Apex Legends: Double Take Collection Event Trailer
From the twisted mind of Alter comes a world where the good guys go bad, and really, really enjoy it. Get ready to raise some chaos and grab an extra teammate for the all-new Quads Takeover, new mind-bending event items, Lifeline’s Prestige Skin “Apex Corruptor”, and more!
Want to learn more?: http://x.ea.com/apxl/double-take-collection-event
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
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Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 21,apex legends trailer,apex legends gameplay trailer,apex double take collection event,quads,apex legends quads takeover,revenant,conduit,alter,lifeline prestige skin,apex legends skins,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (572)
Mirage definitely was in there dying off screen
Conduit skin gonna make me act up😩
No Rampart Skin…😢
no wraith skin 🙁
Solos should be permanent, if you want replace trios with quads, but definitely keep solos 😢😢😢😢
I love the part where lifeline said:i’m full charge,
and mirage said: charge it doc!
pleased to see that every new trailer that Apex Legends released, it got fewer views compares to previous ones
Man I wish the patch notes talked about matching making changes instead of a store 😩
Can we get arenas back
I like that octane looks like alter and alter like octane
Pathfinder prestige skin??? 😢😢😢
Quads doesn’t sound fun at all
Funny how they wait till the game dying to introduce these new gameplay option.
now I can have 3 instead of 2 useless teammates, truly an apex moment
“rise and shine skin bags” was so unexpected
Is this lifelines prestige skin?
I’m so glad I saved my crafting mats this lifeline skin looks sick
Your game has been taken over by cheaters. I don’t even want to play it, much less give you $160 for skins.
another 160 bucks for a lifeline skin, but we haven’t gotten a lifeline rework. That’s Truly an Apex Legends Experience.
So now instead of a 3 stack pred squad I have to vs 4 stack pred squad?
Did anyone else notice that octane used his prestige finisher, but didn’t have the prestige skin on? Maybe that’s something new coming?
eventually lifeline’s DOC skin changed
that rev skin is so cute
Furry Revenant 😅
Guys, just dislike the video. Maybe EA will notice that something is wrong when some of their videos vanish.
they went crazy on conduit
Skin of conduit is fire.
They added to the trailers wall-jump tap strafe etc, only ragehacking left now.
Hello, Humans😀🖐
Sit back and relax, while humans panic and don’t accept reality. The calm will accomplish more than the emotional.
don’t remove sigma stpe/ jumpad dashing!
I have it… *REVENYANT*
Why is there an event named after a weapon they didn’t add to the game
I love how energetic Revenant was, also Conduit copying his phrases 😀
They haven’t made any original skins in atleast 4 seasons
How many apex coins would this cost?
Y’all are too picky, just enjoy the event.
With so many skins added to the game. They should implement character costumization presets for each character.
Gimme that lifeskin skin 😢😢
Finally conduit event skin🤧
ah, glad to see another lacklustre event coming out. this will definitely entice me to come back and play. very good.
Shout out to the skin team. Yall did y’all thing
Why is Lifeline’s mythic a Caustic skin? I wanna cry
no new castle heirloom truly apex expierence
The only double take I care about is the one from Titanfall 2. Or did you forget that name, Respawn?
Hey how about you give us a ETA when you decide to go silent for a whole month.
wow they forfot maggie again
alright. imma get that revenant skin
QUADS i knew it lets goooooooooooooo
Why does Lifeline’s skin have to look like she’ll playing as Caustic! Not unique at all
The event is called Doible take cuz the legends are wearing skins of the other legends making you “double take” who you’re looking at
Yeah prefer collection events and LTMs to that ridiculous casino style event they host here and there where you can buy items or craft them separately. Bring on QUADS
fix the audio in the game and cheaters
Another boring and expensive event … constent in deception gg !
