Apex Legends: Thrillseekers Event Trailer
Prove you’re the ultimate daredevil in the first Arenas event in Apex Legends.
Get your adrenaline rush in the Apex Legends Thrillseekers Event! Duke it out in the new Arenas map: Overflow, a raging volcano on the verge of eruption. To celebrate our very first Arenas event, you’ve got three weeks to claim fame and glory — and rewards. Complete weekly challenge tracks and earn free event-limited items inspired by the world of extreme sports. Dress Pathfinder, Revenant, Gibraltar, Rampart and Mirage in Legendary skins that show their taste for fashion is only matched by their taste for danger, and collect Epic and Rare skins too.
Show your opponents what a real daredevil can do.
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.
Learn more about Apex Legends – Legacy: http://x.ea.com/68308
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#ApexLegendsThrillseekers #ThrillseekersEvent #ApexLegacy #ApexLegends
Taqs:Apex Legends,Apex Legends characters,Thrillseekers Event,Arenas Event,new Apex Legend,Apex Legends Valkyrie,Apex Legends Legacy,Apex Legends Season 9,Apex Legends Arenas,Apex Legends arenas event,Apex Legends game,Respawn Apex Legends,Battle Royale game,Battle Royale,Battle Royale shooter,Apex Games,multiplayer shooter,Apex Legends PS4,Apex Legends Xbox,Apex Legends PC,Apex Legends Origin,Respawn Entertainment,Electronic Arts
コメント (4511)
Still one of my favorite maps
Revenant looks like General Grievous about to pull out 4 lightsabers and go on a rampage
When are these skins coming back?
I wish I hadn’t missed this event, because that Rampart skin looks so sick and I love it! I didn’t start playing until season 11, so I seriously hope it comes back someday.
Name of music pls ?
Finally my boy isn’t the one the one getting abused in these trailers
His money is on pathfinder cause pathfinder is a robot/ mrvin and revenant is a simulacrum meaning he is technically human.
0:00 – 1:20
No one questioning the fact they seem to tease 3v3v3
I like how they app 1 new mini map and call it an event
Why does r99 sounds like a R-301 at 0:22?
Probably just me, but I don’t remember this event at all
And I played during this time too
How Apex Trailers are made
Show Epic Cosmetics
Cool Kills With focus
Epic Music
focus octane when they nerf him + tapstraf ? nice joke u soab
When is it going to be apex season 11
This event was terrible
General kenobi …..
At least octane got revenge for being killed in every trailer
FINALLY Octane doesnt die in a trailer
か ら あ げ く ん
Just call them the Pride of the Gaye Club.
Fix titanfall
Bro Octane went nuts
the Muay Thai skins look sick
Ok but where was the Bangalore and lifeline skins in the game?
When are they adding apex to phone
0:45 Looks like respawn has read someone’s “the floor is lava” comment
Anybody got the song they used in the trailer, can’t find it
I need to know what this song is.
Plis solution error conexión ejected invalid token no marker
ayo the song kinda hard anybody know what its called
Apex Legends Делать задания на одни арены – значит не уважать своих игроков. От арен всех уже тошнит! Сидишь делаешь эти дурацкие задания, горишь с тимы м потом просто уже нет желания идти в другой режим. А вы еще хотите делать ранкет на аренах!
Fuses eirloom is probably the guitar from this trailer at 59 second in
Is it too late to get the Bangalore skin?
With that Revenant skin, there should be a voiceline for him when you ping enemies that goes like: Revenant: CRUSH THEM, MAKE THEM SUFFER!
Trailer is dope and all but the song anybody pls
1:09 what is that bruh
Watergothim should play mirage now after all they gave him his own skin 🤡 🤡
Octane: -My money’s on the robot.
Me: -Which robot?
I Love How Everyone Is 1hp In Every Trailer
When’s that Caustic buff coming along?
Guys fix that bugs and lags in your game coz from month to month is worse ps4 etc
Octane my money on robot there both are robots my guy
Finally, a trailer were my boy octane doesnt die in the first 40 seconds
RIP here lies the greatness of wraith
Did anyone spot a wraith skin
If you want to download a game with many bugs, download apex legen, if you don’t play it for 1 month, you won’t be able to play it again. Unfortunately, I bought items in the game and that money is no longer refundable.
When will South Africa get severs for apex getting very tiered of 200+ ping severs
I like how they call this an “event” even though it’s really just “hey check it out we added General Grevious in the game as a microtransaction, now give us your money and buy apex coins.”
Cool video, but just can’t get over how Bangalore sounded like a little girl.
i cant even play the game what happened
Não estou conseguindo jogar com meu amigo pois fica “pré carregado membros do grupo” para sempre e não acha partida
Tipical:A r-99 sounds like a r-301 just like all the trailers
Did anyone else notice the R-301 sound over the R-99 0:22
people talking about a star wars robot and here i am thinking about Dirk the Daring…
C’est parce que plus personne joue à votre jeu de merde que je fait que de me taper les predas et les masters ?
U look like a clown bro
So respawn Brought back voidwalker saddle well they did that bc they made alot of money off the skin well they should come out with a bundle with the Protector Of The Void & Queens guard
Fix titanfall, it takes a few hours to fix apex being backed but years for titanfall? Put more than 2 people on the job
Octane’s the protagonist of this trailer
What is so hard about adding solos
You should come out with a cool bull skin for octane
Please add solo in battle pass 10 🙁
apex legends stuck on black loading screen
please fix this game
Literally, every legend gets a skin, not Wattson. (That’s not a new skin in the trailer where you can see her for half a second.) I demand a skin that clearly shows she is the ultimate strongest legend. She really deserves at least 1 skin where she’s badass. Like truly badass.
Just sick how Wattson doesn’t get anything. Even in this BP.. 1 little terrible, godawful line and that’s all.. I’m a Wattson main btw and I think she doesn’t need a buff or a nerf. She is fine. If all you can do in this game is aiming and shooting, that’s your problem.
Nerf the devo for god sake
Oh no Dr nafarious
Please fix
Your game is broken I wasted 40 dollars and didn’t get me coins
Its not the game its the people i hate them make solo’s
Fix titanfall
Improve your servers
Fix titanfall
Matchmaking, you know it? Make good one ore none
The floor is lava. The music is garbage.
Next hierloom is crypto yea
Everyone changes the mind
Buff wattson
revenant’s skin head is general grievious !
Whats the song??
Dont try this at home
This channel should get players like taxi2g to perform god movement in the clips instead of showing sliding repeatedly :^)
get your game together please my friend has been banned three times for absolutely no reason
Save titanfall!
You need to make it to where 4 can play or 5
I actually don’t hate the skin. He has an extra tattoo on his stomach.
Doesn’t the event center around Octane? Apex, where is my legendary Octane skin. You do this to me so often. 😅
octane: my moneys on the robot
revenant: *do you know how little that narrows it down?!*
Please fix Matchmaking!
not impressed…
„My money’s on the robot”
Clever 100
1:14 – Ok, but why Cat Wraith? It’s from Season 6 lol.
Music nameeeeeee? *.*
Honestly not impressed with the skins at all mirage needs better lol and ramparts is ok but gibby is lit 🔥
I want to see apex make a movie
Can we get an boxing ring arenas maps where you have to use you fists
oh it’s Revenant Muay Thai skin
5 vs 5? ARENA!
So… is there an actual event or just new map and skins ?
When is cross-play coming to a tendo switch
Apex please bring back the fight night pathfinder skin PLEASE!!👏
bro nobody cares about baby wolf tokens
You have lots of glitches, server problems to fix and make a skill-based matchmaking. And all you will do is another collection event where we can’t even spend crafting materials?
Oscar pistorius killing it right now…..🎉
Music in video:
Daniel Delaney & Greggory Covington – Go Hard
Will you ever return to titanfall
Bring back killing joke caustic skin please I really want it
everytime i see the rev skin, i feel like he’s gonna say General Kenobi
Fix titanfall 2 please
finally a good trailer
Respawn help with the DDOS on titanfall 2 i want to play titanfall 2 on my ps4 again pls
Free 25 crafting materials 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😄🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’d actually love a cinematic boxing scene of those two
Can you guys make the wreath skin only 500 Gold tokens I want it so bad
We need akimbo hop up🤤
Fix Titianfall
Just put the face mask down for horizon please
Wattson heirloom: “tactical nessie” when?
Revenant’s face be like: *_”General Kenoooobiiiii!”_*
new map?? 13/7/21
Why is there only two Hiller legends in the game
Bruh I already bought the rev skin of it being out for 5 minutes
Apex be goin crazy with the trailers
Revenant kinda looks like general grievous
Hi I cant play at trios and duos when he start this event HELPP
Let’s gooooo
Me Caustic main : …
Don’t keep updating the skin, the server is broken, fix it first so the players are comfortable !!!
Anybody know what time it will be out
Guys don’t waste a lot of money on this game.
I loved apex legends and i wasted arround 200$just on this game and i had the kunai, one day i got bannedFor no reason it’s just not worth it to waste that much of cash on it.
Can I have free herliom shards 👉👈
Hacker Legends!, cheater Legends! OH! Yes!!!
damm am ready
Add solo match
Overflow sounds familoar
I’m confused how this event clearly centers around octane yet he doesn’t get a legendary skin😓
Dis skin is nice for Octane il love it😊
Nice Music 👍👍
Keep👏 kings👏 canyon👏 in👏 rotation👏 now
There was no new secret heirloom
its today people
Plot twist: This is the Dark Age of Technology, those MRVN are GI type Men of Iron, titans are titans
The Ark is energy extracted from the Warp, Horizon invented Warp Drive that was use throughout Titanfall, branthium is crystalized warp energy (as seen in the Ultra Marine game)
Fold Weapon is Necron’s Particle Whip containing anti-matter, the planet that ARES Division recover the ancient alien technology is a Tomb World
Revenant was made by Necron’s Living Metal and forming after Necron appearance, his Silence ability is the Pylon
Wraith is the first nearly perfect psyker that can use most of warp energy potential, creating stable warp portal.
Oh, don’t forget the third season event “Fight or Fright” that Pathfinder entered a portal but accidentally ended up in a Warp Rift, facing daemon Revenant.
It all make sense now.
bro where tf are the bloodhound skins
Octane. “My moneys on the robot”
But at what hour at 13 july 😩😫😩😫🧑🦲👩🦲
apparently nobody plays by the rules anymore lol
I wish i could get this stuff man i just blew all my cash on the revnant event
The only good skin there is the Mirage one.
I’m soo tired like deadass tired of this make me bk to master or something because I can’t be like this all the time
I solo my rank all the time and I can’t be spending my money on this game and yall can’t help fix things
En vez de sacar evento.. arreglen los server y hackeos una verguenza
Apex can u bring back lifeline shield plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Are we not gonna talk about how genesis ends tomorrow and this is already gonna come up?
Don’t get me wrong, i like events just as much as the next guy but respawn should be trying to fix their servers instead of getting more money
Fix titanfall
It to expensive
Octan is my main and I love it
No caustic?
I hope there will be a lengenday skin in the challenges like a octane
Tbh, Revenant’s skin remains me of Paparius from Undertale in a way but noice event trailer👌🏻
Reaspawn stop 🛑 selling titanfall you can’t play it ur scaming.and stop the hacker from taking away titanfall2 servers please
So is Octane getting a legendary because he seemed to be the main focus in the trailer and the even is called thrill seeker but the skin they showed him wearing seemed like a purple rarity so I’m wondering if he’s actually gonna get a legendary?
It pains me that Crypto is so left in the dust😭
y’all never have a bloodhound skin
Yea a trailer where octane does not die
This looks awesome
If theres no bloodhound skydive emote then i dont want it
I love the game 🎮, but I hate the community so much.
The map looks bad
octain on fire
Pathfinder = Chappie
if someone would like to see Chappie skin like me, copy this message, maybe it will do something 🙂
I bought apex coins from the PlayStation store and I didn’t get them in the game
Can yall pls stop scamming
Mr adrenaline himself
Another Revnant skin..
*”this is the thing u need” “*GiFtCaRd.MoNsTer*”*
*”There are no limits here, Am I right?”*
Why apex legends giving me so much error
bang’s skins are always trash LOL
1:14 Why is everyone there but caustic they dont like my boi
All I have to say is, I don’t appreciate how y’all left my sweet innocent Valkrie out of this event 😤
Ofc there is no wattson skin 💀
You need to buff crypto, here’s a suggestion you need to give cryptos drone commands. For example “follow me” and “watch over head” this will not only make him more fun but also give him a good buff. Its not even that unbalanced.
Only here for the Lifeline Skin
So is the event out or was to already out
When is this event
fix titanfall 2
Please I want you to bring back the skin octane fast fashion and sell it again.
Enjoying the map rotation. Love them.
All apex trailers look the same..
Why does revenant look like grievous mixed with mr. mime mixed with a jojo stand
Gibraltar skins look like its from mortal kombat
Octaine finally got his revenge
1:14 チーミング会場
revenants skin looks like papyrus in his date outfit
i want the R-301 ;-;
The new event starts on my birthday 😄
bloodhound snubbed AGAIN
Everyone in this trailer: get skin or recolor
Mirage: We live in society
To you titanfall 2 fans just letting you know a hacker has hacked the game and ping is launching to freaking 2,000/2,500
Thus is now unplayable respawn please fix your freaking game.
Finally octaine doesnt dies
Can you add dual weild for a hop up plz and next season can you also add a legendary wingman for battle pass
Por favor seus irresponsável arruma o jogo servidor está muito ruim para jogar estou caindo
Every time I think they can’t make a worse Rev skin, they just go & out do themselves.
Apex needs to realize adding a few new things shouldn’t qualify as an event
I love that they put the focus on Octane, and fr Pathfinder would destroy Revenant in a boxing match
Wher is bloodhound
Revenant’s Face says it all
Happy to see that you removed caustic from the game
GG respawn one thing you did good
Another event in one season?
Pls buff watson
do a mirage stories from the outlands
You look like a clown bro 🤡
its JoJo reference
The game is unplayable keeps kick people out please respawn fix this!
What is this song playing in the background?????
This trailer needs more octane scenes.
Caustic ult sounds effects everywhere
General Kenobi
Take a break…
For who will be the trackers?
“OH we don’t like that octane being used so much.”.
“OH but let’s me him the most badass looking character in the trailer”
So… All it takes is an event to distract everyone from the fact that, not only are two of TR’s games under siege by John Yu, their security infrastructure is flat-out garbage?
Finally a trailer where octane doesnt dies
Pls do something about HACKERS.
I’ll pass on all the cosmetics. They poopoo but the new map tho 👁👄👁
Please have an event with bloodhound in it 🥲
Good another event so now everyone can spend money on this fame and forget the fact that a hacker took over the game and nothing ever gets fixed when it comes to servers
Revenant looks like a Bionicles figure
fix the game
Default caustic getting bullied by the legends with cosmetics
Fix Tittanfall 2
My money is on the robot
Respanwn fix ur game Code:whel
Too many events without a bloodhound skin
1:03. The best voice lines ever!!!!!
Too much cheater
These trailers are always going to the moon 🚀
if this is like titanfall i will come but with a and without the
Wait this free or pay to skin?
didnt even see wraith 🙁
Fix arenas matchmaking instead of adding new skins
Pls fix reconnecting feature, after getting disconnected from the server, it kicks me out of my current game, then I wont be able to get back
Please tell me that Bangalore skin can be obtained with the event……
Apex better fix code:wheel then adding new events
Rev and Path fight , Thai boxing sound kick in my head
No heirloom?
Ima make an edit with this trailer
JULY 14 thats 2 days
I love the new caustic skin
Sv do ps4 ta horrivel cara nao para de cair….ta horrivel jogar baa
What about fixing the servers again so we can play….?!?!?!?
Love that they are showing my boi octane some love
Octane solos 1 vs 1,000 enemies in a 3v3 mode
Hey Respawn, fix Titanfall please and thank you.
Large majority of Apex players don’t play nor like Arenas… Respawn: They’re going to play Arenas and they’re going to like it.
great but can you not put scull town at a cooldown rotation at like an hour while every other map is at a few minuets? its a nice map but its kinda annoying
It’s coooool!
How tf do you get hacked?
General grievous
Clown mirage
no money no skins….
Ugliest skins ever
Gibby scorpion skin😂
nobody gonna talk about how Bangalore, a highly-trained, extremely professional soldier holds the gun on the magazine instead of on the foregrip?
2 events back to back…littt
Loba in the back :🧍
Octane insane thats the daredevil i know letssss gooo
General kenobi
Watch this in 1.50 speed. You’re welcome 🙏
What is this song?
my money is on the robot
just think before u say octane
I wish they would speak about the servers lol
The revenant skin made him a sith!
Nobody talking how papyrus is coming to apex.
I mean like wheres wraith at????
Every event I hope loba gets a good skin and she either gets nothing a weak skin or recolor
лучше бы сервера починили и игру, а не всякие платные инвенты штамповали
First trailer where octain doesn’t die
Now we got general grievous ✊🏾
Is this a town takeover
Octane finally still alive in trailer.
Hey apex I really like your game but can you make it that you can pick the number In settings because I am having a problem right now I can not get it to 145 so pls help
It’s Dragondes1royer
Octane is easily the best character
1st Person: No barrel stabilizer
3rd Person: Level 3 Barrel Stabilizer
Save rank first, save server first plz
general grievous 2.0
“you look like a clown bro”
This video had too much Octane.
Это реклама октейна какая то, а не трейлер события.
Can u fix the Taiwan server first?
just fix ur game respawn
Every. Trailer. Octane gets merked.
I’m glad they finally gave him what he needed
Caustic in his default skin, getting abused again. Devs really aren’t fans, huh?
how about u just fix the servers?
Server Singapore update ???
Im too many lag
Does this event have patchnotes?
Wattson? 🙁
Who doesn’t love Octanes voice lines 😁
And the server still can’t fix, I just wanna play :'(
wraith no longer exists for Respawn ok
Huh. Pretty sure there was a part in there where they were using the Prowler… coming out of the CP finally??
Whoever edit this get that man some milk
isnt this just straight up aim bot for octane
Can we get a season centered around caustic for once or just more skins for him
i wonder why they say “fortnite is better then apex” yall always got a problem with your game you needa FIX
Nice! I can play it in my imagination. The server inside my mind is stable
Revenant skin looks like Star Wars Grievous
where is the skin on Caustic!?
it would be better if the game was fixed for glitches
When you realize that this map is already been featured in the Season 9 gameplay trailer.
Can’t even play the game code:wheel code:leaf
Стоит признать, какие же драйвовые у них клипы для событий!!!!
I declare you do something about your game … Please
somebody pls fix ..code wheel…. not able to play apex from last 3 days…
Ps5 120fps and k/m support pls…
Finally, a trailer where Octane doesn’t die.
Ah, so this is were all the titanfall 1/2 support and apex bug fixing money went.
Maybe add new anti cheat?
Ayo why my boy rev look like general grevious
fix SEA Server pls im on mid game and disconected intanly
Let’s go The amigo octane actually living
Will there an opportunity to buy new skins by metals?
“My moneys on the robot”
*Brain expansion intensifies*
what song is this?
Octane: my money is on the Robot
Me: Theres two which……oh wait nevermind😳
wraith skin😕
Incoming octane nerf
no loba skin? 🙁
Another trash update to another trash game
pathfinder and revenant skins look A LOT like those robot toys from an old 80s anime called plawres sanshiro they are even in a fight scene like the arenas the little robots were faced to fight
awful music choice
Demonios yo ya no puedo jugar Apex porque tuve que vender mi consola 💔 amaba el juego 🙁
i just spent all my money on genesis..
I cant wait
Hey octane which robot
all update’s are on a tuesday
I wonder why they always give Mirage a cowboy hat. Wish they did him justice and gave him a cool skin like void walker.
Nerf octanes stim plz I beg it’s like it doesn’t have a cool down
My Money is on the Robot! Which One?
They need to add a 1x-3x canted sight. Would be so op
every trailer octane gets killed and this is the first time he hasnt
What… in the unholy Náströnd… is Bloodhound wearing?
Wow general grevious
I’ve watched this trailer too many times simply for the music. That song is fire.
what trackers are you guys talking about?
General Revenant
That gibbi skin though…
Holy carp it does!
when will they make a wraith event skin they havent been latley
First fix errors like INVALID TOKEN NO MARKER almost one year with this
So everyone gets a skin except wraith like whatt
Ash watching this be like: what is happening to mine games?
Rev went full Pokémon mode
Sadly I just don’t care anymore.
ktuso ge
is it just me or purple skins look really lame most of the time?
Yo when my boy Octane getting a new legendary skin? I know he has a lot but still, its been a few events.
That mirage skin looks sick
My money’s on the robot😂😂🤣😂
God lifelines skin looks amazing-
*my money on the robot* had me dying🤣😂🤣 this is why I love apex Legends
When is a GOOD octain skin coming cause personally as an octain main I would like an admiral octain legendary skin
看得到 玩不到 伺服器有夠爛
Loba gets ONE nice legendary skin and then she’s forgotten
Theyre gunna remove octane and buff rampart. I knew it
Revenant doesn’t count as a robot, he is just a simulacrum
Why does revenant look like that 4 armed robot from star wars?
I’m an octane main so I can’t wait for this event
Matchmaking still broken servers still trash!! EA be like “I like money”
Cheaters and hackers paradise. I feel amazing since i left the game
Rock em Sock em, and them being robots a coincidence?
Bruh rev always gets the best skins
wow A
Octene is so cool
Save titanfall
Imma be real these trailers are kinda ridiculous, they act like any battle ever goes half as smooth as there trailers not to mention the perfect aim whenever someone is flying through the sky not a shot missed always knocking em in one clip while pulling off completely bs movements.
Anyone wanna explain where blood hound is
Overflow looks dope
Doesn’t Mirage have enough cowboy themed skins? I don’t even use Mirage and I’d like to see different types of skins for him.
Now this is my kind of event!!!
At least the devs are aware that Mirage’s skin looks like a clown
Fun Fact: en casi todos los trailers, usan un jumpad… U.U
pathfinder skin and rev skin will be obtained
New update means ,
we are getting new bugs , new hackers and yes all new lag !!!
will rank game be free of hackers anytime ?
apex teams bans abusive chats , ban accounts then why not hackers are removed ?
can i get a straight forward reply ?
*For everyone that is searching the name of the song:*
The name is “Daniel Delaney & Greggory Covington – Go Hard”
0:46 clearly they have aimbot
This is cool, but I have the opposite of fun with these Cosmetic Sales
Honestly its no fun having this cool overpriced stuff waved around in your face.
みんなスキンカッコよい🍀 カラフルでチカチカするww
さぁ 実況動画見まくるぞ――――――っ‼‼
When was General Grievous allowed in the Apex Games
We’re in the middle of an event and they’re hyping another event LOL
WE LIKE %yess
General Kenobi
Im kinda sick of mirage cowboy themed skins
I want mirage clown skin for the meme
fix your server
so no bug fixes, iight
They can put so much time and effort into skins and cosmetics but not servers or banning cheaters
Revenant looks like Bombman from Megaman
When are music packs coming backkkkk?!?!?!?
haha this chevron greetings
from one event straight into the next
Apex please fix the glitch that im not able to login
Man why has Wattson been forgot about in the past 4 events (no good or any legendary skins)
One of the only trailers where octane doesn’t die
Not a single Trailer is fun without Octane…He got Lit vibes… I’ve been his fan from Season 2 Trailer
Watson never get a skin :< tho
When octane is fast af in trailers until Sheila pops up *in game*
Revenant looking like thrax without the corn rows
“Don’t try this at home” more like
“You can’t do this at home”
Limited time cosmetics till they decide they wanna re-release at a slight discount 🥴🤣💩
Revenant: General Kenobi
Anybody else impressed with Gibby’s Skating skills??
0:22 wrong sound
more kamikaze teammate octanes incoming
Lol the Floor is
even in trailers they’re using spitfires
This gives me so much vibes about bleeding edge and I love it
Ah, now to wait a while for more Horizon skins.
I like the background music
This trailer really shows what respawn thinks of Fuse
Guys anyone can you help me i have prb whene i choose server to join the lobby it takes too long to join with black screen with logo any idea ??
You treating us too well.
Doesn’t mean you can take a 3 week recession.
Sadly i deleted my Apex because respawn give me under 100 lvl team
0:54 you look like a clown
Watson heirloom?
my money is on the robot what robot
Thrill-seekers huh… how about aim-carriers?? ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶
The best game 🤩😍
Revenant’s a simulacrum though?
