentioned first.
There’s fade now
gonna have to update this soon jt
Bruh this stuff could be in a work out track
Honestly, this sounds like you took advantage of your Lawbreakers rap style and made it better while mixing in my personal favorite song “lonely at the top”.
WE 👏need 👏 this 👏 for 👏dead by daylight
This has classical rock vibes… What a bop
This one shows the games energy much better than the first one
This.. This is a masterpiece i love this one and the First one you made with Bangalore, Gibraltar, Pathfinder, Wraith, Lifeline, BH, Mirage and Caustic
makes me wonder how this guys sounds when he sings rather than raps
I need play ápex Legends
Hey jt music it would be nice if you did not add bad words to your songs because I am lucky I got to hear this song because my parents do not like bad words but I really like your songs so please try that thanks
yeap, just like lawbreakers, JUST CANT STOP LISTENING <3
it’s taken me several months to confront the possibility that this song might be an erection joke.
Will you ever do an apex legends mobile rap?
I think you forgot newcastle
Also love all your music
Hello I have been listening to your music for a long time now I really love the music you make sorry for being selfish but can you make a stranger things song
I love your music from the time when I listened to watch dogs for the first time and so I have been listening to you for 8 years, you are doing good music
this….this has no business being catchy. And I’m really hooked to the song’s hook. Wow.
I loved the detail of “lonely at the top” playing over the credits
Seeing season 0 Kings Canyon brought a lot of nostalgia. Kings Canyon will always be the best map
just like the lawbreakers rap, my favorite <3, this, my favorite, JT? OUR FAVORITE!
Sequel to lonely at the top?
Apex is one of my favorite games of all time well because I played Titan Falls one and two Growing up
This hits hard💯🔥🔥🔥
just a sec me find a freaking 1 hour version
i love this song, the best apex legends song, sadly this was made before newcastle
I haven’t listened to these guys in quite a while, the last song I remember listening to was the Cuphead rap when it came out, and goddamn this is a hell of a reintroduction. You guys have yet to loose all the charm that drew me to this channel in the first place, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you guys for the constant effort that you pump into these videos, I might just be some random on the internet but still, thanks for the smiles and bops!
I knew he was going to say “I am a bloodhound” when he was referencing bloodhound
Show a fortnite player this 😂
Honestly the half way up is so relatable to rank rn xD so many people on diamond and plats half way up in rank
Well damn it’s nice to hear some JT music again. This is a trip through memory lane to me, and boy does it still give me the same chills
You guys should totally do a song on knockout city!
Bro litterally named all Legends in Apex
he might be an Apex Player
i love songs that list stuff in the game. its always so satisfying!
This is dope af I try so hard to keep up but I failed hard
This is giving me major Time to break and I’m in overdrive vibes, and i love it so much
Heh heh heh… just like old times right? Thought you got all the heroes then just one more… Newcastle. Like back in the day when Brigitte was added to overwatch
This… This is amazing!
i would love to see what u could come up with for a sea of thieves rap
GOD THIS SONG IS GOOD, i dont know how you make such bangers, when i scroll down on the comments, all i see are compliments. I agree, and thats why i made this.
1:38 somebody gimme challenge and at 3:06 also 0:09
Mirage is definitely the one who sang this
plsss do a cod mobile rap pls
dont think for a second I miss those callbacks to older raps hidden in the lyrics. I catch em, oh I catch em.
Just Ignore this comment here ( ̄ω ̄;)
Love from this part 1:38 here and onwards
i love the cockyness of this song, fits the personality of the game🥳
The beat reminds me of a song I may have heard before, but I just can’t place it! Especially the opening “All of us start at the bottom” line
daam ok Wouaw best song you did everr mann !
That’s a Dr. Disrespect quote. 😔
I like the reference to the old apex legends music you made “the top is so lonely”
Idk why the apex songs you guy have done are so good the beat is amazing on both grate job
Damn welp I feel like there might be a Newcastle rap one day after watching this
I remember the original Halo rap my favorite game and my favorite rap! Now we are over 10 years later and still making bangers!! It’s amazing!!
This is the type of songs that makes me want to play apex even more
Honestly, seasons 1-3, I’ll even include 4, were prime apex. After all these different legends and game mechanics were added it just got too much and I stopped playing
Clear cheers to DOC in lyrics! YAYAYA
Have you ever thought of making a Dead Cells rap?
new song i listen to on repeat
Love it I adore apex
I play apex
Anybody else notice how the mentality behind this song is the exact opposite of “Lonely at the Top?” 2 different mentalities to being the Apex Predator
Yes finally
I really loveeee this rap especially the game
Really digging this. Apex is my go to game that i play everyday and this song goes great with it. I didnt like the past songs too much but this one has passed expectations
Suena como una brutal y genial canción pirata.
