Apex Legends is NOT SAFE TO PLAY
Apex Legends is not safe to play.
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Taqs:spatnz,apex legends,apex legends hacked,apex legends cheats,apex legends hacker,apex legends cheaters,apex legends finals,apex legends ranked,apex legends tournament hacked,apex legends security,apex legends tournament cheaters,apex legends cheating,gaming,video games,EA,respawn,xbox,ps5,tarkov,escape from tarkov,easy-anti cheat,fortnite,fortnite cheats,fortnite cheating,fortnite hacking,fortnite easy anti-cheat,easy anti-cheat,valorant,riot games
コメント (265)
quick update on this:
Epic Games has stated that they couldn’t find any security holes in Easy-Anti Cheat, so it’s safe for now.
Just a little thing, I believe this is an issue with the engine apex is based on which is a modified version of the source engine, since it’s a different branch of source, it may have different vulnerabilities to valves branch of it.
Respawn trying not getting hacked – impossible
lol titanfall is older and still doesn’t have this problem.
Good, I wouldn’t mind if a few apex players lose their life savings.
DMA cheaters not even getting detected at all 😢
This is why I don’t compete in anything.
Only if you’re a famous person, if you’re a average person there’s not much to worry about
craziest part is there’s a fortnite event today
fun how sea of thieves just rolled out ezanticheat into their game which has been famous for being the wild west of video games do whatever the hell you want and now right before their fomo anniversary event goes live games just crash within 10 minutes of trying to play. my guess is the addition of anticheat combined with their bad programming and this hack are just making the game shit the bed. fun
“I’m getting hacked” “It’s cheating” bro could not have sounded more like he was lying 😂
This is why you play single-player games. That way, the only person who could be a cheater is yourself.
Mark my words, this is the last good season of apex.
Aah it’s fiiiine they’ll just bar all Linux players from the game, bish bash bosh, problem solved!!
Can they hack you when you use console?
They want to watch the world burn and I’m here for it, giving streamers hacks mid tournament is so funny
It’s like it was a bad idea to install things that shouldn’t have that level of access at the kernel level… I swear it’s as if nobody said something like this would happen and be super disastrous
Clara strikes again…
Clara is at it again
Ain’t no way people with names Destroyer2009 and R4ndom were able to hack Apex
Bro, you think this is bad. TF2 is still rampant with bots. 4/10 matches are bot infested and that’s only after you disable the maps they frequently swarm.
*laughs in titanfal 3* my day soon to come
They dont seem to target randoms, just at Well known Players and Streamers. Ive been able to play Apex for a good several hours and the whole time it all went well
If anything, i think Destroyer2009’s Attacks were to make EA aware not to use Easy Anticheat, which is famously bad at stopping hackers.
And people act like Vanguard will be the future of league
Another example of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”
Let the Apex players feel what us Titanfall players felt…
The game doesn’t have to be competitive for people to cheat people cheat in PVZ GW2 for no reason but just to shit on a dead corpse of a franchise
‘Apex is not safe to play’
Duh, look at the DRM, lol.
Thankfully I don’t play FPS’s
At least it works better than the pc gw2 anticheat 😂
L Apex on PC
Ok, this is an honest question. Who TFFFFFFF plays apex on pc?
I’m not giving up War Thunder
yeah…thank god i recently stopped playing games that install 3rd party anti-cheats.
This is the first time I’ve heard I’m getting hacked please help I’m getting hacked they’re giving me cheats guys I didn’t do it from a streamer was legit
my friends shown me this, and some hours later after they told me and shown me, I jump on fortnite to do my dailys and… the matchs was normal how it was years ago, no super fast snipes, no Hyper fast builds. no over the top sweats that hunt me down when I run away or keep looking for me non stop.
it was calm and nice to play more fun.
this tell me Every single Sweat I been fighting on Fortnite over the years that cause me hate and anger to the game… was not sweats they was Cheaters.