MadMax Gibby Skin…nice!
Ahhhh the negotiator
Is the game playable now? Is that Titanfall hack gone?
Ah yes another mad caustic disrespect of course they know this because of his unbuffed still trash gas
Respawn: How can we make them forget about recent security breach of our game, horde of server issues, and lack of ownership on our part?
Also respawn: Give them new event and more overpriced skins to buy!
No caustic skin… I feel sad
The floor is LAVA!
And when will there be season 10?
General Grievous???
I don’t like those skins 🙁
En fait les events de RESPAWN n’ont qu’un seul but, gratter de l’argent, pas d’offrir une expérience de jeu sympathique à leurs joueurs. Always same, money money money.
Music is Daniel Delaney & Greggory Covington – Go Hard btw
Can y’all stop with the events and focus on the actually gameplay of the game? Fix the bugs, and the intense population of hackers that are currently in the game? Or even listen to your community every once in a while? Sheeeeesh
1:03 Caustic😭
I’ve problem with latency, how to fix it ? Anyone?
rampart, stormtroopers, i see no difference
my money is also on robot
So I telling me it’s octanes event 😑
Fix ur servers
Put Keyboard and mouse on ps4&5
Why do Mirage gets the worst skins 😭😭😭
– Mirage Main
The first event where there is no event
Just read the patch notes, and im already disappointed. No nerfs or buffs
I dont have skin me
SafeApex and Fix the f Hacker Problem in this Game!
As if there weren’t enough octane mains
Will the pathy skin be craftable with materials?
Octane being octane
Bloodhound skin when ?😐
I’m not home… sad
U guys literly forget about bloodhound
Is it just me or have they not shown Bloodhound!!! Even the group huddle at the end, bloodhound isn’t in it!!!!😐
i can’t play apex legend until EA fix code : wheel and leaf
*general grievous has entered the chat*
Technically octane didn’t lose money
wow those epic guns skins look cool i wonder who is gonna buy them
Revenant: Hello There
Everyone else: General Kenobi
Loba: Understandable, have a great day
we are still in a event and we get another event trailer ?
Name of the song used?
how about sever ddos and hacker porblem?!
EA, dejarse ya de tanto evento y echad a los hackers y mejorar el juego. Emparejamientos de pena, servidores que caen a cada momento, jugadores haciendo trampas y desesperando a los que jugamos para echar un buen rato. Te lo dice una Lifeline con casi 12000 kills y sin trampa alguna y cada vez cuesta mas trabajo divertirse en uno de los mejores Shooters que he probado. No toqueis mas las bolas dejando entrar a packs hacks, que cada día hay más. Gracias!!!!!
yeeees pls make the pathfinder skin for free (get by playing arenas)
Trailer music title please!
“My money’s on the robot!”
.. But which one
😄😄😄 almost every trailer except 1 caustic always gets killed on 😐
Pls fix code leaf problem on ps4
Resapwn too busy making money while their game having too many unfixed issues.
100% cpu usage respawn still sleeping on it.
One of the coolest trailers yet
like Grievous
You’d better fix ur last update, it’s impossible to play
Apex finally needs to make a choice and be more pro. The game wont let you be advance enought if you have better skills than others
General grievous in a alternate universe….
General Revenant
Revenants skin is basically general grievous mixed with a pokeball
Why I can’t play
Man forget about these events… how about they boost Heirloom odds for a week?!?!? 😂
nice event ya got there would be a shame if it were disrupted
Finally a trailer where Octane is not the dumbest of all characters !
if only we could dodge the charge rifle like that :/
“Dont try this at home! Unless you wanna have cool legs like me…”
Me want cool legs
Not enough white people. Racist trailer, racist game.
There’s never any live for blood hound or loba 😫, AND THOES R NY MAINS BESIES WATSON
Bring back the jump-mote!
Hope they add this line to revenant with the skin : Ah yes the negotiator
You know I’d be more excited if 6/10 of my matches weren’t ruined by glitches and player abandonment
Can I get the wraith helriloom acc TTV_dylan
Anyone getting the code leaf and code wheel errors? I’m getting them in the middle of every match for the past few days..
Not a single wraith cosmetic are you joking?
Name music?
Sizen apex 10
Can we please have more Horizon Skins?
Didn’t they just add an event?
I wonder if they put the prowler in the trailer just to give us a tease that it might come back to the floor pool
Revenant skin is giving me General Grievous vibes with the structure of the face and eyes
No Bloodhound skin. Lame
No love for wraith at all
IDGAF about events; fix the servers, hackers and ddos
If just the skin are cheap…(revenant looks a lot to general grievous)
“My money is the robot” jajajaja che octane 1000 iq
Единственный нормальный скин – это генерал гривус в роли ревенанта
proper representation of what i do to every valk
Meh. Nothing to come back to.
0:15 Gibby is scaring me with that stare…
For gods sakes give mirage a good skin…stop giving him cowboy skins he has enough
Wow a new map “Overflow”
I don’t know about you guys, but that music is freaking sick!
Half this trailer is octane sliding under bullets, but we all know sliding under bullets usually kills you anyway
I would go hard if servers were not lagging my game
I hope the server studder and freezing gets fixed soon because This event looks good
For once octane doesn’t get bullied in a trailer
Why is Revenants shoulders pokeballs
I’d like a solo event every 3rd weekend of the month
Will this event have hierloom shards
Revenants fave looks like general grevios’s face
This is the best octane has ever done in a trailer
I feel that they are treating Caustic a bit too hard……
Respawn makes the best trailers, hands down. They do a great job at showcasing the new skins with octane running by them. Those nasty angles of octane sliding under the charge rifle shot. Music always goes well with the clips. Funny interaction between the legends. Please make a replay mode for us editors ❤️☺️
did that gibraltar shield look wider
Clown Mirage… I must have it
Okay so hear me out on this…. 5v5 or 6v6 objective based game modes? Ayy?!
Can we get a Bangalore storyline with a dope skin???
bruh revenant looking like hitmonchan
muay thai style revenant? GIMME!
Where is bloodhound skin or dive emote
My money’s on the robot.🤣🤣
Ahh general kanobi
Sheesh drop the settings
Anybody know the song they playing?
Arena is just a waste
Out of topic but i got an octane finisher idea:he jumps off his jump pad and smashes the enemy down to the ground and i guess he does a rock sign aswell
as rampart main, this Trailer make me mad af.
i can hit every bullet, but why on this trailer …
Caustic dies… again
No wraith skin? keep your event
Apex severs all f** up.
Respawn: Let’s forget about the severs, release a trailer for the new event.
Finally octane not die this time
so are these craftable or pay only
how about instead of this event you fix the game respawn
I can’t wait for Wattsons heirloom.⚡️⚡️⚡️
i like revenant i wish i had and his meelae
Who else though octane was gonna do something cool and then get completely washed like in all the other trailers?
When will this come out
i want no end season10 or i get real madddddd
i cant wait i like levle ups
I’ll fire the game back up on the 13th.
people asking where is caustic but no one asking how is caustic
you cant tell me that the new rev skin isnt just general grevious
where’s wall-E, r2-d2, Darth Vader, and jar jar binks at?
Please fix lower ranked skill bassed matchmaking with friends in your party
each trailer makes me wanna play the just so i can lose 3 times in a row and stop playing
Rev skin looks so weird imo
The ending reminds me the name of Tamil movie name Master
Why don’t you give a lot of skins for wraith man we need more wraith skins pleaseeeee
At 1:14 is that the Wired for Speed Wattson skin I see ? Please let it come back I need it 🙏🏽
ah yes in case apex didn’t have enough octane mains already
What a gr8 Wattson buff
Pros using cheats, trailers with cheats, game with cheaters. Welcome to Cheat cheese Legends.
It’s time to get serious guys🔥
would be nice to play the first arena event. To bad the game melts CPUs for a lot of people after the genesis update.
Arreglen los servidores antes de sacar otro evento !!
Respawn be doing Parkour. Jumping from one event to the next.
1:08 now that is what you call a paid actor
What’s the song?
Some of the skins ain’t reskins? That’s a first
Dude why is caustic always getting destroyed in these trailers
When will mirage ever get a good skin
La conexion con el servidor a expirado code:leaf siempre me pasa hay alguna solucion estoy harto
Arreglen esos servidores estoy harto de ese error de se acabo la conexion con el servidor code:leaf
So we just goin act like Loba don’t exist?
Octane is the most badass legend
Pokémon now in Apex legends
People now playing with Pokémon cards
yay more arenas 😐
revenant be like: aaaaah general kenobi..
New player: how do you play as Octane?
This video: watch and learn
Octane was tired of dying in every trailer so he went ultra instinct
John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.17. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 10:9-10 9. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Amen.
gaypex legends. LOL
Why are they giving Rampart dreads if shes indian? Makes alot of sense. Kind of racist if i say so myself.
Titanfall needs help so can you please help EA
Stop making me spend my money apex 🙁
Too I swear that’s a halo map
Game and server gets hacked… Doesn’t address the issue but lets release a trailer to lyk that next week we’ll be taking more of your money… pathetic
I love Octane
The only thing this game needs is a faster sprint like octanes ability for all characters.
That valkyrie is getting copped fast asf 🔥🔥😭
Wow new event hope i get herloom to level pack
Wattson Heirloom!
And I thought season 9 was over…
another event? lol I wonder how many new player have joined for them to do this
It would be nice if they worked on the cheating problems and severe issues but ok I guess skins are more important then 😐
Puro takataka
Revenant skin clean
General Greevas!!?
Is it just me because I’m buying that wraith skin
Can you guys put Airship assassin Wraith skin in the shop please
Coolest trailer for my octane
This is an Octane last tribute before they render him useless with nerfs
Everyone talking about octane when all I could focus on was the gun sounds being off. 0:07 0:21 0:46
Horizon mains watching her getting skeeted out of the air as if that’s legit the designed purpose of her tactical… please BUFF HORIZON !!
Bruh deal with the ddosers, I have lost 2 wins because of them
Just drop 120 fps on consols
Make a game mode where there’s proximity chat
Ea hlessing us
Revenant: Spitfire or not, you must realize, you are doomed
Another Event without a new Wattson-skin 😔☹
Pathfinder: Hello there
Revenant: General Pathfinder you are a bold one
Does anybody know the song?
Your games are suffering with so many problems to the point that some people think the only way to get you to fix them is to hack the most popular one but sure, let’s have another event for more $20 skins right?
anyone else experiences stuttering or its just my internet?
please god let me rest
Guys you should check out Baby Wolf token. They got professional marketers from the top digital agency and have huge global marketing promotions, partnerships, and influencers coming. It’s still really early! – THEY’RE ALSO GIVING 6 BMW CARS!! 🚀 Price is gonna skyrocket, hurry up and stock up on this!!
Ofc another rev skin 🙄🙄
No Bloodhound skin?
And yet I wonder why the titanfall ddosing hasn’t been fixed
Pls help titanfall 2 because its a good game
of course they dont add a wraith or bloodhound skin again
Can’t Wait for the event!!!
drop a free heirloom for that hack
This comes out on my birthday and it’s getting 10 times better because of this
Лучше бы с читерами боролись,да с хакерами,а так игра огонь!
И апнете уже Хэмлок!
fornite legends
No town takeover?
Where’s crypto in this😭
Where’s my Wattson skin at eh?
No Caustic skin awwww
Why he don’t have new skin with bloodhound
Revenant do be looking like a Red suit General grievous tho.
General Revenant. You’re shorter than I expected.
Что за песня?
They added general grievous?!
Rev lookin’ like he’s gonna add your lightsabers to his collection
Didn’t know general grevious was in apex
Anyone else experiencing the game to be really laggy and buggy after the genesis update
0:54 shade at mirage fans
Fix troll slow loading and bugs ASAP
Bro. That revenant skin’s face looks EXACTLY like general greivous, make a revenant voice line “General Kenobi” and pathfinder “Hello there”
When will this be out
*Hello there.*
I love how Octane has became the poster legend of Apex
When Apex Legends like next part of “The Fast and the Furious”
Wait… is that an octane nerf to where he can only hip fire?
Love how Caustic was the only one omitted from that final scene lineup, smh, the disrespect. Just shows how irrelevant he is since his gas nerf
I wish the music was credited
Add voices to the comic chapters
Please !
Hello there
That’s the closest thing we’ll get to Revenant being general Grevious
great video
1:11 Guess the developers too did not own the heirloom…😏
Ah yes another Cowboy Mirage…..we have reached the Trifecta
Why does the opposition always have 1hp in the trailers?
Octane : my money is on the robots
Meanwhile the fight :
I quite literally hate arenas this is the last thing I wanted tbh
Всем привет, кто то подскажет что и ск с игрой ??? все играют , А мне не зайти в лобби ,тупо загрузка и проц как бешеный грузиться .С моего компа другой человек заходит ,Я не могу .Может кто сталкивался с такой бедой ,подскажите .
куда писать с проблемой ?
I would say the mirage skin fits because whoever plays mirage is a clown, and why rev got pokéballs for shoulder amor? 😂
why is there a recolor skin for mirage?
Octane: You look like a clown bro. Hahaha
I opened my first ever aniversery Apex pack and got one heirloom shard and nothing happened CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN?!?!?!!?!!??
“My moneys on the robot”
1:15 Rev has pokeballs instead of shoulders
This is octanes time
boycott their broken game until they fix it
This was epic, I love octanes last line lolz
Arenas isnt fun for me i dont like being forced to play it to level up and collect cool cosmeticts apex is battle royal stay true to that please dont force people to play not battle royal in this battle royal game its making me not want to spend my money and support i own 3 heirlooms im been supporting apex for a long time too
I want better server
More recolors instead of fixing the game. Sad
rev looking like General Grievous
Anyone else think Caustic looks poorly rendered right before Lifeline finishes him?
Wait in this even do we still have to pay 20 dollars for the color blue?
sadly another way to jam arenas to people that just don’t like it
I don’t play this game for a month or so and this what happens, interesting.
Man, that cenral part of Revenants head looks like general grevious’s from star wars!
Revenant be like: you must realize, you are doomed!
This is compensation for the stim nerf
Para wattson ninguna skin nueva
0:08 Why nobody is talking the fact that octane has the prowler as floor loot??
No one:
Me:2 heirloom in one season?
How about you fix your 100% CPU usage, it’s been 2 weeks now.
Yet again no bloodhound skin but even looks great
Once again Bangalore has the worst skins
And Caustic?
Your should probably fix the game connection issues before these release
didn’t see anything for wattson 🙁
Nerfs Octane’s jump pad
Makes whole trailer around Octane’s jump pad
Guys what did you think who win revenant or pathfinder
So the trailer is octane running around the map
1:09 best frame, psdt: music name?
0:09 is this hinting on something coming out of the carepackage
Why does octane sound a little different than usual…
Still grinding out the event on at the moment. I honestly may need to quit Apex as I never get a break between seasons.
name of the track?
My money’s on the robot
Why he look like general grievous
Claim your “Here before 1 Millions views” ticket here
i quit recently, and this doesnt make me want to try it out again unless they fix apex constant issues
how about fixing the LAG and the cheaters first!!
So you can get hacked again…
that r99 with the 301 sound effects
Revenant looks like General Grievous lol
So did u guys try to make a grievous skin for revenant then give up after you finished the face?
I know this is only for arenas, but I’m pretty sure this is the first time they released an Event trailer WHILE having an event happen
🤼🤼♀️🤼♂️🤸♂️ *I AIN’T GOT NO MONEY* 🤼♂️🤸♂️🤼🤼♀️
Nobody cares about another cashgrab event
Fix the servers
Get rid of the hackers
And then you got a good game
0:50 clip that
Buff to Octane???
Y’all giving Revenant great skins what about the other legends?
Revenant be really looking like general griveous ngl
Love arenas, love the events, but I’m going broke lol also, please fix the cheaters
A cowboy Mirage skin, never seen that before.
fix titanfall
Why does Revenant look like he has butter on his head?
Track name?
Чёт Скины,как-будто из цирка сбежали.
Look at General Grievous infiltrating the games shii
is noone gonna talk about the Prowler in the first scene
Imagine spending money to play dress up with video game characters Lolz😆
Nice like
Octane mains rejoice
What’s up with Apex and Cowboys/Clowns?
let’s gooo
Bro does anyone know the song
Put the mask down for horizon in please 🙏
Mirage looks like Stozo the clown lol Google him!
No new skin for Caustic ??😕😕
“My money on the robot “ but they’re both robo
Song name???????
who designs these skins?
Me jus wanting to know the name of the song
In season 10 can you please reduce the damage a punch does because it’s way too op especially when 3 people land on you to only punch you and they all lock on a lunge punch you.
So coooooooool i like it
the revenant skin is general grievous
They stay disrespecting caustic in every trailer
Great…now even more octanes ..
Fix both titanfall games please
Fix titanfall
Server is dyin’, game is dyin’
EA: lemme release some more skin and grab the last drop of cash b4 I shut this trash game down.
They need to make a spherical map. Where you’re on the inside (with places to fall out, for difficulty, you would insta-die of course) like a scifi satellite planet. Imagine tho, a full sized map where you can keep walking forward and eventually go back to where you began. Or look up and see fighting way off in the distance. That would definitely be a huge feat and it would definitely be something new. And i feel like having the background aesthetics be space or stars would make it easier to utilize the game engines map size. Theres so much more detail i could put into it. But my think-tank ideas will just be lost and never seen by devs
what the name of the song cant find it ?
Man, no one knows the name of this song playing at the background! They could put in description…
my favorite anime has the same name as the map (overflow)
That octane skins looks badass
Why in every trailer somebody beating up caustic 🤦🏽♂️ buff that man bro
Revenant looks like general Grievous
Octane: My moneys on the robot
Revenant: Be specific skinbag.
My moneys on the Robot
Octane “my moneys on the robot”
Me “there is two”
yes rampart doesnt have aimbot for some reason
What if they made Shiela a sentry gun instead of having to manually use it. That way she can pressure enemies while free roaming to add more pressure or flank. Game changer
Yay no new valkrie skin 😐😐😐😐
Apex edad 2021 🙁 only skins but nothing new
Just stopped in to see if they dropped a crypto heirloom, that’s a big negative. See y’all on the next trailer !!!!
Zróbcie nową mape a nie
What is the song, in this trailer?
finally a legendary wattson skin… oh wait
Ah yes another garbage Bangalore skin, and I can’t wait for the servers to catch aids again post update night
So whose heirloom is going to be released during this event?
“My money is on the robot.” – Octane
Revenant and Pathfinder fist fighting
Octane: My money is one the robot
Apex u need to bring solos back it gets boring playing trios and duos
Porfin usan ami octane (‘:
Hope they add some algorithms or codes to better detect and ban cheaters…
I just realized revant looks like general grevis in a different universe
“My money’s on the robot!”
*Which one?*
That last scene was beautiful 😭💯
Gibbie’s shield is covering a larger area? New buff?
Two events in a row? They need money.
Prowler is no more in care package??
why the rev skin lookin like general grievous?
Why can’t they give bloodhound a legendary skin already? I’ve been waiting for a long time
Are we gonna have to buy the skins or are we going to do challenges and get them
They always giving mirage cowboy skins 😔
No bloodhound skin yet again
Revenant be like: a fine addition to my collection.
Saludos gente maravillosa y bella
Bloodhound forgoten as aways! 😪
always kick while m playing the game
my videocard 1050ti((( Amd fx-8300 (((((((((((( and ddr 3 8gb ((((((((((((((((((
another one?!
My wallet gonna cry now…
What’s the new place for I hope for revenant
Just get rid of arenas and gives us the team death match that we’ve all been wanting since launch.
Te new skin path it’s so cool
Revenant’s skin remind me of General Grievous
Ngl all the skins look very “ehh”
How they gonna make a trailer focusing on octane but give him the most basic skin
Whats the music in background?
Who else can only get one skin with their materials like me🤣
I’m getting the revenant skin
Forget his body, but this Revenant skin’s face looks like General Grievous’ face.
Y’all are coming hot with new events bro I love it
Octane based event finallyyyyy
an event im already on a event
limited time cosmetics aren’t limited, they’ll come back to the store at some point.
hey wait a minute they are both robots
that r9 skin is dope but does it have pay to win sites
Gibraltar making trick 3 flip on his shield is the best moment i’ve ever seen from Apex 😀
Caustic getting finished: “Where… where is my mediocre skin?”
Some of them are cool tho, but it’s not mind blowing. Especially since collection event is still active.
borderlands vibe
Whose the legend on the machine gun?
I learned nothing in this
I dont like the caustic hate
What’s the name of song tho?
Ayane best girl
isnt there a wraith skin? rly? again? come on
Respawn:”we want people to not be able crane so much”
*makes octane wipe everyone and dodge every shot.*
please loba skin
3 putas horas intentado jugar y no para de salir que cerró el servidor y al volver no entra en la partida, gracias por obligarme a borrar este juego asqueroso e instalarme warzone
once again octane gets the boring skin for an event
My girl Rampart looking lovely as always
…oh wait…
Ptdr au lieu de faire des événements claqués depuis la S0 focus Vous sur les serveurs avec tout notre fric faite nous rêver s’il vous plaît
Fire whoever was in charge of the cosmetics of this season. Good God.
any1 know the song title?
1:08 This man was shooting through a shield
Fix you’ll broken hacked game I’ve been getting kick out of my matches repeatedly and it’s really anoying.ive purchase battle pass with only 26 days left with 76 levels to complete.if not give people who have purchased batte pass their 100 levels .
There goes my wallet
General Kenobi
Could they stop making fun of Mirage?
“My moneys on the robot!”
Which one..? Octane secretly siding with rev???? 😆
No love for caustic? K!
New map:Overflow.
What a beautiful name,huh ?😏
Надеюсь она будет отемезировпна лучше чем старый каньён и карай света?
Whats the song?
Wraith mains🙃
My money’s on the robot.
RIP battle royal kekw. Soon to be the truth…
Valkyries got melted out the air😂
This game always crashes when I have a hard event missions (100 knockouts)
This map gives me Titanfall 2 vibes… Can’t pinpoint which one though…
Apex getting crashed by hackers from TitanFall, predator lobbies full of hacker, ddosers, etc.
Respawn goes: “Hewes new event, go spending money on skinnies!!!”
Fix the sounds and do something of ddosing servers. That all what we wanna
Octane’s having fun
Wait no legendary skin for octane this whole event screams octane?!?
Ea and respawn be like: pls give us all ur life saving
I’m actually really upset ranked hasn’t came out yet. Its there in stats we all know it’s coming just give it to us ! Hahhaha
everybody gangsta till general griveous starts boxing pathfinder
That last titanfall event was cool
Nah real talk who would win path or rev
Revenant looks like General Grievous. But arenas should definitely be 9 v 9 minimum
I got banned in PS4 so I can’t play it anymore 😭
That Gibby skin looking real nice plus big men hit the kick flip lol
Who knows this music?
R.I.P South America
How far does the lore GO?!
Wowzers! This new event looks totally awesome!! I look forward to it’s released date, on July 13th! (2021) It’s going to be awesome!! 😁🏴🦊
Revenant skin=General Grievous
Me: *looks at Rev’s new skin for the event*
Out of nowhere: *general grievous coughs as he enters the chat*
Did I jus saw gibby wearing scorpions costume?
Ngl the skins look trash for this season
That Rampart skin gon make me ACT UP 😫
What is this background song?
If the rev skin doesn’t come with “general kenobi” voice line I don’t want it
We not getting anything new for a while
I like how Rev and Path meleed each other without their heirlooms….
finally octane is not harmed in a trailer
1:04 Caustic looks like he’s constipated and terrified at the same time
Yep I bet 20 dollars on the robot
Tf did rampart day @ :27?
It where’s the new game mode
event teroooosss, server mah gak di bener2in. bangke
Am I the only one who barely saw Wraith make an appearance?
That’s cool, Any intention to fix the code net issues? I can’t even get a lobby to load
So two events in a row where bloodhound doesn’t get a skin? ….cool
Octane: My money is on the Robot !
but which Robot ??
Apex pls I’m in debt
Apex being hacked recently and what they do, new event, resume of history, they don’t care about our experience in the game, only money from skins…
can’t wait to get beamed by cheaters in this map
A double event whilst there is still server issues and hackers going on…
I guess COVID is over, back to back content release. Imagine what Apex would be if COVID never happen last year
Revenant must be mad he looks funny
0:22 that r99 shoots like a r301
Can one say me the song name please 🙏🙏🙏
Anybody know the songname?
