Apex Legends: Altered Horizons
As Horizon attempts to return to the past, Alter’s arrival brings more questions than answers. How does she know Dr. Somers? And why is she so keen to help her go home?
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Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & PSYOP
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Formosa Group
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment & Dark Burn Creative
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
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コメント (982)
newton girlfriend 🤔🤔
Apex needs a show! Like now
There are so many girl legends then boy legends
“I was offering the easy way!” God i love mirage
Just let her see her son again bruh its been a few years
Mirage Ulti not being useful?
trully an apex experience
We need a proper Tv series for Apex. These trailers are compelling stuff.
too bad alter isn’t this cool in game but her personality is the same
Man horizon got hands
If this go back in time vibe end up in a LTM with original worlds edge, im playing 24/7
This video should be out BEFORE the season
that’s got to be the new map
I just quit the game. After four years I’ve gotten my fill, but I’ll still enjoy the lore.
Ofc horizon had a volt just like in game
Stop showing up on my PlayStation store
Why was this so late like launch trailer is it supposed to come out before the season starts
I wonder what she plans to do with Revenant
So annoying how her tail was never utilized in gameplay.
Your teammates going down fast
Truly an apex experience
a little late.
Apex w for once
So—- Horizon in the future just talked to Horizon in the past…… interesting.
Does anyone know the lore or relationship between horizon and alter?
let me guess it’s they/them
Serious question.. why have yous not made a tv show yet? Like it’ll hit on so many different levels.
The music gives me spiderverse vibes the way it changes to the situation
She really wants to be revenant
Finally some good apex lore I’m so tired of loba😭🙏 space mommy for life
Now, that’s What’s Up!
Aight multiverse we go
I said it and i will say it for the 1000 time : Apex Legends should be an Animation serie and it will hit hard
Cant wait to see this go nowhere for the next 16 seasons
Great story, it needs a tv series for sure 👏
Also, 4:03 is that the new map?
Does anyone else think the new person is horizon or is that me ( idk the new girl’s name I haven’t played in days 😭)
yo i am not caught up on the lore, there’s gotta be a way for me to catch up since the past 5 seasons no?
Hm I wonder if this is a new map guys wow
Some crazy lore going on not gonna lie
Still placing my bet that Alter is Horizon from a different universe who got stuck and went mad from experiencing multidimensional travel. Probably as a result of the Time Machine she’s working on
Certified Boogie
Wow really exciting how this will turn out and if Horizons Son will be a playable character.
Fun fact: an EA account glitch cost me my apex account 2 days ago.
2:02 youre welcome
I love how they brought back the time gauntlet thingy from Titanfall 2, I’m really hoping for Jack Cooper to come back
… when you will make a Stories From the Outlands for ma boy Mirage?
It’s the time gauntlet! From effect and cause! Titanfall 2 campaign callback!!!!
i hate altar now.
재밌따 에펙 이런 스토리도 있어?
alter alternate version or newt
Alter making up multiple stories:
Also Alter: Gas trap deployed
Mirage… Hahahahahaha
Okay, but since Alter can travel thru time, does that mean she can travel back for Loba too, to actually prevent her parents from getting killed aswell?
The TF2 dimension glove. Can we please just get TF3?
I love this so much
For a mom she knows how to move it
i didnt understand a thing but this is fire
Newton is jack cooper
It’s hust a prank.
Tthe prank:
dumbiest alter plot ever
Now this is what I want more than fixing the game 😁😁
I really hate how the story is all over the place. Like what happen to Revenant? Did I miss something?
Horizon shoulda used controller 2:42
por que não faz filme?
Reminds me of Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness. He’s keeps destroying other worlds/timelines because he’s trying to go back in time to get something he lost. Hence horizon pertaining to her son
I only watch these for the Titanfall Easter eggs, and is the the time gauntlet I spy? Idk who all the characters are but I know a Titanfall gadget when I see it.
This game it to hard to play. I used to love this game.
Who really is this Alter ? can someone explain ?
can’t wait for the new apex rule 34 art 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Please don’t make Alter some weird alternate version of Newton
Am I the only one who thinks alter is an alternate version of horizon?
Can we please have jack cooper
The cinematics that was supposed to be released during Alter’s arrival. Or maybe something different..
This looks like an apex tv show for real!!!
since 2:13 Danm, I thought I was watching a mortal kombat movie but x10 better.
i dont know why but seeing lifeline and horizon….fight despite their personalities and roles in apex feels off but welcoming
i was offering the easy way lol
that’s the time travel device from titanfall 2
I love this art style such a good animation
“That Was Legitness” 🫨🔥🔥🔥🔥
1) so what does she want in return? (Aside from end of the world, be srs Apex)
2) I get that Mirage is an engineer, but why Ajay of all people is helping Horizon solve time travel? 😂 Does she have a physics degree we don’t know about?
More of this!!!
New map teaser
We need more episodes like this
It’s good to see that the graphics are great again in these trailers, but why they released this after the season release I have no idea
i don’t get it why is she doing that to horizon?
2:02 🍑
No new maps yet ? Games been out years and the content is bare minimum, trash pass that gives out holograms and stickers and sprays, watered down ahh game pack it up, if u don’t wanna innovate then just slowly burn out into the deep abyss.
Bring back arenas
Apex Story Trailers will always be 1000 times better than the actual game 😂
Best devs ever. Sorry about that community of yours though 😂
Oooh. Now just gotta wait another 2 years for next update on this storyline 👍.
Newton lived a long life, but it never said what he did with his life. Maybe he wasn’t a good person?
I guess Alter was testing her? That’s the only thing i could think of
There should be an event where Horizon gets killed and is just removed from the game entirely.
Isnt that looking like the device Cooper used in Titanfall 2 to teleport in time?
Wow that was dope!
Can’t wait in the future to hope for a series or movie of this style or something in the Apex universe.
Oh I adore this ❤ If Apex does 1 thing right it’s lore ❤
Is the plot twist going to be that Alter is Newton
Does anyone think that the gas is nox or is it only me?
Apex died so hard 💀 I know why too many characters and super powers and dum stories 🗑️ no new maps 🦵🗑️.
Woohoo, district map!!
2:02 😏
Titanfall 3 Plsssssss
Little late for an apex trailer l respawn and ea
The Animators definitely missed the deadline lol
Horizons son newt is the one ending all the realities alter visits
They all should’ve just used havoc, she wouldve been dead in 0.000002 seconds
nanaanaan qqqqqueee epico
Why else would the video be called “Altered Horizons” it’s clearly stating that Horizon and Alter are the same just altered!! Absolutely loving this season so far!! ❤
The card is the last chance she has at getting her son back
titanfall watch
Y’all it’s been 4yrs and one of the most smartest Apex Competitors can’t just make a time machine???? So she can modify a black hole, but, she can’t just make a time machine??
