Apex Legends: Urban Assault Collection Event Trailer
Watch Newcastle and Wraith give you the play-by-play for the Urban Assault Collection Event!
Gear up, because Three Strikes LTM is back with a vengeance, returning alongside the introduction of an all-new in-game tournament system, Apex Rumble. Enter the Urban Assault Rumble, earning points to climb the leaderboards for glory and rewards! Get Event Offers in the Store, and take down a fresh batch of rewards in the Rewards Track.
Unlock all 24 limited-time items before the event ends to receive Octane’s Prestige Skin “Apex Riptide”!
Want to learn more?: http://x.ea.com/apxl/urban-assault-event
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 20,apex legends trailer,apex rumble,apex lockdown,apex breakout,apex legends urban assault,apex legends urban assault collection event,apex riptide,apex legends octane,octane prestige skin,apex artifact,apex legends skins,wattson,wraith,lifeline,valkyrie,newcastle,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (435)
I love how they refuse to acknowledge the massive hacking and cheating but let’s go ahead and take people’s money with a new even more broken season 🔥🔥🔥🤗
Wants us to buy new overpriced skins, meanwhile partnered orgs are leaving the game.
Показали вингман не с дропа в очередном трейлере, должно быть его вернут на землю с этим ивентом🤔
А нет, такого не будет, вспоминая альтернатор с дигиталом в одном из прошлых трейлеров)
With don’t need skins Respawn…just fix the game pls
Can you fix the game instead of making events please😢 and stop firing your employees to make more money.😑😑
game force you to play with blocked players and they want me to spend money nope
Vantage skin finally!!😅😮
My update hasnt even come through for me to play the new events. WTH Respawn. Must be mad i won’t give them no money.
This trailer absolutely reeks!
remove that broken hemlok from ground loot and bring back wingman!
100k views after 8 hours, no onrnlokes thos yame anymore😊
I love how I thought hmm maybe I’ll save my coins for when something good comes out I had 2,500 coins when they fixed something I was at 500 thanks respawn
Helldivers 2 is way better .
Music backing track: Born Ready by Universal Production Music
this game isn’t fun anymore it feels like pub is ranked 2.0 but HARDER.
is this game even safe to play anymore? Weren’t they getting hacked like crazy???
They stole warframe looks… thumbnail is literally LOKI
Guys I think the wraith voicelines are just part of the joke
Can mirage get a prestige skin thank u
my brain hurts from that cringe conversation between new castle and wraith
Wingman on ground loot and 3 strikes ty respawn
Please fix code leaf stc it’s been one months i can’t play
If crossplay means PC and console are together, then I require PC to be capped at 120FPS in order for me to play with them.
I also play on console so its more fair, it avoides the cheating and hardware disparity. I don’t want PC problems in console lobbies.
The appearance of “Alter” throughout the trailer…seems very interesting👀
Awesome, but there’s no way I’ll even turn the game back on until you guys agressivly address the cheating problem. Higher more help… ban the cheaters NOW!!!!
im just waiting fir Arena to come back and maybe solo lobby BR again.
Apex Legends Mobile not coming for waiting next year
love how apex thinks spamming collection events is gonna fix the game bruh
Forgot Newcastle existed..
Wraith sounded like a basement dweller lol
why does newcastle sound like an ai voice? 0:00
Will people actually be able to keep what they buy?
Not buying anything until you guys fix your freaking game!!! You keep adding cosmetics while your base game is a dumpster fire 🔥
I dont play Octane, but that finisher is clean asf
I love how Apex devs idea of new content is (90% skins, 5% game modes, and 5% heirlooms/prestige skins.) 100% trash 🚮🚮
If u cant get Wraith VA back i think it would be better to just keep it as Newcastle only 😭
Apex community loved three strikes. So apex brought it back, apex enjoyed it, then apex brought it again then people saw some flaws with it. Apex clearly got no better ideas so ofc they gonna bring it again.
Best heirloom skin fs
It’s one collector’s event to another
Is this yet another event without a legendary Mirage skin?