My wallet is dead
Prowler 👀 please respawn
The devs are just so obsessed with octane and revenant. Wattson wasn’t even in the trailer lol. Hasn’t gotten a unique legendary skin in an event for a long time.
Dont tell me the octane skin is for amazon or something, beacuse i NEED that skin
First arena event !!!
They are releasing an event right after this one is over. Explains the content drought.
Unfortunately I literally have been unable to play since the last update. It just stays stuck on the loading screen and the usual things I do to fix that don’t work.
I try to be patient cause I know things get hard but I’m kinda at my limit. Perhaps ya’ll should focus more on fixing the game so we can actually enjoy the events…
Gibby just broke his shield.
GiBbY nErF cOnfiRmEd?
Love the revenant skin reminds me a little of general grievous
Finally a trailer where octane survives the first 5 seconds…
Why do I want to know what video editor apex uses
did i just see wrong or voidprowler coming back?
Nice Map
Trash Skins
I bet pathfinder win
Revenant face for his skin looks like general grievous from star wars
This looks amazing I better be able to have “you look like a clown bro” as a quip
i like how at 0:20 he uses default r99 skin 0:26 hes suddenly using the event one… good continuity
sad bloodhound got nothing again noises
You do it good respawn.. now…. Fix the servers…
Apex has been working hard event after event.
I think it is just for heirloom shards
When is titanfall 3?
Imagine the atom skin for path
Is wraith getting a new skin?
Why the video is showing octane for 3 quarters of the trailer ?!
“Don’t try this at home, unless you want to have cool legs like me!”
*Proceeds to try it at home*
Revenant be lookin like a power puff villian with the face of general grevious
Yeah octane
딴건 다 못해도 트레일러 하나는 끝장나게 만드네
fix your potato server
Was Bangalore’s voice pitched up in this trailer? At 0:35 It sounds off.
Revenant looks like that robot in Star Wars that says: ‘’General Kenobi’’.
Apex Season 10 Heirloom (Crypto Katana).
Did I saw prowler
They’re both robots.😂😂
It’s All Octane?
Always Has been
My man octane finally got a trailer where he didn’t die
I hope they will using all that incoming money to fix their game
R99 sound like a r301 lol
general grivous
Second of all, give pathfinder every event and skin and heirloom and, just give him EVERYTHING
That looks so cheap and pathetic…
I was wondering why making a legend u hate the most, respawn?! 1:03 1:13
Again no wraith skin
Revenant…Are you General Grievous?
This is one of the worst revenant skins ever…
General Grievous Revenant. Now you can’t unsee it
No crypto skin
Would love to enjoy this if it weren’t for the constant sound problems, horrid matchmaking, glitching servers and terrible loot
Can’t wait to play the event and getting destroyed by preds
I don’t know but I’m starting to like the Epic skins a lot though I’m so excited for my Rampart skin
Ocatne:my money’s on the robot
I need a new wraith skin
OCTANE : My money’s on the robot
Terrible skins.
Arena ranked when?
the song name thanks
bloodhound cosmetics?
Whens this coming out
was the prowler always in arenas?
That octane is a menace to Society
Dude we’re getting hella spoiled
where bloodjounf skin
Save titanfall
Of course I’m away for the whole summer
Okay now fix the titanfall 2 ddos issue
I dunno if I’m the only one but does anyone notice revenant has general grievous’s head?
My boy Revenant looking like a Walmart edition General Grievous not gonna lie
蛋蛋 準備好了嘛
is nobody acknowledging the fact that there is no crypto skin?
I loved Octane more after that trailer
my money on the skins
Who agrees that this events revenant skins face look like general grivous
Apex is really blessing us with these events rn
Revenants face looks like general Grevious
in one event they make you pay for revenant herloom.
in another close event (never happened before) they make you pay for his skin..
im sure reddit will be happy 🙂
fix the game first
then make events
Respawn : Octane needs to be nerfed he has a high pick rate
also respawn:
Believe Jesus died for your sins was buried and rose 3 days later and you’ll have eternal life and you can never lose it
Octanes got aimbot In the trailer and those zero recoil hacks
Is it just me or does Gibby get a skin every other content drop?
I think My relationship with apex is borderline abusive
when will you start using good music for your trailers?
Also when is Titanfall 2 and Titanfall 1 going to get server fixes?
1:15 revenant looks like the mix of general grievous and a poke-ball
Yea, but what’s the name of the song?
Octane didnt die thats new
Finally a trailer where octane doesnt die
Почему тут преимущественно октейна показывали?
Octane be playing limbo with the charge rifle beam
Bangalore’s Heirloom?
Gibraltar skin is Mortal Kombat vibes
badly timed imo. 2 Events this close to another is meh
And here I thought I was finally going to get a break after slogging through the 50 arena wins and everything else…
That revenant skin looks a little bit like general greavious from star wars.
“General Grievous”-Skin for Revenant 😀
Bruh what even
“My money is on that robot”
Cool skins back to back, this is what I like to see
😂 my boy Rev got the Star Wars face from general grievous
Why revenant’s mask looks like Grievous’ from clone wars?
Bamboozled kills are gonna get hilarious
Board exams starting from 12 july 😢
Puta ideias sem criatividade, skins de palhaços…
Yes we know octane is the best legend lol
The event won’t be good unless they fix macth making cuz it’s so so so so so trashhhh
‘My money is on the robot’ which one!?
How are they gonna get hacked in the middle of a collection event and instead of fixing things or extending this they just make a new event
Bruh i cant play apex cuz my pcs left screen broke and i cant minimize the screen for apex legends 🙁
Another event? Just got my wallet drained cause of revenant 😮💨
The Caustic disrespect needs to stop 😤
Apex going the fortnite route I see. Hey we can’t fix the game so here’s another event, so shut up and give us your money.
octane didnt die and was getting kills
me: impossible🤧
Why Revenant looks so much like General Grievious?
❤😱😱😱like you octane
ayo is that another octane heirloom collection event
Isn’t the Revenant skin of this event similar to Grievous in Star Wars?
so they went for a sports themed grievous as revenant? dope….
Heirloom shards? Or not that kind of event
Octane event
Finally octane have hus revenge now from s2 to s9 they killing him in every trailer 😂😂😂😂😂😂
When will they give my boy a legendary skin again, man. This event is basically an Octane event and he just gets an epic skin?
Come on!!! Can I please have am awesome Mirage skin?!?! None of my most played legends get many good skins (Bangalore, Horizon, Loba) with my main being Mirage and him having NO good skins. I’m excited about the new map but nothing else.
Рэп Шмэп
My wallet is in tears rn ;-;
BRO where`s CAUSTIC?
Revenant skin looks like grievous
Revenant in this trailer:
“General Kenobi”
general grevious is that you?
I choose you revenant “use your zombie attack” yay we won “return” have a good rest in your pokeball.
They did caustic wrong this event only showing him when he’s getting finished
The game will be unplayable for the first week after the update 😂😂
why rev look like grievous?
Was Revenant general Grievous??
Is anyone gonna talk about how octane ligit slid under a charge rifle shot
Apex you’ve done better… I’m a bit disappointed on this event…😑
Of course no Loba skin
Great, yet another broken event that’s going to make the game unplayable…
REVENANT needs a new movement animation, he looks so funny running around
I want pathfinder skin so cool
Is the pathfinder skin for free in the challenge
What general greviuos
Is that Wattson’s Wired for Speed skin I saw!?!? YESSSSS!!!
EVERY new arena map should also be a new active POI on a BR map or you are just wasting resources. DGAF about arena.
As a big fan of Apex Legends… honestly… what s new… like… skins ? That s all ? :/
Work to sell skins: 99%
Work to servers & anticheats: 1%
Coustic……😢Where is he?
Don’t leave him out.
octane’s voice lines are getting boring
I think Revenant resembles so much general Grievous from star wars
Alls I want is ASH !!! Bring her in to the Arena !!!
Boring, just more cosmetics and a dire needed new map
Our wallets after the genesis event: thank god… we survived-
*This drops*
Did they seriously just show how useless horizon is
Octane mains are hyped for sure. Y’all ready for the OCTRAIN!?
Didn’t we have an event already? My wallet can only take that much xD I only hope I can get some of the skins in this one without spending much money
Revenant with grievus face 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 i need full skin 🤤🤤🤤
anybody knows the song in the background ?
Rampart nerf : increase recoil of Sheila 🤣
They made rev into general grievous
0:21 R301 sounds on R9 lol
I wish instead of these events they try to do sth about hackers and so many other problems in the game!
General grevious the republic are attacking! Stop playing apex legends!
Idk, maybe make sure your game can’t be hacked and dismantled so easily before pushing out more cash grab reskins?
*Hitmonchan wants to know your location*
This new revenant skin looks like general grievous from star wars lol
it’s a duplos set vs skittles grevious. Even match.
How come octane’s epic skin looks way better than mirage’s legendary skin?
I like how pathfinder gets the spotlight for about 3 seconds and it’s at the very end of the trailer
I just wanted to see path in there a little more but i love this trailer
That boxing thooo🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Broke: Arenas😴😴😴
Woke: FFA Deathmatch 🤑🤑🤑
General Kenobi!!!!!!
It’s sad cause I can’t afford the event packs
You look like a clown bro
Yo revenant do be looking like general Grievous tho
So… Will you fix titanfall? Pls
Nah keep skull town please
I must get Pathfinder
рекама октейна
Ok I guess
The Revenant skin looks like General Grievous
What this music?
so if this is only for arenas…im not excited
Dont care
Just make the old maps stay
What is better than apex legend event trailer
just me who realised crypto issnt in this at all or is geting hidden well
“My money’s on the robot” ahaha
Whos excited??? 🔥
Fix the hackers in ranked and we will be more happy then ever
Das erste event ist noch nicht richtig vorbei und nun kommt das nächste. Ihr seit doch bescheuert kümmert euch mal darum das die Server stabiel laufen und nicht so einfach gehäckt werden können
Bruh that Rampart has stormtrooper accuracy…
Oh yeah more skins more money
Introcuding the new Watergothim Mirage skin
Aaaaand again no Legendary skin for Bloodhound.. its alright we dont need any skins for Bloodhound..
Three weekly reward tracks, and they’re all FREE?! LETS GOOOOOOO
Pathfinder: Hello there
Revenant: General Pathfinder
That Rev skin is so dope, it’s different but I like it a lot.
1 loba n a tjrs pas de bon skin (a part celui a 20€) 2 la prowler a le sida
Why must the one time I go away from my home you drop an event
0:22 why did that r99 sound like a 301
Octane is definitely tufi
When will this channel learn how to tag the songs/tracks they’re using………
If someone knows the song, please let me know.
Excuse me but genesis event
Fix the game
where is bloodhound?
Again no Wraith skin…
I like how octane is the Host in this Game
Rev looks like general grievous from Star Wars lol
Another event already what?
” My money is on the robot” literally….
Yeah more skins!! this fix the ddos, hackers, cheaters, etc..
So anything on the hacker issue??? Nope? Okay.
PokeBall rev PokeBall rev
“My money’s on the robot”
General grevious
Wow already new event that lit.
Lets hope they just fix the matchmaking system so that we low level gamers can enjoy also and be matched in a fair fights.
Does anyone know the name of the song, Respawn has amazing taste
Octane: My money is on the robot
Pathfinder: 😐
Revenant: 😐
What’s was the song?
We’re bloodhound
Meh 😕
Ok so revenant is a starwars robot now? Xd
Where are the legendary bloodhound skins😭
mouthless revenant skin so he can finally shut up let’s gooo
“Quick! Release the new event skins right after another so they won’t notice that we still can’t fix the cheating problem”
New patch, new CPU throttle, lobby lags, FPS drops and problems with queue
That pathfinder skin, is so good!
At the moment, this is the worst soundtrack of all the Apex trailers
Go revenant
We be getting a new rev skin that looks like general greevas (I’m talking about his face by the way)
Is this a collection event?
The face of the Thrillseekers :
First Name, Octane.
Last Name, Epic Skin????
I thought it was a deathmatch mode but no 😐
Is it just me or is respawn pumping out Events after events after events?
2 Events and no good Bloodhound skin(s)?
Am I a Joke to you?
I guess this is why they can’t fix ranked being unplayable because of hackers/ddos. Games a joke
i….. need money…..
4 legendary skins for revenant in 4 different events. This event is for octane and only get an epic skin, ok champ
general pokemon
Wait, prowler in arenas without the drop? Is it going to be a grounded loot again?
Didn’t see caustic’s event skin. Did anyone?
So much octane here, that is cool.
Rockem sockem grievous
“You look like a clown broo”😂
Another event that’ll cost $170
Revenant: General Kenobi
Octane didn’t die, this is the best trailer
Why gibby dancing the entire time in this trailer
Oooo wattson wired for speed coming back??! Let’s pray to the Nessie’s that it does wattson mains 🙂
0:22 it sounds like r-301
I thought new event is SaveTitanfall
fix apex ^_^
Ревенат это Гривус)
General Revenant
where’s caustic ; (
Another skin for revenants fine collection 😉
Bruh, really going after our wallets hard, huh.
Wow nice disrespect to the caustic
When rampart said “you should die by now” that hit hard 😢
Revenants face looks like from General Grievous
Will there be a heirloom
1:15 so caustic wasn’t invited ? 😂
Rev looks like Grievous x)
Revenant be out here wearing Davy Jones’ face
Not the best trailer that ive seen here ngl
So octane finally survived a trailer 😂
first fixe the game and ban cheater
Right after genesis props to respawn
even though that hackers ruin game experience but they do be coming with content
This time let’s make apex and Titansfall great again, thank you respawn team for working over to fix issues 🙏🏼
U cant tell me that the Bangalore Skin isnt absolutley bussin
We can’t get a break!
Ooooh how many skins for bloodhound there are in this trailer. Thanks Apex.
does anyone know what song that used this event trailer?
Dang apex how much events do you need in your game???
“Dont try this at home! Unless you wanna have cool legs like me…”
Me want cool legs
Too bad I will be gone this week so no rewards for me.
Бл очередное г
0:6 whats up with octanes voice
My money is on the robot 😂😂😂🤖
This reminds me of knockout city for some reason
Pathfinder is officially dead😪. RIP
fix the fking server first
Pls buffet Cáustic
Dont do this at home or you gonna have cool legs like me! This is the best moment
I like Cryptos Lil pump cosplay.
Okay so our servers just got hacked by 1 guy what should we do to prove to our community that we care and want to improve ? Another event for them to spend their money!
Les goooooooooooooi
Hope they add this line to revenant with the skin : Ah yes the negotiator
First time Octane doesn’t get wasted in a trailer
Does anybody know this backround music
Rev got a CoCo skin..? 😂
Is anybody noticing it says 3 weekly reward trackers so no money might not be spent 🤔
bro genesis hasnt even ended and theyve already revealed another event. sick
서버 관리를 똑바로 해라
Mirage’s skin is biggest disappointment. Every time he’s clown, cowboy or pirate. Stop bullying Mirage!!
Clown event
Octane mains be happy rn
Another event, another 0 skins and cosmetics i can afford…
So Revenant’s face is a straight up copy of General Grievous…
Bionicles are back
Pls fix the game before you bring out new stuff! Otherwise you have no one that plays the new stuff!
Everyone gangster till general grevious comes to apex
They are Men of culture. If you know you know.
And of course AGAIN nothing for bloodhound, thanks Apex.😟
wraith main now : it’s ok, it’s not the first time
Trash skins
My money’s on Octane
fix the servers
i swear bloodhound gets no love
This trailer is about Octane being a badass.
General Grievous, you are shorter than i expected.
This would be dope if I could get past the infinite loading screen…
Didn’t we literally get an event with an heirloom less than a week ago!?
Can’t play the game atm – Code wheel and Code leaf back with a vengeance. Get Error every 3-4 games and then get a disconnect penalty just to make thing worse. No thanks.
Can we fix hackers and DDoSing before making new content??
Add this to “another no bloodhound event skin” 🤦♂️
Name song?
Do u notice a prowler in overflow??
Alexandar (gas daddy) lost his mom.
Lifeline: Hits him in the face with the drumstick.
y’all talking about the rev skin or why did octane got an epic skin?………….well let me tell how fkin hot is the new gibraltar skin
I appreciate the large amount of octane in this
Nice edit
Looks decent, but should probably focus on not getting your whole game hacked. Might also want to deal with the cheaters/ddosers lol.
my boy revenant out here lookin like general grevus
“My money is on the robot” WHICH ONE 😭
Hit me up for cheap Pred trails and Apex packs! Xbox Only.
so the rev skin is basically grievous but with pokeballs as shoulders
Ahh looks like an octane event with the thrill and all, good days of being an octane main ❤️
I’d low-key pay money to watch a boxing match between revenant and pathfinder
Plz fix the server to many hacker
It’s all about OCTANE !
Is no one gonna talk about how the R-99 made a sound of an R-301
That’s more an octane event than a thrillseeker event, poor
Octane taking the lead 😂😌👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻
This was be namet Borderlands 3 xdd
Somebody said Revenant shoulders look like Pokeballs and is revenant supposed to be Sagot from Street Fighter 😂😂😂
0:36 そこは外すなよ( ̄▽ ̄;)
So you can now place bets on the last to who are alive to win anything?!
Oh this trailer shows that Respawn team has their favorite legend :))))
No wonder he is the most popular pick right now.
These skins > most of the genesis skins
Is it the Thrillseeker Event or the Octane Event? Only because Octane has the best pick rate
Well I guess Wraith can’t tell Mirage to stop clowning around…
What is this track?
Revenant lookin like General grevious in da face
Bro chill genesis didnt even end
That revenant’s face look like one enemy in starwars that enemy with lot of arms
heirloom where
“you look like a clown amigo”
1:14 bruh they all do
ok but when can I get the good maps back…
Revenant’s face looks like that of the General Grevous
Skins for material ?
Is anyone not gonna mention that they stole General Grevious’ face? Or did they have a deal! I’m guessing they’re allowed since EA makes battlefront
am i somewhat sick of cowboy mirage skins? yes. am i still gonna ask my mom or brother to get it for me? yes.
Octane: has aimbot
Trash wall girl that has turret too: misses all her shots
If you show this to dr.disrespect he’s going to literally lose it
1:14 なんでコースティックだけいないの???
Respawn: drops a new even trailer
1:16 one way to sabe money i guess
Revenant be looking like general grievous now
2 events within the span of a month, Apex is going off
Octane don’t die in trailer?!?!
Is the Prowler floor loot again? It didnt have a sight.
1:03 おい、コースティックだけ初期スキンじゃねぇか。
1:14 おい!コースティックだけ居ないじゃねぇか!!
So no skins for bloobhoud i guess 😔
Octane always gets epic skins in events like this,where are the legendary skins
Octane always gets epic skin in events like this,where are the legendary skins
This is thrilling I am so excited for this event
Can’t wait to buy skins for a game I can’t even play without multiple server issues 🤡
so the game will be unplayable on july 13-14. but at least the kids will have new skins yeeeeah.
“Hello there“
Exciting!, you know my money is going towards the robot🤖
This is cool
Wait is the void prowler skin comeback?
Who do you guys think is gonna get the next heirloom ?
No wraith ?
Ban octain he was using hacks 😂😂😂
Why is Bloodhound abandoned the past 2 seasons? Zero legendary skins,skydives or anything else actually.
Not super excited about any of the skins, and I wish they’d stop giving non black characters dreads, trailer was fun though, like the music
yo thats cool and all but where’s wattsons buff bruh
Some of the cosmetic is worst and bad looking
Idk why but the mao remindes of a certain Titanfall 2 map🤔
Bruh where’s my girl Watson 🥺
I’m glad we can all agree that pathfinder looks the best in this lol
octane finally stopped dying in every trailer
But question here? Will yall return the back the prowler as a normal weapon? (Please yes)
Octane “ My money is on the robot!”
Hmm… Actually i think that that robot will win octane
Wattson heirloom??
This could’ve been so much better if octane was actually getting a good skin besides whatever this is
the only event which is focused on octane,, and he gets an epic skin. whereas pathfinder gets a legendary every time a mew event comes out. cmon man🤦♂️
Another usseles event of apex nothing new
Bro apex skin are mostly garbage i swear.
Hope they finally repair client high CPU use and Lobby freeze, because game is completely unplayable.
That octane needs to be reported
More skins to sell, Yey. Says the Whale. You wanna see change? Boycotte this Event, as long as money flows, they don’t care about state of the game.
Watergothim got his own skin!!! Well done water! 👍
Im sorry but who made these skins(other than the gibby one) they need to be fired asap😂
That revenant skin looks like he is about to say ,,general kenobi”
раньше: все уничтожали октейна
сейчас: октейн бегает и выносит фул мапу
So? A new map for a boring game mode and more skins…… uhhhhhhh cool. I actually miss LTMs being forced down our throats. Glad I don’t play this garbage much anymore.
Bro my favorite main character (Mirage) as a clown skin that look ssssssssickkkkkkkkk
First event where I like every skin. Amazing 😍
the pathfinder skin cool and octane awesome
Skins are getting worse and worse. Gj, Respawn
Now I’m unsure whether to spend my crafting metals or not
Probably worst event so far I can’t lie….😬
That path skin look sooo GOODDDDDD I hope you can unlvok it with challenges
One of the coolest trailers yet
That Gibby skin 😍😍😍😍
what the music?
The revenants skin looks like grievous
Même dans leurs trailer on dirait des cheaters 😭😭
Bloodhound??? 🙁
i just hope this event comes with some fixes/solutions to the cheats/hacks/ddossing because we wont have fun events in the future at this rate. I swear if this is why respawn have been ignoring the problem…
Wraith now is the new orphan.
We need a part 2 I need to see who won the boxing match!
Like the map. The skins… not so much.
Wait wait wait It the first seconds of the video Octane started the round with a Prowler with no optics, and in arena u can’t buy care package weapons, I think that they won’t remove it with this event, it’s almost impossible, but maybe on season 10?
No bloodhound skin wow
More wraith stuff
Anyone think like the rev skins face looks like general grievous
Did no one I mean no one notice how the R-301’s rate of fire went into r-99 mode???
Wow Mirage skin looking awful well all event skins for mirage look awful
Bro the path skin is sooo goooooodddd
that gibraltar skin kinda looks like scorpion from mortal kombat
La skin de revenand se parece al traje que usa papyrus en la cita con frisk xD de undertalr XDDDDD
we already have enough thrill when we get in ranked lobbies
I feel the ramprat aim 😭✋
Mirage be like “hello there “
Rev be like “ General Mirage “
“Your volt smg will make a addition to my collection “
1:03 looks like Lifeline and Rampart are in a rap battle.
This is why Octane is the number one picked legend.
It’s coming out on my birthday 😂🥲
Did octane shoot through Gibbys shield in this trailer or is it just me
Press F for Bloodhound mains
Coming on my birthday now that’s fire 🤣🤣🔥
General grievous?!
Us Wraith mains not getting any skins: ;-;
My money is on the robot
Yay 2 events in the row! Although this one we’ve only got skins and a knew arenas map 😐
ranked? wheres ranked, i havent heard anything about fixing that
So Respawn is not going to make apology for connection issues, hacker/ cheater, and the game being hacked by some people on few days ago?
Безвкусица без намека на серьезность.
Why does the Rev skin look like grievous
Me : taking vacations for 3-4 weeks
Respawn : let’s do 2 events in 1 month
Me : Am I a joke to you?! 😢
prowler is back?
Nice uhm, octane skin bro… sweet.
Octane using hacks or something
to much voice lines every secondes in this trailer
Same ending animation for Revenant like the Fight Night event 🤔
0:41 octane with the snazzy moves
weren’t we literally just in an event?
This was so unexpected but I love it!!
And caustic doesn’t get a skin… Again
Octane: “my moneys on the robot”
Everyone: “uhm.. which one?”
