Apex Legends: Into The Void Trailer
Within the void lies unfiltered chaos. Dark secrets, ripe for the taking. Will you surrender to Caustic’s master plan and leave humanity behind? Get a look at the Upheaval Battle Pass, customizable Apex Artifacts, and more in this trailer.
Want to learn more?: http://x.ea.com/apxl/upheaval
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 21,apex legends upheaval trailer,apex battle pass,apex legends caustic,apex artifact,apex legends skins,alter,wraith,loba,vantage,seer,catalyst,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (645)
Let’s go new season 😎
EA 🤡🤡
What a wack trailer
Revenant: “You all think youll make it out of this without an empty credit card”
What I don’t understand is why a Apex Mobile character is in the mainstream boring
It’s just another casual game for bots now. I literally can’t get 2 teammates that do more than 200dmg, y should i waste my time.
The pick intro skin fot that caustic skin should be useable on other skins imo
Ok nice. Now, all i want is the season 22 so i can see the new map.
I’d love to see the reaction if a hacker actually wanted to hurt them and messed up the cosmetics shop. 😂😂😂
the battle pass skins make them look like a basic hunter from D2
they’re all wearing graviton forfeit helmets
Que evento bosta.
gosh I love Caustic 💖
rip all the people who spent 300+ dollars on the heirloom in the “limited edition event” cause just you wait till this season launches XD
“requires in-game purchase”
Do you accept *Monopoly* money to enjoy this season’s new currency? 😂😂
ugh no pathfinder
Pls any donate I want the reactive r99 skin recolor my name in apex is furyofoctane 😢❤
yet another season without a single newcastle cosmetic
and yall cancled his heirloom
Why is ash always getting killed😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
The caustic skin is sooo cool
Wow, i still do not care for that heirloom
finally, some caustic love
Who gave the 16 year old intern After Effects?
We need caustic to do the trailers for now on cause this was the best trailer
Hold up didn’t custic get his prestige skin
in all my years i have never hate someone like i hate Caustic, it is incredible what apex has done, i will never buy caustic with my legends point, i hear his voice and i want to pause the video an close it, its amazing, it is literally toxic, best “villain” there is
Wow this did not hype me at all 🙁
Aight Im bout to drop rank 5 hours before the season ends, who wit me?
My favourite game in the past, now 1 year without playing Apex
Please don’t buy this events. We need boycott game like helldivers 2
Trash nothing for octaine yet again. Wallet will stay closed like it has been.
Event trailer before we even get the launch trailer for the season?
I’m a little lost. What’s going on
Why didnt they use into the void by nine inch nails
how many bugs there will be when released?
Please come back apex legends mobile 😢
This is truly remarkable.
TRULY. 🤦🏻♂️
Ea pls gift me heirloom shards pls ❤
“Hi Legends, we know that new season didn’t start yet, but we wanted to present you new overpriced cosmetics that will be ready to buy with new season launch, you’re welcome”
I am convinced that there is some dark entity behind this game, distracting us “in a loop” from our true purpose.
No? Well then why are there lvl 400 players in lvl 1 ranked still?
Endless, with no meaning at the end
igual ya se habían filtrado
I love how the entire comment section is just people making jokes about how scummy and greedy ea are😂 you
A human‘s concept of love requires admiration, attraction, and respect. Conclusion; I am not in love with this.
And, of course, Mirage gets beat and gets no skin. Smh
Okay tips for next time do next time atleast the katar base bland for free and that you get the a whole nitride katar set in the battle pass and that you dont need to unlock every katar thing in order and that if you unlock the whole set the deathbox for free
hi can i buy a lease ?
How did we get from S4 quality Gameplay trailer, Launch trailer, etc. to this cashgrabbing piece of garbage? The quality and presentation of this game has decreased continously. Respawn should be ashamed. They should ask themselves why all the OG-devs (who MADE this game what it was) left. EA is trash
Ya cierren los servidores
Would’ve been cool 2 years ago
launch trailer is missing like my dad
AUDIO FIX please
make solos permenant
Remind me why we buy battlepasses again, oh right gotta get my quips and stickers.
Money money money 🤑💵💸
0:10 – Caustic made me think to the Scarecrow in DC
Bro idk how much my luck is bad but i just now finished a 60 gb update without knowing there is a new season dropping 😢
Game with potential ruined by greed and devs that can’t fix 4 year old bugs.
I love how this is an heirloom add above all else even the season
And the battle pass skin will be trash
Instead of always making jokes about EA being so greedy, maybe we won’t sponsor them for once
Unsubscribe, the best Apex moment
Me da rabia no tener dinero en estos momentos porque esa skin de Caustic es brutal! Team Caustic desde el incio!
