Apex Legends Nintendo Switch Gameplay Trailer
Apex Legends makes its long-awaited debut on Switch this season on March 9. http://x.ea.com/67416
To help Switch players catch up on the Season 8 Battle Pass, they will be granted 30 free levels and will earn double XP for the first two weeks after launch. For a limited time, Switch players can also get an all-new Legendary Pathfinder skin – P.A.T.H. – .
Looking to make an instant impact? Unlock all Legends through Season 7, get over $100 worth of exclusive cosmetics, and 1,000 Apex Coins with the Champion Edition.
Get ready to take your legend with you.
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Apex Legends arrives on Nintendo Switch on March 9, 2021. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Origin and Steam.
Learn more about Apex Legends Season 8 – Mayhem: http://x.ea.com/67416
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
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#NintendoSwitch #ApexLegends #ApexLegendsOnSwitch
Taqs:Apex Legends,Apex Legends Nintendo Switch,Apex Legends Stealthlord66,Apex Legends Bryson Tiller,Apex Legends NiceWigg,Apex Legends Mayhem,Apex Legends Switch,Season 8 Battle Pass,Apex Legends new season,Apex Legends game,Respawn Apex Legends,Battle Royale game,Battle Royale,Battle Royale shooter,Apex Games,squad play,multiplayer shooter,Apex Legends PS4,Apex Legends Xbox,Apex Legends PC,Apex Legends Origin,Respawn Entertainment,Electronic Arts
コメント (4106)
Can someone explain how i got the rare P.A.T.H skin 3 years later 😅
I’m so happy this happened! I play it on the switch and it’s amazing
I still play this on the switch and tel me tell you! i made the wrong decision GUY HELP SWITCH TO PS4 I DO ANYTHING PLS HELP BAD GRAPHICS
If only the graphics were that good. 😢
Is there a mic for the switch version of Apex?
I like how I never got it and still play on switch ever since the game came out
Can I still get this even though I didn’t play that season
Hey apex, your game is litterly unplayable on switch. It runs at 15 to 10 frames.
This is the worst port ever 🙁
Tips to have the best experience on Switch Port:
– Turn brightness to 50% (it improves the contrast and color of the game)
– Crossplay (KEEP ON, stop being scared for PS and Xbox players, they’re not even that good)
– Set Crosshair color to something like Blue or Purple
– Practice is firing range and arenas to warm up
– Use ALCS (if you have a lite you can use joy cons paired with it to get it otherwise ur ads as 3 and non ads as 4 with steady response curve)
– keep all dead zones on small unless u have drift
– 1v1 friends
– watch tips and tricks
– turn on subtitles (optional for better auto comms from legends)
– Turn off motion controls (unless u have joy cons)
– stay motivated and keep trying no matter what!
Suggestions for Switch Version of apex:
– Upgrade the Graphics and VFX while keeping performance
– Upgrade the resolution to atleast 600p-620p
– Upgrade performance for Switch
– Add 32 FPS cap
Ok now let us use are skins if we use the same account on a different console
I have the rare P.A.T.H skin
Experiment #1
Returning season 10 switch vet / wattson main that never turned off cross progression cause I didn’t know you could. o h t h e j o u r n e y.
Can’t believe nintendo age restricted it
thank you for bringing this game out on nintendo ive always wanted to play it
At FOV slider plz
What song is that?
Aun tengo problemas con el audio , no se entiende cuando habla el escuadron
G’day, Kings Canyon!
Wait I have all the legends on my Xbox and I loved in on my switch were are my legends 👁👄👁
0:38 pathfinders emote is there before it was even released
I don’t have pathfinder skin 🙁
Its a coincidence this game released on switch on the same day as my birthday
How to see what the Apex graphics on Switch really look like:
Set the video quality on this to 240p
0:38 Mirage is doing an emote?!
I just noticed they teased emotes in this
Ojalá se vea así de bien
3 fps
Can you do a review of the Nintendo Switch accessory Nextemplo? I’d like to see it.