An announcer in this video is a good touch
Remove aim assist
Another cosmetic event but still no “Play-Again que” option. guess saying “Go back to lobby” after a squad wipe isn’t an understatement
Bro another event with more skins for insane prices in done
Please please please please please let there be an actually good catalyst skin I don’t have to pay real money for please
Wait i saw alter on first in the leaderboard 0:39 .. does anyone know whos Alter?
how tf did octane so many times
Какая-то хуйня
Good skins, but what about fixing the game already? Or keep the servers in a normal state? 0 _o
I loved the part where Wraith gets yet another skin due to favoritism. Truly an Apex experience.
I miss old apex
Was this trailer created on the nokia 3310?
Whatever board of pensioners that run this game need Let go a decade ago how to this day not understand that selling more skins does not generate or guarantee more revenue but overpricing and over saturation of said items decreases revenue and lowers players want or feeling of needing the item you can’t sell everything with a horrendous price and expect praise and a temp sham mode doesn’t make up for it either absolute senseless insanity
Alter gave teasers in this event play like at the beginning of it and she even laughs at telhe end of it
trailer song name?
Gum penetrating through Rampart’s mask is insane
Ah, once in a blue moon, the event collection with newly designed skins.
bring back arenas
Don’t you love how they never change their voice lines rarely and in every capacity we need better collabs behind a small pay wall not a big pay wall. I loved this game man hope it gets better
I think I’ll park the account once the season ends… 3 strikes is fun gut it’s limited time always so no thanks.
And of course the same legends who always get skins for every single event, again are getting skins in this event too 😮💨 so sick and tired of new wraith, horizon, Octane, and Valk skins. Every. Single. Event.
I loved the part where Respawn keeps bringing us updates but the community doesn’t like it. Truly an Apex experience.
The badge grind with three strikes will start 🎉🎉
Arena is back?
wraith event lol best skin in the event
I like how they could not bring Wraith VA back so they just used old quips.
That Newcastle voice is legendary !
No mirage skin, like always🥲
My whole life since I started playing apex legends I been rallying for octane to get his own skin in the game now it’s finally here.
Kinda ironic how the next legend is a hacker
Bro talking to Alexa over here!💀
Looks great!
The 4th event this season and yet the game is broken
Love that alter took fuses place at the top
thank you for this birthday gift EA
Amazing, now retroactively put finishers in for other heirlooms
The loba skin 😮💨😮💨🙏🙏
How is this not copying Warframe’s Loki ??? Traitors…
so my Fave legends, Wraith and Newcastle was here and then Alter my next fave is teased, nice.
I wonder what progression this update is gonna remove.
Wow so apex is literally just copying THE FINALS, how embarrassing.
so they made rebirth and gave octane a bloodhound skin…
Bring back Arenas
Fire event.
so octane gets a finisher with his prestige and his heirloom recolor? why
More problems aah yes an update unfix the game more!
Loved the part where Octane and Vantage run out the door and get knocked instantly.
love the new cash grab event😍
Oh lol I thought the thumbnail screen was Revenant with his shuush banner pose.
This is one of my favorite trailers. Very cool .
Does that mean Wingman goes back to the ground and it won’t be a red gun?
Octane ur not that fast!
Money money money money money
Rework wattson already
They literally made the ugliest prestige skin
But as an Octane main I’ll get it…
cant wait to see these skins in gam… oh wait its a fps😂
Look who it is
The skin-care company who values the skin more than anything else
fix SG servers
bro why is the wingman on the ground is it coming back to the ground i hope so
Hooray!.. more overpriced skins for us to buy!!
Dont fix your anti cheat or ban cheaters just add more skins please
Love the part they’re marketing for new cosmetics just to be removed next season
Can you please give us heirloom shards for the troubles
When will Destroyer get his own event?
Alter teasers and her laugh is at the end.
loki from warframe?
What happened to Wraith? I hope her VA Shantel is still on board 🙁
Pan con mortadela lisa y mayo
I hate how this has become a “movement game”. Apex was never fluid.
Skins are meh
when will there be a new anti-cheat system?
Is this the Octane Presige Skin?
Jinx vibes ngl
Octane’s skin is the same as Loki from Warframe
I dont know if anyone noticed but at 0:39 the leaderboard showing the legends shows alter in 1st place
Wraith sounded alot like a female Aiden Pierce (Watch Dogs) and her new skin certainly looks like it was from Watch Dogs.