I watch many fortnite streamers and they cannot build as fast or pull off what the ones I been battling do.
and in the last week when I play with a friend he been saying they shot after he built a wall and hit him.
also many times I fill them full of bullets and it take them one or 2 shots to take me out.
all my hate and anger cause I thought it was skilled match making “IT was CHEATERS”
I’m still playing tf2, lucky I only have to deal with morons saying “dEaD GaMe” every 0.3333333332 seconds, badly thrown together bots, and cheaters. Compared to other games with essentially no anti cheat, team fortress 2 has it easy. I kinda feel bad for apex with how cheaters are getting into your pc via back doors like wtf
Thank god I don’t play Apex Legends
Not even once
I hope battlebit and eldin ring are safe…
vrchat has easy anti-chrat
Yeah I don’t think that “selling cheats” is the reason why they blew up. Developers selling EVERYTHING BESIDES THE MAP in a every game was probably more of a reason for people to cheat.
theres been an update to the situation. EAC was NOT the cause of the hack, but it was rather an exploit in the engine Apex uses, i.e. the source engine, which is NOTORIOUS for a lot of RCE hacks.
Pirate Software mention (in one of the screenshots)
Why can’t games just be fun, why do we gotta deal with bullshitters like these hackers, its fucking ridiculous
Ahhh no Fortnite 😭 oh wait I have console i can’t get hacked right
Word.exe keeping you big as hell
tf2 community : first time?
Ok technically it was regional finals not real finals
L game
Can you play on ps4 or ps5 or xbox? like can they get hacked or your accounts get hacked? and should i delete my apex on console or are they safe?
what is up with this franchise being constantly getting hacked first both titanfall games now this 💀
The history I’ve had with playing games that use the “Easy Anti-Cheat” software is notoriously BAD. So bad that I don’t even think they actually do anything to prevent cheats, they just prevent someone from physically *modifying* in-game files, not stopping new files from being added.
EVERY game I’ve played with “Easy Anti-Cheat”, I’ve seen multiple cheaters, even sometimes multiple in a single game.
easy anti cheat is the dasani of anticheats
Maybe, just maybe people will FINALLY realize how fucking dumb kernel level anticheats are
I think we need more co-op games, because then what’s the point of cheating?
make sure to update the title once this is fixed
Sea of Thieves just added Easy Anti-Cheat just last week.
I saw DBD and gagged, thinking about the ramifications. Also gagged ’cause DBD butANYWayz–
Sucks that Gears 5 is there, but that’s okay: Too many Horde players don’t use a mic or don’t listen, and their tunnel vision = NOBODY gets picked up, no matter how close we are or how safe the situation is. Happy to put it aside.
Thought about redownloading Paladins, despite knowing I’d probably play for but a short while. This, however, makes me hesitant. I don’t believe I’ve come across hackers… If anyone knows how “frequent” they are to come across, lmk. Otherwise uuuh….. it’s still in the air.
In literally any other game and playerbase i would despise these hackers, but in Apex of all games? i’m fucking rooting for them, if Titanfall 1 wasn’t saved and Titanfall 2 didn’t find salvation until 2 years later, Apex shall follow suite and burn
As a current R6 console player, I can say with certainty that it’s rough out here, and the anti cheat feels like we’re using a screen door on a submarine.
I haven’t even played this game in 4-5 years. And I don’t plan on playing again.
I just downloaded the game last night and I’m seeing this 😂
Apex was a Ohio
1:10 Can’t wait for Firmware level cheats and then Firmware level anticheat
Womp womp womp
Thank Goodness I never play multiplayer games. 😅
Wow glad helldivers 2 got some hard to crack shit
Sea Of PEE WE all A Lick
EAC for years has been notrious for not doing anything but making hackers stronger. At this rate the anticheat needs to just brick there systems, but if they can give it to anyone thats a massive backfire
“I’m getting hacked!!”
“But can you play”😭😭
I couldn’t care less about this game
tf2 players getting ptsd rn lmao
Hacker gives money back to players from ea, how sweet.
This might sound crazy but one easy solution is to create a private access clan, or a gaming group of people who don’t cheat.
Just vet them, require them to do an interview, so that getting back in after cheating is harder and perma ban if they do cheat.