Hey EA, When you planning to release this to Epic Game store? I just realized it missing and only gaming community that can’t play Apex Legend lol
Playstation 4
PC Origins
PC Steam
Xbox One
Playstation 5
Xbox Series X
Nintendo Switch
I expected to see Mobile, Epic Game PC and PS Vita
We need to make this crossplay even better!
Uuuuuuuuuu emotes
Cant wait till it gets crossplay
False advertisement. I cant even play 1080 60fps in handheld mode
I have a Nintendo switch will I get the best wonder skin still if I already had one before it came out and will I be able to link my account to my Xbox?
They teased emotes but no one wanted to mention it
everybody gangsta until software was closed
It’s the og squad (Mirage,Wraith,Pathfinder) again!
Forgot to mention the part where cross platform player’s voices are static
I swear it’s impossible to use Valkyrie’s rockets while flying on the switch because the right joycon and the B button are so close to eachother so you can’t aim properly while flying in the air
Easy kills..
0:37 apex teased emotes here? Wow
I mean, I’m glad to have apex on switch, but I really don’t want to have to get everything again.
Player who play all war games
Apex appears
Player=bring me in baby
Whoever fot switch, u lucky u have that pathfinder skin
Who’s Switch platfrom player?
No sé bailar
Please give us the Android global version faster please.thank you
Titanfall 3 if it ever comes out Im pretty sure it will have a chance to come on switch because of this game
I want to see Pathfinder right now :'(
First i try it it ilove it and now I got addicted to it
The fov on switch is horrible I hope they fix it
ah if Nintendo switch actually had these graphics I would actually be able to play the game
Mobile graphics is worse than switch even after being more powerful. This is bs
Put the video on 144p for the full experience
But why?
Surprised this trailer isn’t in 15 fps as well
0:09 why do they bully octane 🙁
bro i can t wait to slay viper s bloodline at 240p judging by the graphics quality
О боже , зачем вы выпустили это на свиче это же ккал
Emotes in apex soon?
Everyone: it seems that Nintendo has a more family friendly style that the other consoles so it is mad for kids.
*Nintendo releases apex for switch*
30 fps
Number victory royal yeah apex we got to get down.
1 month in the future and I can say that frames drop by standing still, graphics aren’t the best and nintendo fans like me typically arent good at shooters but its apex so it’s still alot of fun 😀
I know how to play the game in my nintendo switch now tho lol.
Pls release trailer for mobile version with gameplay
hi i just wish it cost less gb on nintendo because i can’t download it
Plz change it so I can alter my FOV I’m dying here
this game runs terrible on switch don’t even bother downloading it
Fix your freaking game
It’s nice that we got Apex for the Switch but you need to improve those graphics 😐
apex legends in nitendo switch sucks
So far the apex on switch sucks and i hope it could get better
More like, Nintendo ditch…💯🤦👎
I hope Apex mobile gets a skin 🙂
0:38 those are ground emotes confirmed!
Pls buff revenant
that’s cool can y’all fix the damn lag to where I can get in the game and or play . just watch my recent video and see how bad it is for me
Why your not making a video for 3week
Respawn can you ban 2 cheater i have video on my channel
Can I sign into my actual account tho?
i dont have a Nintendo switch but i play it through ps4
I wish I had bloodhounds intro I would main him if I had it 😔
Teasing emotes? 🙂
I love to run into a fight only to die being unable to see anything as my frame rate rapidly drops
They messed up big time having it ship with crossplay on as default, should of had it switch only with the option to turn crossplay on. No one, absolutely no one plays switch only because of that. You can not compete in crossplay on switch, so disappointing…
Can you let apex legends on ios and android please
fun fact: apex is underrated like holy apex needs some respect
Next mobile pls.
