This video is a showcase of alter abilities it was posted on reddit via AG420
Alter Abilities Showcase (Tactical wall pen – 20m, Ult radius – 200m)
byu/69AG420 inApexUncovered
コメント (291)
i think im maining her, her abilities are just insane!
shes really good my new main
They are running out of ideas
I think her Tac is going to need a nerf, especially if it’s like a Maggie Drill as shown in the video, I thought it would have to be much simpler walls
They should definitely buff all the legends to avoid them from being useless
What pickrate do you guys think?
looks confusing and unnecessary honestly
seems like wattson is now irrelevant since you can just portal through walls
her and rev gonna be unstoppable
wraith is dead
No wonder they took so long to release her, they were probably trying to get her splitgate ability to work correctly and it still looks like it’s bugged 😂. Were in for a buggy ride boys!
Fade and Wraith combined
Imagine you can get into vaults with her Q (yes, im loba player)
They remixed some of the Jedi Survivor music for this music pack.
The voice lines dosent fit the character personality
Imo pretty niche and fairly under powered.
Once the hype wears off and people are done experimenting, I don’t expect to see her at all in comp, and barely in pubs/ranked. Basically like Ballistic.
As a Wattson main this is horrible, they’re trying to ballance the game yet made controller legends unplayable and useless
Plus making one character out of multiple characters abilities just shows they are not creative anymore
They need entirely new characters not rip offs of previous ones. They keep makin old legends irrelevant. Wraith became more meh after Ash and then they nerfed Ash now Alters gonna be like them remixed. 😒
I’m definitely going to main her
We were teased green void abilities. I’m seeing a severe lack of green
So what’s her passive?
Wonder if she will…Alter, the meta? mehehehehememehe
I hope at least we can all use enemy alter wall portals too 😂
Then maybe it makes sense for the game.
My biggest worry is how and if they have actually tested the wall portal enough. It’s going to be buggy as hell. Like if you portal through a structure but there’s a box or pipe blocking the exit of the portal then what? 😂
Catalyst ultimate had so many buggy interactions with the environment but this seems like a WAY more complicated ability to add into the game.
Wouldn’t be surprised if people use the portal and glitch out of the map with it 🙄
I like her Design and the wall ability is interesting but her abilities seem bad for the game.
We already have Wraith and Ash.
And if anything they should keep developing skill loadouts for the legends and not keep adding more legends anymore when all their new legends basically just have variations of similar abilities that others already have 🙄
The ability tree upgrading mid match should be removed and instead just give people a skill load out with perks they can choose in the lobby for each character.
And then add this girls abilities to wraith and Ash instead.
But oh well. I guess beginners will just have to learn 24+ legends abilities to play the game 😂
Ash is useless now
I feel as if her q has a lot of potential, def a strong counter to camping teams for sure, but I feel like at a higher level her mind games are gonna be insane, like let’s say it’s a 1v1 on a box, you portal the other side but don’t take it like it’s the ultimate bait. Or maybe you portal your enemy to you if they’re hugging a wall or something.
I hate how they make female characters look so manly really tired of it well what do you expect when it’s a woke trash company it’s not like cute attractive females can’t be crazy evil right? She looks really male like in the face it’s like… oh but then it would offend the 🐳😂, oh well let’s hope she plays well at least 🤷🏽♂️
She’s the Apex version of the joker. Similar color scheme and she literally has a banner pose shaking her head outside of a car window like Heath Ledger.
We got Doc Octopus in here? Dammnn
So revenant ult with extra steps
shes gonna be meta changing 😰
I feel like you pair her with caustic, you can portal then gas grenade the room they’re holding, and the nexus can be protected by barrels. just basically controlling all the ports. Seer could be the third.
Wraith : 2 ways ult
Ash : one way ult
Alter : Reverse ash
Ive surprised they actually got the “phase between walls” to work properly
One more skirmisher😫
her Q is super strong but I dont thing its game breaking. its good to have a legend that can go in building to attack rats. and it seems pretty loud so its not too bad. but her ult doesnt really seems good ? like its super situation dependent and the amount of time it will be good is not as high as the oposite
we didn’t get to see her passive “gift from the rift” I would love to see how that works, and why is her Tactical cooldown 30sec?!?? 💀💀
This is the 3rd rift/void character 🤦
Ash: Forward
Alter: Backwards
Wraith: Both.
Now shut up and leave them alone.