You’ll create a gatekept community, but one that is cheater free. And everyone can become good pals. Problem solved.
This game runs off of source
This game is never safe to play it always makes you loses sanity😭
Good thing i play good games
if i play on console can this still happen to me?
Thank God that I touch grass…
I play a lot of VR Chat which uses easy anti-cheat.
Thats scary but I wont be too worried, but thanks for the headsup if I do get hacked.
best way to solve it is sue the cheat makers into the ground and force em to reveal the scene so the others can be sued into the ground.
1:32 Understatement of the f*cking centery, online games are miserable rn
Oh how liberating it feels to have never played the game to begin with
I dont play Apex so eh
TF2 players are like, “and is that all today sir?”
You forgot battlebit as well Spatnz
Elden Ring is still fine as long as you stay Singleplayer
The guy that you literally featured (Pirate Software) said that kernel level anti-cheat is completely garbage and redundant.
„Dont launch anything that uses easy anti cheat“?
Does that mean i cant play the furry vs furry game anymore??
0:41 oh hey! I know that guy!
Online games are dead, cheating is too easy and now has a market for it, meaning that anti-cheats are useless. The future of gaming is coop PvE and singleplayer
Good thing ive only been playing solos chill in fall guys cus theres no reason to hack there cus 50% of the players are ai that are programmed to fail
Yeah, you never thought of bringing the competitiveness to their family and their alive. And the next thing you know you use the sheets as upgrades. I mean, come on, we could use that hacks for good if we could just use them to upgrade the gamean. Because if that doesn’t happen there’s always there family that take down and their life.
It’s just getting less and less safe to play online anymore.
Destroyer2009? is this person 14 or 15
I only play single player games now days because i get very competitive and when theres a bug or a cheater it makes me mad like theres a game i heard good things about blade ball i went to try it 80% of the time the game either bugged and wouldnt register a click so instant death or someone was using auto clickers that made it impossible to compete
This is why I stick with single player games. I don’t have to deal with hacking shit!
Easy Anticheat is a pile of crap, and now my friends are saying theyre experiencing being hacked through EAC in both Hunt Showdown and War Thunder now. So yeah, great job EAC.
Don’t know how people keep playing this game
TF2 players: First time?
See this is why I don’t play competitive games
This and the toxicity thing but that’s unrelated
Oh the irony
Easy anticheat. More like easily bypassed amirite guys
“Destroyer2009” and “R4ndom” are the most gamer usernames ever
even lululovely is using aimbot live, instalocking on prowlers (creatures in the nest) this game is destroyed, nobody cares anymore (playing since 1º season without a team)
Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 is full of hackers and cheaters?
Bah, just another day at the Dark Zone, I guess.
Honestly, it’s deserved, they had this coming for a long time
I’m starting to get scared to play any online game now. My friend recently almost lost their steam account while they were playing DarkSouls.
Ive just accepted that most of the really big long standing companies are run by purely investors interest due to how much money the industry makes (more than the music and movie industry combined) these companies dont give a shit about your interest anymore and purely curate content based on yearly profit margins. It make sense in the general corporate enviroment. Having worked in numerous sales jobs the general idea is how to go higher and higher and higher month to month, year to year. Unless the decision will be profitable, they wont waste resources and continue to run the companies and games as such. Generally why i only play games by smaller dev companies or even independent nowawdays.
Riot Games launcher is awful, you can’t delete it and it actually impacts your PC after you figure out how to delete it from deep within your system. My friend and I both had to factory reset our PC’s just to get them to function because even with the launcher uninstalled, it still pulled resources and took up about 100GB of space.
Peak Source Engine moment
Im on xbox and my apex has a “⚠” next to it
Not even a week after Sea of Thieves implemented Easy Anti too…
Left Apex 2 or 3 years ago, specifically due to how every damn casual lobby felt like an eSports tournament. Actually recently thought of returning to see what changed, what a disappointment it all stayed the same.
i hope this resolves before the weekend so i can play fortnite
I’m bouta get Wall Hacks in VRChat 🗣️
If you think easy got hacked you smoking crack lol 😂
My ex was a cheater in games. Wasn’t a good person, unsurprisingly
And that’s why single player is better than multyplayer.
tf2 moment
there isn’t anyway to enjoy anything multi-player anymore. it’s becoming so prevlant that anywhere you go there’s always someone cheating.