I do wonder if this will lead to removing characters from the game for a season. This is how they do it, story mode. Horizon goes back to find her son.
Hey people im ban from Apex like 2 weeks ago because i swer at a nobi in rakin can somewan tell mi how to get unban???
What a brilliant video?! I really enjoyed watching it! I honestly keep on saying this, but Apex should really make a film for cinemas and home viewing! They’ve got the storyline and material to do so. 🦊
Are they taking a break from the rev loba stuff?
Please please make a show like this I am BEGGING you
She’s the best legend in ages.
Yo it just a prank bro
The prank
Glad to see launch trailers arent dead
all theses companies doing tv shows on games apex need to do one that would defo get more eyes on the game also
These people try SO HARD to make these characters scary LOL…Rev, Ash…and NOW alter🤣
anyone else noticed that the new map just got confirmed?
Yo i just realized thats the device from titanfall 2
Could you bring an animation with a partnership with NETFLIX or AMAZON in the same footprint in 🤤
X-Men 97: Ah, I see you’ve copied my pulling someone through a teleport.
ah yes
nightcrawler if he were less cool
another “nothing” cinematic with cool fight scenes. I really wish these stories actually went some where.
I would have loved to see Ash in this animation
All i see is the new map district!!!
“I don’t know you…” -Horizon
“But I know you…” -Alter
Gave me chills ngl
Make an Apex movie in this style 🔥
So the writers have just given up now?
It’s simply lovely to see how the combat and fight animations have been reversed in this trailer. Respawn can no longer back down with this quality for lore.
Trash like the game
When Titanfall3?
2:15 what a cool pose, this should’ve been a loading screen in the battlepass.
Too bad the game is trash
The animation team really went off on this one
Por fin le van hacer algo a Horizon estoy seguro, que sus habilidades que dan para escoger en el nivel del escudo azul las van a cambiar. se viene algo bueno Apex
Prettttty neat. Alter is so fun to play
Even in the cinematic scenes, mirage is useless & annoying
Im bugging or lifeline was looking thick fr?🤔
yeah i need a apex story in 5 mins video
New map spotted.
Loved it ! 🥰
Hang on, didnt the time travel thingy need the ark to work?
Oh thats where the story is going.
Bro Revenant would have clapped her
What a horrible new character
Is she suppose to be scary and threatening 😂
She looks like woke dr Octopus
Makes apex a netflix show |
Apex has one of the best cinematic in gaming and story line. We need a show EA
I just realized this takes place in the District map
wait, is newton the one responsible for ending all the other worlds that alter has seen?!
wth why did horizon pull a gun on her it was just a prank bro
I swear Bru alter Gotta be another horizon or sum
It’s just wow
I like how horizon miss every possible bullet with volt
Truly an apex moment.
Bro idk how we don’t have a Netflix series or anything already smh like cmon
почему ролик выходит после тизера?)
Finally they step up their animation style
I could fix her
Шикарный ролик
so illogical, but okay.
alter is most likely an alternate version of horizon or was made as a paradox caused by horizons mess of time travel etc
The art style ❤️😍
If ywe can go back in time… so we can have forge?
New map teaser??👀
Classic horizon wasting her tactical before she needed it.
@respawn pls fix vold audio bug, it even made it into the trailer thx
Bruvs, I was wondering from her voice ques in-game “why does she sound like horizon”
if apex dropped a tv show I’d be so happy animation is perfect
“It’s just a prank bro, I didn’t mean it” head ahh ending
Here before all the YouTubers 😭
That shot at the very end looks like the leaked map for the next season….
Ah, the missing launch trailer.
I think alter is another version of horizon. Just by the name “alter” and the thumbnail saying “altered horizon” and the will to see horizons son
Everything Everywhere all at Once was an amazing movie
That was awesome ❤
2:42 she needs to aim train
Pause at 2:03 nice view
great story and videos, but trash game full of controllers rats with aimbot legit
Looks like the new map that was leaked
02:02 ,you are welcome
I expected alter to use her tac because only the real mirage would be marked red 😂
So it looks like we might be getting District in Season 21 or 22 depending on the lore of Horizon and Alter going of.
This apex legends cgi is so peak!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Muy buena la historia y todo pero ya desbanenme
Okayyyyy can you please make A TV Series now!???
This is the launch trailer is for!
Ok this is a new style of a trailer with like hand to hand combat and quick action and stuff. I think this works a bit better even though I still love almost any and every trailer Apex puts out.
Alter discretely flipping off Horizon while also holding her Apex card is one of the highlights of this trailer.
Mn. So she has the Experimental Time Slip Glove… Oh dear…
Great work. Although wish they shot more at each other instead of hand to hand combat, not very apex-ish takes away from the lore.
Yo apex, make a TV show like what league of legends did. That we be great
The Horizon standing in the Caustic gas taking no damage…ahhh really an Apex moment
Lets not be fooled here, we all know that Horizon going back in time is what causes the end of the world in those other worlds, Alter just wants to make that happen
That’s the most cliched, stupidest Apex trailer so far
As a lot of people have been saying in the comments. It would be a great waste not to use this animation and the voice actors to create a series. It can story focused and daily interactions andlices of the legends.
Might have to main horizon after this sick trailer
Hacker cronuz zen apex console acorda vai banir não
Was up with arenas ??? When thats coming back!! Arenas2024!!!!
okey, i was suspecting smh like Alter trying to stop Horizin… and now she offers help…??? allright, im confused.
This was fire 🔥 I knew that wallpaper of horizon/alter was not in the season 21 trailer. I was not expecting this!
So this just strengthens my theory that alter is an alternate horizon and not an alternate wraith.
From she went live in game she just gave me “twisted horizon” vibes 🤔
Do I need to mention the nox gas?
Finally some animations like the vERY first cinematic for apex!!!
This ending? Strong Sombra (Overwatch) trailer vibes. 😉
Spider-man into the spider verse vibe
Don’t tell me she is a twisted Horizon from another dimension or something…
Loved the part where the level 80 pathfinder with a default skin showed up and ranked up to diamond 1 after playing the game for 29 hours in total on his steam account.
Make a Show Respawn We have been asking for Years
Please answer the fans call and make Titanfall 3 already.