Please just bring Cross-progression my Account is stuck on Ps4, and i Switched to PC
sooooo is there gonna be a mobile and if there was will it be for a specific type of device cause if it is that way i hate it 🙁
So if I get the path skin on nintendo with the same EA account as my ps4 can I use it on ps4
They make it look soon easy but on nintendo aiming is hard
0:10can we get an F in the chat
We want Titanfall 3
Switch Version Crash so many Times. Switch Version sucks.
we need to improve the graphics would be great for the next update
Just hit lvl 100 on switch 🤗
can you please PLEASE fix the frame drops whenever people get into combat. It’s really bad.
Literally they make it look so easy but in reality
Buff lifeline
Game is broken
So… The game crashes when there’s too much going on screen, sometimes when nothing is happening at all. The motion controls don’t register horizontal movement properly. Render distance is much lower. Console players have wayyyyy better frame rates and will almost always wreck Switch players, which is why there seems to be so many fresh console accounts with names that are obviously smurfs accounts. Right now, more accurate and functional motion controls on Switch would be a good way to balance the game in terms of cross play.
Finally it’s here!
I have it
The frame rate during combat is horrific
So how long will the pathfinder skin be out?
Everybody gangsta till you get framedrops by doing actually nothing
Apex legends on switch seems slow and way harder to aim or even pick up items. Think I’ll stick to PC and PS4 “until I get my ps5”. Also on PS4 I have notice that no-regs are back with the caustic town take over. I had TWO full clips from a volt have no bullet registration.
Hey are you guys going to fix Lobas completely unusable jump drive?
It’s great except for when in crashes when there’s more then 40 frames going on. (Not even joking happeneds way to often)
My frame rates feel most alive when rapidly approaching a gunfight
pathfinder w smash?!
Yeah don’t forget
*30 fps*
Looks like game play from a ps3
Nintendo fix the dam mic glitch these kids sound like there parents gave them $10 mics
Enjoy this game with 20fps
Yeah i played 10 hours, port is actually good can improve fps more maybe ?
Respawn please see this comment as a committed day 1 player I ask can you change the button configuration settings to be able to unbind a button as from the beginning I’ve always had the havoc melee on me whilst shooting and I can’t handle it no more I thought that the button settings might of changed at some point to be able to unbind a button but you have to change a button only I beg you please change this as I’ve been killed countless time just for using the havoc please see this comment fingers crossed 🤞
doesnt let me login
I’m an xbox Predator, I need switch players, my gamertag is Talizer on xbox, free to add me
There are three people’s with this
1. The graphics
2. The frames
0:09 Lol
It runs Like shit
When you’re planning to get a switch and see that you’re fav game comes out on it
Does it require nintendo online ?
Rip octane
I have a step brother who has a switch we both started playing at the same time and I’m kinda triggered that he has a dope Pathfinder skin but I don’t because I don’t have a switch and he is leveling faster than me but he has more benefits because he’s using a switch and I’m using a laptop
Well at least I could see the difference that Nintendo switch brings and it’s nasty
Hm… 30 fps, 720p and 50% 3D Resolution? Low textures, models, shadows, okay…
Nice some free kill
How do I transfer apex legends data from the pc to the Nintendo
graphics and fps are trash this trailer was a scam
Yay there putting titanfall 3 on the switch
It’s fun but half the guns in the trailer aren’t in the game and the graphics are big that good
Dude fucking fix this shitty game. I’ve been sitting in a normal trios que for 20 minutes now. Why bring this game to switch if it’s 15 fps and no one plays it.
I was super excited for this game to come out and it runs great and dock mode but on portable it’s damn near impossible to see anybody unless you’re right up on them
I’m so good at Apex that I like playing at a major disadvantage to even the playing field so the switch version is perfect for me
No switch players🙂…
When will Apex Legends Mobile launch?
Mobile when?
Jajajaja thats not see
I’m a console player and I will destroy all of you switch players 1v1me right now
How do i build in this game?
SHEEEESH PATHFINDER SKIN KINDA NICE🥶🥶🥶🥶😩😩😩😩😡😡😡😡🥵🥵🥶🥶🥶🥶🤬🤯🤯🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Just use the pro controls
So excited to release it on Mobile devices💚
So hyped
Absolute lies, the game looks and plays nothing like that.