Ash is now worthless 💀💀💀
Why does she sound like mad maggie?
Hey that looks like my old Ultimate but more consistent
Looks really cool too bad I was perma ban for a single chat message and now I hate this game.
Wow this is exactly what Apex needed, more sweaty mechanics and less fun!
Q is 20m ? way too small it should be 50
this is like a less selfish version of wraith
p.s: is it just me or her voice is the same as rampart’s but with a voice modulator?
Oh so she has the ability we all thought wraith would have like however many years ago lmao.
200m is crazy
Like if u think shes gonna get nerfed the second respawn realizes how op this is
I can see her Q being a hit or miss. Breaking in like that is just asking for a controller legend to just dump their abilities on you and can spell instant death. A communicating or generally aware team can focus fire and kill whoever is coming true, a problem with all portal legends. Ult is great though, different from other portal legends since she can’t place it as easily for her team as a form of escape but still having great utility
holy shit she looks so good
Does her ult leave a portal open for when she teleports? Can enemies take that portal? It’d be so cool if it was only you and your teammates
So a beat up version of a combination of Wraith and Ash
im gunna main her fr
Her tac lasts a while. When it vanished you only had 15 seconds of cooldowm left. One of her perks is to reduce tac cooldown by 10 seconds. Does this mean what I think it does? 😅
Looks like a Rampart/Caustic Kryptonite 😅
So basically a return beacon and a portal gun ….I can dig it
Bruh shes basically a better Wraith….
Seeing her tactical we will probably see a lot of people making insta kill traps on Olympus.
I love the amount of people that are all “ash vs alter”, but why not ash + alter? Imagine them teaming up. Imagine two things existing at the same time and the world doesn’t end. 🤣 Wild, I know.
A tactical that basically lets you walk through a wall. You can now bypass any controller legend trying to barricade a door.
Unless it’s buggy and you get stuck in a wall instead…
0:57 this is going to be so annoying I can already see the nerfs
Alter’s gonna be an amazing character in raiding and assaulting teams
v cool
her and maggie gonna be beefing a lot
Can grenades or other abilities go through her tactical?
I expected more agrressive abilities
I was really hoping she could just turn to a wall and phase through it if the enemy tried to trap you in a room. Sad. 😔
That ult is actually insane even if it is destructible you’d need a bloodhound to find it or another alter to keep up lol
rip wraith
I’m wondering if you can shoot a portal under someones feet forcing them to teleport to you
A reworked rev ult with his totem I see meta
Even the designers are too lazy to even change the colors and effects in the duration that you’re in the portal. Instead of making it different than wraiths or ash’s portal, the effects has to be recycled 🙄
They’re running out of idea for abilities, also we don’t need ANOTHER SKIRMISHER
Ult ALTER is garbage. A barrel of Caustic, Watson, or Spikes Catalyst, ALTER return to the totem, and then “Hello, it’s me”. Q this is the ultimate Wraith
This actually looks pretty balanced. The 1-2 second delay after you take her Q portal + sound queue is gonna be pretty obvious for a bunkered up team to react and aim at you right away. Her ult could be insane but also takes a good amount of time for her to use, get to the portal device thingy, and then your teammates can follow. Good teams will see an Alter porting away and push the 2 helpless teammates quickly (question is if downed players can take the port? enemies take the port?). Can be OP and definitely fun in some cases, but also outplayable
Felt like playing portal, when she used her tactical
Pretty sure this is basically revenants old leaked kit
Thats so broken for aggressive players. I wonder if anyone can take her q or just her, or just her team
Where my horizon 😢
Alter’s q on Crypto’s drone
200m portal?????????????????🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
Looking at the official trailer, I hope it’s the OP antagonist in the lore, so like all the current legends fight Alter outside of the games or whatever
Yooo wtf is this legend
Now lets nerf her
Coming from a Wraith main, she’s a better Wraith. New main
Cant wait to be on kings canyon sometime and realize half of the open area is unportalable. Also..for the Ultimate..The setup to have a portal ready and know if the next gunfight you’ll be in is within 200 meters, AND far enough from the action, AND we don’t know if you can tp back when downed seems very situational. So if you get one clipped or die faster than you can react, it won’t be much help
Guess Wraith is now irrelevant
So a Pre planned flanker
It would be nice if we can use wraith heirloom on her since they are both similar
Alter teams are going to be very aggressive against teams lingering outside the zone… 🫤
This tells me one thing. Ash will get a rework and her Ult will probably be Buster Sword gameplay. It’s too bad we have to sit through yet another Lifeline rework.