لاف لاين وميراج يوزلييس
I feel like they spent tons of money on a mediocre fight scene I mean I’d rather have the screen time taken up by lore explanation. I see better fights on the islands.
why not 2 weeks later, lazies?
I feel like the devs really understand the average player. Didn’t hit a single shot with that volt when they wanted to.
These are so addicting to watch i hate that it’s not a show 😭
“we really appreciate your support and enjoyment of our game and because of that we should nerf seer and add two recolors!!
Hope you will have fun and enjoy new season”
Please, guys, it’s time you make a movie !!!
please keep this style in cinematics , some previous ones were so bad
Inaccurate. Horizon missed all her shots with the volt and isn’t on 4-3 linear
Alter discretely flipping off Horizon while also holding her Apex card is one of the highlights of this trailer. ☝😌🃏
anyone else notice its the new map ?
as someone who doesn’t play, the story looks like a catastrophic snoozefest. But the new character in particular is ridiculously well animated, also shoutout to frame 2:02 frrr
Titan Fall 2 fans triggered at 3:48
I get that Horizon really wants to see her boy again but I would hope she’s smart enough to realize that the person who entered this reality by crashing a city onto a moon and then viscously attacked her and her friends isn’t someone you should be accepting help from.
Is the guy in charge of bringing in Valk ever gonna show up again .. is he even alive?
So just a joker ripoff, all the while pretending that Horizon wouldn’t straight body her easily.
It feels more and more to me like they’re implying that Alter is some kind of corrupted Horizon
*When faide plays alter
i think apex legends need more male characters 2 years and only female characters i want some new male charaters such as fade,new badass male character ..etc
“Altered horizons” I think she is an alternate horizon and things went a lot differently.
I liked the part where everyone combined did 0 damage with a wingman. Truly an apex experience
This is crazy, but can we do something about the cheaters?
POV when 2 default skins fight, no one actually wins 🤣
If this is Respawn’s idea of a good character design maybe its better they dont make titanfall 3. This character is so at odds visually and thematically with the titanfall universe its just bad
When will there be an Apex series!🔥🔥🔥
So I think alter is horizon granddaughter or her son’s wife
NEW LEGEND COMING!!!!!!!!./…………………
Какие же плохие диалоги.
i don’t play this game since 2 years… they added some new AR or cool weapon maybe? because it got very boring…
very well made
That’s the device from TITANFALL 2
Which allowed Jack to go back to the past for a short while to traverse the obstacles 🤯🤯🤯
Horizon story reminds me of the show constellation lol
Can’t wait
please release a show just like how league of legends did 😭
EA Sports – its in the subscription
Y’all are the ultimate throwers the way you won’t make a tv show of this game already
Ugh, I guess I’ll never end my love affair with Apex Legends😅Another amazing short to enjoy, they really took Overwatch’s thunder in the cinematic department.💯
why do we never see the legends in casual wear? why they always wearing their combat gear everywhere
I like how Horizon instantly resorts to her tac and ult when under pressure. Truly an apex moment.
2:03 a necessary angle
Small indie studio couldnt make it in time😭🙏
Better than any video game. Thats for sure.
0:43 Beyond Good and Evil lighthouse power meter reference?
Day 1 of asking apex if i could be the next voice actor of the next legend
Alter can be terrifying at some time
Titanfall vibes 👌
2:56 that fight scene. wow. This is a very good trailer.
Yes Make a Show Respawn We have been asking for Years
1:27 Rookie mistake, always rez Lifeline first.
Amazing but why a week later ?
Вау…действительно стоящий и годный ролик,в котором хорошо всё.Моё почтение
Foreshadowing a caustic nerf?
Apex Legends needs a partnership with Netflix
The broom closet thing Lifeline says while thanking Alter makes more sense now.
I feel sorry for respawn EA is getting closer and closer to gutting them
Any alter mains in the comments?
😂2:24 😂The boy trying his best
Cool seeing rhem actually hand-to-hand combat for once. Just as all others said, an Apex show would be dope.
Even just more Stories frok the Outlands that are 7+ min or so.
Either way, the series is really taking a turn with Alter introduced. I don’t inow how to describe it, but she brings something dark that we didn’t even have necessarily with Revenant.
This trailer definitely goes hard, but if I’m going to be blunt… I really don’t like the idea of Alter being an alternate version of Horizon.
1) Alter is Chinese, while Horizon is Scottish
2) Horizon has absolutely nothing to do with void technology, nor was it ever hinted that she ever studied it.
It would be much better if they just made Alter her own character.
Please more ❤️❤️❤️
Please Netflix, make it happen! Arcane worked very well
If only horizon lift was that good in game
Horizon is Alters’s Grandmother
Skill issue should of neo strafed or backwards mantle jump
Remember when these would drop before we anything about the legend. (Assuming you don’t watch spoilers.) made these super epic to watch.
The way Alter flirts with Mirage, you can just tell…
she wants him sooo badly.
just let her go back come on
If Revenant and Alter fight each other that would be so clean
Pfff Q buen trailer!!!! 100/10, Alter Mi reina 🛐🖤🗿
That was the explosion at Humbert labs. Since when Crypto when home to get mystic there was a gas explosion that he thought was Caustic but Caustic said there was an explosion at humbert. It all adds up.
She should have had revenant on her team he would have clutched the 1v1
Altars are very mysterious character
Jack Cooper traveled through time. lol
Apex mobile 😢
everytime i saw mirage,it just like snip3down cosplaying
Alter casually running out of Horizon’s black hole
Truly the Apex experience
Who knew horizon had hands like that. I wish lifeline would’ve put up a better fight but it’s ok.😝
I miss apex legends mobile🥲
The cinematics never miss!
this game is dead.
4:03 that one person farts
if apex want to make a show, i wish the main character is horizon
Did anyone else notice that the time travel device looks very similar to the one used by Jack Cooper in TitanFall 2?
Alter is just a alternate version of horizon
Bro this need to be a mini map it actually looks kinda good
“We’ve been at this for days” you mean seasons lifeline
Cringiest legend alive
класс , Альтер это то чего я ждал )_
A little late for a launch trailer but I’ll take it
I might be slow at this but is alter an alter ego of horizon?
jesus christ just make this a tv series already!!!
2:20 Least that default skin lifeline remembered to res her Mirage before losing (ofc her teammate died instantly 2:31)
Porfin Le vuelven a dar protagonismo a Horizon, es de los personajes con un mejor lore
История просто шикарная!
