Alter | Based on a True Story
Born from stone with tremendous power. Trained in the art of assassination. A hunter of the old ways. Asking the newest legend, Alter, “Who are you?” may never get you a straight answer.
Want to learn more?: http://apexlegends.com/upheaval
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Production Company: Electronic Arts, Respawn Entertainment, Psyop, & Sun Creature
Sound Design/Mix: Formosa
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
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Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 21,apex legends trailer,apex upheaval,apex legends alter,new legend alter,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (2099)
They always ask “who are you” but never “how are you” 😔
Y’all should seriously consider starting a series or something
Se viene nuevo mapa en esta temporada o hasta la otra?
She’s John Cena
Trailer : awesome
The actual game : pure garbage
I’m so lost with the lore
Is that evil Horizon?!
0:51 けつ
Я так и не понял кто она 😅
Schizophrenia update yuppie
1:15 Well (Catonese)側耳傾聽
I’m not a cheat
I asked you to judge the cheats.
good to hear cantonese love it
Reminds me of Frieza 🫢
they killed this commenting just so they know this is what we want
even though apex is cooked if they’re gonna support animation this good i’m good 😤😎😜
i adore this animation seriously so good
“On what tale are you based?” “I am the story; I am not based on any story.”
Who are you? Im not him
I can fix her
Who are you tho? 😭
Honestly i feel like she goes through and ‘mocks’ someones backstory. Like bloodhounds backstory. And looking at the website shes commented on certain legends banners, like bloodhounds being about the gods, the picture in the end of the trailer and horizons banner saying what she would say to her son. Her saying “Or am I?” And laughing at the end gives her a trickster vibe in my opinion. Likes shes a watcher and has finally come down to bring chaos to anything in her path.
How is no one talking about the Horizon picture??
No one cares, just give us Titanfall 3
Gotta say, i luv the music in this game, always great every season… little bit more info on this song would be nice.
Its furry time
But who is she?
When Fade on Apex Legends?
Wait…. Was she holding bloodhound’s heirloom???!!!!!
good thing she calls actual football well football
Alter is clearly Horizon’s second child, born outside of space and time after Horizon’s time travel return experiment goes wrong. (Horizon is pregnant during the experiment from any one of the myriad of men thirsting after her in the Apex Games. She may be 126 but she still has needs.)
she is giving joker vibes and am loving it
I mean…thx for the new pp ?
💀 u know apex has gone down hill when u have to ask why exactly this character is cool like before it was guy on drugs, electric lady, killer robot, jet pack lady and now it’s like emo trans and 💀 insane lady
“i used to follow the old ways” – someone using a mechanical tail thing
thats a bit newer than a gun, and bloodhound was in trouble for a charge rifle.
I like her
how is it “based on a true story”
My new main
Ill keep that promise dear son
NGL this video goes hard asf, Apex needs to make an animated series, the lore is crazy and would make such a good show!
I’m pretty sure the martial artist with a passion for football is from that Kung Fu movie Shaolin Soccer
So basically it’s Loki
Who are u ? Death✔️
She’s Horizon from a dismal future????!!!!!?!?
just the way I like em. unstable.
Apex is perfect in anime
> “I’m not like other girls” starter pack character 😈
>Looks inside
>Joker 🤡
I believe this is a everything everywhere, all at once type deal. This one person is connected to every realty where every possible event has happened. Now she breaks world out of knowing it is all worthless like flowey
Looks like Rev becomes a Waifu 👀👍
wdym its based on a true story
1:30 Reference to Shaolin Soccer, gentlemen.
Chaos Refined
Also, I had a bird. 🐥
Ohhhh boy, as if Ash wasn’t problematic for horizon already…
She’s hot
An alternate version of horizon…
She is crazy I like this one
i can fix her
She had a bird
Derpixon legends
Really you had to reference monkey king in this one.
Don’t stick your thing in crazy guys.
Please don’t F the story
So apex is going to have a multiverse…
Bruh, they actually wrote “DEAD PARENTS” on the grave xD
“I can fix her”
I love the part where revenant says “You cant escape” while trying to escape and dies, Truly an Apex experience
More less be uhns 🏳️🌈👍
So a character who can immitate others
Bruh… Who is she..?
Well if you really want to know i was the best no one tells you i was the Best
Чё бля? Нихуя не понятно.
Where’s the gameplay trailer??
Is that Horizon in the picture? Why???
I love the design and story of this legend but if the leaks on her ability are real, disappointing, guess we will see on full release.
huh football?
For years I have been trying to get pay back
Dead parents
say music in the background pls
1:23 so just a bloodhound skin?
Very awesome, I’m excited bout alter
“Who are you?!”
…..I’m batman 🦇
Ah yes, make a very interesting character and yet barely release any lore for them. Not like this game has a story mode for us to find out. Apex is so lazy💀💀
We still don’t know who she is.
Dear Apex Legends Team,
Hello, my name is Christian and I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far. I have been having problems playing your game Apex Legends this whole season since it first came out.
Issues with the Game
I play on Xbox on my brother’s account because he hasn’t played Apex on his account – he always played on PC or on his Xbox on his main account. This has been a long journey for me, as I’ve been grinding through the ranks and spent a lot of money on the game. However, this whole season, my game has been crashing the most in the middle of the game or more towards the end, and it sometimes crashes at the beginning of the game as well.
Troubleshooting Attempts
I’ve tried everything that everyone I knew told me to try, but it still didn’t work. I’m reaching out to you, just like they said for me to do, in the hopes that you can try to fix this problem for me.
Impact on Gameplay
This issue has been preventing me from grinding ranks because the crashes make me lose my RR after I’ve gained it. As a result, I’ve been stuck in gold, which is frustrating so much for me.
Request for Assistance
I’m hoping you can find a fix for this problem before the next season, as I can’t afford to lose my account, which I’ve spent so much time on since the game’s release, and which has gotten me almost everything I can get in the game.
I’m sorry I didn’t reach out to you sooner, but I had hoped my brother could help me, like he did last time when I was having problems. Unfortunately, he didn’t do so this time.
I hope this issue can be resolved as soon as possible, and I look forward to your response.
Best regards,
Everyone: “who are you”
Her: “A self insert character!”
But the thing is who is she 🤔🤣
Ooooh, tentacles.
I’m begging you to release the trailer soundtrack. it’s all I could ever dream of
Jacky Chan says “Who am I?”
I like the similarity with Nolan’s joker story, I think it makes the character more interesting
i am ironman
А я уже поверил что это ещё один персонаж с печальным прошлым, а она просто рофлила над всеми нами на протяжении всего ролика
so does she have a bird?
– who are you?
– titanfall’s tears
New main 😈
Oh my god this trailer was so good. And I think I know who she is lool. Matches with my theory about revenant being newton… just brainwashed that he was caleb cross. So here it is… that’s horizon after she finds out what happened to her son. Being turned into a revenant… she gave up on humanity and turned her body to science… her abilities related to the same warp energy that they were experimenting… same abilities wraith uses. And same ability used for revenant being able to respawn his soul into empty clones. That one’s a reach but I really do think this is horizon conducting revenge on humanity. She doesn’t seem to know who she is but that picture has always driven her. “I’m the one that’s there at the end or am I?” Shows she perfected time and space travel which all her abilities relate to even accessing death boxes from distances. She needed to perfect time and space travel to learn the truth of what happened to her son. That is why at the end of the trailer it quotes “It True?” And the trailers called true stories… every story was a lie like the name of the trailers a lie. Its definetly a play opposite of horizon. She’s called alter because she’s altered herself and believes in alternate realities. Which may have played a part in her mind from being betrayed it has altered her whole reality. So really it’s half truth and half lies. Her peceptions definetly warped and feels like she doesn’t belong to any reality. Dimension hopping and time travelling. Her letting go of the picture is releasing her past attachments to life… lol she a Demon now… Hammond wanted a monster. They made one lol
is she horizon’s daughter or what
Imagine having your parents tombstone named “dead parents”
Bi eo bi eo me uo me uo 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
Based on a true story, yea i was there when this happening
Horizon Kid? 😀
*Dies from cringe*
I mean do we care who she is ? I didnt ask sounds like only those she kills ask and other than that no one does.
Shes gna be my 2nd victim after loba
please bring back to mobile please apex please
mommy? mommy! mommy… MOOMMY?!
that was terrible, worst one yet
She needs a nerf
I have a question. Which is better for Wraith’s new skin: red kunai or blue kunai?
Was this animation done by Derpixon?
Is she the daughter of horizon?
What’s up brother ☝🏼
I still don’t know who she is but
Is it just me or did they do some Avatar references lol
gaslighting gatekeep girlboss 💅
Not impressed so far
Какую ложь ты поведала
Looks boring as fxxx
Подскажите дилера, я тоже такой травы хочу
This trailer is crazzzyyyyyyy, and the script??? Goes HARD
Nice Satire. Like it. I´m curious what will be next with this legend. After a few months I installed Apex again. Hope it will be fun. Have a nice day guys! Cya in game.
“側耳傾聽” in cantonese lol…
I’m ready for the alter bloodhound skin
Must be a politician how she never answers the question directly
The lines with her and horizon are going to be wild
watch out she may cheat she is chinese
is she horizon from the future ?
… bro…why…I recently changed my nickname to alter…what…? And why is she a woman?
make an edgy character whos abilities dont match with the persona… check.
We got a new character in apex before gta6
I honestly love her, this trailer is so different.
Bring apex mobile back
She gave me dyrroth vibes(especially with the skin, yk what skin im talking abt)
Horizon is running the ones with the new legend
에이펙스는 포트나이트에 비해 너무 새 컨텐츠가 별볼일 없고 게임이 어려우면 AI매칭이라도 도입해야하는데 유저수가 적어서 그런건지 그런거도 없고 그러니 신규유입은 생길 수 없고 오랜만에 접속한 사람도 적응 못해서 안할듯
고인물만 남고 결국 유지못해서 사라지게 될듯..
EA please add keyboard and mouse to xbox please
football skills even better than Chinese pro football team
Is she Messi’s daughter? Who knows
So another insecure woman on the list of legends to play? so original
so she has tail and portal. Ok..
Dedicated to the trailer lol but game still needs lots of fixing
So basically “She Who Remains” okay gotcha
She’s the real slim shady.
The music goes so hard
Pls bring back apex legend mobile 🥹
So she traveled to universes and lived multiple different ways
Discount rena
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
Peoples new main
Hey that’s on my birthday tomorrow perfect
That’s the most edgy true story I’ve seen in the last few weeks
Apex animations : 😎
Apex Gameplay: 😴
One of her quote should be “who are you again?” And then laugh
“What are you a fking Owl?” -Margot Robbie
The dead parents tombstone was hilarious.
I already know some voiceline interactions of her with other legends will have ” who are you” or sumthin
Soooooo… we have Evelyn from League of Legends in Apex now…. neat
So alter is horizon from different dimension?😂
Derpixon character ifykyk
Too many female legends
These trailers are so cool too bad the game is slowly dying
Her voice kinda sounds like some characters in Warframe.
Oh my gosh, that actually was such a great trail video for this new character! 🫨😮💨❤️
“also i head a bird” 🗣
She has revs craziness and presence and I Like it
So we are making split personality and schizophrenia cool now ? Just like how everyone is “ a little autistic “
Lowkey the character is fire
I can fix her.
No but, who is this ?! 😭
i don’t understand who she really is? lol
Horizons daughter?
Sounds like she on some Do Bronxs type side quests.
So she’s horizon??
Who are u? I’m Yu! 😅
Animation looking a lil better
If the joker could time travel…
also, i had a bird 🤪🤪
seems more like a boss than a new character
Looks like the best legend since Mad Maggie. Last 5 just didn’t click with me.
True story u say
who are you ?
i’m the storm that is approaching
someone animat this plz
yo she kinda bad.
Gives Dark night joker vibes of whenever he’s asked about his mouth scar, he Gives a different story everytime
Who is she?
This explained so much and so little at the same time
i never comment on anything but i really wanted to praise the animation team on this one because it looks absolutely phenomenal. Best 2 minutes of my life.
based on a true story? excuse me!!
Bloodhound: “She took my whole flow! Word for word, bar for bar!”
Shes mocking the legends for sure
“Dead parents” – Loba
Poker or some type of card game – Valkyrie
Raised to be Killing machine – Revenant
Soccer – Loba/Octane
Make a tv series or anime.
Not FADE!!!
So it is rather Horizon from another dimension or her child.
The first option is high probable
Who are you?
Control + Alt + Delete
That’s probably the worst trailer that Apex released so far
Yall still playing this garbage even with all the 3v6s lately? If you gotta team up w another team you just trash😂
Unsuspecting victim: “Have you seen my keys?”
“W-Who are you?”
Alter: “I am the feminist who is out to ruin your life.”
I can see her as a mix of Deadpool and neeko from lol
Люто. Жду перса, буду катать)
0:33 угадайте кто главный герой
I can say from the trailer that you are mary sue.
