Apex Legends: Shadow Society Event Trailer
Rule the underground in the Shadow Society Event! Protect your turf in Lockdown LTM, the first 4-squad free-for-all battle for dominance. Uncover 36 cutthroat event Cosmetics, and wield the all-new “Cobalt Katar” Apex Artifact, a universal Mythic Melee Cosmetic.
Unlock all 36 limited-time items before the event ends to receive the Final Milestone reward, an Apex Artifact deathbox effect!
Want to learn more?: http://x.ea.com/apxl/shadow-society-event
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 20,apex legends trailer,lockdown ltm,apex lockdown,apex breakout,apex legends shadow society,apex legends shadow society event,apex legends octane,octane heirloom,apex artifact,cobalt katar,apex artifact cobalt katar,deathbox effect,apex legends skins,ballistic,bloodhound,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts
コメント (858)
for everyone complaining about the prise of these events and heirlooms just get a job its very simple im sure if uses are above the age of 18 and can get employed it wont be very hard to earn that $ im 17 and work as a apprentice boiler maker and earn close to $1200 every 2 weeks this is au btw so stop complaining about the prise its really not that much and yes i pay tax/bills
Destroyer2009 gotta give us all free packs 😭🙏
Actual good event skins lets go!
I hope they hack the prices because im tired of these dogshit prices and collection events
1:09 come geta
The world nds Destroyer now more than ever.
We need the quad rocket for Titanfall |2 🎉 – forget this game
Can u craft packs
😂 Can’t Stop Game Being Hacked But Having Guts To Post New Trailer 😂
Добавьте лучше дуо рейтинг😅
British event
That lifeline skin MUST HAVE
No buying 1 single item.
Meh, Yawn… 🫢
Who cares.
Same crud.
Where’s Titanfall 3??????
Mirage stay dying
I just want my watson prestige skin 😢
caustic doesnt exist….
Destroyer needs to give me some heirloom shards
one day, conduit will get a skin
This gaming is going to fizz out soon and respawn will be the reason it dies
Where is that wraith skin I was hyped about 😢
I actually like this style skins but I’m broke so
That artifact looks weak
nice skins i’ll buy them for 5 bucks only
wow more cosmetics
hack or not, are we getting kings canyon back?
I just can’t get into this game anymore.
fixed the hacks yet buddy ?
Cant wait to get cheat ingame 🔥🔥🔥
Respawn: maybe we should adress the cheating in algs before we drop the trailer.
EA: it’s all good
this is the most dumb move I ever saw..
How many dislike do you think the video about to get ?
Is that another skin for the death box @1:00
And all of that for the low low price of $400
destroyer please hack the event and give everyone free packs show ea
are y’all ready to see these “FREE HEIRLOOM” videos on your feed tomorrow
Imagine laying off 600+ people with no reason or warning. Respawn has fallen off. Only good thing they make now adays is jedi fallen order.
Community for years : please fix the cheater, bad audio, weird matchmaking
Apex: here’s a $700 heirloom
Community: ok
destroyer, please gift us this for free. Thanks. Not spending anything while apex is in this state
Boycot the event. Its the only way theyll get the message.
Wake me up when titan fall 3 is out and this game is shut down 😴😴😴
Bro did anybody think that lifeline skin was Seer?
Hello World!
Hacked leagues, and Xbox accounts not working, countless problems that need attention…..
But nah….
“This was planned multiple months back” why don’t you plan the integrity of your game security months back too 💀💀
I legit saw a comment on twt saying after they got hacked theyd make up for it by dropping a 400$ event and here we are
wouldn’t giving awey the heirloom for free make sense so you can have more customers for the weapon customization respawn plan to sell instead of the few who are gonna afford it. or is respawn planning to sell just neon colors that can be used for all current and future universal heirlooms?
Looks like the legends dont have running animations for using that new heirloom.
Heirloom for everyone when some legends don’t have their own EAD RESPAWN
Can someone please, EA or Respawn, release some kind of “yes the game is safe to play” comment prior to this event. It’s great that it was acknowledged by Respawn and they said they were releasing security updates, but there was no “We have the fix. We’re implementing it. Everything was and is fine. Your information is safe.”. This looks like a lot of fun, but my husband and I won’t be participating until the game is fixed.
A 3rd event already while consumer trust is at an all time low. How tone deaf can they be?
so the heirloom without the upgrades isnt free?
Those skins
Wow, a lot of nice skin and originals one 🙂 thats change
EA trash
As someone with 3 heirloom that is not worth buying
Not playing until you address the serious security concerns & confirm without a doubt that it is safe for everyone again. I am will continue to financially boycott, have not spent IRL money on Apex since S4.
immagine playing a game that might make hackers get into your pc… are EA and respawn small indiee companies?
Where’s the Valk skin
People still play this game ?!? 😂 even warzone is better and that’s saying a lot
The devs released this event in spite of hoping the revenue would cover their ALGS losses.. Oh and more micro tractions.. I enjoy the game but will not be supporting this practice. Next.
Not a single person seems to understand that there are different teams doing different things for apex…
Nice Titanfall vibes
Apex be like: Guys we got you a new event after the hacking
Everyone: does it have content?
Apex: You mean does it have overpriced skins and a heirloom? Well yes!
cheater game
I love the part where Ballistic says “The most expensive virtual trinket to carve the deepest dip in player count.” Truly an iconic Respawn moment.
destroyer2009 PLEASE give all these skins to every player
Finally new deathbox and knife skin!
can’t wait to die in style with these new 200 dollar death boxes 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I wish they would overprice this abysmal thing even more so they finally realise how dumb this is
am I the only one terrified of lifelines alien eyes?
An event with 36 items (mostly epic/fodder to fill the loot pool) that you can only get at random by opening packs (pure gacha) and you can’t even use Crafting Metals to get specific items you may like, making these obsolete. An overpriced “Universal Heirloom” (by that logic, they should’ve made universal banner frames more expensive too, but I guess they’re generous like that /s). A heirloom, which mind you, will cost more than a normal heirloom (somewhat under $300 at launch if you’re unlucky and have to open all 36 packs, without full customizations which are rumoured to cumulatively bring it up to $700 in the long run) AND that leaves Maggie, Newcastle and the rest of the newest Legends without unique heirlooms (at least for the foreseeable future). Oh yea – and a nifty death box skin for those with more money than sense.
And all of this soon after finishing a full-price recolour event and having Destroyer2009 exposing their flawed security live on the ALGS regional finals – great moves, EA
I’m sure people will take an event over the security of all their information thanks EA
Anyone who pays for for anything apex related at the moment really shouldn’t be allowed to access their own funds 😂
EA has A LOT of nerve dropping this instead of fixing their incompetent security. I ain’t picking back up on this game until they do something about it.
So much coming out in my birthday, my god! 💥
No one spend any money on this event. This needs to fail!
god i love that the last time newcastle got a good new skin was over a year ago and now hes not even getting an heirloom
I don’t even play anymore but this looks good 😌 after getting my fourth heirloom I gave it a break
why should i give you 700$ for an heirloom? while at risk of having my account drained by a hacker?
great, now lets put our “secure” credit card information in the apex ( breached servers ) , so destroyer and his friends can enjoy our bank accounts .
Quitting Apex 3 weeks into a new season has been something I have done for months now. Can’t believe they’re so worried about a $450 heirloom when their entire game just got hacked during a champ event.