The new animation studio has really improved over the years, especially compared to Seasons 9, 10, and 11.
Alter is newt.
Oh so this is the new District map and the toxic explosion Caustic said he didn’t cause.
This is probably the “District” map? And I realized how much potential Apex has for a show.
Lifeline has been on a streak for not dying(her 2nd one due to balllistic) let’s hope she lasts long enough to beat her 1st.
Just give me the show already lol great animation
Nah Horizon mains are on roller no way she’s didn’t one clip Alter there 🤓
Wow 🤩😮♥️
Horizon pulling a Volt out of nowhere truly is the no QA team experience.
How some kind of doctor beated a professional killer?
If Horizon had aim assist it would have been a very short fight scene!
Alter is Rev 2.0
Yea, alter is goated.
is that the Titanfall 2 glove device Cooper had in that mission?????!!!!!!
Alter casually destroying everything-
Alter after Horizon aimed a gun at her head- woah chill it was a prank-
Huhum, scuse me sir can we have an entire tv show based on apex please? Thank you sir.
não consigo por legendas em português do Brasil (pelo celular)
So imma guess this new character she is basically like a cross between jinx and joker
She was getting worked
Where the heck are we on the other hand
We’re going BACK in time to the first Apex games, to get Alter OFF the menu!
2:01 lord have mercy
This is the new map
Bro the loreeeeee
season 22 map
horizon lowkey devoured that
3:09 that was aggressive
Best trailer out of all the story of the outlands besides bloodhounds
Alter gives Reverse Flash vibes
😍😍😍 Long time
Maybe he’ll be a legend soon?? Mother-son duo?
I lovable mirage as always
Hear me out. Alter is evil version of horizon?? I can hear a bit of Scottish in alters voice
Mirage popping an ultimate and didn’t run,then died.truly an apex experience
2:01why is mirage biting the curb?
Almost makes me want to play apex again. Almost.
Alter as the villian of Apex is kinda sick.
Are they the same person?
Hope horizon finally finding his son.
This is so cool I like alter
Ok that was hella sick! Why wasnt it released last season launch?
That bridge fight scene was totally awesome.
Horizon with the 0/50 aim on the volt of all guns. I don’t even want to see her wingman shot
I bet horizon’s son will be the next legend
Stick to movies making gaming is very hard for you 💀
they released this and now we need to wait 1293123 seasons for the story to progress further
Pause game strong 💪💪💪💪 2:02
Horizon taking a major place in apex legends lore.
Apex multiverse
WE need a part 2 😎
Seriously, Respawn should start a kickstarter project to make Apex Legends a TV serie. That would be awesome
Bruh, we need a movie like this ASAP
3:09 low key a mortal kombat fight
bro called a conical flask a beaker 😭
…can we go back to when they were just champions of the arena? all this lore is getting ridiculous, next we’ll be learning about Gibraltar’s 401K.
Alter is the coolest character Apex ever came out with
Why trailer now 😆😆😆😆😆 as always trailer is better than actual game
I’m not going lie she very dangerous even in the game
Exuse me, why the actual freak caustic has smelly gas factory in the middle of the city
People still play this???
Imagine if this was a movie a show or titanfall 3 and not the background lore of a BR
This is probably the best video cinematic we’ve ever had from apex legends
2:02 🙂
this just feels like someone tumblr self insert got into the game
Я тебя люблю Алтер!
Typical horizon ulting on one player and Qying with volt
Jojo siwa collab?
Soo she horizons from a another universe?
Hmmm a card
So this was what Lifeline is referrring to when you thank a Alter in-game
Absolute cinema
Una semana tarde pero se agradece ✨
Al rato van a poner el trailer de la nueva temporada a la mitad de la 22 😅🤷🏻♂️
Ya hagan una serie, plisss
2:30 I genuinely can’t get enough of mirage.
Why do i have the feeling Alter is Newton from a parallel time? It would make sense if there was an evil version that wanted to know why Horizon was gone for so long
I feel like Alter wouldn’t let Mary go off easily, same scenario like Revenant with Loba. Which btw im surprised Ash diesnt have much beef with Horizon 😂😂
Proof that Alter was supposed to ship with District.
3:00 when you land in Fight night
cool to see a fight scene tho
they can do that but they can’t fix the audio in game
the support in the team dying first, truly an apex experience
I finally realized where I recognize that device Horizon has. It’s the same gadget used in Titanfall 2.
2:02 nice shot there,NGL
Pause at 1:41 and alter just looks so creepy. She has that cold and blank stare with those piercing white eyes. God I love Alter’s design and the way Respawn makes her look so disturbed. The character design and animation teams always fire on all cylinders.
Accurate horizon main: missing all their shots
As a Horizon main, watching her fight like fists wise is so cool
Horizon was putting in that work lol
Urm what the sigma
Wasn’t this supposed to drop before the season launched? So busy money-grabbing they forgot to give us context as to why the new Legend is here. Truly an Apex experience.
Mozambique here
One of things i love about this is that we got a new look of the new map coming
No way yall gonna drop the new map during the split right?!
Cool but it’s missing the lags and sound latency with skins loading too slow
Alter is Newton?
An apex show would be sooooo cool but theyd probably charge you per episode
Horizon with a volt, what a true apex experience
The District Concept Art Leak from 2 weeks ago were real LFG
they gave us a sneak peak of the new map
I’m actually glad they didn’t change animation studios for a 3rd time because this looks really freaking good!
Apex Legends lore is always beautiful
Alter with the minor bits of trolling
Mozambique here
Guys do you think Horizon going back to find her son is the reason why this world ends
Ashy Horizons when?
When are you going to start dealing with the hackers
What if Horizon has been the imposter Horizon this whole time? amogus
I feel like alter is from the timeline of jack cooper. Where he actually kills ash. And the timeline she came into where the apex games become a thing is where she lives.
So alter is helping her use the glove to go back to the other dimension possibly? Idk I’m not that well versed in the apex lote
The only unrealistc part is that a Horizon main didn’t beam her down in one clip
“youre not as exiciting as other mary somers” gives me a lot of jobu topaki vibes
if shes not her enemy, what was the whole point of the fight 🤣
Shout out to the Artists and Animators! 🙌🔥 Y’all should just make the full-length movie
Loved it when the horizon was late to the team fight, truly an apex experience
Refreshing to have some good cinematics again
I can fix her
We are finding Newton with this one🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
Maybe alter is horizon alternate self?