Holy, that was great. Love the anime art style amd definitely darker then Apex’s usual trailers.
This new legend could be very interesting, especially how theyll shake up the Lore.
Can’t wait to completely obliterate Alter mains with Rev 😂😂
Pero al final .
Quien es ?🤨🤨🤨
I want a long hair skin for her lordie
Looks more like a teaser for a second season of edge runner
Female Rev😍🤤
Soooo….who is she????
Im sorry but the grave that just says “dead parents” made me giggle
Альтушка для скуфа
she horizon from a different dimension ????
L trailer
Im thinking of a evil Horizon or something like that lol
you should make a full animation or cartoon series like this it will be wonderful
Titanfall is a true story this is not
What language is she speaking at 1:13
As a Cantonese speaker I’m really exciting now
Dead parents, batman. Trained rogue assassin, revenant from your own game.
i hate this dont add this to the game please. Whoever you paid to write this should give the money back.
Respect for calling it football
Jokers alternate personality split off into apex
Who here is just now seeing this and don’t care that it was leaked.
So what bs does this one “identify” as?
When are they gonna make another male legend?????
bro i love how unhinged she is. im all about it
I was ban on apex
wraith on roids.
EA sports to the woke
staff heirloom?! pls make a female Sun Wukong skin
why do I have a gut feeling that there’s gonna be a saruei skin of this particular legend?
I mean.. if yknow then yknow, right?
Yep, there’s no doubt at all that she’ll (Saruei) gonna main this legend
Everyone: Who are you ?
Alter: I’m gay
dzooworks gonna go crazy
why arent wee getting a show of this game by now the stories are so good
She looks so badass
Just.. not hoping this new legend can be invisible, footsteps are hard enough to hear.
Let’s just all act like we never saw the trailer early 😅
So this is the season 21 trailer?
Couldn’t care less about new content when skins cost a fortune and the matchmaking, aim assist and anti cheat is so GARBAGE as it is.
This has to be a joke right?
So horizons daughter?
🎉🎉She’s MIGHT just be the most humble and heartwarming person to exist❤❤❤️😵🥱😂
😅😊Diese serie wird nie alt.Die muhe,die sie in diese gesteckt,ist unglaublich🙌Dangke❤️❤️😚😲☺️
So is her plot going to be that she’s somehow capable of going between the timelines created by the time travel gauntlet? Now that would be funny
Bro we need new maps . It’s been almost a year.
I thought rev went too far with demonic stuff. She literally got a tail and horns😂😂😂
at least thats my theory
i think she is batman !
also…i had a bird 😏
😮😢Sie ist vielleicht einfach die bescheidenste und herzerwärmendste Person, die es gibt❤❤️❤😌🤩🙁
😅😊Sie strahlt einen eleganten Charme aus und trägt sich mit der Anmut und dem Stolz einer wahren Königin❤️❤❤🤗😆
let’s goooooooooooooooo
so they are adding the joker to apex
Plot twist: She’s Newton girlfriend who got heartbroken when Horizon changed the timeline
Who are you
“My Name is Jeff!!!”
This trailer was actually pretty good 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Im tired of all these legends like geezus, can we get more maps n gun choices?!?!
Literally for a second I wondered if she WAS horizon, but one that didn’t escape the black hole. Y’know like an ALTER ego, type situation or going through the black hole to alternate relatity. When she said “I was the one there at the end”. That would be some crazzzzzzy stuff!
Everything Everywhere All At Once?
Well Apex just won again.
I can fix her I swear
W for calling it football
Im in love😮
This legend has mad aura
Oh so she CRAZY crazy
derpixon is here?
I think she is straight up insane and most of, if not all of this is just all in her head
Whats up with yhe old photo of Horizon and her son?
we have apex legends based on true story before gta 6
Need a lore explanation asap I know y’all seen that picture at the end
меня так она заинтересовала что у меня есть лишь два слова по поводу неё: Похер + похер
Alter’s crippled storyline is going to be very intriguing. I also can’t wait to hear the dialogue between Alter and Horizon in game
I want to see my boi revenant and alter go toe to toe with each other.
They just referenced Wukong!!!!!!
Possible character maybe I hope so
:Who are you ?
:I hunt the dead walkers
“If I’m going to have a past. I’d prefer it to be multiple choice.”
Cant wait to play a robot furry, thanks. kms.
Does this mean Alter could have some sort of tie to Bloodhound?
Accurate presentation of an average Hong Kong female
El Diavlo
She is everything, everywhere, all at once?
internet explorer vibes
The next support character should be a female combat medic robot who is in the support class and in the lore she’s close friends with Pathfinder and is good at emotional support and cares for Revenant and Ash
Well, that’s cringe
Shaolin soccer reference 😂
I can fix her
After this upcoming season is it the season lifeline is getting her rework?
Intro room looks like the android storage room in westworld
Shes already cooler than every other legend
A grave saying dead parents 💀💀
Chinese can do anything 😂😂😂
I love how it’s based on a true story cause I remember seeing this on the news a couple years ago…
Did anyone see that Journey to the West reference (the work that Dragon Ball is based off), complete with the tail and staff 🤣
I just want jack Cooper back bruh, not another edge lord
You wanna know how I got these scars?
So no launch trailer?
Animators did a superb job on this trailer 🔥
Alter 😊, based on a True history💀
0:45 ここTF2オマージュかな…いや偶然か()
Still cant tell who tf she is
Waiting destroyer2009 to destroy this game
Cyberpunk Edgerunners?
Is she horizons daughter or son hahaha forgot
Jinx arcane vibes
I can fix her
How high are you? Hi, how are you?.
Страшно, очень страшно…
Who is she?
who tf is this?
“Not actual gameplay”
thanks for clearing that up
Another free therapy button
Unlimited seats everyone needs therapy
Free therapy button
Only 908 seats left
is she mother of Mirage?
She spoke Cantonese😮😮😮
i think she’s having identity crisis.
а причём здесь Хора? Дайте знать
If you’re bad no matter the legend you use, you’ll still sufferr
Seems like you just stole a storyline from the Joker. Leave it to Respawn to bring out another “recolor”
When you the editors in loot ticks and crafting materials.
やつがいねぇな…( ‘-‘ )
“Who are you?”
Alter: “Jugemu Jugemu Goko no Surikire Kaijarisuigyo no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu Ku Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yabura Koji no Bura Koji Paipo-paipo Paipo no Shuringan Shuringan no Gurindai Gurindai no Ponpokopi no Ponpokona no Chokyumei no Chosuke and Jugemu Jugemu Goko no Surikire Kaijarisuigyo no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu Ku Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yabura Koji no Bura Koji Paipo-paipo Paipo no Shuringan Shuringan no Gurindai Gurindai no Ponpokopi no Ponpokona no Chokyumei no Chosuke”
Anyone else get Everything Everywhere All at Once vibes?
Dr Octopus wants a word
2:29 the way she stands at the end is giving frieza vibes
Mad Catalyst
Respawn!! Para cuando una serie o un anime de Apex!!?? 🥰 Hay mucha calidad en este corto 😱😱
Anita max wynn✨✨✨
This is a kamen rider decade.
Basically the joker 🃏
Apex anime soon?
Alter is the one who said to Horizon “You promised?” in the end of the Breakout Launch Trailer!!
Where is derpixon?
So basically she’s a mentalist serial lier.
Alter: Everyone asks the same question.
Drax: Why are you?!
Alter: 😳
Alter: *Almost* everyone asks the same question.
I am Batman!
But nobody see the last picture? It looks like she is with horizon ??
Wow Apex upped their trailer creation skills
1:14 wait she speaks cantonese??
This was gas
01:24 Also I had a bird…
01:34 A passion for football…
I was the reigning Mahjong champion…
Sooo…. Who is she? 😅 Did I miss her name? 🥹
ALTERnate universe horizon?
I’ve been watching a lot of videos on black holes.
와 진짜 잘 만들었다. 캐릭터를 잘 살리는 애니
Is this like evil horizon from another dimension 👀😂
Shes mocking the legends we know with there alts in different universes wild
Horizon daughter ?
So, no one is gonna talk about the currently ranked condition? Like,6 man, 9 man , and even 12 man (people doing team up) every single match? Are we gonna pretend that nothing is happening while your ranked system is dying??
Derpixon please come clean up your mess!
– all person ask me the same thing
– where am I?
– Wait wha-?
“Who are you again? Nevermind I don’t care…” – Revenant
So we get Joker’s scars as her introduction video?
The Chinese player base just wanted a GuangDong legend that bad because of one line: “ce er king ting” (listen closely).
– Who are you?
– My name is Deez
Woooow this trailer beautiful but scary
am i crazy for thinking some of the people she’s killing remind me of legends? first guy looks sorta like mirage, second has the thing over his neck like crypto, making fun of bloodhounds story, soccer players look like wraith? it’s all trippy 😭
That is actually insane what the heck
I really hope this game dies with your exotic shards and recolors🌞
The baby bird one at the end was…kinda creepy
Dear Apex, let season 22 be all about Fade from Apex mobile. We miss that legend. Please
Let’s just all act like we never saw the trailer early
Who’s the voice actor behind Alter?
So she is Talia Wagner.
Was she drowning Dr strange 😂😂
Cringe? Anybody?
Until I see the solo mode I will never spend another euro on this game…
That tail at the end is giving me frieza vibes
Leaks ruined my experience😢
И какие тут риальные события?
All good until Rev eliminates her like the GOAT
something about this makes me think she might be coming as the new legend, but thats just my wild take
she’s the Deadpool of Apex
This was a very confusing trailer , still have no idea who tf she is supposed to be . Is it bad character writing ? Or just bad trailer 😅
By far the coolest thing respawn had made in a hot minute
This got some arcane style to it
She Has a bird 😂 the only Thing that is important
Not WHO….
WHY do u have the Pic of Horizon and her son at the end?
Easily best legend, she called Football, Football and not soccer. Finally some realism
Time travel or multiversion travel?
soo we understood nothing thats such a lazy writing
evelynn is that you?
What in th Black Ops 3
Looks awesome
Who am I?
Would you like to hear some good news? This is the best news you’ll ever hear. All of us, without exception, have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). And because God is just and will not let sin go unpunished, the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). As a result, that means that as sinners, we will all get what we rightly deserve: eternal punishment, which is called the second death. But the good news is that God is loving and does not wish that any should perish but that all would come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). So He made a way for us to be saved and now graciously offers you the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ (Romans 6:23), all while justice is done. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on behalf of us and pay for our sins on a cross, and He was then buried and rose again on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Regardless of who you are or what you may have done, if you believe with your heart the gospel ( ^^ which I just mentioned above) and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you shall be saved (Romans 10:9,10). Salvation is simple and free. It’s not a 12 step program, and don’t think, as many do, that you just have to be a “good person” or do good works to go to heaven. Salvation is based on what Jesus did, not what you do (Ephesians 2:8,9). Believe in Christ, and you will be saved. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever should believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through Him.” John 3:16,17
Nope😂 im still expecting TITANFALL 3
Genz kids will love this
какая хуйня
What do they mean based on a “true story “
Why does this make a reference to Shaolin Soccer
:who are you !?
:we are venom 😭😭😭 !!!
can’t wait to buy this legend, realize the kit is horrible, and immediately go back to octane
So cringe
“Also, I had a bird.” 🗣️🔥🔥
Let’s just all act like we never saw the trailer early
She somehow looks a lil goofy.
I don’t get it
Alright, my theory is that the time bracelet that Horizon creates to see Newton winds up causing a catastrophic event that winds up killing Alter’s parents and Alter wants revenge on Horizon.
Smash next question
This was super cringe. They must be running out of writing talent at Respawn. Hope the character is fun to play at least.
“i can fix her”
She’s from a paradox. One that will happen if Sommers returns to Newt.
i can fix her
Please dont nerf her after..!! She look so strong like catalyst so dont ruin the game..
Get ready so see 60 ALTER’s in Solo ^^
Who are you?
I’m Batman!
I love her.
“How many times have you watched this?”
Me: yes
Is fade ever coming to the real game ?
So that picture at the end is her mom
Horizon or something ??
That bird scene was kinda weird.
“Who are you?”
Alter: “I’m Negan”
“Who are you?”
“I’m Batman!” Alter… Probably. 🤷♂️
Is she supposed to be an alternate version of horizon??
Naw on a serious note I appreciate this dark grim story I’m interested lore wise
she NEEDS a tokyo ghoul skin
Would be cool If any legend asks her that question, during her finisher
Cooper comes back and saying like : no one messes with the timeline, thats my job
kills her
“who am I? I was a loyal and dedicated member of the QA team but then they did the unthinkable”
You mean soccer ?
She travels to other dimensions to try on the roles of different legends. Hi Shang Tsung
How bro felt after releasing a trailer 🤚🏻
Whats her super powers?
0:59 死んだ両親という墓碑は草。
Apex I have an idea for a legend. BTW great trailer great legend but I would really like you to respond to this maybe I could kind of show you what my legend does and stuff. Love your game.