To be fair Wraith voice actress is booked and busy. She’s butcher’s wife on The Boys and Anissa on Invincible
why y’all always abusing catalyst in these vids 😞
Fix game trash dev
is the game even playable?
What a terrible trailer🤢
octane evolves to eva unit 1
So, will there be a week where you don’t absolutely break the game or make some braindead decision, or is that off the table Respawn?
Alter’s laugh is kinda… hot lol
i’m confused on what’s happening with the new / revamped LTM….. i feel like that’s a problem for a TAILeR
Куйня полная снова ждёт всех 😂
I loved it when wraith said now u see me now u don’t, n my battle pass progress n cosmetic went missing for a second time. Truly n apex moment
Hopefully this update breaks the game again….Ive quite enjoyed losing all cosmetics. achievements and stats
My favorite part is when mirage said”Getting any of these skins is gonna be a gamble” . . . .what has apex come too smh
Waiting for the free 8 packs for the scuffed store change
hackers still enjoying the game or it is worth to download?
All I need is the Wraith skin 🔥
alter being a goofball in this trailer fr
$3B dollar company and can’t pay the actor to make voice lines for wraith what a joke of a game😂🤡
That octane finisher is basically Voldo from soul calibur. Kinda sick actually
Does Shantel VanSanten not do the trailers 🥺
It’s GOAT !!
RAAAHHHHHH this is actually a fire event 3 strikes was hella fun hopefully all the bugs get fixed so people stop crying
“Hey wraith, we need you to come into in the studio to narrate for the next trailer.”
“Not today”
0:39 ALTER was on top?
Alter laughing at the end??
That vantage skin is gas, too bad I’m not buying it, I don’t wanna lose the skin every time they update the same
Even their trailers contain aimbot
I liked the part where Apex said “it’s eventing time” and proceeded to not give a single legendary skin in free tracker
Can’t wait to lose my challenge progression and skins!
The skins look so boring tbh 6/10 if I’m gonna rate it
I know that the different departments have little to do with eachother and stopping work on one won’t solve problem existing in the other.
With that said, it does really feel like such a spit in the face when there core game is suffering, and the most expensive MTX the game has ever seen, gets rolled out on near weekly basis. It just seems so tonedeaf and predatory, especially with the lack of clear communication. Even ignoring the cheater problem, it feels like every update breaks something, and it barely gets attention before something else breaks. I genuienly believe that the overall playerbase, would 100% on board with a pause in updates, in order to alleviate problems and have an open discussion as to what needs to change. We all know how great this game can be, and it is such a shame to see it in this state
New castle is cooking with this one 🗣🔥🔥
The prestige skin looks like a bloodhound weird..
Wraith’s personality really reflects all those sweaty wraith streamers.
Knowledge is power and pain
W octane
We love Apex, but plz fix these issues guys
when it said “24 new cosmetics” i jumped out of my chair. Favorite part of all trailers
Why does wraith sound like she’s been smoking for the past decade? 😬
Why doesn’t Respawn PAY to get Shantel V. to come in to do some more original voice work for Wraith? I know she’s on TV and her career has blown up a bit in acting – but Wraith is one of the OG anchor characters. Pay the girl!
I saw that alter took over fuse’s nanme on that leaderboard, you crafty devils 🤣
Cant wait to buy this skin only to have it locked up by some bug cause the game is breaking from the inside out
Whos laugh was thet at the end? New legend maybe?
I love the part where Octane runs off and says “oh no there’s another squad” and proceeds to transform into a Deathbox. Truly an Apex experience.
Pretty scummy to do my boy Fuse like that by scratching his name from first place. I see you Wokespawn I mean Respawn
So new map or still the same map since 2021 going into 2024 ?
Only thing i saw new was a octane skin and 1 execution .
Everything’s and i mean everything is recycled.
This game is no longer fun in my own opinion as it once was . Its stale like drakes music now
Event after event, bug after bug
Stop making events and keep the game modes
Alters voice can be heard at the end
lol all the dislikes
fix anticheat blyat
Idk how but every apex trailer recently has just felt the same
Mommy wraith always get all the fire stuff ong but im not complaining
So is AI already doing skins for Ya or You still left some humans to support this game?
Back this game on mobile please 🙏🏻
Can y’all just bring back arenas and
Why not call this financial shakedown of minors instead of collection event???