Me encanta la skin de lifeline
Ea I don’t think you need money to fix the hacker problem😂
1:13 oh looks like destroyer2009 just gave all the players the “artifact.” how nice of him :}
It would be good if streamers and others went on strike not to buy anything from the game until they fix the game completely
Can’t wait for the apex legends supporters say that this is the best event ever 💀
Maggie heirloom: karambit
Vantage heirloom: ice picks
Newcastle heirloom: longsword
Ballistic heirloom: brass knuckles
THEN push out these bogus half assed events that only the “top streamers” will buy because YOU SPONSOR THEM, then brag about how well the event was received. Tell me if I missed anything 👇
Maggie never getting a personal heirloom
I’m really not looking forward to this event I was hoping for something for a legend that doesn’t have anything but instead were disappointed with another bad over priced event
Heirloom looks cool and all but i really don’t like the fact that it’s a katar instead of a normal blade and animations aren’t for me tbh. Wasn’t gonna buy it even if it’s perfect but i’m glad it isn’t that good of an heirloom and you still need to pay money on top to make it look better
That maggie skin… good heavens…
No Loba skin on the “Secret Society” event 💀
Ah look, another 300$ or more heirloom.
yikes EA. just yikes.
you ruined our favorite game.
i doubt the original respawn devs who left would have let this happen!
Where is destroyer 2009 when you need him.
Down vote this video so Respawn and EA see that we dont want any of this
Man all these guys care about is Money with all the 💩 going on right now 😂😂 What a disgrace
I’d rather see more character heirlooms than a melee or deathbox cosmetic.
Also I’m still waiting on my first heirloom 🥲 I refuse to hand over my wallet to EA
We have to boycott this I mean they been getting hacked this whole season and haven’t done anything about it yet they’re dropped a 360$ event
I hope Destroyer gives out free packs for this event 🙏
Apex devs: Hey we are getting mega hack so all of your data is at risk….but can you do us a solid and buy this? 😬
Please tell me that the skins will can be crafted please please 🥲
Yes looks like EA is in panic mode so they are releasing collection event regardless of the hacking event so they can get that money for there shareholders. They could careless.
First it’s getting hacked and now there’s a 4 team mode where you hold objectives to win? They’re just copying the finals now
Bloodhound finally gets drip
pls dont let ea forget the incident
I’ve been done with Apex. All skins, no Titanfall.
Are the 36 cosmetics in the room with us
y’all want them to cancel pre planned cosmetic events just because of a hacker 😂 crazy
Question is anyone else casually lagging out of the game every match?
Mad Maggie, Newcastle heirloom when? Mirage prestige when?
I love how they didn’t even make a unique run animation for it and just used the default one for each character lol
everyone needs to go play finals instead tbh
Destroyer2009: 🤡
remove addons
Game full of cheaters
Bring back individual heirlooms.
I love the part when someone literally hacked 2 pro players in an actual championship and Respawn did nothing
The fact they think we want another expensive heirloom is wild to me. Like dude it’s a digital sword, chill.
Destroyer2008 give me packs pls😢
kings canyon, the old players we are back now!
Someone else here made a very good point: you can lose everything you’ve paid for with this game if someone malicious hacks your account and EA, who apparently can’t even secure their top championship tournament game but certainly is glad to slash personnel at Respawn, should not be trusted to handle those situations.
Thank you apex, for having high hopes of a game coming back to life, to having the easiest gateway to being hacked and others getting hacked
Ballistic and rev skin fire though.
700$ that strong
*Me loving the trailer*
Also me: Man I wish this game was still fun to play.
LOL i see what they’re doing here. “PLEASE DON’T STOP PLAYING APEX!!! WE NEED YOUR $$$$”
I uninstalled due to security issues, I’m sure they lying and did not fix it!
releasing an event encouraging people to play your game when you know full well there’s like a 50/50 chance that booting it up will install malware on your pc is insane.
Bruh wasn’t there just an event like not even a week ago 😂that
ofc they’re more concerned about making money than fixing the hacker issue 😂
This is 100% the first trailer in apex, that makes me want to uninstall the game.
I’m glad to see all of this backlash in the comments
Destroyer2009 about to have his way with this one🔥
Soooooo.. Where’s the Mad Maggie heirloom…. And the rest of the rosters heirlooms……..
Fix the game? ❎
Add overpriced cosmetics? ✅
Lifeline is so pretty 🙈
Apex : get hacked
Players : stop playing
Respawn : hey look at this new heirloom for 700USD !
Doom : Eternal
Good to see that EA is still throwing money at the cosmetics designer departments instead of the cheating protection. Some things never change.
game just got hacked but we got another heirloom, lets go chat
Nah that thing looks goofy af on Rev
0:53 Mad maggie has a bread???
Why shank mirage like that immediately then not give him a skin😂
We should stop calling these events, they’re just micro-transaction flash sales.
Forget bout’ the hacking stuff.
Look at this slick heirloom!
Yours for only a mere 700$.
Brinkman always on fire! 🔥🔥🔥
Another Horizon skin? Imagine they gave skins to low pickrate legends
Add duos ranked please
The patch notes are the worst changes I have seen for this game
you are destroying your own game respawn
Add legend upgrades to mixtape ❤
This games makes ine step foward and then 2 behind
Jesus Christ you’re so out of touch
Respawn: We know you’re upset about cheaters but here’s a $700 heirloom . Have fun
Destroyer!!! Bring this world to it’s knees 😩 punish them! Destroy!
It looks ok not bad, whats bad is what the game is becoming, its becoming exploit legends
Yay more cosmetics to milk people with
I miss Titanfall
Please dislike this trailer so EA doesn’t make these style of collection events normal
Comment section really thinks that respawn creative team works with game’s anti cheat system.
C’mon guys, every game has multiple teams, and not all of them аre responsible for fixing bugs.
same event as the FF one, so no crafting skins. what a pity cause some skins are really good
Dont think so it rigjt to release an event after tbe incident happen
love how people don’t understand how games work, the hacking incident is being looked at with security upgrades, that’s a developers thing. The artists don’t have anything to do with that, they can continue working and the event was already planned to come out.
Yet another cash grab event instead of actually fixing their game, shame.
Good skins but still won’t give EA any more money.
I can’t get enough of your amazing content.
this game is just a Shop. L for everyone who still pays money on the the game
Hack this event Destroyer that would be AWFUL! 🤣
You killed your game, no one is playing this game untill you address and fix the vulnerabilities that allow people to hack your pc. 🙂
I love PC game still waiting to apex legend mobile
Let’s see how many dislikes this video gets…
trash game now
Destroyer2009 inspired event when?
“Ea you mean”
“Game’s just fine”
“They’re not the same department”
people… you are not gonna get anything by defending them, you know that right?
that mythic is not even that good lol
The game is really bad from problems with dishonest players, and they spit in our face with an event whose price is $ 700. We were all waiting for an event, not a solution to problems with scammers.
Everyone is talking bout getting hacked like they’re the ones in algs…
Trying to hack my bank account aswell huh?