Women Women Women there’s far too many.
We need more medics that a actually do medical stuff
She’s a catalyst ash respawn
S effort at 0%
I still hold the what I said respawn are woke with legends looking more nutty
The ult is basically fade tactical but better
So much for Watson you can just go right pass them with this or underneath
OP Legend coming for sure 3 perk infinite nexus will be portall figths forever ahhaha!
so basically wraith but a different MEH passive
Ash and Wraith can suck it now (kinda), very cool.
so the ultimate is a modified version of Revenant’s totem + Sombra’s overwatch, as usual, respawn taking easy shortcuts, and just modifying things of overwatch and Valroant. the tactical name should have been “Splitgate” lol. overall kinda boring / rehashed kit imo but will be popular with sweaty players and tiktok content creators that’s for sure.
Thats gonna cause so many bugs
Faide is going to enjoy it
Wraith 2.0
Oh… she’s gonna be a problem in the best way
Her tactical is mad unique, but her ultimate is like Revenant X Wraith.
This is like wraith portal/death totem if it gets to be too much
thank you autismgaming420 for the info on the new legend
I don’t think I’ll use it within a week
just imagine 3 stack rollers pushing you through wall with rev + conduit
her ult is basically Fade in Apex M
Her Q seems pretty hard to use… I don’t see much use out of it because of the 20m depth limit, but it helps bypass enemies holding a place. The use case for this is gonna need some brain power.
Tactical from splitgate game 🤫 ,
As a wattson main her q would be so damn annoying
Why does she seem well balanced? The skills on paper seemed op, but watching it on video, I have to say she has a great balance.
imagine you can throw grenades in there…
No holding doors now 😂
Finna get some fire traps going 🤌🏿with her. Im excited
Ash Mains be like: Who are you
Alter: Your worst nightmare
Wake up babe new rev totem dropped
Naaaaa looks incredible
This is going to make camping possibly go extinct
I started playing apex on day one of release but it quickly became boring cause every character is like the same boring powers like wraith ash and this new person are basically the same!!!! 🤣 like they are so boring and not creative at all all these powers could have just been a upgrade/rework to wraith but instead they make a useless and weirder looking character with a boring design just like every other character to add better a version of wraiths powers why can’t we get a charcter with ice powers or fire powers or something interesting not the same thing with a new skin lmao
What does the passive look like though? Could you not grab stuff from the lootboxes in firing range?
Ok, Wraith rework.
the tactical looks like something people could break maps with reeeally easily, but this looks like a new main for me !!!
Yep. I main.
funny valentine D4C….
I feel like there’s so many spots where we’ll be able to use her tactical to get out of bounds
She’s cool asf but not aggressive how horizon wraith bang and rev and path are
so mad maggie had a child with wraith
Her Q ability reminds me of the Portal games
Every players next season apex after killed by alter : WHERE IS THE AUDIO
Looks like wraith on meth.
Ima wraith main and I like her abilities and all plus she looks very cool. But that’s it.
La táctica me recuerda un poco a Faide de apex LEGENDS mobile
shes fine as hell
Ngl…she seems underwhelming. Her ultimate is just revs old ult, her tactical is cool but i can already see a ton of limitations that’ll make it mostly useless and i really have to see her passive because honestly is just sounds like a trashy version of lobas ult. Not hating at all however as a apex vet she just doesn’t seem all that great.
Imagine being hunkered down in a building and a portal opens under you and you’re just dead…
The tactical cool-down is gonna make it OP at the start.
They need to switch it so the countdown STARTS after the portal disappears
With the second upgrade it basically will allow a portal at all times…
Her design is terrible…
Man i justhope shes traight and finaly they comeback to doing good lore on the story
Catarysl …Re colors ++++++
That Void Nexus, it kinda reminds me of Professor Dumbledore’s Wizardry teleportation trick. What was it? Oh yeah. Apparition. That’s the name of the teleportation spell.
I don’t like her face
Their ultimate ability animation appears somewhat lackluster. Perhaps I had overly high expectations
cool abilities for a dying game, they gotta really lock in soon cause we need the game to get better
The button for the passive better not be the normal interact key.
Welp…after grinding to 11k kills with Ash its time to play someone else
People will find a lot of bugs with the map. Players will be very angry.
Upgrades tho what are they?