Para cuando arreglan las misiones de leyenda?
OH MY GOD, NEW SKINS, surely this will be enough content for 2 months😊😊
Dear Devs,
Could you please stop updating this trash game and make Titanfall 3 instaed?
they couldveat least made the the prestige skin go along with the colours of either heirloom
@playapex Please just add mirage skydive emotes in the store
No crypto skin in an urban event?
Can u guys fix the servers and fix the whole game insted of releasing new skins?
Can’t wait to get an account reset for the third time this month.
Now will I be able to keep these cosmetics? or are y’all also going to take these away from everyone?
Always glad to see the developers can make new skins while letting cheating run rampant. Truly an Apex moment.
New castle narrating over the third heirloom for octane must be painful.
Packed some heirlooms shards a couple weeks ago and it’s been tough sitting on them but us octane mains eating good once again
apex legends the game that we devs only care is about cosmetics first and not fixing the game, and also we nerf legends that are balance base on pickrate.
clap clap clap clap clap
Once again, this team creates a prestige skin with sky dive trails, and doesn’t remember creating old prestige skins (wraith, caustic, bengalore, bloodhound) honestly, you can’t understand the huge lack of respect for all the players who They bought their first prestige skins, increasingly disappointed, especially with no one responding to this issue.
I can’t access valkyrie challenges please fix it
I want Bloodhound’s heirloom reanimate 🤔
Why did they stop adding legends
Newcastle did bring a new point
Whos running the games since duardo died?? Does it just go back to the syndicate or what?
WWE octain knockdown hmmm
another Rampart CE skin like she hasn’t been getting one every season since S8 we’re TIRED
Make titanfall 3 already
Nuevamente nada spray Mirage.( Deja caer una lágrima de dolor)
Octanes dont stay long enough to win, lol push byself, get knocked leaves 😂😂😂😂.
What will go missing from this update, will the game just crash or ? Who knows find out when you try to play. 😂
I got my shards ready. Was about to use them on Loba’s prestige skin, but I might get my hands on that Octane ^^
En vez de sacar eventos aburridos, mejor arreglen sus servidores de mierda
Yet another event where wraith gets a skin. There are legends who need new skins too respawn
Did no one notice alter in the leaderboard
Can’t wait to spend 200,000 dollars!
Another vantage skin…. And it’s like the other 7 legendary skins she had,all with a weird armor and a helmet
3 strikes!! More chaos is coming
Please don t scrap legend based heirlooms. At least let me spend way to much money on cool stuff rather than boring universal heirlooms
Chickenbiuqe? 😂
This game won’t make it past 2025
Sooo will this just be another “buy 100 random loot ticks before you get the ONE skin you want event” orrr…?
Bring back ranked dive trails instead of selling them for cash!
not the bot trailers again, yall did so well in the other trailers and now is just bots walking in a straight line eating bullets
Excited to see what new major glitch hits the game!!😃😃
I like how the mythic legends skin at this point are a bunch of power ranger wannabes.
I’m still waiting for a newcastle heirloom. But they’d rather make recolors for the most popular legends cuz it makes them more money.
I can report the same fake pred 6manning for seasons and nothing happen but if I rage at them I’m gonna lose my account. Well done. Banned because of a cheater is the craziest things ever…..
It’s always about Octane.
Its been a while since weve gotten a collection event with this much good skins
the devs went crazy with this one
maybe a lil too crazy with octane prestige tho💀
No new patch notes ?
Alter’s Laugh at the end!!! 😂 I’m so excited to play, she sounds crazy but extremely fun
No money for you until the game is fun and the cheaters gone
Basically, the Champions, but way more chaotic…
who’s Alter ?
when EA cuts 70% of your marketing budget >>>
Ah more Overprices Skin and the cows that will continue to buy them!
wonder what this update will break this time…
Apex “Cosmetics” Legends that’s all it is. A wardrobe game
This doesn’t make you look good Respawn. Advertising a new mythic skin that you’re going to take away from us with another broken patch?
Well. There goes my $200.