Octane: “yes”
5v5 in Arena pls
Alright Revenant Grevious
This is cool and all but have u forgotten that your entire servers were hacked a few days ago
*Octane reported for aimbot and wall hacks*
Am I the only one who thinks the rev skin looks like general grievous
Overflow you no what I mean :> ientai
Bruh what is this song
Sum stuff is about to go down between Pathfinder and Revenant 🔥🔥🔥🔥🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊👊🏼
The new pokemon skin For rev is 🔥
Rev looks like general grievous
Dear respawn please fix your smurf issue in arenas along with the cheaters i even have an idea instead of a report button for the anti cheat make it a hammer symbol that gives the cheater a hardware ban for 3 or 2 months depending on how much they cheat or smurf or hack
Also very excited about the event cool map hope it’s better than phase runner
too many BUGS and CHEATERS in actual game
And for two events in a row, no wattson skin wooooow
another new event and still have hackers zzzzz
I love how octane is broken in this trailer just like in the game.
what have you done to gibby lol, also kappa diamond and above not playable due to hackers, hue
Revenant lookin like he bout to pull out 4 lightsabers and spin them
0:42 Epic Scene 🙂
Octane finally doesn’t die in a trailer
meh.. not that good that I expected! Apex really has to do something about bugs, servers, and cheaters otherwise the game will be dead very soon!
Could you guys add motion controls/gyro aim to PS4/5
Wastton heirloom?
So y’all are just gonna ignore the fact that Gibraltar can SKATE at 0:58
Please my wallet still hasn’t recovered yet
this all looks so cool but the arena map the name it’s just so unlucky
Rampart skin is the only reason I’ll be playing this
Does this mean 9v9 arenas????
“my money is on the robot”
me: *confusing 100*
I am loving the pathfinder skin
Does Revenant get 4 arms too?
I need this music!!!
Hello there
revenant looks like general grievous
Whats the song ?
Once again caustic gets fukin domed
Thankful that it’s not another dumb takeover event
Whats even thd point of participating if the skins is so over priced
As a octane main apex could have done better with his skin.
Money grab 💴
only if the servers arent run by cheaters loll
not a fan of the skins this time, wont be buying anything unless it’s a fuse skydive emote
They finally made Octane win in this trailer 🥲
It’s time to donate
Rampart!! <3 i have the other event skin but i want that too :C too bad i dont have more money
That octane has the magic bullets for ranked unlocked
Octane is the life of party in almost every trailer 😂
General Revenant 😂
Everyone hating on the mirage skin but im a mirage main nd I love the clown face its a fire skin in my opinion 🤣
General kenobi
Prowler out of the package???
Prowler back? In green no heirloom prowler?
“My money’s on the robot”
Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
APEX so unbalance legend..Octane so OP
Anyone see caustic with a new skin??
Rev kinda looks like general grievous
My moneys on the robot 😂😂😂😂😂
That ninja gibby skin tho! 👌
Loba: Hello there.
Revenant: ¡General Andrade!
I quote “my money’s on the robot”
amazing map
Thx for doing it now i dont have school:)
Before releasing this… please hire some people next to Hideouts to ban hackers , the game is becoming more and more infected by aimbotters etc.
That octane skin 🔥
this new map kind of gives me a titanfall 2 vibe
I thought I was watching the matrix for a second
So.. should i buy that peth skin?
Why rev and path look like papyrus and sans😂
Fix the game? 100% CPU usage, horrible fps and awful stuttering ever since the takeover update.
Octane players are worst. Change my mind.
Thank you, Respawn, for encouraging me not to give up on the full battle pass grind after this sleepy season.
Prowler might be coming back
Revenant : nice skin
Me : Star Wars
What about new mode how many players will be there ?
Please make “general kenobe” one of revs voice lines
I just realised we didn’t get a town takeover this season, ahh 🙃
I think this is the first time Octane lives through a trailer.
My boy octane
So then what was genesis?!
Apex community: “The game’s dying due to it being filled with chaters and DDOS’ers, do something about this Respawn!”
Respawn: “Best I can do is LIMITED TIME COSMETICS!”
we need another event for path, he is my favorite and a really good design for a character, maybe the event could be like a fancy skin thingy
im new to this community, but do events occur this often after one another?
again another event with the broken servers? BLEHHHHHHH RESPAWN AND EA! -_-
More respect for Mirage pls
Still haven’t Fired the Design team I see. 🤡🤡🤡
“the floor is lava”
That revenant’s face… O remember seeing it in other place…
Wait, star wa-
Good job apex mice music too
Fix your potato sever first
Their Trailers are so cool and realistic and I love it
why no more bloodhound skins
We don’t need skins or events.
It would be funny of You have that revenant skin all your voice lines are grievus
Pathfinder: Hello there!
Revenant: Your Heirloom will make a fine addition to my collection
Where did this come from, because I am new I thought this was some old event popping up in my recommended. Until I saw uploaded four hours ago
This looks so good
SaveApexRanked PLZ
Already 💀
Looks fun
Finally a trailer where octane doesn’t die.
0:22 bro that r99 sounds like an r301
When is that event?
So when does octane get a his event skin. For example like void walker wraith or the old ways bloodhound skin?
Can crypto get some love please?
We aren’t even done genesis, chill respawn
game hacked, bad optimization, bad servers and they keep delivering events with 20 dollar skins? wow, hopefully they fix the game soon.
octane in trailer : too slow amigo
octane in game : im down help please
First time that octane isn’t killed in the trailer
You know what’s fun? Playing all 3 maps right now during this current event. Keep that for good!!!
Stop doing Events, please, please, stop hackers in Titanfall and Apex.
Hackers are still exists…So tired of this game
New map? 👀
I got my money on the robot, I dunno bout you.
Love how octane is narrating the trailer yet he doesn’t have a single legendary skin😀
I’m sorry but its really hard to get excited for this one.
I feel offended as a mirage main
How you gonna give the legend who talks in the trailer the worst looking skin?
Love it
Octane making our main legends look like trash in trailers as always
I’m assuming the Pathfinder and Revenant skins are a reference to Rock em’ Sock em’ Robots?
Director de animación: Cuantas muertes deslizándose?
Todo respawn: Si
Y’all just hate Wattson huh
Yo does anyone know what the song in the trailer is?
I see no caustic skins or even caustic in the last scene 🙁
Mirage a RODEO CLOWN!!! ya I’m buying that
Mas saquen el solitario manas se vagos
No wattsy😢
NO WAY they made Revenant the Jedi Slayer General Grievous. “My money’s on the robot.” Which one
Plz fix pocket loss and code lef server & no teammates
Octane: you look like clown bro 🤣🤣💀😮💨
Octane is so cool
Reminds me of the season 1 trailer
Pathfinder skin🔥🔥🔥
Finally Octane not dying in a Trailer 😂👍
Revenent looks like that character from Star Wars
More game modes less Cosmetics please. I know their goal is to squeeze this honey cowl until gold comes out. But we only got to play second chance for 3 hours befor it gliched. Remove Duos for LTMs constantly
0:45 heyo, why does the r301 sound like an r99?
Its basically an Octane event but they give him such a normal skin?
Bro rev is general grievous 😂
Nunca una buena skin para bloodhound neta nunca :((
Bochek completely ruin the game.
How many rev skins we at? (It’s not a bad skin but there’s a lot)
Jajajaj buenísimo
Morons talking about Respawn that they just want more money
Me and everyone else who saw the skins:~I DONT CARE I LOVE IT~
Master film first look copy last scene punch lol
Getting finished by clown mirage is the new way to rage quit the game
what the tittle of the song ?
revenant leg skin again? ok….
Bro the last event literally hasn’t even ended yet and they’re already teasing the next one. Like. Calm down, man, it’s ok if we don’t give EA $200 every 3 weeks.
No arenas ranked? No ty
This Revenant skin will make a fine addition to my collection
Rev and pathy skins remind me of Real Steel
Only an epic skin for the octane, really?
Fix the servers
Can you please do bloodhound in the next event
Bruh I just bought the ninja revenant and now I see this reve :/
isnt an event already running or am i missing smthing
What is that song?
no bloodhound?
my man Octane takes on the lobby all by himself
now that was a nice highlight
Pathfinder vs revenant
– Other legend watching and betting –
Octane: my money on the robot
He is smart
is everyone gon ignore the fact the prowler is three round burst now?
Surprised octane didn’t die
Imagine your game is dying from DDoSers but you still don’t fix it instead you sell skins and want money.
Rev looks like General Grievous tbh
fix the game first please
I hate how good these trailers look vs real game
Lo único que logre ver, fue a octane 😑
Ah General pathfinder….
Sure…Octane’s the man! That’s why I only get noobs who play him in my team, that are only good for running away. I hate him for that!
Thrill seekers EAvent get ready your wallet to pay again for pixels.
Love how octane runs through ramparts mini gun and dodges a charge rifle shot, but in reality I think we all know what really happens.
Revenant gets ANOTHER event skin
This looks weird and rushed
Let’s go 🔥
At 21 seconds they used r301 sounds on an r99
Im not the only who see the wingman fire rate more faster
An Octane themed event with no legendary Octane skin! Makes sense! 2 Legendary robot skins in a row! Makes sense!!!!
Nice, no new game mode and 1 arena map. I smell a way to sell more skin sales -_-
Octane theme les go?
instead of doing this please do anything on the hacking situation we’re having rn in apex and mostly titanfall
how are rev and gibby gonna get back to back event skins while bloodhound still gets nothing
Why does revenant look like general grievous
Skins are trash except that Gibby skin. Only cool thing about the Rev skin is the face.
Опять донатить , я уде на доширак после реликвии пересел
getting finished
Fix service
The only trailer where an octane doesn’t die
I refuse to believe that octane was not hacking
Ya arreiglaron el problema con los hackers?
Wait so all we get is a new arena map? Why is this an event…
Rev head looks like the character from Star Wars with 4 lightsabers
God that Rev skin is…
Mirage: Honk Honk🤣🤪
Me: What have they done to mah boy…
I love the MUAY THAI Theme‼
Wait no heirloom
Alguien más le pareció iguao la cara de revenqnt al general gribus de star wars
General grievous
Octane:”my bet is on the robot”
*You see im playing both sides, so that i always win*
Such a trash event
Who thought it was a good idea to give Rampart Dreads……
At the start Octane uses a Prowler without any scope kn Arenas. Could be a teaser that you can buy Carepackage weapons or that the Prowler comes out of the Carepackage.
I hate myself for being poor.
Two events back to back, I’m not disappointed though.
“Am I a joke to you Kenobi?”
New events = New bugs & problems
Respawn is good on keep putting skins and never fixing
The servers
The audio
The matchmaking
The bugs
The audio
The audio
The audio
Theyre too mediocre……
Octane in every scene of this trailer but has the worst skin lol
This cool but where’s cross progression
Gonna main Gibby now🤤🤤🤤🤤
This Arenas map looks Straight FIRE!!
Can’t wait
not someone saying rampart cant hit any thing in this trailer.
does she ever hit anything ;(
Pa cuando server dedicados? Y mas seguridad anti DDOS puro skin que ni ocupamos, primero lo primero, server y luegp ya lo que quieran! Pilas
Rev : autistic coughing noises
rev always have the best skins in events 🔥
I dindt have apex coins noooooo
Apex is favoring us 2 events in one season
What if they killed a character took em out the game and next season they come back with a new kit story line etc.
Fire whoever came out with that Mirage skin.
How about fix cheater problem in high ranked matches first 🙂
Ah yes that’s what we needed, more skins! Yay!
Now this feels like a titanfall map
rev looks like general greeves from star wars😂
They are only working on events or seasons and focusing on selling skins instead of DDOS ATTACKS , and Other Hackers ruining Tournaments and matches.
The only thing I can think of while listening to the background song was that it kind of sounds like The Only Thing They Fear Is You from the Doom Eternal OST.
Did anyone get a real steel vibe form the revenant skin
Wraith gets no love
pathfinder looks like jojo character
they have money and time to invest in skins but dont have time to fix their game
I keep getting predicting error since s9 started. Anyone know how to fix this?
What arenas should’ve been imo
woOoohhh i’m so excited
Tfou … and caustic ?????
Rip bloodhound
His looks rely good especially the revenant skin but I wish the octane skin was better😕
Hello there revenant
General Grievous?
Octane is the start of the show!!!
You really gotta do that to my wallet?
Wait- it’s season 10 already? Oh, it isn’t? THEN WHY IS THERE ANOTHER EVENT?!
Still no legendary octane skin
the best skin in this trailer – caustic
Reel steel 🤌🏽
it was about time to octane they almost always humiliate him
the event should be called DDOS
lets go hacker
Ya know what would make this event a real thrill?
A Titanfall-like movement system.
It’s embarrassing that they put the trailer when the servers are down. It is unplayable. Just lies with Raspawn and EA
Octane be like ⛹🏼♂️⛹🏼♂️
Gotta say, this event looks like trash. Most of the skins look mediocre at best and I barely play arenas myself. Maybe I’m wrong though. We’ll have to see.
Hope the summer splash sale will have Bangalores outlands warrior skin. That’s the only skin I want and I missed out on it last time it came
no wraith smh
Gibby looks cool
boring as always this autoaim videos, put all modes available and fix the matchmaking.
Respawn : New event with cool stuff!
Me : I will never financially recover from this
Dan gusto estos trailers sorpresa
Still nothing for wraith I just want the flashpoint again tbh and the heirloom
I love when path and rev went at it 🔥
As a octane main this is wild ooooooooooooooo….. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
We did it we finally got the characters to have shields
Bionicle Revenant
Bionicle Revenant
Muay THAI let’s goooo
Why does that rev skin look like general grievous
They could have at least done up a legendary skin for Octane if they were gonna feature him for 90% of the trailer
Gotta luv apex never listening to the fans wonder why it cant break #1 battle royal
Yo le voy al Chapie xd
Can anybody tell me the name of the song they’re using?
No new wastton skin
Bro I need crossporgresion now!!!!!
Spent 300 on ps4/5, just moved to pc about 2 months ago and I dont have anything?!?!
Overflow map name huh?😏😏
Fun fact: they scipt wraith like 10 events since 1 year lol
Fix titanfall
Is this a collecriin event?
Back to back events I lovin it ❤️
yay for once octane doesn’t die!
bruh they really doing caustic like that every trailer man
I don’t know why that rev skin reminds me papyrus
Revenant look like general grievous.
I love how in every trailer everyone’s aim is so bad-
Can’t wait to get clowned on by the pred mirages that frequent my games
i need the name of the song that plays during this
Nobody :
Litterally nobody :
Octane : my money’s on the robot
The Muay Thai fighter revenant skin is hard asf
SKYNE-NUCLEAR will be looking at you all ahahahahahahah
So that’s Death from Darksiders 2 right?
Rev looks like general grievous
Two Events back to back? Now this puts a smile pn my face.
Poor Caustic with base skin
The best part of this is by far Octane betting on the robot
revenant’s skull design reminds me of skeleton from disney movie “coco”
isn’t apex hacked?
Fix arena matchmaking, its ruining the game
Petition to add the train as a map in arenas
Fix the servers idiots, is what we need
Every body say about slide kills,but nobody say about two events in a row?
wHeRe wRaiTh sKiN
That lifeline skin 🤦♀️
But what about titanfall?👀
That rev is from star wars 😂😂
New arena map just reeks of titan fall nice n good😩😩
I wanna know what server there on cause it does not play that smooth 😂👌
Wattson is not even prominent in the trailer … but well she will win most of these matches for sure !!.
Why yall removed emote jumping 😔
Love how this trailer is having lots of Octane
No wraith skin?
Mirage gets to be the clown he is, I’m a mirage main I’m a clown
fix the servers on eu
Look up grievous before he was a cyborg and revenant looks just like him also his legends backstory is sadder than vaders by a *wide* margin.
Octane use auto aim
My money is on the robot
Me : *surprised pikachu face*
Summer event coming after this too
Not a single character running around with a mozambique and L1 shields frantically trying to find a better weapon
Who is the girl between wraith and wattson at the end?
Sheesh, Octane with the aim hacks is unstoppable now 😌👌
Another event?!?
That rev skin looks like Papaurus
Primera Skin fea para Revenat a petición de los llorones.
Oh yes this is what I need it this even with Wattsons buff amazing combo!!!
General Kenobi…
General Grievous
Rev skins face looks like general grievous
Us Mirage mains: can we get a brand new and cool looking skin?
Respawn: Best I can do is CLOWN 🤡
so is that wraith skin forsure coming out?
No one gonna mention how close this event is to the one right now
Finally, APEX x Starwars collaboration skin 😉
Respawn be like: 2 event in 1 month or 1 event in 3 months
Is this a new mode to play or map
Why does rev look like general greviouse from star wars
Do we get the prowler wraith skin back I want it
0:16 Gibraltar’s eyes be like
Octane: “My money’s on the robot”
Me: 🧐
Another event already?
Are people still unironically using mirage?
Rev is literally general grevious
I’m all out of gold and materials from the event still going on after 3 items. Y’all are demons.
My moneys on the robot
Me: 🤨
revenant: general kenobi
Real steel?
😪 – Fix Titanfall |2 (and 1) please, I had 2,700 ping yesterday. A lot of players have it seems. I played for 45 minutes and only had 45 seconds of actual gameplay spread out across 4 matches.
Why am I not surprised Watson never appeared in the trailer
General Grievous Revenant Skin.
The event is called “thrillseekers” and Octane, mister adrenaline himself, only gets an epic skin???
Question is: what robot what octane betting on
Yo fix optimization pls
Now emptying my wallet for this apex is becoming consistent now 🙁
It’s AWSOME ❤️❤️❤️❤️
obi wan kenobi
i seek you
Finally a Mirage skin that suits my playstyle
”You look like a clown bro!”
*Mirage literally wearing clown make-up*
”My money is on the robot!”
*Both of them are robots (per se)*
Not sure if Octane is trolling around, or if he hit his head a bit too hard?
the new arenas map is basically thermal station 2.0
1:21 man looking like general grevious
Revenant is general grievious 👍🏻
Bruh fuse needs a legendary skin too😕
So the only thing is this event is new skins and a new arena map?…I don’t wanna be the guy to cry about everything but this is disappointing
An Octane themed LTE.
As an Octane main, I love it.
I can’t be the only one who thinks that rev skin looks like General Grevious
Another lazy event from apex😔
Why does Revenant look like General Grievous
I want an event where every character will be able to stim like octane 😁😁
Wil gonna stay for one or two weeks this time?
BRO I LOVE THE MIRAGE SKIN but why does rev look like General Grievous from Star Wars
once again it does not pay to be a mirage main
rev mains these past 4 months: we are the superior race
Respawn where is bloohound or Loba?
The only thing I got from this trailer is that octane skin is 🔥that’s it.
this apex trailer got the n word in it
Respawn: Cheaters, no ; DDOS, no ; new map yes
Who makes these awful skins 😂
Great we get more skins. Where is the firewall upgrade?
Revanant got pokeballs on his shoulders
The revenant and pathfinder skins kind of look like some robots from the Real Steel movie/game
Whole trailer is fire 🔥
Revenant = Papyrus?
First time octain doesn’t die in a trailer
We need fixes more than events
General Kenobi?
Can u give us better optimization and servers instead of giving new events every 14 days just for your greed towards money?
we would very much appreciate that
The rev skins face looks kinda like general grievous
New heirloom
Is octanes back hurting?… from legit doing all the hard work , while his teammates are showing of their new skins and emote 😅they just like my randoms lol ,they do absolutely nothing in game
That rev skin he kinda looks like Grievous from Star Wars well only the face part
nice gibby skin
Prowler is out of care package!!!!
Oh my god we have general grevouse in the game now let’s go
Love gibi doing some crazy skateboarding move
General grevious
Decrease your prices, they’re too high
I really like how colorful a lot of things have been from the season so far.
Finally octane doing the killing in a trailer
arreglen sus putos servidores
God lives, He is alive, Jesus died for Us but then rose to save us from death, He loves us and saves us if you just believe in Him
anime weebs going crazy with the new arena map
So how many events after another
Respawn: yes
Fix the game first before asking for more money
Give octane wall run lol
Octane is a crackhead
song name?
ayo that lifeline skin tho 😩
general grievous vs some robo-samurai boi
Rev really went full Grevious
Everybody talking about the skins but What about that jammin’ music?
three weekly reward tracks? does this mean we won’t have to pay for the majority of cosmetics?
add a chappie skin for path
Anyone not gunna mention that the prowler is chilling there??
For once, Octane doesn’t die in an Apex trailer
They could have done a much better rev skin with that face, the body doesnt suit the head in my opinion.
Cooooool 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Revs new skin reminds me of general grievous
Sheesh when will the skin come out I really want that wraith skin
General Grievous is that you in the end??
No wattson love, what a shocker
Octane event, but Octane has no legendary skin. Respawn 300iq
I think they have more then 3 a team
Did I see a team finisher? Probably not, but man that would be cool
these guys has better aim then mine
Bro that OCTANE HAS AN AIMBOT he doesn’t miss a shot!!
that octane skin is beautiful
Okay is it just me or does Revs face remind you of General Grievous?
No Loba skin. Meh Lifeline skin. My wallet can chill this time around
Ok but why tf is there tons of events the one time I’m away from my pc for an extended period of time 😖
Why does revenant have general grievous’ face plate.
My boy octane finally getting his moment to shine!
Maturity is when you realise they just want you to play so they can earn and your time gets wasted 😅
A trailer where octane doesn’t die
Where’s my new bloodhound skin 😭
Finally octanes time to shine
The skins look awful
Soy yo o Revenant tiene la cara del general grievous
What song is this?
Man 1 by 1 awsum revenant skins , if only I had some money I should have bought at least one , being revenant main it feels bad not to own any legendary
– General Grievous has entered the chat – (that rev skin 😂)
Gibbie’s inward heel was hard
After that rev’s skins I just have something to say:….. GENERAL KENOBI
TBH editing was really cool
Can we buy skins with crafting metals? Hhmmmmm no thanks then
Was that a duck Pathfinder skin……. YEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!
Every trailer is the exact same thing. Jesus switch things up
that path skin looks alot like v1 from ULTRAKILL
This is the first time octane hasn’t died in a trailer
Come on wheres a good blood skin at
Fix Titanfall.
They straight up made revenant general grievous
Octane mains are gonna be happy with the beautiful Reskin of the original version
More skins more money .
The titenfall community will be happy to see were ea priorities are .
Anybody know what is the name of this song?
How much money do you guys need
Another trash octane skin.
This has to be hands down one of the best trailers
I swear everyone got a skin but bloodhound
Didn’t we just get genesis or is my sense of time that terrible lol
Please don’t remove skull town from Arenas just put it as a normal weekly rotation map🥺
Imagine getting arguably the best heirloom in the game and then followed up by an extremely unfitting skin
Can’t believe it’s coming so soon
Oh class! Update right on my birthday)
This is dope and all but can our pockets take a breather before a new event? 😅😅
All I’m seeing is money well wasted
Does anybody actually like Arenas? It feels like they try to shovw it down our throats.
Aaah general kenobi
I wonder how many of the skins will be free
I can already feel the money loosening from my wallet
❤️❤️❤️❤️I want to play this game
But I still couldn’t buy a good PC for this unfortunately!
Why does Rev’s face look like Star Wars General grievous? 🤣🤣
Trash Trailer
This is an unexpected event….
What the freak is wrong with apex dawg like why can’t y’all ever SHOW BLOODHOUND SOME FREAKING LOVE!!! Like dang when can he get a cool skin apex y’all are trash
Nice I am happy about it
1 day before my birthday LETS GOO
This games obsession with octane is ridiculous, almost every trailer feels like it’s centered on him because he is the only character people use. Almost every clip in this trailer of gameplay was octane running around
New event looks cool, but that is hands down the ugliest rev skin I’ve ever seen.
The face of the rev skin looks like general grievous from star wars
Ban octane for aim hacks
They really added a General Grievous skin for revenant
I’m really hoping that lifeline skin is free. I’m crying rn
The only trailer where octane doesn’t die lol 😂
As an octane main, I approve this trailer
New event trailer next week: VENGEANCE SEEKER!
Revenant has that general grievous face
“My money’s on the robot”
Respawn know how to treat us right. Never take em for granted
Ah yes Game gets hacked and their response is just yes hand us even MORE money plz
I just want my easy anti cheat to work again so I can actually play during this event
Why’s the focus so heavily on octane? He had his moment last season with his heirloom. NEXT! Again, the skins look horrible. Please let your apex community submit skin designs. We can do it better! 😔
Muy lindo el trailer y los servers cuando los arreglan?
Mirage’s skin is how I feel on the inside
Look at all those skins I’ll never have 👁️👄👁️
Revenant gets all the cool skins 😎 🔥 SO MANY 😍
Why is Revenant looking like General Grievous?
