Apex Legends Sun Squad Collection Event
Sun’s out? Guns out. It’s the Sun Squad Collection Event! See how well you can handle the heat in new limited-time mode Heatwave, a twist on Battle Royale where periodic heat waves damage players who are outdoors. Head indoors to keep having fun in the sun! Unlock 24 limited-time cosmetics, with Legendary skins for Ash, Mirage, Fuse and more.
Earn additional items with the event’s rewards track. And if you unlock all 24 cosmetics before the event ends, you’ll automatically receive Ash’s new Heirloom, “Strongest Link”!
Apex Legends is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.
#ApexLegendsRevelry #ApexSunSquad #ApexLegends
Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
Learn more about Apex Legends: Revelry http://x.ea.com/76084
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Taqs:apex legends,apex,sun squad apex legends,heirloom,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,apex sun squad,apex legends sun squad,sun squad,apex legends heatwave,apex heatwave mode,apex event,エーペックス,apex トレーラー,apex event trailer,apex legends event,apex collection event,apex legends sun squad collection event,apex legends collection event,apex legends new event,apex legends season 16,apex season 16,apex legends revelry,respawn,electronic arts
コメント (1406)
I am so happy the Ash heirloom is awesome I can’t wait to get it!
I’m still waiting for my Fishnet skin 4 Valkyrie!!! 😭😭😭😭
What makes this event unrealistic is that there isn’t a legendary or epic wraith skin
Nunchucks is a very unique choice tbh. Had us all fooled with that one dagger mock up too. I like it.
U can wear sunglasses now in PEX wow
Idk where EA is but theres currently 14 inches of snow on the ground where I am lol
My Queen finally got her heirloom 🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲😱😱😱😱 it’s ninja related!!!!
Loba Stan’s Are Crying 😭
what a wasted heirloom
hey when you guys gonna REMOVE THE CHARGE RIFLE
No horizon skin aight cool
Eww why Ash heirloom
time to break the bank
as an ash main im so excited for the heirloom, nunchucks actually look so cool and fit her martial arts vibe
Chale, no hay skin de Gibraltar en tanga
Gotta be the worst heirloom yet
I think the heirloom works for Ash cause she’s a martial artist. I’m guessing they showed the Ice cream Path skin so much here to reference him melting from the heatwave event. I still hope it means we get a recolor of that skin soon since I wasn’t playing back in season 3
Ok everyone gather around me. So where is ours “Mom” heirloom ?
Were is Loba?
Definitely one of the worst heirloom in the game.
Respawn, redo it.
And here’s an idea for you – two sai.
nun chucks? why
Oh man i hate the cometics
I mean the skins are alright… but yall knew what we wanted
Please stop giving Horizon mains the Loba Heirloom treatment (still ash heirloom looks sick)
C.0.C.K.4.L.1.S.T. 💀
L heirloom
I sorta wish ashe got a Ronin sword from TF2. to size ofc
my God
can y’all stop leaving out bloodhound for once
Who agrees with me that catalyst got a better skin then loba.
Love the loba, wish it would drop sooner so I could buy
This looks like the weakest one yet.
To all my brothers and sisters in Christ advancing God’s Kingdom, please know that God sees your work for His Kingdom. Don’t let anyone discourage you. What you’re doing is right and good. Just make sure that your spreading of the Gospel is in love, no matter what. Y’all will be in my prayers. Jesus Bless ❤️🙏
The Gospel:
(I am not a bot, I’m just someone who enjoys spreading the gospel. Much love to you all!)
The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for our sins and rose again, eternally triumphant over His enemies, so that there is now no condemnation for those who believe, but only everlasting joy.
Peter says in 1 Peter 2:24, “He himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.”
So Christ died not only to forgive sin, but also that it might die in the lives of His people.
~Quoting John Piper~
My friend put together a great PowerPoint about the Gospel and Jesus being the prophesied Messiah. I’d like to share if you’re interested, just reply and I can send you the link. May Jesus Bless you!
No octane prestige ://
Yet another event where wattson mains get nothing new throughout the entire thing
Not Newcastle doing Ray Lewis’ entrance dance 😂
Is it just me or when they showed loba skin my quality went from 720 to 240 and then back after
Everyone saying this is unexpected when it’s such a bad design
Missed opportunity to make the heirloom a data knife from tf2😮💨
This has to be the worst collection event ever lol
Another Heirloom more of a wait for Horizons Heirloom🙄😕
Name of song plz
“Ash’s heirloom really needs to be something that works with her character, something that really screams ‘ash’ ya know?”
“A sword or something?”
-apex devs
i fell in love with the catalyst skin
I’m upset because how is wattson and og and didn’t get a beach skin Watson never gets anything frr
Whoever thought Ash’s heirloom as nun chucks was a good idea deserves a life sentence. Imagine dual wield swords when phase tearing.
Why not the same sword??
Devs, why you hate Caustic so much?
Why didn’t I wait till summer?
These skins are trash. I don’t want to buy any of them.
what is this dissapointment of the heirloom tho
W event Love the newcastle
Love it how they still refuse to give Horizon a heirloom
13th on trending for gaming… of course
That Catalyst skin is amazing and the event looks fun.
Why is anyone remotely excited about getting nunchucks for a heirloom? Extremely disappointing.
no horizon heirloom still
Ash heirloom is disappointing
This is fire wth
MERCI EA il est où herloom de horizon parce que ca va faire depuis saison 8 ont attends ok plus leurs évènements plus sa mère pour des skin a chier
This whole event is so mid tbh lol. Why did they ever tweet about the loba skin like then communicate with the community.. lol they knew that wasn’t gonna be the skin they were looking for
Ash’s heirloom 😢😢😢😢 not this pls
No fuse skin and loba isnt what i wanted😢
more thrash
fuse deserves an heirloom way more than ash
worst collection event in my opinion
When does it Start ?
Yeah summer event in spring
I’d say the apex community as a whole was disappointed about a specific cosmetic in the update. You failed us Respawn
be so fr where is horizons heirloom🤨
Pésima reliquia para Ash 👎👎👎👎👎👎 no se merece esto
Tbh, I kinda thought Ash would get a Data Knife, which when equipped would give a special animation when pinging Death Boxes.
Horizon mains in deep pain as another heirloom goes past where they don’t get one 😂
want to see octane sosad lol //nice event
wheres outfit for wattson😢
Ummm horizon was released 4 seasons before ash… where’s the heirloom.
Skipping horizon heirloom?
Yall still play this….
Was really hoping for chain blades as Ash’s heirloom, not ice picks on a string 😭
horizon better be nothing but skin by the time her heirloom gets here because that Ash heirloom is atrocious
Hold up was Newcastle doing the Ray Lewis dance 😂
Bad skin 🤮
Respawn, you forgot to put Loba in a thong.
Bro they need to just bring back kings canyon
Is that fuse skin an April fools joke? where’s the one from the Escape launch cinematic??
Y el cross progression pa cuando?
No fuking way Loba was dancing Salsa!!!! As a hispanic Loba Main I am beyond happy!!!
les musique toujours cool dans les trailer
Que lamentable que la reliquia de Ash, no sea su propia arma…
Who asked for nunchucks😭😭that’s beyond random
Love that the death boxes are coolers
I’ll just wait until the next event when Caustic gets his prestige skin, thanks.
The catalyst skins hair!!!!!!!😩
Horizon doesn’t get one though 😢😢
Who is the no brain designer who made this concepts?
Who cares 😂
Finally a heirloom that not another blade lol still will not get it lol
Your bias is showing respawn of course only 1 white char that’s getting a skin woke satanic p3do gay agenda
What!? Ash heirloom was Nunchuks?
Another charge rifle skin as a part of the prize tracker. Ew
As a Horizon main my time has come to delete the game.
Do F everyone else before Ash that didn’t get an heirloom yet huh 🤔 👎🏽 good play Apex
So ya’ll sexualize Loba the entirety of her time at Apex but the moment that there’s an event for her to show off; ya’ll just go completely family friendly??
Fornite and Overwatch have better beach skins. What a shame. Wasted potential.
bro idc that heirloom is amazing. better then the rat concept i woulda cried
Can’t wait for the event to end so I can use the shards from the last event😂
Really, Ash gets a trash tactile and now nunchucks for an heirloom, dang😢
Horizon 😢
What even is that heirloom, I’m an ash main, and i think that it is the worst one yet. It’s so uncreative and dull like one nunchuck really, I hope it at least has good animations
Жду голую году день 100
Y mi caustic en tanga? 😢
Yessss I’m a ash main let’s go
Wow! This collection event looks awesome!! It looks like it’s got some sort of footie themed game this time which looks fun! I can’t wait to take part in this good looking collection event! 😁
Good bye Apex, im back to COD 🤟🏻
Remember, vote with your wallet!
If you don’t like it. Don’t buy it!
I wanted the Ash heirloom for so long but i’m not spending a single dime on this one…
You give every lame legend an heirloom but ignore horizon. Dumbest devs in the industry
Out of all the ninja equipment for ash they choose the one thing that isn’t even ninja related for her heirloom.
crazy how much money they lose by not making actually good skins.
Fuse….he…… He’s not shirtless…
When is it coming out?