At least Respawn waited until the last limited-time event ends before they announce the next skin-buying event.
destroyer2009 is the only one who can save us now
Guys, please buy event items so Respawn can fix the hacking issue. They don’t have enough money so let’s help them. Destroyer keep hurting them, so they need more and more money.(Currently they only able to catch players who say bad words.) 😢
Plz ban and punish xim, cronus converter users
Destroyer2009 collection event when ?
Now is definitely the time to boycott the game, now more than ever. They care more about making money than they do about player safety.
Lifeline looks cute I want it ❤
Who asked for this?…
Thank goodness! We almost went a full week without sixty-dollar skins to buy.
my favourite part of these trailers are the comments
Is the shadow society the hackers
Wow, great that they nerf revs ult timer, and then add an “upgrade” where it half reverts the change…
Truly a respawn moment 👏👏
How many events is it gonna take before we get something actually fun in this game for once?
Arreglen su juego! Nadie lo descargara por culpa de esos hacker
The heirloom should have been free, this isn’t free.
서버나 고쳐 개!!@#!@@@@새ㄲ!!!!!!!!들아!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is the game even safe to play on console rn? I don’t see anyone saying so
so we aren’t getting a newcastle heirloom? like ever?
Cant wait to not spend money
Apex is on a decline but we still got a $700 event 🗣️💯💯🔥🔥
Bro its like the 1980s dectetive shows lol
EA out here about to drive the greatest game of the decade into the ground because theyre obsessed with short term profits
nah, im gonna go play THE FINALS (devs listen to *everything*)
Imagine expecting a studio that planned this event for months in advance to not go through with the event because someone hacked the game. Respawn is on it.
Can’t wait for destroyer2009 to give away free packs
Where’s Loba ??
Here’s hoping Destroyer hacks it and gives everyone the rewards.
Jesus loves u all ✝️❤️
lifeline lookin so fine in that skin 😫🧎♂️
Another update, and another sad day for Newcastle fans.
Por fin, buenas skins ❤
Be ready for every apex content creator to buy this to show it to us for “content”
So when will the public get theater mode…because it’s obviously in the dev build of the game for these trailers…
Lets BoyCott this event For gods sake I mean there server is getting hacked yet they have the audacity release a 700 dollar heirloom
Don’t buy this
The skins are nice but what’s with Ballistic’s mask?
Why a Mafia theme skin has a gas mask and robot-eyes sunglasses?
This isnt even original either this is right after fortnite had their secret society themed season, the laziness is unreal
Where is destroyer?
Worst update ever their algs gets hacked in game got hacked save titanfall still adding money grab I hate you EA worst company ever…
We are a small Indian studio, we don’t have much money! We need more money! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Better be worried bout destroyer2009 and not no events
I wish i could grow a goatee like maggie
I love how all the apex news said the dagger was going to b free now look at us it’s 700💀🤣
Nice, real nice…. now how about that hacking incident?
HEY @APEXLEGENDS you should back on mobile ..we mobile players miss Apex a lot 😢😢😢
Ballistic looks like Star-Lord
Apex has became so boring and bloated
Apex is being hacked but they release a new event with a 700$ Artifact . Truly an apex experience
yh that will only cost you £500 nice one
Glad I stopped playing this sh*tshow of a game, where events are just overpriced skin shops and the actual issues of the game get ignored…
truly an apex legends moment
Yeah i’m gonna buy it just to be hacked the next day !
Nothing for Wraith. I don’t care.
The skins are so good, artifact is okay. The trailer is very Noice indeed 😲
i got none to say
EA so cringe
Hi can you give me herliom i love your game and get herliom is my dream my nick:sushi_dog_2133 i play on ps5
Hey gamers, here is EA’s response towards the bug: ANOTHER EVENT!!!
Another Octane Free Reward 🙄😑I swear they been milking him too much,They need to put some other legend a chance for free better cosmetics
We have a cheater in every ranked game and event. Cool
You guys don’t care about your players horrible company
Yeah no word on if the game is safe but release a trailer for another event…fantastic, would rate it a 10/10.
In Destroyer2000 we trust
Begging people not to buy into these gambling events. A $300 dollar event for a universal dollar store toy is not worth it, and all the people buying it out are telling EA “yes! keep doing this!”
The only thing I’m getting is the lifeline skin
destroyer2009 owns you
Ngl this event in terms of skins looks dry af 😢
Waittttttttt loba mirage nor wraith will get a skin from this event !? Im shocked
Instead of fixing the servers and game, they add another 700$ heirloom ahh Yess
I wanna know who asked for another $360 collection event. “Nobody”
Ik everybody talking abt the hacking situation but they cooked with these skins😭🙏
Томас шелби
Cosmetics and customisation is pointless, they don’t mean anything when it comes to what matters; performance. I used to care, but it was shredded with a significant portion of my love and enthusiasm for this game.
Love the part where destroyer2009 made everyone have 1 hit kills! Truly an apex experience!!!
EA : We Love Munny!!! 🤑
Gamers : Fix your fkn game!!!
Destroyer do your thing man
AHAHAHHAAHHA game is hacked
coooool– 😒
Hacking aside a lot of these cosmetics are gas though 🔥
and once again EA destroying apex reputation for money
Respawn: we getting hacked!!!
EA: release the heirloom!!!
Is the cheating part of the LTM.?
Haha respawn and ea make it again the greed consumes what a bad destiny for apex i think im droping this game
Lets gooooooooooo
I’m gona master bait
storm point and broken moon
why why why why w-waa haaa haaaayyyyyyyyyyyy ?
pass till next season … 🚶🚶🚶
comments aside, that lifeline skin is🔥
ive deleted your game, and all easy anti-cheat games… until you come out with a DEFINITIVE STATEMENT, that my personal information is safe… i will never play your game again. im sorry, but im poor, and i cannot allow such an invasive program on my computer, if you cant even DECLARE, that is wont be used maliciously…..
EA just reached a new low smh
So we got rid of legend heirlooms for a offbrand halo energy blade
Respawn crazy for actually dropping this with comments on LOOL
Also guys are we just gonna assume that they are pushing these event out for nothing? Obviously some people are gonna buy the 700 dollar heirloom and THAT is enough for them to push more events and more expensive items.
Is it free? No. You want $700 from us? Yeah, nope. This is the starting of the downfall for Apex.
Making 500$ skins instead of making Titan Fall 3 like literally everyone wants you to. Nice work Respawn, really showing us how much you fell off as a game studio.
Wasn’t there just an event that ended 😭
Everyone in the comments section acting like a little hack in the system with all of our data and emails and passwords (remember you had to set up an account to gift people on your friends list for the wrath skin)was gonna stop a billion dollars company with a small team and no financial support or extra resources from pushing out events that would fund their greed. We know how this works.
if only EA/respawn would use the revenue from this event to replace the anticheat/security team, like maybe hire the riot vanguard team since they seem to know how to actually deal with cheaters.
This is gonna be the most disliked video for apex. No way you guys get hacked in such an embarrassing way and still have no shame with dropping another BS heirloom collection event.
ea last week: we just got hacked!
ea this week: 700 dollars please!
This comment section is missing some brain cells
Fix the game, then we’ll pay
I hope Destroyer sees this and gifts everyone free packs 😂
A true hacker would gift us this event
Ngl this universal heirloom looks kinda buns😀
Did you guys even fix the Anti cheat problem??
Skins are actually good. Might buy some
Destroyer if your seeing this. Hack this dam event.
4 man squads?