Desde a primera línea la ame <3
This is my new wake up song now
Now we need an updated Dead by Daylight rap.
Lol a ad popped up about apex before the rap starts
anyone know what the chords are for the guitar?
I swear jt and his team are up there with some of the best artist in history
Make a Karaoke video of this pls
Oh shit this has some swing to it.
This have me og jt vibes. Back when it was jt machinima
What a masterpiece 😁
Definitely in the top 10 for 2022.
Ok imagine dragons
This apex rap song is fire bro
Now that Newcastle is part of the squad, what do you guys think his verse would sound like?
They need to add your music to the game. atleast for a trailer or something
Gives you the right boost to go play apex 😈
This is art cause I play Apex legends and always do trickshots and number1
oh k but…. a disharnerd a xbox360 game
@JT Music the is the best song ever please keep uploading these tracks
JT thanks for a great song to a fun game I look forward to your many raps ahead.
It’s going down like that crypto shit hits different after what happened
All of your apex songs are so good but this is the best
Skull it will be cool that you made a demon slayer rap
This feels like an epic sea shanty vikings used to sing in turn based on their personalities
Newcastle rap out for 0.001 of a second
“Newcastle rap when?”
My 3rd favorite song
They made up cool lines for all the legends and then just shit on gibraltar lol
This is a certified banger, I don’t even play apex
Do a song on the Russia Ukraine war
Why apex legend,so interestinggg ughhh…but i like song when u make so i don’t respect apex legends so i’m sorry….
Sorry *sorry i don’t like apex legend so i don’t want respect apex legend*
Well can u make other game song i don’t apex legend in my worst so if u cann make…。.゚+ ⟵(。・ω・)
Sorry if me make mistake,i don’t want to be mean with u😖😖😓😓
I didn’t mean to dislike it. It was accident
“lonely at the top is one” of my favorite songs from your part; but this one… it’s just fucking awesome, i can’t say more.
I would love to see a instrumental version of this the beat goes hard
Great song! Can someone please tell me what’s that song at the end? The guitar part?
I feel bad for the octane at 0:13
Well this is going on the work out music
Jt music could you make a song about all the challenges we created me and my friends chosen for the game for us we are at the end of the game now even the secrets one can be know i am discovering them now I didn’t knew of the bad prank i know they are hard to put in one song could you make it i know this song might be a bit controversial but we had decided to make a song from this from the beginning i know it’s BEEN hard for him i am asking you if you can he world also love a song to make him have a now start right new cause everyone is having it exept him cause to a glitch
deff is a great sucsessor to lonely at the top
I like the more electric feel to this song
This song is actually godly
And I thought Linley at the top was good
hook, line and sinker i found myself bobbing to the beat the whole way through, love the song and the work you put into them, keep it up JT
Another great piece guys. Keep up the great work.
Watch the first Machinima rap
No you guys dident thats so cool you made
You should do a smash bros ultimate song with all the characters
I’ve listed to u guys since I was 8
Best apex legend’s rap ever
I’d honestly love to see a deltarune chapter 2 rap
Is possible you guys make a Star Wars Squadrons Song?
Request please please make a owl house song
Just found this and I’ve been waiting for a apex rap and this did not disappoint
the legend returns
as an apex player i can say this is amazing and replicates the vide apex has really well
Really good guys really good but I wanted to ask can you guys do a metal gear rising revegeance rap
I love your channel keep up the great stuff!
i realised at the end that the tune was from the beginning of the first apex song
5th time playing it in a row lol
This song belongs in the care package its so good 🔥
the course is super catchy!
this is a banger
I feel bad for the people being like “I can’t wait to hear my mains part!” And then it’s just chopped into wordplay like path🔪finder
This is definitely my favorite apex rap you guys have done.
Instrumental pls
This song is AMAZING
I have not been a fan of this game, specifically because of my little brother always yelling at it, this is a good song.
True perfection
hearing JT swear feels so wrong but so right
The first ones the best but this one is definitely in the top ten for me
Hey JT. I Was Wondering If You Would Make a Boneworks rap? It’s a Game That I’ve Been Really Enjoying Lately.
did you make a tf2 solder vs solder76
This song is unnaturally catchy
Damn Loved it as soon as I heard it
U could this is the APEX of a rap LEGEND 😀
Can we just take a moment to appreciate how awesome Apex still is? And much like the game, Jt’s raps are still gold!