Loved when Caustic said “All you require.. is money”
And then proceeded to pre-charge me for the collection event
Can i get a new cobalt with heirloom shards?
Season 21 hasn’t even started yet and here they are making a Overpriced Event. They won’t ever change.
I just hope every Conduit player gets better this season. I have yet to have a Conduit Teammate who actually is good
Just read the pathc notes. How is caustic getting nerfed again? There just driv8ng him into the ground at this point. And mirage gets ignored completely
I loved when Mirage didn’t receive a skydive emote for yet another season, truly an Apex experience
Nobody cares about this anymore just make ur game better with actual content, bug fixes and actual good prices on the lame cosmetics
0:55 ash the renowned pilot being punched by non other than caustic 😭it’s hard being an ash main 💀
looks pretty cool hope u did good in making alter amazing
apex legends: into the bonelab
Thought we were getting a new legend who looked dope only to be disappointed it’s caustic with a new skin
Is respawn out of touch with it’s playerbase or commonsense? Because I can buy eleden ring and red dead with the money of a universal heirloom
What is with the animation this trailer😭. Apex is falling off
please can you put two more things to gift for free i need that flati skin😅
maybe make heirlooms that fit legends personality? THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!
Can EA just stop developing for apex? Lets be honest we all want that to happen so totan fall 3 can start development
That mythic skin is hideous.
“All you require is an architect”
Me: “and 150 dollars”
Ok caustic let alter talk
I love how she isnt even in game yet and already has a collection event, truly the Apex Experience
Yeah, nah.
“Moneygrabbing is the natural order of the universe”
Recolor recolor recolor
I gotta be honest this did not hit. Just felt boring and “ooohhhh look at all the cool stuff that costs your moneyyyyy ooohhhhhh” like some weird ad for a clothing line
nerf aim assist on console
“All that’s required… is a credit card.”
at the end of the day this game is free to play these are all optional “cosmetic” items they need to make money some how and if that’s by selling overpriced skins to whales I’m all for it
0:26 so a simulacrum? Which is funny because Caustic was denied from being turned into one after his death. I guess he’s looking for other methods, which could be a canon reason why he wouldn’t die of cancer.
😢We request that the mobile version be returned as soon as possible
Am I the only one that think Catalyst doesn’t get anything at all? Now, she gets a skin.
How’d these trailers become ads for skins?
Is the bowcek coming back to the loot pool? Thats what I’m interested in
Love it!!
This felt like caustic might have cool lore with alter, but than he said The word artifact….
Question: If Pathfinder is a robot why does he take Caustic gas damage???
Best trailer ever
Guys. Stop complaining that skins cost money. It is a free game, if you can’t buy the skins then don’t buy the skins. Let people with disposable income pay for them so you can continue playing the game for free.
When did apex get biblically accurate? but chose to take the evil side of things.
Why another shine on caustic what’s up with everyone else
EA making a trailer for a 100€ skin is such an EA move we are so back
Love the new caustic skin
I just want crypto and mirage reactive skins.
Respawn: We heard you like Katars.
Thank God I’m smart enough not to spend my money or extremely rare heirloom shards on this garbage exotic shards are gonna be the new Legend Tokens that we never get to spend
Then Caustic said: ‘”All you require.. is a credit card.”
Caustic is tweaking this season, huh?
Caustics voice 🤤
Basically just an advertisement
Bruh ain’t no way caustic getting another heirloom skin where tf is some for bloodhound he been played mostly all season 20 apex starting to throw me off no bs
apex seriously has the most talented VA cast
what did mirage do to deserve that?
The ugliest skins I’ve ever seen😂
Nah we need more trailer like this!!
Imagine how many people would care about this if something effective was done about the rampant cheating.
Quitaron el trailer de como la leyenda llega a los apex games para meter esta madre? Waos
I can’t wait to not buy anything from this event 😃👍
what a trash. thank u respawwnnn
Into the void… more like into the cosmetic trailer
ngl the editing is sick
love how they focus on the heirloom throughout the trailer so you know to buy the next phase 😂
A trailer that screams: WE WANT YOUR MONEY
I’m good chief, I’ll pass
I got goosebumps after hearing caustic dialogue 😯😯
For a moment thereI thought Caustic was going to go fully Omnissiah…
Why is caustic the one talking and not Alter. What’s so special about caustic this season.
New legend low key fire🔥🔥🔥
Where’s my pathfinder prestige skin?
Trash 🗑️
Oh man, i cant wait spend 600$ on recolors, arent you guys?
No launch trailer u.u
Respawn please let this season start with a brand new anti cheat that is like valorant anti cheat other wise im this will be my last season up already not spending money due to the lack of control of the cheater situation
I loved it when caustic said “don’t transform your hoodies but transform your wallets to match the new prices” truly a Apex experience
Im so confused…
I feel like Apex Legends will dive into a galactic period..