アプデいいからチーターをどうにかしてくれ 今シーズンは今まで以上にひどい
Looks lit sad i cant play im banned from playstation forever
But what about genesis
We haven’t even finished the first event respawn.
Why does rev skin face looks like general Grievous from star wars?
They literally made revenant into a pokemon.
Already came 4 times to this😫🔥
It’s too bad this game is a dead horse and respawn keeps beating it with cosmetics lol
Edit: it’s like putting makeup on your dead wife
Yo respawn calmn down! Sheesh yall going in man update after uodate
Stop everything that you are doing, fix the bugs and server. We don’t need new maps
You want money huh?
No one gonna talk about the prowler back on ground loot?
Thoughts epic
Octane should really stop using drugs 💉 👍
I swear the people who make the skins make a bet on who can come up with the worst skins for mirage. First, the horrendous fight night skin, and now this.
I only wish that the skins would cost $20 each 🙁
Day 1939 of watching Apex Event and Battle Pass trailers: still no new Wattson skin.
My Dear Rampart. You will have your day soon. They don’t know how great you are
Where is wattson?
Song name
Still I can’t play my PS4 account in my PC 😢😢😒
Save titanfall
1:14 didnt know General Grevious was in Apex
Octane is literally the star of your trailer 🌟
Octane really stole the show…..finally
Unfortunately my games arent like this
Bruh my birthday is on that day🤣🤣
Doesn’t look good 😂
Me when i see mirage skin 😳😳
What’s the name of the song that’s being played? I really would like to know
Looks trash
I might be alone here but I just don’t give af about these events in between the constant corporate greed and in game issues I just don’t really care anymore
I’m surprised they’re releasing this after being hacked
Wow we just hade an event dude
Ya andan los server?
Oh joy another shity cosmetic event
Why does apex hate wattson 😭😭😭😭
And…the valk skin???
Rev be looking like general grievous
Please give us packs this time so we can have a chance of getting some of the items
Why Rev look like general Grievous with only two arms?
I’m proud of you EA. Except I lived in the Ice Age so imma have to get used to the new map. 😬
starting to get lame
Y’all sleeping on wattson 🙁
I like how the Genesis event isn’t even over yet and then they dropped this
Octane mains wish they could be this good. Most of the time they stim>Push>Die
Is prowler back!?!
Revenant looks like General Grievous
octane hacks 2021 comfirmed
Is it just me or does revs shoulders look like pokeballs????
This trailer is lit
They trying to show that this map is good for Octane.
Was octane holding a new smg? Or was that just a new skin?
Sheeeeesh I like that
Back to back event?
This looks like dogshit
0:14 Gibraltar scorpion skin from mortal Kombat
Is it just me or does Revenant look like a generic version of general Grevious?
The only trailer that octane didn’t die
Cool trailer but next time can you show more of octane? We barely see him in these trailers and it feels like you are leaving him out on purpose
Not respawn exposing 90% of valk players😭😭😭
song name?
Notice u can earn the worst skins like ramparts but u gotta buy the good ones lol. Respawn or EA or both, y’all funny man
Please hire me for your lead character skin designer. Your current team is so bad at making fun and exciting skins, I am ashamed that you would even release these as premium skins.
0:21 is that r99 shooting like an r-301?
More usseles cosmetics and less bugs fix,love it.
Everything checked
Wraith skin : no where in sight
Apex is spoiling us with all these events lately!
No whraith skin?
I like apex and all but I want one update for switch for voice chat 🙂
Ok…. Yeah…. But how are the servers still for consoles??? It don’t matter if it is unplayable. Season’s practically over and sadly…. Still the same.
*Me who has no money to buy these cosmetics* Well those look cool
Apex should just add a 5 man free for all deathmatch to all this arena maps
Wait…sooo It’s not Halloween? B- b- b- but I- I…come on this outfit costs like 120 Credits.
I see Octane pads everywhere must be pre nerf
A new event trailer while a new event is literally still out and playable? Respawn, you’re insane
Octane is in matrix
I wonder why wraith is not getting any skin for 2 season’s
Just because of pick / win rates ??!
Aren’t we in the middle of an event? 🤔
Fix processor overload bug !!!!
Why can’t my octane teammates play like that
OK so they made revenant look like general grievous and Gibraltar look like shau khan
That revenant skin is poopy
Wonder how they make these trailers, do they have a bunch of gamers who just do a couple of matches and pick them best one out of them all. That’ll be so much fun
Another Bad Pathfinder Skin 😔
Mom get dads wallet it’s an emergency 😭
I love how octane had the most voice lines in the entire trailer XD he is the star of the show
that rev skin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I reckon they use aimbot in all these trailers for those shots, which in my mind is just hilarious 😂
Revenant be like:
Head= General Grievous
Chest= Guts Man
Legs= Little Mac
F серверам
i wish the octane skin was free from challenges
That’s 🔥
This isn’t apex, where are the lag and glitches
Mucho evento
I expected Arenas Ranked but I guess Not.
Keep pumping more events into this broken piece of garbage XD
2 events 1 week apart…. Jesus they suprising us now
Another event
General grievous is that you?!?!
What about bloodhound!!!????
I saw this earlier like 5 hours ago
Do u guys hate Mirage or why he’s still getting awful skins? Ffs!
Octane on fire in this lol
What’s the name of this song?
Yo i cant wait….
I saw General Grievous Revenant and that’s all I need.
This event looks terrible who designs these skins??? Smh
How they gonna call this thrill seeker but not give octane a legendary
I get it, Rev is an awesome character. But they have to start spreading that love to other Legends. Rev literally always gets the best unique skins.
what song?? pls tell me > w<
Why does revenant looks like he about say “GENERAL KENOBI”
So we just gonna ignore that everybody misses every shot on octane
And is it me or does revenant look like general greivous
cool, one more event is not over and a new trait has already been released
Revenant’s new skin be like pokedex intre 900
Apex movie when
You look like a clown amigooo XDDD!
Revenant’s arms be summoning pokemon from now on 😂😂
Absolute fire trailer
Respawn – 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
this was lit i gotta say
Poor wattson. I’m continue waiting for her event.
Does anyone know what this song is called 🤔
Did anyone just see Gibi do a tre-flip
Wait but i just spent like 20 dollars on the collection event and now theres MORE skins for me to waste my money on?
ill get the pathfinder and general grevious skin and thats IT
No wattson stuff?. K then
Respawn going crazy😦
Every Apex trailer:
*start with octane jump pad*
*ends with 2 legends punching eachother*
Note: make sure to cut before they land the punch
the skins are eh
rev is the new wraith. mans get a new legendary skin every event lol
Dang it respwan don’t give octane more action than he already hes the most popular legend focus on the unpopular legends like crypto he has an interesting story is he getting any spotlight noooo thats the problem here
3V3 NO!
Gib me wraith item
Yeah I’ve never had an octane on my team hit his shots that good 😞
i dont mean to be a downer but
kinda lame, dont know whats lamer
this or war games
And STILL nothing for wraith 😐😐
This trailer has me stoked for the new map and event
Ayy this is coming out on my birthday! Thank you Respawn ♥️
Revenant: General Kenobi.
Puts this out but doesn’t fix TF1
Rev looks like General Grievous ✌️
They sure know how to get us hyped to play Apex
My money is on the robot to octanez
Honesty my money is on the robot
Am I gonna have to sweat again?
That’s cool and all but I want to see Voidwalker come back
and caustic is still a joke😔😔
uffffff name song please! ✨🔥
Trash skins yay
Respawn: drops a new even trailer
My wallet: *Your being aimed at*
General grievous
I have 4 lightsabers
That mirage skin 🤡🤡
That mirage skin 😔
Wait wait wait, I found a pathfinder with the skin of this event, how is it possible?
Me haven’t played apex for a while
Me saw this
Rev looks like one of those villian robots from star wars.
That pathfinder skin is 🔥
i just spent money
Revenant VS Pathfinder
Octane: “My money is on the ROBOT!!!!!!!!”
Everyone: “WHICH ONE????”
My wallet survived current event, but now it’s screaming: *”THIRD PARTY, THEY’RE TRYING TO CORNER US!”*
Wonder what the patches are 🤔🤔
Why is everyone here but caustic
Looks pretty dope!!🔥
My money is also is on the robot
well well well, lets see if they fixed 100% cpu overload
It looks like it came from Halo that’s cool
Give crypto an Heirloom plz 😫😫
So they’re copying overwatch
MMUUUYYY BUENO muy bueno 👌👏👏👏👏😎
Nothing for caustic….again
Me who just finished 50 wins for the badge in current event…..
Why does the R-99 sound and shoot like the R-301
It’s happy to see a very big company only know how to waste players money but not fixing any problem from the game☺️☺️
I like how octane said “my money’s on the robot”
where are all the WRAITH SKINS ⁉️⁉️
Revs left shoulder is a Pokè ball
no new wraith skins 🙁
another event where bloodhound gets the shaft
Pathfinder best bot
Is it me or that revenant skin look like one of the star wars robots playing in the Olympics
Is rampart getting a buff?
this game has become so cringe, lol 🤣
Didn’t see much wraith in that
There really circled up like if it was a school fight
Revenant is literally just general grievous
“Hello there”
“General Pathfinder…”
Impresionanti 😎👍
Anyone know the song used here?
No More Cheaters Event when??
Why is no one talking about how Rev’s mask thing looks like General Grievous?
Hardly an event without game modes. Careful with this one
Did we save the servers though!??!
General Grievous, is that you??
Two events in one month?? What did we do to deserve this?
Revenant’s shoulders look like PokeBalls 🤔
They need to give Wattson some attention.
Yalls trailers always be so sweet
That new rev skin is giving off BIG General Grievous vibes 🙌🏻
fixed your server first! or no one gonna buy your battle pass.
please save the fking server …
Dang where the wraith skins at these past couple events 😥
BloodSport Rev
Just fix high cpu usage problem
Oh my😯, that revenant skin
My moneys on the robot
I’m so excited for the new arenas map
no one :
not even octane :
revenant : ah *general kenobi*
Hey octane didn’t die this time
Come on ea can’t you give bloodhound a cool event skin for once
Cash grab woohoo
U and me friend, woooo nicee
Yo revenant as general grevious?
only caustic screentime was him getting finished. is respawn nerfing him further? sad
Why does revenant look like a budget general grievous
Is going to be another collection event or is this going to be like the wargames event?
Apex dev: sir there hacking our game they want titanfall to be fix
Respawn: ok we realease a new event hopegully that solves it
Bro please Wattson us never gets event skins
Octane is actually killing it in the trailer. Just like his win and pick rate.
That must be the ugliest revenant skin I’ve ever seen.
Apex please get a better design team. I don’t mind spending money on mtx if they’re good skins.
Didn’t we just get a event lol
The only thing that happens on Caustic is getting sticked in the face… he is not even on the final screen with everyone 🙁
Anyone else upset that they spent money on the genesis event and they came with this one. I really want the octan3 skinn
0:08 Why is no one talking about how the prowler has iron sights? You can’t take off the iron sights in arenas. Is prowler coming back to ground loot?! Will they bring back selectfire?
Gibby Skin 😎 Big SheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSh’
would have been fun if the game was playable
With that wide shot did they include every legend except Caustic? My precious boi :’(
For the first time octane doesn’t die in a trailer
Octane literally hip fires this entire video
Save titan fall
so nobody gonna talk abt them putting GENERAL GRIEVOUS IN THE GAME
I did not know watergothim was in this event?
Rev: “I’m a Walmart Grievous”. The audio on the next update: 🔕.
fix the console matchmaking
No wraith skin again?
Fix Titanfall 1 server and apex server please
Revenant skins look like Grievous
Oh oh this is good, octane is on everybodies head, what if quips changed based of skin’s
Voidwalker AND Youngblood coming back? 😭 My wallet’s gonna be crying
And once again Bangalore gets shafted by not getting any cool skins.
rev looks cute
Bro revenant looks like general grievous bro like look at him
when you realize the prowler is gonna be in ground loot cause it’s been added in arenas
Map is cool these new skins are getting bad tho imo
Please make stuff for crypto more as a crypto main it’s very annoying 😩😩
since the last event update, every first match after launching the game would lag
Code Leaf Event. PLAY RIGHT NOW !
Mirage got that drip with the Mcdonald skin
hacking problem < next skin line
Is it only me or are the skins getting uglier than the previous event?
How many scene we gonna use for sliding
Hmmmm yes
There is no Gas 🙁
_”beware, the floor is lava”_
Apex we need rank arenas… we need rank arenas
Incredible trailer. Incredible song. Thank you for giving my main bro some love
We need a bloodhound skin
Why does the r-301 sound like the r-99 at 0:46
is rev supposed to be general grevious in the face
Revenant looks like general grievous at a hockey match
“My bet’s on the robot”
But when are u gonna fix ur game tho?
Will that Octane be able to obtain through trackers?
Gamw: Unplayable because of hackers and DDOSers
Respawn: Sooooooo, have you heard of our new skins…..
Please tell me the name of the song used in this trailer.
Octane my money on the robot every one be like what one,,🤨
Ну скины очень слабые
So you think adding back to back events is an apology for getting hacked… well apology accepted
What’s the song
Basicly this trailer: lava lava lava
Kinda surprised the songs name isn’t in the description its a cool song
No loba skin 🥲
Anyone else getting a “The Rock” vibe from the Gibby Skin?
fix the game idiots
new rev looks like lord grievous
Y revenant low-key look like a pokeball
y’all have not been blessing my wraith enough lately.
no pls… with every update servers are gone for a week
Did anyone else notice at 0:22 R301 sounds are played even though its an r99
An at 0:45 the opposite happens
Also how did octane have a prowler at 0:06 it looks like the round just started
I’m big confusion
Jajaj con los servidores no se puede aser nada
My wallet is like 🥵
fix the server first
That rev skin tho
Apex in trouble: Hurry! Let’s pump out another event and scam a ton more micro transactions.👎🏻
More overprice skin!!!!! 🤣🤣
Revenant getting all the good skins
Respawn: “ma’am, the event trailer is out. What about the reported bugs, ddos in ranked, or server stability?”
Still Respawn: yes
You look like a clown bro XD
Man I am eagerly waiting for
Fixed servers event
Why does revenant look like General Grevious????
Ngl revenet looks like a pokeball 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Revenant looks like Grievous lol
Parece que está Top
**my money is also on the robot**
So caustic has no new skin?
Love the revenant skin since it looks like a Pokéball
Stop making arenas maps. Arenas broke AF no one wants to play it. Fix the matchmaking first. Quit wasting time on not BR stuff. This is a BR game
Muay thai!
Let’s go new map baby
Wait, Octane didn’t die… but did the killing? What is this trailer switchery?
0:47 When Respawn itself shows how vulnerable Valk is when she’s flying.
My money on the robot
General grievous must’ve liked apex or something: 1:15
90 percent of the trailer:OCTRAIN
Octane in this trailer:I’m the new John Wick
Not buying any skins until I know I can combine my accounts when cross save comes out. I switch to pc last winter, can’t buy anything till then I guess
0:09 wait is the prowler finally out of the care package cuz when u pick it up u have a digital threat on it
If you play this game please see a therapist before you get suicidal tendencies
Um.. this event is super lame haha
My wallet can’t handle this please have mercy
Is the current event even over yet
man you guys can make trailers awesome everytime
Fam please I’m trying to pay off College and now you’ve made another event
Daam octane smoke everybody
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lol xd
Y’all just hate Wattson , huh?
I wasn’t gunna buy anything from this event since I dropped all that 💵 for Revenant’s heirloom.
But from the comments I now need that Gerenal Grievis skin lol
Yo respawn I need more favorite skin slots!
Revenant face looks like General Grievous
Still waiting for a decent looking Wattson skin..
New map looks like a water cooled pc
I just saved enough money to get the full revinent heirloom set
And know I have to save up more
If their is a heirloom for this it better be a crypto or Watson one
Cmon wheres Caustic
General Grievous rev skin goes hard
Nice a watergothim skin for mirage. . 🙏🙏🙏
R.I.P for me I broke my controller and I’ve been waiting for like 2 days to come but it feels like a month😩
This cool n all but can you fix ranked?
lagi bugbog si caustic lol
Apex legends is crazy with creating a lots new legends skins, it is too much in a short period of month. They should release weapons skins instead of legends skins.
Why does revnant gets a new sick skin (again) and octane gets a purple one???
Why de Octane r99 sounds like a 301? In 0:21
Dang another event?, ok ok respawn
Rev lookin like general grievous
The one trailer Octane lives
Really! Kinda lame!
Maybe down servers 🤣
Please bring back solos
dont worry about the ddosing and cheaters. MOAR SKINS
Como amaba el apex, ahora es una basura de juego!
Me who’s only looking for the lifeline skin lol
Event over event ??
Oh no, not the servers again
Respawn : allright octane main you guys happy now ?
I saw the prowler, I’m in
Caustic dies by a finisher again, appears in his default skin. Isn’t included at the end where they fight. I guess he really did die and he has be shelved.
Tbh that rev skin look more like a mma fighter
I’m betting on ma boy pathy
But will caustic get a buff
Is this new mirage skin supposed to make me happy …cause it’s not 😢
Good music, nice gameplay and a general grievous looking revenant?
I’m sold!
They know we organize a boxing match in the last round
rev would win that fight.
Octane looking lit boi
Octane: My money is on the robot!
Which one?
Octane: yes
I think i am the only one who notices but when octane was holding the prowler it didn’t has a dg sight on it sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, the prowler MIGHT get back to ground loot , that would be epic .. frickin love that gun (my fav), i am just saying…. there is still hope.
No amount of cosmetics will make up for the lack of updates and actual changes we get through the season.
New zombies map and new apex event. This month looking good already
EA you guys should fix bug and security first
revenant looks like monsterball
Nice very good respawn perdon pero soy mexicano pero hablo ingles algo mal pero se
Can we please get chat between teams for Arenas?
Meanwhile I get ddossed out of every game
The whole trailer was focused more on octane…and I love it 😭😭💕
Now i have to choose between rdr2 uptade or this🥲
bro I’m running out money for these events 😩
Is it just me? Is it just me? Or is this rampart skin so good it shouldn’t be for free
Sounds like the voice actor for octane has a cold or has been changed
Dude this is awesome I cant wait to see people buy the skins while I look at them😂
Finally octane is dominating everyone 😎
No heirloom, sad
Name of the song?
Path – like
Rev – comment
Song name pls it’s fire
Octane mains after seeing a event for him:
This little maneuver took 51 years
Octane:aye amigo death didnt catch up to me in this trailer
Rip bloodhounds skin 🥲
How is it a “ThrillSeekers” event and Octane has no Legendary skin ?
man the these trailers are starting to get real stale literally the same boring trick shots same one shot kills and re-used corny voice lines then again fortnite just makes everybody look like a bot in there trailers
Everyone in trailer: 🧍♂️🧍♀️🧍🕺💃
Octane: 🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️💨 faster faster faster
Look at octane so inspirational
I watched the whole trailer and still have no clue what this event is.
They made mirage into a clown and revenant into general grievous. Fascinating.
rev looks like the power ranger robot 💀💀💀💀
This octane trailer
Revenant looks like a homemade robot.
The new event looking dope although I did want to ask when can we buy stuff with legends tokens because I’m sitting on like 80k and have no use for the stuff.
Revenent always has the best skins fr
This trailer makes me want to play Titanfall
Why is octane like the MC in this trailer but he didn’t get a legendary skin 🤨
Why is Rampart utter dogwater on this trailer 💀
Rev looks like a combo of Real steel and Megalo box, its pretty sick.
Крутая карта. Жалко что для арены
Man this… does not look good at all.
Anyone know the music ?
I got money on path too
Why is nobody talking about that last line
I’m hype 🙂
Yay new rev. Skin
Fix the server lag😡
Back to back events, nice
Octane – My money is on the robot 🤖
Octane the main character in this 😂
The revenant skin looks like general grievous
imagine if there was a new spot where everything in that area went backwards 30 sec every minute,so if u got downed in the past 30 sec u would be back with the health ammo and items you had 30 seconds ago.
General Grievous be like
ah finally octane takes his revenge.
Ok that’s kinda 🔥🔥
Apex abaixa os preços no Brasil pfv, 120 reais em 1 skin não da
Revenent looks like he’s murdered legends.
Wattson is extremely weak, got cheated out of an heirloom, and doesn’t even get event skins anymore 🙁
1:17 who
As of tradition, nothing for bloodhound 😔
where arena rankeds
Why they always doin my boy Mirage like that??
Yo I love that Pathfinder skin!
🤔 Could be wrong *BUT* I think this is the first time Octane wasn’t knocked/killed in a trailer… and instead is the “man of the hour” 😂
Another event where wattson gets ingored 😔
I’m gonna be the people that keep getting downed in the video
Mirage cepillin :0
Mannn what’s the BG song anyone know?
Would be awesome if you fixed the servers before making more money grabs 👎
Hey respawn can you please fix that infinite black screen glitch
The only trailer where Octane doesn’t die in
Octane: “My moneys on the robot!”
*Rev and Pathy stare at him confused*
Revenant is the General Grievous?
Bruh my birthday just past
Animators when they make every trailer:
We need more sliding kills
Edit: we also need to add two characters punching each other as a transition
Everyone’s talking about Revenant, but has anyone else checked out that Gibby?
“you look like a clown bro” 0:54
Man why do they keep playing with mirage skins??? A clown bro????
No solo mode.
No server fix.
But news skins for more money to EA 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Revenant and Pathfinder fighting was funny
Hello there!!
“My money’s on the robot”
Listen, octane, buddy, they’re both robots
Where is Crypto’s Money?
“my money is on the Robot”
Which one!?
Apex Drip Legends
Wraith mains…
And they wonder why Octane has the highest pick rate
First of all it’s cool. BUT FIX YOUR SERVER
This entire trailer is just octane goin
My guy Crypto still rocking the best skin of the bunch :)~ And thats not even his best one.
Lessss gooo
Wow well I know what I’m doing for weeks 🙃🙂
No loba skin??
That octane skin 🔥🔥🔥
They should just made a grievous straight out for rev
Better than 99% of trailers for movies
They gave Mirage a clown skin because all Mirage Mains are clowns (:
Is this the record for most events wraith is not included in a row (2)
One of the best trailers yet
Can’t wait!
Why does revenant look familiar tho 🤔
Another event wow ea u really workin hard
Revenant: sorry kenobi but unlike anakin, I have the high ground now!!!
Pathfinder: what?
Revenant: what?
Wow Mirage has a WaterGotHim skin.
“My money is on the robot” Thanks Octane, very insightful
1:14 no Caustic ?
Shocked we still haven’t gotten a rev skin with him being human yet like this one tho.
I couldn’t get I but now I can
tHE skins are bAD NGL
This took me by surprise !!
2 special events?!
Papyrus suit looks good on revenant
Pls no more events…my wallet hurts
Path vs Rev: Simpsons monkey fight meme
Respawn pumping out new stuff every day you have outdone yourselves
i cant with Rev’s shoulders.. i cant..
Am I blind or where is wraith?
Apex tendrá idioma en español latino?
As an Octane main, it is my dream to juke like this Octane in the trailer. When i try to juke, i go against aimbotters
Me, who just wasted his materials after seeing the Legendary Pathfinder skin: 😐
This event will be so good
New wraith skin?
Nope 🙁
Apex can you make another flatline skin with the changed iron sight like the season 4 battle pass one, also sick event
dang octance isnt dead now
El traje de Octane Está Buenísimo 😍🔥
0:22 : R-99 making R-301 sounds
0:47 : R-301 making R-99 sounds
Octane, are you sure you’re putting the correct bullets in your guns?
Wow still no Wattson stuff.
great now stop getting hacked
Something’s wrong
Octane didn’t die
didnt know Bane was joining the games. fr tho that gibby skin is nuts
will the event have heirloom shards instead of a heirloom like for the aniversery
Nice grievous skin
Another skinless Bloodhound event, I’m done
The New map tho 😍
Gibby does a skateboard thingy with his shield 😎
why does Revenant’s body kinda look like papyrus from Undertale
Apex so caustic couldn’t be in the circle with the rest of them ?? Why hate on my boy 😢
Where caustic skin 🙁
Save Titanfall!
Why does Revenant look like a egdy sports Papyrus
revenant : general kenobi…. i mean skin bag
Pathfinder told revenant to square up 😂
finally the one trailer where octane dosent die
Fix the servers
bro we got a event literally right after a event
Skins and new arenas map wouldn’t call this a top event
Mirage clown tracker please?