i like the part when i disconnect midgame, Truly an Apex Legends Experience
I feel the legends that were in the middle of being finished should of turned into a death box rite away. That way new players know they’ll be down a legend(s) in a match of trios/quads
I don’t even play much Lifeline, but this is probably the best collection event of all time, so imma be spending some monies for this game
This event is mid
I actually think these skins are really cool, very smart idea to give legends skins from other legends
QUADS??? Yessss me and my squad can finally play this game
But pathfinder😢
they should have made the green liquid gass thing red to represent blood transfusions and the yellow should have been black or white
You ruined the game enough just bring duos back
I know it’s a CRAZY idea, but games like The Finals ( that just released ) give us multiple free skins and free items to earn during an event… you know… instead of having people spend like $600 a season on mostly mediocre skins and recolors? Little to no content I can manage with because with Apex I’m used to it, but I’d like at least for ONCE to get like one item that isn’t some awful looking tracker skin for a legend i don’t use 💀
This game is sad to look at these days
any one know the song ?
Literally their version of mirror watch from overwatch wow….
high cost skins, low cost EU servers..
Crypto should have swapped with mirage !😢
Look at how they massacred my boy😢(rev)
My Wattson keeps being forgotten
Where is my Path prestige skin
Tf is this
Can we finally do the mythic finisher with all tiers?
Fix your trash match making
please dont start doing the “trailer starts now” thing…
Prestige skin kinda disappointment except trail
A week of a update called “double take” and you dont replace the triple take with the tf2 double take….. Missed potential
O man this looks sweet!
he c est trop nul
When is this happening?
Life line perestige?
they made a whole event based on the double take from titanfall 2???
lifeline > deathline
Cool! Great skins! It’s good that everyone continues some style that came out before. ❤
Now we need to deal with the metals that accumulate in hundreds of tons on the balances of players who have been playing for several years. Let them be implemented. Recollors in the store are repeated for years and, in most cases, are boring. I wish you development! ❤
No Pathfinder skin again 😢
I just noticed the name of the event is “double take”, seems earily familiar to a specific weapon in titanfall
All the dataminers saying it was a pathfinder skin. Get rekt 😂😂😂😂
Awesome. Another teammate to blame. Thank you Apex
Ooooooh new update on cronos and more cheaters and hackers this will be interesting 😊
Yay QUADS!!!
Technically quads were in the game already… It was just unintentional
And conduit stole rev’s voice line just like that ?
It’s time for all the fortnite kids to go back to fortnite
Respawn: Oh u want an heirloom huh?
Buy skin for 160+🙌🙌🔥🔥 u get a finisher
Wait they still update this game, oh with people spending money on stuff that’ll get recolored in 3 seasons
I see nothing about cheating in patch notes so won’t be playing till cheaters are dealt with
Why is everyone in the trailer 1HP
Still the EA servers very bad
I love the part where saying “I love the part” is no longer apart
Add configs back you wont
So quad gameplay which means one more legend Lifeline won’t revive…
Lifeline, I may not play much anymore, but you best believe I’m getting this prestige for you🖤
How about fix the real problem.. get rid of the cheaters.
Watch how I gojng waste my hard earn money.
Y’all still play this? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I love the part where Respawn is charging $160 for an in-game cosmetic while FromSoftware is charging $40 for a brand-new Elden Ring DLC that has over 50 hours worth of content. Truly an Apex experience
This event’s skins made me do a double take
We got evil Lifeline before GTA 6
Remove Aim Assist
Guys guys guys, ladies, its 4-PLAYER SQUADS!!!!! OHHHHHH MMYYY GOD LETS GO!!!!
Or instead if releasing more skins. You could actually listen to your player base and add more content consistently
actual good event
Eu gosto tanto desse jogo, uma pena no Brasil ninguém jogar essa porra e eu nem consiga sequer jogar 1 partida por nunca achar . Saudades do Apex mobile. 💔
the song slaaaaps
Events really just be a skin 😂
If only the game wasn’t full of cheats
As a lifeline main… The mythic looks pretty stinky.