Nah when I’m I getting my sky dive trail for my prestige skin on caustic how you gonna release a re color
i like the moment where caustic said “All i require is your bank card”
Give Us The Moneyyyy
remarkable…. simply Remarkable
i like how seer passive ability tell em that there is a heartbeat behind you but he completely ignores it . Truly an apex experience
EA can i get unban plz
I love getting disconnected randomly during the select legend phase. Truly an apex moment
Caustic loves Relish on his hot dog.
Was this a caustic trailer?
So happy my favorite characters got heirlooms because it looks like other characters won’t be getting personal heirlooms anytime soon
Universal heirlooms are garbage and takes away from the personalization that heirlooms brought to their respective legends
The void skin better than the heirloom skin
Fire trailer honestly 🔥 👌
regular BR is stale AF, it needs to move closer to 3 strikes
The moment i realized the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.
Is that katar?
I can’t wait for the servers to break again.
80% of this trailer is just showing weapons skins , but not gameplay, well done EA
Yayyyyyy a new collection event I’ll spend NOTHING on!!!! 😁
Oh how apex has fallen
season aint even out yet and yall are already dropping the wallet killer event trailer 😭😭
Finally cautic in main stream 🎉😂
Apex has seriously lost its soul
Caustic’s VA is one of the best in gaming.
Will all the level 1-50 hackers and cheaters playing with masters and Preds be gone this season?
Cosmetics: The Trailer
Apex fell off!!! I remember when I use to get really excited to watch any event or season triller. Now it’s just mockups videos and music playing in the background. Well I enjoyed it when it lasted. Played from game lunched until 2021. Got 42,800+ kills in my time playing.
They should just revamp every map completely
ok, but where’s arenas?
00:20 그래서 가격은?
Caustic don’ t realize he got Bamboozled there at the end – cause nobody hits the Mirage!
Too bad this treiler has had better
Apex stop giving me goosebumps and chills already and give us the season!!
no one plays seer or catalyst anymore
This is the coolest one yet
Hierloom shards for the cobalt katar not after the collection event but after next season? Wouldve liked too known BEFORE EA but hey!!!! NO REFUND SHARDS AFTER 30 DAYS OR A REPLAY GAME FEATURE. INTO THE VOID more like INTO MY WALLET (a soccer game with cars that older than you has a play again feature wth)
probably the best trailer so far aint gon lie
noticed why its called into the void? because EA is reaching to empty the players wallets to sell them recolored shindig
Bro Caustic and Walter White would be best friends
Like the 100th event but still no servers in Africa
игра мертва
You can make that cobalt heirloom look cool all you want that’s a no for me dawg
Para dormirse
That was a cool trailer, the best one yet
wheres the pathfinder prestige at bro use pathy mains been waiting
They said all discovered variable all you need is a architect and proceeds to show the expensive universal heirloom its almost like they are mocking their very own fanbase now
This reminds me of Ghostrunner and Mard Dodson (RIP my hero). Watching the trailer made me feel like going through level and hearing Architect talking to me about greater good.💚
all you require is money for a very mid skins
All these new trash legends, more mod, easier servers to hack. This game fell HARD long ago. R.i.P. seasons 0 – 4. 🙁
Apex fell off so hard
As a cuastic main im really happy the old mans getting some love
All is required is Ur Money 🤑
why wasnt i hyped for this season?
Seer still gay. AKA lil nas x
The worst mythic item ever
aint paying for that garbage
“Imagine an opportunity to exist beyond… beyond kobalt katar, beyond pred threestacks, beyond LAN event hacks… something… remarkable.
They need to worry about their overall performance as a company,and not advertising two really wack skins for legends most of the community doesn’t use
People be like “this game fell off” but don’t understand the pain of Halo players
i love you caustic
Katar is cringe
0:44 “all you require is 150 Dollars” that would sound more legit
Into the bugs.
Fix your server first!
-How many new cathars do you need to insert into the video?
I swear they always make the same type of skins
Only game where the season pass doesn’t have much value compare to the items you can’t even buy but try to gamble with your hard earn money. Just sell the skins….
This event is literally like 9 items and it’s a gamble 😂
All i saw was spend spend and more spending
0:26 so a simulacrum? Which is funny because Caustic was denied from being turned into one after his death. I guess he’s looking for other methods, which could be a canon reason why he wouldn’t die of cancer.
At least there’s finally a trailer that caustic doesn’t just get stomped by everyone else.