Its unplayable handheld.
swich online ?
10 fps y bajones a 5 xd
Bro where do you change the fov
This sucks so much
instead of fixing servers and bugs ,they just released the game on nintando
Honestly fucking terrible, i waited a whole fucking year for this release and i couldn’t be more dissapointed. This is honestly the worst port on the switch. The game runs at like 20 fps and drops to 10 in fights. It’s honestly disgusting, the graphics are pixely and shit but i don’t mind that if there is good frame rate but there just isn’t. There is no reason to play this game on switch unless you want to hurt urself. The game forces you to play crossplay against people on 60 fps while you are on 15 and it’s jist not fun. There is no fun in getting shit on while it’s not even ur fault. I’m gonna delete this game and never touch it again this is the worst port on the switch by 300 fucking miles.
That moment when you realize the exclusive Nintendo switch skin for Pathfinder is more like a color scheme: 😂🤣😅
los de nintendo estan de fiesta
Is there cross play? since I cant add my friends on ps4, when I send a request they dont see it and if they try to find me they dont see my name
I can’t wait to hunt down switch players like the prey they are
it looks so blurry compared to ps4 but I suppose the wii is pretty old
Please I beg of you please optimise this game so it works better on the inferior console I don’t care if it looks worse as long as it runs at the same FPS
I am form India and I wait to available Mobile version 😁..
Congratulations switch players 🥰
For a next video Please do ar rewiew
swtich 30fps we cannot play see until eyes can spoli so blur hope can go up to 60 fps:))
what the fuck is this my guy
I’m having fun with the Switch port. I’m just having a little trouble with viewing enemies at a distance. Can you increase sharpness of the image with the current resolution?
720 docked
540 handle
Both with 30 fps
Nice work 🖖🏻
Waiting for the mobile version release it fast .
How many pathfinder reskins do yoy want
Is anyone noticing that if you have skins unlocked and stuff on ps4 but when switch say link to get your locker but dont making you pay extra 20 for battle pass on switch and play characters that dont have your favorite skin cause it’s on ps4
Toilet legends
We go crazy 😜 we don’t play them games 👿 i am flast 💨
can’t wait for it too come too gameboy!
Omg it’s out on EU
I’ll be winning some games while I’m in the starbucks toilet seat using their wifi 😈
I’m so glad that me and my brother can play together now 😁.
Thats nice. My brother lives in another country and playing together on handheld is
Is there Vc in apex?
It’s not out on the switch I’m sad but Electronic arts if you see this comment i’m pretty sure you’ll be happy Because. On the E shop and my Xbox I have all of the electronic arts games so it puts a smile on my face 😃
Finally I can play with my cousin on this game
It’s not comeng up yet?
why is it not out yet
give me the gam pls I been waiting forever.
como tardan en sacar el maldito juego no?
will we need switch on line PLS im not allowed to get switch online and i really want to play
put the god damm game up now you delay it one more time not 1 person will like you
I am waiting nothing is out
I like when companies give a shit to bring these sorts of titles to Nintendo platforms. I still enjoyed the COD’s on the Wii and Wii U. Why don’t they care to at least try and bring COD to the Switch? At least COD Mobile??
Hey friend, can’t wait to use that pathfinder skin
How do i bild in this game i keep trying but dosent work is it like a special buttom
enserio sale hoy
My Question is do you need switch online
bro its 4am in the morning where tf is apex legends its march 10th man wtf
They Did Switch Players Big Disrespect They Put Apex On Ps5 And Xbox Series X Before Switch
Déjà que sur xbox les textures bug bon courage les joueurs switch votre jeu va être en 144p
Can I use PS4 play with my friend?he use Swich。
Is on switch just 30 fps or more ?
I want the path skin for my console
This was a liar to not download Apex Nintendo
Yey apex on swicht
we are the 9 march and I can’t download apex legende on my nintendo switch.
