Apex Legends – Funny Moments & Best Highlights #1097
Welcome back to another Apex Legends – Funny Moments & Best Highlights video. This series contains the best funny, fail, epic, wtf Apex Legends moments and top Apex plays all submitted by our community.
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bowtoyourqueenx: https://lsm.gg/bowtoyourqueenx
jazmin7077: https://lsm.gg/jazmin7077
ttv_vilevernon: https://lsm.gg/ttv_vilevernon
yanickprosper: https://lsm.gg/yanickpropser
yeety_beefy: https://lsm.gg/yeety_beefy
yolo_713tv: https://lsm.gg/yolo_713tv
bighuskygg: https://lsm.gg/bighuskygg
bowtoyourkingx: https://lsm.gg/bowtoyourkingx
d3villsjackal: https://lsm.gg/d3villsjackal
edward_3ps4: https://lsm.gg/edward_3ps4
heyitsstrange: https://lsm.gg/heyitsstrange
heyniahmh: https://lsm.gg/heyniahmh
iisphinxi: https://lsm.gg/iisphinxi
itzzaytoven: https://lsm.gg/itzzaytoven
izzyiceeve: https://lsm.gg/izzyiceeve
kanna_ttv: https://lsm.gg/kanna_ttv
l8_virjj: https://lsm.gg/l8_virjj
mrduo_o: https://lsm.gg/mrduo_o
msn8iv: https://lsm.gg/msn8iv
pathfinder.nr1: https://lsm.gg/pathfinder.nr1
pendragen_: https://lsm.gg/pendragen_
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smickly_smendo: https://lsm.gg/smickly_smendo
ward3y: https://lsm.gg/ward3y
weizure: https://lsm.gg/weizure
xzeosan: https://lsm.gg/xzeosan
Outro Song (Ellzo – Snakes & Ladders):
Livestream Moments is a community where gamers/content creators can record and share their best gameplay moments using our platform. We’re not a simple platform for reposting pre-existing content, but we’re a creator of original videos through the use of informative commentary and transformative visually engaging edits. Livestream Moments always has the permission to use player’s/creator’s content. If someone submitted your content without permission, mistakes in crediting or other inquiries please contact info@lsm.gg or direct message on Twitter.
Taqs:apex legends,apex,apex legends moments,apex legends highlights,apex legends best,apex legends skins,apex legends new,apex legends funny,apex legends epic,apex legends battle royale,#1 apex legends,apex funny,apex epic,apex legends glitch,apex legends bug,apex legends update,apex legends compilation,apex easter egg,apex ltm,apex legends event,APEX クリップ,APEX コンパイル,APEX ベスト,apex switch,apex 200iq,apex unlucky,apex lucky,apex wtf,apex fails
コメント (29)
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I uploaded a video but never recieved an confirmation email if it works like that if not i have a couple and you pick the best 🙏🏻
7:20 poor guy is getting the mahito treatment
The lifeline at 12:56 is me y’all, I was letting my GF play! I’m a Watson main lol
14;30 sigma
is it possible to download the match?
такие черти сначала типа не стреляй потом сами же убивают…
Stop hacking
That gibby is pretty good i need whatever he got 5:54
18:40 take all the items out of the death box and it’ll disappear
6:06 Are you color blind? That’s green…On top of that it’s a mixtape game where you cant take perks and therefore there arent any red jump pads to begin with 😂
6:05 are you colorblind mate? this happend already a few times to you T_T
it’s me 🙂 10:40
i’m finally in one of them LESGO,
will apex ever die?
15:38 is all i have to say
As a member of the controller community i would like to say we do not condone the actions those toxic players who left right before there respawn we would like to apologize to the people of apex legends and like to ask for forgiveness for the stupid actions of these “controller players” :] 3:07
R99 is trash went thru like 4 clips to get 124 damage lol
how do i upload vids from my PS5?
Ive been seeing the TTOK clan alot in solo’s does anyone know why 3:06
Oh it me and the iLG squad 7:30 😂😂
My clip got added🗿
Livestream Moments, Yay! I liked this video so much, it made me smile!
Its my birthday tomorrow so pls
can I pls get apex coins-(my in game name). Shadowfox1170
ur the best