Darle Nunchakus a Ash es como si le hubieran dado las baquetas de Lifeline a Revenant
please just give horizon an heirloom already
No way people getting mad about the loba skin😭
I need the full song release please.
Nun chucks? Really?
Finally came out!
Pathfinder better not be in the collection event that’s a bp one
As much as I like the loba skin, I have to dislike the event for beeing another event with a heirloom that’s NOT horizon… Sry Respawn
My wallet cant keep with apex no more.
i really dont think anyone is here for the heirloom
Hoping that beachball pitch wasn’t just for show
lets go a whopping 1 free pack 🤗
Cómo que la reliquia no es la rata 😔
Horizon mains:👁️👄👁️
At least they didn’t copy paste another existing heirloom (again).
Stickers in the deathbox…. You all know that big % of players disconnect before they go in to a death box right?
ash’s heirloom looks terrible, make the sword heirloom instead (open portals with hands maybe)
When you trying to save money for spring break and then this event comes out
New castle be twerking
I’ll take what I can get with Loba
w trailer
I can’t wait to look at the detailed designs put in the loba skin….totally not anything else on it😅
Why tf are they bringing out a summer event in march
i don’t play with ash but her heirloom the rawest so far 🫠
soundtrack is on point
No shirtless fuse
im gonna riot.
This event is just a bunch of disappointments packed together.
Beginning with the heirloom, over to the balance changes and ending with the loba skin.
When will be finally heirloom on Horizon ?
Just looked on the EA website and the loba skin isn’t a part of the collection event. Probably going to be a bundle in the shop. Hoping they bring back Voidwalker.
Trash relic, trash event, 160$
Wooow se ve realmente divertido y muy diferente, me encantó el tráiler espero con ansias que llegue el evento.
So the katana wielding character doesn’t have a katana heirloom. Weird af
Ashe better have a rat animation 😡😡😡😡
guess my shards will be stored for yet another season, sorry N.E.W.T
As a fuse main I approve and disapprove of the skin as I wished for shirtless but the lei and Hawaiian shirt make me so happy
Yea but you didnt give revenant a Speedo skin. 0/10
Honestly why can’t their heirlooms be their weapons 💀
This even looks nice tho ngl
If its just in the store ima deffo get mirage and lobas skin obviously ima get lobas for… personal reasons….
Not gibralter with a speedo?😢
Ash be coming for our wallets
Soooo… Where is revenant in microbikini?
This is most definitely a summer event. Apex should’ve waited!
Should’ve waited for the SUMMER!!!
Lol not even summer
But, we aren’t in summer right now… 💧
the bad news is the skins is trash, the good news is i saved some money on my car insurance 😹😹😹😹
Dropped the ball 🎉😂
The Nessi gun will surely be there right…? In the firing range permanently
I don’t see enough skin on that Loba skin.
Awesome skins if I new loba was getting that skins I would’ve saved half my crafting metals after getting wraith 😢 also I actually thought that catalyst skin was horizon until I saw the tube lol 😂
Agora sim a loba vai literalmente sambar na cara das inimigas
Y they didn’t use ash sword. It looks better and fits better for her 😢
0:17 that Newcastle Emote BETTER be coming out
still no Fuse heirloom
Can you add the Wraith – Void Prowler skin to store again one day? Thx!
I thought it was going to be lobas heriloom skin in a bathing suit
লবা বিকিনি কই????? 😢
NOOOOOOO NOT THE Pathfinder Skin… this was an OG Skin…. why it come back…..
*Cries in Horizon main*
How you actually gonna do ash before horizon, makes negative sense
Уааааааа, реликвия на Эш, хочу, хочу, хочу.
L heriloom
Newcastle and Catalyst skins looks awesome
loba is oiled up ong
Apex can I say tdm and control have brought me back to apex legends so never take it out please !
Wasn’t ashs heirloom supposed to be a sword? Why tf is it a singular numchuck,not even a pair of them just one
Does anyone know the name of the song they used?
This entire event is such a let down ngl
yea i said i was coming back when they brought swimsuits… not anymore 💀
Looks good but fix ranked
NUNCHAKUS really should have been Twin Sai huge L on first impression.
I love that … im only play wraith, lifeline or wattson😂
once again an event that interests me nuts… and to the wraith event, I tought the wraith skin terribly 😂
FUSE’S LEGS??? 0:17
Was really waiting in anticipation for the Ash heirloom since I enjoy using her the most. Unless the inspects are super dope I’m probably saving my shards till Horizon heirloom drops now.
garbage skins again.🎉 all we needed is one more seer skin 🤡
This event must be call Alert Malibu 🤣 not Sun squad.
Ash’s heirloom is one of the worst. Rampart’s wrench even better, than that 😢
most interesting part 0:20
Why is Fuse wearing a shirt? 😛
Y loba en tanga?????😢😢😢😢
okay but wheres fuses heirloom?
“Suns out guns out” reminds me a lot of the UK tiktok meme “where the beanies at, suns out buns out”
Ain’t no way I’m actually gonna buy a collection event
Her heirloom does not make sense at all
1:00 Is Catalyst’s femur broken
asif thats ashes heirloom…… i’d honestly rather using the default sword…
Apex is really getting back at fortnite for copying resoawn beacons with this heat thing
Where’s Caustic’s speedo skin that we’ve all been waiting for?
Can anyone tell me the Song name please ?
Where can i find the remix song from the video
Is no one gonna talk about the dance loba is doing bc that dance isn’t in the game at 0:25
Trash heirloom. Truly an apex experience . As usual
Doubtful that I’ll get 2nd set of shards anytime soon but if I do, I’m interested
They gotta be joking 💀
Ash Heirloom is… imma just wait for the next Heirloom 😁
Still waiting to see a LEGENDARY rampart skin in a collection event
Was Newcastle Doing ray Lewis celebration ???
Man and I was wanting a Wattson skin but she like never gets anything
I love the moment when their isn’t any “I love the moment when” comments
Where’s top less Newcastle😡😡😡
Why does Apex hate Vantage?? So far she has only had 1 event skin 😢
Ash Heirloom looks dope but I’m still waiting for the Fuse Heirloom 😪
I feel like things are going in the right direction😮💨
Once again no decent Rampart event skin
Trash heirloom
ash was released in some paradise season, now her hairloom is realeased in a summer event. Lol what is with ash and the beach?
Why can’t Mirage get a dive emote in the shop even when he’s featured 😭😭😭😭😭 PLEASE 😂😂
If either fuse or horizon doesn’t get an heirloom next season I quit. They’ve both been in the game for almost 2 years and characters who’ve been in the game half the time get one
No vantage skin? But another returning lifeline skin🥲🤔
Buff lifeline
But what about Wattson??
Plzzz give horizon an heirloom next
Wow is this a new game
Should’ve been horizon, imo
Cosmetic are not so good beter invest in beter servers
Nunchucks for ash hmmm 🧐.. I was hoping for horizon heirloom
Wish they actually showed a first person animation for the heirloom like do for everyone else
Why do they hate Wattson 😢 she’s only been getting a lot of overpriced recolors for the past seasons
Ash skin looking dope
This surprisingly looks fun
NO Valk NO Watson No wrath 💔💔💔
Ash heirloom is dogshit
All these cry baby’s about Loba, chill out someday u will get the real thing, and then things like this won’t bother u anymore
I was hoping fuse would be shirtless 😩 even Fortnite has more shirtless characters
Why there’s a soccer field area ? Why nobody asking about this ?
Bro that fuse skin is bussin
Wow a reskin for lifeline……great
Okay that music is actually really good hope we get it in the event 🙏🏻
Kinda disappointed my boi Gibby didn’t get a skin here
No Watty skin, no money EA. You know the deal
Finally a good skin for Loba and how i understand a new emote
I love how lifeline aint get a new skin😕😒
Where is the heirloom on the Fuse?!?!?!
Na change the maps bring back olympus
HORIZON heirloom ? lol
So, no news for Mixtape, huh? Not even another Arena’s Map for TDM or Gun Run?
how much the skins are going to cost
Excited but I wish they would’ve tried something different with Bangalore instead of recoloring her OG outfit
it isn’t revealing enough
Ash have nunchucks?! I gonna main her now even more and love her much more too. That Loba skin is W tho too. Can’t wait! RIP wallet… 😅😍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯
Enough charge rifle skins!! Jesus
if next heiloom isnt horizon imma drop the game I stg
Poor horizon still no hierlooms
Mmmmmmmmm Loba
Can’t believe they added global warming to the game, good preparation for the future
My disappointment is immeasurable .. and my day is ruined
I can’t hear the trailer due to the bad audio issues! 👀
Bruh forget loba, ash is wielding a mf nunchuck
Seer.. Kunai recolour.. Ash.. whats next Fuse? Maggie? Vantage? Newcastle? Gibby bubble recolour? Give me my Horizon heirloom you monsters😭
Wish we got this in summerrrr
no wraith skin 🙁
I feel like the nunchucks could look a little cooler. They are basic very basic.