My new main
Next Kung-fu Panda antagonist💀
1:16 BLOODHOUND?? is you???
where are you?
Have to wonder if she even knows who she is?
Joker vibes! Similar to The Dark Knight where he has a different story of how he got his scars. LOVE IT!
I can fix her just me a chance
Hello, please fix the cheating so I may return to my favorite FPS of all time, thank you…
Why does this remind me of Alastor from Hazbin Hotel?
wow nice alter❤
i can fix her.
Nulllllll aepx
Ual, aquariana girls this character is the sam my exgirlfrend style HUAHUAUHAHU
What’s her relation to horizon ?
Are we gonna act like this isn’t the weirdest and most brain rot type of apex trailer we’ve ever seen
охуеть, по мне перса создали, тока я парень…
so she’s an alternate universe horizon?
Альтушка с госуслуг теперь и в Апексе
Well she’s fun
Its giving Dr. Sarah Bellum from Carmen Sandiego
Why are you
Wow the trailer wasn’t boring but this game is still wow good work apex
I guessing this would take a lot of work but ADD more people to battle Royale PLEASE
Im Batman
I am very confused 🙂
Wow. Shadowlands all over again? Okay 😀
She’s got a tail like a tiger
We got another Juri han
She ever other legend 😂
Finally after 5 years Apex has a Chinese representative 😭
Who is she?
it’s giving arcane vibes 😭
wow, just wow
What if she’s Lilith from the ash stories from the outlands horizon was talking about
i swear idky horizon got so many enemies
Ok, this madam is looking for Horizon. She is angry, a little crazy (or completely). But the release trailer that shows us the character is terrible. Remember, for example, Horizon, how she was introduced to us? And Fuse? Revenant? Crypto? Loba? Octane? Ash? We actually did a quest on Ash, it was a little stuffy, but what an ending!!! Teasers of the revenant are absolutely bomb – when he killed Forge =) it was cool
In general, what am I talking about? Technologies develop, but the quality of videos decreases. It’s very sad. I love this game, but…
who am i
your cringe
If her voice is like this in game. It might actually get fairly annoying. It’s the filter, that’s all.
Alter: who I am?
Me: well ok
What has Horizon to do with her?
This legend looks sweet
“Dead Parents”
This Character: *cries because they couldn’t bother writing the names of the parents*
Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another… If I’m going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice (Joker)
W back story
When you lay off so many devs that everything just gets leaked now
Sooooo coooool!
Nah done with this game, happy to take my money for gifts but won’t track my progress on the breakout challenges smh
This is fireeeeeeeeeeeee
“Who are u ”
I’m batman
2:28 live wallpaper please
I wonder when respawn is gonna just call a new legendend ?
“Who are u”
“I’m a sweaty gamer”
another void walker !!!!!
I have a better question”
WHY are you?
how is this even titanfall anymore…
I know they wouldn’t, but this would’ve been the perfect opportunity to have multiple trailers and have the one that we saw be completely different from what they release tomorrow. They’d break the internet.
How is the new legend going respawn
I am altering the deal pray I don’t alter it further said “respawn”
No likey
mommy Alter plz step on me I’ve been a bad boy😊
Love how nobody pointed out the image of Newton and Horizon
Oh yay promoting a psychopathic furry
she plays football best legend if all time 😭
I can fix her
I…. I can fix her.
cool but here me out… Titanfall 3. but let me guess, you make way to much money on skins so why would you do anything
After 100 billion « who are you ? »
Alter says « And I took that personally »
Imagine it’s 2024, and you still play this game
So that’s Horizons Grand daughter and she has interdemensional powers and Devs dont tell us her real name but show us the pic!?🤔
For her tactical ability you should have the option to close the portal manually. If you’re being chased, make a portal through a mountain and run through it, wouldn’t be much help if they can follow you immediately. The time it has before it closes automatically should still be there. But if you press it again you should be able to make it close early.
“Based on true story”
Really? Who are you?
Titan fall 3 pls
“You wanna know how I got these scars?”
This is giving me HEAVY Everything Everywhere All At Once, I really enjoyed this one congrats fellas
I don’t get it.
I don’t like this trailer… hopefully she’s better than this ish
Jesus Christ it’s Jason Bourne!
they should def release an anime
Nah when it was leaked I was like ok but her voice like dam
we got mina from my hero academia in apex before gta VI 😭😭
“who are you”
Alter: “My name is jeff”
You know maybe I should return to apex
So her skill is change lobby in game??
Who is she?
How about we do this yeah. Then that yeah. Then that other thing yeah. Cringe!
With all this maximum effort for this legend they’re probably setting her up to be the new poster girl for Apex. Mark my words.
“Who Are You?”
This is literally just Jinx from Arcane slightly different
wow, that sun wu kong reference!
So like is she atler horizon or?
Just totally out of balanced legend ideas then? Just gonna keep destroying the world-building of Titanfall?
Ok, seriously, how do I uncouple the account from my Steam so I can sell it for the skins to some teenage Wraith Weeb?
How pronounce her name
She’s creepier than revenant
“I can fix her”
Time gauntlet user? At least she won’t be stuck at wall because she can go through them
Наконец-то , альтушка с госуслуг и в апексе!
it’s freezer
She has dementia
How many characters have they put togeathor here… chick from dragonballz, suicide squad
“You know how I got these scars?”
So she is just an alternative version of Horizon, that went insane cus of betrayal and became immortal on the way. And looks like she lives alternative lives of legends by killing them or replacing them, and when she gets enough she just goes to other universe.
Based on a true story…what
The joke here is that it seems that she doesn’t even know who she is, she just assumes a new identity believing it to be the real one but constantly changing her identity, but it has something to do with Ash
Apex, siege and overwatch need shows already
Getting some real joker vibes off her lol
NGL she gives edgy OC vibes just by her talking about how she good at everything.
Born from a rock and fighting to become immortal? She’s the Monkey King now?
“who are you?”
– my name is Jeff.
I didnt quite get it, who is she?
So she was also the leader of… an army of mutant evil nessies?
Does she have anything to do with Horizon ALTERing the timeline?
Apex X Derpixion
Oh, hey! Is apex finally having its Fortnite rift arc? I can’t wait to see how this I definitely stalls the plot!
If that’s not a usable voice line 😂
The Bipolar’s are gonna have a blast with this one
i am convinced that alter is either horizon from another universe or newton from another universe
So who is she
Let the alt horizon kid theories begin
Lets goooooo
Sorry chat, who is she?
I can fix her
“In Apex Legends….. Alter doesn’t know who she is… because of…….. amneeeesssiiiaaaaa………”
– Donkey probably
Everyone asks “who are you?”
but nobody asks “why are you?” 🙃
does this we’re getting a football mode next season
0:58 LOL. really too lazy to provide names for the parents? lol
So she’s Duela Dent got it.
I bet Alter is gonna have two tactical abilities and maybe she’ll have a passive where she already has a pistol when she drops
A su
This is the BEST trailer in a looong time
And then she gets Clapped by a TTV wraith
ex game
Still don’t know who she is
Wraith: I’m the sweatiest Legend
Alter: Nah, I’d win
dissociative identity with ash and now schizophrenia with alter – you’d think horizon was a psychiatrist not a physicist the way insane people seem to flock to her.
Genial me gusta la loca
Yeah i already saw this like 2 weeks ago
My lord that was cringe💀
“Who am I? You sure you wanna know?” ahh trailer
Alter is another version of horizon, she is practicing time travel and i think she is a “alter” alternative version of horizon. I think she failed time travel and made a evil version of herself.
A multiversal mary sue? Great. Love the writing in this game
“Si se humillare mi pueblo, sobre el cual mi nombre es invocado, y oraren, y buscaren mi rostro, y se convirtieren de sus malos caminos; entonces yo oiré desde los cielos, y perdonaré sus pecados, y sanaré su tierra.”
Dile a Jesús en voz alta: Jesús, confieso que soy pecador. Yo creo que tú eres el hijo de Dios y que tú derramaste tu preciosa sangre en la cruz por mí. Perdona mis pecados. Limpia mi corazón de toda iniquidad. Te doy gracias por salvarme ahora. Amén.
Lee la Biblia y ora a diario. Congrégate cada semana en una iglesia que predique la Palabra de Dios.
Cristo viene pronto!
Visita en todas las redes: Centro Mundial de Avivamiento
wait so is there no launch trailer?
Or an alternate version of horizon an evil version?
Giga Cringe
Look forward to fighting wraiths
Looking forward to her alter main for sure
idk man .. looks cringe to me
En conclusión; Tú puedes ser lo que quieras ser
trying hard to get a new villian with no good lore
who is this guy
So glad I stopped playing this miserable game I regret ever penny I spent on this game for the last 6 years what a waste.
She is doctor summers
Bro she’s a freaker 😛
Наконец-то прикольная легенда, а не эти унылые до зевоты посредственности.
Bro honestly apex is garbage
This looks boring. Discount Revenant and not even intimidating
Reminds of the Joker with so many different versions.
She freaky on my peacekeeper till i alter. (Im going insane but fr tho she freaky freaky)
I genuinely LOVE this character already.
Alter and Reveant will become great friends
She seems batshit crazy
Tail. Batshit crazy. Mahjong champion. 10/10 will be obsessed with.
Didn’t y’all see the picture at the end they may have connections with each the
Man can i go back to the Imc war please this is getting way too wacky for me.
This new season i wasn’t expecting the chick from everything everywhere all at once if she was a edgy tumblr oc.
Just answer the question very easy
isnt this bloodhound?
“pretends to be shocked”
So many branching nothing paths that will never matter. You guys need to tell a story or not
Who are you
Alter : am wraith sister, revenant is my uncle ,jinx is my god mother
She was the one who abandoned horizon look at the picture at the end very closely
What must like being in an eternal “period” status.
So, we gonna do multiverse thing?
Of course I’m watching g this for the 1st time 🤐🤐🤐🤐
I’m a Horizon main and I love my girl down!! Alter I’m keeping my side eye 😩🤣
I’m so glad I avoided leaks, THIS IS SO GOOD. The animation and really everything is incredible. I love these over the top antagonists.
so who she?
I have a weird idea who SHE is since she resembles horizon a tiny bit I have a hunch that could she be a version that wasn’t able to get out as fast as she did??? Thoughts everyone
I hope Alter is not nerfed at the first week…
Gotta stop firing so many employees so these don’t leak weeks in advanced.
If she talks with that vocoder in game I swear ima mute all voices
Huh, I didn’t catch it. Who was she?
Sooo she’s basically Sigma from Overwatch , okay
I can fix her
What do they mean by based on a true story? Does it mean alter has been in our universe too?
how is she connected to newton?
Who am I. Who am I? Who am I? She didn’t find inner peace
i am anti life
I love her already! She’s so cool
This is give me Evelynn vibes from League of Legends 😂😅😊
Respwan, your so bad at telling stories. Your game is falling off, your copying, abilities, stories and it’s always a female legend. Sad.
Dude yall this trailer
“I’m Batman”
This is a headache
ngl… the passion for Football threw me off so hard lol
Everything everywhere all at once 😉
If you guys didn’t watch the movie … you should definitely watch it!
This is what *might* get me back into apex.
She’s like Evelynn
Maybe thats horizon child
Me:*Uninstalls apex legends*
Apex: ….Who are you?
Me:…….*reinstalls apex legends*
No sense
Born from stone with tremendous power.
Reference to the Monkey King?
she was dedicated to martial arts then she discovered her passion for football, she is Zlatan Ibrahimovic.
Like if you saw this a week ago on Reddit.
cool character but average ahh game
Wait is alter a alter version of horizon or newton
Not to bring psychology to the mix but I think alter has DID that would explain the references to all the other legends
I understand nothing
I can sense the R34 artists stirring within their lairs
huh, at 2:23 there’s a frame with the words “s it true?” next to apex along with “The truth will out…” But the second part is cut off by the screen.
“Who are you?”
“I killed a man once, with this thumb…”
This is one of their best trailers..
И почему у меня возникли ассоциации с бладхаунд?
I’m so confused by this trailer but it’s apex legends a small indie company that fired probably all their good employees
Rest in piece to her dead parents Dead Parents 😔
Bro she gives off some heavy bloodhound/mad maggie/wraith/revenant vibes
But who is she
Dude, it’s future horizon. She lokey tough tho
Odd she does not say her name whenever she is asked who are you?
I love how the gravestone just says “dead parents” 😂😂
After watching this for the 6 th time I an confirm that this is the best trailer apex ever got.
i suspect she is Bloodhound’s cousin
New legend leaked?
Why am I cringing 🤮
Have never been more confused by you guys lol
I need a moment…a long moment
W for calling it football and not soccer
What in the Azula and Eobard is this?
Ok I’ll install apex legends again
….. yikes. lol
Loba: “looks like we got competition”
Hello YouTube this is the FIRST TIME I’ve seen this 😅
Those portals, the crazy aspect of her, the black sclera, the segmented tail….
