Top 5 Fastest Finishers in Apex Legends!
Top 5 Fastest Finishers in Apex Legends. Apex Legends Tips. Apex News. Apex Ranked Guide.
Performing Finishers in Apex Legends is a quick way to get back your Shields and to increase your EVO amount, but did you know that some Finishers take a lot longer than others?
The longest finisher in the game is Gibraltar’s “Force of Gravity” but the fastest finisher in Apex Legends is nearly 2 seconds quicker!
Legends like Ash, Pathfinder, Wraith, Lifeline, and more have really quick Finishers, which can help them get back to a fight quicker than other Legends!
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コメント (158)
Loba’s Finishers might not be the fastest, but they’re the best 👀
I have hi 5
Finally path finders secret passive
Idk bro, Loba got me finished in 2.36 seconds
nahhh V1 looks kinda different
As a pathfinder main I already knew this
what abt prestige finishers
Love how the literal speed character isnt up here 💀
How crazy it is to have the fastest excution lol i have all of em
If you pronounce gibby as jibby you are officially an opp
I love when there is literal pay to win content in the form of “cosmetics”
Did you just say jibby 😐
This was a great idea for a short. Always come up with fresh short content!!!
Force of gravity may be the slowest, but it is by far the best
Used to be horizons default for the longest time and bang was I think second when she knocks you down and uses your own rifle to shoot you with
Gibbys looks like grizzy shatering his chair playing with puffer
Horizon finisher before patch🥲, all because it was free
Gotta love a p2w game that people will defend with their lives 😂😂
Popping a bat with Pathfinders finisher lol
Man, warzone finishers are so much better
Bro where ocetan finishes
number 1: me
How fast is the octane kicking finisher?
I miss mobile
I was betting on Horizon default
“What are you gonna do big guy, sit on me?”
I always be sending them back to lobby with a high 5 . Currently sitting at 1.4k finishers on my boy path
Fastest finisher is fade’s finisher from Apex legends mobile it only clocks in 3 second
Valkyrie be like 👀
There was a tume where fuse had the fastest finisher
I finish faster
Fastest finish is (last word) from ballistic
2 seconds is like poppin’ a cell vs a bat… That’s crazy
Fun fact it used to be horizons default finisher as she used to not have that part where she presses buttons on it but went straight to killing the enemy but got nerfed for being nearly 4 seconds long furthermore most finishers have a kill point where for example when lifeline hits the enemy with the drumstick the finishers is over but can still be shot and if this happens the enemy will die, you will know this happens when you see white hexagons on the screen midway through the finisher
And then there are people with lag.
i though it was bangs
Just don’t do finishers
Man i have the lifeline finisher that pretty cool
Same with finisher in CoD i always try to find the ones that make it difficult to hit or the ones that have the “shortest” timer but most take the standard 4 sec
Honestly they should all be the same, just add small extra animations
shoulda called it the hi-4.47 instead
Horizon’s one where she slams them between her things used to bw about 3 seconds and it made her pickeate skyrocketsl. Twas absolutely insane.
It was horizin they nerfed
I could see loba’s being like 4 sec. Hers starts pretty fast. The walk is what takes so long.
Is the fastest finisher not just killing them 🗿
Caustics Prestigr Skin finisher i believe is one of the fastest
Was it really that hard to make them all the same length💀
Pathfinder my boi
Good, even triple A games offer pay to win and they’re proud?!
As a path main I am happy
Pathfinder high five
Me … I’m the fastest 😢
Didn’t respawn add a few more seconds to pathfinders finisher at one point because it was too fast?
I’ll be honest, at least speaking for me, 90% of the time when I finish someone it’s cause they pissed me off and I wanna stunt on then, annoy, and rub it in so I really don’t care about efficiency 😂
Morale of the story, pulling off a finisher is the ultimate flex 😂
Look, force of gravity might be slow, but its totally worth it
I called this when I first saw the finisher and I was ignored lol pathfinder finisher time is so strong
Bro didn’t say jibby
i love the lifeline one
Gibby ✅️
Jibby ❎️
Used to love Horizons finisher back when she first came out. That was SO quick
it used to be horizon’s default finisher but like everything else in her kit it got nerfed
Im still faster 🪦
No it’s actually the legendary octane finisher
One of cryptos finishers ?
Crypto left the chat
Make a top 6 video for the catchy 2 second plot line and then call it top 6
I love octane finishing move.