Bruh how has horizon not gotten an heirloom yet
Yeah i dont think respawn is gonna shower with money with those skins 😂
bathing suit skin rumors dead
Not sure how I feel about Ash’s heirloom. Will have to wait and see more animations
Very disappointed loba skin doesn’t look good and ash heirloom looks bad
nunchucks for ash? devs please re-do the heirloom for her, thats really out of place for her character
I own some one 15$ because ash heirloom isn’t a rat
É muito fofo ver a loba sambando de fundo 😳
I think Ash’s heirloom is nice joice cause it fits to concept of her q.
I have to say as someone who been waiting for ash heirloom since she released I’m truely disappointed and won’t be getting it. It makes absolutely no sense it not her katana. All the collection event skins look bad to. Even dual ninja daggers would of made more sense
now this event is the full fleecing from EA
nice music👌
Ash should of had *Sai’s*
Is that the pathfinder skin from way back? I’m crossing my fingers that will also be part of this event.
Don’t worry Horizon mains your heirloom will be released soon I’m sure of it
I like how all the theories for Ash’s heirloom were basically the weapons of the TMNT, and the only one we never considered was the Nunchucks, because we associate it with the most laidback and funny turtle brother. And instead it was given to the most serious and calculating legend in Apex.
they made a shirtless seer but not shirtless fuse? disappointing 🙁
Mirage is a w
where is horizons heirloom 😭😭😭😭😭
The new game mode, isn’t it like real life?
The ash heirloom makes sense since she is all about discipline and focus
Oh this is so cool. With the water pumping through Ash, and the “Stay indoors” concept. Loving this, can’t wait to try it
nah that aint it y’all
big tittie loba
Mirage is Respawn Favorite Character N I’m All For It ! S/O to all Mirage mains 🥸🥸
“No one had your back huh, hate when that happens”
Story mode when
Something is finally worse than pathfinders heirloom
“Because it’s the skin Apex deserves, but not the one fans needs right now.” Ahahahahaha 🤣😂
Shirtless fuze is a missed opportunity
disappointed with ash’s herlooms, it would have been a whip sword, like, the ivy Valentine weapon from soulcalibur, I would have validated directly, but a nunchaku, it’s really not terrible and it doesn’t suit him at all, and I hand ash so big disappointment
as ash main I’m kinda disappointed…
Im definitely buying ash heirloom
Horizons heirloom better be next season
Ash’s heirloom better have some titanfall stuff or its bad
Ash should of gotten Sephiroth’s sword as her heirloom.
The only logical thing to do.
No offense, love playing Ash but that looks like an adult toy or a Horizon heirloom
Summer vibes I love it
So Ash is Michelangelo? Cool.
loba mains were robbed
So when’s that update to 120 fps for PS5 and series X?
I see no wattson skin 😞
The whole time I’m thinking it’s a emote then boom😮
thank god loba’s skin isn’t ridiculously revealing and overly sexualised. i would’ve lost all respect for the game and it’s devs
Not 2 d1ld0s tied with a string 😩
Another rampage skin is crazy
That’s the best your going to do with Loba!?! I’m glad I haven’t played this game since Ash came out.
as an Ash main im finally happy to see her heirloom is coming soon
We’ve gotten to the point where even the cosmetics in this game are lazily thrown together.
Smh ash gets something cool asf while mirage gets a a fucken joke of an heirloom
Maybe loba skin is an evolve one 🤔
Man as a ash main with a pocket of shards I think I’ll pass on her heirloom. Super let down it wasn’t daggers or something of the sort.
That heirloom on Ash looks terrible.
Ash heirloom is soo bad
The skins looks SOOOOO LAME why can’t apex ever design cool skins they should fire the team that picked these what a SNOOZE FEST
impressive how untalented the skins team is
That heirloom is trash
Yeah babyyyy!!
Loba be Stylin
I wish Ash would of had her Sword instead 😢
the worst heirloom ever added to the game
They gave ash nunchucks 🤣🤣🤣
These “swimsuits” are afraid to show skin, more than nuns.
Worst Heirloom ever
So ash has a sword that could be her heirloom, but gave her nunchucks instead… OK I guess😅
songs dope tho what is the name
I’m a Newcastle main and kinda disappointed, I wasn’t necessarily wanting a shirtless skin or anything, but this is too much red. What do the other 3 Newcastle mains think?
all i need is that loba skinnnnn😍😘😍😀
i dream of a balance patch coming with this event, even more if Seer’s passif get nerf
MDR il es a chier le Heirloom …. je suis le seul deçu ou ???
the motivation you give is amazing
Loba got enough sunbite 😂
Good effort but we are waiting fixe for console and reward pack 😀. I think this New mode is better than mixtapes and olds mode
guys it’s me, one of the 8 ash mains and yes I AM VERY EXCITED TY
Where’s my boy Gibby with his bodyboard shield? Come on, this collection is perfect for him.
La reliquia de Ash una de las mejores !!!
Personally as a titan fall fan I was expecting a ronin sword or any titan fall item
Me encanto !!! Tremendo evento !!!
Honestly for a company as greedy as they are the skins and heirlooms are only getting worse the new mode is cool tho
Underwhelming as always…
This event would have been perfect you know… in the summer
She’s heirloom actually makes sense because ronin is a melee ninja type titan
Where’s the speedo fuse? Also next heirloom should be fuse holding a stick grenade backwards like the Kaber in team fortress 2
Why does the killer robot it nunchucks while kind hearted Seer gets sharp double handed sickles
Another week and another $160 collection event. Truly an apex experience
Summer theme event but in spring????
Very good
all 7 ash mains are gonna broke when this is over
Think about how much money you could have made with the Loba service
Spring is summer
No recolors, W🤗
Good bye apex
Где сука бикини на Лобу?!
And here we are, completely Fortnite style 😭
Sooner or later, i knew this gonna happen 🤢
My former favorite game is really dead.
And still no cross-progression. RIP
Props to Respawn for the creativity 🔥
Como hay leyendas desde antes que merecen reliquia y le dan a Ash 🤔
ash’s heirloom need that sword
Que novedad! Otro evento, qué divertido 🥱🥱🥱🥱
Disappointed, should have been a Horizon or Fuse heirloom. Huge L
They finna nerf loba with that skin. 😢
Ya, family-friendly swimsuits, I get it, but come on, man, at least try to give your fans a bit of something to look for,
Why is loba wearing clothes?
Pls do horizon next i already have my heirlooms saved up just to get my mines heirloom
I so regret getting Wraiths heirloom because I main ash and it would take like $200 to spend if I wanted the Ash heirloom. But of course, I don’t have $200 😩
Heirloom might be the worst one yet. Almost beating mirages.
Me and the other 4 Fuse mains have been skipped for an heirloom yet again
dang loba skin isnt as revealing as i thought, sad
jk jk
The worst timing ever, a summer 🏝️ event theme should be at summer not at winter.🤦🤦
Still was hoping for the Rat in the sock as an heirloom for ash but o well.
Okay, I admit, this really is the best season of the last 5-7 and even the still missing audio can’t ruin it. Well done
No Katana 👎
i would rather take heirloomshards then that heirloom and i dont understand why she is getting 1 other legends are way older then she is in the game
So funny
Wow loba has best skin now ❤❤
EA killed this game themselves
I’m kinda sad, there is no shirtless fuse like in the trailer for Storm Point. The LTM looks interesting though.
Respawn rule #1 never give players what they want 😂
ngl this is awful
We Wattson mains are just left in the dust now.
Hype 🎉
I like the Loba skin
R.I.P🕊️ to all the horizon mains
mirage and fuse should’ve been completely shirtless 😒
Pathfinder looking like an icicle fits very well in the trailer! 🤣
Still no love for wattson!
🎉🔥 🏖
i really like the new dance emote Loba has, some saucy salsa moves that are perfect for her heritage.
no wattson skin? no play
les skins claqué au sol
I’m seeing less and less “Truly an Apex moment” comments. Nature is healing
Ash is going to be a full on ninja with them. Nunchucks
let’s talk about songs that are always awesome!
i love the moment when mirage says with the voice of JOSH MEDINA “”we did it good matchmaking and crossplay”” the community shouted and applauded.. RIP IMP
This is the biggest fumble since the anime event not getting mirage as Naruto.
As a loba main im am not dissapointed gonna go ahead and pick up the Cat skin as well
i like how horizon STILL doesnt have an heirloom
No era lo que esperaba como Heirloom de Ash 😢
My boy Fusey continues to be left in the dust…smh.
will we get the imperial guard rewards some day
great music choise
ok the loba skin is disappointing.
Sooooo is the Prize Tracker gonna work ? Im still waiting For 4 Packs and 1 Event Pack 🙁
Fcking APEX LEGEND !!! Add Mirage skydive emote to store
Song is so hype
Wait they forgot about the usual Wraith skin what is going on
Cross progression Jesus Christ bunch of 🤥
Nunchaku heirloom?
I expected to be if not blade but sai thing
But I’ll accept it
Where’s horizons heirloom?? I cannot be the only upset that horizon has yet to get one
Dope heirloom but where is horizons??
Im kinda disappointed in them putting 1 free apex pack in the tracker tbh but still rewards are good
Omfg!! That loba skin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I wanted ashes sword to be her heirloom😑😑
My Feedback, the event skins look pretty cool, the ash heirloom decent and the new LTM I think it will be pretty interesting
Pidieron hacer mejor la skin de loba 😂
Octane ….😔
More apex skins 😀
Where is horizon heirloom?