I know nobody is gonna believe me, but that’s straight up an Add (Character from Eslword) inspired character. I have no proof, but i also have no doubt
“Who am I?”
“I missed the part where that’s my problem.”
Kind of reminds me of angstrom who got confused of who he really was because he had the knowledge of himself from multiple timelines
hella pumped for this legend! here’s my completely uneducated speculations: obviously she’s got some kind of portal ability which tracks bc I believe we saw a sneakpeak of her in the skirmisher lineup in another vid a while ago? the references to her living the lives of other legends has me wondering if she might also have some kind of copy ability, which would be extremely cool – either disguising herself or copying another legends ability. I’m REALLY excited to see what the lore with her and Horizon is, and i kinda hope Wraith is involved too bc I love my void girls lol either way I’m officially looking forward to next season
so… who else immediately went to that one derpixon character? just me? ok.
No way this is based on a true story
I like how they can add new characters but they can’t fix the cheater problem
Based on a true story 😂🤣😂🤣😂😅
this was sick bro what…
This is how Street Figther changed the gaming industry by adding a crazy woman
Alter goes’s by many name’s: Jesus/Osiris/Odin=Sperm or Ova, crucified in the Arbor vitae=(Tree of life/Yggdrasil)located in the cerebellum. Born by the philosopher stone. “To swollow a secret stone is to become an immortal dragon, one blessed with eternal life”- Zelda. Knowledge is key to understanding, everyone! As above, so bellow/As within, so without. 😇☀🌚🌟♾✝☠
Arcane ahh character 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏
Or is?
a nice looking trailer with great animation and has a japanese voice acting too , this is awesome and i guess altar is horizon from deferent line of realty trying to find her son .
corrupted Horizon… from other time line and dimension???
Cadê o Apex Mobile?
I’ll do you one better “why are you”
Who ı am?
I am the one who knocks
Alternate version of Horizon
2:33 Watch at .025x speed and it flashes “Is it true?”
I’m pretty sure that Alter is a schizophrenic, her actual backstory is probably pretty interesting but not as hyped up as the lies she tells.
YKnow, apart from the whack edgy design, this brief lore is pretty interesting!
Like thank God we’re getting some real interesting story after so long, just hope they don’t water it down later on and then rarely if every develop upon it like the others smh
Easy breezy occams razor theory: probably a [apex version of variant] wraith who got omega lost and is now stealing others stories because they can’t find there story. Can’t wait for another legend who’s major character turning point is a mental breakdown.
Is alter a version of horizon from a different universe or her sister
In love.
Getting her as soon as she drops
This I what the inside of a liberals mind looks like 🤣
Is she the mahjong champion? The one trained in the old ways? The one born in stone? *Its like i have seen it already right?*
boring, just boring
Is this another trans legend?
I cant even hear what she sayin
Just like the joker if i’m going to have a past i prefer it to be multiple choice also i had a bird
When apex was late releasing the trailers , the leakers were on time 😅
I can fix her
Lady fakes her identity so much she can be featured so much Chinese Insider can make content out of it ☠️☠️☠️
I feel like she is the alter ego of horizon
Ok so…who are you?
I really appreciate the animation quality from this sfto soo good.. very well done by the animation team
this is the best character cinematic yet
So a combo of the joker with the various backstories and evelyn from league of legends
i subscribed
Mahjong mentioned? Lets goooooooo!
This is dope you did goooood i am so hyped keep up the great work
Conduit lost sister 😂😂
Вот и Альтушка из СкуфУслуг подъехала…
0:22 wish i was him
“Who are you?”
“I’m Batman”
they done put evelyn from league of legends in apex
“ dead parents” on the tombstone was very subtle
Sun Wukong reference >>>
Everyone: “Who are you”
Alter: “I am Iron Man”
Guys is this horizon, or wraith or newton or neither ?
Что за дичь ролики пошли у них? До этого каждый ролик был шедевром, а сейчас шлак полнейший
Man when he asked “Who are you” and she said “It’s alter time” and started to alter all over the floor 😭
Why does horizon have so many opps😭
Sombra ahh trailer😭
I’ve been off Apex for a long time now, is this Dark Horizon?
I am the White Void, I am the Cold Steel, I am the Just Sword, with blade in hand i will reap the sins of this world and cleanse it in the Fires of Destruction! I am Alter, the end has come!
So we’re not getting a cinematic trailer? 🙁 When was the last time that happened like season 1?
I’m not angry just disappointed.
That’s one of the best bits of the hype and might have explained how she gets to be a legend?
1:10 was a nice reference
Who hurt Apex this bad
How are people still playing this game
Respawn is going woker than woke next Dylan mulvaney is coming.
Trying to emasculate men your a pathetic losers prepare for a lawsuit
Wait… Did anyone seen this video early somewhere before? 😂😂 Let’s just act that nothing happened before this upload video. 😂😂 It might be like this for a couple character trailer video in some season. Artemis or something.
Who are you?
I’m Batman
what if is alter version of horizon
I can fix her 😌
Derpixon ahh trailer
Shes everyone, hence the name Alter. At least everyone before a certain season. Some one/thing created her. Or she straight up has DID and some how everyone is her lol. Idk but she looks cool and I like her. Can’t wait to see what her actual abilities are. If the leaks are accurate and such.
No launch trailer…knew it
defiantly not a Jinx from Arcane
Everything, everywhere, all at once vibes
I would really love to see some More Titanfall stuff get added into the game. Not like wall running. Well yeah that’d be cool but it would be insane to deal with. But like I want to see more lore and more references to Titanfall in Apex. If that’s a new map that’s heavily Titanfall inspired I’d love that there are some maps in Titanfall 2. That would be really cool to see an apex Legends
WoW! Very GOOD trailer! ❤
Glad we have a new legend. Oh and just a reminder, when Newcastle recharges his shields it’s not the one on his back!
I think it would’ve been really cool if she came accros Wraith and she said “I know who you are” no ? Just me ? Nvm
Let’s just pretend this wasn’t competely leaked😅
Man the writing of apex has realy gone down
She is oddly attractive
You gonna get freaky
Rev new best friend
So she is Joker?
New legend but who are you and what are you
Bro i just watched the cursed prince made by derpxion and she looks just like the demon in that video same tale same horns i think it was perfect timing cuz she was a demon and apex is just feeding us demon characters so we can become desensitized to it lowkey if u are curious about the cursed prince don’t be a cat because remember curiosity kills the cat
This literally is like my imagination character 🫢🫢🫢
She really, REALLY creeps me out. More so than Revenant… I’m gonna unlock her ASAP, but then I’ll pass on playing her unless I absolutely have to… I like having new legend, but she just creeps me out too much to be likeable…
Bro APEX is getting seriously desperate to make cool characters but instead make cheap generic anime characters
Just gets dumber and dumber.
im so confused
Apex: leak who?
I love this so much!! Can’t wait
I love this art style
Horizon rework be crazy
My new main for a week
I was waiting for “What are you!?” “D E A T H” *Crunch*
I have yakuza mahjong ptsd I shat myself when I heard that
It’s always sum with Horizon 😂
Oh good, another “I’m on a quest of revenge so I decided the best way to do that is to take part in a bloodsport heralded by a trillion dollar corporation.”
Alter is Newton, wait for it.
“based on a true story”💀💀💀
Sad this game has turned me away 🙁
Wraith 2.0
At the end I still asked the same question as the rest “Who are you?”
Multiple personalities?
“Who are you?”
Nobody but us: – “Why so serious?”
Not gonna lie, everything about this was incredible. I’m pretty hype
Proof they could easily make an Apex Legends animated series, they just don’t want to:
I loved the moment Alter said “It’s Mandela Catalouging time” and altered my taxes, truly an Apex Legends moment.
Finally a high def version. Got tired of watching the low res one on X
What do you mean based off of a true story 🤨
Insanity incarnate
Scizo ahhs character 😂😂😂
1:13 Love to hear this isn’t Mandarin but Cantonese: 側耳傾聽
Wait she can copy?
“Who am I” steven universe starts playing
great a furry legend…
Ouu I hope bloodhound don’t take that as disrespect but I hope they get connections
Incoming PVE mode that was supposed to be for OW2
we league of lol now
Well all that martial art is down the drain sigh
Apparently apex fired the writers. 😅
Who are you?
“I’m popping a pheonix kit”
wow so edgy…
the trailers have really gone downhill, this is the least hype video I’ve seen for a new season.
Wait a minute …who are u ? 😂😂
Lo mejor fue cuando le dijo futbol a el futbol y no soccer ….a messi le gusta esto.
Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating? Can you catch cheating?
cant wait to find out why she has a picture of horizon
also, she has a bird
Oh…another Catalyst.
So basically she is everyone and has a birdy:)
Everytime I hear the “Who are you” reminds me of the song Who are you from The Who
I can fix her
Naw cause if this is newt I can’t wait to see the beef with him and horizon
“dead parents” “oh and I had a bird” “I was the one who” … that was… so so bad..?
Missed opportunity not to have her use the ALTERnator in the trailer 😢
I loved the part where Alter placed her tactical and ult on an empty building just how I expect my ranked teammates to use her, truly an apex moment
this is the corniest thing ive watch, this might even be worse than the valorant ads
Feels like an X-23 and Cell mashup,with yandere vibes. I’m sold.
Me huele a problemas mentales jajaja
This is definitely Horizon Daughter Alter
Nice to see doc oct doing well
this ad will never make me touch the game again
Is she the one that was born of stone with tremendous power trying to obtain immortality?
I’m so confused
It giving very scorpia from She Ra 🦂
She’s insane
I think I’m in love with her
This is Horizon who passed through black hole….. relax guys.
Oooohhh! I just got it. It says “Based on a true story” because that’s what Alter wants you to believe. I was so confused why it didn’t say “Stories from the outlands”😂 That’s clever.
wait.. this isnt a story from the outlands video?
“Alter” like the “Alter Ego” of a dimensionally psychotic Newt that can steal killed legends abilities or nah?
I feel like her ability has something to do with Time, it makes even more sense if she is Horizons Daughter/Son(not assuming gender)
I am very very very scared of this character.
I definitely get loki vibes 😂
Super awesome legend. I’m excited!!
It gives me “Everything Everywhere All at Once” vibes.
Shes horizons granddaughter!?! 🎭
So maybe it is Horizons Daughter, also she gives me Joker vibes with “You wanna know how I got these scars?”
Finally a cool Legend, that makes sense to be part of the Apex games.
Zim: *WHO ARE YOU?!*
Alter: I am-
Zim: *WHO ARE YOU?!*
Alter: I am-
Zim: *WHO ARE YOU?!*
Alter: …
Based Villain
Alter is Chinese… Xie Xie, Nihao!!!
New Main right here for sure…
js from this im sure alter nd rev are gonna be good friends
I feel pride.
Someone at Respawn watched everything everywhere all at once and though they had a good idea for a new legend.
So she’s basically batman
Parece la loquita del lol xd
2:20 is that horizon in photo?
Horizon daughter?
Everything Everywhere All At Once???????????
So dude became a bad guy because No one asked how are you, alright
She’s badass
they added azula to apex and made her op💀
Under 5hr gang
for the love of God make a series
apex game trailer–🗿
apex anti cheat—–🤡
Not sure if I understood that answer but it’s cool
~Who are you~
“Also, I had a birb” 😎🤣
Fem Newton from a different universe
a character with a hybrid ult that adapts to the enemy
Wanda if she succeeded in multiverse of madness
They all ask who is Alter but no one ever ask how is Alter 😢
No, you cant fix her…
Think I found a new Wife/Main.
Probally the best animation I’ve seen
She really said, I’m multifaceted
finally, insane interdimensional furry girl.
Horizon in another time?
Alters Story is Now 🔥👏🏼
Are we sure Alter isn’t some alternate dimension/timeline Horizon?
so you saying.. she’s the alter of every apex character? apex is trolling now
Raaaa the American writers labelled football as football and not soccer raaaaaaaa.
Anyone else think her face just looks like Maggie’s but edgier ?
It’s just chef horst from ratatouille
Female freeza
Average who are you “well” fan vs Average who are you “death” enjoyer
Who is she chat?
Running out of ideas😂
It’s time to bring back Apex mobile
Why is everyone having a beef with horizon
Wow this is great and definitely the first time I’ve seen this
Nobody care who I was, until I put on the mask.
this is not soccer ” this is figth soccer”😂
I still don’t know who she iss😢
Goth girl vs Space mom
so her back story is that she has no back story all the back story she said was not for her
‘who are you?’ (Inhale)
yo this trailer was clean, the last time any of your trailers gave me a run for my money was season 5. Valkyrie’s season almost did it but yeah here we are
She definitely trained in the Old Ways…………with a bird. Bloodhound needs to get their own style.
Me: Who are you?
Alter: Well, I’m your new main.
We ALL already seen this gang 💀
Respawn: Hey Can I copy your Homework
Into the Spiderverse: What???
She is a apex legend
Who do you think you are?! I am!!