Hey let’s get some bug fixes and loot economy fixes before we focus on another money event huh
The Cash Shop Must Always Work
Octanes’ new finisher got him playing with you like a soccer ball 🤣🤣
loooking good, but it going to cost you lot of money.🤣🤣🤣
Leaderboard??? 👀
Why is newcastle a real caster in this video while wraith just uses her in-game voicelines? Weak respawn, weak.
couldnt quite catch wraiths voice actress on time to deliver new voice lines
cool, but i think im burned out on this game. a shame cause i like the comics but i just dont want to play anymore
Hey respawn can u do something about the challenges I already completed the season pass like 3 weeks ago instead of giving stars can u give us more xp from completing the challenges
Ah yes more skins, you always know how to make the game better
i get through a season pass like ahh, i can take the foot off the gas a bit now for the rest of the season… then ya release an event with great skins…
yall are so bitter it shows
Octane Loki from Warframe?
1200 craft tokens plsssssss
you know what, Arachnoic skin is better than this prestige skin!
What’s their obsession with storm point
I love the part where the game needs some major fixes and we got more skin so respawn/EA can remove them from our loadout without any information
here comes glitchy tuesday
three strikes returns🙏🔥🔥
I love the part where they didn’t have mirage narrate becus they never want him to have anything good, truly an apex experience
people still play this…
Shame the servers are terrible to play on 😢
Why Loba gets the worst haircuts on every legendary skin… it’s so disappointing
Alter #1
Saved my shards for this, best prestige skins 🤘🏽
trash DEI game
How nice for respawn to give newcastle some spotlight with the narration
why a bad like/dislike ratio?? havent kept up with this game in a while
It’s cool, but like, I don’t have 160 dollars to spend on it… soo
nice edit
Don’t forget they took clans away from us
When instead they should’ve just gave out clan rewards, challenges and accolades but that must take effort
Ngl Newcastle heirloom better be in the game. I mean I’m not buying it but like 👍 y’Know
Забыли добавить: “Все реликвии, скины и баннеры опять улетят в бездну”
等很久了 何時出
Where is the pathfinder prestige skin??
you can hear Alter the new character laughing at the end
nice, more money grabs instead of fixing the game
Another boring collection event, this game is dyingggg
Is catalyst blonde skin expired??
Dogshit as always
Hopefully you all fix the click rates that are trash and fixed it constantly switching to trios.
I still lost my progress and they told me to they can’t do anything
Alters laugh at the end is kinda creepy 😭
octane want to be bloodhound
beyblade octane
why does Newcastle look like Kanye in this skin 💀
How many times have they created the same style of skins? Its either fancy/stylish skins or futuristic/cyborg skins.
I love the part where Octane runs off and says “oh no there’s another squad” and proceeds to transform into a Deathbox. Truly an Apex experience.
0.05x speed
Are we supposed to be hyped
Day 539 for a WWE X Apex Legends Collab.
Wow can’t wait for the servers to implode when this goes live or hacked (again) because that can’t be fixed right
But let’s not forget we can buy the new octane skin for only 170$ what a steal🙂
I like how apex making events with heirlooms because they think everyone is rich asf, give higher change for heirloom shards and everyone will be happy
Newcastle is amazing, and no one can change my mind 🛡️🙌
fix ur servers
Team octane > horizon here 👇🏻
Respawn: oh no, we made a lot of mistakes on this lastest patches, what can we do?
EA: 3 strikes, never fails
Ey jo, SOLOS, let me play alone, the game is so good but there is no way to enjoy it alone.
Also you have mad potential for battlefield like modes but there is a lot of work to be done there i guess, especially with the maps
Are those midriffs I’m spotting? Hnnng!
Still missing my founders badge
At this point the new content really is just skins…..
Insta dislike 😂
Lets go Rich Event🤡 how much cust all?
why does the octane skin look like bloodhound
Definitely copping that when I get my next set of heirloom shards!!
Why do they hate Wattson so much
I love the part when Loba says “What’s mine is mine, and what is yours is also mine” And removes all my heirlooms.