Боже, какой ужас! Аж плакать хочется, какое же дерьмо… так нелепо смотрится в руках… Хейрумы изначально семейная реликвия.. ало разрабы какого *уя они общие становятся…
More and more I feel more disappointed with the way Respawn is managing cosmetic content, nor does it have the ability to create sky dives trails for old prestige skins
would u look at that another $300 deathbox
Let’s boycott the game until they ACTUALLY fix the hacking/cheating problems.
now correct me if I’m wrong. But aint the game getting hacked into oblivion rn?
Electronic Arts got rid of the old respawn lineup to turn the game into a donation dump with big price tags
can we please all not buy this event?
Stuff crumbling, one of the biggest hacks in esports with no communication if it is safe to play Apex and yet they drop a new event with a $700 heirloom. Truly an EA moment..
I love how the deathbox is called the tax collector in reference how ea is just the irs and collection events are tax days
Best part of Apex now is reading the comments. Tho it’s quite insane how after all these comments everyone is 100% ignored. Good thing I got The Finals to play now.
Goofy looking heirloom
They even put an aimbot at 0:45 truly an Apex experience!
As a F2P player, I enjoy watching these trailers.
That bloodhound skin look sickkkk🤢🤕🤒
This skins looks amazing I love them all
Whats the point of the comments feature in your social media respawn/ea? You guys dont hear us. Might aswell disabled your comment posts
how many games its possible to buy with 700 $ :O
Cant wait to get hacked while also paying $300 for an heirloom with two animations and a death box
700$ heirloom incoming!
Destroyer should hack the event and delete that trash heirloom
At the Moment I thought it was Cypher from Valorant xD, but hey its Revenant xD
They missed a chance to make a duardo silva themed octane skin.
fix the security from hacker, not the shop only😑
Please no one spend your money on this BS
ey yo @destroyer2009 can you make the event cheaper so i dont have to sell a kidney?
Titanfall = 2€ , heiloom = 160 € , univelsal heirloom = 350 € and now Universal heirloom = 700 € ? and they said on the descryption its a free game LOOOOOL now people buy 700€ heirloom , because they only have time to create 700 heiloom dont have time to create a skys dives trails for old prestige skins
i love apex legends but come on adress the hacks or the solutions a little more before pumping this out, this could be postponed for a week. tbh i dont know how many people are gonna be excited to be buying this with the perceived looming threat of getting hacked.
3 years without playing, and it looks like I’m not missing anything-__-
Awful skins, overpriced heirloom, in game gambling in a kids game 🔥
But is the game safe to play?!
if 300 $ its F joke , now imagine 700 lol 700$ its 1 year buys complets ps5 games
is the games safe to play then?
People complaining about the event because the hack is going on…
Y’all really think Respawn planned to release the event and hacks together? It’s just bad luck.
Didn’t know apex added the energy sword
Imagine paying for a unfinished cosmetic and then being forced to pay more to receive smaller parts of said unfinished cosmetic, this will be the most hated heirloom.
They really give us that 700$ heirloom after the ALGS cheater incident 😂
Game is getting hacked but we got another event 🔥🔥🔥
Destroyer should hack the event and make it free for everyone
Wow we needed another cool death box 😂
fortnite !!
An event about sharp fashion and roguish activities, and it does not have a skin for Loba? Seems like a huge missed oppertunity for a femme fatale styled skin inspired by old movies.. sigh.
Why is mirage always a punching bag 😭😭😭
Respawn and EA really fell off this time
All I ask Respawn is for a good Maggie skin….one day
Is the shadow society the group hacking your pos game? 🤣🤣
An Heirloom should stay unique to certain legends, universal Heirlooms take the fun out of it. But hey if you wanna buy then buy it i am not your god.
Who else sighed and opened the comments😂
I thought it was bloodhounds heirloom recolor
Can I do monthly payments for the collection event?
Why EA cant make the artifact free to bring more ppl in and make them pay from customizations make more money that just saying.
EA destroy Apex
EA bots, giving more likes than views haha
Deathbox again
I love getting level 30 teammates against masters and preds.
Matchmaking was made by “capable “ people
EA are scumbags. EA, the gaming world’s Shitfinger. BUY BUY BUY.
FYI you don’t need skins to enjoy the game.
When I’m shooting at another legend, I’m never like….cool skin, brah.
destroyer2009 present
I think I’m done spending money on you apex, thought the new hirloom would be free, not having to buy all the apex packs (which no doubt we do) bit let me ask u this apex: how can us lower class people even afford it!??! Makes me so mad, I honestly don’t feel like spending any money on apex anymore BECAUSE of how costly you are…
No Thank You I love this game but I ain’t spending no $700 bucks just for a heirloom I might as well buy another PS5 for that price 😂
Bro rlly added another deathbox its the ppl that buy the other event is yhe reason this isba thing thanks ea for making money :)..
Unfortunately I have to wish for the event to fail so they work on the game or change business models. Even though I love the game.
This is almost the third year the games been in the bin but im still gonna play😆
improve the anticheat ❌
$700 heirloom ✅
revenant!!!!!! it’s beatiful!!!!!
You can say what you want these skins are absolutely 🔥🔥 might be the first event I ever cash out for 😭‼️
You had a major event hacked by a 15 years old and you released another event. Jesus
This better be automated
helldiver you are leaving the mission area!
Great marketing. I really thought the game got hacked😂
free heirloom for everyone, thank you beaches ea and respawn.
Destroyer hack incoming
heirloom still looks free, or 5$ at least.
back to back events, great.
Looks like I’ve found my new octane main skin hehe
Did they fix the Hacker’s issue?
Garbage generic heirlooms but it’s ok because all characters can use it…ye I’ll pass
I rather just play the finals at this point, you guys think any universal heirloom is going to be a hit to be a hit the only reason why the FF event did so well is because it was the cross over
No one should spend a single dollar on this event and let it bomb!! Gotta hit them where it hurts ($$$$)!!!
Respawn back at it again being out of touch
our accounts getting hacked with this one!
Just give us a Tetris LTM or mixtape mode where our death boxes are just random oversized shapes.
Another deathbox skin for a $700 heirloom.
pls destroyer make it free for everyone
valorant legends
DONT WASTE UR MONEY ON THEM, so many accounts getting hacked at the moment and getting perma banned unless you are streamer or pro player. DO NOT WASTE
game gets hacked and apex releases more skins and a $700 heirloom. Truly an apex experience 💯🔥
Still no conduit skin 🤣
36 cutthroat cosmetics with 36 cutthroat prices..
Looks like finally paying security staff to do their job did cost EA too much, so they had to pull out an event to make sure CEA will be able to buy his 3rd yacht this month.
Anybody gonna talk about how Lockdown is the same game mode as Control???
Lifeliiiiine <3
Note: If your account gets banned, you will not get any of these cosmetics refunded and you will receive a templated answer from an EA representative. You are not BUYING these virtual cosmetics, you are renting them. Enjoy!