Yea i definitely clicked on this and said wait a min i have been seen this…man apex is slacking now a days
I miss blisk man
Sheeet. This legend is so sick 😎
shes the one who knocks
my mind went to: Titanfall 2 should’ve had her appear or at least have you hear her laugh when the time travel gauntlet broke in the campaign(cause the time travel device is the same one that “horizon created”). leaving us questioning to who it could’ve been. then boom years later we get the questioned answered.
Fuse: “… and I thought Maggie was off the rails”
one small detail i noticed is that the items on her parents’ tomb are oranges, flowers, and candlesticks. I come from a chinese household and we use those as prayer items to pay respects to the statues or dead. I can highly assume Alter comes from asian ancestry.
Ha just says dead parents
games nowadays add edgy teenagers as characters and i don’t get it
what true story
Since when did YT add Audio Tracks to videos? This vid has both ENG and JP tracks.
That’s cool!
2024,the year we are getting leaked trailers😂😂😂😂
Alternate timeline Horizon?
RIP Dead Parents
Why she kinda…😳
“Also I have a bird” sent me
NGL giving lord vortech vibes
Is that Zeke Jaeger?
Así de locas me gustan
developer’s can’t ban the cheaters but u guys can surely write a movie
Is the tail part of her hit box?
Wait guys I have a vision… she says I was a dedicated martial artist but then discovered a passion for football.
She gives me loki vibes with the multiverse thing, the horns and the overall being a bit twisted
welp.. RIP dead parents.
No one’s talking about the picture she dropped??
She’s the worst version of Horizon.
Another annoying legend using by trying hard
So who is she?
Uff ❤❤
Heard she also used to be a DJ
Where’s the new district map Breh
Very excited to come back to this game let’s go
50 оттенков кто ты
She Who Remains…
who is she??😂
First revenant and now a brand new antagonist man this is getting crazier and crazier
A liar
Don’t worry guys I’m already an alter main with 10,000 kills
okay but the animation in this goes SO HARD
best animated trailer since Rev
Who am i
I am at the end of this games life cycle 😂😂😂😂😂
For a better experience i recomend to watch in japanese because de animation
Stop the cap🧢 1:42
sounds like Alter is Horizon from the future, just a thought…
This game is just a dream for libs. Pathetic.
Amazing trailer one of the best so far!!!!
Why is it animated by adult swim
Cool video… BUT maybe you guys should hire some people from Bethesda Studios so the actual GAME can be better.
doc strange?
Everything everywhere all at once.
I can fix her.
i think she is the broken Horizon from alternative universe she is like Dr Strange prime and ,she look like she is fighting High skilled people from alternative universes for an unknown reason , ex one guy look like crypto Old man crypto and one look like IMC fighter, and one like Loba
This is so sick, love the ending!
The tombstone saying “dead parents” is cracking me up 😂 would it have been that hard to come up with names for parents? Or do her mystery parents reveal future events?
“Who am I?”
“That guy”
I like this crazy girl 🙂
I can’t wait for it to be added.
The animation quality IS INSANE!!! So good to see Apex make efforts for things like this
Yall late. I already saw this.
art style looks like miles morales
Alter: “If I really must have a origin, I’d prefer it be multiplue choice”
But seriously what even is this game anymore… stop trying to be fricken “quirky” fortnite.
So is she, like, Horizon’s son or something? Maybe her ex?
She a literal demon 😈
I love edgy characters
Now to see what her abilities are
She might be my new main !
She might be tapped
Smash. Next trailer
Why a football match spawns at the middle of the video ?
Ok but who is she
Actually the best trailer they’ve maybe ever put out so hype
What Is up with the love for evil these days and portraying It as a good thing and something to be emulated.
Who are you?? A money grabbing company that’s who!! Not paying attention too making the game better and just worry about how much they can take off players!
Oh my goodness
The trailer that I just saw for the first time
Kinda wierd but we are hyped
She is so edgy, doesnt even feel like a real character. Dead parents and growing up to be an assassin only to be betrayed by her mercenary group; it all feels like bad fan fiction.🤣
This game has become a joke
Alter, we ALREADY knew who you are… The Frieza of Apex Legends.
I love it glad I don’t support leaks this was amazing 🎉🎉❤❤
def my third main, goth/ emo like evil like me.
Who is she?
All I’m saying, is I wouldn’t feel threatened if she pointed a p2020 to my head. I know how much damage they do 🤷♂️
Oké now let’s read the comments 😂
So whats the heirloom for newcastle and balistic? And whats the seasonal reactive weapon reward ?
Who am i ?
Couple steven chow references. I like that.
Oh the reason it’s called based on a true story is because it’s all fake and not real cool
reminds me of Sylvanas from wow
I haven’t felt chills like this since the first revenant trailer
When people keep asking “who are you and why are you killing me?” instead of “how are you and why are you killing me?”
So basically, Alter is a football player from Shaolin Soccer⚽
nice north korean animation, an adequately kept vision for this series and company as always
This character doesn’t even look or feel like apex, I feel like this is just an overwatch character, bit of a blunder here respawn
Taporra menó , que perso foda !!
soy yo
And with this, the continuity of the Titanfall universe was brought to a screeching halt.
How much new content is this season adding? I’mma guess, the bare minimum as usual?
Design wise i think this is my favorite Apex character, she looks really cool. Great animation too, high quality, the character seems interesting.
okay, hear me out:
Alter is Horizon from an alternative Universe
The only thing makes me question is WHAT TRUE STORY was this based on? I don’t get message of new season other than it MIGHT play with Multiverse storytelling
Honestly sounds like AI wrote this character 😂
Just show me her ability stop yapping it’s getting boring
Saw it early, but still excited. But also I really hope we are getting QoL for Ash, since Alter shares nearly the same personality and almost completely better abilities
Respawn : Lets ignore servers Crash, lag, bugs and Focus on milking Skins and new events
Truely an Apex EA experience
“Also I have a bird”
Just a line that’s so random in this weird horror confusing trailer…
Well it’s time, to forget about the Apex lore
Finally, a legend more cringe than Wraith.
Still waiting on titanfall 3
This was kinda cringe not gonna lie
That gave me chills. Really a well made Trailer.
Wait a minute who are you?
Alter is the only legend that has a concerning mental state.
Does anybody know the music that’s playing?
Is she Newton after his surgery? 😂
альтушка с госуслуг
Cyberpunk edgerunners vibe
based release her now
I think her real backstory won’t be that crazy and her personality will actually be a front and shes actually nice
Respawn you could have given me titanfall 3 on my birthday but instead you get this. No cake for you
she goes harder than revenant im sorry ):
Demasiado a la pregunta – el justiciero ¿quién eres ? 🤣
Alter “Also I had a bird” that’s had me diying it’s just how she said it
側耳傾聽? 1:13
I can fix her.. 🥹
Saying football instead of soccer is such a W
My favourite part was when
Woah! What an intriguing story? This new Legend “Alter” seems like an interesting Character. I wonder what tactics she’ll have? 🤔 I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough. 😀
Dude. This crazy demon is on the wrong game. Such a souls like character
Green hair, crazy and multiple back stories she’s almost the Joker
0 views in 30 seconds
this mf fell off
Is this by meat canyon?
They hyped up Revenant way too much but under delivered
So is she having an identity crisis or something 😅
I can fix her
based on a true story. yeah and im the real owner of Amazon
who is the 1% who is only seeing the trailer now and not watching it from being leaked?
Could it be alter is somewhat related to be Horizon on a darker future?
WTH is respawn doing
Horizons kid?
Any way I will not download Apex and become 1 v 3 every match again. Bye forever toxic game.
at 1:52 I hear the seven nation army melody in the background
Si es china deberia jugar basket y no fútbol (?)
She stole Joker’s gimmick and color scheme lol
“How did I get these scars?” makes up new story
yall need to stop leaking things it makes no sense just let them let it out themselves.. excited for alter
Интересно, она подразумевает что она это все? Или она может быть где угодно?
Titanfall 3.
The entire Apex community is desperate for content.
Kinda excited ngl I like her abilities
I can fix her
Sooooo who is she?
What language is this 1:12?
jokes on u apex we already saw this 😂
Alter being this insane just makes her all the more interesting. Can’t wait to play her soon
She kinda……………………………..
Ok…. not impressed
Безумно жду 😍😍💥💥💥
This 100% my first time seeing that, that’s for sure!
Ayo this is the weakest sfto yet
“who are you ?”
“titanfall 3 main character”
They already leaked this on tiktok
Day 1237 of asking for Titanfall 3 and instead we getting a crazy girl with colored hair
Everything, All the Time, All At Once
Based on what?
1:14 it looks like Cantonese
I was hoping she wouldn’t be an official character 😢
The fact that it just says dead parents is crazy
It doesn’t matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
I swear every one of the stories from the outlands, always make the P2020 look strong but it’s such a lame weapon haha
i feel like this is hinting at a forge comeback
the daughter from Everything Everywhere All At Once:
I’ll do you one better
Why are you!!
Him: who are you ?
Alter: I am *Title Card *
Very unique style 😅
Gaslight, the apex legend
nah horizen kid was a girl???
Inter dimensional psychopath… Cool
oooo new legend but Forge When?
Снято пиздато
🐕 💩
I wanna see Uncle Iroh face Alter in a Mahjong match
and people think fortnite is better than this?
Her design is 100% definitely based off that one fandeltale character. Without a doubt xD
Anyone else get the Shaolin Soccer reference?
Cada que quiero dejar el juego aparece un trailer qué emociona. Apex necesita una serie en Amazon video ya ya!
derpixon do your thing
Can’t wait for the new season and a new character
Octane forever
she gives me Catra vibes at 0:28 ngl
Who is she?
Based on a true story is crazy 😂😂
The community: we seen this early
Apex: so just rewatch it
Me acabo de enamorar 😍
I can fix her
I can’t wait to play as her lol 😝
Вау, это наконец-таки интересный персонаж??????
Hoping for a titanfall animated series
Даже Американцы хайпанули с альтушки для скуфа
well, 側耳傾聽。
Jobu Tupaki in Another Universe
more woke stuff ae.. jeez lol
Different or evil version of horizon?
This legend is also a woman, why isn’t aman?
Wait, why are you ?
And is she brazilian?
…who cares!??
Bro, WHY DOES APEX NOT HAVE A TV SERIES STILL? These short story vids r sick, i can totally see the possibility of a series
Yo that was cool
So was that an alternate universe horizon?
Oooooo- scary
Is she… taking stories from different legends and incorporating them as “who are you.” NOW I know it’s far fetch, and maybe mine is the least from other theories, but it’s either that or taking stories from the people she has killed. Or it could all be true in some form.
Наконец то приехала моя альтушка с скуфуслуг
What kind of bullsh!t is this?
screenshots x4
Another legend with parental issues
it’s called Football not Soccer!!
Why does it feel like every edgy assassin character was “raised to be a killer”
I can fix her
Can- can I say something or would you guys get mad at me?
The music in the trailer is so trippy. I love it
is she crazy?
The voice of Alter is very close to Mother from Warframe
Now, the psychopath killer is joining the Apex Game!
When Mirage getting his beauty pageant trophy recolor ❓
1st backstory: probably Revenant’s human backstory
2nd backstory: Loba’s backstory
3rd backstory: Bloodhound’s backstory
4th backstory: Unknown
5th backstory: Sun Wukong’s backstory
6th backstory: Either an actual part of Alter’s backstory or made up
7th backstory: I am unsure
Thats the Wonder, The Wonder of U
shawty can fix me 😭😭🙏🏻
was that niko from corridor crew?
Man how many new Apex Legends characters are going to be Females
“側耳傾聽” 👂
Nice trailer that i totally didn’t see before, so excited to see this champions that i’ve never seen before 🙃 ~s
in one universe they asked “who are you” and i replied Jinx
in another universe i replied “quin”
in this universe i replied Alter because u need to alter a source material to not get copystriked
I can fix her bro
This is so random I love it.
Can someone give me context? Haven’t watched anything apex related in 2 years
Evil horizon from another dimension. it was me Barry
So Apex just became very similar to that Netflix Captain Lasersh*t show
Is it me or is the guy she is waterboarding kinda looks like mirage with maybe a hint of crypto?
I need her to ruin me
Apex how are you late to your own trailer?
Great. A DID legend. What a diversity indeed.
is her next hit horizen?
وين الشخص اللي يقول لا ابوكم لا ابو اليمن صورتنا😢
I’m curious about their goal : o
I have a theory, maybe Alter is Horizon because clearly she comes up with different stories every time so they’re bound to be not true to her origin and maybe she is the time line where she goes mad trying to find a way to go back in time but can’t. In her studies to get back she finds a way to cross dimensions. It would make sense that something may of happened between Ash and Horizon since Ash has a similar ability to Wraiths in which involves a similar concept. Along with their background maybe the two end up becoming one causing the voice that we hear with Alter. Alter may be from a different universe or she split off creating two timelines when the blackhole event took place.
insany ! goood !
Is that Horizons ulterior ego
I’m getting serious jinx vibes from this.