Can’t wait to tbag all the lifeline idiots who buy this😂🤡
Ok but get rid of ltm and give us arenas back
By corrupted do they mean hacked
Conduit looks like shes cosplaying Lycan Hunter Loba
EA Support Suckers
Imagine waiting so much for a Caustic cosplay in your lifeline. Sorry for my Lifelines mains around there
plz fix the bug on mixtape where if u pick up a weapon it gives sight to another weapon
mind bending cosmetics?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣nah
The game is borin rn 😐
Please give me a Bangalore cosmetic 😢
Bro they need to fix the audio it was bad before but lately is nonexistent
The bright and easily noticeable colors on the recent prestige skins really make me want to buy them…….. 😂
Why did you have to make the lifeline heirloom skin ORANGE and YELLOW?!
Who the F wants to be orange or yellow in a fps game? That’s just garbage thanks for nothing Respawn!
nice, maybe ill actually play next week and rage quit from cheaters.
dang, i’ve been waiting for quads—the conduit skin looks insane tho, i main her so i’m rlly excited for this
How about a mode where the ring doesn’t only shrink, it constantly moves. Or jump towers that can be temporarily modified. For instance if U plug in an evac tower the Jump tower goes up by 30%. Or plug in a thermite and your flight speed is increased until you land.
Bring back Bangalore level Prestige Skins
These things get wackier every season 😂
Thanks for watering down guns again instead buffing bad ones 👍👍👍
Where is my mythical Pathfinder skin?!?!
where’s my pathfinder skin???
Hermano, respawn cree que agregar skins a sobre precio es “”nuevo contenido””
Still waiting for more Bangalore skins 😪
why no release mirage prestige skin? 🙃🥲
i think i might max out this event…
Once again no stats trackers
Someone has a tentacle fetish
That Revenant skin gave me Season 6 vibes when he says ”I… AM… BEAUTIFUL!”
Also, loving that Crypto skin, he’s rocking with the mullet!
Apex copying mirror watch is crazy
Man ….. I said to myself I wouldn’t be spending much in apex anymore. Then they drop life’s skin ……
Q loco
I loved the part where the $160 lifeline skin looked worse then the base version
When the Cat Revenant is better than the lifeline skin:
Crypto words are just perfect…… By the way Conduit skin is fire
I prefer triple take sry
People still play this game?
“Time to rise and shine skinbags! >:D”
Did conduit and rev swap? Lol jk but they are saying each others voice lines and theyre new skins look like each others original
Why doesn’t Bangalore ever get good skins? You guys are actually neglecting her and it’s annoying
rev and condy cosplaying each other is so so so so cute
I love that Revenant cat skin.Truly a cat lover experience
In quad i hope there will be penalty for leaving early. Since missing 1 member is really makes battle difficult. When there is support legend on team DO NOT LEAVE. we can craft banner and respawn. What so hard for wait a few minutes
When can we start expecting some actual content again Respawn?
Wow, this trailer ruined my day!
worst mythical skin, I shouldn’t have waited for it
When is mirage going to get some love
Mr. Krabs ahh game
No rampart skin?????😢😢
Lifelines never do their job rezzing so might as well just make her an attack legend amirite
Stopped playing apex cause its the same thing every update but started playing valorant on console and its actually pretty fun
Apex kept releasing skins ughh what an obvious cash grabs
Give us Newcastle heirloom or we riot
I’m confused
It should have been a horizon skin in the collection event
What the… what is this LL skin, so bad
and solve the problems of people who are cheating? Well, that doesn’t make any money ahahahah
Or listen to me EA we could have an event called the cheater fix!!!! And fix all the cheating….. no wait that’s a dumb idea just drop us some skins….
Nah dismiss the new event how about you stop giving me legendary emotes
Where is the content update , from last many seasons its only cosmetics
you made revenant bad on purpose
I like how Octane and Alter exchanged their default skins and called it legendary skins XD
And of course my boy Caustic gets slaughtered again
As a Lifeline main I’m so glad she’s finally getting something really cool. I recently pulled mythic shards but hadn’t used them yet in case there’s an heirloom recolor. But now I’m torn whether to use them on the shock sticks or her suit. I usually dislike the mythic armor, but Lifeline’s actually looks really cool. Even better that it’s inspired by Caustic.