I think you guys should make a Wilford motherloving worfstach rap just wanted to give a suggestion
This was absolute fire bro, amazing work!
Amazing song, not my favorite
Awwwww shiiit, here we go again.
Hell yeah you guys are freaking amazing!
I’m disappointed, I wanted every legend or at least the most well known ones to have a separate section even if short
Now we need some metro raps!
really great song! funny that the next legend was announced a day or 2 after this came out🤣
nice way to fit crypto in there, i was wondering how you would do that
Moon knight rap?
Another banger JT
bro I’ve been wait for three year’s and boy was it worth the wait
Using the legends as lyrics. Not what I expected but used amazingly
Well I have been waiting to see if they would make a risk of rain 2 rap but not now BUT THIS SONG IS SO GOOD
Hell yea
It gives me pirate vibes for sum reason
Listen to this while playing apex, it really helps get me in the zone! And its a great song too! I love the way they incorperate the legend names too. The silence at the top is pretty freakin cool as well!
Guys you should really consider making one for Papers Please I swear
0:25 is a crazy Hook y’all ever did and please notice!?
Better then the last one
Are you going to the top because it’s lonely there
Beats is not fire but spicy
Turning DrDisrespect phrases into bars, love it.
This is actually so cool wow
I hope they make a song from “Evil dead the game” it will come out next month and it looks incredible, and with the rapping talent of JT music, they would make an epic song for sure.
That was awesome 😱
Just from the beginning, it’s FIRE
I think is the first game with 3 raps
I like how he has a word for characters
Damn I love this I have been digging into apex lately
I honestly love this the hook of “not even half way up” is just so fucking catchy and like how you all named off all the legends without making it sound weird or forced it’s a really good song ngl
But I really like the song
I like the song but when you said I’m gonna get the drop I would like it better if you said I’m going straight to the top
I watching all your vedios and i love it all and have all songs in my downloads and my best is little nightmares and fnaf and bendy and the ink machine and Undertale and cuphead and bioshock
And there’s a new little nightmares inspired fan game come from few days
Called little nightmares: light black cat & Amnesia girl and will be amazing if you make a song for this new little nightmares fan game and thanks for all this amazing song keep it great work
I’m so happy he hasn’t forgotten Apex Legends
Can you guys make one on F.E.A.R
I’ve been away from apex for a while but this song just reignited that spark masters im coming for you next season 💪
I love that these rap songs have a rock country acoustic instrumental it makes this sound awesome!
And also amazing lyrics btw.
Damn yes
I’m not even half way up 😏
Since you revisited Apex, I know its a long shot but I would love to see you revisit Warframe as it has got a lot of updates since the last song.
I’m going to start making this a thing every time you upload a video.
When’s the Prototype rap coming?
The best just started and All ready hitting us a hard beating line 0:00
I thought “how could one call this halfway up?” Then i remeber that I’m talking about JT who never stops ascending, so i get it, and i love it.
Ain’t Lonely At The Top Anymore…
Might be my favorite work y’all have done. So glad y’all made a new apex one, did how the game has evolved justice.
I remember my first rank climb for Apex, Bronze 4 to Plat 4 in one night all the way in season 4. Blasting your old Apex raps and improving over the night. No caffeine to keep me going, just the voices of Skull and Pat egging me on.
From the bottom to what was the top at the time, now im not even halfway up
See you on the battlefield legends!
I’v been waiting for this for 4 years where have you been 🙂
Good good not bad
Just the update to the rap that was needed
The fact this came out only a few days a new legend was introduced was both cool and tragic. You did not have all legends now.
You guys should revisit bloodbourne next
I never knew I needed this I have apex content on my channel if anyone wanna check it out
what a masterpiece…
Apex legends is like valorant
The melody is present in so many raps jt music has made yet it still feels original for some reason
1 of most the catchy songs jt music has made
Debts to Pay vibes from that beat.
I like the Lonely at the Top reference
Now you HAVE to do a Backrooms one
This rap is truly their Apex
Freaking fire out here. Breaking that limit!!! NOT EVEN HALFWAY UP! 🙂
They’ve added some new characters since I last checked
It’s pretty sure you’re an Apex compositor JT, always has been.
That bloodhound bar is so sick. Such fucking great wordplay.
we should bully respawn into making this the music for future seasons everyone who agrees raid respawns twitter
This is banging guys I love this best rap of the year maybe
Вау! Прекрасно! Спасибо за такие песни 😍👍
Submautica was peak
From Day one and through the cough hell plague, you’ve managed to stay just as fresh guys.