Now hear me out…
Revenant be like: my girl 🗿
A slightly unreliable narrator.
Man,i need an Apex animated series with this style, dog.
All leak jokes aside, this was actually a pretty dope trailer 🔥👌🏾
based on a true story wait really ? lol
Okay but what true story is it based on
She a lil coocoo but I mess with her
So I’m guessing horizon did one too many time jumps
Is she The Mahjong Champion because she was a martial artist that discovered her passion for football, or is she raised to be a killer because she was a hunter of the old ways?
She is Horizon from another univers
An interesting character
they leaked the triler 2 days ago
Y si ella es también su hija, la hija de Horizon😮
Man in the wall Wanabe
This was very much steeped in references and I’m here for it 😂
Could be a dope finisher if she coils around you and hit you with the “Well ..”
She better have a Football/ soccer skin.
The hero of every parentified child ever
personagem brasileiro
Ok now let’s see how good she really is next season
Upheaval. how ironic. Respawn takes the time to look up definitions yes?
Эти фуриебы совсем потеряли связь с реальностью. Дети повзрослейте пожалуйста. Быть ребенком в 30 не круто.
oh she’s insane💀 i can fix her tho
Que merda ein
Personality Disorder representation now, it had to happen eventually and it looks good.
So… a revenant knock off? Or skitsophrenic
I don’t like this video of apex
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
The voice actress killed it! You can hear the crazy 😂
The SFX, music, and animation were immaculate 🧐
Crazy ? i was crazy once
New main love her
Feels like the antagonist from that movie “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once”.
The Joke really took it too far this time.😂
And here I was thinking that Revenant was the Joker of Apex. 🤔
So umm..who is she
Smash, next question
But…who is she?
Lowkey haven’t been this hyped for a new legend since Loba in S5. Also extremely impressed with the voice lines with her already, the human/simulacrum blend gives Ash vibes.
Who cares who she is, bet it breaks on launch Respawn 🤔
She mentality need help someone call her the doctor for her. 😂
So she is Horizon’s daugther I assume?
I will Main this Legend
1:24 I sense ability steal
Who actually cares about any of this?
So nobody asked “what do you want”?
Apex legends mobile 😢 لقد مر سنة كاملة على حذف العبة من الأجهزة أتمنى ان تعود الأجهزة نسخة الكمبيوتر ليس الأفضل من نسخة الهواتف بالنسبة لي
Well the only question i have is how is this “Based on a True Story” ?
I feel like she’s Newton’s daughter from the future getting revenge for Horizon leaving newton.
Jesus loves you all.
She is echo in ow2
Who are you
Well my dad is elon musk
If I was that guy I would have been bricked up
Lol i called it they are skipping the launch trailer to release launch gameplay trailer instead because most likely they feel they dont have enough days to release three more trailers see thats what happens when they release LATE LOL🤣🤣🤣
Everyone: who are you?
Alter: a teenager with ADHD
This was a miserable reveal guys. How about we bring back some of the half decent writers that dropped normal reveals instead of just dangling something interesting looking in front of the community, and then have that something MEAN NOTHING IN THE OVER ARCHING STORY.
so cringe
Didnt we see this yesterday?
That voice acting THOOOOOO
I don’t understand the horizon pic? Can anyone explain?
So judge me, so I will help your country, if I can, I will not sacrifice others, if I can sacrifice only me, I will grant my wishes.
pls make good things again not something 🙁
too many easter eggs, the bloodhound one was funny to me!
No more worlds edge ig
you guys still grinding apex?
the leader of nessie
Crying to a tomb that says “dead parents” 💀💀💀
LIKE for the ”DEAD PARENTS” graveyard. Like if you laughed too.
The Joker referneces on top
Único brasileiro aq 🇧🇷
So is she horizons worst enemy now lol
2:03 Hear me out…
based on a true story?.. Is this not a story from the outlands?
Who are you not “what have you’ve done”
Cool, can’t wait. She seems like an alternate universe version Evil Horizon or something. I’ve been away from Apex, bout to load back in right now…
Sick animation as always. But there won’t be any follow up on the lore in game so it’s sad to see the trailer knowing they’ll only follow up the lore with a couple of voice lines. Still, cool animation
I loved the part where her teammates griefed her.
Truly an apex experience.
well a new character thats what she is
joker got some competition when it comes to creating backstories.
cool… who is she again ?
I think I’m in a next dimension
I can fix her
Apex is starting to turn into League of Legends now lol
Im sensing massive villian vibe
The Dio of Apex
I will main them absolutely
Is Horizon?
She aint all that
She looks like evil Horizon
Why noone asking about the tail though
Maybe horizons granddaughter??
Apex y’all have a potential in making an apex movie or anime
I can fix her
Can we get apex anime?
I just wanna say. Its a tentacle not a tail. Thank you
“Who are you”
Alter : “yes.”
Who are you ?
We already seen this bruh
She is Orizon’s granddaughter
Dis Bih Crazy
“Also I had a bird.”
Okay ngl I have a new crush
I wonder what everyone in every world asks her?
Con cada personaje nefasto el juego se muere mas
Why was she holding a picture of horizon and her son
Still waiting for arenas 😢
bring back seeyng red revenant, i am praying you
1:41 Wukong reference?!
Cringe af ngl
Loved the anime style for the trailer.
so she her abilities is to use other legends abilities?
Or Am I!
I’ll tell you who she is…
Mirage’s upcoming Fatal Attraction Crush, and Wraith’s Worst Nightmare.
What is this even about 😭💀
0:53 Am I not the only one who thinks the dude Alter is drowning is Kaleb Cross from an alternate reality?
Imma get my parents tombstones to just say “Dead Parents” that’s kinda hard 😂😂
can wait for her
1:40 Son Go Ku
So how this based on true story ?
We need a football skin asap
I can fix her.
Hey, Vsauce, Alter here. I am the one who is there at the end. Or am I?
i still don’t know who she is
Oh this is gonna birth some amazing memes
“Who are you?” is gonna be amazing
Song name?
Giving me heavy LoL Evelynn vibes.
Mommy? Sorry- Mommy? Sorry-…
How are you? 😃
I guess that girl is connected with Bloodhound
Dang. Her Japanese voice over is really interesting.
Bring back the original untouched kings canyon please and thanks and that’s all 💯%❤️🔥❗️
“Lose Yourself Video, I was in the back”…..
“Superman Video, uh, I was in the back”
let’s goooooooo
2:21 ホライゾン?
I can fix her
Did i ever tell you the definition of Insanity?
Looks cool. Still not enough to bring me back to apex. Just burned out after 3 years straight of playing.
The world exists in parallel
In the concepts of memory and space-time, there are multiple lives and times
Since all life exists in the quantum world, it is not one with the world
In the game world, it seems to be like breathing, but it’s not a miracle or an anomaly
There was a site called cheat sales on a site in Japan You should look it up. Rather, you might be able to prevent them by buying a machine and disassembling it.
It is too little to be distracted by global competition and create no meaning or value
I think so How about this?
Guys, I think people really want to know who she is
I’m so scared
This is horizons son?
That was a mess. So what’s the based on true story part then?
This has to hands down be the best character lore thus far
Jack Cooper what have you done 😰
Cooper comes back and saying like : no one messes with the timeline, thats my job
*kills her*
so who is she?🧐
Well… She’s JUST like the villain in Everything Everywhere All At Once. I wonder how she’s related Horizon and her time travel, or ANYTHING. 😆
No fr who that person?
Apex into the Horizonverse?
When i meget her Im gonna ask WHY DO YOUR VOICE SOUND LIKE THAT
Pov: Lucas qui peut pas regarder le trailer à cause de ces tonnes de devoirs à faire 😂😂😂
Sort out your servers 😢😢and
Why does Alter’s voice remind me so much of the voice of Susie Campbell from Bendy and the Ink Machine??
Random “ Who are You?”
Alter “ I am the Dragon Warrior”
Alternate horizon theory?
why do so many of the female legends have short hair tho? lol
Yey a person who more unstable then maggie 😊
who are you?
This does not look like Apex… The character and the trailer look very disconcerting.
I wonder if her favorite weapon is the ALTERnator
You want to know how I got these scars? “My father….”
Tf you mean based on a true story. Based on what??
This season is ours 👑
Let’s gooooo 🔥
who are you? XD
is she autistic ?
This animated style looks very familiar 🤔
I feel like her and revenant would get along very well
I wonder why shes coming for newt and horizon
the best thing about this game is they called Football by its real name not “soccer” def a W
Kratos: Who Are You!?
“Who are you?”
Alter: “well-”
Rev: “death” (stab)
Rapaz que trailer lindooooo.
Super confusing but very well animated. Just make a show already
for the entire trailer i always thought abt revenant
People keep saying “I can fix Alter,” but forget that Loba needed two exes and other legends to realize her mission to give Rev eternal suffering is a lost cause. Truly an Apex Legends experience. 😂
1:35-1:40 Wraith team
es madonna en modo diabolica eso es quien es
Main character syndrome the character
Somehow this feels eerily like DejaVu….
it took me until bloodhound to realize
Мда ну и бредятина
Watching this with no volume or context is like a fever dream lol
Horizon’s daughter?
It that clove 🧏♂️
oo the end is neat so is she ash before she became a robot
These characters have gotten worse lore wise and it’s drifted even further apart from the Titanfall style
“What story are you based on?”
“I am not based on any story, I AM THE STORY”
i think alter might be crazy
“Every person in every world asks me the same thing” – deranged legend
“who are you?” in faide voice
wow first good job for respawn and EA, this teaser is beautiful!
Hei vsauce Michael here, are you the one who’s there at the end, or is it?
Whats her beef with horizon?
So they either kicked the rest of the writers, or they don’t even bother writing characters anymore.
It’s not a matter of who, it’s a matter of what. And what you are..
wow and the heirlom axe wow veyr gory i like it
why shee wearing bloodhoudns skin
holding back from watching leaks was hard, but it was worth it
How is this a true story..?😶
Acaso es una horizon
Osea una versión paralela?
I have a theory that she’s an alternate version of horizon hence the alter name and her motives for horizon maybe one that didn’t escape the black hole but instead became currupted by the void imo she looks very similar to horizon just well currupted.
“You wanna know how I got these scars?”
I am so embarrassed after watching this
“You wanna know how I got these scars?”
0:58 “dead parents”
Shes connected to bloodhound, revenant and horizion wasnt ash already horizions enemy
This def the wackiest trailer they’ve dropped for a new legend
how are there comments a day old when this video has only been out for an hour.
so much reference to other art and culture is super cool!
rick and morty vibe huh
Who’s the voice actor
Was anyone a little bugged and confused that she copied monkey king story reference
i thought it’ll be a D.i.D thing but not exactly apparently
1:34 er bicho er bicho la lleva, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!
I think she is maybe a little bit insane. The blueish green hair may show some evidence.
She for me is a villan and also wants to take out horizen
Lets just all act like that made any sense
My prediction is she’s here to stop horizon from traveling back in time to save her son
WE NEED MORE LIKE THIS!!! The animated videos and stories of the outlands are always so well made and enjoyable to watch please, I beg you, make more content like this.
One more trans PoS. Let’s rename this game as TRANS FEMINIE LEGENDS.
It seems Alter have some serious Back Story with Horizon and probably Ash 🤔
This reminds me of derpixon videos
1:13 “Well, 側耳傾聽(Meaning “Listen carefully” in cantonese)”
Accent sounds weird but impressive 😂👍🏼
Winning prize award for making another not eyes attracting character.
Is that evelynn for league of legends?😂
Best trailer,nice work 💯
Nice detail for calling it “football” .
I can fix her
I wonder how many voicelines will have “Well…”🤣
So her power is gaslighting?
My theory about this character is that they are somehow related to the Titanfall Mission “Effect and Cause” and the Time Gauntlet.
They clearly can perform time travel, thats in my opinion what they are displaying in this trailer. All of their backstories aren’t truly theirs but rather a weird mix of the backstories from other legends; an indicator that they are just time traveling.
They’re also connected to Horizon from the end part of the trailer, however I think thats just because both of them are involved with time traveling.
So she’s horizons daughter?
Dont tell me this is some Alpha legion BS
Had me going until football
Who are you?
This voice will be soooo annoying i hate it
I am ironman
So who are you agian?
Who is she
who is she?
These all remind me of Love Death and Robots episodes lol
Why are there so many girls in this game??
see, football not soccer
Jack Cooper solos
Stopped playing becauee every new character is more woke nonsense, this doesn’t look to be any different.
Was that worlds edge
dumb and dumb
Can anybody guess it origin? like where it comes from
who is she
Really no lunch trailer?
Will this character have the power of Jojo’s D4C?
this was a whole movie 😭😭😭😭 ( yes i waited to see this until apex released it )
We want Titanfall 3
Es una versión de horizon
Not gonna lie
I love this level of loco
Somebody needs a snickers, because your not you when you hungry
we went from titanfall to this?.
Wonder what her answer would’ve been if someone asked “what are you?”