Caustic voice i love it ❤
1h 100.000 views , cry about it
the season hasn’t even started yet and u trying to sell skins. with a trailer that looks like a high schooler made with power point? can we just all agree not to buy anything this season? not the BP, collection event, nothing and if u see youtubers or streamers do it just unfollow them. bet that will make then change.
I miss Apex legend mobile
It’s giving arcane
This is nice and all but where is my boi’s Heirloom door kicking animation
we need more caustic narrations, hes on par with revenent imo
Whole trailer is basically ‘look at these cool and wacky exotics! Please waste your money on our garbage!’
98k in 1 hour apex fell off
Honestly trailer’s getting better
Havoc… All you require is turbocharger
Caustic: “to exist beyond flesh… a newly discovered variable”
Revenant and Ash: What? New?
неужели лор за Каустика подъедет?
Yall remember when the battle pass had goated stuff in it and not just a couple good skins. I can’t see why I would ever buy the battle pass anymore
Can all you people complaining about how much these skins cost explain something to me? How else is this game meant to make money? They give you an entire game with all it’s game content for free. All they ask you to pay for (voluntarily on your part) is hats which make no difference to your game play. If the skins are too expense for you don’t buy them? This is not a difficult thing to understand. Without the passionate/addicted people that pay for these skins, the game ends. No more apex. That is what we all signed up for when getting a f2p game. I would personally like for apex to get a subscription service for better tick servers. I would gladly pay a monthly fee to get better server ques, and I am sure a large percentage of the community would too. The freeloaders that just complain can sit around playing on these 20 tick servers no problem. Enjoy the fact that you can play one of the best games ever made to date without having to pay a cent…
This game is ruined 😢
EA, you are a bunch of morons, you killed the game, shame on you
I loved the moment when all of Respawn’s S21 launch trailer animation budget went towards creating a bunch of useless Artifact recolors no one will buy. Truly an Apex experience.
How tf are all you people still playing this game…
surely the relentless flogging of cosmetics that are over £100 MUST get tiring…
Apex can you have a site or an in game mode where we could submit our own legends🙏🙏
Skins, skins, skins….. What about the gameplay? The new map? A new tipe of game?
Apex telling you they need all of your wallet
I won’t lie the skins look pretty sick
Did i just see ash getting rekt in the legends select screen?
for all the heirlooms in the world
0:25 catalyst body flawed. Caustic cooking
Quand sort cet événement s’il vous plaît ?
thats literally the prowler from spider verse
0:44 all you require, is money, lots of money
Destiny skins 💀
this skin looks familiar with me, i have seen this from other channel, oopss sorry EA
Are they doing like a Worldwalker skins bundle ?
it’s a new skin
I mean season
Whoever made this trailer deserves a raise
i loved the part when caustic said it’s voiding time and proceeded to void all over the place
Let’s all collectively pretend we didn’t see this couple of days ago
Increíble 🤯
Bring back Fade from apex mobile 🙏🏼
my mind says wow but my wallet says no😂
Sorry, still playing Stellar Blade😍
Too bad you have to gamble to get the skin you want.
Horrible skins
Downvoting because STILL no Maggie heirloom.
This is the first time i am not convinced by a new season. All of this looks bleak and samey. I think it’s time for apex legends 2
WRAITH lore why we have stinking caustic forshadowing causing ppl to play him next season
Nah we entering our kakegurui era with this one. I need caustic and alter to be friends he needs friends
I love how the feature of the season that has shown up the most is the heirloom. truly an apex moment
This trailer is boring
Apex… what are yall doing to your game?
Cant wait to main new legend😈
Jinx from League of Legends???🤔🤔🤔
But, The launch tráiler?
As day 1 player apex def fell off but i still have hope and it takes alot of gun skill so i play it
The void trailer was awesome like the map changes everything
You guys miss the chance of using “into the void” from nine inch nails 😭😭
Era un trailer de la nueva temporada o una de la nueva reliquia personalizable?
Free flatline reactive without p2w iron sights? Made everyone rat for it with the worst challenges possible. Wait let’s monetize the next ones 60 bucks please! – Apex 2024
Sorry to break it to you but Fortnite has better skins
I still cant believe no bloodhound heirloom new animations i quit gaypex
Why release this trailer everyone and his mum already seen the leaks 😴
HELLO, launch trailer WHERE?
a need this music track
Can we at least buy skydive 🪂 emotes?
people more and more, everything that is cosmetic is much more expensive, in the past a heirloom cost 160$, now as they simply don’t want to do the work, they have made a universal heirloom costing 350$ and with almost no animations, and no history connected with the legends , the battle pass skins are bad in fact a lot but what’s better is stats trackers from the catalist which didn’t exist yet, I think due to the lack of creativity the game is in decline as they have no idea of management
Make playeable the casual gaming…as lvl 20-30 I play against predators….