So is Alter not an alternate Horizon but an alternate Newton? It almost seems like she wanted to test how far Horizon was willing to go for Newton and that ours was the only one willing to go this far
3:48 some Titanfall things. Curious to see how she gonna to infinity increase its duration to the past not just see brief moments.
WHy are we STILL edging Horizon its been 3 years
Horizon pushing alter alone truly an apex experience
No cus why Horizon actually goated in lore too
Give me already a tv show of apex ❤
I think this takes place in the mew map, considering its set in caustic home world im not surprised we see a poi with his gas tanks
Bad aim horizon🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
Love the Prowler inspired soundtrack at the end, I thought that she might be inspired by Spider-verse a little bit with her whole dimension hopping stick and her video being a spoof on the “Let’s do this one more time” backstory montage.
Ya mejor que hagan una pely
its the time thingy from titanfall whoaaaa
W trailer
Me against every horizon main out there
Okay Horizon! My girl Mary got HANDS👊🏼
Zidane when Materazzi talked about Zidane’s sister some day in 2006: 3:27
mirage be like: “hey look theres an aeroplane”
She has the face of the Sphinx from Dragons Dogma 2.
Actually looks like the time device thingy on your wrist from titanfall 2 in that awesome cause and effect mission!
Funny how they both use there tactical whenever they want but in game we gotta wait 20+ seconds😂😭
So my theory is we got alters trailer and everything backwards. This was probably supposed to be the first thing that came out, because this also explains the voice lines between alter and lifeline and why lifeline so hostile towards her. I also think we were supposed to get this new map early but they recalled it for whatever reason but this adds more depth into why most of the legends are skeptical of her apart from what happened on Olympus and broken moon
That hand device is giving Effect and Cause vibes
They should’ve released this sooner. So many confusing voice lines until this came out.
Alter just walking away from the Horizon Ult, truly an Apex experience
О даа, обожаю❤❤
We need a apex series on netflix !!!!
this would’ve been so awesome like 2 weeks ago
they forgot to post this two weeks ago lol
Season 21 is looking amazing! Can’t wait to play it 👀
La apariencia y actitud de Alter esta a otro nivel
Random Wednesday in Apex. I see, i see…….
How many grenades has mirage survived from lol?
the animations are clean apex your animators are awsome
ya saquen pelicula de apex :c
Bring back titanfall ,stop porting it’s Ideas for this souless liveservice game
It’s a really nice touch that the smartest person in the room picked up on the combat patterns of a void fighter quickly
aight now THIS is good animation. if Horizon goes back in time to be with her son tho, will she be removed or sum? i assume she will from the lore but not from the game
bro these keep getting better and better
she can fix me
Somebody call Netflix…prime …disney. Anybody pleaseeeee
Mirage holding her at gunpoint with a mozam just to not even be able to shoot it… truly an apex experience.
I’m glad to see that my aim is lore accurate Horizon.🙃
I dont understand this drama between Horizon and Alter. I haven’t played in a while either.
who’s hand is that not path for sure
Horizon has to be a bronze player
Alter is very reminiscent of Heimdall from God of War Ragnarok and this was my favorite character. ALTER IS THE BEST!!!Alter is very reminiscent of Heimdall from God of War Ragnarok and this was my favorite character. ALTER IS THE BEST!!!
2:30 Mileena that is why I main her
erm what the sigma
En efecto, es cine 🚬
My favorite part was when Mirage and Lifeline disappeared on me without communicating at all. Truly an Apex experience.
Just like my horizon last game missing her shots
We need an Apex TV show.
Id honestly rather watch an Apex show than play the game lol
Yeah… idk.
I stopped paying attention to the lore a long time ago
So this fight takes place on District
Next Apex map show at the end of the Trailer 😯😯
I want to see Revenant and Alter fight in one of these. There can only be one scary badass in Apex
but why she fighting then? 😂
now imagine a lore leading to alter and revenant meeting…. it will go soooooo goadam hard 🔥🔥🔥🔥
New Map
Question is: Netflix or Amazon?
I need a tv series ASAP.
Never been this excited for apex lore
Dang Horizon can actually throw hands
alter is sooo crazy i love it
Ngl the only thing consistent in Apex Legends is their cinematics🔥
This is a 10
Newton is now trans….
Did Alter lowkey flip off Horizon while showing her a purple Apex card?
So the new legend is her son or am I missing something
Im pretty sure where this cinematic takes place in is gonna be a poi in the new map
Mirage just makes the scenes million times better
2:02 but alter has no cheeks?!?!?! 😮
…capable of…
2:03 good lawd. They really know how to attract their player base. And just so we’re clear, I’m talking about Mirage 😂
Wraith needs to finally make an appearance and fight someone
Sick animations, really..great job
Sekilas dilihat kayak dyroth skin venom
yay, finally a story for my lovely horizon.
😮 more lore
Is it just me or does feel like apex is REALLY trying to drive home that alter and horizon are connected. I feel like their dangling it in our face.
Don’t tell me newton is going to be next legends. With special cuddle emote only with Horizon. Loool I am not
saying this 😂😂
Titanfall 2
“I know what you’re capable of”
Fade is coming 🔥🔥🔥
Finally! Legends actually using each other’s real names instead of their show names!
This might be the darkest season ever for apex’s
Apex show!
So like, what’s the beef between these two? Alter was just introduced, and I don’t understand anything
So she can travel multiverse
Thats my space mommy
No story of outlands for Mirage yet 🙁
Series on Amazon – when?
2:01 woah woah woah, hold it right there buddy
Took you long enough
The new map POI
Mirage 😂
we need an apex show or movie PLEAAAAAASE BRO!
so alter is definitely an alternate horizon right?
Better late than never.
Ok this is great but we need more lore like this a little bit fast respawn plz
alright that it, im gonna name my girl Hadron and my son Collider
Apex as a game terrible 🤮 but with these cinematics might as well make a movie or a show 😂
Titanfall 3 when
Alter’s storyline witnesses numerous dimensions falling into chaos, often due to the evil actions of Horizon, who is yet to embrace her darker nature in this reality because she wants to reunite with her son. However, Alter, a psychopathic character sees an opportunity to manipulate Horizon into becoming evil. With her time-traveling abilities, Alter aims to recruit Horizon into her mission of destroying this reality by creating a timeline paradox. ♥️🙏🏻 Hopefully you understand her better now.
AFTER 2 YEARS OF CANNOT BE ABLE TO PLAY THIS GAME, finallyyyy i cant still watch videossss
I just thought of this what if newton is the one destroying worlds trying to look for his mother and horizon returning to him helps stop it? Maybe that’s why alter wants to return her. Just a thought
I thought it was world edge
That is Suotamo city?!?!?!?!!?!?!?