Octane is now the face of the game.
How much wallet they eating this time around
No love for Wattson again Respawn 😢😢😢
How much money are you gonna get from collection events until you fix the servers, implement Easy Anti Cheat, and fix Titanfall 2?
The skins get more disgusting every season.
Whats the song????
the whole trailer on aimbot
Can you stop featuring octane every trailer?
Gracias Diosito porque no habrá skin de Wattson ya no hay dinero
Revenant reminds me of Papyrus
Revenant vs Pathfinder
Octane: *my money is on the robot*
Yeah but when’s Titanfall 3?
Revenant skin looks like grievous from starwars just me.
Revenant lookin like general grievous
If only my boy Caustic could get some love sad day
Fix the servers
That Bangalore skin tho I’m buying it 🔥
1:17 Octane say ” My money on a Roblox” lol
They turned Revenant into General Grevious
is Horizon just wearing fiber optics skin?
No crypto heirloom ☹️
Trailer released early so they had to publish it today on youtube. lol
Ilike apex legends very much😍😍😍👍👍and new map iliket
that rev skin 💀💀
This map died season 6
“Let’s put out ANOTHER octane skin and ANOTHER Gibraltar skin even though they’ve already had 80 skins in the past month.”
Please can you change the horizon s9 event skin so the mask is down instead of up, it would look even better.
Stop making trash event fix your trash server first so lagy trash you have every single day
Nice! Another new period of server lagging, stuttering and high CPU usage in Apex is about to start. I can’t wait to see that
yo my boy crypto ain’t get whacked in the face this time I’m so happy 😢
An Apex trailer is incomplete without sliding and aerial kills.
The event skins are good 👍
but, ¿ Who else thinks that revenant skin looks like joined pockeballs? :v
ANOTHER REVENANT SKIN?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! bruh…
Wattson: Where is my heirloom?
Respawn: Octane, Octane, Octane….
Cant say that I’m surprised sadly. As this stuff was in the files, but I’m surprised its happening so soon
“Dont try this at home, unless you want cool legs like me”
I dont think that many people have a laser cannon to try this at home
This is fine, but they have fixed the constant crashes and disconnections from the server?
Let me quess $30 for one skin
0:24 “Professional soldier”
Doesn’t hold the dmr by its foregrip
they always got the sickest trailers
Octane: My money is on the Robot
Classic Octane
Servers,cheating and ddos plague please. For the love of god give us a sign…
Shot gun wing man????
More trash skins 🥲
All the apex legends youtubers here be like ^
rev looks like death from darksiders
Octane getting so much screen time I’m expecting some sort of love, maybe a buff 👀
Rev looks like general grevious
Too bad apex legends got hacked!!!
Rev’s face looks like general grievous
Fans are going to love this
I just got my paycheck….not for long
It’s clear to say that Apex Legend’s Favorite legend is Our very own Speedy Boy
I love how these skins got leaked a few hours ago and then the trailer shows up
2 events in a row? Sheeeesh
Mirage decided to dress up as how the Apex Games see him. It truly is a poor and pitiful world.
Rev looks like general grifus from Star Wars lol
arreglen los servers de latam plss
Im not seeing wraith right here 🙁
Fix hackers plisss crossplay is detroying this game
5 letters
This was an odd time to drop the trailer, but it looks great!
There should be other things to do before doing such a project. What does the EA have to look past such an outcome?
Two events In a row that’s pog
How many revenant event skins are there
Arenas event again , pass .
I guess i’ll keep playing another game till season 10 hits , i didnt like arenas that much and all the events and even the battle pass requires you to play arenas. I’ve been playing since launch and this season has got to be the season where i feel its the weakest season in terms of how much i actually enjoyed the game. Cant even be bothered to finished the battle pass arena mission since i despise that game mode where its all sweat with little to no reward other than to feed your ego of how better you are than the other team, or feel bad on how bad you are than the other team.
Finally free stuff watch it be grindy I hope it isn’t the event challenges they bring out only have legendary weapon skins I want some free Character skins so I’m glad they doing this
im an old gamer and this game is what WOW is to rpgs.
Pathfinder skin is sick
Why does Revenant have General Grievous’ face?
Fix the game !
0:55 When Mirage says “My biggest fan’s going to love that”. That makes me sad somehow.
My money is on the robot! There’s two robots! Lol
this look like the season 10 battle pass
Revy lowkey be lookin’ Helle grivious.
Was that an octain clip of the day?
Greivous is that you?
This is ridiculous where is the blood hound and wraith cosmetics 2 events and we get nothing ridiculous
Pls! General grievous skin for revenant!!!!!!
How dare you guys add another rampart skin I’m grinding for my fellow mains on this one
Is this map gonna be permanent or are they gonna gank this one away from us like they did the skull town map?
Are the Titanfall servers fixed yet?
Still waiting for that Chinatown drop 😮💨
I’m hoping the path skin costs crafting materials
revert valk
Terminator versus RoboCop
Octrain: My money’s on the robot
Is it possible to make apex colorful like this?
Where’s the Octane legendary skin?
Another event whiout wraith skin😪
General Grievou looks good in this video.
“my money’s on the robot”
garbage skins
I wish they would fix Titanfall 1/2 instead of putting out new events I like apex too but ignoring a game that cost around $40. Getting tired of this company. 😔
looks like Grievous..?
Is it just me or does octanes voice sound dif
Dang that revenant skin though
Every Apex YouTuber watching this trailer: what is that I smell *sniff* *sniff* new content!?
how long are you going to make me unable to buy because I don’t have money, respawn? then I have to see the rich people who always buy. too many events in my opinion
ok so that’s pretty cool
When are they going to add wall running?
Revenant over here looking like the Walmart General Grevious
So does it mean servers and ddos security will be improved, or..?
So it’s an event with Octane being a big part of it but he does not get a legendary skin. What?
Octane with R-99 go brrrrrrrr
octane was destroying everybody in this trailer 😂
rev skin looks like something out of ratchet and clank and i love it
shrug released the trailer early anyway
You can’t craft the skins 😔
fix the sever
Imagine getting hacked 😂
I like the new map. But those skins are garbage
where is the wattson skin respawn😓
Do you get the my moneys on the robot jokw
So this means starting July 13th we can expect error screens and crashes? Awesome 👌🏼
Octane in the end lol…. My money’s on the robot lol
How is octane running fast and cooked out of his mind but stills hits more shots then rampart
Producer: So, how many sliding kills do you need?
Respawn: *yes.*
Nice! you give me an idea with those voice lines , could we have extra interactions with some enemy skins??
Another event without a bloodhound skin
Those are some good skins
Mirage: 🤡
Trailer was pretty dope
Valk becomes Vader after falling into lava.
Brooooooo <3
Now you know why octane will forever be the most coolest legend. And the most used
*Happy Rampart Main Noises* =w=
“no playing by the rules” Yeah I can tell I mean he’s using the devo
Is it me or the revenant skin looks better in the trailer 🌚👀
This is not unexpected for me because since we left the old arenas map we might have overflowed it because we weren’t there,simple as that
General griev from StarWars ? Lol
Octane actually got a good skin, meaning it’s already better then genesis
Music ?
honestly, this event looks pretty boring
-Happy Rampart Main Noises- +u+
what is this song, someone please!
bruh no wraith or bloodhound skins 2 events in a row?
This shows how much the devs dont give af about the state of the game lol. they just care about that event money that all the casuals will pour into the game 😂
Caustic doesn’t have a new skin ??
So which overpriced bundle will it be this time
as usual nothing for watt 🙂
All trash legend skins
Finally, octane actually kills in a trailer AND doesn’t die.
Whos getting heirloom??
Raphart in this trailer is Console players without aim assist
Can never beat the feeling of frisson watching new apex trailers <3
Overflow 🥵🥵🥵
Save Titalfall
Show us love.
~Sincerely a Caustic Main
Went from enemies being one shot to one clip kills
U got some kills on your sliding kills
ok then my money is on the other robot
all i need is fckign fix the ingame , sometimes if u change the mode ur pc suddenly shuttering
Love that Octane skin
Isn’t your game like hacked or something
Finally no octane bullying in this trailer . First time since season 2 i swear u an check every trailer coming since then
Why revant skin looks like grievous forma Star Wars?
So u fixed Titanfall right? Or have we not learned anything at all.
Ea i have a ques is the legandary skins for free or it cost money
Back to back events.. that’s disgusting
What is the music
Cool but the match-making server need work 😕
Good job with a new money grab on recolored skins and recycled modes but when are we gonna work on balancing the game and working on server issues? Or even solos that’d make apex good again
no wraith skin?
Average octane main
My girl Wattson getting left out once again…
And the apologies for the hacked servers?. 👀
game: crash, hacked, RE :
Revenant looks like a fusion of Papyrus and General Grievous
Hilarious that they are pushing yet another event, while the servers are still terrible and filled with hackers. We get it, skins make money, but you can’t make money if everyone leaves because the game isn’t fun anymore.
Season 9 is lit yo two events at once that’s amazing
1:14 pls bring wired for speed back again 😭😭
I think is better to fix the anti hack system then to place a new event though .-.
Will caustic get a skin
Just give me a fucjing heirloom already
Bring back the OG season 2 lifeline
So uncreative
Caustic dies AGAIN
General Grevis?
fix ranked
So after the whole situation of your game getting hacked your making another event to take more money from the players? Good job on doing nothing besides takes our money. Your game is a joke
Fix the game.
2 events in 1 season shhhshhhhshshhsssss
Are we not gonna talk about the fact of how Rev looks like general grievous
Octane,” My money’s on the robot!” Both fighters are robots
STILL NO CUSTOM LEGENDARY LIFELINE SKIN ????? okay not on BP , NOT on Genisys …. no lifline LORE great
Dang did they buff octane
Stop bullying Caustic, man have cancer 🙁
Revenant be looking like general grievous 🤣🤣🤣
Back to back events…IM READY IM READY
Bruh I just got the new rev skin! Lol give him a new drop in emote lol y’all keep making me spend money!
I did not expect this to happen.
Ok, Rodeo Clown Mirage is a thing now, I am so happy.
there is another event??? holy
Imagine pathfinder and revenant got punching skills buff for that
Wattson in the corner: 🙃
The only good skin is Gibraltars, Revenant looks like more of a clown than Mirage.
1:17 do you get the joke?
I miss Watson skins
Finally my boy Octane lives through a trailer
Octane: My money is on the robot.
Me: But which robot… I guess will never know.
Does anyone know the song in the background
Why revenant lowkey a sentient pokeball?
My mind can’t unsee the lack of space between “:” and the “T” of Thrillseekers, looks unprofessional.
Fix your server issue. We want that to be fixed.
They should have had path and rev with their heirlooms
Where is New skin on wraith😭
They been killing it lately
As a revenant main and a Mauy thai fighter…please take my money.
Субтитры только корейские, нихуя не понял!
Octane nerf anyone? 😂
PLEASE DON’T IGNORE THIS.Jesus loves you so much, Jesus is coming back very soon. Put your faith and trust in Jesus and His finished work on the cross,make Him Lord of your life and be saved. You may never get another opportunity like this again.
a fight in the school got me like: 1:14 (pause in that part, and it’s humor lol)
Who tf plays arenas
Revenant be like: *kenobi*
Loba no where to be seen like always
I’m excited but GENSIS IS NOT EVEN DONE AND THIS IS COMING BRUH btw horzizen go brrrr
Per usual, y’all continue to give Bangalore, a space soldier, the absolute worst skins in the game. Incredible how you continuously without fail put the least amount of work into her cosmetics it seems.
RevTrode i choose you! (Legit the new rev skin is rev as a pokemon)
So more squeezing the money out of people?
Great, another map for me to 1v3 after my teammates disconnect.
Me:……….brain plz don’t go there……
I got super pumped for a new event but had to rewind like but wait what are the game modes? oh just skins?
Clown cowboy Mirage!?
Oh we get those for free or we pay 100s of dollar?
all these cosmetics but no stop to hacking 😔
We haven’t even finished the event we’re in, yet we still get the trailer for the next one
I kinda wanna cop that revenant skin
Prowler floor loot? I mean octane was using it with out digital scope
But the servers are still able to get hacked… focus on the game not money smh
Pathfinder: Hello there!
Revenant: General Kenobi.
Rev do be lookin like Grievous but in funny way
fix your terrible game or else i’ll have to intervene.
too bad you have to spent like 200 bucks to get all those cosmetics..
I wish their game was more optimized so that we can actually have graphical settings like this and not have insane micro stutters making it impossible to play competitively… Even with beefy 3080s this is absolutely not capable.
Bro we need more horizon skins
Honestly, the cosmetics aren’t anything crazy but new content is new content 🤷🏻♂️😶💯
I’m kinda sad I saw no wraith skins even though she gets a new skin almost every event
Suddenly everyone in the trailer isn’t one shot
The aim of ppl in trailers
This remind me of that Boxing robots
REVENANT es todo lo que esta bien
revenants face look like general grievous 😀
Octane mains lesgoooo 😔👌
Hell’s yes!!!
Back to back events hopefully this becomes a trend especially with a new Battlefield coming soon
Octane tracker???
Nah this trailer was perfect
Regálame una play ☹️
This is sick
Revenant looks like general grevious, his face at least
Octane in trailer: Boi, i’m so fast that nothing can hit me
Octane in game: Help me, i need help.
No love for Loba 😭
I Love Apex for this
Is my favorite Game uwu
the revenant skin’s face looks like general grievous
get ready for some ‘hello there’ memes
Let’s fix the server first pls🙏
0:20 R-99, but R-301 sound? 🤨
Pls incresea luck off material
fix ur server so i can login, please
Thank god it’s coming on the same day I’m getting a new Xbox so I can play again
When does iOS release & how do we sign up?
is it gon feature a new russian hack that wont let me play my game? im soo hyped
Someone forgot to put the end cards up…
Another collection event even tho genesis still has like a week left
new gibby skin lookin FIRRREEEE
Octane just rocked this trailer so hard.
fix the game please
General Grievous got drip
Anyone else notice the r99 has the r301 gunsound at 20 secs same for the r301 at 45 secs
Don’t try this at home.
Fix the game pls
Hello there
Best game 🔥
is this 6v6?
Add FIX CHEATERS. not skin
Nice, making new events before fixing the last updates, priorities at there hest
Iron sights prowler…
I know you can take the digi threat off
But what if….?
Where is Bloodhound?
name of the song pleas
Oh boy a new event if only the game was actually playable to play it
thanks for the bday gift, can u add crossplat account integration too?
Perfect announce this as I’m broke and out of apex coins, POG
the legends of season no have skin? good respawn…
They just came out with genisis
yea new event for an unplayable game!!<3
General grievous rev skin?!
Revenants head looks like general grievous lol.
And cross progression… right?
Bro the Rev skin looks like general grievous
Lifeline skin 😍
3:24 general grievous
I love this new Star Wars collab!
What’s this song?
yoo give bloodhound some love
Yoo the revenant skin look from star wars
No LOVE for Loba once again. This game is getting worst
“My moneys on the robot”
👁 👄 👁
like the map, dislike the skins
I am so ready for more braindead teamates and hit latency in this new map.
Yooooo just a thought maybe you could add like skins for their accessories and like make them different colors and styles. Just a thought forgot to say nice trailer and keep it up 👍
Dear Respawn
Please stop making events and more rare skins which no one gonna use anyways and start focusing on your servers its a shame that someone could hacked a big company like you
Overflow? 🧐
This is Octane him place
gibby skin looking clean
No one:
Octane: 🏃💨💨💨💨
Respawn to lazy to make more skins for every legend in events… Nice
Apex servers literally being hacked.
Respawn: So anyways I started throwing out skins.
Is there new heirloom??
EA are hungry huh?
Wait, no LTM?
Revenant actually having a somewhat scary skin?!
*oh, so the map is called overflow, I’ve heard of that before, dont know if its appropriate for apex though*
Aka the “give us more of your money” event trailer.
The event: 🥳🔥💥
The servers: 🥵🤒🥔
0:54 WaterGotHim Skin
Prowler return to the ground
Typo be like
got revenant looking like general grevious 💀💀💀
This new maps gonna be FIRE!!🔥
Oh yay… another Bangalore event skin🙄
another event wow
Gibbi nailing that kickflip.
Thats nice and all but ummm where is the Wattson skin
Better than Warzone by a land side
Bruh the skins looks the same .
I really feel like apex is trying to distract us from how bad they are handling the game right now. Really should try to work on fixing the cheating problem before they make more skin events…
Is the prowler back please that would be so nice
No bloodhound skin from the battlepass banner? 😔
This event is basically saying play octane
The best items were the Lifeline and Fuse skins from what I saw. 🤷♂️
Revenant do be looking like he’s searching for fine additions to his collection.
I hope you don’t have to pay money
Why does rev look like the guy from starwars SuS
Finally a bad skin for rev
No, lets us stay in OG season 3 World Edge please :((
yes a wattson skin yesssssssssss
im gonna try those stunts now for robot legs
Very hype here from Thai fans.
Thank you respawn for this Rev
Muay Thai skins
which one is going to do the relic ?
Does anybody know the name of the song ?
Titanfall 1: its completely unplayble
Titanfall 2: u cant play because of ddos attacks
Apex: is hacked because respawn didnt do anything to help both titanfall games
Respawn: “oh no, anyways here is new event”
This looks dope I’m so excited
The revanent skin face kinda looks like general grevious
ah yes respawn your r really big brain like lets make a new event instead of fixing the hacker issue
THIS IS SICK!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️
Chale ya me gaste mis metales de fabricacion :((
New mode?
No I not like it 😒😕 but I will still play it
When is the save titanfall event huh? EA and respawn should think of fixing their games before moving onto new stuff, cancer companies like this makes me sick
Where them tap strafes at?
more serves in SA please
hit your shots rampart
Take my money
I learned nothing from this trailer.
My money’s on the robot
Manager: Octane, how much screen time do you want in this trailer?
Octane: Yes.
Dope valk skins on bottom of list I see..:(
Please just let my wallet rest for a whi- oohhh that skin for revenant though
Looks like revenant having a “General Kenobi” skin. Hope they be having a collab with star wars and pathfinder gets a C3P0 skin.
Why Respawn why did you fix the emotes glitch nobody asked for that ☹️☹️☹️☹️
But can yall please fix game chat not working on xbox
more skins i cant afford
gangster skin :O letss goo
There’s no incentive to play. The battlepass is trash and there’s no replayability
As somebody who loves me some Warhammer Necromunda, I’m really digging that Gibby skin
titanfall: actively falling apart with the first one already broken
respawn: hey guys how about ANOTHER event?
The one trailer octane doesnt die in
Wattson buff. Cool event………Wattson buff
I’m gonna be broke 😭
So they finally feature Octane
nice hack, event
What if they dropped Anthony hairloom 😫😫
Ehh it’s alright , nothing to crazy .
Nice now when will we have cross save?
Octane: My money is on the robot
Revenant: Which robot?
Pathfinder: Which robot?
Respawn:how much more content you players want?
We players: yes!
Revenant lookin like he’s one with the force.
Ммммм , хуитааааа
Ну как обычно в общем то.
I dont have more materials ;(
letsss goooooo
“Don’t try this at home-unless you want cool legs like me.” – Octane 2021
nothing more boring that they force you to play arenas to make an event
Yoo wow Apex chill we still in a event n already there’s another one pls our wallets can handle all that🤦🏾♂️🥲
Oh so this is the first time Octane didnt die in a trailer
Path looks awsome!
The disrespect caustic receives
Fix titanfall
Tell me y’all saw the gibby skin 😳
0:08 Prowler is no more on care packages ???? It has the hop-up
The Revenant skin looks like it has pokeballs on the shoulders 1:15 🔴⚪. Now I can’t unsee it lol 😅
wow octane didnt die in a trailer for once!
No rampart,I think I’d be dead bye now
new arenas map ? ffs
Is it juts me or rev looks like general grevous from star wars
The rev skin looks like general grievous auditioned for a wipeout contest.
Ok now fix the Titanfall 2 servers especially on PS4 so we can play the game Insted of getting DDoSed out of every online match
Please 120 FPS for PS5
Octane: “My money is on the robot.”
Bro is it me or does Revenant look like General Grevious
Why is all the recent promo stuff been focusing on octane? For the love of God I don’t want to hear him talking in all of the trailers.
That Rev skin has a Muay Thai General Grievous vibe
The new map be like: 🌋 🔥 💨
please fix the Prediction symbol
Octane: My moneys on the robot!
Me: which robot?
0:13 gibby looks like he just saw a ghost
A su madre, el Mirage como Cepillin 🤣🤣🤣
Finally a trailer were octane doesn’t get killed
So is this an arenas map? But with multiple squads at once? Or just one update on worlds edge?
No wonder the 7GB update xD
To think the people who make these skins still have a job anywhere. 90% of the skins in this game are unbearable to look at… I genuinely don’t know how a group of people okayd these 💀😂
Wait a minute! What is this!?
Pathfinder: hello there 🙂
Revenant: General Kenobi!
So revenant is the new Wraith? Every event a new skin.
probably my favorite octane skin for now
This looks like something Octane knows.
Are we gonna see his lore video on what he’s done.
Anyone know the song?
Alright. All I want is the Revenant skin. The others are yours.
Pathfinder : “Hello there!”
Revenant : “Pathfinder!”
I hope they added these voice lines
This gives me so much star wars vibes
Ooh by the looks of it it maybe a 5v5 arenas
Still no Watson heirloom☹️
Revenant skim be like: “a fine addition to my collection”
Overflow what a good Hanime
Why does Revenant have the worst skins.. 😔
Revenants face looks like General Greivous from star wars
This give some titanfall2 vibes i like it
As I see the guy who named the map is a man of culture.
Bruh 17 people in one lobby better be true and not a flex to show skins
Skins don’t even look that good, and seems more like an event for arenas which is so boring,, they rly want people playing arenas lol
So revenant has finally lived up to his word. He is now wearing General Grievous’ face as a mask.
4 good skins.Gib,rev,path,mirage/rampart
Wasn’t this game dead like a year ago?
Lets goooooooo
Yey look like there is also new map for 3v3
0:14 just keep look left 🤣😂
Consider bringing back emote hop
Wait Revenant has a line that’s a reference to Mike Tyson, so is his skin a reference to WWE fighters?
0:13 Gibraltar are you ok? Need any sort of medication?
Getting my wallet ready
Yo, *freakin’ sweet!*
*_APEX IN A NUTSHELL:_*_ Lack of content, expensive cosmetics, No new badges, High Skillbased matchmaking for solo players, No Solo’s, Laggy servers, Got Pred to get DDos’d every few games, No gamemode where everybody in the lobby is random if your solo so you don’t have to play vs 3 stacks, No support on better legend balance some legends really need buffs. And a toxic community._
I’m still waiting for a trailer titled as “Apex Legends servers are fixed now event” …
Hola aaaaa
I just spent all my seasons 9 allowance tho.
Ah, General Grevious on his younger days…
My money is also on the robot
1:17 which one?
What about bloodhound?? 😭😭😭
Terrible skins
Where is rapidly response LTM for arenas
Yesterday they got hacked
Today is new event
The server must be amazing when I play
*0:21** r-301 sound for a r99*
Respawn: Seems about right🤑
Well ig i will be saving my crafting metals for now
Cryptos heirloom should be coming out
but we have to play the game against hacks
for me being a mirage main and big fan i do say that skin is hepla cool and i want it no matter how many people say it’s a clown i agree and it maches him
so how much octane you want?
Thrillseekers Event Trailer : YES
Wow thai boxing🥊
plz ban C
Where’s the Titianfall series update?
Octane: My moneys on the Robot!
Me: wait they are both robots… but ones a human.. robot… thingy
Finally octane doesn’t die
Aint no one talk about the Gibraltar Nae Nae
Respawn: “How Many Events This Season?”
EA: “Yes” (Counting Money)
>thrilling rewards
>trackers and maybe a blue skin
f off
Lifeline skin is straight fire
Why are they always forgetting about wattson 😩
Un saludo al irv arias y sofiuwu siuuu
Revenant mains getting fed
You dont stop do you
Like a Grievous
I thought that was a general grievous revenant skin
General Greaves?
Revenant is the Ripper AND Muay Thai boxer at the same time? Awesome!!!
Apex legends : *We should fix our servers and fix all the bugs*
Also Apex Legends: Money sounds good as well
No crypto skin 😔
Why no-one talking about that Gibby skin ?