Thanks for some more usseles information 😊
Someone doesn’t like octain lol 😂, his default finisher is literally 4.56 seconds mirage default 4.47 seconds. This is hilarious to watch my guy. You’re so wrong yet so confident that’s cool
Tbh i first thought it was wraiths portal one, but then almost instant rememberd paths hi 5
I thought there will be the bloodhound finisher where he stab the enemy,that thing was quicker on season 4/5
That rev finsher is straight out mortal kombat
welp thats broken and pay 2 win
I swear thats from my video the rev finisher if it is that is the coolest thing ive ever seen 😀
pathy is fastest and i have it
Did you forget The bloodhound stab finisher?
I unsubscribed after I heard him say Jibby🤦🏻♂️
What about cryptos tho??
Of course Gibbys was the slowest
Check out mirages, might not be fast but its funny when they shoot the decoy
Just speed up the slow ones
heres hoping that apex goes the way of mobile
That lifeline one is so badass lmao
I fucking knew it.
Lifelines finisher is quick and it’s one of the few finishers with a small hit box, as she is on the ground compared to other where they are standing.
Wot abaut the new octein mytic skin😂❤
Number one is me, clocking in at just 2.5 seconds 😂
I got every all of those finisher from the apex pack
Fk it. Dorce of gravity is still the best finisher inthe game
POV you’re friend is way to competitive
Mythic caustic acid spit is long man
I just unlocked the tier 3 rev skin
I thought the Caustic finsher the one he puts gas on the enemy, feels fast.
Mad Maggie’s Punching tho?
Bro said “Jibby” ☠️
Of course V1 it’s the best
Amateurs …I finish in 3sec
Bruh there forgetting about bloodhound,
Who’s Jibby?
My gf always complains when I finish fast
Do you know when the breakout challenges will be fixed because currently i would have repeat all the legend quests to still get the reactive flatline skin. It says i havnt done them but thats not true
This shouldn’t even be a thing to equip a finisher but then die to it cuz its 2 seconds longer than a default one.
Idk how long it is but Revs default finisher he disappears for almost 3 second
Getting the lifeline finisher w her Judge Jury Execution akin from S2 back then felt so badass
I thought it was bloodhounds
I love Mad Maggie’s Hello from Salvo, might not be the fastest, but for sure is one of the coolest lol
Honourable mention to horizons first finisher when she was released. 3.5 seconds was wacky
Maggies defaults pretty quick
I would put crypto in te list.
Bloodhounds knife execution is faster.
Part 2, the most movement in a finisher, 1st place goes to Octane Prestige finisher 😂, getting Octane Prestige skin on Day 1
Yesssssss thats the finisher i use on Pathy too
Pathy is back at it again
By the time Gibby is done with his finisher I’m already done with 2 matches 💀
By the time Gibby is done with his finisher the season is already over 💀💀
Them 5 seconds finishers feel like 30seconds when your in the heat of battle😂
Half ways you be thinking “dam I shouldn’t have done this” 💀
Been interested to play apex legends and im glad pathfinder, which is the legend im most familiar with, has got the fastest execution. Time download apex
Mirage’s finishers are neat because they’ll have enemies shooting the decoys. I remember being low health and having to do a finisher to get my armor up and my decoy was being lit up
They say i finish the fastest
Who actually uses finishers anyway?
I feel like conduit’s other finisher is also very fasf
There is nothing more satisfying then yeeting your enemy into the void in ranked right in front of their mates for the shields
So where does the mythic finishers rank. Because caustics feels 5 seconds. If not alil shorter
The fastest finisher is me with your mom
On a competitive level this is braindead beyond belief
Remember apex is pay to win, because all of these finishers, are legendary rarity.
Idc if the finisher is fast or not I just want a finisher I can enjoy seeing
Loba’s default finisher
I finish faster than that
Fun fact the fastest finisher is the 2nd ballistic finisher where he just picks u up and throws u down
and they said “no cosmetics offer an advantage”💀
For my veteran players who remember, Horizion’s default finisher used to be stupidly quick. It was so quick that they ended up nerfing it by adding a small animation at the end.
I used to joke with my friends that everything was busted about her, even the damned finishers!
I said that all finishers should be either sped up or slowed down to match a certain speed.
What abt octane hitting them with his leg repeatedly?
I cant login to the game on ps5
I still finish faster
Used to be horizons default finisher, shit was like 4 seconds long.
How long is seers quickdraw?
Got notuing on dbd moris
Horizon black hole finisher feels fast
I legit one day went through my “mains” finishers to see which were faster 😂😂😂😂.
Back then Ash’s was the fastest one
It used to be horizons default finisher until they changed it like back in season 8 or smt
Tbh , thats a bit not fair , i think some will agree with me .
I mean it should be no different in each other’s finishers .
the gaming merchant taught me pathfinder’s hi-5 was fastest
Ash has a fast ass one
Thought it was gonna be Fuze’s default.
What about revs hand thru the chest?
Here first again