At least I’m not into this genre so I’m not affected? Sad for all the people who do tho.
Boy if only we didnt use rootkits and just detected the behavior instead
TITAN FALL…if you know you know…
It’s called “Easy Anti-Cheat” because it’s easy to bypass 😭😭😭
You know things got real when spants is covering it
As of late, almost every game I played has had big cheating problems. From Team Fortress’ ongoing bots to even Payday 2 (who cheats a PVE game???)
Oh man, if only if there was some sort of… Server side anticheat. because client-side anticheats can ALWAYS be written around because the person has FULL CONTROl of their PC.
But thats just crazy talk, More bloatware and spyware Anticheats that ruin your computer please!
Where’s the enjoyment in cheating? Like cool, no one can beat you now, Gonna be real fun to have no challenge whatsoever.
(casually adds w to consoles)
>anticheat that is balls deep in you
>people still cheat
It’s called easy anti cheat because it’s easy to bypass it
You are misinformating in this video dude, Its got nothing to do with easy anti cheat, its about apex itself.
Kernel Level Anti-cheat is a security vulnerability.
I love being confirmed right that my cautions about ever downloading a single game with this creepy software on my system was actually a good caution.
Never was safe
Easy anti cheat posted for the first time in 5 years that it wasn’t them.
Okay this is getting stupid, next the cheat are going to be written in you genetic code.
Imagine hacking apex legends only to fucking give people cheats in a tournament lmao
Ohhh pirate software guy in the video. Coool
It never was.
As much as I hate to say it, it seems less likely that it’s EAC at fault and moreso just a Source engine exploit that was discovered ages ago that EA never patched into their heavily modified Source engine mod
“actUallY you Can jUst NOT pLAY on PC So You woN’t havE tO PLay with cHEaTeRs 🤓🤓🤓”
Oh no your bike just got stolen bro just use a car
I do not understand why SO MANY GAMES use easy anti cheat
why video so silent
Kernel level anti cheat fans when they install a literal root kit on their machine (they are suddenly surprised at their PC being controlled remotely)
Apex itself is likely responsible for the RCE, not EAC.
They tweeted: “We have investigated recent reports of a potential RCE issue within Easy Anti-Cheat. At this time – we are confident that there is no RCE vulnerability within EAC being exploited. We will continue to work closely with our partners for any follow up support needed”
It was confirmed it wasn’t through EAC it’s something to do with EA
“Easy anti-cheat is a very good anti-cheat because, it’s very easy to turn off.” – Ssethtzeentach.
shut down apex legends for a day.
I had trouble telling what indicated the players were getting hacked…..
This happened because I uninstalled
I was honestly hoping to play Apex after I redownloaded it after like 2 years. Oh well I’ll just get back to grinding fortnite and some mario kart I guess
TF2 players: first time?
As a way to force a company’s hand, disrupting a tournament is one way to do it.
EAC literally does not work. Fortnite, at a competitive level, has rampant cheating everywhere. The devs do absolutely nothing about people blatantly ESPing in the majority of their games.
The only effective anti-cheat is the Bungie method: find them and sue them
kwite ain’t foolin anybody
Do you rember when people use to hack in world at and black ops 1/2 prime they would be fun hacker that made it enjuable to play with like give you max perstege and make game mode
Sea of Thieves just got Easy Anti-Cheat a couple days ago, and oh boy I hope nothing like this happens
To the people that makes, sells, and buys cheats, along with the people that botted team fortress 2, your parents still don’t love you.
imagine creating an invasive kernel level anti cheat and still being unable to have a worthwhile anticheat
also… if they’re preying on apex players… does that… does that make them
apex predators
also eac on apex is so bad that a $5 cheat can literally delete it and emulate it
ok if the dude messes up he will be arrested for sure
0:35 Easy anti cheat made a statement saying this wasn’t a problem with them, so hopefully this is just an apex issue
If this is an RCE attack, could this also affect console players ? Could you also get hacked from there ?