Mean while 30 percent of all players or more are cheating
the quip every second got old 3 years ago, why are your trailers still like that 🙃
How come cheating in apex isn’t getting much attention? You will die at the hands of a cheater in a beautiful package
Where new ash skins?
another event no maggie no ballistic skin
Cannot wait!! Its gonna be a blast :O
i’ll only play when Arena’s is back
Respawn: We lack complete original ideas so what do we do? Let other legends wear the skins of each other and sell it on a collection event
femboy revenant skin lets go
We want less cheaters and cfg users!
good video editing
They added quads now???
Why Lifeline Prestige skin and not Pathfinder Prestige skin?
bro alter a super senior at 1:13
24 “mind bending” skins and probably nothing for free. Does your greed know no limits EA?
BRROOOOOOO ITS ABOUT FREAKING TIME DOC DRONE GETS A SKIN!!!!!!!! now on Lifelines “peace out” finisher, if you have lifelines shock sticks the shock sticks should show in the peace out finisher.
Hope this event and season flops. Everyone who cared for this game has left Respawn and you can tell…
I was excited thinking the Double Take from Titanfall 2 was gonna come back
Finally a good event😭
I can’t wait to play lifeline in the event!!! Oh wait… 6,9, and 12 mans are gonna stop me from gaining rp….
Double take from my money colletion, what an event, they rlly knew what they were doing 💀
Oh yeah! Titanfall’s Double Take is backk
At 0:29 what weapon is revenant holding?
Cute rev skin 😂
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree is substantially more interesting than another apex legends skin sale. Apex feels the worst it has ever.
W FUSE Skin🐐🐐🙌🏽🙌🏽
Bro this is mirrorwatch all over again 😭🙏
That heal bot better ready to pay for child support
Cool….soooo when is the ballistic, Newcastle, catalyst, conduit, alter, Maggie heirloom….?
Full money xddd
Fix the cheaters
не кайф пофиксить потерю пакетов через катку?)
Double scam 🤑
Who is Ash supposed to be?
Newcastle never gets no love 😔
Conduit finally gets a decent skin, I could cry!
Guess the original leaks were right about her prestige skin
SHEESH, Conduit and Lifeline are scary when evil 😱
Loved the part where theyre replacing duo’s AGAIN with quads now, dont know if they noticed but way more people have fewer people to play with than more
Yo they gave her the caustic skin for her mystic skin I’m not going to lie that’s that’s crazy that’s that’s crazy😮😮😮😮
Still no new castle love I see
Apex is seriously flopping
As a LifeLine Main, I am so so so so in love with thisssss!!!
Yellow and light green?? Really??
Tentacruel 😭😭
Please next heirloom skin for Wattson please
I thought it was supposed to be a pathfinder prestige skin
Caustic: 😏 marvelous
Its called double take cuz ea take double the price from your wallet 💀💀
I’m a fan!
So ig theyre just done with the normal heirlooms… what a disappointment
Yeah, double take your money
Really want duos back
I hope quads is a permanent game mode
Rip to all the pathy mains thinking he was getting his prestige skin this season 🙁
Now i will fight against 4 preds or 4 cheater
Its called double take cause you’re gonna do a double take when you see the skin prices
The rev and Conduit skins would of went so hard during the height of the rev-duit meta
Money money money money 🤑🤪
whoever made this trailer is actually popping off and they deserve a forehead kiss
When are you going to change the aesthetics and color of the characters’ abilities so that when someone buys the skins they don’t feel scammed?
Love the conduit
I only really play this with my friends now and i’m looking forward to playing quads with them. Hope this becomes permanent at some point.
Im getting that , ASAP
that conduit skin is sick
I think Lifeline is telling her teammates to win their 1v1’s and stop crutching her revive
Double take…. Titanfall Reference?
Game is dead stop
I love the part where players complain about a lifeline not tapping the res button while on their knees knowing they lost their 1 v 1. Truly an apex experience.