All I see is money to be spent🤦🏽
Apex has become a total money grab and honestly it’s a very sad thing to see.
Make a game mode with small cooldowns I want to see true chaos
상품값은 너무 비싸고 한국섭은 안내주고 너무 한거 아니냐고
Weird woke
Great trailer!
same old…
Caustic should have his own story line in the Apex series.
Its been 1 year i cant play apex because
servers connection with stc is unstable
Lets go Caustic. Omfg.
This game is reviving ❤
The Fall Of Apex LeGendsBTQ Games.
I like the background music
Ah yes more over priced skins you never get to see but atleast your team mates do
the only think good in the s21 battle pass its catalist stats trackers and Alter Legend, devs who create seer and catalist skins dont have any imagination 🙁
God i hate you EA
you guys hear about the helldivers 2 thing? im happy for me
so many 350 $ universal heirllom , lol 1 heirloom cost almost the same of a playstation 5,
who are the idiots still giving money to this game?
i cant understand why devs dont create sky dive trails for Already sell old prestige skins , this new caustic skin have a especial intro but devs dont create for pprestige skins
Les go
Who else stopped playing apex but still watch trailers?
Apex has it all Gun play Recolors and no anticheat 😂
This BP makes 10 ppl that play Seer and Cata happy I suppose lol
Nothing more?
Stop Mirage abuse!
LOOOOL when OLD PRESTIGE SKINS WILL BE UPDATED WITH SKY DIVE TRAILS ? its very sad All prestige skins dont have especial intro introdution
i like wraiths voice line where she says : ” i’ve purchased this one too many times “
How about instead of introducing more heirlooms for money, why don’t u do a giveaway or a challenge to actually play the game to earn one
what is that song?
I always think the skins for the legends are alternative universes of theme
They dropped so many devs to the point the trailers look like powerpoint ripoff indian movies
Ok I really loved the Caustic voiceover for this. Best trailer you guys have come out with ❤
Whats this
An Architect? Who need me?
Ladies and Gentlemen I today present you a heirloom with every color of the rainbow as a recolor with each recolor being only a $150 unlike Tarkov charging $250. We here at respawn are the heroes you nerds need. Please buy all the colors.
This is a well made trailer
My breakout challenge never came back pls apex you have to give me the flatline skin i worked so hard for it
Why does this go hard tho?
everyone is complaining about there being no launch trailer. why would they bother when none of yall actually care about them and just go “i loved when (character) said (insert a quip from said character but with money or wallet or something in it) truly an apex moment” whenever they release.
just enjoy the free content and if you like a cosmetic and can afford it, go ahead. its that simple, cosmetics aren’t content and the amount of talk around it is getting exhausting when i just want to see stuff about the actual game.
do a r99 with zeropoint ironsights pls
I loved it when Apex transforms and predicts reality, like how at 1:00 Catalyst shows us how if Apex keeps releasing redskins we just gonna keep getting squished from our wallets.
Truly an apex moment
Debieron regalar esa reliquia y mas personas hubieran comprado los recolores. Pero es lamentable el manejo que tiene respawn
Caustic sounding like the narrator from Dead by Daylight trailers 😅
We can all agree that Apex is bad at the moment but there is something we can give a good point to, they know how to make trailers.
They are too focused on cosmetics rather than gameplay.
It looks like Caustic hitting you a gas to get high eh 🤣
hey guys, bullying sony worked for helldivers 2, Can we do the same to EA so that they bring back legend specific heirloom and get rid of that 600 dollar garbage?
هرکس ویدئو های منو نگاه نکنه کونیه
Bloodhound, no?
That caustic skin is not even in the battlepass. What a misleading trailer. Truly an apex experience.
Titanfall 2 better Fr fr
where is mirage skinnnnnnnnnn
Look forward to playing 6 weeks after launch when Duos come back…
Bro looks like the prowler
Love that Caustic is voicing the trailer ❤
Maybe next season I’ll come back 🥱
Remember all those old mythic skins that don’t have skydive animations? Why would anyone buy those?
nicce looks good HOw many Bugs we will have ?
Mirage always taking a beating 😢
The voicelines of caustic sounds amazing.
Game mode where OG caustic traps are everywhere please!
Season 21 : Wallet Upheaval
postpone the new season to next week
Apex Legends: Into the Greed Trailer
give a raise to the guy who edited this video
So Alter changed the title of the Battle Pass Trailer so you can’t see it in the title and changed the STylo so it looks like an Collection Event TRailer
Trash dev team with zero originality
Edgy quotes, New skins, No new content. Truly an apex moment
Hey, they finally made Seer look good.