Why is fuse still not getting an heirloom…. FUSE NEXT PLEASE I WANT TO SPEND THE MONEY
Liking the skins for Loba, Seer, Fuse and Catalyst!
wow ash heirloom
what s about horizon?
Ahh yes, the *Anime Beach Episode* Arc of Apex is here.
im lost now
Nice…another event skipping Horizons well deserved heirloom😐
Its a recolour of lifelines shocksticks 😉😂
I wanted shirtless Fuse and Mirage 🥲 but we do see more of his chest so I guess that’s something
Does anyone think that Catalyst skin looks a little bit better than Loba’s
L Loba skin bruh
No Wattson skin I’m not buying this
It’s about time they did something to the death boxes 📦 really dope
Nerf Nemesis
快使用雙節棍 哼哼哈兮
Loba swim sute
This mode sounds terrible
It looks like a cool event,just hate that Watson never gets skins for events most of the time and when she dies they usually aren’t good,Watson has like 4 good event skins,The rest are just recolors🤦🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️
Some boxer briefs and a tank top is what Loba gets after all this time?! My dissapointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
As a Fuse main, I am crying AGAIN
me n the boys shedding a tear over the nunchucks when all we wanted was the ronin blade, meanwhile we sobbed when we saw fuse had a shirt on
Loba’s skin is amazing! Love the hairstyle and colors! The others are pretty nice too! Definetely gonna craft it.
Bro why does Loba look like a karen?
Creía que habría vikinis
when gigachad fuse with abs respawn?
We needed “Suns out, Buns out”
Loba I need to see ittttt
yes finally loba have a different hairstyle
No Vantage again??????
Why the free charge rifle skin looks better than paid reactive skin😩😩
Might be for Ash’s Heirloom; definitely going to be trying for the Flatline and Wingman skins.
Nun chuks? She has a sword and all you can come up with is that? Terrible
As a loba main skin is fire 🔥
Not what I expected ash to have but I’m rocking with it
Horizon mains hold this L
the f the female swimsuits are not lewd enough 🙁 its really dissapointing
Just wait a few weeks for the 3 different recolors of each these skins.
Yo agradeciendo 🛐
Yo agradeciendo al de arriba 🛐: por no ser main Ash XD
Pobre RazielJr
I love mirage skin
This game is so dead its not even funny
I am disappointed
I love the loba one it’s so pretty 🤍
Thats not the Loba swimswit skin that I wanted.
If we’re being completely honest, Respawn both overdelivered and overwhelmingly underdelivered with the Loba skin. RIP.
What is bgm title?
Ash deserved better…
Am disappointed af
data knife where?
Ash heirloom is a huge L. Looks so cheap. Needs retexturing/reskinning
Just one question.. simple one.. and classical one.. where is horizon and her heirloom ? we lost boys.. again
No lifeline dang🥲
why loba hair short.. i wish yall would take a stab at long hair thats not braided
Fortnite and overwatch have way better skins. You’re so bad at making skins it’s sad and that’s the one thing you guys push for the most🤣 trash.
Tf is this Ash heirloom?
Can’t wait 😑😑
All 8 Ash mains going crazy! 🥳
Another event where you are asked to shove out another $160. No free way of earning the heirloom but to hope you get in in your 1 in 500 box.
I love Loba skin it’s nice
Why does octane rarely ever get any new legendary skins
So Wack lol & disappointing. PLEASE DO BETTER
Let down as usual. You’re trash respawn.
*W O R M N U N C H U C K S*
My favorite moment was when Fuse said “hold on to your wallets, motherlode’s dropping in” and then paid $180 for a cosmetic. Truly a Respawn moment!
great, more cosmetics to spend money on.
This hairloom terrifies me what next from here
And what happens to this game design?
honestly all the cosmetics and stuff are wack this time around the new castle dance is kinda funny but im not looking forward to any of these and the tracker is wack.
That heirloom is uh…..garbage…..wow…..
Design wise overall disappointing. Heirloom looks mediocre and out of character for Ash. All other skins are very forgettable. Lame event for sure
Look, the mirage statue, why he so buff!
Im dissapointed 😢
There’s no shot they are bring out the Iced out Pathfinder skin. SMH just recolor it
Now that’s what i call an event almost no recollors a heirloom and a new game mode
So funny octaine is not even in the trailer
Still waiting for horizon herloom 😂
ashes heirloom is not what i expected at all but i’m not complaining
People wait about cross progression actually!!!
I’m not surprised anymore.
Loba in SHORTS !?!?! This is NOT what we asked for…
Lets hope this wont get stuck like the last one
This is why I’m no longer Horizon main. No heirloom moment
R.I.P. Horizon😂😂😂
what’s the background song?
ooooff I am definitely getting thast hot piece of yumm yummm Mirage outfit!
So cool Ash
0:37 – This part is dope
My disappointment is unmeasurable and my day is ruined
You can never please the gaming community
these heirlooms dont even make sense anymore
Ash’s heirloom should be her sword smh
Hunchucks for Ash 🔥🔥🔥
Lol at least they would have made Ash heirloom good
As an Ash Main here’s my problem…
1.) Nunchucks I can kind of get but they LOOK terrible.
2.) I don’t like bright and colourful skins, so buying out this collection event doesn’t seem appealing…
3.) The buff is not enough! Her Ult needs work, should be able to throw snare 1 handed.
New skin looks pretty good, event too. Uuhhhhhh overall disappointed
Before watching this i got my lubricant ready just in case
Yo that little dance my baby lona was doing got me acting up😩
Weak sauce
Definitely not buying unless they change the loba skin
Y donde esta mi Loba en tanga?
So many opportunities they had with the relic of ash and my god that’s disgusting
fronite better
Good thing I plan on getting a gift card the 27th so I can get at least a skin from this event 😁
Why is she covered?
We won. but at what cost…
loba wearing shorts.
they skip horizon to add nunchucks………..
So uh, why again did ash get an heirloom before horizon?
Nunchucks was the last thing that came to my mind for Ash, this is actually disappointing
Is that heirloom?
Reliquia de ash y no de Horizon? 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Finally fresh air
W Ash’s heirloom!
That why I move to other games
This heirloom is trash!
Still no horizon heirloom
00:46 what rank is this
Now next can we do horizon like hello 😩😩
Hey guys its me, the Ash main 🙂
Honestly love the heirloom Do love some Nunchucks for the heirloom its great! But sun squad could of been saved for the summer not spring respawn 😂❤ But thank you! ima have fun!
Soy yo o alguien mas vio la caja de loot de color azul?
Creo que eso no es una buena señal
Why nunchaku and not a katana ???
Добавьте сюжет
Still no shirtless Fuse.
*sighs in disappointment*
Here for the Loba skin and not for the Heirloom
💀 nunchucks is crazy
…. I knew I shouldn’t have got my hopes up this is lame
уф лоба
Mad Maggie gets nothing cool
The game mode kinda seems like Floor is Lava. I’m actually interested in that
Wish we got beach skins for wraith, Wattson & especially lifeline
With the Loba skin: we have been tricked, we have been backstabbed and we have been, quite possibly, bamboozled
как раз осколки релика выпали 2 дня назад(повезло,повезло)
No Caustic shorts skins…………?
She really getting one before space mommy smh no love for the grandma
When seer has shorter shorts than Loba, I see you respawn 🤣 gaaaay
No but fr aren’t these skins a bit too safe for a beach episode?
bro ash is about to be Mikey from tmnt 💀
it wouldn’t be a true Apex event without 90% of the skins looking terrible and halfheartedly made.
Lads, Loba skin. We happy?
thanks for forgetting horizon
It’s okay guys they’re hiding Gibbys skin reveal cause of YouTube rules 😫🥵🔥🔥🔥
where is rat
appreciate mirage buff
They forgot about horizon heirloom😔😔😔
Nun chucks for Ash? Yea they shoulda gave horizon an heirloom
Ashs heirloom is nota his sword!!!!!
Ashe got her Heirloom before Horizon, and it’s just a pair on nunchucks? 😐
Best FPS but also most delusional FPS thinking the average person can afford the bull 💩 price tags they put on there skins and events and it’s also the main reason they don’t fix any in game issues because why fix it when the saps will keep paying money for a broken game 😢😂
This actually looks fun thank God they’re actually doing different things
Well, her heirloom is a dissapointment
Disappointing with Loba’s skin😐😔
I’m just glad the Catalyst skin looks cool enough 😁
Guess they are buffing Ash since they’re releasing her Heirloom?
She’s pretty dang weak right now in the meta. Just bad kit vs the high tier legends.
Booooo you knew what the community wanted a failed sooo badly wheres gibbys speedo
tony is gonna have alot more moments where he needs a bathroom break
This feels like old Fortnite events I love it ❤❤❤❤
Bro y’all are so down bad, y’all really pressed about how the Loba skin turned out 💀🤣
That Loba skin gonna let the community down
1:07 wait… Is that watergothim 🤔?