Any news for England
Haber ahora porque lo retasaron para el 10 🥺
I hate you! The release date has been postponed AGAIN I haven’t slept but it’s over now. Even if it comes, I don’t download the game. Enough
Its 2:00 pm how is the game not on sale
Salut la comu FR, vous avez une heure ?
Totally came out at twelve
Ну почему (
What time is the launch I have my switch to download it and play
Can’t wait for this to drop today.
À quelle heure il sera dispo au téléchargement svp? Toujours rien pour le moment je comprends pas…
I finally gonna do a 360 while a doing a crap
Not everyone making jokes about switch. Like I get it, you’re jealous that you can’t play Apex everywhere like switch players but still no reason to put a console down like that. If you are still doing console war, you are probably the 9 year old. Grow up…
Espero que no sea un port malo como el mortal kombat
today is march 9, but i can´t install
When is it coming out today in the uk
Через 4 часа уже 10 марта, разработчики умерли все что ли ?
Its March 9, can’t wait till 12pm
Ayo please dont make the autoaim as op as fortnites autoaim
Today we eat new players 😎
So can we build ?
Omg tanks tanks
Buen día, a que hora estará disponible Apex ya es 9 de marzo, y pues muero de ansiedad jajajaja
0:09 Faster, faster, fast..- *dies*
I’m just wandering what time cause ITS THE 9TH
Se vendieron por switch y yo no tengo dinero para gastar en la suscripción 😔
Libera logo o download
Espero que tenha em português tbm
Cade? To esperando pra download que horas vão liberar??
Hmm i don’t know how to feel , next cold war on switch ?
And the 60 fps nintendo???? X’d
where the hell is the download button
Apex legends sera disponible sur nintendo switch lite aussi ?
Add cross progression
And I’m from nintendo
apex does not install APEX LEGENDS to me
I am prepared for this
А когда на мобилу?)
Now we just need it on mobil 😀
09.03.2021 im trying to install and… it says Upcoming can someone help me?
The Day They Come Out with The Kill Leader Perk! Will Be The Day!
Apex mobile IS COMING
형들 스위치 에이팩스 언제나와…
ไม่เปิดสักทีล่ะ รอนานแล้วนะ
Only 3 more hours left
Thanks apex my ps4 broke and I had a Nintendo switch but I couldn’t play apex so thanks
Wish you wouldve shown actual nintendo gameplay, no way it looks that good on switch
0:9 Top 10 anime deaths
Wait is that the pathfinder skin?
Looks cool
30 fps just like Overwatch was. Was a awful experience for someone who went from PC to Switch on the go. good for kids but if you play on console or pc 30 fps is almost unplayable for shooters. Best shooters on switch run at 60 fps – Splatoon and Rogue Company are the only shooters id touch on this thing
Mobile next 😈
So tmr…..clearing space now
No cross progression beetween pc and switch. It’s epic fail…
I don’t wont buy one more gamepass and characters again!
Real man’s have nintendo switch
Kids have ps4
Regulars have xbox pc
If I get 1 clipped by a 9 year old taking a shit I’m quitting 😩😩
Best thing about it I can link my Xbox account with it 😎
I just want to know the release hour
Wow Nintendo… you didn’t even censor the blood..
I swear if I get bodied by a switch player who’s taking a shit on the toilet I’m quoting
“This..does put a smile on my face”
half the frames, twice the fun! or something like that
Lol I have a Nintendo switch
This Apex for Switch
will there be crossplay with the other platforms?
Time for kids to get aim assist now XD
One more day and i will play on my third platform:)
Did the Game is avaiable at 12 o‘clock Tonight or at which time switch games are ready Top Play?
I bet there’s gonna be that one kid “hOw Do i BuiLd”
Definitely looks cooler than fortnite.
thats going to be playing on 3fps how much u wanna bet lol
I am glad the Switch version will get crossplay with other consoles and PC.