Rip Heirlooms
Love all these skin designs but Altar looks so undeniably cringe and out of place in this game
Caustic : All you require is a money
Apex artifacts would be cool if you had ways to earn them other than “get lucky or spend money” these things are supposed to be the melee skin that you earn before you get or buy an heirloom
Love Love Love this
can you make a twerk emote
launch trailer…😢
Into the Void just like legend heirlooms, by the looks of it…
Hopefully my girl Maggie get her’s soon
so… no launch trailer?
To be fair the new things your adding for the other characters with newer mythics you got to go back and add those to previous mythic skins like the sky dives
If we spend $150 on a mythic skin
Instead of receiving a bunch of purple skins we dont want include these things with the mythic buyout
– Hierloom executions
– Hierloom color schemes (we choose)
– Exclusive Voicelines
– Mythic color coding (of our choice)
– Mythic mix and match ( We can mix and match different pieces of the 3 levels of the mythic skins)
🚫 Get rid of mythic death boxes its a waste of time and money we would rather have the things above
🚫 get rid of the purple tier skins in the mythic sales we would rather have the things above
🚫revamp the older mythics and show them the same love the newer ones received (just add the things above along with the new sky dives you gave to the newer ones
🚫 Give Crystals and coin so the people feel as though they receiving a little back with what they put in
Can’t wait to pay 300 euros for some goofy overpriced skins
next season has some hope
That Legend skin would’ve been better with Revenant. Just saying 🤷🏻♂️
Let us activate previous Battlepasses like halo😊
I can smell the collection events
EA Thought that skin is too good to just sell it, then made gamble system(
Posting this during the drake and kendrick beef is crazy. Usually these reveals get more views by now
Wow Respawn has really got that lazy they won’t even make a launch trailer anymore
nerf havoc
But will this heirloom be just for the event? Won’t it be available for purchase with Metelli Heirloom?
All you require, is to spend 350$.
Blox master youtube hacker anime nexus war galaxy universe darkseid playtion 1 2 3 4 5 marvel and DC fortnite and Roblox Minecraft Xbox santigamer legends multiverse of infinity star war January February march April may June July August September October November December male the skibidi toilet multiverse war 10000 part 10k zack Snyder saber showdown triple staff scythe whip dual unreal engine dom studio virlance monterup dafuqboom what if season 3 final boss game movie and dragon Ball xenoverse 3 mutant ninja turtles titan upgraded prowlerfullyed x zero point of call of duty ghosts mortal Kombat 12k chapter 10
Too bad that it will take 5 seaons aka a year to even finish one of those things for free, but hey good fro you to release this whilst completely ignoring that the game isn’t even playable
10 item ‘event’ goes hard af
Nice apex is going into the void hopefully it stays there. 😂
EA wants your money
Caustic got that new science project now after solving his cancer
These trailers are getting better and better every time
This really gives Marvel’s What if? vibes😊
Caustic became Arkham knight
I love it when catalyst said transfer me your money instead of your gender. Truly an apex experience.
Valo vibes
Skins trailer ?
No mirage content 😔 I quit apex
Where is the Launch trailer?
This trailer’s editing is dogshit
the real experiment is to see how much money they can siphon out of this game without ever fixing anything
ı need heirloom
Trash……..the only time ill like this game if they bring solo and duo ranked ….otherwise what a waste of a game…has so much potential , i feel sad that such a good game has to be maintained by a bunch of fools
I miss old apex
The art style reminds me of Arcane
I love the part when they said everyone is going to get a free heirlooms on launch day, thank you apex!
At least this heirloom bs is free on pass get it out my face lol
The season isn’t even out yet and thwyre already promoting an event skin, just watch.
Ей… Кайф 😍
I am still waiting for a resolution on the breakout challenges gift bug being stucked 4/6 and not able to get my reactive flatline skin.
let caustic narrate every trailer
“All you require, is your wallet”
I hope the next legend is more original like ballistic and vantage was
I still feel we r missing a lot of lore. Hope we get more trailers/videos explaining what happend with olympus crashing, Altar apearing and all
…caustic are you yawgmoth
Just give us TITANFALL 3
Who else misses the meet the legend videos 😔 conduit didn’t get one and now neither does altar. I wonder why they stopped
Yay cant wait for more overpriced re-colours.
Who knew an Apex trailer could be worse than a Fortnite trailer
So caustic is a new legend?
TOP VIDEO #1 PEDOator CAUGHT CHEATING?! What is apex man. SMH. Just sell EA.
Are we finally getting better servers?!
Has a Destiny 2 Vibe to it.
Is this a reference to Jinx?
Oh yeah another collection event to simply glaze at it’s content knowing that no F2P user is able to grab any of it’s items because Le funny gambling
I love the part where they created an overpriced event, that has an overpriced universal heirloom. Which requires you to spend sixty dollars for a single full set for it.