Respawn : WE ARE GETTING HACKED **panik**
EA : Drop an event with overpriced skins 🗿🗿
Respawn : Yes
Destroyer2009 please save us
Never give up🧘♂️
And when a Skin for Conduit????😡😡😡😡
That lifeline skin + her new buffs 😍
Heirloom supposed to be free but I knew it was too good to be true 🙄 this is them telling us we needa pay for better security 😑
Getting hacked but yk we can just drop a 700$ heirloom to fix it
Awesome to see 4th event in a row with not a single ash skin 👍
very sad how y’all are doing Mad Maggie mains. WE DESERVE OUR HEIRLOOM.
another heirloom the average player can’t afford
FO powercreepANT good job with nerf devs. Les revABUSANTS pls. Good riddance , petition to remove reptar the pig head. GG
Hi, can you pass on a message to hideouts and tell him to do his job? At least half of my ranked games in pred are dying to 6, 9, or 12 mans.
There barley enough loot and ammo to Handel trios and they wanna add quad?
These skins not unique anymore my opinion I don’t like em I lost interest in events with skins
Looks bad af, please bring back 3 strikes!
People are not playing our games and uninstalling. Let’s drop a $700 event💀
Hear me out we all dislike it and not buy lol i know we don’t have to but please no more of these horrible events
Getting constant 150ms on ranked woohoo!!! you want us to pay more?
maybe hacker can give the sky dives trails for old prestige skins , because the devs dont have the capacity to create for old ones , and maybe 2000 apex packs for every one
Is it safe to play the game yet?
fix your cheater problem first
We should all just speak with our wallets 🙂 Only language Companies understand
I think we all know the real ‘shadow’ in the Apex ‘society’ right now…
So we getting a new event while the game is in this state 😭
the only reason the first universal heirloom sold well was because it was a collab with Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth…just release the legend heirlooms already
Gotcha so your getting the worst security breach in existence, then have the audacity to charge 700 dollars for a melee cause the final fantasy event went well, absolutely pathetic, NO ONE BUY THIS, if this does well we won’t get character heirlooms, and everything will be 1000 dollars
That heirloom looks like garbage ngl
Looks boring 🥱
Destroyer2009 please give apex shards to everyone 😛
You’re our hero
Can we have Vantage heirloom please
I tried playing this game but suddenly my PlayStation got hacked and they stole all my vbucks. Never playing again.
Lifeline is such a fitty…
Finally bringing quads to the game. Now bring it to pubs and ranked with a solo option. You want to be the best.. you gotta have the options like every other br game
Can you guys make 3 Strikes a Permanent mode ?Please
I’m losing faith in Respawn. They don’t care about their players, only their wallets.
And they just threw out a ton of their staff just so that they could get a small increase in their micro transactions. 💔
pretty sure qatar paied for it to be called qatar 😀
You cant out hype the fear caused by the negligence of the hacker situation. you’ve been complained at by everyone for sooo long… And to drop whats supposed to be the most expensive heirloom which isn’t even a full version is in bad taste i think right now
you know who else lives in the shadows?…………………………………..
Can we get some new legendary Conduit skins lol
If this costs the same as the final fantasy event and you still buy it your part of the problem.
That lifeline skin got me feelin some typa way
Where’s the loba skin🤦
They missed out on making a octane skin, but he was in duardos cloths, it would have fit this event so well
The dark brotherhood forever
Крутые скинчики
Yeah let’s go another event😱🔥🔥🔥
No loba in a good men wear, unlucky …
Not spending any penny again until cheaters situation is resolved and am not talking about destroyer but people cheating in game, and please hideout is there just for show get some dignity and hire a competent one
Freak you EA
Yeah, I deleted the game and most likely won’t ever go back to it.
The amount of disrespect and greed from this company isn’t ok anymore. Event after event, 1000s of dollars they want u to pour into the game.. the laziness from the cosmetics and the company as a whole.. it’s awful. So long, apex.
EA!We demand to make a relic for Ballistics, please)))
This is the first time in a LONG TIME, that i see PERFECT SKINS ! I will love this event but… i think about the prize and i will not like it at all 😂
How about fix the game first
Let’s see who gonna pay $400+ for this event
At first I thought: “Loba would’ve fit perfectly with a skin of this theme…” but then remembered, she already does
Those hackers are 🤡
hi, can you please help me with the problem, For some reason I have a negative balance in the game, they write to me that a negative balance means that the refund was not fully completed, but there is a problem that I did not return anything, maybe this is some kind of mistake?
fix anticheat mb?
Can’t wait to read the comments
What’s the music?
This game is turning to trash
I would play more but this game is hacked and yes…
I need Nathaniel as the next legend
Like the comments below
EA is truly having a moment right now lol 💀
Imo we need more mafia/fancy type of skins.
how many heirlooms are you trying to push out in one season🤡🤡🤡
All they care about is milking for money, they really oughta be cancelled
Yeah whatever dude where Titanfall 3?
I’ll wait til the exploit gets fixed to come back.
I must admit I do love the theme of the skins but yet another “spend 150 dollars” event is not at all exciting
Like if you not buying it ❤
Destroyer2009 pls save us all
I dreamed a lot thinking it would be a free relic and coming from EA hijos de pu
0:44 looks like destroyer2009 gave the right cam “magic bullets”
… They’re firing sideways for sure 🤣
i love $360 events for pixels while the game during a tournament was hacked like it’s a small indie company
Megusta muchísimo el juego, lo juego desde que salió. Pero creo que hay mejores ideas en el caso de reliquias para crear espero que las skins legendarias sea eso y no llamarlas legendarias cuando parecen épicas y viceversa
Dislike button ⬇️
Lessgo more skins🔥🔥🔥 another collection event🔥🔥🔥🤙 💀💀
I really hope this isn’t what all heirlooms are gonna be now. I liked when we had character specific heirlooms
Destroyer 2009 i summon you, in hack mode 🐧
Yes but when a new anticheater?
can’t even open the game in security yet apex still finds a way to sell skins
This game is dead and they just drop a event xD
Is kings canyon coming back?!
Stuff crumbling, one of the biggest hacks in esports with no communication if it is safe to play Apex and yet they drop a new event with a $700 heirloom. Truly an EA moment.
This is EA not respawn 🤣🤣🤣 always money hungry
fix bugs/ ban cheaters❌
make new skins and heirloom costs $140 ✅
Is it safe to play with what happened?
For our safety being ar risk everyone should just get heirloom shards imo.
Getting hacked then trinan get ur fan base to pay 700 is insane
They fixed the hacking event yet?
Ban the cronus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Make sure not to buy anything from this event especially if it’s 300 lol
Destroyer2009 is just crypto irl.
I want my Loba heirloom!!!!!
I’m not even going to lie, I completely forgot about Apex. I get reminded it exists everytime another $180 event drops
Is our account safe ?? Oppss, I mean our wallet safe ?
Wonder if that hacker could give me the heirloom
Dislike 👎🏾
Wow, yea skins look alright but with all the other issues……sort them first before pumping more into an unstable game…..BTW upgrade to unreal 5, yea it would be an entire game rework but it’d be worth it, I might actually hear people walk up behind me then….
Yay, no ash buffs again
Wow I’m surprised 3 back to back events in the last month or that’s going to cost like $500
Y’all, there are different teams for cosmetics, anti-cheat, etc. Not only can this event happen and the anti-cheat devs still be running at full speed, but it’s obviously something that has been in the works long before the recent hacks.
Cant wait to spend absolutely no money or even play this event
Respawn “Do it where the world can watch”
Destroyer2009 “Sure, say no more”
At least the skins aren’t more recolors…still won’t buy anything though lol
Does 4 squad mayhem mean 4 players on a team?