That mythic skin is trash…(just drop Maggie heirloom)
…looks like conduit joined the dark brotherhood.
Still no server fixes…
The only thing new is the squad mode and not the collection event hahaha
I would like to try the 4 man squad play will be fun.
Lifeline main here, disappointed doesn’t begin to describe my feelings rn
I liked the part where they said “let’s ignore the new legends and not give them heirlooms and just keep making prestige skins that people almost only complain about!”
Oh no lifeline has prestige skin she must be getting some sort of nerf soon. 😢
The lifeline heirloom skin finisher is just doc tickling the person
been waiting for a year for a lifeline prestige skin, and this is what you give us? SHAME
4 Players squads is actually insane 😂
I love the idea of that. It’s going to be absolutely insane.
stop buffing Bloodhound omfg
Cheaters royale, bald wraith with havoc starter pack
Finally a legit skin from Conduit!
Wow this skins looks amazing swapped outfits with different Legends
… Revenant somehow got creepier, in this trailer. I have no idea how it happened, but I know I want it to stop.
Great trailer, and kickin cosmetics– can’t wait to see them all-!!
Crypto looking like rockstar fuse skin I think. It is cool tbh. He is also having a moustache..
When the EA CEO writes himself a 25 milion dollar bonus.
Was a truely enlightning apex legends moment.
Revenant helmet is literally PILOT helmet from Halo Reach
as i rev main i aint getting that skin
The prestige skin looks like Lifeline is just cosplaying as Caustic. :/
If only Vantage’s Cat Skin had been like the one in the rev, with the same type of mask, we would be talking about one of the best skins in the game.
Everyone should just stop buying cosmetics and play other games. We gotta make EA realize we dont want skins. We want balance changes and better game play updates and game modes.😢 show them by not giving in
Everybody complaining about the expensive skins. There is a simple fix for that…. DON’T BUY THEM ! They have zero effect on the gameplay they aren’t gonna make you any better. Simple as that
we got reve-neko before GTA 6
nah conduit is trash now same with ash crypto and vantage. even if they dont i aint spending a dime id rather spend it on cheats
Xdefiant is doing a lot of damage to Apex, either they get their act together or the end is imminent.
Who is ash supposed to be?
ну и хуйня лучше бы релик на робота выпустили
Did they just make my Legend a Cat 🤦♂️
I need that Revenant skin
I’m Lifeline main and I found the finisher and skydive trail so disappointing. I saved crafting metals to save up my money and I don’t think I should buy it anymore.
that is the best revenant skin by far
Mirror watch in apex 💯🔥
L revenant skin
If EA can fix their communication skills. I’d happily play >.>
Fix the matchmaking
We want the mobile version to come back again. Who agrees with me? 😢
no way they fr just made a conduit based revenant skin bro
Yes I was waiting for this let’s see what you guys was cooking
L game now
Quads is the thing to get me back in since I stopped playing 3 years ago
And again it’s all about the money, not a real event, just to spend 160€ again. great ea. The game is getting boring because there is simply no new mode.
Where’s the caustic skin where we cosplays as that wattson kitty skin that’s the only thing I care abt not a rev kitty skin A CAUSTIC KITTY SKIN
Can’t wait people abuse lifeline , Newcastle, gibby and conduit in quads just ruin people lives
wait new lifeline finisher? i thiought it was for pathfinder nice
Caustic gets killed in the trailers again and again…a true Apex Legends experience
That conduit skin😮💨🔥
someone’s getting fired that’s caustic
I saw this notification pop up and immediately clicked it “ooo new apex event, lets have a look at this and see what else has been going on this season” then realised that i was already caught up with everything,
I really hope you guys are working on titanfall 3 so i can understand why you went silent for a month
mid event give me a heirloom i can spend 700 on
Conduit as Rev with his lines❤❤❤
Lifelines _prestige skin_ , is just a cosplay of Caustic??? F tier skin ong
Interesting theme Valk as Ash and Revenant as Conduit
No newcastle skin, L event.