And the lack of a launch trailer or battlepass trailer.
34k views, 18 mins
Fell off
I don’t know if there is a Mythic Caustic skin, but if there is, i beg for his smoke to be glowing blue
And what? What’s this? What they wanna tell us?
Te amo Caustic
Best singing ever 0:47
Wheres the animated launch trailer?
thought he was gna say all you require is 500 dollars
Imma main him for a month
Battle royale wow
Why seer always have the coolest skins bro i swear
Encore des recolors ça ce touche
Ppl’s before 40 k views
Join my 160 dollar experiment below
I remember when I used to excited for Apex content. This looks dumb and lazy.
Fresh ahh comments
Wattson need a skin like these!
So uh where’s the launch trailer
Скины херня, казни норм, крипто нет = сезон отстой.
Thay Cat skin looks really cool ngl
It came out 18 min ago why so many dislikes😂😂😂
still waiting on the cinematic trailer for the new season
All you require is…………….MONEY!!!
Soooo no launch trailer?
apex PLEAAAASE make a big smelly feets for caustic
I love how many of yall say apex fell of but still chekcing apex accounts to see whats new .classic clowns
So I’m just going to get the skin.. every else can stay in my wallet
Can you IMAGINE if that was a Heirloom Caustic skin? Apex would be actually trolling.
I assume launch trailer comes on launch day
new caustic finisher??!
I Really would like the solo mode to be a permenant stay in Apex
They should give her an oni mask or yokai skin pairs with her creepy laugh and the pointy objects coming from her head
27,967 views in 18 minutes? apex fell off
What is this?
Vantage heirloom when? Oh, never?
See you never then 👋
Anyone wanna play Titanfall instead of this garbage?
Everytime I see those Apex Artifacts I am in total disgust, because we literally could not care less about these things, all we want is our legend heirlooms that are missing, nothing else!
the monetization aspects here are limitless lol….get ready for a bunch of filler BS in the store
Soooo….where’s the New Destroyed Map at?
there wasn’t even a proper battlepass trailer, the fused the collection event and the battlepass trailer in this one trailer. NOT LOOKING GOOD BUDDY, NOT LOOKING GOOD.
I can’t believe Titanfall was replaced with this
Warframe aahh rip off
From caustic getting a unique intro to the fact he can stand on a deathbox as it falls is probably a big day for us caustic mains
Bring back normal heirlooms
These trailers are simply amazing, props to the editing team!!! They are doing a great job
please dont make more katar versions or make a dagger or something that doesnt block half my screen
Death game
“All you require, it $400”
make the game better and throw all the skins and gun variants away. we beg of you
Stick that katar where the sun doesn’t shine the nerve to ask heirloom shards for it is crazy
Patch notes? When and where? 😀
nerf controller plz
Players who believe that Caustic should get a buff this season, where ya at?
20k views in 12min? Apex fell off
thiss is not that good (my opinion)
The hand scene kinda looks goofy ahh
Hopefully this will be the sign that Caustic will finally get his much needed buff
Caustics new skin is fire🔥🔥
“All it requires…. Is a credit card” 💳
New heirloom looks so trash
Architect? RCE wont be happy with that
So goodddddd❤❤❤
might j comeback to apex
ah apex seems to only care about money these days and not the state of the game
プロジェクト19 の再販待ってます
That mirage finisher was somehow more brutal than usual
I would’ve liked this if the only way to get the skins wasn’t gambling. Funny how you guys have evolved backwards.
caustic looks straight out of destiny 2
I wish that at the very least theres an option to buy the base heirloom with exotic shards
Please give patch notes
cool launch trailer bro
how about….. NOPE 😒
Wow this could be one of the best trailers you guys ever made but you guys always make a amazing trailers but for me this one is amazing 😮😮
Almost feels like this is a great game from great studio.
Now we naming trailers after legend abilities 💀 What’s next? Voices from the Void OR Dimensional Rift?
they are so lazy it’s cringe
why they gotta give us more stuff just to take it away????
That cat skin is giving voidwalker wraith 😁😍
Bro where’s the Launch trailer?
cheepiest trailer I’ve ever seen.
“All you require.. is money.”
-Apex, probably
Glad I unistall the game 1 year and 5 month ago.Feel so much better.
notice how they don’t actually mention that the Caustic, Vantage, and Loba legendary skins are from a $100+ gacha collection event in this trailer
It’s always a pleasure to hear JB Blanc’s voice as Caustic.
Where’s the horizon skin?!!!!
Right apex is boring now. We need titans event if you want me to come back respawn. Be better
Since when does caustic do quantum physics, dude‘s a chemist 🤦🏻♂️
I never got my stuff back after the account reset bug
anyone know when the patch notes come out?
