Apex Predator Ranked For 30 Hours Straight | Apex Legends Movie
Speedrunning winning a game on every legend in top 10 Apex Predator…
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Apex Predator Ranked For 30 Hours | Winning With EVERY Legend (Movie)
#apexlegends #apexpredator
Taqs:apex legends,hiswattson,hiswattson apex legends,hiswattson apex movie,hiswattson apex challenge,apex legends ranked,apex legends ranked challenge,winning with every legend in apex,Winning With Every Legend,HisWattson Winning With Every Legend,HisWattson Movie,apex predator,apex predator ranked
コメント (122)
Liked the commentary but if I wanted closed captioning, I could turn it on myself
More comments are much better. Also u can give some extra context to some situations which is very helpful at some situations. keep the style up and also props to Gxnjy!!
Vote here : for no sound gameplay in pred lobby with only one gun whatever you got in first landing 😅
“I’ll do ten don’t worry” that kid is my new favorite player
Can you help me rank up this season I’m in rookie 2 but I’m trying to get at least masters so I can at least get the banner
Thanks for being the best HW!
I wish i had teammates that liked to push and play aggressive 😔😭 Great video, always fun to watch wat plag
30 hrs on any game is just nutz! Seriously man, why do you put yourself through such torture?
wattson needs to stop using double heavy weapons -_- It’s such a drain. Not worth it. And he has a habit of not picking up ammo when he needs it, it kills me sometimes
Been waiting for another edit of you for a while, definitly worth the wait! Loved the commentary keep up the good work.
bro played for 30 hours straight just to gain 3 spots lol
bro got a 2k badge on pathy with 1 kill, new Watos vid idea? getting a 4K badge on every legend without getting kills?
I love u wattsooon
Absolute banger!
Love you and your Content! and I know it can be easy to forget but just a little reminder you to you everyone else! Bloodhound is non-binary! meaning they go by They/Them Pronouns! <3 Much love and keep up the amazing content <3
I saw the different between pro player and low rank player that you guy alway play game with a plant, thinking what to do and how to do it improvide and way far ahead about shooting skill. Learned from the best 😊
i wouldve raged so hard if i was one of those teams getting charge rifled from height from some1 with a 4-8 off spawn
gold ranked: can’t even get a kill… these mad lads on pred, farming wins
Bro I’m like 30min into this video and this is already so entertaining… keep up the good work, really appreciating it!
dont usually comment but i wanted to say i enjoyed the extra commentary
You apex pred number 7 and u don’t know bloodhound’s a female??
so sickkkkk!
What wattson skin does he use in her match? It doesn’t look familiar
Next up: winning ALGS using a different legend each game
Bros so sweaty
Zerbrow crazy ngl
Love the commentary! I’d also love to see some short-form clips of you teaching. As someone learning how to play well, a playlist on teaching moments would be fantastic.
58:45. That’s too funny. I want sure what nade he was taking about. KOBEE
jxnjy stayed on for the whole 30 hours!!! Nice vid
Do a tips video to help new and struggling to improve players ❤
Pred lobbies but against carried preds 😂
Dude, finding out at the end of this that you were standing the whole time too? Absolutely mental.
This comment is for his engament stats
THATS MY FULL TIME PRO STRIMMER o7. Also, thanks for letting us be in the video 🤩
your games are filled with NA bots
I loved your comments!
What a genuinely incredible video, not just because of the incredible dedication and effort that this challenge took, but the well done editing and frequent narration and quips, I haven’t commented on a youtube video in probably 3 years, however this man absolutely blew it out of the water, thank you Wattson, for everything you do
Insane challenge!
I have a question. Why do so many pros not use Fuses ability to throw grenades better?
Gxnjy is a real one!
Insane grind!
commentary/explanation is good. beside that, i like these challanges. keep it up
I clip that prowler, i am deadly 🙂
ash crack…lmao
When he started talking about life and told us before it literally was so wholesome and funny at the same time ❤️❤️ 😂
Liked the commentary!
49:58 bro really hit us with the “I love you guys” talk 😀
don’t worry we love you too
29:00 I saw it in x0.25 speed and idk how those miss
Loved it, man! Keep going 🙂
am i the only one who noticed the gold bag just chillin upstairs when he was playing mirage?
Next one should be as many wins in pubs as possible in 24hrs😂
Nah, standing for 30 hours straight you arent human…Loved the vid man thanks for the content when you are so busy.
the dedication and passion you have for both apex and content creation is really admirable, thank you for the effort u put in in your videos and for the lengths u go to to complete some of this challenges hope u had a good sleep after all those hours 🙂
Can you buy me a heirloom
The movie got good as soon as your little roommate had a bedtime. Stank mad annoying. Great video. Enjoyed watching it live also
why do you do this to yourself?
I never understand the people who want to get boosted by cheaters. So you arent good enough to normally play in those lobbies, but you want to get boosted up to them so you can then be destroyed by them because that isnt your normal skill level? The dive trail and badge is wasted. at that point.
Ngl Zerbow was carrying!!!!