Are we now not even getting launch trailers anymore?
nardwuar ahh question
stop milking money make titanfall 3
Do we even need these trailers for new legends anymore? We get to see a tid bit into their past and then we’ll get a comic book page about some stuff years later. I’m still waiting on the Crypto lore from like 4 years ago. What happened to his sister?
But who is she?
she dreams a lot like Morata
Truly an Apex experience….
So er….who is she?
wha da fug
This video is dope. Everyone is saying this line “who are you?!” Thats crazy😂😮
so she is AI !!
So lemme get this straight.
She is someone who is connected to every single reality i presume? And its something like everything everywhere all ar once?
hi guys,she speak Japanese?
“Who are you?”
“I am Destroyer2009”
I am very confused 😀
ngl that’s one of the cooler trailers they’ve released
Uhhhh how is this based on a true story exactly and I think she’s the antagonist for apex
How about she is an alternate version of horizon.
The city in the very end looks like fragment. About alter, she says “im the one who is there at the end” and then drops a photo of horizon and newton.. i think she is a killer sent to get horizon and the whole dialogue is alter speaking to horizon, as “end” means the end of horizon life.
Ooooor she is newton, an orphan who got adopted by a killer school, just like black widow from avengers
How did you guys commented 1 day ago if it’s only 20 minutes since video launched?
No offense, Apex.
But you gotta figure out who this AG420 guy is, he’s practically had of Advertising for you guys at this point and should be given a raise.
j’ai rien compris… mais sympa le trailer 👌
So she got a sandevistan also? Sheesh
Alter: Based on a Leaked Story
The insane meta shift alter is gonna cause will be mind boggling
I hate this storyline because it’s straight from Disney’s “ Loki” series with Kang the conqueror. Instead of flushing out a Rio character with a real back story, they wanna make a dimension traveler that lives different lives of her own it’s kind of bland storytelling if you asked me.
She had me at “I was the reigning Mahjong champion!” 😅
i cannot believe you stole this awesome animation from fuzzwhisper2!!!! 😢😢😢😢😢
Bloodhound liked that
Can’t wait to see what bugs come with this season
I like what we’re going for, it’s the multiverse and we finally go a jinx/hairly quieen character vibe in the game
“Who are you?”
“ a tumblr Mary Sue”
She’s telling fake backstories, hence the ‘is it true’ at the end and ‘based on a true story’ title
holy shi! i was waiting for this so long ( i have never downloaded apex legends and i have never ever played it)
Maybe one didn’t write it but
This feels like it was written by an unhinged leftist chick.
so it’s son of horizon ?
Who is she ?
best season?
mi ruca we
She cut in line at the bank and then some dude got mad and her and next thing I know she jumping everywhere kicking this dude
Killed the administrator from tf2
I know you. You was in the Kelpo ad last night
Really hope apex legend mobile come back
Don’t tell me she’s horizon from a different future
“Dead parents” 💀
100 percent a more op bloodhound lol
the leaks really does hurt this vid view huh, boomer
I can fix her…
she is horizon’s daughter
My last hope is Artemis.
Horizon? 😱😱😱😱 holding her as a baby? 😱😱😱😱😱
WOW! Chills! That was dramatic in a very good way.
This was just the “wanna know how I got these scars” bit from the dark knight
good question, im the hacker :>
i can fix her guys dw
If she can Alter all the cheaters into oblivion I’d appreciate it, and maybe start playing again.
Alter: “Or am I?”
* Vsauce music starts playing *
This game is dead
I am the one, who is the at the end… Or am i?
“Vsauce music starts playing”
very cool character trailer, that was fun to watch.
I don’t like the voice acting it seem a lil corny imo
…..You’re late.
En lugar de sacar más leyendas inservibles mejor arreglaran sus servidores de mierda
Hm this looks familiar
“who are you”
A thick goth mommy with issues
who are you? i am the marketing management that made your heirloom costs 360$ a pop
Alter = newt?
Plot twist: its ash from another timeline where she didnt become a simulacrum
The new legend is more like a menace final boss than a character FR ( “I am the End of the apex games” ,I imagine a line of that to the final )
Based on a True Story?
The lore…we got too much but so little
And also shout out to macro
She’s a teller of some pretty TALL tales…
Aesop maybe?
Guys. Do you know Ultimate Spider-Man series? In one of episodes there was Deadpool. And each time when he was asked about his story, DP each time told different story. Here is the same vibes 😅
Apex lore is getting spicy 😍
In my opinion, at least is Apex way of confirming that the multi-verse exist in Apex
Not that it was leaked a couple of days ago already, lol
unhinged crazy killer chick is exactly my type of woman!
More strong wahman.
OK, I’m completely lost in all this.
Wish these comments were exploring the lore we were given instead of complaining they saw it early. She looks crazy, excited to see what she’s capable of
Alright Respawn…… I’ll reinstall apex….. 🙁
man, this looks like a really cool character
*look at the game*
I can fix her.
This gotta be the best trailer so far
She just like me fr (i cant afford the meds)
sponsored by temu
Apex jinx
“Hey, how are you?” – that’s how you fix her.
Also, I had a bird
So is she the joker of this universe who just makes up her own origin stories as she goes?
Es un tío
1:27 丟臉
A pink or the green portal will look sick
Dzair DZ 🇩🇿
Everyday we stray further and further away from titanfall.
So, when are we getting an animated Apex Legends series in Nextflix??
Invader Zim : WHO ARE YOU!
Хмммм интересно.
cant wait for her lore to be expanded oh wait
There is so many references, the ones i spotted was bloodhound and the monkey king
All the “who are you” makes it seem like an alternate wraith or horizon?
another lgbtq legend
Mommy? i’m Hungry!!
Apex servers
I liked the moment where Alter said “it’s altering time” and whoamied all over the place, truly an apex experience
Я один не понял что это за альтушка?
Anyone getting marvel scorpion vibes??
Does apex know that it got leaked early 💀
Horizon’s son but now daughter. I have respect for the community but we don’t have to be forced this narrative all the time.
dijo futbol y no soccer 💪
Did she just copy bloodhound or….
Who are you… im the thief of all you got
very nice
Who are you?
A glorious distraction from how bad the game is !
Movie: Split (2016)
Someone lmk wat horizon has to do with her
“Who are you?”
Me: “She looks like a loser that Mirage is going to enjoy defeating.”
Come on Elliott! Let’s show this loser who the true king of the Outlands is! You!!
Space Joker
😮🎮🤙 Super
A: The new legend is literally a lunatic!
B: WOW! But what is her ethnicity?
A: Chinese.
B: Oh..
Almost like I’ve seen this before
She looks stable
1) What
You guys had a great character development here and blew it. Alter should have been the Alternate version of Horizon after going through multiple dimensions and losing herself trying to reach Newton. Instead you added another asian character 😂
This writing is cringe
“Dead parents”
Yall have no idea how loud i laughed
Me when i ate too much gummy bear:
dejame adivinar:
– personaje enpoderado
– mujer
– furro
– y muchos colores
asi es asi de mal se fue el juego despues de la season 4
first, I’m seen this . or maybe I’ve seen it ina other life and didn’t realize 🤔
1:35 Its good that she said football and not soccer
“Who are you? WHO ARE YOU?” Robocop (1987)
wheres the launch trailer
W trailer
multiversy hirizon
Just realised that there’s more female characters in this game
Ok i’ll pretend that i haven’t seen it before elsewhere: woahhhh!!! what a good trailer 🔥🔥
“Also, I had a bird”
Oh, she’s CRAZY crazy…
imagine if respawn made a open world or series cyberpunk like
nobody cares make tf3
Its like Heath Ledgers Joker “Do you know how i got these scars” proceeding Telling made up story for each person
alter is horizons daughter surprise
Bro is a jack of all trade
Is Alter a little bit of everyone? Like a mosaic of people.
why she have horizon pic??
no launch trailer??
“Who are you?”
“Well, I’m the bootleg Joker that you ordered from Wish.”
Her and catalyst are going to make beautiful babies
2:19 how did alter got her hands of a photo of horizon and her son?!
I love her voice😫
revenant girl
odio apex peeeeeero amigo estas animaciones hacete una peli masteeeer
guy held hostaged: who are you
me: your worst nightmare
Despite the fact this has been leaked some time ago, this is still amazing. My theory* Character who seems to lived through multiple timelines and seems to be linked to Horizon somehow… So many questions at this point. Lets hope we get some more info soon
This animation is absolutely incredible.
Is it me or I’m getting deja vu something about this trailer I seen before😅😅😅😅😅😅
Прошу вас наконец-то, перестаньте создавать новое, решите проблемы с багами в игре, звук шага до сих пор нету, работает это некорректно,
Почините сервера, добавьте новую карту как-то уменьшить читеров попробуйте, сервера и звуки в игре самая больная тема🤯
W for saying football and not soccer
Oh look another girlboss what are the odds?
Wait I already saw this
Shes crazy.. AND I LOVE IT
100% didn’t see the trailer earlier. 🙂
Do you want to know, how I got these scars?
how are you?
And another Female character. At least now it’s a pretty interesting one.
Everything everywhere all at once party two? 😅
Remove storm point from queue. I swear to god
I can fix her
The worst trailer in the apex history 🤢🤢🤢🤢
It is beautiful
So who is she? I’m very confused
W apex!!
The timeline was altered so newt is no longer being that horizon had a girl instead
Alter is mommy
Do people actually care about the LORE? EW. waste of resources when the game is where it’s at
She can get it
Nah but rlly who is she? Her storyline about to be crazy
Generic hairstyle, delete eject 😅😂
Gonna go out on a limb here…. Horizon Granddaughter?!!!! 👀
damm i feel like i’ve seen this before
A wise man once said “If you have to have an origin story, you’re better off making it multiple choice”
These Trailers get Dumb and dumber by the season
Ohhhh, she’s the son of horizon of course
But like WHO ARE YOU?
Lore theories ??
1:01 wraith (division soldiers and portal)
1:07 conduit (city and character?)
1:14 bloodhound (Old ways)
1:25 crypto (top left korean writing/ city)
1:32 loba (football)
1:54 nessie (Alter on top of it)
2:18 horizon (pic)
“Who are you” : loba’s father to revenant before killing him.
Dead parents: loba has dead parents
Alter was a killer= Revenant too
1:41 like conduit trailer
1:43 loba trailer when using the weapon (her ult in her trailer)
Guys, I don’t think we can “fix” her.
She can only make her worse.
I think she has a bird guys
Bros been everything everywhere all at once 💀
Y’all make League of Legends players look friendly
I’ll do you one better “Why are you?”
Cue the “Who are you?” gazoo kid meme
Dude, she’s like the joker back story, always changing
apex.. your kinda late 😆
Will they ever dub Apex for PT-BR?
Im excited for this legend icl, coolest we’ve gotten in a while
Horinz9n son ?
The real question, who she killed?
Already sees it
Why do I get the feeling that she pretended that she’s horizon when the real one wasnt there with Newton?
Don’t be blindfold
So in some universe she’s son wu kong😭😭
such an inspirational true story
This actually happened
The trailer is great , i am really excited about this new legend she looks so cool !
The comments are killing me 😂
After so many years.. a good Apex trailer is finally here!! Good job guys!!
Когда новый сезон 21?
nice character design finally
Who is she?
Who’s her parents?
so who are she ?
She’s gonna have some insanely cool skins
Wow EA that is so cool I love it so much.
She’s such a boringly edgy character. Just revenant but less cool
I’m still hoping for a character with long hair
How are you?
Frieza from DBZ changed a lot
She’s soo villain coded i love her 😭
Apex Multiverse ?
Revenant Wait who are you again oh wait i don’t care
Like how the tombstone reads, “Dead Parents”. No Richard and Anna or Patrick and Lisa. Just your parents are dead. 😂😂😂
please make a TV show please what desperate for one please make a series
-“Who are you?”-
“We already know who you are”
i am convinced that alter is either horizon from another universe or newton from another universe
She had a birb
“I started as a great game but then I started to sell overpriced skins in a extremely bugged game…. AHAHAHAHAHA”
I can fix her
That’s it
A New Foe Has Arrived: It’s Revenant’s girlfriend
She is the hacker who hack the tournament
enough with the satanic demon bs i want a legend who has the light of God in their soul
This person is bloodhound and horizon mix up together or is that the son!
This was cool
When people keep asking “who are you and why are you killing me?” instead of “how are you and why are you killing me?”
Everyone asks “who are you?”
but nobodys asks “how are you?” 😢
Why is youtube in cursive
No actual trailer? 🥲
Plot twist: She’s Newton girlfriend who got heartbroken when Horizon changed the timeline
lets all pretend we seen none
Would been cooler if I didn’t see it last week 😂
Horizon’s son ??
Exactly 😅
1:30 Shaolin Soccer reference!
Sooooooo schizophrenia?
Ain’t no way they don’t hav a cinematic trailer coming after this
She who remains, Kang varient
Can someone fill me in on where this person fits in the lore?