Music: Rhodus – K-Pop Idol
Song pls
Why there is no legendary Rampart new skin😭😭😭
I liked the part where fuse said “Here comes the collection event, grab onto your wallets” and then shot all of our money at this collection event.
I want that mirage skin, looks cute
Bro she does a front flip that’s gonna be pay to win
I may be over thinking this but ash got nunchucks maybe respawn is testing out chained heirloom for fusey flail
that’s why my name is Mirage’s Thighs
Apex gets dumber by the day
Now this is how you make a skin, this is how you introduce an event… Can’t wait to dive into this crazy collection event
Mas que un juego de disparos parece un desfile de modas… que les esta pasando… Lo mismo con fortnite…
Always doing events to earn money, but important things like cross progression never come😒
Espero Guerra con pistolas de agua
I’m a ash main myself and deep disappointed for the ash heirloom we’ve got
I keep watching this to see if I can force myself to like the heirloom as an Ash main. But I fucken hate it the more I see it. This doesn’t make sense to her at all.
I’m disappointed in that Lona skin
Still waiting for the fuse heirloom
wow really hyped, loba skin 😍😍😍
worst heirloom tbh
Ash’s titan: BIG SWORD
ash: phase sword
Ash heirloom: n u n c h u c
Bro sear is showing more skin
I am here looking for caustic skin.. hmm…
The skin ain t good
Really apex.
cant we use her sword as melee?
Al least catalist and Ash have a nice skin
Nobody gunna talk about newcastle throwing it back?
cool and all but new ranked system please
Delicious, ANOTHER Charge rifle prize tracker skin😃
Okay but why would anyone pick some nunchacks over a badass freakin sword? 🙄
Giby in a Speedo would have been better
Loba fans punching the air rn😂
Me included.
fak u respawn who playing tf ash ? Every patch is trash , servers nôž working packet lost lags and you add heirloom
Another disappointment from Respawn really you added sunglasses to a game that has no bright future….
good content keep it up apex
So no loba TOES!? 😤😤😤😡
WHERE’S THE LOBA 2 PIECE BATHING 🩱 SUIT 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬💯💯💯💯🐻.
Soooo no horizon heirloom
It feels like this collection event was made for 7 year olds. I thought this was rated T for teen. What teens? Idk. Sometimes it feels like Mormons. Other days it feels like for drop outs. I feel like the Mormons won out this time instead of the dropouts. Sadge.
I atleast thought Ash’s heirloom is going to be somewhat edgy, like Rev’s
Loba skin look like my grandma in vacation.
Thank you for sparing me from your busy schedule— Anger from ash players
That catalyst skin looks really bad but knowing me, I’m buying it anyways
Should of been a rat for the heirloom
Pffffff, Ash gets an Heirloom before horizon, hoes gonna be mad.
Ash getting nunchucks .-.
still no mirage’ jump anime
I’m happy and dissatisfied at the loba skin
Finna delete Apex right now
Now this is an event (as far as the loba skin idc its alright we cant expect what we actually wanted 😭😭😭)
лучше бы сервера оптимизировали
Name music?
bruh they had one job
Y’all dropped the ball on the loba skin. Could made so much $$$$
mano que Hairloom é essa, poha respawn ta de sacanagem!?
Let’s get ready to party!
Nice new bugs✌️
Don’t you love it when you get 24 limited time cosmetics that will always be in the game that will be available to everyone either by using an apex pack or crafting it before and after the event ends? Truly an apex moment.
I was sorta hoping Bloodhound would get a skin with a wetsuit and diving gear.
…Preferably a wetsuit tight enough we can see their biceps.
No lifeline legendary skin 🥺😭
Respawn really hates horizon😅
Horizon heirloom when?
Fix matchnaking, i still playing against pred an plat im silver
The skin of Fuse is full party
Ashe? Nunchucks? D O G W A T E R.
She had three different swords, the one pathy killed her human form, the one from Titanfall Ash, and the current sword. You telling me none of those were on the table.
will there be a bruce lee reference?
The Ash skin got water cooling. 😂
Почему на Эшу реликвия, жду на Фьюза 2 года. Респауны дауны❤
Bruh them loba fans not happy😂😂
Señores se vienen 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Would rather Respawn get Africa a server as an anouncement!
That ashloom made me want to switch to being a Rev main ngl
before horizon and fuze…
Man Lifeline doesn’t get a summer fit?
I am unbelievably disappointed that the lifeline Market skin is not coming back despite showing it here.
Sadge my girl lifeline gets no love or skin..
no wattson skin 🙁
how much are the legendary skins going to cost?
Still no horizon heirloom. Skip.
i wanted Nunchucks to be an Heirloom and we finally got it‼️ On top of that one of my mains got it ‼️ lfg ‼️‼️🔥🔥
as one of the 3 seer mains, I am glad respawn gave us shirtless seer skin.
I know where my money is gonna go
Mice look better than Ash’s heirlooms.Ash’s heirloom looks like a curling wand…
Les skin.. pue la M**** 💩 !! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Nunchucks?? Huh..
Worst event ever
Nunchucks aren’t bad BUT THEY DONT FIT ASH AT ALL. Respawn what the heck
right before April , this feels a lot like Songkran New Year. Happy Songkran to all my SEAs 🤣
What’s happening with horizon and fuse then, when’s their heirloom
Did anyone else see Maggie’s guitar that could be her heirloom
First collection event in a long time with actually new skins. Will this be a trend?
Yep,I’m buying the ash heirloom
No daddy caustic? 😢
The loba skin 😊😊😊
If anyone were to get an heirloom I would’ve expected fuse! Now I can’t even guess what his would be 😭
Is anyone else crying and smiling at the same time?
What if the legends take the mirage voyage to a different map in the future
What’s de song name pleeeeaaaseeee???
Ts so lame how tf did ash get a heirloom an not Horizonnnnnnnn who even plays ash 💀💀
No wattson skin sadge ;w;)
someone please tell me the name of the song
No love for horizon I see 😭
I was waiting for the Loba in Hilo v:
Bruh…. WHY NO CLEVAGE?!!!?!?!
well y’all got what you wanted… mirage in shorts
Mobile player’s every moment 🥀💔
Hope next season is back to serious or have story some sort.
Because this season all i felt is cringed than celebration, especially some bug and error still haven’t fix yet.
Fuse without a shirt skin?🤷♂️ Loba has shorts on 🤦♂️ and Ash has a Nunchuck heirloom 💀
On that grind to become a trillion dollar company, I respect it 🤑🤑💰
Horizon and Fuse mains after being passed over for an heirloom 3 times in a row now😐
The ash skin is the weakest
Newcastle trackers???
wait is that Ash’s heirloom?! a nunchaku?!
Mirage always ends dying. good.
apex legends really hated wattson really down bad
L heirloom
where waattsonnnnnn
5 days baby
absolute omegashit
Well respawn have saved us from saving our money on that loba skin. Big let down.
wrong loba skin
Where is that 👙😭
Awful heirloom and awful skins, Respawn has done it again
Apex moment
loba iam coming for your skin oooohhhlala
It hasn’t even been one week since the last $event, incredible..
Just outta curiosity….
But is anyone else interested in how Octane is going to wear Sunglasses…
“Well, two eyes. Through goggles.”
The first good event in a long time
that ash animation at the end so goofy
When Respawn didn’t announce anything about “Cross Progression” after another collection event trailer, I felt that.
Nombre asi que chiste jajaja ya que no esta la skin de loba que todos querian al menos bos hubieran dado la de fuse jaja
As a Ash main her heirloom is too weird. She’s a deadly ninja not bruce lee her heirloom could have been duel daggers or something more lethal. It’s like giving mirage a chainsaw which doesn’t fit his personality either
I see you Newcastle 👀 0:18
This is timed perfectly with the Summer happening mostly at the South Hemisphere. Thanks!
Is Vantage ever gonna get a new skin?
what is the music name that play in the background ?
Such a waste for Ash’s heirloom, so disappointed in you respawn for not giving her the data knife or something pilot related
Ash heirloom is boring asf why isnt it her mech sword
Yo esperaba que la reliquia de ash fuera la katana o el ratón ! 🐁🗡️
Is this the first actually good event since like few seasons? Impossible
(The only minus i find is that its not during vacations)
Ash: *Has giant cool sword that can cut rifts in space* “I NEED NUNCHUCKS!”
Please change loba skin to be more revealing
Nunchuks? I guess yea.. they are skill full weapon to master and Ash is obsessed with perfection so ok, will wait for the animations tho
What is that music !? Sooo good
No wattson skin😢
Dear god Respawn thank you – I wanted Ash’s heirloom (my main) to be her sword, but nunchucks are my favorite ninja weapon and like, I will take and love every bit of it…also love the buff to her arc star! wish her portal had a distance buff like pathys
New emote for loba?
why my man fuse have a shirt underneath the hawaiian shirt
Lifeline heirloom’s better
I really was wanting the prestige in this event as I just spent 8000 coins on the pack event and then I spent the $70 I had on my Xbox account on the Harry Potter Hogwarts game because I thought it was gonna be the prestige skin lame 😂
I love how the advertise skins that u can buy…….besides pathfinders it is there just cause why not.
