Apex Predators vs. Gravity Cannon Movement
Gravity Cannon Tech.
Apex Legends Season 20 Breakout
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#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,apexlegends,apex legends,heirloom,heirloom shards,movement,apex legends new event,aceu,apex predator,rank 1 pred,rank 1 predator,apex cheats,apex hacks,apex hacking,rank #1 predator,conduit,movement tech,apex pred,apex predators,apex legends perks,apex leaks,apex season 20,apex legends season 20,apex legends season 20 breakout,rookie to apex predator,octane prestige skin,octane heirloom skin,octane mythic skin,octane mythic,mythic skin
コメント (129)
I feel bad for the first guy… faide calls him “so bad” after he absolutely destroys him ;( he never had a chance
*eyelids falling with the weight of 1000 men*
~new faide video~
that juice wrld music is basically a staple now😂
No one can compare, apex god 🔥🫡
I don’t even play Apex anymore, but I love watching Faide doing what he does best.
It’s watching videos like these that make me realize I’m nothing in Apex🤣
wtf? 12:30
“Oh but he runs away every time, s so he’s actually bad at the game 🤓” like bro, he is great, I mean on drop he goes balls deep gets kill leader, and when he gets low he dips effortlessly and heals, comes back and finishes them off. It’s good content, love the vids man
wheres the preds? Click bait faide sheesh
Props for resing teammates🫡 good games as well
What’s with the 1080p uploads man 😵💫
Love how you make fun of ppl who aren’t as good as u shows a lot
15:41 😂this laugh
Why don’t you play pro scene ??
16:21 fade copy in kill feed
Faid couldn’t move
Hahahahaha…that last one to funny..you stock up😂😂😂😂
Apex predator ranked but in pubs but w/ movement
Joga de mas em cara eu joga tambem
15:56 omg I think you got into a game with fade! Look at death chat!
booby johnstoon beat
these are not apex predators, theres actually no way
You can’t move yet most of your videos are titled with something about your awesome movement.
15:37 you see wraith stop and realize she’s been played
Fuck anyone that snipes from 100’s of meters away from their team just to try and get the easy pick 😂 don’t be that guy. Push with ur team or push by yourself.
What’s the secret to getting bot lobbies?
How does he slide after using gravity cannon??
Did anyone count how many times the crypto died?
When Faide gets packet loss and rubberbanding, you know Apex is unplayable …server issues constantly😢😢😢😢😢
The crypto on your team had heart for staying, even though he endured a lot 😂
How many time that crypto die?
Even on vacation you upload. Respect G.
He can’t move, can we help him??Naaaah
BRO.. watching this makes me realize how mid I am at this game lmfao
we need a three strikes game fr
Why the hell faide moans in the mid game
Player: *enters the game*
Faide: “wha….wHy R u ThErE”
Did I miss the 1 mill special?
i literally cackled when you sent them off the cannon without you!!!
especially the wraith, you can see her full on stop like “gooooosh dangit!!!!”
@faide do flat keys help with your gameplay? thanks.
Is this better to play with disabled shadows like faide?
😭got mad at the end bro could’ve killed em all if he could move
wear the prestige skin next time twin 🙏🏿
I am faide die hard fan❤❤From🇮🇳🇮🇳Faide is movment god❤❤❤
My fev 2 no-1 Faide..No-2 Shroud ❤❤
Faide is human machine for apex❤❤
After shroud…Faide is my fev movment god❤❤❤😊
##Faide is Apex God❤❤Faide is movement god❤❤❤💥💥⚘️⚘️🇮🇳🇮🇳
Why he always ask why?
yo faide u can buffer jump when theres a ledge underneath u and 180 prefire a superglide when it mantles to instaglide off the floor.. do what u want with that info
Faide is love❤❤❤Faide is movment god❤❤❤
These videos are always insane
15:35 😂😂
These are def. not preds
0:28 how does he get enough speed there to slide into a tapstrafe?
Also that poor crypto on your team has no game sense 🤣
faide say I can not move !!!! a normal day in south america 😀
10:25 Bro This crypto 💀 4 respawn and he finish with 74 Damage 👍🥷😂😂
12:24 Faide Must Die, bro everyone is just spawning to kill him lol
This guy is really something special at this game 😂😂🤦🏾♂️
“all he does is play ziplines, no skill”
“all he does is play cannons, no skill”
what’s next?
He is still posting while on vacation curing my boredom
They need to remove that bridge from launch pad where teams just sit and camp from above its broken
I watch Faide, thinking I’ll be like him, but in reality I get my ass whooped of drop.
Do You Know Myanmar Country?
i from myanmar
i like you so much
your play soooo good bro
sorry for my english skill
please reply me 😢
You’re telling me that first game, crypto didn’t even do 100 damage? Lol
0:29 how tf do you learn to crank a door like this
The final hsjaja
Always the same spots and content. Unfollowing.
Am i the only who can’t see a single apex predator as it’s a pub
14:40 😂💀 he took the cannon
What resolution does Faide playing >?
14:38 15:35
Wow that first game was op asf gz
19:03 whaaaaaatttttttt????????
Faide: I Cant Aim
Enemy: I Cant Use My Brain Where Wraith go?
I found this code for 5% OFF Expert Plans and 90% OFF Starter Plans with MyFundedFutures! Use code: HORIZON
11:58 one of the rarest wraith animations
17:18 who says god woth that creepy voice 😂 faide had a ghost doing commentary.
Cannon theme park open…
Perfect timing
i remember this skin i feel like i played with dude 13 kill i gave 8 assist as horizon
7:40 omg haha
I need to see the episode where you play with Lamic999, but you play Wattson and Lamic999 Wraith (DAY 1)
u cant move….🥵
Title says he’s out playing Predators but it’s not ranked
13:03 bro that horizon tried really hard to stop Faide from running with cannon😂😂
Cryptos in game IG was terrible 😭
Faide I have a family to support. Don’t upload at this time ever again.
i love you
Then ending to that first game was naaaaaaasty
Only 1785 views in 14 minutes faide fell off
“You’re now listening to lobby Johnson “
i just know this man will drop some of the most stylish kills every video at this point
Early. Sick movement as awlays, keep up the good work 🙌
ahhh yeg right on time
1 like = one comment – one comment + 1 pushup – 1 comment
Hell yea my morning just got so much better when I saw this let’s goooo Faide
amazing pur uzzzu
grab some chips and soda while watching a new Faide’s gameplay = Happiness
Gracias por subir videos mas seguidos… 🐐
Hello there 🙏🏾✌🏽✌🏽🤟🏾🤟🏾
Faide raised me at this point, hey dad
its illegal to be this early
Hello, you are very strong
1 minute 0 views…faide has fallen 🙁
top comment??
Da movement stay crazzy
52 seconds no views. fades fallin but i still love you
YOU are now listening to a Bobby Johnson 🅱️eat 😎
Nuh uh