Oh come on, drop the Pathy prestige skin already…
Conduit skin look Amazing!❤
No pathfinder prestige skin 😭
This is where the real battle chaos begins
so you basically killed the game completely for any1 that played duo’s well done
When are you people gonna let this game die and make titanfall 3. Ill never understand why it’s still going
No Mirage skin in an event called “Double Take” wow, truely an Apex experience
did they really say “mind blowing cosmetics” ?
This is awesome!!! Can’t wait to dive into the fight… Motivation is through the roof and off the charts…
Why Lifeline has such a horrible running animation? She isn’t a kid, rework akready..
actually one of my favourite trailers in a while! nice 🙂
ah yes another 160 dollars event good that im too broke to make that waste of money
Pathfinder mains are steaming rn😂
Ban the Cronus zen pathetic
Show my boy mirage sum love
Can’t wait for mirrorwatch: apex edition
Hope there is new animations for her heirloom 🤞
What is this!? Opposite Day!?
Lifeline’s reactive skin doesn’t even make sense with her character why does it look like she’s mixed with caustic barrel?? … You put cat ears on an assassin lol 💀💀💀💀🤡
“I’m here to break the game” said the cheater that I’ve benn playing in the 5th match in a row
Let’s see if Apex can revive itself
Didn’t see anything for Wattson so, meh
Haha real funny apex, ok where is the catalyst skin… no really where Is IT!?
I wonder if we’ll be able to craft any of the skins this time
Prestige skin that looks like another legend. W on the L
D.O.C is so cool
How do people still play this game 😭
i swear to god if duos is being replaced again i’m just deleting the game until quads is over
Straight up copying Overwatch 💀
The skins are cool but I’m over it. I no longer want to pay for something I don’t even see in game.
“My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined”
Вот это кайфовые скины 💥💥💥👏👏👏
fix the servers
Comeback mode solo pls
They just stole OW2s homework
I liked the part where revenant turns into a furry, truly a apex experience 👍
Caustic, revenant, conduit and lifeline switched personalities.
Conduit skin is fire.
That alter skin is to die for… I love it
How bout i spend 40 bucks and play a dlc for a game where the developers actually care about the game.
Thank You Reswpan
Wow Lifeline Mythic is basically a Caustic skin. Wished it was better coloured not gonna lie.
Lifeline’s prestige skin and finisher are super insane☠️
Might have to come back to the game for squads
i loved the part when they added quads 5 years later after the battle royale genre is already burnt out. truly an apex experience
Remember…. Yall don’t have to buy anything
I’m just happy there’s a crypto skin tbh
Pls address the ban issue
Did they turn the drone into a pitbull lol
Need this
I’m kinda like cat-ear rev
디자인 진짜 너무 구리다;;;,
0:45 no we have the cheaters for that.
Apex need a tv show on netflix
That’s a prestige skin for lifeline right?
I loved spending heirloom shards on a katar & having the customizable deathbox locked behind a paywall 😅. Truly an Apex Experience
When will the duos return?
“Time to rise and shine skinbags” hahaa
Conduits line😂
Edit: just found out they are cosplaying as other legends. Rev cosplaying conduit is hilarious.
Conduit can low key get it
Why tf did alter take octane’s drip and why did lifeline steal caustic’s gas?
A casutic lifeline, thats interesting
who is who >?
cheaters may happy to see apex have new event
I don’t know WHY Lifeline decided to become Caustic, but I’m all here for these legend twists! I wish I’d be able to get a LOBA one. 👀
Ban 6man and 9man from ranks on console
I loved the part when respawn released yet another 160 $ skin instead of fixing the cheater problem or the servers or the audio
I like the event even though our money is gonna get taken again
Cheaters bad servers tick rate
Does this come with lifeline rework?
Villain arc lifeline and conduit + UwU revenant 😂👉👈
Still no pathfinder skins.
I don’t give f* I’m buying the skin
i had a blast watching the nintendo direct
Wow another boring event which I’m not spending a penny on
YIKES!!!! Like really YIKES!!!!