Singapore servers are not working properly
💫💫cross progression💫💫
Nunchucks….Didn’t expect that.
This is such a creative idea for a new game mode. I absolutely love it! 🎉
I actually quite like ash’s heirloom. It’s super unique and I think it fits her pretty well. Good job for once Respawn. 😎
I wanted the sword.
Does someone know what’s the background music? Or it’s original
Nothing for wraith=L
This was way better than I expected. A decent amount of updates and the skins look pretty good. And those Ash nunchucks 🔥
I find it funny how literally two days later they announce another event. Thirst for money much?
sunsquad from the 60s lol
Any one else reckon Fuses heirloom should be s baseball bat with barbed wire like neegan from walking dead
NO LOBA WHY 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Season 3 path’s skin?
Game mode could be fun, but these skins and heirloom are underwhelming at best.
I was going to come back to the game but the Loba skin and the Heirloom are a dissapointment unfortunately.
Wow nun chucks that’s…..
They have collection events so often.
The colors of the Nunchaku could have been way better =/
Will they nerf ash after this. Probably
Why nunchucks?
I like the link how the legends get damaged when they’re outside, just like the people that play the game!
is that Ash’s heirloom?? for reaaalll?? whhyyyyy 😢
take my money EA I need the fuse and loba skin
biquini lobaaaaaaaaaaa
Man, I’m main Loba and Idfk how to feel
Ash heirloom kinda unfitting.
This looks terrible respawn..
I feel bad for horizon mains 😂
So is the season 3 battle pass skin for pathfinder coming back? And if so what are they doing for people who already had it?
The art in apex is getting worse and worse can’t believe I spent so much money on it😅
After this you should make another wraith heriloom but make it 200$
Ok I will admit that most of the majority of skins look cool in this event but I’m pretty pressed that it was not the freaking Caustic prestige skin. No pressure I now have more time to save up my pockets for when it comes out hopefully in the next event though. 😤
For those wondering… no they arent working on the servers or actually problems with the game. But hey seer has a new hat now
we need to make a petition that says her heirloom must be her rat
Remember when heirlooms had some lore connection and fitted the characters perfectly? Me neither
Ice pathy skin back?
dude Loba will be main now, sorry wraith.
Wow what an awful heirloom
Finally something to block the sun
ok but I love the skin of lobaaaa it looks so beautiful
Soooo….no free event packs this time?
It seems like the best collection event trailer ever 🔥
So kinda like we all expected. A skin similar to Widowmaker’s skin.
No wattson skin…
Apex preparing us for consequences of climate change 👍
EA couldn’t wait until summer with this they want our money NOW. also they should fix their game before new cosmetic events
Ash fans very loves character, with very specific lore and style gets some toy nunchacks, sorry respown but it doesnt fit her😐
Mirage is the best, I love my main. I can’t wait to give you guys my money, congrats.
I need that pathfinder skin 😭
Ô GLORIA EU TAVA ESPERANDO TANTO ESSE MOMENTO🥺😭😭💖💖💖💖 to mó cota sem comprar uma skin pra loba, última vez que comprei foi em um evento na season 6, agr minha hora de brilhar. Esta skin está um luxo de linda🛐🛐
Вы конченые пидарасы
nunchucks??? tf.
Mirage🎉🎉🎉 let’s get it🎉🎉🎉
So are they re-releasing the season 3 pathy skin from the battle pass? Lame
I liked the part where the game runs terribly and gives me a headache from the dipping framerate and the lobbies don’t work a year later
그래서 서버랑 핵유저는 언제 잡아…….
Not bad apex. This actually looks pretty good, but as an ash main, why I gotta spend $160 to get some nunchucks
What a garbage heirloom for a robot who literally has a sword
Ash heirloom is lame .. she already have a sword .. nunchakus? Jesus
Et c’est quand que c’est au tour de horizon d’avoir un heirloom j’en ai marre là
Bad loba bad.
Heirlooms pretty mid no glow or anything , and the skins , trash they look like purple cosmetics to me
Qué pasó con loba en tanga?
Why is the ash buff only for her arc snare? Was hoping for a tac rework
Ash heirloom is nunchucks 😢 I was expecting a sword or two duel swords
I am poor why am I watching this as if l can afford it.
Где скин в купальнике на лобу ????
Hope the backround music at the end turns out to be a music pack
So stickers are back and can be added to death boxes?
atleast they made mirage narrate the trailer, they did something right… more skins tho!… we love 200$ events!!!
Hear me out
Ash heirloom isnt her Sword?!?!
I love that they turned the deathboxes into coolers
I’m all for a collection event as long as THE TRACKER DOESNT BREAK 😭😭😭 I feel like they didn’t fix the tracker last time to get people to buy packs like idm BUT if it’s fixed this time then im gonna assume it was just a rare incident so fingers crossed
What data?
The heilroom fits her
“ladies stay dressed, Seer show them what you’ve got”
Nun chuuuuckksss❤❤❤
Looks pretty good actually I’m excited.
Ea can you please make it so you can change the heirloom you bought because when I got the shards my brother bought the one that I didn’t want
Como les digo esto respawn…. Ya sacaron 3 eventos seguidos no me queda más dinero!!!!!!!
Lol I wanna see the loba simps comment
Loba’s skin is sad, they were afraid of success KEKW
Esto no le va a gustar a raciel jr
No speedo Gibby skin? L
sigh of disappointment
POV: You’re sitting on Heirloom shards waiting for Horizon’s Heirloom…
Если вернут робота, я ухожу из этой игры
that loba skin👀🔥🥵 but nunchucks? seriously?
What is this song? Anyoneknow?
we have been baited
ash is now Liu kang
No Wraith skin Sadge
still a sus game to be honest
Ahs heirloom Les gooooo
Why do they always have 🔥 music in theses videos 🔥🔥🔥
Aww man i really had hope for a sick, SICK Loba skin
But maby the skin is not that bad we will see
I was not expecting that for an Ash heirloom and Loba is extremely tame…. Eh
And here we are… waiting on 2 things; Octane’s Prestige Skin and Fuse’s Heirloom.
A collection event? Expected.
With new skins? I must be dreaming
we were scammed with the Loba skin!!!!!
No fuse heirloom and the Loba skin is mid, tragic
I love how they still use mirage as a Speaker for the trailer its amazing
I love the moment pathinfinder said ” Get ready to open your wallet friend” truly an apex moment .
The nunchucks were so unexpected but definitely respected. I don’t play ash but ima need em.
Oh yeah… And where IS horizon heirloom?
Dogwater heirloom ong
The loba skin looks absolute dogshit and covers all the important stuff… Disappointed but not surprised…
To say I’m disappointed in the Loba skin is an understatement
As Loba main her skin Newcastle and Seer is fire
The people who make the “truly an apex moment” comments have smooth brains
fix the servers
Low-energy passers-by are all like waste.😂😂😂 低能路人 全部跟廢物一樣😂😂😂
dat loba skin is MINEEEEEEEE
Bro ash’s titan didnt had nunchucks
Too chothes 😢
Tf….. I wanted it to be another blade 😅
I love when ash Said “Do you fear me wallets?”
And we thought seer had the worst heirloom 😂😂😂
Excuse where is the horizon heirloom
Nunchucks. K
BOOOOO another trash heirloom
Before horizon 🤣
Give me the fuse of heirloom, you cowards.
catalyst got me acting up ?
No new skins for pathfinder again
Truly an apex legends moment
Everyone came here for one thing and that one thing did not deliver.
Respawn had an opportunity to give us what we wanted, mirage and gibby in speedos, and they failed miserably again, will not be purchasing
These skins don t deserve 1800 apex coins/ 2400 materials
чё за подстава со скином лобы, как можна выпустить такое страшное?
No Wattson beach episode skin T_T
listen to the players. please… A nunchaku? no wonder this game is dying
if arenas isn’t coming back, i’m staying on fortnite 🤷🏾♀️
gonna be the lowest selling event yet lol
Worst heirloom yet. Didn’t think they could top Wattson’s
Seer being more undressed than loba is truly an apex moment.
so happy this game is still bringing new events and collectables!
ngl loba skin is very underwhelming:(
was so excited to buy ashs heirloom but i aint paying 160 for two sticks attached by a string. no detail on it either, lazy heirloom once again
don’t need it. Just fix the converter and the server
When you already have a badass sword by default how do you top that? Poor Horizon mains btw. They keep getting skipped. 😂 Ash lowkey kinda just got here. Still feels new.
It s a bit…. Eeeeeeeee. I will buy it becuase it s hte last heirloom i want for the game other than the mirage mythic but i expected something more.
Maybe a mirage mythic will make me forget this mistake wink.
I’m disappointed abt the loba skin 😡😡😡
Nunchucks? Really? That’s disappointing 😢
More money garb ☠️
I was expecting the Loba skin to show a little more skin
Now just improve the game for us fans please
Ich bin enttäuscht dass loba nicht noch mehr nudes zeigt 😂
I cant believe they actually did it
Ash: has a literal sword
Devs: mmmmmmmmh…. I think nunchakus will do
At this point im feeling like you are bullying horizon like fr now ash gating an heirloom while she joind at season 11 and horizon isn’t while she joind at season 7. Very much not fair😢
In high school, I bet you were voted “most likely to continue being awesome.”
