3 Stack Apex Predators vs. Movement Player
3 stack predators vs movement plays
Apex Legends Season 21 Upheaval
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#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,apexlegends,apex legends,heirloom,heirloom shards,movement,apex legends new event,aceu,apex predator,rank 1 pred,rank 1 predator,apex cheats,apex hacks,apex hacking,movement tech,apex leaks,rookie to apex predator,mythic skin,apex new season,apex legends season 21,apex new legend,apex legends alter,alter,apex alter gameplay,apex season 21,apex new ltm,apex legends solos ltm,new apex solos mode,apex legends solos,alter abilities
コメント (218)
faide wtf was this first game omdssss
Faide look at monkeysniper’s video new wall bounce tech is discovered you are gonna love this
fucking insane
So overwhelming to play against lol
Faide you take AUTOSPRINT or PRESS SHIFT ?
that fuse almost got you lol 7:43
what… 13:05
3.36 this guy is sooo high
i miss the days of faide x wingman x pk good times
3:35 no hate but what💀
The best player in the game!!! Those three stacks got dookied on.
This has been one of the sweatiest seasons can’t lie
“why do you solo trios?”
“I do it because I am having fun. You are not supposed to win”
Faide – pro gamer – 2024
2:23 why he say it like that tho?🤨
11:48 and on for the W was actually revolting
As the great Jesse Peterson once said…. AMAZING! 😅❤
Late but it’s 5:30 am
Can you do a Streamers reaction video? those are really funny
Can I get unbanned from twitch
its too bad Anabolic doesn’t stream much anymore.
5:40 that’s embarrassing. don’t ever do that.
how does he play stretched wihtout black bars?
faide, do you use auto sprint?
11:42 that double team wipe was art
13:35 drakes missle?
Play dub and win some tournaments or hold top rank in them then call yourself a pro
The disrespect to the octane was out of pocket 😂😂
Wo Sind die Zuschauer aus Deutschland 🤣🤣
Ugly fade
11:49 damn
longtime watcher her in fact i was an early sub on my old account ive never rewinded a clip so much as 11:42
If this game had a final boss, Faide would have it tossing and turning at night
What a monster 💀
I was the horizon at 5:41 you confused me so hard the only way I could win was in a punch out lol 😂 ggs faide
I wathed this video 10 times and i am still not bored 😅
FYI lil bro uses Aimbot. Saw it happened during steam, and it was clipped.
Why haven’t you been banned yet?
Continues to play “shoot it myself” the goat
20:49 that controller turn around is nasty work
Those last 2 fights of the first game were something special.
Bro I’m I the only one having such trouble finding a wingman? 😭😭
18:53 the newcastle team gets into the stream lmao
On 4.47 Did the Octane die or ran away? Wtf 😀
That first game was fucking insane. Actually goated
13:06 – Yes, of course it was hit when gibby is all hiden…
Of course it was random headshot
How did he shot him from the door to the head???
Definition of the title : respect other player with the title but mistreat them in game😂😂
I wish i could play like this, but my fingers cant keep up with what my brain wants to do.
“Creamin my undies” Faide “what am I reading” 😂
Sweaty loser trying so hard in pubs, yet he complains about others lol
Oreo oreo oreo 6:23
omfg.. what did see?
Very terrifying play…😮😮😮😮😮😮
Hope that hand heals up bubba! You the 🐐
Bro end of game one was insane holy fuck 😂
Seeing his movement from somone else perspective is wild
more faide vids 🫶🏽🩵
I dont know why i read the title “movement vs p€dos” i was like whoa dude wtf
Handcam so I know it real
1:40 that’s wingman no scope was disgusting omg……
@11:50is crazyy💩 on emmm badd
Gibby Newcastle is acc diabolical
we need longer uploads, i need a good 45 min vid DAILY
you can tell faide enjoyed the first game
I think that a movement coaching session from this guy has no price. One of the most sweeting gameplay I’ve ever seen.🔥
My guy is so flithy. That first game was insane at the end
That first match ..omg lol you shredded the last team 🤣
4:39 bro is WILLLLDDDD in the chat.
Why did they leeeeave 😭
New castle and Gibby…now that’s crazy like it might be randoms but still that’s a crazy line up
i love this creator but this lobbie is unreal
Yo faide you’re an inspiration man ♥️💪
I’m CatDaddyXCX! You killed meeee, I knew you were chasing me 15:25 … I swear I thought you got a bat off and had an angle which is why I didn’t challenge you. GGs 😂
Guys i have an exam tomorrow, plz pray for me😩
Faide caps his fps if anybody knows?
How do you assume that these noob enemys are preds???
fight 3 stacks fights one fuse “this is who i die to” sometimes the NPC’S are the gods haha that’s gold
7:29 bro???
First game’s ending is actually insane – been watching you for years and that has to be some of the best gameplay I’ve ever seen
How tf do you leave the match and not spectate when Faide is putting on a clinic lol
Why you always play against bots😭😭😭
11:46 the sound 🤤🤤🤤
I think The first game is faide’s best game ever.. Whata Hell ☺️
8:16 Should have been the thumbnail of the video lol it was definitely the theme
Ended on a loss ?
This is the first time I’ve seen Faide *this* actively upset at the players love it
How are you so good 😭
Bro no one’s having fun but you 😂😂😂😂😂 this is ridiculous this is fiend activity… this isn’t fair😂
Its apex twitchy. (Twitchy from hoodwinked on coffee.)
Faide IS gooood!
what r ur keybinds? I’m gonna rob u 👍👍
11:48 I can hear teammate calling me trash and advising me to play fortnite after that, damn.
