The Next 2 Prestige Skins In Apex Legends!
Phase 2 of Season 21 In-Game Teasers + The Next Legend Receiving Their Prestige Skin! Apex Legends News. Apex Leaks.
Season 21 is releasing soon in Apex Legends, and our first in-game teaser for Alter and Broken Moon map changes is here!
On the Broken Moon and Storm Point maps, you can see the Olympus map floating around in the air!
If you look at the Olympus Map long enough, it will teleport to a different spot, which could be hinting at the new Skirmisher Legend, Alter, and her Ultimate Ability, Void Nexus, coming to The Apex Games in Season 21!
The next Legend to get their Prestige Skin in Apex Legends after Octane’s in the Urban Assault Event should be Pathfinder, followed by Lifeline with her Rework in Season 22!
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Taqs:apex,apex legends,apex leaks,apex ranked,apex funny moments,apex legends leaks,apex easter egg,rare heirloom animation,apex legends nostalgia,apex legends season 20,season 20 news,season 20 patch notes,apex news,heirloom shards,universal heirloom,cobalt katar,apex artifact,octane prestige skin,exotic shards,season 21,apex packs changing,heirloom apex,apex build a pack,apex is broken,urban assault,alter,pathfinder prestige skin,lifeline mythic
コメント (109)
Are you happy that these Legends are getting the next Prestige Skins? 🤔
Bro, your joking me right that’s just phase shift from titan fall 2
It would be cool if the pathfinder skin was titanfall inspired so it could look like a specter or the robot pilot that used stim
Hell naw, that better not be close to what his skin will look like, his heirloom has been booty tier since s3, and they gon drop that??? Bruhhh
Pathfinder mains (including me) are eating good tonight.🔥🔥🔥
thats not fan inspired, thats stim pilot from tf2
So… Another boring event? Wonderful.
Stop post poning lifeline’s shit, fucken haters.
They should have made the prestige skin look like BT from titan fall
I used to play Titanfall 2 professionally and hearing “fan made model” just hurt my soul…
I got bamboozled so hard thinking it was mirage after seeing him and path together FML
Apex copying Fortnite???
Prestige skins just getting worse and worse😂
It better be tf3
That’s a titanfall pilot
fan model? that’s a phase pilot from titanfall 2
where’s mirage prestige skin, there’s no content for mirage since I started playing the game 2 or 3 yrs ago😢
“The fan model” blud, it is from titanfall
Bro Apex is so dead im Not Even exited to See this
The fan model is literly a titanfall drone
(Im in the US) and around the afternoon there was explosions happening on Broken Moon .. it ceased after probably two hours or so.. the day before, portals kept disappearing and reappearing ..also you could hear monsters growling
I was hoping mirage but damn they doing lifeline dirty
Im ngl i hate spoilers js let me be suprised
“Fan model” bro that’s from Titanfall 2 it’s a phase shift pilot just a better wraith to put it into apex gamer terms
So they are just giving skirmishers prestige skins cuz majority are for them, octane wraith Rev valk then now possibly pathy
Fan inspired skin is ass compared to other skins not to mention it just looks like a normal mf from titanfall
Wow forghtnight came a long way ☺️
Is this the first season to not get a new heirloom?!😂😂
Bro, my 2 favorite legends all got 3 heirloom/prestige skins in such a short time, wtf
😂 straught fortnite vibes 😂😂
what a clickbait thumbnail so desperate for views
Umm isn’t that bastion…
People getting the new legend Alter as soon as she comes out👇
Lifeline should’ve been first damnit! I already have 15k kills on her im getting kinda bored. I need a new reason to keep grinding with her
Apex got so sweaty out of nowhere i was almost plat in ranked and then the last 2 days ive not been able to get a win or nothing and now down to gold 2 so bloody done with the game
Ita a titan fall character its not fan inspired
Octane looks crazy at fully prestige
The “fan model” looks like bastion from overwatch and titan fall put togethet
Is that Bastion from ow 🙏🤨
Blud never played titanfall 2
Fan model you say do your research it’s titanfall!