Looks like all the other trailers they’ve put out.
cannot stress enough that y’all need to avoid getting this heirloom or we’ll never get character specific heirlooms again, its not even funny. if you dont like cashgrab events, you need to avoid paying for them
Respawn, Respawn.. please listen to us.
Give heirloom for : New Castle, Mad Maggie, Vantage and Catalyst.
Fix the cheater issue instead we don’t want to spend money on a game that is getting hacked
Fix the game bc it’s getting hacked: ❌
Throw out another $160 event: ✅
Oh great, the game getting hacked but we still get a new event, fire 🔥
Music : Mad Lad – Max Schad
do -90% off on that eve if you want to save face and image
Skins are nice but no way they are prioritising events when they have just got hacked
Guys, let’s not trash yet ! There don’t seem to be any recolours, perhaps we’ll get a decent event for ONCE ! And maybe they’ll learn from their mistakes and make it free as an apology ! I’m very hopeful!
(Who am I kidding ? Hoping for a something that will never come is the true Apex experience…)
Well this did not make any hype. For clarity this is just 500 bucks for a heirloom everyone can use and they indead took 36 cosmetics instead of 24 so you wil most likely have to spend more of your well earned cash so that sums this event up LOL
Looks guud! But… what’s the price for unlocking everything?? 😱
another destroyer2009 comment
Not playing until the hacking situation is fixed.
We just got hacked but here…spend $300 on cosmetics -_-
When apex players don’t understand there are multiple departments in the apex team and they’re not all working in cybersecurity:
getting a new heirloom>>>> fixing your game!!
I’d pay $70 for titanfall 3….
Coming from the guy with every heirloom, feel like these collection events are just lacking, only skin I seen so far I really liked was the revenant one but probably wouldn’t run that skin over others I have, like this octane recolor, literally full price recolors, no ground emote or skydive emote, heirlooms really lacking especially for ehat they cost.
I’ll definitely get that lifeline skin
Hey, look, another money grab event, neat.
Nooooooo its a god dang death box skin again noooooooooo it’s about to be 700$ again apex legends you will never learn
wack hierloom
maybe release it when you fix the game
Watch us sell more skins while pretending we are working on this dumpster fire of a game.
Y’all cooking tf out Respawn! Love to see it 😂🔥🔥
Please for the love of God, nobody buy this heirloom
Apex should PAUSE the events until they solve the security problem.
The shadow society is destroyer 2009 and r4ndom
When the world needed him most, Destroyer2009 was nowhere to be found.
hey respawn, try and save space and make the store half-price…
The universal heirloom looks interessting
6000 dollars for 1 cool skin
the fact that you can’t craft the skins makes this 10000 worse. just a dying game milking the playerbase while it can
who didn’t see this coming? the answer to all of the problems is another event. literally just joking about this the other day. i hope people just drop this game already. they only care about your money, not you.
is the game safe to play yet?
Na someone needs to fire who ever runs apex we really need a new event instead of fixing the issues rn 😒
Yh I’m buying it all don’t care
Has to be the dumbest company out here. Hackers on the loose and you put out another horrible event
Death box looks bad, and I won’t speak about this dagger thing, designed by degenerates. Buster sword was kinda worth it, but ain’t spending a single buck this time. Honnest opinion
Better news would be all of yall get locked up and apex shutdown
finally a new revenant skin
Can’t wait to spend my college fund that my mom’s been generously saving for me for years on a single set of pixels 🤑🤑🤑🔥🔥
Mucho evento y skin pero el juego está re hackeado, ya arreglaron esa mrd?
Magie look like she has mustache
🗣️🗣️We focusing on the Wrong Task at hand with dis one💯🔥🔥💯🔥💯🔥
Day 2 player here.Apex just got hacked and new event? Ea greed has gotten way outta hand. I’m done with it
Not playing this 🔥🔥
Where’s the heirloom for Maggie. We don’t want universal weapons to melee. Still so many characters don’t have a Heirloom and you add a universal one. Not pretty Respawn. Very messy. You only care about money.
Thanks respawn 😊
This is the game where the antivirus gives you hacks against your will, right?
Given the state of Apex atm, this event should of been delayed. Now is not the time to launch an event and try and ween money out of people.
If you saw the patch notes they gave revenant the seer treatment
Dislike the video please 😂
thank u respawn for adding more overpriced skins and another boring game mode. this will definitely make the game so much better
I’m here for the comments😂😂😂 I still love you apex, but you cheat too much
I like how some of the community thinks skin devs and the security devs are the same people rolling around in money and the hack isn’t a federal investigation and think developing video games is just pressing buttons and to makes skins takes like one day for huge cash grabs on a free to play game that you don’t have to purchase.
no shot we got a trailer first over an explanation about the incident
Again rev with a killer lookin skin (get it?)
It’s a Dislike from me. Fix the game. Charge $50 for heirloom, not my rent total.
what they should made is a free heirloom for everyone
If only we could see dislikes
Any skin that either hides Lifeline’s face or makes her look decent is welcome.
Okay, a universal heirloom over a character specific heirloom? Sounds about right.
That Rev skin looks craaazy! Can’t wait for this event!
Looks good
Make heirloom that cost 100$ nahhh
Make heirloom that looks shity and cost 700$ that no-one buy this? Yes yes yes 🤑🤑
Universal Heirlooms = Dogshit
OK here ya go lads heres a really overpriced event toatly don’t look over there at that hacker lad 😢
Thank you EA, this is exactly what I need !!! A motivation to play Titan Fall 2
Ya se puede jugar o siguen con hacks?
hey destroyer2009. can you make this a free event?
Anyone up for some Helldivers 2?
nice event but im still too scared to even launch the game
I hope the hacker can give every player every legend’s heirloom……
Dawg jus redo bloodhounds heirloom already
Trash event trash heirloom. Dedtroyer 2000 down serves apex pls🎉
Yaaay more cosmetics…
Alright gents, dislike this to the grave of Apex Legends
Destroyer2009 pls give everyone a heirloom
did you really expect us to give you our money after this? Nty
Better be able to use shards to get this afterwards.
Watch the heirloom be free! 😂
what if some random guy hacks my acc and cheats on it.. how could i explain it?
Do you guys still do personalized legend heirlooms?
I’m really getting worried after seeing another universal heirloom event.
Can’t wait for a potentially cool event to be destroyed by greedy microtransactions and terrible choices to hide the cool skins and mode.
How about titanfall 3
Respawn : we’re hacked !! Well here is a 700$ heirloom event
Everyone in this comment section is an actual idiot hahah
Bloodhound skin looks dope asf
When is the destroyer skin coming out?
Safe to say I’ll be staying away from apex till I know im not at risk we need to know what it is specifically that happened and if it is fixed.
I fear no pred…
But that guy…
That ballistic skin goes hard
Not in favor of this event
Wish yall would add singles
Hmmmm yes this is exactly what the game needs right now
Is the heirloom going to be free anyone? Been watching a lot of Apex videos I hoping this is free
even today, still I don’t want to play apex because of the hacking incident
Another microtransactions event, comes with a free RCE vulnerability
Revenawg Killing Duardo Just For Stole His Drip💀
the skins are awesome, especally ballistic’s.
Can destroyer2009 give the entire community this heirloom for free?