MinionMom-FBLive would be a good name for Faide. I think Facebook moms still like the minion memes
How did he not get a deadslide at @4:10
19:43 they call him one punch man for a reason
That POV look sick man 😂😂😂 have a good day and keep success in what you doing
Imagine the POV of the last team when the second to last team got wiped out on that second one
That must be the wildest bs I’ve ever seen 🫡
the other dude pov was ass🤣🤣
Man, Peacemaker Faide near a zipline is TERRIFYING.
How is he gon say he’s fighting 3 stack preds yet he’s on pubs like come on
Get off pubs ur a menace go to ranked
Everytime I see you shit on a horizon it tickles me inside I hate that character so much
Always watch on mute dude screams like a little girl
Bros playing in the same lobby as saint marys school for the blind
2:55 eww that band on head
The wipe on the roof is fucking insane…. holy shit balls.
pls use mouse and keyboard camera
This man is bonkers at the game bro
Playing solos today and the more I get killed by controller players the more it looks like aimbot. I can’t believe aim assist is so damn strong.
Call it what it is “soft aimbot”
Ramparts have 0 dignity
When the pizza delivery person knocks on Faide’s door, he screams why are you here!!
Controller or Keys
I wanna see faide play on roller
The gibby newcastle squad was dripping sweat 😰💨
I would love to play with Faide one day
So TTV “undies creamer” left eventually? Sadge
Only 13k views in 2 hours. Faide fell off
Them mfs from ALGS ain’t talking shit anymore now huh 😂😂 Faide is still the goat and don’t yall forget that 😤
That first game was the best I have ever seen of Faide and I’ve been watching this nigga for 3 years
Watching that first game live was such a fun experience
Guys correct me if I’m wrong, but if you get hit by any gun that carries heavy ammo, it slows down your movement therefore you get dead sliding and stuff.
NGL… Faide really the Eminem of Apex. Whole lotta Slim Shady’s and Stan’s out there.
last video using the wooting sheesh
cream in my undies lmaooo bro
You are fking crazy
mnk moment at the end
I haft to ask is there a reason you dont use name faid in apex
This isn’t hating but all faide does is complain when something bad happens to him???
how is his scrollwheel not suffering
bro faide ik you see this comment please make a video with ur hand cam that would be crazy
3 years i watch ur clips, was so impress at the start. But bro i can tell, your level of apex is actually at his peak. At first i was more impress by your aim/movements, now i handle them quite good thanks to you, it’s your decision making who is monster tier. Glad you had all this sucess, sry for bad english i’m from EU servors and i dream one day i meet you in a 1V1 situation <3
Only thing I dislike about you is u do all this in pubs nd rarely in ranked go vs players your lvl it’s more entertaining 🤷♀️ other then that it’s great content would love to see u vs people somewhat closer to your lvl tho instead of the 8+ Ais that be in your pub games
this man probably gets bored doing this to people 😂
3:36 what was bro shooting at?
No hun you wake up and feed the baby , it’s 6am faide just dropped
This man is so good, but never let’s his peacekeeper finish it’s animation, relatable asf
Nothing in this world makes sense to Faide 😂
Always feel like hopping on after your vids lmao
I love you’re videos!!!
Bro screamed like the Stanley girl whenever she realizes her Stanley broke
Claim your spot so your not late to class only 500
u r crazy movement player
kl ketemu beginian pensiun apex gua
This is cool but exactly why i cant casually game
11:55-13:20…..you are not human
Faide vs audio
bros nicknames are on diffrent level also unban me on twitch
Faide I wish I could be like you but on console I’m such a bot 😭😭🤣🤣🤣but I’m tryna be a exceptional wraith player like you
😂faide don’t give a Damn if it’s 10pm or 6am if he got a video he’s gonna post it
3:35 bro fightin his demons
11:33 bro disrespected their entire bloodline
Did you notice hollow?
Still waiting for the 3 stack pred squad. Are they going to be in the next video?
6:15 bro not a 4-3 Linear player 😭
11:38 🤌
brother, I can super jump, mantle jump, jump strafe, etc but I can’t fucking superglide, if respawn is gonna leave such mechanic in game they should make it somewaht more accesible consistent themselves. It shouldn’t be so dependant in your framerate/keyboard polling rates etc etc.
3:36 bro just killed ghost
is faide on 120 fov or 110
13:04 through the door -_- that’s how I be dying
3:36 u shoot a gost
I knew a faide vid was coming
The last 5 minutes of first game was some of the sweatiest faide gameplay ive seen in a while, the zipline to kill 3 guys at the top was so gross.
Cook that kids pappi 👨🍳
How did someone post this to YouTube before you? I was just watching a 3 hour video of the same thing
why tf did he mag dump the wall lol
crazy faide OMG , tank you brooo
faide iloveyou, pls teach me your movement
This is what I need after coming home from work, faide. Binge watching while eating rn
I gotta get better 😒
6 am why r u here?
Faied never fails
Faide never sleeps or something
faide please milk me
What the 😅
Bro go 1440 video plz! 1080 wtf?
Solos champion 3 years running even if it just came out 😂😂
Faide like this if you like me
Bros comments are so dry
No wonder why he doesn’t reply 😭
This man moves like hes in 2x speed 😭😭😭
morning son
352 views in 4 min
Good play🎉🎉😮😮❤❤
71 viewers in 2 mins faide really fell off
I love you faide!!💙
Noti gang ❤
Noti gang 🗣️🔥🔥!!
Greatings from turkey
Movement diff
never been early to a yt vid, i feel like a npc
Notti Gang
Good boy
69 views in 69 seconds?. Bro’s consistent
Maybe 1
1 sec 0 views. My man fell off.😔
Preparing for my brain to hurt lol
Dude is insane
Erm….what the sigma!
Early gang
No views 17 seconds bro fell off