100000000/10 😍
Who are you?😊
She’s almost like rampart laughing but…just more insane 💀 ay we bouta have a legend that’s insane!
This trailer was sick
So…who is she?
Who is she??
The Upheaval has come to Apex Legends!
Like this if you like the new seasonnnn
Who are youuuuuuu
So my understanding is alter is everyone of her alters for each universe contained in one body but the alters keep adding to it so she’s basically Deadpool in a sense
So are we getting a launch trailer or no?
Nah she crazy
For real. Who is she?
Oh my all this just for Alter to get clapped by my pookie bear Horizon.
Naaa is Newton??!!
So is she basically the devil?
She gonna have some beef with some legends 🤣
Can’t wait to hear the voice lines
Is that it
best trailer out here
Incredible ❤
Womp womp
Girl crazy 😂
Perfeito ❤
There’s no way this was based on a true story
They done brought the multi verse to apex 😭😂
Hooray new legend
Best trailer . Respawn cooked a 5 star meal
Bloodhound skin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Who are you?😂
Looks like a Derprexion character 😭
Here me out she kinda bad thou 👀
everyones parents r catching strays 💀
Derpixon character vibes 😭
She’s gonna gonna get along well with Revenant and Ash
Alter make jinx look like a saint
Wow we haven’t seen this before 😅
wow how lame not even game related :)))
Who is she?
Hi guys
мы хотим пчелиную войну 2
Get your popcorn ready.. Based on a True Story 😄
Dangerous Cards To Mess with when it comes to this Legend
Let’s go
Its time
Can’t wait for another season of nothing improving while paying 300 euros for a skin
It was already leaked…but imagine if it was a “Alter” thing and they put another trailer….crazy
Letsss gooo babyyy
Fix the game and 6-man issue
🇫 🇷 🇦 🇳 🇨 🇪
Lets Gooo!!!!
Naa 2 minutes more JAJDJAJDJ
I didn’t even know it was leaked. Just hopped on a few minutes ago and saw this in my subs
Its 10
60 sec to launch
So… who is she related to?
story from the outlands?
I think Alter was in Shaolin Soccer!!
Eae João
Team naps ou quoi la team
This game bouta flop ong
Can’t wait until she comes out
Who are you?
I love how I just started to play the game again and theres a new season
“I killed a man, with *this* thumb” -Alter, probably
Let’s go I’m excited
@Apex Legends GET ON CHATTTTTTT !!!!
aiaiai so queria uma herancinha😔😔😔😢
As if we didn’t already see the leaked trailor
Unfortunately she’s cringe
Guys, I TOTALLY never saw this trailer before. So hyped to watch the NEW character trailer…
It was mid tbh
Apex já morreu
I haven’t seen it yet!
Who like Ginny and Georgia ? 😌
leaked fools, less money grab more stable game please 🙂
Do yall think she will be a good legend?
Alter: Wellll🙃🙂
Havent watched the leak
Let’s pretend we didn’t saw this already
Who am I? – asks Jackie Chan in 1998 movie…
What? I just watched it.. it is leaked
This trailer is so pointless😂😂, everybody have already seen it but ok let’s watch it again
“Who are you?”
“A football player”
Pls bring Arenas Back —`
Why does the Title say “Based on a true story” and not “story from the outlands”?
Another teleporting Legend how fun.
I am actually pretty excited for her.
they might have changed it a little guys
Ain’t no way people leaked the entirety of season 21
I’m HYPED (I have not seen this yet)
Wait guys I have a vision… she says I was a dedicated martial artist but then discovered a passion for football.
اكتر لعبه مدمن عليها ان شا الله اضل او ما تسكير
ضيفو بكجات احسن من المواسم اللي قبل
احسن موسم في اللعبه التعبانه استمرو
في طور السولو اخيرا
ابيكس اوبس لا فور ولا كول فوت يوتي الرقم الاول
Seen it already pal
When is the launch trailer then 👀 Also, can’t forget the gameplay and bp
“I can fix her” ah legend
WhO iS sHe? 😮
Everybody from every universe ask me the same question… “who are you” … welllll
Football Player 😂
I’m so excited for all the recolour events and bugs
if you cant tell I’m being sarcastic
Alter & Apex i got some lgbt vibes, oh no not again, enough… Just fix the TEAM BALANCE will ya?! Its been 2 years but team balance still a $h*t!
Goodbye Apex 🫡
Ayo based on true story
Who waits the trailer right now?
What the skibidi I can’t wait🥰!!!
Yooooooo new season trailer
I know her! She was a marcial artist but then she became a futbol player
We should be get an alternator reactive skin instead of the 3030 like they missed the bus on that one
I saw it Early sooooo
They had to release it so late everyone know about this whole trailer already I just want the gameplay already and the meet legend trailer and the season 21 trailer unheaven
Hype solo mode
I love the part where Alter say. “I’m going to save the Apex game.” It’s a true Apex legends experience.
I hope she’ll reference a bloodhound lore in this trailer!
Don’t ask why, let’s just say that I’m a big fan of Bloodhound.
TBH, I hope they changed somethings cause’ the pacing is goofy.
There best be some good character changes or ima be BIG mad tbh 😒
When they say “based on a true story” will it show Crypto getting hacked just like TSM in algs
everyone has seen it bro😭😭 give us the trailer already
They are always late on everything. Like bug fixes, better cosmetics and so much more. They never learn. Then they fire the good people that listened to the players. All they want is money. Like a 700 dollars weapon…like wow wake up and stop with the greed
Greeeat, it is a surprise for nobody. Because for some reason, Respawn decided to post this a WEEK before the next season. When are they posting the Cinematic trailer or the Season Gameplay trailer? Saturday or something?
There better be something we haven’t seen before
Saw the trailer should’ve uploaded early while you have the chance
BAN 6/9/12MANNERS!!!!!!
Guys i can fix her
feel like she’s gonna be as glitxhy as loba
I mean it could be a little different than the thing we have all seen but knowing EA prbly not
Almost Who see !!🤔
Cant wait for her interactions with Loba,because her parents are also dead
“Everyone always asks me the same thing“😈
Anime ain’t Reality
R.I.P Apex Legends
Zesty sauce
who are you?
This… it has been seen
who are they?
People don’t realize that it was Alter who leaked her own story’s from the outlands trailer 😂
Pathfinder vs alter who y’all got winnin?
Tf they mean based on a true story?
I never saw the leak so I’m excited for this.
On an unrelated note…Imagine EA being like…since ya’ll enjoyed the leak…now pay $300 to unlock her abilities…!!
1412likes on a video that isn’t already out? Oh wait…it is
We already see, Apex – you’re late
Rockstar: oh well the trailer got leaked, let’s put it out now anyway
EA & respawn: let’s just wait
I can fix her 🥰
Yea we saw it
I wonder what happens. Surely it’s not a character lying about her origin story to people she’s killing after they ask her who she is.
Developers, are you serious? I’ve done all the quests for the recolor flatline. Thirty-five hours of play. And I can’t get it because I just gave 4/6 free gifts to my friends?!
everyone has seen this already 💀
Based on a True Story*
Weird bugs are on their way🙃
She can ruin me
Кто видел слив?
no spoilers guys the devs haven’t seen it yet
I hope destroyer hacks the game and gives us all 150 heirloom shards
Hey reaspon or EA I have some music ideas for alters trailers, ok so it can be Chokehold cherry Python or world eater or Super Soaker by ashnikko or anysong by ashnikko she has some great songs for your trailers. Your welcome bye also love apex
WDM based on a true story like was somebody teleporting in difrent dimensions in real life like alter? Like WDM
Hopefully the trailer has something different that the leaks.
you guys are kinda late to the party
I sure enjoyed the Rumble bug where trying to have a second go to get a better score completely reset my progress and rewards and locked me out.
Lemme guess another inclusive character?
Who are you? A new trailer?
What if the trailer has been ALTERED. Missed opportunity
So the game is now bug free and new bugs coming from fixed bugs?
who am I? That’s one secret I’ll never tell XOXO, Gossip G….I mean alter
Коммент на будущее
The way I see, next season we are going to be able to download season’s updates as a leak
We’ve already seen it 😂
everyone already saw this yesterday
Poor Respawn😢
Remove powercreepant. Nerf 75 to 50 or remove ult refresh
Apex could pull off something cool and make this trailer completely different from the one that was supposedly “leaked”. It would really suit the whole “alternate universe” theme, but I doubt EA wouldn’t spend so much money on unnecessary animations
I am so excited to see the definitely not leaked trailer 😂😂
充斥著作弊玩家的遊戲 多くの不正行為をするプレイヤーがいるゲーム a game rife with cheating players
De javu 😂
lol at the end se drops a picture that shows horizon and newton
I cant wait!
Im sorry but this trailer is extremely late ive already seen it but i know other people probably didnt what i dont understand is why release soo late the new season starts according to ingame Tuesday next week soo there are barely any days left for launch trailer, launch gameplay trailer, and character gameplay trailers i feel like this is a red flag in its self that somthings up maybe im wrong maybe im overlooking it XD
What if leaked stories are from another dimension and it’s something new we have never seen before 😈
Respawns, ban cheaters, players with cronus and striker pack!! Even on console!!!
Oh my god who is she!?
Green hair as base that’s cool
Did they lay off the sfto team too?
si ya se filtro y mucha gente lo vio…. ah no ser que cambien algo pero no creo
Можно не показывать. Мы уже все видели😊
Who are you?! 😂
Seen the trailer already
“What am I? what am I you ask?”
Nothing original, that’s what you are
Let’s act like we don’t want to all be alter mains after we already saw the trailer
We have seen this, days ago. Wake Up Respawn lol I bet EA laid out Promotion team and they leaked this lol
Why’re y’all so late with the trailers the season comes out next week… 🫤
I wish I didn’t see the trailer already because I hate seeing spoilers but I saw it already and I’m mad that I did
I can fix her😢
I know they wouldn’t, but this would’ve been the perfect opportunity to have multiple trailers and have the one that we saw be completely different from what they release tomorrow. They’d break the internet.
I guess some people might say : “Who are you ?”
Alter: “Well”
“Who are you”
Release the cinematic trailer for Broken Moon instead because the majority of us have already seen this.
EA so since yall seen the trailer this is gonna be a early trailer of our new $600 finger nail heirloom colors
Who is she?
How is this based on a true story 😂😂😂?
Lo vi y la verdad la animación esta fea no lo digo por el que la hizo pero si es una empresa tan grande y es tan importante el trailer podrían ponerle un poco más de ganas no?
Bro we see it already
Best trailer ever saw it early but just, who are you?
Who is she?
WHO am i?
Me waiting to see when the gameplay trailer will drop
It like everybody asks her the same thing
Новий герой?😮
Just release it. Its already been leaked
If you are waiting for a match there’s something that knocks over the drinks that the bot is holding. Just a little hint for the upcoming legend.
She’ll be OP day 1…
I’m so excited for the new bugs
cant wait to see this for the first time!!!!!
Saw it 3 days ago. Great job art team! Horrible job cyber security!
Was she a dedicated martial artist who discovered her passion for football?
What a tragically bad company you are…
Maybe Alter your release time, as we have all seen it.
И сюда зашла альтушка можно допом скуфа?
Looks like controller or recon
I haven’t watched the leak. I care about the devs and the hard work they do. Let it come out when it’s supposed to.
As one of the 10 ancient Revenant mains
I can fix her
Looks promising might reinstall
i can change her
It’s gonna get 0 views because everyone’s already seen it.
Would be crazy if everyone here already saw the trailer 😶
Chronically online weebs acting special cuz they saw a leak 😂
Wait a minute WhO aRe YoU🧐
Dont care, didnt ask, carti did it better
It seems Cyberpunk 2077
Why even set a premiere if we already saw it 💀
When you lay off so many devs that everything just gets leaked now
Ugh Mirage is going to have a hard time dealing with this newcomer
Let’s just all act like we never saw the trailer early 😅
Alter would have pineapple on her pizza
Ya se les filtro todo, ya para que lo sacan
if the person in charge of the youtube channel sees this message release it already, everybody has seen it.
Is she the mahjong champion? The one trained in the old ways? The one born in stone? Its like i have seen it already right?
I can fix her
Interesting name. I kept myself from watching the leak, so I’m excited 😊
I have never seen this trailer👀
“Based on a true story”
Who are you?
I know her! I think she was the former mahjong champion
Со стороны она очень похожа на Хорайзон, может это её версия из другой вселенной 🫡
Seen it already
Here lies:
Dead parents
What’s the point to release a trailer when everyone saw it already🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿release the trailer for season 21 already
Been got leaked
It got leaked already lol
Who is she ?
Can’t wait for Alter to use her tail to get into our wallets
Everyone has already seen this cinematic. Just let him out, there’s no more intrigue 😑😑😑
Took y’all long enough just release it got leaked anyway
bro finally
Didn’t we watch this already?
Alguém do Brasil ?🙌
Yep got entirely leaked
woah not like i have not seen the full trailer before
Second lol
Got leaked already