90% of the apex budget goes into these cinematics, I swear
very cool animation more i see of alter the more i like the character
this was a good animation but made absolutely no sense
Is Suotamo city?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
who am i writing with?
I love how Apex isn’t a mindless BR and actually has Lore behind it
Ayo that looks like the new map!
Remember when companies would make new and unique content for consumers and not just regurgitate the same content for 6+ years
And how that would actually improve the quality of all products in a hyper competitive environment making it healthy for consumers and developers alike as they would often get the green light to make the content they’d want to make and not what appeals to the largest possible audience to get the most money?
Art is dying and the company and the business are eating its dying corpse to make a few bucks by shoving slop down the throats of their consumers
Alter’s in game voice direction is nothing like the teasers which is disappoiting.
Imagine if Newton gets older, he hates his mother for “Abandoning” him, becomes a legend and sends Alter against the Legends
Would absolutely love it if EA & Apex could restore/compensate my account EA deleted due to inactivity. That’s not a legitimate reason, since I spent real money; you can’t take it back as far as I know (inactivity) should not matter.
Apex mortal kombat like game would be fun
Respawn please keep these coming!
I’ll binge watch all the episodes if Respawn you make this a show on Netflix. It’ll go so hard
” Wait I was offering the easy way”mirage will never stopped being funny
Didn’t realize that was the time travel gadget from Titan fall 2 before the end
Dope were gonna some in game interactions with horizon like they did for bloodhound and Bangalore
Is that a seci drama joke? DAYUMM
Make a f anime and stop !
Confirmado multiverso ✴️✴️✴️✴️
I actually thought I was watching an actual show 😅
Ngl that was pretty weak for a fight 3:02
3:16 i need to wait befor i watching OMFG Please end my disgusting life
EA: this video will go hard with 100$ skin
Horz’s son will be a playable legend after some time . Mark my words well
Mirage 🎉🎉
I bet that alex card is actually newton’s and not altars that she took from him
This was surprisingly good
let me guess. this was supposed to be launch trailer if map was not pushed back for the next season
finally a cool animation
I love Alter’s VA so much, she kills it.
Also a sick tease of the new District map
Seeing Horizon actually fight someone now is SO GOOD, this is how she got into the games! Wish yall stopped keeping them in their apex uniforms OUTSIDE of the games, though…
i guess thats the new map,it look awesome also i might think those multi dimensional chaos was cause by horizon altering the past and alter who loves chaos def want that to happen
I thought she was gonna say I’m you when horizon asks who are you
Well guys.. at least we can observe Alter’s gyat before GTA 6 2:02
Made Apex a series
Let’s be honest… I do need the money more th__an i do
The way horizon grabbed her by the horns 😂
That was easily one of their best cinematics!
Hold up, cqc! I feel like they were inspired by arcane or some animated show because the animation feels different
The launch? Trailer is REALLLL
Now this is what I’m talking about
Did anybody realize they on district the new map 🤔
I need her so bad
Did they got the old studio? This animation is really good!
Still….confuses. been confused for like 5 months now
2:03 美食特寫
I love how reaspon make these trailers wish they make the game this good if you get what I mean
Mannnn haven’t played this game in 20 years. What’s new ?
took a while but I can confidently say with this that this animation studio has officially passed the old one
Didn’t know mommy horizon had those hands😮
love your cinematics…would love a TV show
could be a worthy opponent to Arcane
doc ock + green goblin collab
apex the only game that can release the launch trailer a week late while also making valorants knife system even more expensive and people will still spend money and protect it
Gosh I love the effort they put in those videos. So excited. Would totally watch a movie about the Legends
I don’t even play the battle royale anymore, but I still the story is badass
Next legend is gonna be horizons son💀
essa bicha é louca… adorei!
This is giving voidwalker and wraith story arc but recast with Horizon and Alter :/
i feel like the next one trailer will require money to watch
Make a TV show, please
Make a TV show make a TV show make a TV show. Make a TV show. Make a TV show TV show TV show make a TV show make a TV show make a TV show make a TV show. make a TV show make a TV show make a TV show make a TV show make a TV show make a TV show make a TV show make a TV show make a TV show make a TV show make a TV show make a TV show make a TV show
Че за бред! Если не враг, зачем тогда напала!?😏
You waited until my birthday to release the cinematic. Thank you!
Would love to see a full-fledged series with this style.
This explains the transcript on the transition (of Horizon pointing a Wingman at Alter’s head) that I got.
It was confusing because Horizon said that this woman was taunting her about Newton and showed her a card that got her into the Apex Games and I was confused because the only two women I know that got an Apex Card is Valkyrie (sort of) and Rampart. But this shows that Alter does have a card so that makes sense now. I have a hunch that Horizon (of each corresponding reality) is the cause of some realities being destroyed, it mentioned Alter found a common denominator with them but didn’t say what or who but it has to be Horizon. I doubt she’s helping her get back to Newton, I doubt it will work and the consequences will cause a cataclysmic event.
Also one question, to confirm something I suspected. Alter’s left arm is made of metal from her elbow down right? It looks like it is.
Love Horizon, guess I’m coming back to Apex!
In a different reality Jack showed up and just shot both of them to take his time device back💀
She did all of that just to say “I can help you, here’s my card.”
we reaallly need a show
The SUSPENSE!!!! I always love following the new lore of this game and it’s Universe– can’t wait to see what happens, next-!!
New map as the background!
Wait so like… why were they fighting in the first place?
i love that they are expanding on Horizon’s story, felt like in terms of lore she was being abandoned in a way
Это какое-то аниме
Plot twist Horizon pulled the trigger and we never saw Alter again
So that’s why Lifeline is that mad at Alter
2:42 this is where the my teammates calls the enemy is one hit
Whole lotta nothing
With these cinematic scenes, this needs a show
Alter character is more creepier and more evil than revenant.
3:48 is that time travel watch form titanfall 2 ???? And I think we r going to soon get a new legend (pilot) 😮😮😮
cool, cool…. but we want the game to be fixed 🙂 not this.
Horizon goes full momma bear
Robbed.. someone edit this to EA by Nudy and savage
At this point you should cancel the game and turn Apex into a TV series
When the 1-2 combo being added
thats the titanfall thing thing of the titanfall of titanfall rift titanfall thing of the thing
This feels like the first time introducing a villian in a movie ngl, the should make one
From what I understand Horizon is probably the reason why all other realities are destroyed, all her other realities all trying to get back to Newton. This is what Alter is trying to do, the current reality has yet to be destroyed, Alter is trying to hasten the inevitable.
now this is a storyline worth getting into….