It would be incredible if they made a song to the hollow knight game since there are not so many songs to this game
Oddly enough this rap reminds me of the sunset overdrive rap from a while back
Cod vanguard rap pls!!!
Yes!!!! We got another one! I probably listened to the first one for 4 hours on repeat for a month
Listening to this on full blast while absolutely destroying a battle royal game is the best feeling in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bro is shitting fire🔥🔥🔥🔥
Amazing. What’s nice about this music video compared to Lonley At The Top is there are now more videos from the trailers that can match the song. I also love how you briefly mention Lonely At The Top in the very beginning
FINNALY about time you made another apex rap
[Verse 1]
I’m movin’ up thе food chain fast
I’ve assigned myself a new weight class
Natural selection pushin’ way past
What I once thought was my Apex
From a grave of Ash is my phoenix risin’
Now you’ll meet your end – it’s an event Horizon
Can’t you see that I am gravity defiant
Kinda like my rank – cause I keep it climbin’
I’m a Revenant – so I’m never dyin’
But the road to hell’s the only Path I’m Findin’
Drive you Mad as Maggie, demolition time
I’m a wreckin’ ball, you’ll be gentrified
By this fight-seekin’ kinda sightSeer
Don’t you try to hide from me cause I see you
Got a short Fuse, so I might keep you
On your tippy toes, like a minesweeper
I’m a rhyme-weaver and a fire-breather
Call me Valkyrie, now I fly frequent
I see every moment – like a mind-reader
So don’t get too comfy, this ain’t Ikea
Got a Lifeline? Cause you might need it
More than caffeine through an IV drip
I want Octane – now we’re high-speedin’
I’m in prime condition, but I’m far from peakin’
Somebody give me a challenge cause I can’t get enough
I’m at the top of the mountain, but I’m only halfway up
Show me the bar, and I’ll raise it, throw some weight on and I’ll take it
All the way, ay, and I’m not even halfway up
All of us start at the bottom, but I’m gonna get the drop
If the tippity top of the mountain’s crowded, y’all better pack it up
Give me a record, I’ll break it, pick up the limit and take it
All the way, ay, I’m not even halfway up
[Verse 2]
We got a beef that you don’t wanna stir
If you spill the tea, it’ll be dramaalert!
Then it’s going down like “that Crypto shit”
You ain’t agin’ well – and you’re ill-equipped
Now my EMP will expose it
You can’t talk shit, can you own it?
You’re so toxic, that you’re chokin’
Cause I’m Caustic – come and smoke this
I’ll go Bangalore on you and blow it down
Callin’ in the thunder, then I’ll roll it out
Like a red carpet, then we’ll get shoppin’
When I go with Loba to the black market
Coppin’ all your loot, thank you for the gifts
Then I’ll tear a Wraith, rift and take a lift
By the time you wonder, was it a Mirage?
Double check your optics – I’m already gone
This is our house – you’ve been locked out
Just like Sherlock leavin’ Wattson boxed out
I’ll be knockin’ Gibraltar’s walls down
While I’m on the Ramparts with a large mount
It’s a yard sale – dump it all out
Leavin’ no trail from the fallout
I don’t tuck tail, I’m a Bloodhound
What you call your “squad” is my dog chow
Somebody give me a challenge cause I can’t get enough
I’m at the top of the mountain, but I’m only halfway up
Show me the bar, and I’ll raise it, throw some weight on and I’ll take it
All the way, ay, and I’m not even halfway up
All of us start at the bottom, but I’m gonna get the drop
If the tippity top of the mountain’s crowded, y’all better pack it up
Give me a record, I’ll break it, pick up the limit and take it
All the way, ay, I’m not even halfway up
Has anyone else realized that every apex rap they do has the word “top” in the chorus?
Just a heads up, but I was having trouble w/ the iTunes link; it just opened an eternally loading blank page and seemed to be trying to search the iTunes store but that didn’t load either. Could have just been my computer, and I got there on my own eventually, but just wanted to say something in case anyone else has trouble.
NOW THAT is the right description of how Apex should feel like
The Punchlines ….. there are too strong ….. but i dont hear a bell
Apex legends the next day: anounce new legend
Aw hell yeah
This is catchy as hell. You guys always manage to make original bangers
I wanna see a scarlet nexus rap really badly
I love how you put the apex characters in the rap one of the best I’ve seen in going to lesion to this every day. The beat change at the end
Now we just need you guys to do another Titanfall rap with all the Titans
All of jt’s apex videos are always the best and so are the rest of them
One of the raps that make you want to drop everything and play the game
Les gooo.
