ALTER TEASER – Apex Legends
ALTER TEASER – Apex Legends
source of alter trailer leak
コメント (98)
ALTER TEASER – Apex Legends
source of alter trailer leak
コメント (98)
Is newty omg 😢
We’re long overdue for an Ash buff. Maybe this will finally push them to rework her
She looks better than Mad Maggie that’s for damn sure. Hell she might even look better that most of the other female characters they’ve given us.
Hopefully, she’s hot. im tired of ugly female characters in video games
Full trailer is out before official release, when you think EA/Respawn get do any worse, you get surprised lol
my love will still remain for Caustic and Revenant
im so excited for her img
I’m getting Juri Vibes
i’ll buy the alter bundle, is it gonna worth?
I think for s21 broken moon update we will get the strange goo that infected olympus back back in time , the olympus that crashed on broken moon is from a dimension where horizon didn’t find a cure
New trans coming
Been a minute since we had a character that I’m really excited for due to lore rather than abilities.
And yet she will still be just as much of a leadbag as every other legend thay joins the ranks
As one of the main ancient 10 Revenant mains
I can fix her
Alter seems so corny to me. Like that cringe laugh at the end feels like they are trying too hard to make her evil
New theory, could be wrong… But what if Alter is a twisted version of Horizon?
Alter sems like another realitly of horizon
i can fix her
so alter is pretty much wraith?
Yup can’t wait to main mommy
Just to be a mid legend
Alter biting the curb 4k
I don’t like it, for me it’s giving no personality, tipical evil character with mental breakdown
She seems like a well adjusted person
Step on me pls 🥺👉👈🥺
My new main 😮💨
Tiene la personalidad de Juri Han
she might be scarier than rev 😅
Who’s scary Revenent Reborn or Alter looks like we’re gonna find out….
We gonna talk about how tier 3 wraith prestige skin mask kinda looks like alters symbol? Just a thought.
kinda sound like wraith
FINALLY a legend that isn’t some lame, bubbly Disney character. This game needs more serious, intimidating additions to the roster to give the game a darker, more mature theme. Been saying it for years at this point. Enough with the corny Newcastle/vantage/conduit vibes. This game has more than enough of that. If EA/respawn was actually smart about making money, they would keep adding dope characters like this that have limitless potential for great skins. Boggles my mind how hard they fumble when the solution is so simple…. All just my opinion, of course.
I’m the best alter main
I can fix her, but she can ruin my life for all i care
She looks like a demon slayer villain
She’s so mother
Momma mommy mommy mommy
Game still doesn’t work, at all! So, who cares about what they put into something that busted. Feel like I’m taking crazy pills.
guys what if alters js horizon in the future
Atp screw EA
Yes villain legend…..Hopefully
She has possibly the best base design they have put into Apex
It’s look like evelynn
Everyone is gonna play her 😭😭
I’m getting knock off evelyn vibes from league 😅😂
Ain’t no way they went hard left into Saturday morning super-villain territory with Alter 😂
when will the voidwalker skin will come back?
Really good voice acting
Why does she have a tail-
She becomes less interesting every time I learn more about her
She’s so edgy lmao like more then rev edgy
when will this be mostly released?
Okay my new main is set
Any ranked rewards showcase for next season?
Oh, she’s a *PSYCHO* psycho.
Why is it taking so long for the Trailer to drop, though? Isn’t this the first time it has taken this long for one to come out? Jeez. The new season is supposed to drop in like 8 days.
Might be my new main
Juri Han vibes goes HARD now
I think she’ll be very interesting
They should give her al least black hair. She looks like a Furry.
nahh i know a derpixon edit when i see one😂
Theory: alter is actually Horizon who lost her mind because she never found her son again.
It’s not even the same game any more what happened to Blisk and the original story? That was rad.
Apex Legends – Into the Alterverse
Ballistic was the last “NEW” legend that I was interested in. Alter is 3x that now lol she looks sick! 🔥 🙌🏼
shes a altered horizon obviously
Here me out…
Green Goblin
We finally got a new villain character I don’t think she’s going to be better than rev but I’m happy we got one finally
Alter is Horizon alternate version or her daughter
I think that they may be releasing on tues, but maybe not every trailer. After all she hacked the games.
great another uwu legend
I can fix her
Still giving me Juri vibes from Street Fighter
Horizon what have u created ….!!!
EA better hurry up and release the actual trailer before we just see the whole thing while its slowly leaked lol
She looks like she wants to scream KONO DIO DA
Her laugh is so funny that’s when I completed the flatline quest 😂
Is she an alternate reality Horizon????
I can fix her mfs returning to apex 😂
New bad mommy
Freezer from dragonball
It’s my new Main, you have my word.
” im the one who is there at the end, or am i ? ”
the fk is that supposed to mean anybody know?
Season 20 went by fast
I’m hyped for a new bad guy that’s not just Rev or Caustic lol
When is SFTO coming out???