Not knowing what a phase pilot is 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
There is a hacked screen on Olympus that shows a lot of error code.
Will Pathy get a rework ? lIke pathy reborn ?
As a #1 Pathfinder in my country, i have a smile in my face. As EA never care for pathfinder skins and his sheet HEIRLOOM. 🙂
Bro thats just the phase shift pilot from titan fall 2
Imagine wasting heirloom shards on a prestige skin
The devs must really hate lifey. Just re work her give her the chance to be a decent legend again.
The phase shift pilot model being called a “Fan Made Model” makes so sad
Hopefully we get Jack Cooper in apex one day
Which prestige skin is the best one so far in your opinion
I am sooooooooo fucking exited for the lore coming next season!🔥🔥🔥Also god pls let the pathfinder skin be some joyful funny costume and not an army outfit where we don’t even get to see his face! Plsssss!!!!!!🤞🤞🤞🙏🙏🙏 Nice video as always Ross I love u!!!❤️❤️❤️🐐🐐🐐🔥🔥🔥
man got my hopes up thought it was mirage
Bruh the clickbait is crazy
when are we gonna get some wattson love 🥲
If octane prestige skin was a titan fall to stem robot I would be so happy
I want jester 😭
Ok but when wattson
This dude has to be trolling or embarrassing oblivious. “Fan inspired” this made me violent
Dude takes all his info from hypermyst and posts it hours after 😢😂
Yessss finally path prestige skin Ive been waiting for so long
I hate it. Why can’t they just release one shard item per hero? It’s too obvious it is money biased
So is path going to get the skin or octane?
As a 2 IQ mirage main with a live but no girlfriend.
I want his prestige skin like dude his uncle was literally a Pilot, think about it, Holo Pilot Mirage prestige skin!!!
When Ash prestige skin
imagine they combined the best parts of every map
No love for gibby on the prestige skins 😪 and I just know they can make one that’ll go hard
Dude that’s just a Phase Shift Pilot.
“Fan inspired” this hurts me on a spiritual level.
That’s th phase pilot in titainfall 2 or the drone throwers in the campaign
Dude I’m. Mirage main and you really got my hopes up
Dale admits racism still exists in some form today and his actions don’t exempt him from being racist too just cause he’s black: lvl impossible
And no Maggie heirloom in sight
Are they still doing heirloom
So when rework path heirloom
When will crypto get a prestige skin ? That’s all I care about and the only reason I play apex
Fan inspired model?? 😭
Tell me you don’t know what tf|2 is without telling me
Cant wait for the pathfinder prestige skin😃
Nah thats the phase shift from titanfall
It looks like bastion from over watch
Fan inspired? Bro that is a direct pull from Titanfall 2 phase shift pilot
They should definitely make pathys prestige skin based on titanfall
Ain’t that just jester?
Bro my fiancé is a pathy main and I mean I’m happy and all but I’m a lifeline main and it feels like she’s getting the shitty end of the stick since Newcastle came out. She was supposed to get a rework, never did, her prestige skin was supposed to come out it’s not till two seasons from now, at this point if she got an heirloom recolor I’d be happy😭
Slowly turning it fucknite 😭
Maggie need a heirloom
BTW im like faide on controller😊
When they gonna update old
Prestige skins
What about mirage 😢
It only took 5 years for Apex to do something nearly as cool as the Crack in the Sky in Fortnite lol
“This fan model” Dawg r u serious?
And Newcastle’s herllom?? It was supposed to be this season too, and so far nothing will happen next season??
That skin looks like Ethan from infinite warfare
“I can’t see what else respawn has in store…”
Bugs. The answer is more bugs. 😂
Let’s gooooooooo I’ve been saving crafting since the bang prestige now I finally have an event to use them on once again lets gooooooo
That’s not a fan made skin that’s only a titanfall character
Are we thinking alter might be some kind of alter dimension version of horizon or something??
Waiting for ma boi Mirage 😞😞
As a pathfinder main i genuinely cant wait
The model is for titanfall 2
I hope they dont do pathfinder dirty like they did with octanes skin