I really hope Newcastle’s heirloom is coming out soon, i cant wait 💀
didnt we just have an event and skins from a scrapped event in the store? atleast these skins are good i guess but we will NOT be buying 🗣️🗣️🔥💯💯💯
Finally the Hacker Society Event
Worst looking heirloom of all
Man I get that other departments still got stuff to push out but I’d honestly take a update to fix the game over an event at this point 😂☠️🤷♂️
This company’s greed actually makes me sick
destroyer2009 like that!
Hold up. A brand new ltm and collection event without recolors?? I never thought I’d live to see the day😂.
Too bad clients are constantly getting hacked…..
Welp everyone better say goodbye to legend specific heirlooms
👇🏾 Like this if you’re waiting for Destroyer2009 to gift us these
Bravoooooo, olvidemos los hackeos, la falta de seguridad, y saquemos un evento con precio excesivamente alto para compensarlo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
ballistic passed the octane vibe check lol
Cobalt katar’s design isn’t bad, but I honestly think the guns’ skins are epic-level… I’m sad that the guns’ event skin design isn’t very cool at some point..
Yay another 360 dollar event I’m so excited yay I’m not playing this game anymore
That new ltm should replace control, just sounds like a much more fun version of it
When was the last time Ash got a skin and when was the last time Lifeline did not get a skin
Glad to see that EA and respawn got there priorities. What a disgrace
That heirloom looks so mid ngl
700 баксов за релик, вау 😂😂😂
As expected, grass
bring back legend heirlooms!!!!!!!!!! give everyone an heirloom first before these universal ones
Please, we don’t want four cosmetic events per season, we want to have a half decent game again.
Game gets hacked, respawn priorities, well let sell more skin,maybe the problem will solve itself
Truly a hacked Apex experience
This company is a disgrace
Are you able to get it after the event with heirloom shards?
You haven’t told us if this is actually safe to play. LOL.
new crounching revenant emote 0:50
Detective and Mafia event such beautiful noire FPS game
It will be nice if they could give us some decent news if it’s safe to play right now
I have been waiting for this Ballistic skin for AGES!!! Absolutely fire skin
It’s over for us🤫🧏♂️
I want the Bloodhound heirloom recolour. The fiery obsidian Recolour skins looked so nice. Sad, that they cancelled the Bloodhound event for this. I don’t like any of these skins. The death box looks cool though but I won’t spend this much money just for the box. The universal heirloom looks bla to me. I think EA didn’t get the memo that people liked the Buster Sword because it’s from Final Fantasy, not because it’s universal or because the event was so genius with their little gambling insert.
Maggie skin looks lit af
I want battle pass gift plz
I want a vantage skin yall forgot about her fr
Is this collection event
that heirloom was supposed be free right?🙂
ahh yes another 500$ “free event” that i cant get anything good from
better matchmaking when?
Thanks Apex, exactly what we needed at this time of the day
36 skins x 7$= 252$
Yesterday in ranked found team of 6 cheating helping each other doing 3v6, a lot of cheaters doing wall hack and aimbot and for real you release this? You guys are NOT protecting your players base
Wir werden erst wieder spielen wenn ihr euer Drecks Spiel auf die 💩 Reihe bekommt
This has to be a joke. 😂
Have they fix the security? If not, Destroyer2009 better be hack this game again
Idc im getting it bro
Left a dislike sorry Respawn. 🫤
Classic respawn L
The heirloom would prob be more hyped if it was free to get from the start by doing challenges or something for the base but having to pay to upgrade it. And releasing more upgrades down the line. Could even add legend specific designs to cater more towards whatever legend your mainly running it on, especially if that legend doesnt already have an heirloom
Apex is finally giving bloodhound more skins 😮🎉
Let’s goooo we get an event while the hack is still going. Let’s lose all our money and at the same time have a back door to our computers. It’s not respawn if they don’t pull something like this
Honestly… Rather than proceeding with the event, I think the resolution of the game’s multiple issues (security issues, cheater issues, etc.) should be more prioritized… so it’s even more unfortunate for this event…
Bro we literally JUST got out of an event what is going on?
Kinda a bad time to release some skin looking skins soooo… That event better last like 4+ months lol
Save my heirloomshards for fuse prestige skin.
Game has massive issues ( cheaters, hackers, no audio for foot steps )
the fix : overpriced pixels , diferent colour pixels and 0 respect for players that keep the game from sinking
Just another EA moment
Can’t wait to use my $300 cosmetic in my hacked games
i like lifeline skin
Uninstalled and haven’t looked back, only events you guys do anymore are collection money grabs 😂
ALGS hacker from the shadow society LOL
Are you SERIOUS?? You guys need to get your priorities sorted
Is that heirloom really $700? You could buy at LEAST 10 games with that.
Oh yeah couldn’t even bother to delay events after the hacking incident
Please save us destroyer2009
I wonder if Destroyer2009 would give me the heirloom for free
and what’s about the hack attack respawn ?
The new ltm looks cool but not a fan of the new heirloom. I prefer when it was legend specific adding more lore to the characters
Like how they show all the characters having that weapon and like 4% of the players will actually have it
Best skins I’ve seen hands down
Another 450 dollars universal heirloom?
Come on man
Wow its so cool that the game is getting its bugs fixed before we get another moneygrab!
Not only did apex get hacked but ALGS this is a pathetic display from respawn showing how little they care
Game is getting hacked
EA :Oh no , anyway here’s a new skin
Be real. $600 for some pixels. This game hasn’t been fun in years
literally already had an event with similar skins, running out of ideas or something?
Yall literally just had a hack at your tournament, then released an event for the most expensive heirloom yet, yall are such greedy pigs b
Why cant we go back to when this game was fun
Finally a Maggie skin
I wonder who will be the bold enough to put a credit card into this game without knowing whether or not the payment processing servers have been compromised by the hacker,
these skins are fire!!!
Shadow society…
What’s this lol is it collating with shadow in eminence?? 😂
I would try it if I didn’t worry about getting hack. Well, there is always next event. GL
To all respected fellow Legends, stop playing this game you’ve wasted enough brain cell over a toxic overall concept.
Would be cool if I could play the game but not until your security team cleans up the cheater problem. Also you can credit card yourself with that $700 heirloom
Dear, Destroyer2009
I would like this heirloom that EA wants to sell us for hundreds of dollars for free please, thanks!
That Bloodhound skin tho 👀
Kinda bold not decaying this to fix issues
O cramunhão ta BONITÃO!!!!!
How this game have fallen off so much man i use to play it so much now i don’t even open it..
Is that a joke? Ebaniy cringe
It’s funny how people are unable to understand that developers have more than one person, and can work at multiple things at once.
Free apex legends
what about another joke?
I know i’m supposed to be complaining about the hacker or whatever but that Lifeline skin is absolutely insane 💕💕
After the ALGS incident I was hoping for a better response than just a overpriced event but I can’t say I’m surprised by EA anymore.