@28:30 your ball didn’t go sideways, it took an angle and got a down, W ball
Great job working so hard for the content your hard work is so appreciated
I’m trying to figure out why Genji also played for so long straight. That’s crazy lol
i don’t understand how your this good😭🙏
Zerbow cooking this hard without saying a single word is crazy 😂
The fact you’re doing this challenge at such a high ranking this late in the season is ballsy as hell. Lol. Mad respect.
“I suck at this game.” Says the top 10 pred that then proceeds to beam a speck out of the sky from cannon next game. 😂
The commentary was great. Yeah, loved this vid. Well done and congrats on the challenge.
Additionally, mad kudos to Gxnji for staying throughout the whole challenge. And the assistance from Stank and Zerb.
this whole time you are playing i havent seen 1 other pred player in your lobby besides who is on your team, u guys should be winning every game.
I request everyone to exit a match or not co operating if there is a hacker in your team. This is the only way to stop the cheaters.
Zerbow is the goat here. 😂
What an insane video. Good stuff dude
thank you for the amazing content and voice over. but why, why do you do this to yourself 🙁 – edit: it looks like i answered my own question here. also standing for 30 hours is absurd. mr beast challenge future contestant in the making?
standing for 30 hours is WILD
Wait does that mean after Ash, you only played Gibby for 4 hours?
wattson is best Apex Legends content creator currently. The amount of effort you put with commentary to keep us hooked in is just amazing man. In this day and age, long form content which is entertaining enough is ultra rare, especially for Apex. Keep on man, you are the man.
You are a legend sir!!!
You really make ur vids seem like they’re a TV show and deliver amazing content. It’s insane how you’re able to compile all of this and create such engaging material.
Whois ur main😊😊😊😊😊
“So as long as somebody doesn’t get above us, this game is gonna be a free dub.”
Valk: Don’t mind if I do 🤫🧏
I think we need to also give props to Gxnji for staying with him through the whole challenge dude is a real homie
This was actually a really fun challenge! , you’re goated tho
props to Gxnjy all throughout the stream. He streamed for a couple of hours before the challenge started and stayed until Watos completes the challenge
How much did you play match in this challenge?
really good vid! I liked the commentary, it really helped me conceptualize when and how to fight zones, thanks for the crazy games! actually godlike 🙂
amazing video glad i got to see most of this live too
you spelt zeus wrong on every caption lol but i dont blame you its a tough word and it should be spelled zues
overall best fucking challenge ever. and glad you got reptar for that last game after you said he was getting off 😉
1:30:14 I have a guess, probably Chinese cheaters playing in the afternoons
Can you say Cronus Zen!!
I like the insight, learned so much from the scrims, streams and videos ❤
Time to get 20 kills and 4k in pred lobbies 😎
Yes. this is exactly what i neeeded rn
HisWattson’s adderall tolerance must be insaaaane 😅
24+ hour challenges with narration WHILE he has a steady stream schedule? Caffeine ain’t enough
Insane video. What a watch
Interesting video…
Zerbow is a beast, the dude is a silent pro
Ballistic 0:21
Valkyrie 2:39
Ash 9:00
Gibby 11:52
Pathy 16:16
Lifeline 22:23
Maggie 27:29
Wattson 31:19
Bang 34:18
Bloodhound 37:32
Crypto 42:56
Wraith 48:02
Conduit 51:57
Newcastle 58:15
Loba 1:01:57
Mirage 1:05:47
Seer 1:08:31
Cat 1:12:25
Rampart 1:16:54
Caustic 1:21:50
Fuse 1:26:59
Vantage 1:30:17
Octane 1:36:12
Horizon 1:39:33
Revanant 1:46:32
More of your thoughts on is a W!
10:19 watto is obviously cheating. This whole fight looked super sus on his end. The first ping on the pathy is okay but the 2 shots he hit on him mid air without being able to see him in the smoke and then the arc snare through the smoke to hit him again… Seems pretty weird. I get the other guy was cheating but does that mean Wattson can just toggle walls? Nah.. that’s bs and only encourages the problem
bro is the mr beast of apex
zerbow = luckylama of apex
Why does Watsons prowler sound different than mine?
What havoc skin is this ? 1:45, 2:48
This stuff is why you are going to win agls
1:00:32 Bro was in an edit 😭😭
i was able to start watching this, go to work and get a full night’s rest before i tuned back in to watch it end
wattson at 27 hours straight still playing better than i ever could
Do you plan on posting your pro league games. That clutch last week was insane.
Love the content Watson. Best quality in the scene!
Who is Gxnjy? He’s a good vibe to play with
Thanks for the video👍
I like that Mario galaxy music! Really nice touch
You good bro?
wattson is on the grind so much bro. still pumping out content while streaming, scrims and pro league. crazy work ethic bro
Love your Journey ❤
wattson lemme smash ur narration skills
time to get to LAN to collect LAN MVP #2. Lets gooooo….
Another absolute cinematic masterpiece
im edgin
Watching these videos have made me want to get better at apex. If only apex would allow that lol. Well, time to keep trying and improve
second lmao. Good luck with Split 1 Regional Finals! Are you still going for #1 Pred?
Goat of apex challenges!
Tank you for inspiring me to climb rank :3