Why is Bangalores “Get ready to stitch em up” pitch shifted up a bit, sounds like a pixie or summin
I’m an Octane main, and this really puts him on the spotlight and I LOVE IT!!
New event. Good 👍
Songs not in the description….
Who else loves pokeball revenant
What about hierloom
Apex is so hype
It was kinda weird that we didn’t have the Arenas map from Valkyrie’s trailer yet. Now we finally get our hands on it.
Ive seen the skin in STAR WARS
“General kenobi”
Im gonna be honest i just spent 200 dollars on a collection event so im broke and these skins aren’t that good
а рейфа с белым костюмчиком будет?
Why does revenant look like general Grievous
EA sports till your broke.
New event ayyyyyyy
Petition to take prowler out of the care package loot
No new legends huh
Finally my boy octane getting some love, just pulled his heirloom today!!! Lets go!
My girl wattson need a legendary skin
Hmm no cute Watson skin this time 🤔
“My money’s on the robot” 🤣🤣
Remember when everybody left apex, because renspawn saying ” DON’T PUT MORE CONTENT AN MONTH”. Now everyone is returning XD
Don’t know if someone else already said it but why does that revenant skin remind me of general grievous
Please fix all your bugs before launching another event. Tons of code net errors and infinite loading time.
The trailer is overdone like usual, and i don’t understand why they put now another money-eating event after the Revenant-heirloom thing or whatever…
My moneys on REV he literally can’t die
I’m gonna quit the game if “You look like a clown bro” won’t become a quip
Ah yes, I love it when my R99 sounds like an R301.
this event looks boring
Revenant looking like General Grevious
I may need to playback this video but bloodhound don’t get no love when it come to skin events
nice wraith skin 🙁
You got blambozzed *clown horn
Let’s Go!
There should be heirlooms for all characters
Okay but when is the Chinatown Market coming?
still cant play ranked 🙁
What’s Lifeline holding at 1:06?
Apex got some nasty soundtracks imo
Looks like Griveous
Yo octane be popping off in this trailer and in every other one he dies
Revenant looks like General Grievous
Let’s gooo. Another event
let’s gooo
Fix your matchmaking first..
mirage: sad clown noises
Looks pretty pog!
Octane: My money is on the robot
Me: Which one tho
Producer: How much gameplay of octane do you want?
Respawn: Yes
Less go
Finally a lifeline skin!!!
Cash grab letss gooo
I can’t wait to get General Grievous
2 purple octane skins in a row. Lame
Great a other event with 20$+ skins
Octane didn’t die
Octain: My money’s on the robot
Octane was so powerful, that all his enemies were one soft sneeze away from death 💀
I want a reward for the hacker XD
2 packs events :v
Wait! Really, 2 events!!!
Respawn: yep
Apex: Getting hacked and glitch
EA: There is no problem!!
Alright! Starting a new event!!
Players: 🤮😇😅
All the hacking attacks and they release another event. Wow
1:14 skins coming back? Wired for speed, hype beast, void prowler, etc. Could be just for show but you never know 😉
Shame bloodhound still doesn’t get any love
i will be watching star warts
Mirage clown
I died of laughter when octane slid under the charge rifle beam😂
Qué onda con la skin de Mirage de Cepillín XD
The makers of Apex Legends keep it up 💯
Revenant: (supposed to be scary)
Also Revenant: 1:15 G O T T A
Another fatty check for respawn and EA is all I saw
One of the first times octane didn’t die in a trailer😂
2 events in 2 weeks? A surprise to be sure but a welcome one
Is this another money collection event?
Only real ones saw the typo
At this point they are just disrespecting the mirage mains 😹
Octane: My money’s on the robot
*Actualy two robots fighting
Thats sick
Let’s go
wraith skin ?
Its amazing for them to bring out another event instantly
Yheeaa i got my money on the walking calculator
Octane mains where ya at?!🔥🔥🔥🔥
They forgot about my girl Wattson man 😔
What’s with rampart’s aim I thought they had aim bot in the trailers
Apex gets hacked and titanfall 1 is impossible to play like titanfall 2
Respawn: More expensive skins now give me money
“I’ve got my money on the robot” funny guy
Revenant skin goooddd sheesh
What’s the song to this
Pathfinder: Hello There
Rev: aaaah General Kenobi!!!
Your skin bag will be a fine addition to my Collection!
Apex has Fortnite beat with Al these amazing events 😂
That last scene was great
Let’s go this is gonna be cracked AF
apex is doing so good this season
devotion go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Bro id love to see fanart of everyone gathered up and watch 2 legends Duke it out
Uhmmmm…why does Bangalore not sound like Erica Luttrel?
Petition to get another wraith skin in an event
Triggered seeing the devotion
make kings canyon permanent
*Path vs revenant hand to hand*
Octane: my bet is on the robot
Very wise
path ez claps rev and the anime and mc and dc and mcu and dcu universes
People who spent all their parts on this event: *visible frustration*
Am I the only one waiting for a really cool Bangalore skin?
Apology excepted
Ok this trailer was f* sick
Octane mains: My time has come
Why the revenant skin look like if general grievous was a MMA champion 🏆🤣
This is so awesome I can not wait
Can we finally link our accounts from console to console??
If only the aiming part was realistic
I came here for a cool trailer and got mediocre octane highlights.. Come on respawn🤦🏼♂️
Ahhhhhh so cool
They really caught us off guard with the 2 events in 1 season
Let go
Hi can you allow mnk compatability with consoles because we are out matched by movement and aim on PC at least add this because PC get to use controller but we can use mnk 😭😭
Wattson skin?? :((
Wattson heirloom?
Apex coming in with some HEAT
Ok now fix the servers pls
All new events useless if too much hacking aimbotting going on
Bro My wallet
Y la wattson 🥺
Wraith doesn’t get a skin…again?
Bro I’ve been waiting quite a long time now and my 2400 crafting materials wanna be spend 🙁
Ayo ayo wassup
Revenant face looks like general grievous and everything else is something.
Devo nerf ,and prowler goes to ground loot nice.
Nothing in this trailer will ever happen because arenas is an incredibly boring game mode. Add TDM
Go crazy 😎😎😎😎
I look forward to this. 🔥🌲💨💚
yoooooo l’ts go
They just said f*** it it got leaked well go ahead and drop
what kind of starwars revenant skin is that LOOOL
Add a gift system please
I haven’t seen Watson once 😐
Pero como se va a jugar si está lo del haker
That revenant skin looks like a general with a huge collection of fine lightsabers
Bro no bloodhound skin again!!!!😕😔😡
Trailer needs more hackers and ddos’s lobbies
I can’t play, it takes me out of all the games, I have 4 days without being able to play
Again more content no cross progression thanks no thanks
yeah this is cool but what about the hack
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to experience the current one, because the last update surges my CPU to 93% usage and never gets to the menu. So I haven’t been able to play it since last week and my issue (which I’ve seen others mention having) seems to have been ignored. Had interest in some of those skins as well.
Time Traveller: *kicks rock*
The timeline: “General Grievous I choose you!”
Another 200k
Gotta take my wallet to the respawn beacon
1:15 Revenant : General Kenobi!
Is it a collection event
So is this octanes event?
Underground robot fighting ring pog
“my money is on the robot” *EKONOMI 📈*
ayo did anyone notice that they switched the firing sound for the r301 to the r99?
happy to see octane didn’t get absolutely destroyed this trailer
Revenant out here lookin like general grievous from star wars
Is that a purple fuse skin? Right after Valk gets a legendary in her own seasons event? Respawn is being really mean to us 3 fuse mains
Every trailer of apex event hype me so much!!!
Arenas noooooooo pliss
With zero anticheat*
The only thing that I know THAT I NEED THAT OCTANE SKIN!!!!!!
I’m not trying to hate but why does it feel like they put more effort into this event than the genesis event the skins,music and trailer was just more cooler
Revenant’a face be lookin’ like General Grievous tho
0:44 respawn got their own weapon sound wrong
Can yall like, revert the nerfs yall did on octane? Its rev yall should’ve been nerfing, octane feels slow now
bro when octane said💥 🔫🧎🏻 was clean
0:47 why the r301 sounding like a r99 penchod
Wonderful ^^ another event I wont be able to participate in
The prowler looks like is a normal weapon again
Yes, let’s show the nerfed jump pad 1st 😑
Prowler on ground Prowler on ground PROWLER ON GROUND!!!!!!!!!!!
Revenant with the General Grievous vibes ?? 😳
Revenant looking shorter than I expected
1:16 well…
Why does revenant look like a blob fish lol 😂
I wish bloodhound could do more in these awesome trailers :/
Another event, more hacks and bugs…
Everyone using The most balanced weapon the r99 this trailer looks like a normal match
Bruh haven’t even got money for genesis cosmetics and you pulling another cosmetics event 😧
Finally other legendary mirage skin xd
1:03 two girls one cuastic lol
Apex pasando por un hackeo:
Respawn: Nimodo tocó evento
Anyone else think revenant looks like general grievous
The hack glitched the system so bad that there are 2 events in one season now.
L Skins
Pokeball Revenant looks awesome
I’m bout to bust
The sad part is, all the trailer is focused on Octane and he gets the worse skin
1:14 proof that Respawn hates caustic as literally every single legend is there besides him
They had to pay Octane’s voice actor somehow after not letting him talk in the season trailer.
Love the trailer & love this game, just wish they would seriously consider lowering the price of cosmetics. Like 2400 crafting instead of 1200… for what ? Just cause it’s an event skin it should be double the cost ? Nah. And also 1800 isn’t too bad, but really they should be like 1200 or 1400. I guarantee more ppl would buy stuff if it was cheaper as well, so they would probably end up making even more money. lol
Put a ranked mode in Titanfall 2 pls
Please don’t tell me I have to update again and wait 3 or more days…😭
New arena map but I feel they only did this because people gave up on arena
“My money is on the robot”
Which one?
Best gibraltar skin no cap
Need winter express as a permanent mode. Just change the seasons with the game.
Reveneat is a *meh* character but
All he skins are just so sick
Also him heirloom
The rdr2 update is also coming July 13
Wait a sec……. . WHAAAT?!
Oh lookie nothing for caustic, surprise surprise 🤦🏾♂️, when will we make caustic great again
0:05 did he buy a prowler?!?!
…there gose my budget again
Cool but I’d like a nice new Wattson skin plz
Revenant is MINE! Rampart is MINE!
is this another collection event?
Octane doesn’t die for the first time in a trailer AND slaughters every single legend. Lovely.
My wallet can’t handle this much… ;-;
How every Octane main sees themselves
Are they doing this event to release rank for Arenas or what
Oh wow another event that we might get to play for like 3 games before the cheaters gonna take over all the lobby
Revenant has the Sickest Skins!!
The guy that edits these videos messes around with the sound so much, that the guns don´t even sound like themselvs anymore.
Fix brasilians servers and star making a lot and better skins! for god sake
Who else thinks revenant looks like general Grievous
Revenent out here looking like General Grevious
nooo i won’t be able to play during this event
Arreglen las cagas de servidores mejor.
Wich is better shinobi rev skin or this
Dude this looks awesome
You really had mirage go 🤡
Great another event in which I will not be able to buy any skin because I am poor XD
battle royal players: guess that a towntakeover is not for now….
Note: Thrillseeker EVENT not Thrillseeker COLLECTION EVENT. I feel like theres gonna be 80$ bundles
Nak Muay
I haven’t even downloaded the previous event bruh
2 events in 1 month YEP
so they gave Caustic a green Japanese banner but they don’t give him a cool Japanese skin for this event? Ok.
“Ny money’s on the robot”
Octane my friend, can you please specify?
General Grievous got lost or how did he end up in here?!
I don’t know how to react this
As an octane main, this makes me happy that they’re showing how good my speedy boy can be
Lol my boi revenant looking like general grievous from star wars 🤣
“Apex Is Death”
Apex gets hacked: *go and save Titanfall*
Respawn: *buy skins so we become millionaires haha*
Octane: breathes
Me: my Baby my baby
**Pathfinder and revenant fights**
Octane : my moneys on the robot
This is what Respawn is working on while the game is dying a painful death? This is a joke.
Bro judging this trailer and octane voicelines the heirloom will be octane for the 3 weeks I’m just hff hoping that the tracker will have a lifeline skin in it
come with more performance bugs?
Bro I hope we got the octan skin/rampart skin and Bangalore skin
Rev looks like General Grevious
Give us broke fans something too . Maybe more metals . Thanks
The floor is lava
I don’t remember revenants shoulders being part of Pokémon
Oh wait was that a Wattson buff?! No. No it wasn’t. And at this point never will be
Revenant meets obi wan kenobi?
I guess this is compensation for the hacker situation
Anyone notice the R-301 and R-99 get their gun sounds swapped, or is it just me?
Yes an octane event
People really be this happy over new bland skins that cost $20 each and 1 arenas map. Just extend the OG maps til the end of the season, give us the recolors that have been in the vault for months/years, and work on fixing the servers/anti cheat. That would make a majority of players happy IMO. Not tryna sound ungrateful but everytime this game has major problem, they throw us these new overpriced skins and some bs event to make up for it
Letssss gooooooo
My money’s on pathfinder
Mejor arreglen los servidores
Are you for a new down takeover ? Me too
Imagine apex just gives us heirlooms shards for the delay the other day……………….gee that would be COOL……. COOL ENOUGH TO FORGIVE THE SERVERS ANDD THE DDOSING…..
Revenant look like Pokémon ball lol
“My money’s on the robot!”
Why my boy caustic always get shot and killed or smacked
Ooooo me vengo
At least no one is 1 HP in this trailer
the only skin thats kinda worth it is the octane one
I all excited thinking that the next event would bring a Bloodhound skin: ._.
Finally octean killing everyone
Can anyone name an event where revenant hasn’t gotten a new skin? Lol
rest in peace my computer
Why does revenant face look like general grievous.
R.I.P octane s9, try to do that in the actual game, you’d be dead in the first 2 stims
LOL these skins just like anniversary event are honestly the worse. Genesis had the best. For sure gonna skip this.
Yooo that general grevious skin thoooo
Where’s the legendary Eva 8 skin?!?!?
Haha finally a Rampart skin
I need more slides
Well I didn’t expect this but cool
What a random time to drop this but so hype!!!
I knew the skins were too plain for them to not be working on anything else
Still no love for bloodhound
Love this
0:23 that 99 sounds like a 301😂
Ima miss the og maps :/
This trailer was way more hype than it needed to be… but I ain’t complaining!
At 0:08 you see that the Prowler had iron sights, that mean that either A, the octane removed the digital threat, or the Prowler’s going back on the ground
Never Forget, Respawn forgot to put a space after the colon on the title of this video.
Probably should fix the hacking issue first
the skins look really meh
I’m hyped up for this lol
WOOO, No Caustic skins again. love it……..
And you thought we were done with Rev-Octane monkey meta
Everyone enjoying thier new skin and being in the group
“My moneys on the robot”
They’re both robots😂
This looks sick!
Revenent buff next season confirmed!!!! He is getting 2 more arms!😱😱😱
but why work on the new events when the entire Titanfall franchise is being dismantled
That’s cool!
But new map for Battle Royale?
Maybe in season 10 we get to see the rest of the overflow map?
Next time post the video on YouTube before on steam
Octane: “My money’s on the robot”
*Which robot Octane? Which??? **_There’s two of them!!!_*
nice mb u destroy hackers?
Octane finally got his revenge 🥲
“You look like a clown, bro!”
For some reason this line is insanely funny to me.
God, maybe fix this awful meta and game before adding more skins. I used to love you guys, but now I’m just disappointed. This game is always on the edge of greatness, but the servers and clueless balancing team hold it back. Please, this game could be so great.
My boy octane is BACK BABY!!!
Revenant look like dog to me
Rampart getting that treatment like crazy love to see it
Here before they change the title because they messed up
No wattson’s skin, again?
I want cool legs like octane
No wraith skins ?
Map changes >>>>>>>>>> arena maps
😂 Lets get hyped
why revenant face looks like general grievous face from star wars ? 1:20
Hey how about fixing up titanfall2?
You maybe want to fix this fkn game, no? Nobady needs this trash clown skins, we needs to FPS back.
Ummm rampart laser beam anyone?!?!?
General greivous?
Finally a mirage skin that is equal to my skill
Once again, no bloodhound skin…..
Already watched it since it leaked, but take my view anyways
we get an event thats glitched out and to solve that another event for people to waste almost $200
Overflow EA love hent@i to
No event skin for bloodhound? 🥺
Fix your games first
bug game
No more chances to Apex. The game is awful on consoles this entire season. Already uninstalled.
Worst skins yet
Well, my money’s on the edgy grim reaper dude.
These skins look just as bad as this events meh… fire the design team they are horrible
that rodeo clown mirage is a NEED bestie !!!!!! CMON NOW !!!!
I want prowler and triple take back replace them with whatever you want to but I want these 2 back
Las skins son bastante malas….;-;
Yo i didnt know General Grevious is gonna be in the game
Broooo wuttt
ugliest skins ever 🤢
Let me know when the “we’re fixing the hundreds of issues with the game, a couple dozen are as old as May 2019” trailer gets released.
Another event, right after Genesis? Man them trying to bust cheaters must’ve really backlogged their planned content, so we’re getting it all in a burst.
octane really just said “you look like a clown bro”
Your game is dead. Make a new one.
Dear Respawn Enternainment, i love u with allá my heart
Apex: literally dying…
Respawn: Let’s do more very expensive skins 😃
the amount of times lifeline hit my screen mannn
EA hent@i map lets go
this literally just shows octanes the best character in the game
Revenant’s definitely got some Grievous vibes with those eyes splits and wet, scarlet flesh underneath the mask.
Octane: My money’s on the robot.
Me: Wait which robot?
General grevouse is that you
I just started making octane too
This event looks meh
Where are the buffs?
Gibby with the skateboard
You know this event would be fun IF YOUR GAME WAS PLAYABLE
Back to back events???
Revenant looks like General Grevious
Rampart can’t hit anything in this trailer
EA be like: Let’s grab more moneyyyy
nothing for wattson? you guys are just digging yourself in a deeper hole.
i hope the server won’t get hacked again when this event drops
General grievous?
Nice Revenant Grevious
Revenant looks like if General Grievous was a huge Pokémon fan
Bro where the wraith skins at yo
Why does revenent look like general grevious from star wars
Two evento in One season lest’s goooooo
Its 2am here
That was unexpected
We just had a new update this is sick!!
Respawn: How many cosmetics do you want to put boss?
Developer Respawn: Yes
I LUV THAT PATH AND REV SKIN also luv the rampart skin is there any weapon skins as well
“My money is on the robot”
That killed me
And what role the hackers will be playing?
Why are in every event so cool Revenant skins ??? 😂
Start to save up for new skins 🔥😈
cool event cash shop …. thx
Synchronize the gun shooting sounds with the music next time
another event without a cool horizon skin
オクタンめっちゃ避けてる (笑)
Events everywhere. Servers? Not one in sight.
Why does revenant look like general grievous
If only they combined season 0 skull town and OG worlds ege. Add skull town near capital
Didnt we just get s brand new event? This is great!! So much content
Octane: my moneys on the robot
Oh you mean pathfi- wait 🤔
Is it just me or does the R-99 sound like the R-301 at 0:22?
Yoooooooooo you are exelents
My guy who controlling octanes aim bro *kinda cracked ngl
My main Gibby LETS GOOOOOO!!!🐂🐂🐂
Revenant looks like a gym trainer from pokemon
more apex content 😀
“my money is on the robot”
That was a good one
se la sacaron con el trailer
I love octanes fun personality during this 😂
Do only i see similarity in revenants and general griverous face (sorry if i spelled something wrong)
Where’s loba swimsuit
So yall just gonna announce a new event while an event is still happening?? Love it 😂
General Grievous face on that revenant skin
IM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS GAME! I dont need a gf
Ayo it’s my birthday 🎂
Lets go bro I can tell this is gonna be one of the worst skin events ever
Plsssssss stop focusing on Arena. It’s a BR Game not CoD
My wallet is still in shock, just wait a minute…
I fell bad for Caustic because he was the only one with default skin
See the trick here is, bet all your money on the robot, and there’s no way to lose
Yoooo awesome patherfinder skin poggers that perfect for my pathfinder clutch
Cross progression?
Bring the Fun!!
oh nice more skins…. I bet $100 that the server will crash.
Can we fix the servers first?
Finally a trailer where octane doesn’t die💀
These skins are so sick
Quite shocked they dont do alot of heirloom shard events imagine that money
wish they made the r99/r301 skins free for once, but nah it’s always the underpowered/boring/throwaway guns and legends that get the free skins. (talking via the info from the shrugtal leaks and past events)
That Revenant skin thooo🔥🔥🔥🔥
Ahhh yes… Overflow what an amazing anim… oh wait, wrong idea
Go job respawn, 2 events and where are the skins for Bloodhound? Ohhh but revenant has 2 in row, bravo respawn!
Please let us earn atleast one free event apex pack
2 events? Go home
No one
Ppl who watch star wars and see revenants skin:
General grievous 😮
Wow another revenant skin not surprised but not complaining either he has the best skins
i love the mirage clown skin it reminds me of watergothim
The r99 sounds like the r301 and the r301 sounds like the r99😂
Audio is broken btw. Hopefully the money we spend will be put towards fixing it??? 😀
Can you fix titanfall 2 tho?
Rev mains: **Complain about getting no legendary skins**
Respawn: “Alright, let’s give revenant a legendary every event”
So like where is the rank arena?
Admitanlo octane es el “PAPI” de apex
a trailer where octane DOESNT die? thats crazy
Valk in a nutshell
A flying target.. An honest Trailer I see
Trailer where octane doesn’t get smacked😄😄😄😄😄
Revenant looks like he’s ready to play dodgeball
when the octane in the trailer has better aim than you
Is this event all about octane
Thai boxing revenant
Another event? Already?
You really wan’t my money don’t you?
We’re prolly get octane stat trackers
_Meanwhile I’m here still waiting for new Horizon and Revenant skydive emotes…_
I haven’t been able to launch the game in NY since the hack. Please fix ASAP!
Listen this event looks cool but revenant looks like he wants to die
Ahora sí se rifaron con la cinemática
Is it just me or do apex swerves keep on crashing
Hopefully the servers can stabilize by the time this event comes out
“you look like a clown bro”
*Mirage will remember that*
Why does Revenant look like General Grievous???? 😀
Revenant gets a skin every event, so does pathfinder
worst developers in the gaming history
We need some updated animation for their movement bruh lol sometimes the skins makes them weird as heck
Are u kidding me . Am broke after first event
Wait till poeple find out they have to pay lots of apex coins for the skins
Of course revenant gets another skin.
Yoooo that Rampart skin is sick! Anyone wanna loan me some coins? Lol can’t wait! Hope everyone has a fun time only 6 days!
I feel like this was released early because it was leaked this is a weird release time
Hyped for general grievous revenant
Respawn can you gift me the wraith skin of the shop ????
that arena map is gonna be awesome
hopefully its playable
I love how active you guys have been lately congratulations on all the hard work and I wish you guys would done it sooner so you guys could put fortnite out of his misery and Dethrone it when apex first came out
How about fixing the update before releasing more stuff?
Yay I can’t wait to get dominated by Apex Predators while playing this event😀
Eh genesis skins and goodies are way better.
The Sleep in Bangalore is ………🙁🙁🙁
come on apex i just spent 160$ for the heirloom oh well i guess just take my money
The event is cool and I like that the trailer released during genesis, but I feel like its meant to be a distraction from all the hacking in both Titanfalls and Apex.
didnt we just get an event?🤔
Octane: My money’s on the robot.
Me: Which one? Lol😆
Rev outfit is a mix between a pokeball and general grievous
No wattson skin
More 18usd skins!!
Revenant: Ahh The Negotiator
not bad…. not bad
Poor Wattson, no love.
I can’t be here the only one who thinks revenant looks like general grevious
I would pay for a good Bangalore skin
Octane should be the announcer in every trailer frm now on
Why they always giving Bangalore bad skins bro 😭 show her some love
Rev has pokeball shoulders
Event comes out on my birthday which is perfect
How about we fix the servers first. Havent played every time i get on ping at like 60 and 8 packet lost and lag never fails. Season 1-8 no issues 9 poopie
Wow, 2 events in a row? Thats wack.