Ooooooooohhh another death box skin so amazing 😮😮😮😱😱😱😱😱😐
day 1 asking for pathfinder prestige skin
destroyer should hack the event and make it free for everyone
lixo de evento
Cant wait for destroyer2009 to give me this heirloom for free 🔥🔥
Destroyer2009 should give us all the heirloom for free, I bet EA would feel that so much more😂😂😂
Shadow wizard money gang event, lets goo! 🎉
Let’s go another money grab 🔥🔥🔥
Plz dont support this event
Trash heirloom 🗑️
Destroyer2009 will love this event!❤
Mejor nadota, la verdad
Glad I started playing Warzone before destroyer2009 did all of this
Its safe to play? I guess the game is dying now.
fix u game ***
We don’t want universal heirlooms we want specific one
This game is all about making money
smack that thumbs down button 👎
That Lifeline skin is fire!!! +u+
🔥 🔥 🔥
Bring arenas back
can’t wait to get hacked again
Yay cash grab 😊
us: hey somebody hacked into the live finals LIVE(don’t know what it’s called sorry) maybe they’ll fix apex
The beginning of the end.😂
Would be Better to invest in new servers and Probably Make a better anti Cheat but what do I know ? The store still works so that’s a Plus Yay Money !.
would be nice to have a server update event someday
Don’t worry y’all this event will stop destroyer2009 if we buy it 💪
Bring back legend specific heirlooms
Not spending a dime
Im just here to read the comments
Love that Ballistic is getting some attention
Bro a lot yall are not streamers, so you don’t have anything to worry about, I highly doubt destroyer2009 is coming for any average player. If your not Pred or Masters I doubt that he’s even looking your way
We need to let them know that 300 to 700 dollars for a collection event heirloom is ridiculous and boycott the event or something . If not they are just gonna keep doing this and raise the prices even more
LTM seems a little fun at least
It’s like Crypto isn’t even a character in this game😩
Should be good seeing everyone complain about destroyer2009 and no talk about how this is truly an apex legends experience.
Its too much😞
Love how you give Maggie all the cool skins while the other BETTER Salvonian aka Fuse gets donkey shat.
I see you Respawn
Like no hack happened in ALGS
here, new 700$ collection event give us more money
No wattson skin 🥺🥺
Imagine paying for a unfinished cosmetic and then being forced to pay more to receive smaller parts of said unfinished cosmetic, this will be the most hated heirloom
Game is getting hacked this second BUT BUY THIS 700$ HEIRLOOM
I would LOVE to be able to afford ANY of these items on a normal Salary, EA!!!!- 100 dollars for a Melee Reskin is CRIMINAL.
We need a “destroyer” skin ! hahaha
This better be a collection event and not the stunt you pulled with the final fantasy event
hacker disrupting the game, I think I’ll launch events with skins 🥰
Stop making overpriced cosmetics and start fixing the game why is it so hard to understand 😂😂
These guys actually thought ıt would be a good idea to make an event while people are getting hacked. Truly an EA moment
So squads finally?
Little funny reminder. THIS HERLOOM WILL COST 700€.
Wow another 400$ death box
stop bullying Mirage
Why bothering unlocking all these skins and heirloom when i can ask Destroyer2009 to put them on my acc
EA really dont know when to quit this is crazy😂😂 they want money over fixing the hacker problem
What they don’t realize is that the player base is their money not the cosmetics and they are losing players.
EA ☕️
Shadow society is too perfect for the recent controversies
Fire event but i dont like the part where Destroyer the main villain of the entire thing 🙏😭
Fix the game first
Imagine if Destroyer2009 gifted everyone that overpriced heirloom 🤣🤣🤣🤣
skins look like borderlands type of people
i was here before comments get deactivated!!!
Wish we could see the dislike ratio on this post 😂
Ahí es que ellos son duros, tirando eventos caros y el juego todo hackeado. 🙂
thats an epic battle my friend
Seems fun, 4 member squads in apex will make lifeline and support characters better
Rev dressing like Duardo is so petty, I love that for him
Where’s the popcorn 🍿 I need to see these comments
Brig back apex mobile
The gamemode and cosmetics look good but if the rumors are true that it’ll cost $700 in total I’m gonna die on the inside
More hype for the comments than the trailer
Please return the game apex legends mobile
I’m most likely not gonna play until they fix the hacker SITUATION!!!
No. Was that another death box skin
Dang I left apex for 1 month and now there’s another problem
hi (before they block comments)
Respawn is such an embarrassing company
Apex making more money instead of fixing theirs servers 🤡🤮
The new Lifeline looks like Seer’s Aces High skin
EA the embodiment of “Cant read the room”! 💀
ahhh yes,another quality update that fixes the game and *free* cosmetics, so exciting
respawn banning destroyer2009 :😴
respawn bringing out recolors: 🤑🤑
we better be getting this heirloom for free seeming the hacks may take it away from us at any given opportunity OHAAHAH
oh boy oh boy i love when respawn decides to release a 700 dollar set of pixels instead of fixing the problems in the game🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Ive had enough of your bull respawn and ea you guys have disappointed and lied 2 me so many times I have no faith in your game ever being good again
Since the theme of the event is spies, I hope you find the hacker (joke)
This looks really fun tbh
Can’t wait for the halo weapon in Apex for all my life savings thank you EA
if this is truly 700 dollars, respawn better send me a notice saying they are going to use these funds to fix their anti-cheat.
Can’t wait for it to come out
Yes..hacked by the “SHADOW SOCIETY” for more realism 😂
Destroyer2009 hacked the apex store and gave us a 🔥 heirloom sheeesh
700$ cosmetic
Time to spend another 600$ out of my college funds 😭😭😭
Was that squads I seen😭😭🔥🔥
This is not it
Necesito que destroyer2009 me regale los cosméticos
Ok fine I’ll reinstall apex for the 15th time
Thank you for your work and creativity! Your videos always bring joy and interesting ideas.🍷🦘🖥
$700 is straight robbery
can’t wait to spend $700 dollars on a dagger 🤭
Have some shame.
Is it safe to play again…?
Wow we needed another cool death box .😂
They just got hacked and want us to spend more money on them 😂 🤡
😳 free
Just unpan my account it’s not fair 2 years what the F
sweet 🎉
Aint no one gonna spend $700 on a goofy ahh heirloom
I got lucky with the buster sword off my second pack, it better be the same with this lol
Skins look better than last time, nice. Universal mythics seem like cash grabs though
Just give us an Eren Yeager skin
we live in a society where…
This is what hackers should worry about….
best game out fr fr
They really give us that 700$ heirloom after the algs cheater incident 😂
Save apex destroyer2009
I am so excited to read these comments
game is getting hacked but we got another event 🔥🔥
Here before comments get deactivated xD
700$ or not😂
yes ignore the hacks, release more skins
Cool !!!😮😮😮
Hi sis thank your sweet friend thank love love miss miss baby girl doll love miss miss too love miss you miss love miss miss love love you miss miss love you guys love miss you miss love you guys love miss you miss love you miss miss you guys love miss you miss love miss miss you guys love miss you miss love you guys love miss miss love you guys love miss miss you miss miss guys miss you miss miss love you miss love love you guys love miss you miss love you guys love miss you miss love you guys love miss you miss love you guys love miss you miss love you guys love miss you miss love you guys love miss miss you miss love you 😍 good 😊 thank love 💕 😅😅😢 love miss miss love you miss love miss you miss love 💕 guys miss
Not playing until the hacking situation is fixed
Thank you very much for the variety of content. Your videos always surprise me with their uniqueness.😨⛹️🤞
The comment section will flod with the hack situation rn
This is exactly what we need respawn😑🤦♂️