I’m still gonna play Elden Ring, there probably won’t be cheating there even if it uses Easy.
Is it only pc or also consoles?
Dude you forget Master chief collection you know it has that as well why people hate that anti system don’t you want no hackers and cheats like tf2 has a major cheating Problem then any other games the cheats continues and it’s been 6 years! The bots keep going in and out. So why people don’t like this cheat explain just curious.
Wanna know another game that uses Easy Anti Cheat?
Cheaters forcing cheats on legits are like drug addicts trying to get other people hooked on the same drug they take.
was it ever safe to play?
Wait so apex uses the same anticheat as rust??? The game that’s known for constantly having cheaters.
1 hour gang
This is funny
I was just thinking of downloading apex legends like 2 mins ago
thats it im going back to mario
I got an Ad for apex while watching lol 😆
all the kernel level anti-cheat copers exclaiming ‘oh but my privacy doesn’t matter’ and ‘oh it’ll never happen’ real quite after this one dropped.
major concerning exploits have happened to four separate anti-cheat platforms now. when will people realize this is not a good idea?
Ooooh boy a hacker giving players cheats is very crazy!
As soon as they fix Titanfall 2 this happens lol
At this point, Apex hackers are just mocking Respawn and EA.
Apex has had problems with cheaters for so long with cheaters seemingly being able to get out free when using the most obvious, broken ass cheats that turn you into Superman level thread. All while Titanfall 1 was removed from sale due to cheaters making the game impossible to play and Titanfall 2 almost ending up the same if it wasn’t for modders who were able to create a modded client (Northstar) that seemingly has no issues with cheaters at all.
This isn’t a new issue for the Apex, it’s just getting amplified beyond reason while devs seemingly do nothing to fix the issue.
I don’t get how people still play this game.
Finally people realized it’s not safe to play shit games
Wait what even for honor
Just like he said.
“It’s call Easy anti cheat because it was really easy to bypass” Ssethtzeentach
Tf2 players…. First time?
I can’t believe halo infinite is also adding EAC because these hacks are the problem with the anti-cheat
Cheaters completely lack foresight, what are they going to do once no one plays the game because cheaters are everywhere? Play against other cheaters? Good luck have fun then. The only real thing that cheating can be used for is trying to kill a game like what happened with TF2. Speaking of, has that bot problem been fixed yet?
Cheaters literally ruin everything, how pathetic must you be?
There was a pro player who got hacked and KNEW he got hacked but kept playing the game and got banned and was upset he was banned
Personally I hope Apex dies and it kind of deserves it to tell you the truth, community is hella toxic, the devs are toxic, I say they get what they deserve
Shows you that Kernel-Level anti-cheat is as shitty as any. Less reasons to even let them on your system.
Sea of Thieves litterally just added EAC to their game not a week ago. I am glad I haven’t installed it yet, because this sucks.
Yo, what was the game where the player picked up the tank with telekinesis and launched it at the other dude?
Well, there goes the last ember of straight PvP in Elden Ring. Looks like the “hardcores” get their wish. No more player summons.
cheating it just ruining the hole game
Xbox x is the best plstfrom to play
High fps , easy simple ui ,
And no cheats
Epic fail
0:38 I wish it never was
(I can’t believe i made Redditors cry because of a single line lmfao.)
Iam geting hacked
Sure bro..
Oh nah…
Is it really so hard to just suspend a client from going online if the server detects any altered code? That would fix the problem for a while at least.
The solution is offline bots in most fps games…
Should have made titanfall 3 this is gods wrath
Would be awesome if the world wasn’t run by dust bags in suits that have zero understanding of technology. We might be able to actually do something then.
Wait so is it a problem on consoles?
Giving programs kernel access is a bad idea? Who knew.
Oh MAN!!! Cant wait until i go to DBFZ and get BODIED by a cheating UI Goku
another to the list of reasons to play competitive/multiplayer games less xD
All of ea’s games get hacked
Never played it anyway
i generally avoid games that can be easily hacked or has users using hacks, mostly fps games my life has been better since then.