May need a main catalyst a little this season
“All you require is your bank account”
Извините…извините, а можно мне просто жвачку
Interesting Battle Pass Trailer 🤔 😮
Wait, is it even a battle pass trailer?
Into the void? Nine inch nails season?
apex PLEAAAASE make a gigantic caustic game mode im on my knees begging
“ready to lose some rp”
なんでカタール初めて出た時にミシック入れないで少し経ってからいれるんですか?( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )
Apex Legends Trailer has be Fell off Recently..missed those old days
Now they gonna drop more 500$ events cuz they spent a lot of money on ALGS 😅
This season looks lit, I might start playing apex again
You guys aren’t tired of rehashing wraith yet :/ game’s getting BORING stop trying to just take our money 🗣️
apex dev team am touch you
So you guys skipped out on a launch trailer for this trash?
didn’t see any content there
My favorite part is when they all go this is Apex Legends and Apex all over the place
Y pa cuándo arreglan el sonido del juego? 🥺
Caustic VA is only thing that saves this trailer from hitting a bottom.
This is the THE ONLY GAME! PEOPLE GET HYPE FOR A COSMETIC EVENT!! Like they don’t bring you new weapons or modes, just SKINS, TRASH GAME.
Let me complete that sentence Caustic: “All you require is… 500$ to get these skins😷💲
Looks amazing! Take my money!💰
7 minutes later..
“All you require… is -an architect- your money.”
All you require… is ur credit card.
I am disappointed that there is no pathfinder skin
I hate this skin for Caustic. This is disrespect for Ash. I demand that Ash also beat Caustic in her skin
I have been following you for a long time and your content always remains interesting and relevant. Thank you for that!♥️🐡🫦
This is proof that all they care about is pushing out skins to make money and not invest in what is really important, because all that was really in this video was skins and nothing about it being gameplay.
When will you post the launch trailer instead of ads for a $300 dagger?
so can you throw grenade or caustic ult in alters tunnel?
Wow, a trailer without a rap,ty
Yall remember when the battle pass had goated stuff in it and not just a couple good skins. I can’t see why I would ever buy the battle pass anymore
Man I hate how monetized this game had become
No nine inch nails? Fr?
It’s been a while since caustic has narrated a video but Jesus he sounded so cool. Almost made me want to play him
Is that the new ability? A void portal? 🤔
weak kit btw
also why do this skins look like Voidwalker Wraith skin but for other Legends
Hopefully this makes the game fun again I’m praying 🙏🏼
As a Catalyst main, I need that Skin ASAP ❤
No launch trailer? Guess they went over budget
Can’t freakin wait!
I loved it when Caustic said I don’t relish the title, I relish the wallets… and proceeded to release expensive reskins of the universal heirlooms
Truly an apex moment
Those skins are so good!
I haven’t played since seasons 15 when catalyst came out should I try to get back in or is the game still not like it used to be
I watch your channel with pleasure. Your videos have become part of the good mood for me every day.⛳️📸🔳
When is season 22 coming out?
This…. is beautiful……
so why I can’t gift battle pass pre order bundle to get top tier flatline
Before the season starts, prepare your credit cards Legends!
Bro season isn’t even out yet and we asking for money 😂😂
Whats up bro
*”All you require is…”*
– 160 us dollars to get 24 limited event cosmetics to get a universal mythic skin
Where is the BP preview?
Can’t wait to spend all my money on this skin 😭🙏
Another cash grab
We need to spend more
just waiting on the launch trailer
Universal “artifacts” should never come back to game instead they should focus on and keep releasing legend specific heirlooms
That Catalyst skin, dayum!
Well that’s the best collection event trailer I’ve ever seen. Still not enticed to pay money in a free to play game though 😂😂😂
Did we skip the Launch Trailer this season or?
Caustic sounds like the architect from ghostrunner
Apex legends vive me apex coima my nick is Vidraõ_velho
So, were getting this instead of a launch trailer?
A Catalsty tá perfeita demais 😮
You’re so sweet and full of humanity, beautiful soul ️, God bless you! 😛💕
That’s gonna be one of the best season ever, no doubt about it
Trailer for… 300$ dumb sword?
An collection event annouced before the season even starts..?
Cyberpunk be like
She’s gonna be crazy
Can’t wait for another 500 dollar event skin!
Today nightangale of the whole world i salute you with your cooperation alongwith the most relevant video calling support for filistin 💝🐱
Всем привет друзья
0 views in 20 seconds? Apex fell off
as a caustic Main I need that skin immediately
0 views in 19 seconds apex legends fell off hard 😢😢
30 seconds ago
24 seconds and no views? bro fell off
Wait I’m the first?