I hope she opens up new possibilities to glitch outside the firing range
It’s better if you showed her passive
*welcomes death totem back*
crazy girl❤
Damn. Shes 😮
Can you use the gate on vault doors
More like support than skirmisher
the transition between portals with her q is kind of jarring at first, but makes sense. You’ll definitely have to learn the best areas of each map to use them on
If the delay is the same as Ash ult exit, you will easily get one clipped.
I don’t know, man looks Janky to me.
The Q is activated for 15 seconds not 10 like the leaker said
ngl they cooked with this character, now try fixing half the game and i’d call it insane
I can feel the fear of an entire team just swating the house i was hiding
Or walking in the roof of that house and suddenly the portal opens leaving me in the middle of a room with 3 leyends already shooting me
Q is insanely broken lol wtf is that
Bruh, Alter boughta be a meanace dawg especially on Olympus. Some points on the map are so thin she can throw a portal on the floor and just drop you beneath the map.😂😂😂
im actually looking forward to next season.
she cute:3
Wraith/Ash: “She does exactly what I do”
Alter: “But better” xD
Nightcrawler inter the chat
holding building now gona be a nightmare, and possible synergy with other legends , hmmm 🤔, need to get inside in the building or other side of the wall? q that with alter and its done
She’s like wraith and ash, but with instant teleportation
My new main.
what are my thoughts about Alter, is that she have some serious Back Story with Horizon🤔
She looks sick!
Bro this is sick
World’s Edge = Race to vault
ULT is actual old revenent ult but we can decide when we can go to that point ulike rev ult we need to die to go back.
Ni salio Y ya necesita nerf
She’s gonna be so good on pushing buildings thats locked down by defensive legends. Doors are always camped so just make one!
the ultimate is trash, all the time respawn make anti fun legends, 3-4 sec to get back? omg
Holy shit my new main
full void team is gonna go HARd
The ult is basically the Revenant totem, but better
autismgaming420 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
Looks like we getting another crxckhead😂😂😂
Please don’t tell me the son of Horizon is a trans, please please I’m so fed up of this progress shit in videogames
I’m just excited that we’re finally getting Solos back
Personally Rather Have Mila Or Margo But maybe they’ll Bring Fade in cause of her Being from another universe and that anythings possible at this point still waiting for Uplink if he even gets into the apex games 🤔
Guess we won’t be needing Wraith or Ash anymore ☠️
So…what if you just randomly come across an Alter ult and just camp it waiting for the team to pop back through it.
I can’t wait to try her out!
Not sure I pile the idea of defending a building no longer being safe. Might break like a core tenant of Apex strategy.
I cant wait for the crazy amount of bugs she will have.
I think she looks fun. I think people aren’t going to be as drawn to her mechanically as they think. Her kit seems methodical and team oriented. Not hyper aggressive like people gravitate towards.
Ash: ?_?
Might as well just rename the season The Purge. All the cheaters with wallhacks are about to purge everyone else.
she’s like a combination of Mecha Eli-chan and Jeanne Alter
If you gotta look at the portal from a far her ult is gonna need more thinking than just pressing a button. Imagine ur mid fight and ur like low HP u gotta find ur portal, make sure ur not far, and make sure u don’t die.
Shes gonna be nerfed so hard after the season end, Wraith ult for an ability is pretty op imo
The goat himself always bring us early info. Thank you bro!
So old Revenant ulti
Old Revenant ult ptsd
nah she’s sick
So.. Ash is useless now.
This is it giving death totems vibes like as a rev this is huge say I push a fight and I’m able to leap away if it’s to hard if my teammate has the ultimate down I’d be Abel to get away and say what we’re dealing with
she just perfect for REVTANE META Replacement except if you got downed
Any legend that counters campers is always welcome in my book
Yo…. I’m scared.
Wraith? Wraith who?
Her Q is basically “FBI! Open up!”
Thx @autismgaming 420 for the leaks 💀🙏
Basically an actual team oriented wraith lol she’ll be awesome. Prob get her ult distance nerfed thougy
take my legend token, i’m buying her as soon as she drops
Loving everything about her. She seems like a way better version of wraith or ash 😍
I wanna see her select animation
Its ok, her tactical isnt that great if the enemy could go thru as well, and her ultimate is kinda like a revenants old ultimate where the totem would reset the player, except it looks like the players themselves have to activate it. overal rating: Meh
So what if you’re in a building but the players are holding the top floor….can you like portal them to your floor and fuk em up
I still find it funny that they justified removing the old Revenant ult by saying that being able to come back and push again was too frustrating to play against
And then Alter’s ult is almost the same as the totem just slower and with ctivation delay
Could the enemy using her tactical ability?