Smh, they once again had the opportunity to give us Shirtless Fusey and they didn’t.
Truly an Apex Legends experience.
any servers fix ?
Nice! ig 😀
So no wattson skin, again?
Her heirloom looks sick but no buffs to her ult come. Not even a cooldown reduction, come on
The fact that they’re just casually selling old Battle Pass cosmetics is so annoying.
Still no Vantage skin 😫
A nun chacku ?…. U shoulda just used her sword or something
Bro the loba skin is such a let down
Loba looks dominating 😍
nunchucks? I wanted the rat 🙁
? sun squad in easter apex wahts going on
This heirloom is a big nope
So where horizon heirloom?
Ash heirloom is trash.
Finally the beach episode everybody thought stormpoint was gonna be.
People are gonna be so mad about that loba skin lol
Fuse kept his shirt on. 0/10 not worth it
Nah, this ain’t it chief…L skins
My favorite part was when mirage said “is anyone else excited but EA?” wonderful line.
Ash heirloom is trash? Who’s gonna buy it expect sponsorised streamers? A cool sword is far better
u aholes, i need to pay aigan🤣🤣
They really should’ve made the sword the heirloom. Pretty disappointed with ashes heirloom.
Yesss lobas we wonn
Dissapointing Loba skin
Loba sambando é linda ❤😍💕🤩
She has the sword already designed, apex not using that as the heirloom is laughable
Massive letdown on the Loba skin… come on…
Why would you not make Ashe’s heirloom her sword???
It’s about time we’re every Apex contest creator makes the same video reaction to this video
Would be cool of nunchuck Ash has it’s own 3rd person animation.
Great! More events that encourage smurfing. It’s built right into the business model.
EA SJW moment again. This is definitely not what we meant about Loba
Gibby in thongs or we riot
LOL nunchucks for Ash?!?!?!
I love it!!!
I did not expect that heirloom
As a Newcastle main I approve🔥
These skins are a fail
Ash can nunchucks theze nuts for all I care, Hope she gets even more stuff.
i thought that catalyst skin was Watson skin. and now i wanna die cause i thought the skin looked good but because its catalysts i hate it 😭
What a surprise no rampart skin again
Achei que alguém estaria de sunga, biquíne. Nunca vi umas roupas de praia tão broxa hahaha mas ficaram legais apesar de tudo.
Nah, this event looks lit! (ha see what i did there?) the limited time mode looks awesome too! Very unique!
Honestly love Ramparts skin
Eh, mid…
This event looks good ! But dissapointed with the heirloom
Expect disappointment and you won’t be disappointed 🥲
Worst heirloom for the caracter and in the game
am i blind or was there no octane?
Mirage wetsuit 🤤🤤
THIS IS FUN but rip horizon mains fr
Fusey summer skin finally here. For years we’ve been waiting, was truly an apex experience
Nunchucks look meh
Loba’s outfit is surprisingly tame. Good on Apex for not completely sexualizing their character
Loba Skin: Weak
Ash Heirloom: totally random, trash Design/looks boring
hopefully octane skin next year
why do only the men save for loba get to show some Leg like, Bangalore could’ve had leg. maggie too. like this is lesbophobia (this is a joke, but still)
My girl loba😩😩😩
I felt when loba said “i stoled ALL Ur money” a truly apex expirience
No sean mamones el skin de loba todo feo
Where’s the gibby skin😡
That’s is awesome! We get practice for what it’s gonna be like living on earth in 2050. But seriously, this event looks dope!
Still wish mirage got the nunchucks would’ve been really funny
am i the only one a bit disappointed about Ash’s heirloom?
Wattson, onesie, skin, when!
Worst Collection Event
Esa mier d4 de skin tiene más ropa que las legendarias que ya tiene, respawn le tiene miedo al éxito
My favorite part was when mirage said “is anyone else excited but EA?” wonderful line.
The Fabled Beach Episode
Woooooooo LOBA!
Apex really hates lifeline. She has basically no effort put into any skins except for two different demons 😐 and here, for the 2 seconds she’s in the trailer, she’s dressed like the awkward kid with a skin condition and weight problem at the pool 🙃
what are the odds that the event tracker breaks just like in the last event?
No Wattson in the whole trailer 🙁
Of course another charge rifle in the prize tracker 🤦🏾♂️
Dang, they coulda showed a little more thigh in that loba skin 😭 nah but the skins look dope. Stoked for the prize tracker at least
Ok so Ash the legend who’s main focus is using a sword to tear through reality is given nun chucks as her heirloom am I the only one who thinks that dosen’t make any sense at all.
The loba skin is a dissapoint
Man the characters I play never get cool skins they gotta start making themed skins for every character
so… I was waiting a year for ash heirloom and Im gettin some wacky nunchacks? worst idea ever
I’m so glad Ash’s heirloom isn’t a sword
How about releasing real content for once in your lives
ash ash ash only ash i have 29.986 k!lls with ash and i am gonna buy the heirloom
Fix ranked please !
Let’s GOOO🎉🎉
This is so trash
Good job Apex for not weebing this event out with fan service.
So ash heirloom is numchucks. Lol
Us: can not wait till ash use her sword as an heirloom.
I was expecting something rly cool for ashes heirloom was just disappointed
What on earth is this. Bad skins released just to put up ANOTHER collection event. Holy jesus you are greedy
What did you guys do to catalyst she looks like Horizon 😢
As an Ash main I am incredibly hyped over the new event, I did not expect nunchucks for her heirloom, but it does make a lot of sense with her character. And the non-recolored skins 👌, good work respawn!
Loba’s pick rate’s gonna sky rocket
song sauce?
Her heirloom looks so odd 💀🫠
Horizon: 🧍♀️
no speedo gibby? shame
they butchered the Loba skin 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Ash’s heirloom is very interesting
Love the music 🎉❤
Can I craft loba skin for 1200?!?!
It’s not quite what we wanted but it’s better than nothing and at least it looks nice! Also means there won’t be a ton of people stealing Loba just because it’s a super revealing skin since most people (hopefully) won’t care too much with this.
wow arguably the lamest heirloom i could think of
loba fans before watching the trailer :- yes yes yes yes yes
loba fans after watching the trailer :- no no no no no fk
@0:41 The only one getting sunburn is a robot 😛
give me that Loba dance emote blz
I’m so disappointed lol so bad 🤭😭
i was expecting nessys, no nessys to be seen here
I wish ashes heirloom was the rat it would have been funny but I hope the rat is one of the animations
No Watson no Valk no buy
My booba skin is hilarious 😂 😃
The game still broken but y’all want loba big ahh in a thong 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
dual blades heirloom would have been more fitting but even wraith have 2 kunai and still dont dual wield, why do I even expecting it
I just saw that lifeline skin in trailer,its that coming back too??
Is not even summer
Not the Loba skin we asked for.. but okay i guess. Ash heirloom looks fye though, and the suns out change seems cool.
Twin sai or something like that should have been ash’s heirloom imo
i mean..ill take it
I love when the first skin we saw is already a recolor, truly an EA moment
I haven’t been looking forward to an event for a while now
Lets goooooooo! Ash Heirloom looks so cool and the skins look so cool!
no shirtless fuse💔
I liked the part where Ash said “A collection event stands before you, Legends. Payment is due.” and then used her ultimate to phase tear the money out of everyone’s wallets. Truly and Apex moment.
えっ!? ワットソンは???
You guys had so much potential with ash heirloom. And u come up with this….. straight garbage.
You know its spring right?
Feels like this is an early summer update.
That Ash heirloom is a choice.. Looks so out of place for Ash
Horizon mains be like 😢
I liked the part where Ash said “A collection event stands before you, Legends. Payment is due.” and then used her ultimate to phase tear the money out of everyone’s wallets. Truly an Apex moment.
Skipped Horizon like she not lit😢
I love moment when Ash said “Show no mercy to their wallets” I felt that.
W ash heirloom
The deathboxes as coolers ?! Nice
My deepest condolences to all the loba main 😭😭😭
I hope we see some balance changes alongside this patch
Hopefully Ash has been training with Napolean Dynamite to master those nunchucks.
Ash being all about blades and not getting a sword/knife themed heirloom is a crime.
No new rev skin still???
ofc the free reward track gives you skins for dogshit weapons XDDDDDD
That,s friking chool!😎☀️
When Catalyst has a hotter skin than Loba
Horizon better have the best air loom I just can’t believe everyone is getting air looms before her
Такой кринжатины я еще никогда не видел. Давно было пора менять людей, отвечающих за скины. Все скины просто ужасны.
That newcastle skin oh ma good😫🔥🔥
Stil no 120hz support🤦🏽♂️
Horizon heirloom next?!
La reliquia es un si pero no
Ohhh, new mode actually looks fun
loba mains died
fix the game, please
Why nunchucks?
They should have put my main man Caustic in a Speedo😤 Eww imagine🤣
Hoping it was caustics prestige tbh 😢
Ash heirloom yeeeeeessssssssss
We are need’s sword to Ash!!!!!!!!!!!