We gonna ignore the fact it said limited time skin 👀 now does every gaming device gets it or just Nintendo and thanks Nintendo my kd finna blast off like team rocket
4 apex on the switch
apex is the best thank you
Rip controls
All these games are just giving me more hope for switch pro.
Nice! Now I can get wiped by a ttv wraith on the go!
Words cannot describe how happy I am
yes i have a Nintendo switch and i didnt know now its 2021 and i found it on 2021 bruh lol
This is weird for Anyone to say but will apex be available for mobile
Thank you apex
There’s cross platform right
Aim assist is probably even stronger than with a controller…
Nice that Apex comes to switch. I thought it would look more like doom 1.
Considering switch has the same power as a smartphone, I think Apex legends mobile will also look like this🔥💖
Meanwhile, the Titanfall franchise is getting dusty with legitimately no care from EA or Respawn.
Only kids have got nintendo switch,so i think nobody will install apex legends
We all know it wont look nearly that good
(Im a first day player BTW)
Sweet now I can play with my daughter
Port titanfall next
game probably runs better on the switch than my PC…rip
I can already play apex but cant wait for it on switch
Can this bring back populated servers to Australians XD
Contemplating whether to get a Switch but i like shooters mainly. This just consecrated my purchase.
Lol you can see how bad the graphics are 🤣
So when it coming to mobile. I got my iPhone 3 charged and ready to go
So could this mean Titanfall 2 on switch?
I love everyone’s positivity
One more day
Can you move your account from Xbox to switch but still keep your cosmetics?
APEX LEGENDS MOBİLE 2021 2022 2023 ?
Finally the better Royale has arrived 😀
Apex for mobile
The colors on the switch look good. Way better than xbox or ps4.
easy kills on players who are playing on the switch lol
How do I get free pathfinder skin??
Is it cross progression tho. I don’t want to get it if it ain’t cross progression
Чубчик чубчик кучерявый ,а ты не вейся по ветру
So just PC footage put into a switch with Adobe Premier. Ok then.
The skin is only for switch players¿
That was some banger music Respawn gj
Mobile when?
I have a Nintendo switch hell yeah 😀
Can thet pls add this to xbox this game looks fun
Im concerned about the emotes the legends do in the trailer. we dont want apex to become fortnite
Can anyone please answer my question:
I play apex on ps4 if i put my account on my switch can i get the pathfinder skin on my ps4 account
With switch, i can literally shit on campers in my toilet 😂😂
Oh god randoms are going to be even badder.
If I could put my Xbox data into the switch I would download it
yay! One of my prayers came true, now for the second prayer…
Hey could smbd pls tell me if i can Transfer my switch account with the skin to my PlayStation account? Bcs i have a ps and switch
How do you get the skin from a limited Nintendo or for free
Welcome 13 year olds and younger to the community!!
We want apex in mobile
waitin for majic game expirience with 360-480p res and 23-24fps
Question: Will you be able to link you nintendo switch account to other accounts? I have a switch and main path on ps4. Want to know if i will be able to use the path skin on both consoles?
Kan you pls take the spitfire out rank pls it is sooo dum
Apex is shite
Can u play this on the lite
Ok when we getting apex on phone
30 fps low graphic 🤟🤟🤟
*Soooo you can make a whole new port for Apex. But you can’t un-ban my FASLEY banned account?*
I’m hyped
Congratulations to Nintendo Switch players !
I wiped a squad with a wingman the other day and it felt great. Can’t wait to try that on switch
🇹🇷 Türk oyuncuların Apex videolarını paylaşıyorum. Sen de videonu gönder yayınlansın. 🇹🇷
Wow this is great im gonna download thi-
*ok why is it 16 bits?*
20 fps
how long is the deadline for the limited-time pathfinder skin?
Petition for apex to add a offline mode like asphalt 9 releasing on switch
chow do you get the pathfinder skin becaus i have a nitendo switch
Hmm, I only ask one thing: Can I link my Ps4 account to my Switch account so I can get the skin and levels while on the switch and then go to my ps4 with those levels?
where is genshin impact?