Awesome as always 🥺🥰🥰….can …we get a Moon Knight rap….😶
Both of the Apex raps have been awesome so far.
Lonely at the top made me start this game
and this one will made me restart
Well it didn’t
This year top ten gonna hit hard.
Apex legends vs overwatch. Best Mashup.
This music beat and the vibe it gives me is “welcome to my apocalypse”
Another week another win for JT
Instant favourite
Could we have a tiny tina wonderland rap?
The style reminds of the score
This is amazing it reminds me of the r6 rap mixed with lonely at the top
goddamn, i might be late, but every time i see you guys, you always have a catchy hook, guess you can say that this apex rap will sit, lonely at the top
seriously tho, thank’s for bopping my head for 6+ years and many more m8’s
as much as i love this and how clever the word paly is, i must say that the lonely at the top song delivered the references a lot smoother. i had to watch lonely at the top a dozen times before i saw it but watching this (without lookign at the screen) i noticed it first time. again love the work put into it, just saying lonely at the top had really clever and smooth writing
JT never disappoints, another BANGERRRR!!
I can already tell this is going in JT’s biggest hits. Fantastic job JT 🤙🏼❤️✨
I love how well you bring the legends names in!
Hey, JT Crew, don’t know if you’ll see this, but I have a question for you guys. If you were given the chance to go back in time(while keeping all your memories/knowledge up to this point) to change the lyrics of one of your songs, what song would it be? personally, I’d pick Join Us For A Bite. R/agedlikemilk. The fun is starting. A celebration that lasts eternally. I’m always watching… because somebody purple murdered me. Oof.
I LOVE the fact that, “Lonely at the top”, had a lot of Apex Gun puns, and now we have legend name puns,
Loved it!!! I really love your music and content!!!
Ok now i gotta see how i add this to my workout playlist cause this got me pumped!!
Noice! This is just as good if not better than you last Apex legends rap! I’m looking forward to hearing more
I love this what s great rap thank you for coming back to apex
I was abuot to quit apex because of its bullshit but then this dropped…
i prefer this one but the other one was pretty good as well
Skull has a Smart Pistol for a mouth. *HE DON’T MISS*
Very, very good however I like the flow of ” lonley at the top ” more but still very good.
This reminds me of the song “through the firestorm” for some reason
Make the same for Rainbow Siege !!!
We didnt deserve this, ty
The funny part is that people call me JT so I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean but good music!
i really like how JT music is “remaking” their raps (sort of) like with the new bioshock rap the new cuphead rap and now a new apex legends rap keep up the good work!
You know, I always wanted jt music to make a rap for each of the characters, but I don’t know how tough that would be, but this is close enough to that, and not to mention, this is one amazing banger if a song, and out of the three. I think this has to better of the three.
Very cool! Thank you!
I feel like Im about to fight someone.Work beter them coffee
nice song
I want Respawn to fix Titanfall 2 :”(
Now this is a party I bring home cookin’ too, alright
I wish you success ^_^
I love it
Personally I prefer the ‘Lonely at the top’ Apex rap but this one is not too bad
Wow skull was not kidding when he said he was getting good at the bass guitar, fantastic job as always!
I’ve been waiting for a R6 type of rap for Apex for years. JT never fails to deliver a great song 😀
Will be dropping my first 20 in apex to this then following with a 30 in titanfall
This is 🔥
Ok WOW this one was so good I LOVE it
Reallllllll nice
Apex… the one game I still play since I first started with it, really enjoying this one as I play it almost daily now.
A surprise to be sure but a Very welcome one
God DAM, every song from the Titanfall universe you guys have put out is an absolute head banger
I can’t believe you guys did Apex again the last apex song is one of my favorite songs from y’all and I love this one as well, keep up the good work
This has alot the same energy as your Sunset Overdrive rap
This rap is perfect example of someone always up there above you. When you get good enough to wipe squads on your own, there is always people who can do it better.
Imagine 20 other singers voicing their legend bits that’d be fun
You guys just get better and better. Love it!