I am no longer an Ash or Wraith main anymore….holy shit….🤯🤯
after all this years of apex i learn that not the legends is op and the player
This is literally fade’s abilities from apex mobile I guess we’re never getting fade then they just took his abilities and gave it to a new Legend
Thanks for everything you do Hyper🐐
imagine picking 10+ granedes in the last ring closes
Autismgaming420 goes hard
Imagine a team made with Ash Wraith and Alter there’s gonna be portals everywhere
30 second cooldown is outrageous for 10 seconds of use on her tactical
Im gonna enjoy this character before she gets nerfed
Were cooked
funny how she in character she is a villain but her kit in game is more helpful than wraith
and cant wait to see experience of new bug on s21. Like stuck inside portal for long time or shoting ppl while inphase
She’s gonna be so fun to run around with lol
As an ash main I’m sad to see ash pretty much be useless now . But i think she’s my new main 😂
damn it i wanna main her she seems cool and broken
ash, wraith, and alter. gonna best combo to fight and back
She is kinda overpowered but not overpowered enought to nerf 🙂
She just looks amazing, like a Wraith V2 or a Wraith that i can pick if someone instalocked wraith.
For someone who “altered” different timelines and realities, killed many people and mocked the legends. She seems rather.. Calm, with those voice lines.
Looks like we’re finally going to get a nice character since a while
Now we are thinking with portals
Am only I see similar ult with old rev ult?
Yup this legend is gonna be a pain in the ass to Play against
1,000% a perfect ranked character
Im really looking forward to this…
Love that her tactical is basically the scraped Ash ult leak from Season 9.
what i wanna know, does the nexus require los or can it breach walls?
line of sight meaning, lets say i put it inside a building, but all the doors and what not are closed
can you still use the nexus
What is passive
I don’t think this will be a very powerful character, very situational as it requires a lot of things before her kit becomes useful
the tunnel is VERY situational, and seems to primarly counter highground, but pathfinder and horizon just do it better. I suspect they will increase the surface penetration range on it in the future
and the fallback point is cool, but you have to pre-place it, which makes it a LOT worse than every other escape ability in the game
I’m not sure if allies can use it, but we had something like this before, the revenant totem, and that was utterly useless on its own
respawn hate wraith so much
And i just blew through my tokens on revenant today.
Fuck me.
(Side note is rev any good? I don’t use him.)
As a ash main this makes me sad and angry at the same time😢 (200m for a better ash ult?)
just like ughhhffff she is insane ability 🤤🤤
Wtf skill
then why the fuck you need wraith or ash if you got alter 🤦♂️
I already can see nerfs are incoming due to ape legs cry babies
Shes like Wraith, but SHES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE WRAITH FROM A GAMEPLAY PERSPECTIVE! Im so tired of people comparing Alters interesting abilities to Wraiths dull and boring ass abilities (all Wraith does is turn invincible for a few seconds, shits boring as hell) just because they both use phase tech in the lore.
They made it cartoonish lol but abilities are damm awesome
Still waiting for a character that can wall run and double jump in the air…….like pilots from a certain game called titanfall
Why do people compare the portal characters? Their portals work very differently from each other are useful in different situations
British robot bruh 😂
That’s crazy
Alter Q skill looks fun ngl
The skill is almost similar to fade from Apex mobile
Anyone wants a battle pass ? add me I just need 1 gift to get the Flatline
damn she’s wraith but better
So you can constantly pop in and out of the Tac? Won’t that make it really annoy to kill the players doing that
She looks amazing. I can’t wait!
OP. plain and simple
Super broken what is this tactical
This character is insane…imagine a caustic hunkered up inside a building trapped doors but just a portal appears from behind, and kills caustic this character is going to be insane, apex should add really loud audio for her abilities or else she will be broken.
What’s her accent?
It’s like if wraith was more of a team character
I love it me main
Why is her tactical almost better than Ash ult 💀 Edit: people are assuming I don’t play Ash when she’s my most played legend. Since Ash ult distance got buffed a little while back it’s been a lot more consistent to use, but that doesn’t change the fact Alters tactical is better in some ways. I just dislike that you have to get purple armour to make her tactical as good as it should be.
She’s fucking sick!