It’s times like this that I’m glad I play Ultrakill and Tetris, and not online games.
Should’ve played titanfall 2 instead
Cheating was something that was like a 20 years old by now? And it’s still going to this day which is WILD
Yet, Vtubers still playing it for content.
Gay sex legends
fun fact, these kernal level anticheats can even prevent you from updating the game, literally happened to me when I was trying to update helldivers 2 due to the anticheat blocking the files from entering the folder, had to update by restarting my pc
I will never stop playing war thunder
Boo hoo (coming from a tf2 player)
And TF2 VAC just nibbles on the outer crust!
*door noises
>another remote code execution
Funny that The Finals recently dropped an update about hackers breaking into the in-universe game.
Cheating in a single player game
Is it actually bad?
Especially if you have already beaten the game
Cheating on a multi-player game?
You must be bad at this game or extremely bored with too much time
Meanwhile at VAC anti cheat: “Please don’t cheat but you can we won’t do shit either way”
the anticheat was turned into a cheat
All the comments from directly after you post being like “im gonna go play fornite now” even though you address it in the 2 minute video… 💀
That was kind of funny tho.
It’s dumb for Apex for not using Nord VPN 😑
No war thunder for me today since it too uses easy anti-cheat.
Dragon Ball FighterZ runs on Easy Anti Cheat and that game was already ruined by bugs (only in spectator)
so walking simulator has hackers giving pros a hand now? good for me i only played that crap game 2hrs and deleted it
Spatnz just fills me with his content till I explode 😊
Small note
This is not confiremed to be due to EAC at all
Apex runs on the source engine (yes I know, surprising) which has had LOOOOOOOOONNNGG history of RCE exploits like this
TF2 has suffed, CSGO had, garrys mod even
Any sorce engine game has run into this
I don’t know if it is Easy Anti-cheat it is probably source engine (the engine that apex legends uses). If it were Easy anti-cheat it would have probably been found a while ago. I might be wrong but i have a feeling it is Source and most likely a RCE exploit
Dude I was just about to download the game on my switch. Thank God I had no storage lmao
this would explain all the cheaters in paladins and dead by daylight ngl
Recently got my apex account hacked with all the time i put in although I don’t play much im on and off with it but not anymore 💀💀
Looks like i’ll stay away from gaming for a little while, until they get everything under control, which they probably won’t do, so i’ll keep my eyes open for some random hacker dude
This is why I play single player/co-op games
Thank God I retried after 12 seasons. I just couldn’t anymore.
Everything was super pricey, you couldn’t have a fun game anymore (everyone played to be number 1 except for a small handful who enjoyed the game), and everyone was super toxic.
I came back one day and told my random teammates that I was rusty and they ripped into me saying that I should be good at the game since I already played so long.
Bro I play fortnite now. The mechanics are different
man, that’s wild (I can’t even run this game)
I’m guessing this is mainly on pc so I’ll be fine.
If only companies go down on Cheat Softwares as much as Nintendo goes down on Emulators
war thunder has fallen
i wonder what would happen if hackers tried to make their own game?
Honestly as a player myself I’m tired and fed up with all the bugs, cheats, and terrible business decisions respawn and EA have been doing. Hopefully this is a big wakeup call for them
Me whose mainly been playing Stardew Valley and getting back into Super Mario 3D+Bowsers Fury to complete it: Oh Okay
All jokes aside, I hope this doesn’t start some sort of domino effect wherein more hackers steal stuff from people playing the afflicted games
There was a pro player who got hacked and KNEW he got hacked but kept playing the game and got banned and was upset he was banned.
Looks like I won’t be playing Paladins for a while.
I think Fortnite also uses EAC so better be carefull.
Never have I heard of a hacker helping the players 😭
I’m switching to Fortnite
Good thing I never started anyways
Great vid
Even before this game was dangerous, especially with the bald wraiths everywhere
shit I could be first idk
What do you expected?
It apex