Well I’m disappointed I wanted a pathfinder prestige skin not a lifeline prestige skin but o well we get what we get I guess
When are we giving players who bought apex coins but didn’t receive them my friend never bought any but got 2000 ac meanwhile I spent $80 and never received anything at all or do you only reply to the big YouTubers and pros
Quads increase loot and maps otherwise legends will have to fist fight
They should’ve swapped fuse and maggie, but I see why they chose crypto since they’re the opposite of each other
The next skin better be mirage or I’m pullin up
I notice that she uses her mythic finisher with every tier of her finisher, Even though you can’t do that in game. Does this mean they updated it so that you can use the finisher with every tier, Once you’ve unlocked all 3 skins or is this just a thing they show in the trailer?
My favorite part is everyone making fun of the skins and events in Apex, but still buy everything and keep playing the game
No Pathy skin. They bamboozled me! 😭😭😭 but I’ll still grab that skin because I’ve been crushing it with LL this season
A lifeline prestige wasn’t on my 2024 bingo card but then again the lack of content made me stop playing this game this season
ayo can i get a mad maggie heirloom for once
but why is the lifeline skin based off caustic, its so random right?
What are they keep doing with my boi😭😭😭
Love the part where lifeline says as a medic we need your credit card before we proceed
I love the part where ea gives conduit a wraith skin and makes it cost more than a house
Remember, they have done NOTHING to improve the game as far as connection and cheaters. Day 1 Quads will be unplayable.
Most likely will have to put in enormous amount of time to get the free tracker rewards. It’s almost not worth it.
They only want the money from the skins. If you want to get them that’s fine but if the game is unplayable, what’s the point.
revenant and conduit secret love child…
Skins so mid
Conduits skin looks clean but I still won’t buy it, nor will I buy cat revenant. Conduit can get still get it regardless tho she bad
…they gave Revenant cat ears
Still gonna cop as always
Valk did NOT hit that first shot with the 30-30. Truly an Apex Experience
I can’t wait to play with three more people so they all die within 30 seconds and then leave the game 🥰
Ima lie these are fire 🔥🔥
website is bugged
Guys let’s all not give EA any money so they can fix the game please
This is the first time I’ll say this but y’all cooked with this event
No Ash’s legendary skin again…
I quit this game
This game is still relevant?
Ya know, i was really hoping they would’ve added a game mode where all the legends abilities are randomized, like the 1 glitch we had a while ago. It would really fit with the theme of the collection event, but ofcourse i expected too much from EA
I’m disappointed, i was waiting to see Pathfinder mythic skin
Quads in Apex Is Scary!! 😂😂
I didn’t know I needed cat girl revenant till now
I wonder if anyone is even exicted, about anything new they release? First event of the season, and u have to pay to get anything good? This greed is exceeding the limits of reason.
Ahhh lifeline pretige skinnn ❤😍 but i dont have money😢😭
Alter and Octane The best skins !!
Double Take… so like Titanfall 2 right? Right?
double take? fr?
Prestige skin for hardecki at the end of pro league, we’ll take it
If your Dev team would talk to us and say “Hey we are working to banned the cheaters.” We would look more forward to the game.
First time im actually interested in the skins
Give me arenas!!!
Revenant entered his UwU phase.
I’m not into cosmetic bs, but these are pretty fun. (Still not buying anything 🙃)
Yo where TF is the path prestige skin?
If we’re just adding game modes now can we have a 6 squads of ten battle Royale?
Havoc and flatline debaf = idiots
im gonna need that conduit skin
Finally something new, they took a million.
When will EA realize that theyd make more money if the skins were 100% cheaper
So caustic?
my apex account for sale aanyone
I love how the $160 skin is just a caustic skin for lifeline but Good Revenant lowkey carried
Ufff quads coming
Apex devs really think that an overpriced event with skins is “content”…
I genuinely think i might delete this dogshit game
You know what I hate more than the cash grab event from Respawn and EA? The players who cry about it and yet still buy it anyway…
Players : Fix the server to be better?
finally an event from the new season
Your videos always stand out for their quality and originality. Thank you for your contribution!💍👏🏻🏈
Where’s the crypto skins at?