Took them long enough
finally apex employee found the file and upload it
3:33 OH! 🗣
i can fix her
3:06 Finally, someone used a person’s horns during combat against them. We see people fighting demons or people with antlers and yet nobody has ever tried grabbing them by the horns and slamming them against their knee.
I wonder if Alter is knows Newton somehow. Maybe a friend in an alternate timeline
*Destroys her lab and beats up her friends*
“Woah bro relax I’m not your enemy”
reason why horizon still op 2:42
that’s gotta be the new map at the end
So when is the ability of teleporting across the more than just a wall coming to the game
cringe freak furrys
Game is so dead
Netflix should buy the rights and make a serie with Apexx, lot of potential…
What about the cheaters in ranked tho?
3:31 “Stell not as badass as the others, darlin?”
Finally the new map.
2:03 I couldn’t contain myself I NEED ALTER LOBA DOESN’T EVEN CONPAIR
Oh THAT closet.
Alter: I know just the way to make sure your story arc isnt complete for the next 3 years… “To be continuuuuued!”
3:09 idk why, but I busted out laughing watching this 😂
smart enough to buiild a time machine but not smart enough to understand there’s an enemy near by.. classic
Thank god, it’s not another Loba story. Thank you devs. <3
Why attack Horizon and the entire fight just to tell her that?? Huh?
i still have a theory that alter is a parllel version of horizon
alter travels to every dimension looking for the one horizon that got the time travel gauntlet
Que locura es esto dios😮
My theory is she’s Neutons daughter or his wife, she wants Neuton to have a normal life with his mother as (correct me if I’m wrong) he gets killed off by Ash. This leads to the daughter trying to find a way of getting her father back. It would also explain why they look so a like as Alter might have Horizons genes.
bold of alter challenges the strongest 1v1 hero in apex history.
Ooo a new map teaser, cool, if only they actually released it 😑
Best game ever❤
Timeline is becoming so unstable we might even get a fortnite collab
Alter vs Horizon
Nothing new disappointing video
2:02 thats a wicked angle bruv
Next season’s map that’s what they’re on
alter is horizon from another dimension
I want to kiss Alter on bolth of her lips. ❤❤❤
Time to do a netflix show
Why did Alter do all of that
Lifeline with the Mozambic would beat her
Was that a energy pistol 🤨 3:08
Apex legends this is The best stories of the outland ever let’s go!!!!!!
I do like that the time displacement divice looks like the one Cooper had.
Ah, I can dream.
Its more than a launch trailer
they actually showed a poi of the next map
Gotta love mirage!
New map … Cool 😎
Alter is not the son? How did he become a lady with a good body
Kinda weird they released it a week after launch. 🤔
Altered Vs Rev will be awesome
I dont know the Story
Me before alter launched: YOU CANT HEAL IN PEACE ANYMORE IM GONNA QUIT THE GAME!! after alter launched: Dominating every single alter i ever seen 😂
Pretty nice to see parts of the new map 😀
New map looking good
We want the next part
what the sigma
Can we talk about how *BADASS* the fight scenes are?
I know who Alter is
INACCURATE!! Alter should’ve had to wait 30 seconds before using her portal again on mirage!!
Alter’s so chaotic she delayed the launch trailer
Every animation with Mirage is peak
Finally get the launch trailer eh?
There’s the grenade she was talking about to Mirage in game…
This is crazy 💀
still don’t know why they havnt made a series yet, show would be 🔥
You still need to control the amount of cheaters in this game before you create any more updates.
Only a few days late
I’m here to read the “Sponsored by EA” comments
Ok alter is a menace. She is such a cool fighter and just plain evil
We need an Apex series, those visuals are 🔥🔥🔥
1v3 with no gun
2:02 why everyone got cake
Thanks for this trailer, now I’ll go back to play on your 20hz Servers^^
horizon anne
Sis destroyed that whole factory and nearly killed 2 people to then say “jk we’re not enemies actually let’s work together”
The writing in cinematics peaked with Fight Night/Northstar and then fell of HARD
The hype for the new season was missing far more than it should have been without the trailer being on time
The way she slammed Horizon’s head against the railing…
Wooooww this is new map? Horizon🤩
i think horizon is alter…
Was that the new map?? Looks pretty cool!!
3:23 ここチューしちゃうかとおもた
Mirage scene made me laugh and also loved the fight between horizon and alter
Theory: Alter is Horizon, but from a different reality
Finally some Horizon lore
Miss the mobile version. I don’t have a pc of my own . Love this game and it’s story .
New map?
0:12 i stopped following Apex a long time ago but isnt this the device you use in that one Titanfall 2 mission ? Where tf did she get it ?
Why do I feel like they didn’t meet the launch trailer deadline and released this afterwards? It showcases the abilities and gives the plot that we already know.
You seriously need to work more on that type of animation. It’s a lot more better than the in-game comics things.
far fetched but what if alter wants horizon to go home because that event is what causes the end of said world? you know messing w/ time type of thing? alter has a banner of olympus before and after and it looks like she had something to do w/ its downfall, even her bio says that “she noticed the worlds were being destroyed by one singular person”. and the end of her character trailer looked like she was in a ruined olympus when she was holding that photo…. all speculation ofc
Mirage could’ve easily outplayed Alter here, once more he hesitated to shoot her similar to when he fought Ballistic in Season 17
So district was suppose to drop this season
alter my gyatt
Caustic’s Nox gas is said to burn through skin and corrode metal, which is why it still affects path, rev, and ash. So just using it as an aesthetic just ruins the inpact of its deadlines
Newton next Legends in season 23 ? 🤔
I would love to understand what’s going on 😭 alter is supposed to be an alternate version of horizon right? So then why is alter like Chinese?
there is a loading screen on the battlepass that talks about this
So Alter is basically Evil Rick?
Тут есть ктото руский
Alter is Newton (alternate dimension)
We need a apex series
why is this dropping now?
That was awesome. Love the lore , can t wait to see more. Also I need a purple apex game card .It looks so cool
Well? how does she know her? what is even going on?
Why are there Caustic’s gas rockets? Is he cooking something?