Ya know another tf2 song never hurts…. Joking, valve doesn’t even care about us
Yo I was playing apex while listening to this and it was awesome great song
This song is fucking gorgeous
Had the most shittiest day today just now watching this at 11:33pm this made it better 🙂 I still listen to “lonely at the top” to this day. Good stuff 👏
Bro you have been absolutely demolishing these raps lately holy shit
Like you have always been fantastic but lately it’s on another level
All of your raps are nice,but can you not have any vulgarity
Am I playing this on infinite loop? Yes. Yes I am.
they need to do one with voice acting for the legends
Day (°¢€÷|✓¥) of asking JT to make a GTFO song. C’mon guys, I know it’s at least crossed your mind once. Cmoooon 😏
To bad I don’t have any mountains near me ☹️
I still prefer ‘Lonely at the top’ but this is a bloody brilliant and creative song, well done guys
2 lines in any you reference the title of the other Apex Legends song , good start
Absolutely amazing and yet another one of his raps I have to memorize haha
Do a Backbone game rap , Howardddd
Gonna be honest, didn’t enjoy the rap part but damn that chorus was good
It’s enough to make grown man cry
Love the song. Feels like Jt <3 <3 <3 love u guys dont stop make music.
Love it, but Lonely at the top is still your best song imo
Loving the rock vibes
Another jt rap, another day im playing this at Max volume
Why do you do this just a few days before a new season releases? Do you want to torture us and let us wait a few years again?
HELL YES just what I needed to come home to after a long day of work. Your music is always killer and I’m obsessed with Apex as my outlet atm. About to hit gold 1 for the second split. Haven’t had much time to play, and I’m not amazing, but it’s fun!!
If this is not an Apex hype video I don’t know what is! When Skull comes back he comes back hard and don’t miss!
Fuck dude, you got me speechless.
Man all 3 are good and this takes the cake ngl
I’m glad they made this best battle royale song this year 🙌
Awesome rap song
Save the best for last bloodhound
Idea for battle rap: Horizon vs Sigma
One thing is certain. You guys do a better job of making a Trailer for a game than the companys themselves. Especially with your on point lyrics dedicated to the games. 👍
This was amazing!
“Lonely at the Top” is one of my all time favorite songs, I’m really glad this carries the same cocky attitude
Bro genuinely all the apex raps the u guys have done are amazing love them all plus I love apex legends so I’m escatic to always see one
Now this is awesome rap about apex legends we have apex rap, then lonely at the top now I’m now not halfway up rap I love it!!!
i dont even like apex but this is sick
Is this gonna be on spotify. Please put it on spotify
0:06 i understood that reference to the another apex rap(also i have been hearing You single the pvz garden warfare rap)
lmao love it i grind apex all the time and its great seeing people giving it more appretiation
Alright this song is easily one of their bests, it’s just such a bop and full energy
Ooooh apex : DDDD
I hope you make the New song to dead by daylight
I’ve been asking so much JT can all of you guys please do far cry six
This has to be my new favorite. Definitely more than halfway up on the list!
Riders republic rap?
Three years of waiting, and DAMN was it worth it 👌👌👌
nice, but man… the first one was sooooooooo good compered to that xd
Day one: I have listened to this over 46 times, its spreading to others; before long it will take everyone in time. Something tells me it’s not even halfway up……oh god…
BLOODHOUND at the very last line LOVE IT!
Nice man good sequel.
Anybody else get a “fallout 4 rap” energy from this.
Hey this is the stuff I needed to vibe to
Big BIOSHOCK infinite vibes
This is badass as always guys! Do you think at some point you could do something for Hunt Showdown? I’d love to see what you could do with that.
Thank you for this JT, this is certainitly the best rap of them all! Keep it up!
The way JT fits the names of the legends into te lyrics reminds me of their Warframe rap
I would KILL to see a JT Music Revenant rap.
Just as good as the old one! At it again with the incredible tunes JT! You’re the best!
Bruh, not even 20 seconds in and im already vibin hard to this!
MORE APEX MORE APEX MORE APEX MORE APEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i luv u guys u make my days <3
I have to ask now, skull, pat, what’s your guys main character to play as in apex?
Can you do a collaboration with rustage again
My psychiatrist: “The perfect Apex rap doesn’t exist, it can’t hurt you.”
JT music:…….
I love all your songs
Oh my lord shit is 🔥🔥🔥
i totally love it, this ones is a master piece again :3
Just got on YouTube and this was the first video I saw
Glad to see it!
This is really good good job guys I love it actually we all love it
I missed nerdcore about Apex. Great job
Please do an Ultrakill rap!
one of the best raps
This is amazinggggggg
bro this song just hits hard
Sounds like mirage rapping
I’ve never really liked Apex, but this song slaps
Loved this song it was fire 🔥🔥🔥 you should make a Valorant song next.
LETSS GOOOOOO. I have been waiting for this for so long.
