Apex Legends – Official Into The Void Trailer
Check out the latest trailer for Apex Legends ahead of the new season, Upheaval. The trailer gives us a look at the Upheaval Battle Pass, customizable Apex Artifacts, and more. Within the void lies unfiltered chaos. Dark secrets, ripe for the taking. Will you surrender to Caustic’s master plan and leave humanity behind?
Apex Legends: Upheaval will be available on PS4 (PlayStation 4), PS5 (PlayStation 5), Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via the EA App and Steam on May 7, 2024.
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Taqs:apex legends,apex legends trailer,apex legends upheaval,apex,apex legends news,apex upheaval,upheaval,alter,game trailer,game trailers,trailer,trailers,gaming,video games,video game trailer,video game trailers,new game trailers,new video game trailers,upcoming video games,new video games 2024,upcoming video games 2024
コメント (51)
Looks like a void hunter from destiny?
Caustic + Phonk = Great Music Festival
Destiny 2
Just make TITANFALL 3 at this point… & APEX still the best polished FTP FPS!
TF3 🎉
Is it just me or bahrain or singapore servers literally have no players in battle royale queues???
“I’m here to kill chaos”
Plz bring back Apex Legends Mobile 😢
Damn that trailer wasn’t even a trailer
Apex should have stuck to its roots. The game got boring really fast and is blah now.
More like “into the bin”
Got em 😎
Someday Forge will come back
Any chance for returning of apex legends mobile???
Sad how apex fell off one my favorite all they focus on is skins and characters smh no new modes or nothing else
Caustic being the voice for this trailer was such an amazing idea
Nope. still no anti aimbot and wallhack.. Pass
So a void hunter from destiny 2 niiice.
So that’s not Optimus prime talking?
Does this game have a plot, or is strictly a battle royale?
Destiny skins now? Lol
Apex still the dumbest game for not adding the main character from Titan Fall 2 to the roster
Horrible skin
Wait, people still play this?💀
Shrek kart >>>>>>>>>>>
u cant tell me thats not a hunter from destiny
The one doing the voice over is a lot like samuel hayden from doom 2016 and eternal
Does Apex knows what it wants to be yet?
…is your credit card
Ppl still play apex !?!😮
TITANFALL 3 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
Finally dark caustic 😂 I got the perfect emote for my boy
all you required is 300 bucks
Y ain’t this game dead yet?
Fortnite has better skins
Less greed next time
Skin designs getting a lil stale
That caustic skin tho
Thought it was destiny collab
Fortnite >>>>>>>>
TF is this? Apex has truly fallen
Time to spread democracy instead
Team Early
Just started getting back into apex after season 1-3 I believe so I’m Hella confused but Alter looks sick
Fortnite is better
Let me guess he’s also apart of the ldhdtv community