I still think that alter is horison from the future
I love how the Scottish character gets to dish out the headbuts 🤘 or as we call it in England a “Glasgow kiss” 🤣🤣
its missing something it seems but i dont know…
Ngl apex this is one of the best short videos you’ve posted in quite awhilee
There he is… There’s the God of War
Alter talking about ‘Other Mary Somers’ is giving off some Angstrom Levy vibes
That went hard
Well now I want an apex movie.
I love this new type of trailer. Scarry and you don’t know what happened next.
This is probably the “District” map? And I realized how much potential Apex has for a show.
We need a show for this game like they need to make a tv series or something 🎉😂❤
Hopefully after this lore will get Titan fall 3
(titanfall 3 false hope
Wait this takes place on the new map!
Notice how Horizon used all her abilities on 1 player truly a apex experience
It’s honestly strange how Alter has no unique voice lines with Wraith considering that they both use the void. I feel like Wraith should be Alter’s natural enemy.
Is that the new map?
no way
After a week we get the launch trailer, wow
oh didnt expect to see the time travel glove that we used in the tf2 campaign…
I can’t wait to see more of lore between these 2
interesting, she talking about multiverse when Avengers kang dynasty is coming soon
So that’s where that loading screen is from… anyway is this the new district map or is it just some silly filler lore
0:42welcome to Taiwan
Finally more focus on the game’s story!
Finally some really well made trailer, I liked it
We love you and we stand with you. We stand with Palestine. Free Palestine. 🇵🇸 🧡💖
This doesnt explain or solve anything!!
Come on respawn!!!
이거 타이탄폴마냥 과거로가는 스킬쓰는 캐릭 나오는거아니냐??
Thank you guys 😻👅
Apex Legends Mobile bliiz 🥺
Series in that style? yes pls! the voice actors deserve it!
Amazing like always
Amazing movie!
This is crazy
s21 seems really promising
2:05 is how solos has me right now
Good to know Humbert still exists and uses Caustic’s gas despite the incident
Alter vs wraith would be fun (wraith solos obv)
BRUUUUH launch trailer one week late, I was sure this gonna happened when Lifeline Mirage and horizon were talking about things we didn’t see happened. Production problemes I guess, pretty cool BTW
And, no, putting “A few week ago” to act like it was prepared, no one believes it
So THATS the explosion at humbert labs that’s referenced in the comics with Caustic, Crypto and their mom
Mortal Kombat moment?
i really want her and rev to meet
Alter is the perfect wife for my boy Revenant
More LORE let s gooooo
Ah District map is huge
Alter looking like Doc Oc with her tail 🤨🤨
They should kiss
I can’t download the game😅
Can someone help me?
Leaked video was better
Still dreaming for an apex legends movie, would be so cool
Ok. Anyone got some crazy theories about possible future of this storyline?
2:02 ayooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?!
Where is the Bangalore Town Takeover?!? 😡
So now we got the ACU: Apex Cinematic Universe…
At 3:07 was that the energy pistol 😮
They animated this whole thing just for no lore to be revealed. Most beneficial respawn moment
Alguien que me haga un resumen en español, por favor, gracias
bring back apex moblle
Did not expect ong
Eh but it’s the same device as in Titanfall 2
И зачем всё это ?
She’s making the time travel device from Titanfall 2, Cause and Effect was such an incredible mission
How much you guys wanna bet that the person who keeps destroying worlds are alternate Horizons
Only 600 views in 1 minute apex feel off
we need a show like this style :]
Okay but the fight scene between horizon and alter was just ripped straight from mortalkombat tho
Imagine we get another playable story
We have horizon from a other dimension like revenant and shadow revenant a guess
Epic fight scene
Apex Legends: Altered Genders
People like u make America a superpower.. thanks.. 🍓🌺
Alter is mommy
I’m pretty sure that’s a part of the next map they showed in the end
Imagine somehow through the time Gauntlet, Horizon meets Cooper? Idk how it would happen, but it’s a possibility
Ok so like can someone do a current lore video?
Apex got the best cinematics we need a SHOW ASAP!
“cool beaker” grabs a conical flask
Caustic gas everywhere a c main can dream
4 min 6k views? apex fell off
Alter casually being able to resist a literal blackhole AND walk out of it. The true apex experience
Ain’t that the time thing from titan fall ?
I love cliff hangers so much!!!
Parasocial the trailer
That’s the thing Jack wears in tf2! The time travel glove
never release an animation on vertical format first again, please thank you 💀
budget cuts pushed it back or what?
Mirage with the comedic relief is always welcomed 😂😂
2:02 The double Cakes
The best season of Apex
What if the trailer is late… because the timelines have become SO broken and unstable, it’s affecting even our own reality now?
All this for what? Theres no PVE mode.
New Map????😧
Alter is better than marvel villains
we want more loba
so we just stealing Miles Morales Theme music… ok
A show in this style would go so hard
A Apex Legends Horror Game would go kind of hard 🤔
The game feels great rn. Thank you guys!
Idk if you know this respawn but the season already came out
I think alter is like Miguel from spiderverse and she’s taking the time device because it will destroy the world if she uses it
i cant wait to enjoy new season! 🔥🔥🔥
Thank you for the variety of topics in your videos. Your ideas are always relevant and interesting.💶♀️🐤
Apec Legen. Gib money? Get COOOOL 😎
Thats the next map?
2 weeks late 😂
launch trailer after the season dropped 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Fell like horizons son will come into one these soon.
Keep delighting your viewers with unique ideas. Your videos always arouse positive emotions.⌚️🎓🟣
Why she hate her so much 🤬
dang two hours late on the upload huh haha
a new miniserie wonderful
39 views, 1 second ago, they fell off.
300 likes 1 view is crazy 💀
Who came here from seeing the 2 parts on the apexlegends tiktok
About time
I want that r3 reactive !
Finally we got a launch trailer lol
1 view in 28 seconds, apex fell off
a launch trailer wow
fair play to aaron hunt!
The launch trailer we missed 😭
Can’t wait for more Crypto lore!
1 veiw in 10 seconds? Apex fell off
When do yall think the next exotic shop refresh will be
first comment
rev is better
First! 😀
I CAN FIX ALTER 🥵🥵🗣️🔥‼️‼️
first 🥇
Gotta love the use of traditional titanfall pilot and apex predator cqc
New trailer? Whats this
Ya se habían tardado 🙂
10 seconds no view y’all fell off
i love alter
i wanna do horizon
4 seconds 1 view? Apex fell off
What the segma
Give me a heirloom apex
A launch trailer! Finally
Few days late btu
The shadow drop is real
1 view in 20 seconds apex fell off
Let’s gooo
real? mommy?
I hate it.
Another trailer boys