0:40 alter in the marker
0:39 Confirmed Next Legend is “Alter”
I SWEAR ALTER HAS TO BE SUBJECT 0 💀 That laugh at the end is gonna haunt me for the rest of this season and season 21
This some bs i just used my heirloom shards that i haven’t gotten since season 5 and now i have none ☹️
I love characters narrating trailers, wish we saw some of that in game as well
Let’s forget about all the other past LTM’s and keep bringing back 3 strikes for the 4th time in less than a year let’s keep milking it
Can’t wait for my account be wiped again, store will still function perfectly though
why did they just use wraiths voicelines?💀
Basura, a ver cuando invierten en los serv de Europa. 😂
I’m happy they didn’t release any recolors for once because most of them look bad. That being said this looks alright, it’s just another collection event with a good returning game mode.
this looks insane bro, even as an octane hater
The game is a mess.
dayum my bday bouta be hype
The game crash
Such a shame what this game has turned into. Leave it to EA to ruin yet another fantastic game.
Mobile mai matla bas pc console mai rakh😊
hopefully all the try hards will be busy in rumble, so i can play pubs in peace
Can’t wait to see a new load of bugs to report 😀 We are playtesters from now on, except we won’t get paid 🎉
Wraith abs is making my neurones get activated
Give Newcastle an heirloom please I’m begging
Actually gonna cry just got octanes new heirloom just for then to release a skin for him that’s a mythic like ugh ea man wth
Cant wait for the items to not be craftable
Crytos sister Has Comeback And know she will be voiced by the sombra VA no douts
“The games are anything but random” me being shot by a cheating flying superhero
How much money we need to pay you until your interns add back the “queue again” button?
McDonald’s Valkyrie
Wow😮 new skins respawn is going to get back after purchase
Another money grab
Another thash event bravoo
Hm yes more “content”
Cant wait to buy something from the event and lose it a week after
why does his tier 3 look like a hammerhead shark bruh
Is it just me or Does Tier 3 of Octanes Prestige Skin looks very similar to Lobas Tier 3 Prestige Skin?
Rumble looks fun!
Bruh the game doesn’t even work for me anymore. Like I can’t even get into the lobby💀
Pathfinder prestige skin please man
Pacific Rim inspired Octane skin…… honestly not bad
Not recolors again bro
Wild that they’re selling more overpriced skins when they can’t even stay in our accounts 😅
We have become the play testers 😢
Will i keep my account data or will i lose everything yet again after logging in?
That Loba skin had potential but they had to turn her into a Karen for no reason
Couldn’t even get the VA for Wraith to show up to record lines so they just used her quips. Truly an apex moment.
0:39 ALTER AT 1#
Newcastle got to narrate while Wraith just exists as a voice quip
They just had a collection event????!! Why is there one every week
They’re assaulting my wallet with this one 🔥🔥🔥
I loved the part where game starts lagging.
EAC get bugs that crashes your game and get u 10min ban for matchmaking
that is NOT newcastle😭😭😭☠☠🔥🙏🙏
Who’s laughing at the end?
Saquen skins para Mirage 😪
is it a teaser for the next legend at the end
Buff ash
The Laugh at the end is it the new legend?
the collection event skins look better than the actual heirloom skin lol
Now will I be able to keep these cosmetics? or are y’all also going to take these away from everyone?
Wraith 😩
“welp there goes my wallet”
Fix the game
Can’t wait for more bugs lost cosmetics
Why alter is on leaderboard ?
I’m not feeling the hype
Loba in jeans. Didn’t know I needed it
Как всегда хуйня спасибо инвесторы EA
Will apex legend come back on mobile phone?
Now lets see if we’ll have to gamble to get the stuff we want or if they hiked the prices up
00:37 top the leader board
These costume designs are getting worse as time progress.
probably the best Wraith skin ever
It looks like Newcastle didn’t age well.
COOL def ima cop this
Can’t wait to buy these and have them removed from my account in 2 seasons!
Honestly I was just grooving to the music and not paying attention to anything else
Buying all these to get it reset on the next update.
Yes more stuff to buy as the game slowly burns! Not like there aren’t real problems to address in the game! Woooooo go collection event!
alter mentioned
Bring back arenas
Otro evento de colección gratis haciendo misiones sin gastar nada que bien gracias
holy moly
1 min ago only 181 views
finisher is so good
Why did it take so long for Newcastle to be the person who narrates Hes Cooking
Insane! lets pay them our hard money!
I loved the part where mirage said “you got bamboozled” and removed items from people a 2nd time.
Hi can you gift me herliom my nick is :sushi_dog_2133 I play on ps5
First here🎉
this looks so insane!
First comet