I think they have no ideas left for heirlooms of other Legends,so they keep adding 160$ prestige skins.
11/10 bc cat boy rev
Can’t wait to spend 200 euros on gambling just for a 0.5% chance to get one good skin
rip apex you had a good run
the game is so bad
I cannot wait ❤
Conduit skin looks amazing ❤
Finally quads
This rules
I loved the part when you spend 160$ on a skin and it still doesn’t protect you from cheaters
A nice rev is surprisingly cute. I honestly thought he was gonna get Loba skin or something and those 2 switched
Where input based lobbies
I’m tired of aim assist.
I like the part where the 4 people squad gets killed by a single Cheater
Booooooo failed your franchise, your dev team, and your fan base.
They got solos back and added squads epic!
“Mind bending cosmetics” 😂.
Each of your videos is a true work of art that brings joy and inspiration!🛤🦒🫣
I think y’all should worry about all the cheaters in this game first.
The skins is so beautifull:0
I like the part where Lifeline said “Life is meant to die” and then killed our wallets. Truly an apex experience.
Literally the same Lifeline legendary finisher
Bedava skinler hemen belli oluyor. En dandikler. Bi güzel bişey verseniz nolur yani
Bring back areanas please
I think that prestige skin should have a special animation on ress
No mirage skin 🙁
This was actually dope, good job!
i didn’t know i needed catgirl revenant until right now
Apex i know u dont care, but i think i say it here. You can create macroes on steam with the controller setting from steam . You can do superglide/neo strafe/Jitter click no reacoil macros … You banned them for M&K, so I think you should too for controller. This makes Controller way to stong.
Revenant is a furry now
Thought it was gonna be a mirage prestige skin with that event name 😭
Dudeee rev conduit skin 🤯
Woow conduit is so hot
Boom for plunger 👄😻👅
Ngl, I forgot this game existed
i want mad maggie heirloom
EA are like gourmet chefs who can whip up a stunning cake (skins) but always forget to add the actual dinner (content).
coming from a revenant lover and main..
As a lifeline main, I’m very happy she finally gets her skin, but I know I won’t unlock her for the next 2 years because she’s behind this massive paywall that ea has created.
Thank you for more expensive skins
The legends switched outfits thats actually cool
Y’all made rev look like a bih
What if instead of apex legends the game would’ve been called freaky legends, and the characters would’ve went freaky all over each other and the champions would’ve been called the freak
Did y’all fix the hacker problem?
Mirage dont exist in this game.
Aww that revenant skin is so cute
Conduit re-using revenants line is painful
Take out solos and the game will die
Rev and conduit switched personalities 🤣
Thank god they nerfed the havoc finally
I love spreading misinformation
I miss playing area😢
as lifelines biggest fan i can safely say i’m hyped for her evil arc 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️
Where is pathfinders mythic suit where is mirage mythic suit
I love the part where caustic said “my vision is clear” and missed all his shots
Bruh where the pathfinder skin
Players: Make changes that improve the game?
Apex: heres more EXTREMLY expensive skins,
UWU Revenant is the best skin in this collection
It’s Apex a thing ????? Last time i play like 1 year ago it was just a money grab garbage
UwU Revenant😅
I miss when I used to enjoy this game. I legit can’t even play a game without getting bored
Why orangeeeeee
Trash, fix matchmaking and nerf aim assist on Pc, you don’t deserve ur success
Bro I got confused so much by with legend is which😂
Hey how about you give us a ETA when you decide to go silent for a whole month
Will this be as successful as iverwatches even
I love it. My favorite. I go back all the time. Fantastic 🌺💚
I loved the part when lifeline spent $160 on a skin and still didn’t know how to click a button to revive her teammates. Truly an Apex Legends experience
Yess lifeline Presteige for the win
Last time I was this early newt was still a kid
20 seconds ago is crazy