Bro give ist horizons heirloom
im a sad loba main…………
Nooo😂 I wanted caustic prestige😂😢
Ash with Nunchucks makes sense because how durable that girl is she got smashed to pieces then boom she still lived and her human form got stabbed by a BIG sword and lived soooo yeah.Anyone else starting at Newcastle like EXTRA HARD😳
Can we get a bit “more” of the lobas skin 👀
No hay de wattson :c
Why is Ashe getting Nunchucks…dafuq?
song name pls
is that really the ash heirloom? 🤢
Nahhh trash event
Horizon heirloom when??
Wattson y la skin de ella 💔😔
Like Loba said in the trailer “You can’t be overdressed, or overarmed”
Das reicht uns nicht!
Ash gets NUNCHUCKS for her Heirloom? That’s dope
time for the occassional collection event dislke spam
че за хуйня на лобу, где сиськи как в сливах, я нахуя металлы копил
Imma need that Catalyst skin NOW.
Boys we got it🫡
the animations better make it up for the mid tier design of the heirloom.
Finally heirloom for Ash!!
I thought it would be sored but what ever
Sill want ash to smack people with a Rat 😂
Call me when they release crossprogression
any relase date yet?
Was not expecting nunchucks
I Though that Caty was Horizon 🥹
ain’t no way ppl happy for THIS💀
No skin for wattson!? Mheee
ok cool
Rip the loba skin not being what we want. Also no horizon loom
Cool event guys. Please fix the cheating.
Bruh gor k
So does this mean Ash’s tactical is finally getting a buff?
Cowabonga it is with Ash!!!! And Loba outfit is a must lol
I suspected that fuse would have a shirtless skin for this 😂😂
Now this event has me hyped!! Some really good looking skins, hopefully a fun game mode and one awesome sick looking Ash heirloom!
Loba…. Sheesh 🥵
Mirage is so hot 🥵
I’m not going to lie. Stun-chuks are better off being used for a different legend, Ash definitely should have had an heirloom that replaces her sword
The website is broken tho💀
Cadê o biquíni fio dental da loba? 😭😭😭
Ash heirloom looks nice, but MY GOD, these skins are AMAZING! I swear Mad Maggie gets better epic skins than she does legendary skins! And that Loba suit… 🥵😍
I love moment when Ash said “Show no mercy to their wallets” I felt that.
I mean Ash doing some kung fu moves so it suits her.
Is this dropping today?
Espectacular :0
things i’m upset about:
– no wattson skin 🙁
– fuse isn’t shirtless
– the gun skins don’t look like water guns
things i am happy about:
– death boxes look like coolers
– heat wave/sunglasses mechanic is cool
– loba and catalyst look GREAT
– new emotes!!
Man I’m not too impressed with these skins😭 thought loba would get a better looking skin tbh missed opportunity I guess
Is this recolor skins or new?
Titan fall fans are crying
какие блять нунчаки, майки ты?!
Every Loba main🫤
That Catalyst skins looks good
that ash heirloom is yikes
Loba looks like a 50 year old divorced mom going to the beach. Y’all had ONE JOB. I CAN’T BELIEVE y’all can’t make 1 good skin.
Oh I’m so glad they didn’t do the skimpy swimsuits😂 thank God
Why is this so good?
I’m just waiting on my Caustic prestige skin
Ash’s heirloom is definitely not what I expected it was gonna be
We have been robbed of a bikin loba skin 🙁
Buuuuu no hay loba encuerada 0/10
Can y’all stop giving Bangalore trash skins?? 😂
common respawn W
Ash getting an heirloom before Horizon is crazy 🫠
L Rampage and CR free weapon skin
No shot that the season 3 pathfinder skin is returning. Right…?
Pathfinder season 3 battle pass comeback ? 🤔🎉🔥
Fuse heirloom when?
Nunchucks sheer disappointment
i wish i could even play the game
i just want my spent money on pc
They did it, they finally did it!
I loved the part when Ash said “you are more richer than I anticipated” and proceeded to loot the playerbase dry of their money for her heirloom, truly an apex moment
Best birthday present ever.
nunchucks for Ash? Im more thinking of any kind of bladed weapon for her. That nunchucks is best for Maggie tho.. .
They need to fix ps4 frames 🙁☹🙁☹🙁☹🙁😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
Looks good! Not sure why this wouldn’t be a summer event but what do I know haha
That’s is awesome! We get practice for what it’s gonna be like living on earth in 2050. But seriously, this event looks dope!
Giving fans what they want it’s not exactly what I imagined but close enough… That does put Smile on my face 😈
Mucha ropa para loba lptm
I like the loba skin, shame there’s no gibby skin and Ashe has her Heirloom.
(This can’t get any better. Best collection event ever) – Crypto himself
That Path skin come back!?🥹🥹
They better have a rat inspect
You dont see loba personality in this skin
Well these are cool skins
Nunchacks 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Event looks pretty fun, disappointed with nunchucks instead of a bladed weapon but eh they might grow on me
We still thirsty, Loba
Horribly dissapointed that we didn’t get the shirtless fuse skin I’ve been waiting for since storm point came out
That loba skin is trash. I want to see cheeks & chest !!
This is gonna be so good
Nunchucks? Eh, I’ll pass on it
Nunchucks is a very unique choice tbh. Had us all fooled with that one dagger mock up too. I like it.
Love how they show clean gameplay without the signature Respawn clutter. In reality there would be massive “Ring Closing” wall of text every seconds covering the enemy. Why are game devs so obsessed with obstructing the screen.
ash heirloom before horizon is crazy ngl
Sun Squaaaaaad!!!
Horizon 😂
The dream come true 😂
Vai nico spendi ancora 160 euro 😂😂
No Wattson Hawaiian fit 😔
Ash heirloom is nunchucks??
I loved the part where Loba said “The power of our money” and then proceeded to spend it all on reskins. Truly a respawn moment.
Bro nunchucks?????? Wth
Thanks mirage
Cómo que bloodhound no tendrá skin en traje de baño
Ash looks soooooo cool!!!!
Al principio antes de la filtracion de la reliquia de Seer pensaba que le iban a dar unos nunchacus (no se si se escribe asi). A Seer
this looks incredible, can’t wait to try it out
They did not lie
w respawn
THERE’S NO FK WAY ASHE IT’S GETTING A HEIRLOOM AND HORIZON NO 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Mommy Lobaaaaaaaaa ❤
hard typing w one hand
Wattson and Caustic will dominate this event
okay loba😳
Heirloom is mid tba
Por qué no hay mujeres con escasa ropa
They really blue balled us with that loba skin still copping tho this collection event is sicccccc
Nunchucks? That lame I hope they have good animations
Wattson and Caustic mains smiling rn
Where is HEIRLOOM Horizon ? XD
That’s so funny
Nunchucks? Really?
Ash Heirloom looks like something i expected for wattson tbh haha
L loba skin
Ash is geting nunchucks? Loba skin got my intrest Ash herloom got my attension. :DD
Really?? Nunchucks? Still cool, but totally thought it’d be a sword.
No wattson bathing suit 😢
YES finally my girl gets her heirloom
Why the heirloom is not her sword? 😥
These skins too clean, they about to be like $40 each 😂😂
W apex
loba skin🥵🥵🥵
the heirloom though!!!!!!!! brooo that looked sick!!!!!!
Not bad
loba skin nerf
They actually did it let’s goo
Why didn’t they just make her sword her heirloom. It would be awesome
Men of culture, i can speak for all when I say we are disappointed
I wanted men.
Nunchucks…I’m not the only one who’s absolutely flabbergasted right?
clicked so fast
So happy that ash and her 3 mains get an heirloom
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
Ya’ll are on fire with these events and skins. Thank you!
Not enough booba
3rd chance for players to waste $160 in a month, wow respawn are definitely cashing out rn lol
Ash be whippin
No Wattson, Wraith and Caustic in swimsuits im mad
ash heirloom
We’re not in summer yet. We still have 3 months….
BIG W for Ash!!!!!
Loba can just ruin me with that skin
Loba sambing? Amazing to her
I know nobody expected nunchucks
La skin di pathy di season 3 mi preoccupa
NOOOOO loba outfit😭😭
Nunchucks as Ash’s heirloom?!! I’m definitely buying it
Now next please add wattson nessie skin.
We’re all here for Loba let’s be honest 💀
“The day has come my bruddas”🗿
wow lgbtq+ go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mirage is gay
So heirloom is nunchucks for ash?? That’s random??
The Loba fans won and lost at the same time😂
I heard the whole world scream in pain with Loba wearing shorts
Are u hatin Horizon players?
I want that mirage skin ♥️
Ash doesnt get a sword for an heirloom? Huh???
No one mention it
That ain’t the Loba skin we had all imagined 🥲
I’m disappointed I wanted 👙 bikini’s 😢
Yay more reskins…
ASH HEIRLOOM!!! YES!!! Was not expecting nunchucks though 😂
When Mobile?
am i tripping or is that an ash Heirloom?
ash’s heirloom is nunchuks ?
We can all agree that he never disappoints us with his content !!
Love the humor of mirage
Hands up it you’ve been watch Apex Legends for a while ✋
Here for the loba skin
No boobas, sad
Second to like
Blah blah blah reskinned comment