Its amazing how after 10 years they still never miss
Now, that’s my ONE OF THE LOVABLE SONGS FROM YOU GUYS… EVER! So good. .. Keep looking far… Live long for that’s red skull crew 💀
Aw hell yeah another epic drop! Keep up the good work
Y’all killed it again. Good work Skull and Pat, hope yall are doing good.
Just got into project zomboid got any tips for where to hold up
I’ve been a Crypto Main since Season 4.
Even when he wasn’t relevant in the Meta, I made him work and had fun in the process.
I still remember when a couple of Diamonds told me I that I was trash at the game.
Well, guess who picked up their banners TWICE in that one match?
They died because they ran off without me, and blamed me for their death. I pulled out my drone, grabbed their banners, and I respawned them just for them to run back to the area they just died and die again.
When I used my drone the 2nd time, I only retrieved one banner before my drone got shot down.
_Keep in mind, that while everything is happening, my teammates were being unreasonable and kept on insulting me_ 0_0
I got up as Crypto, ran to the box, grabbed the banner, dodged bullets with movement, and escaped with my other teammate’s banner before reviving them again.
We all died a while after we rotated from there, and I’m sure you know who they blamed.
*To Anyone Who Wants To Get Better at Crypto:*
– If you’re on your drone, don’t stay on for more than 5 seconds at a time (except when you need to pick up banners from far away, then ignore that rule and find a safe spot beforehand and get the banners ASAP)
– The drone is really hard to hit when it’s moving on the floor (so keep it on the floor unless you’re looking for something)
– Use your EMP as an escape when needed (if you have someone chasing you, throw the drone out while maintaining movement, wait a few seconds, and remotely detonate the EMP: you’ll be out of the range & the enemy will be slowed and damaged.)
– Looking at banners through your drone tells you how many squads are nearby within a 200-meter radius (about the size of your minimap)
– Get good at aiming and base movement (Crypto doesn’t have any abilities to use immediately in a fight, so all you have is your base mechanics to rely on)
– Set up your drone for EMP in advance (if there’s an enemy squad in a building and you have EMP, place the drone on the building before your squad pushes. That way, you can remotely detonate the drone as you approach the building, push _together_ with your squad as the EMP goes off instead of being 200 Meters away or something, and the Drone can detect any enemies trying to run away or change positions)
Wooow rhyming their names is amazing!
this is the best apex rap music i ever heard i hope there is a 1 hour version
Quite a bop! Would love to see a Moon Knight song next!
Just. Love it.
Added to my playlist (like always…)
Dude!!!! I’ve needed this for so long! I love the doc reference in the song. The beat goes so hard, and it’s so reminiscent of Lonely at the top while still being it’s own song. Well done guys. I’m a fan for life!!
This was so good bro!!
Bro this is gold
I feel like they never get enough credit for how well video matches the beat and the feel of the song, from 3:07 is literal masterpiece of visuals matching the sound.
every time he drops a video its fire
I just watched this and I already love it
Do one of these on dmc5 pls
Bro i dont even play Apex and this goes so fucking hard
The Allfather graces your blessed music
Like the legends themselves, this rap is the apex to the other 2 raps
Like Everest, my mountain is littered with the bodies of those who failed to climb.
This was an epic remake I loved it
This is fireee bro I love apex
I love this so much
Top he desive’
Bro this is so sick
I have waited so long and i am not disappointed
Love the rap but can we get a bugsnax rap I really think you can give it a twist
This is the Apex Predator of Apex Raps
I was listening to the other 2 songs of apex you made and the moment I saw this I was like is this real
That bar about Drama Alert though 🔥👌🏻
3 apexs songs and only 1 titanfall 2 song 🙁
I love the references to “Lonely at the Top”!
No tengo ni la más mínima idea de que dice pero esta épico
I see you guys are back ONE MORE TO THE LEST
Kind of has similar Vibes to Time to break.
This has got to be one of my favorite songs by them. As a huge Apex fan, I have bias, but the vocal talent and lyrical power from JT Music Is undeniable
XD right after early release of Apex Mobile
omg this slaps so well!! just as much as lonely at the top
“I want octane”
Accurate to this community.
This is so good!!
Its lonely at the top and know another banger lets go
May all humans playing Apex find happiness 😊
Imagine being lonely at the top only to find out you’re not even half way up
Wasnt expecting another apex rap.
Lonley at the Top meets Knock Knock. I LOVE IT
Im early 🙂 kind of also this song is really nice !
This kind like knock knock from ur rainbow six rap
impressive I loved good rhythm and very good music great 😁
Love this
Can you do a don’t sarve together.