Wait.. Apex its actually listening! We asked for more content and we got it! We only need to fix the cheaters problem and we are good!
*insert crying Jerry meme*
saveApex rank
Lets faking G0000000000000000000000000
anyone gonna mention how there was an r301 sound with a r99 at 0:20 and a r99 sound for a r301 at 0:45
No entendi
Revenant มวยไทยยยยยยยยย yooooooooooooo
Everyone is so suprised that theres an event right after another, Respawn told us the whole month of no content we had would be worth it💀
Event zzzz
As a mirage main i dont know how I feel about that skin
Revenants it’s looked like a general greviois from star wars 😱😂
This event looks more like a cash grab than anything
“My money’s on the robot”
The power of family is how I win my Ape Segs Legend games
Revenant looking like he came from a galaxy far far away.
We getting any heirloom shards for event packs 🤨
This looks lit!!
Octane Being octane. ..
i love the events but respawn you guys seriously need to fix the game
Pura emoción!!!! Que agradable ver que vuelven los eventos mas seguido
Missed opportunity to make rock em sock em skins for path and revenant. Would of been cool.
Best trailer I’ve seen
Apex legends I didn’t not see this trailer I was waiting for you guys to put the trailer out and why Revenant always get legendary skins he is like Wraith 2.0 get all the legendary skin always
I wish we could’ve gotten a summer event but this is cool
Fix the game firts pls.
Would be super hyper except for the fact that I will be able to play the event for a single day
Hackers de titanfall: vamos a hackear el juego para que el nuestro reciba apoyo
Respawn: saca otro evento
Pokémon and Star Wars in the same Skin?!?!
i’m just sad theres not a single event lootbox for free (as quest reward or something) 🙁
Revenant: general kenobi!!
Hey, respawn how about you fix both titanfall games first.
Apex for ever ! ✌
These skins be fire doe
Wattson heirloom please next season
So it’s a play to get event
Back to back events Letssss Goooooooooo
Caustic skin from battle pass frame is going to be good
let do this loving it already can’t wait for the event to go live next week
Ya se puede jugar bien… osea ya no está hackeado ??
Seeesh these skins look absolutely fire 🔥🔥🔥
Warzone le gana 😎😎
Soooo cooool. The music is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
the genesis event is still ongoing and respawn release a new event? good job to respawn entertainment
My man rev is a pokeball
Bro stop giving rampart and fuse legendary skins, branch out….
Apex: *hacked*
Apex: hmm I think it’s time for a new event, yeah?
Fix your severs first you numbnutz
Ok tell me I’m not the only person who thinks that this revenant skin looks like general grievous
Looking good
Revenant straight outta robots the movie
“you look like a clown bro!”
“You just got bamboozled”
This gonna be crazy
Why does revenant look like Mr mime
Ayo where’s Causitc’s skin?? I only saw him get beaten by lifeline lol
There’s gonna be heirlooms for all legends by the time I get an heirloom
Apex x Star wars? Revenant do be looking like grievous.
Revenant’s skin gives me Real steel vibes
I’m impressed
The music was great
looks like the whole “doubling our revenue” thing wasn’t such a bad idea
Looks awesome. Not.
Revenant looks like General Grievous went and started a boxing career
The Prowler having iron sights at 0:08 could mean a couple of things
1. The Prowler is being taken out of the care package
2. We are now able to buy and use any weapon we want, specifically care package ones, for arenas.
3. Nothing. Respawn just decided to use the weapon in the trailer for no reason
My money is on Option 1
Yesssss new collection event now when the summer sale????
Someone know the song??
This is kinda of a useless event all it adds is a new arenas map and new skins that’s it nothing new
that’s hot.
A pleasant suprise
Octane lookin kinda fresh
We’re not even done with our current event lol
i wish my console hadn’t broke
Octane bet on the robot so he doesn’t lose money. Take notes kids, learn from Octane not Crypto Currency.
Finally, an Apex trailer where Octane doesn’t get killed.
Looks dope af
WOW SOME Content! W
The genesis event didn’t even finish
here we go again…. 2 events in one season
Due to the hacking, they sped this up most likely
Estas son horas de sacar un tráiler XD
Revenant lookin like General Grievous
I just like some of the gameplay but mostly the songs
Game broke /. making events should be without priority after making it acceptable, playable, but the game only gets worse every moment.
Revenant’s skin is SICK
WHAT? A new event already? LET’s GOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Revenant always has the best skin bro
Improve the ant-cheat system
Octane better keep those funny voice linez coming 😂
Last trailer to SEASON 10 !!!!!
“My bet’s on the robot” lol
Well I guess I’m selling my kidney for these AWESOME skins
This comes out on my birthday
Yay new cosmetics 😐
My Money is on the robot!
I swear revenants face looks like general grievous
Revenant and pathfinder look like Gundam’s
I miss the good wraith skins
Ah general kenobi 😂
Nothing for bloodhound. Nice
Yay, more cosmetic updates. Still boring meta with boring legends, and all we get are skins no one will buy. Awesome.
Why the revenant face look like general grievous from star wars ?
генерал Грувус?
”Limited time skins” Until they drop them again
I cannot wait to encounter what type of bugs we get this time after new update 😀 😀
New map “overflow”
I feel like I’ve heard that name somewhere before..
The rampart skin remind me the skin of lifeline of the event lost treasures
Ah general kenobi
Si epic 👁️👄👁️
Very cool. Also the arenas map is awesome
Why do the gun sounds always sound sort of muffled in the trailers?
Titanfall and titanfall 2 get hacked and respawn just starts does back to back events like nothing happened
More content marco u got empty yo pockets
They want some more money disappointed!
Another event i cant affort
Yoooo I’m hyped who else
Is that 1v1v1 squad’s for Arenas 🤔
It looks like it, cool if that’s the case.
Wait!… a trailer where octane is not getting massacre? Awesome!!
Maybe you should concentrate on the important things like banning cheaters/improving the anticheatsoftware and NOT creating new octane and wraith SKINS….
Octane has too much screen time, but i like this
The game must be in trouble
Nice skins but why yall making mirage look like a clown
Everyone Other Skin: 😲
Mirage : 🤡
Me: …
Octane the main character in this event ??😂😂
From ninja Revenant to muay thai Revenant, he’s always have the cool skins
Water took this vid 😭
Exactly what the game needed, since it feels stale and boring as of now
0:16 gibby 😂😂
Where wraith skin?
Apex servers: “dying”
Respawn: So anyways, here’s more skins!
Octane got all of the screen time 😂
*se exita *
Apex: “Getting Hacked”
Also Apex: “Moneey money moneyyy”
Parece un mapa de Halo 5 lol
Se ve biennnnn
Criador esse esse módulo é é meu
Revenant parece el general grevious
مافهمت اي شيء من الحدث هذا الا كم سكن موجود وماب ارينا بس
Octrain in the house
Revenant said: Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection
This is dope
You guys sure do know how to make a scene
Respawn > every and any dev team
Octane’s tracking was on point but I can’t say the same about the rest
It’d funny cause they skipped over wattsons heirloom
Im not a star wars fan but Revenant looks like the one guy from star wars
Finally an event I won’t miss
I missed the whole current event because I’m in vacation
서버나 좀 씨발
Everyone all suited up on this event buh caustic is just chilling with the basic skin smh
*what* are these skins
this is dogshit
Song in the trailer: Go Hard – Greggory Convingtion & Daniel Delaney
ranked arenas
A event after a event on the same season??? You are worthy Respawn
Revenant looks like grevus off star wars.
That Revenant skin looks like something you’d say “Hello there” to…
Me: Hello there!!!
Revenant: General kenobi!!!
Revenant looking like that ARMS character
General grievous be lookin a bit different.
Trailer needs more sliding kills.
Why, why does that Revenant skin remind me of General Grievous
weird that they’re announcing another event while one is still going on and it’s starting like. the day the other one ends
Back to back events let’s Goooooooo
Nice night trailer
caustic ☠️
I hope the pathfinder and the revenant skins are available to get the free way like completing challenges
Wow an event my wallet won’t actually suffer from
instead of releasing skins every 2 weeks start by correcting the bugs of its probably less profitable but much more useful 🤡
So will the octane skin be able to be obtained through the challenges?
They really gave mirage a clown skin instead of a swimsuit skin 😭😭
Revenant has pokeballs for shoulders
Whats the song name?
Idk if I’m banned on apex because every time I go into a game its kicks me and says code wheel then code leaf. Am I banned ?
Ayyyyyy love the octrain being the focal point this was a fun trailer, digging the Gibby suit and the path one is p tight too. Gunna have to cop that rev skin cause of the general grievous faceplate for sure 🤣
This Was The coolest event trailer ever made hands down
Lol octane isn’t losing that bet 😂
I was hoping they sneak in a little heirloom there
Rampart skin is going to be free and the best
1:03 poor caustic
Bloodhound skydive emote please
the song is really awesome with this trailer
Big sad that I cant play as apex hasnt worked since season 8
I understand how difficult creating a game can be,along with fixing bugs…but seriously, fix your damb game respawn (and tf2,as that’s been getting hacked for months)
Who wants Spitfire Nerf
Heavy Mag Taken off specifically IMO
I had to look to make sure the real channel posted this 😂
Yo why revenants face gotta look like grievous
Woah! Octane finally got to look cool in a trailer
Lol 2 events in 1 month
This event: exists
My wallet: *flatlines*
Better give us free shards in the prize tracker for that hack
A lot to take just had a event now this wow good job ea and reaspawn
How are there 180 comments. This video is 40 seconds old
Didn’t know they added a mirage skin after me lol
Grievous Revenant
Hola :v
*Very Awesome !*
Either they’ve care packaged the spitfire early or that was a nerfed care package prowler, the fire rate and ammo count didn’t really seem the same to me, but they always put the packaged weapons into the trailers
Okay the ammo counts the same but the 5 burst fire rate seems slower, might just be for visuals and cinematography
Are these cosmetics gonna be free or nah, cause like erybody done spent they money on genesis man
Eyo a new event even though geneisi has been barely out let’s go
“My money’s on the robot”
What the hek I clicked this on accident
Path looks like a samurai mech from an anime
And Octane was left lifeless from so much syringe haha
These guys just keep coming with content mah god!
Fix the Singapore servers first man 😔
Didn’t they already have a collection event? Time to get even more broke
“You look like a clown bro” 💀
Wait.. another event already?? Is this apex??
All this new content 🔥🔥
Those skins 🤤
Everybody gangstar until the pokeball starts wall climbing
Mehh, nothing interesting
WUT? pero ya me gaste mis metales de fabricación en el otro evento ;-;
Fans: Why haven’t there been any events?!
Respawn: Let’s release two in a row so we can get that money.
Man if only Respawn put half as much effort into fixing actual problems as they do making skins
I like this could be posted on octanes YouTube channel
Come on give my boi pathfinder a better skin than that
Less gooooooo
Octane must be having the time of his life in there
They don’t even make an effort
We’re still on the same event and a new one coming pog
Revenant looking like General Grievous
“My money’s on the robot.” Funniest thing ever.
EA: lets just try to make more profit from a broken game
Finally, Octane doesn’t perish
And again no wraith skin 😑😑😑😑
I wonder what jump animation gonna be in the event
This is FIRE!!!!!! ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Haha ig they was like after that hack they gotta come out with something to get ppls minds on something else
Sad to see no new wattson skin TvT
In almost every trailer the enemy’s always miss octane
Rev is from Pokémon with this new skin
This really makes up for not getting any updates for a few weeks
Octane mains…
*A S S E M B L E*
“The floor is lava”
I in this moment’s: **Fangirl Scream**
Overflow like the h… never mind
THIS MAP LOOKS AMAZING! Can’t wait to play it.
as always a very spicy event for me and my wallet
This gonna be epic
Pretty fire 🔥
When grevious looks like a mixture of a pokeball and the face of general grevious: *confused stonks*
This is the most hype trailer ever
These cosmetics look a bit weird
Apex is still on fire🔥
Lol octane running around bullying and killing everyone 😂😂
0:35 any weebs
One day we’re going to have a little event who can have more fans/followers octane or mirage
We already getting a new event? I’m not complaining
Still no Watson skin😪
The Revenant mask is General Grievous
Bro that Gibraltar skin… and mirage…. I’m maiming this guy idgaf
Nice another back to back event then when it’s done we get what like 3 months of dry heat nothingness. But this looks cool
Que inesperado y lo que necesitamos 😎💪🏾
0:54 I am
I want to play this event but my monitor of my PC is not displaying my cpu
I can’t believe that it’s in my birthday!
Octavio the host gifts free metal legs
Octane: “My money’s on the robot!”
Everyone else trying to figure out which robot he’s talking about:
These Skins Loki 🔥
“My moneys on the robot”
Mines on the robot with an heirloom
why does revenant get all the good skins
I’m confuse which robot is octanes money on
Let’s gooo event after event
General Grievous is coming to Apex
By the time Season 12 is out where gonna have 8 Cowboy mirage skins
Still no wattson buff though 😔😔😔
In hyped
Titanfall 3
Who let general grevious in
Respawn really tryna make me a Rev Main 😭
Yeah, this is cool and all, but uh… can y’all fix the Ddosing problems on both Titanfalls?
man i just spent money on accident and now i dont have money to buy something in this event
Why is the revenant and the pathfinder
skin kind of give me real steel vibes
deez nuts
Horizons heirloom should be a baby
There’s Too much Caustic in this video but I’m excited either way
Bro I just bought the Rev heirloom time to buy the Rev skin
Just a new arenas map and some skins? Extremely mediocre.
Finally a trailer where octane doesn’t get killed lol
I was 2nd view
Octane over there like
*i am speed*
This looks fire
“My moneys on the robot” which one? Isn’t there like, at least hundreds of millions alive in your universe?
Revenant really said: General Grievous
LOL new content
To this day mirage has been getting the same skin over and over 90% of his event skins are that looking even booster pack too… man so much potential and just uph
This tráiler was sick
By the time you see coming,I’ll be going and you be gone.
Ayyyy brooo
Se imaginan que esto en realidad debería de ser mostrado mañana xd
Eeerrrr, hacked much?
So we’re already getting a new event after this one? Now that’s what I call good content
FIRE 🔥🔥🔥
you showed octane way too much. tell me, how hard is the nerf 🥺
Out here still disrespecting Caustic.
octane didn’t die..?
Oh Pokémon skin
Bruh , back to back. 😩🥳🤩
MY WALLET, it’s vanished
Another event already? Let’s goooo
Ofc apex has to make the good stuff when i just quit them
2nd view😩
That octan skin is sick
This is payback for every time Octane has died throughout the trailers
Ufff 👊🏼💣
Revenent looks like General Griveious
Don Apex suelta las reliquias a los nivel 500 almenos una !!!
Now this looks cool, can’t wait to play it
Nah cause that lifeline skin be bussin 😩
Octane – Don’t try this at home
Like I have a whole arena in my home
Okay thats good
Titanfall 3 please
💚 yoooo that rampart skinnn
Hyped for the General Grievous Revenant skin 🤣
rev got some poke ball
Respawn keep coming with the heat 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Path and rev and the end lol
I think the robot will win the fight
these skins are a lil underwhelming tbh but good job for now
Bro that map looks insane
No octane gold!!!!!!! Smdh!!!! This would’ve been perfect
Ik a lot of people think the rev skin looks kinda dumb but I think it has character. Looks like an 80’s toy or something so that’s kinda neat
Revenant looks like he’s gonna catch em all
0:45 anytime anyone dicides to pick valkyrie
That’s cool and all but can I play apex?
“My money’s on the robot”
Dang back to back events
Really hoping that octane skin is free
Bro what about the Chinatown event??
Let’s gooooooooo
This just shows how fun it is to play octane.
Looks sick
What arush
Let’s go sinkin more money into it keen
Buff Watson
That octane skin tho. Sheeeeesh
Só god
Don’t know about this one chief
Haha cool
What in the?
Genesis didn’t even end, another event?
That’s new, I think
Was hopeing for a roller coaster but this is cool to
Your game is dead.
I want the crypto heirloom
It’s ok
Lets goooooo
The music makes it so good
Revenant skin looks like general grievous
Revenant look like a pokeball
As always apex has a amazing trailer.
Pathfinder squad wya
My money is on the robot indeed
They’re really showing off my favorite drug addict, did they give my boy a buff or will I cry?
ياولد حماس 💥💥💥💥💥💥
Out of the blue this event comes out
Back to back events now?
Us apex legends fans have been eating good lately 💯🗿
More skinss ???
Fix the game, please
Awful skins
I want that Pathfinder and Fuse skin! Although, I think, the Path skin will be 20 bucks
General grievous revenant looks interesting
Let’s go
No lobs skin ??? :((
There gonna be a new heirloom or naw?
New event already
The mirage skin dude
Finalmente um vídeo em que o Octane não sofre bullying 🙏🏼
On my bday
Yessss apex yes
Ngl look sick most excited about the map
Great more octane…. and the people that main him ooof this event is going to be toxic
The rev skin at the end lookin dope
Oh what another one?
Oh it’s basically grand soiree.
Sheeesh 🤠
My moneys on the robot
Revenant looks like General Grievous lol
My money has to be on the robot as well
This event is gonna be sick
ugliest skins lol
2 views and 1.6k likes, makes sense
Lets go!!!
I really like how it focused on Octane.
Floor is lava nice
Another event, you absolute mad lads respawn I can’t wait for this
¿Son jugables los servers? ¿O aún no arreglan los servidores hackeados?
Well that was quick
I’m so confused
Octane doesn’t eat dirt this time. Someone died
i guess you can say this update is THRILLING
Wait at the start that prowler had no attachments does that mean it could be out if the supply drops
Octane sounds different?
Mirage as an actual clown-
Is this part of the genesis event cuz it’s only been a week?
That Gibraltar skin tho🔥
Fix the servers plz
apex always has great music solections😭🔥
Finally something new
O octane é o melhor campeão
I mean it looks dope but like….finish the current event!
Yooo, octane my boy is starring
What another event
Super cooollll
A little late guys
Finally an trailer that mirage and octane dont get killed
So cool
Is this their attempt to make up for the 4th of July
When YouTube says “393 comments” yet it’s empty
Please fix the ddosing in Titanfall and Titanfall 2..
The guy in charge of trailers over slept
Octane is sus it looks like he hacking
Money hungry my god
Already another event not complaining but my bank account hurts
This event nothing even done yet and we already getting a trailer for a new one, you guys are spoiling us!
Love Arenas. Honestly such a great addition to the game.
Lol saw it on steam
This looks sick!
i am pumped
I’m early
looks sickkkk
Another event
Lord have mercy ANOTHER event already?! My Wallet hurts from the one we just had
my wallet: oscar mike were spotted
I’ve been waiting forever for this
Cool now nerf the spitfire to the ground or put it in care package
Two events in 2 weeks? Wow
Another one
Apex with all these events taking 5 hours to download lol
It got leaked so they released it 😂😂
This is so mutch delicious
Theres always that sliding kills 😉😅
Here before they change the title to “Apex Legends: Thrillseekers Event Trailer”
Yes another 1
Apex: Gets hacked
Respawn: “Oh no, anyways”
Right but when are they gonna remove Fuze? He’s just too powerful smh…
Desperate for money ay
Apex for life friends
Wait what?
… Pilote’s… Get Ready !!!
I guess the genesis event just wasn’t enough
They really like octane in trailers lol
Already saw this on Thordan Smash’s channel!
Apex literally has a new addition to there game every month
Let’s gooooo already another event
Gibby look like scorpio
I find this weird cause we have an event today. And after the genesis event we have this? Interesting. Am i right?
Apex is hacked :v
Almost first
They had no choice but to release because everyone has already seen it.
where is my octane main’s at 😎
Music sounds terrible
That gibby skin look FIRE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
r9 with r301 audio ew
Anyone else see this leaked
Let’s go new event
*Awesome !*
who else seen the lifeline skin ???
Not feeling this one Chief
Genesis event isn’t even over LETSGOO RESPAWN, YOU GUYS ARE THE GOATS
this is gonna be fun
Pero que es esto a esta hora ALV 🤩
Lets go!!!
seriously another event wow
This looks like it’s gonna be lit!
That gibby skin 😂
I already watched it on someone’s channel
Love it
Octane is the beast champion
Oh shi-
didn’t we get the revenant heirloom event though just now 😂
Es nueva tenporada?
Estan hermosas las skins 🤘🤘🤘
Summers gonna be so lit 🔥🔥🔥
Sheeeeeesh if only they’d fix the servers
ok that little bit fast
Finally Octane isn’t harmed at all
People leaked it and apex was like I’ll fix this Release it
Yes yes yes
Are the hypixel servers back on?
“You look like a clown, bro!” -Octane
That’s Tuff
Was wondering when this map would finally get dropped
Wow a trailer during another event that’s new
Yes let’s gooo
Bro we just had a event rn another one 😭
Great job
I bet one of these skins can only be bought in a bundle
One of first to see before it go viral
I love apex
Yall want anything from the store
2 events already?! Genesis isn’t even done yet
This game has updated so much
Wait another event? Cool beans.
Anyone See It Before?
Yall still have an event going!!
Octane looking clean as always 😂🔥
Apex coming back with these fire events!
Ok this looks fun
Rev skin looks like general grievous
Y’all really had to post this early cause it got leaked 💀
That 🔥🔥🔥
When it leaks so you’re forced to release it early
Gibby skin 🔥
Epic moments
Just saw this
Cool 👍
Why octane sound like dat?
is there heirloom with this event?
Did you mean for this
More content!!!
that’s fast
Also first
Fix titanfall fix apex
Another one
Yo wth another event???
We just had one!!!!
Soy el octavo
Apex Is the Best battleroyale
I’m so excited to hear my wallet screaming again
I love Apex it’s my favorite Game 😍❤️
Anybody wanna share some apex coins?
Octane finally doesn’t die.?!
Number 1
ANOTHER EVENT? Great job apex!
Oh no
Ese mapa va para arenas?
Didn’t we like just get an event….. oh well I’m hyped
The date? Pls?
delete wattson
What is this?!
First and this is sick as heck
Another event already 🤣
Another event?
Yaya 👍👍👍👍
Another event?
Looks like a TF2 map
Revenant looks like he collects lightsabers for a living
Primer comentario
Didn’t we just have an event
back to back event W season‼️‼️🙏🏾
Back to back collection events?
Isn’t the current event still going on?
This looks sick lol
I hope horizon gets buffed this patch
hello first
First ✊✊✊✊✊
Fui el 2do like
Yo another event?
Deez nuts
Another event 😊
What 😮
First maybe love what Ur doin to the game
Let’s gooo
Yo wassup my apex legends!
So cool
this got leaked a hour ago 🤣🥴
Time to spend money!!!
What the why now a trailer
2 events in the same month?????
Shoot to thrill eh?
This is lit
Hi btw I was frist to comment lol
Viva México uwu
I’m proud to say I am the 14th like
Octane still good after the nerf
I’m here
Más rápido no pude llegar XD
Халоу пипл
Earlier than a white family at an airport
Another event? I’m all in
First Here.!!!!!
Wonder who is getting fired for this being leaked
New event already we just got one 😈
They posted it anyway cause it was leaked 😂
Clicked faster than ur mum gave birth to you
I love what apex is becoming 😩
I had no idea this was coming
Third party legends 🤡
not first 👍
D owsna
Salúdame bro por fin
Chill out apex
First 😛
Let’s goooo
I have been summoned
Primeroooooo woooooooo xD jajajaja
2events this season?!??!!
Nice, very Nice
Aint no way
didnt we just get an event💀
I dislike gay people btw
Let’s gooooooo
Already another?
First comment
Aye bro aren’t we in an event rn?
🤟Here we go
Lol early
New map lesssss gooooooo
First here
Looking good
first lol
Respawn please the event ain’t even over yet
another event!?
Not everyone is first
Hey I’m early
I’m the first?
who already seen it on stream ?
I’m super early
Nice 👍🏽
Looks so cool
Let’s go
Dude this looks sick
This, this has happened before
Lol I’m early
Hi Apex
Octane time
Pathfinder vs Revenant
Br aquiiiii
lets go 🤣
Yes boi
No way was I first for an apex trailer what the lol I’m not like that
It just keeps coming
Hi apex
Yes I saw this on steam
Wow 🤩
Hi apex
Woohoo 2 in 1
Early lol
Where the Loba Swimsuit skin Apex.
Like number 6
yo thats pog
Jo mama
This is so bussin
Alive game
Wenas tardes