A game for gamers
I have been playing Apex since its day of launch so each of your apex songs really make me hyped. Thanks for making this I loved it and hope you guys are doing good. Again thank you.
Amaizing music
Man you raps are fire!🔥
Make a song on tekken 7 JT please 🥺🥺
The energy in your raps are always my favorite part, and this one brings that to the next level
yep i’ll just go terrorize a few lobbies while i have this playing in the background
This is amazing
just amazing i love it so much
I kinda wanna know what people main now. I main lifeline.
I am so glad you made another one!!!!! ❤️
Love this. This is the exact same amount of awesome as the first one. And it is beautiful
That “Not even halfway up” is one of the catchiest hooks you guys have done, sound a bit like a sea shanty too, i love that
i love you for a new Apex-Song (but its not 100% my taste xD)
god damn!
Holy Cow!!! listening to your Raps always feels so Good! and This might be one of the best Raps I have Heard this year. Never mind its THE BEST
Amazing rap, and you timed it perfectly, just got an apex dub the second the notification popped up
I wanted a new Apex Rap. Thanks so much boys for the third rap of this game. Another fantastic song for a fantastic game.
Keep up the amazing work JT
Pls do a deep rock galactic one, it would be really amazing and there arent any other actually good on (for deep rock galactic) apart from one pld
waw 8 minutes and already at 1400 views. let’s go
finally a follow up! ive been waiting almost 3 years for this!
That’ll bloody well do
Minecraft, Warframe, Overwatch, Lawbreakers and Apex. You guys always come out on top with individual characters all wrapped in one rap.
It’s simply is the most fiery rap that JT Music has really done a successful work to it because they’re the most epic rappers that could ever make this
insane Music… Insane Video… I love it <3
It’s really nice how you managed to get the same vibe in all 3 raps even with a different take in each, keep it up 😎👍
Omgg 80 comments already
I love the beat!
Found new song to listen while playing!
Wow! Just wow! He named 20 legends!!!
Certfied Banger
3rd rap about apex and im still not tired of them, pls keep going
This was amazing. The chorus, the energy, the style. Just perfect🔥🔥
This is even better than “Lonely at the top”
Yus get into it! Another Apex rap, man hits harder than the Lonely At The Top and can you believe there`s already been 20 legends, hot zamn!
The instrumentals of this should be a new music pack in the next seasons battlepass
This song is definitely all the way up
Yooooooooooo i was honestly not expecting this at all. This is an Amazing song. I can’t wait to listen to while I’m grinding the ranks
Is it just a law of nature? JT Music can only split fire?
I love your work honestly it’s all amazing
Hell yeah, I’m a big fan of lonely at the top and this is just as good if not better.
Love it, Skull! I loved the first one, and this one raises the bar!
Clicked immediately. So excited for a new Apex song
What this sounds awesome this is like his old stuff
Great video guys
This is fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I love this it’s perfect
As always it’s a banger
This is so awesome
Suprised right now made a ANOTHER rap about this game.
Don’t take this the wrong way. BUT THIS IS THE TRUE APEX RAP WE NEEDED.
Why just randomly and it’s a rainbow six style song with all the characters in the verses not mad it’s just odd
Good work 😃😃😃
Playing this song everything I play apex
I’m only halfway through and I got goosebumps
Edit: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Bro this actually has a rhyme for every character
This is a masterpiece
Love ittt been waiting for u do this
All these new Legends, and yet, it’s still lonely at the top. Guess it makes sense, they’re Not Even Halfway Up.
It’s been 3 years since you’ve done a apex rap its nice to hear another one
first time being early ahahah
Let’s goooooo
It’s so fricking awesome! Great job Skull and Pat!
OMG new Apex Legends song? Awsome!
Fucking fire🔥!
Please do a red dead 2 online rap
I have been waiting for this 😭
So awesome
Lets go
Ayo there back in bussniss with apex!
Eyyyyyyy, do you think you’ll ever “expand and enhance” the gta rap?
Wow Its good rap i liked it
Had to get here as soon as possible
Fifth, hell yeah
This song really got me hyped awesome work as always 👍
I’ve been waiting so long for this!
Buh 💀
Early, but who wants early ticket 🎟 🎟 🤔
Omg- I can’t describe how much I love his voice,it reminds me of when I first listened to the little nightmares rap☺💕
Edit: I love this. Compared to the Six Siege Operator rap, this has way more wit to the rhymes and lyrics. Also love the instrumental, shame the instrumental tracks are never released.