\\\٩( ‘ω’ )و ////フォー!!
I will stream mobile !
Bring mobile !!!!!!!
이거 몇판하면 스위치 불타겠네 ㅋㅋ
Who’s watching this in 2019?
and apex mobile?
Will it be cross play too? Cuz im gonna kill the shit all of Switch players 🙂
FPS どれくらい出るのかな?
Cant wait intel mobile version comrs out
this will weigh around 30GB on the Nintendo Switch which itself is only 32GB
Will there be cross progression for my Xbox account?
Fix invalide tocken
Fix the severs first then do what u want
now just gimme fucken cross save
I Wanna a Titanfall 3 🙁
Is this a meme?
Bro, why does this appear on my recommended after 4 FRICKING days
Pobrecitos los de switch, no sólo estarán jodidos por los servidores de mierda si no que irán a 20 FPS
Lulll 4k 60fps
Im ready for a 3 fps Gameplay😈🙏
So do you need a code for the skin or does it come automatically once you download it?
It took them 8 seasons to take it to switch smh
I want to know can you sign in to your account to grind at anytime anywhere? Like you sign into your ps4 account and grind
Its gonna be worse
Pito para el que hable ingles XD
millions of smerfs
Se ve mejor que el free fire😂
Can you make so i dont average on 30 fps with the lowest possible settings
This is good news cuz switch is a 300$ tablet when it came out …. And phones now are way more powerful than a switch now sooo
apex on mobile (just maybe)
Waiting for mobile version
I own a switch but I play on pc so I’ll be looking forward to absolutely reck the 9 year olds coming from FoRtNiTe and turning off the cross play feature so I only play with switch players xD
don`t buy herloom next season your bangalore will be trash. like others now. wraith trash pathfinder trash now nerf gibby and caustic . fuck mirage and octane in rank they are usless
If I ever see a Nintendo switch pred I’m killing myself
Drop y’all switch names
Bro fee pathfinder skin less gooooooooooooooo
Will I be able to link accounts?
а трейлер баффа каустика когда?
480p 21 fps moment
Imagine they will crossplay
_And meet PC user_
I can’t wait to get a 30 bomb on nintendo switch servers hehehhe
i cant wait for it
Still waiting for apex legends mobile
Mobile device are waiting 😍😍🥰
Can Kings Canyon be the only map please
Pc is better
i have switch line ._.
Me and my brother waited for this now well be playing im on pc hes Nintendo
Brilliant keep going on
Dang Nintendo switch cam out faster than K&M comptainability on ps4
I’m really dissapointed
Please i redeem skin in ma Nintendo but with ma account in PS4 but don’t have a cross account
I hope it has gyro aiming
Free kills
I’m watching this and thinking “Is there somebody that seriously thinks this game is dead?” I mean, look at it. They even carried it on Switch after two years. This game is all but dead.
PSA to all switch players: dont turn on crossplay
We’ve waited so long it’s like a “yay….” with that little birthday Kazoo noise for me.
Stil not mobile?
Pa cuando pa movil
I want Cross-Save because I lose My progress in Xbox
My skins of events and exclusive
Nintendo? Are you seriously? What’s about SEGA? KEKW
Sick “gameplay”
imma ready to crash some nintendo player sculls
I have nintendo switch lite,i play apex legends?
We need cross save!!!!
Ea giving a free skin what kind of twisted reality is this
Man all I want is my cosmetic crap from xbox to PC.
Are they gonna be crossplaying with Xbox and PS?
Finally I have been waiting for this
Does it work on nitendo switch lite
My friend is asking
Why graphics seems so low?😐
This game looks realistic even on nintendo switch
When mobile trailer?
im gonna be gaming with the 10 fps 480p !!!!!!!!!
3 fps
0:42 アジャイ・”チェ”
I was getting scared because I didn’t see the jumping or sliding shotgun or sniper shot they do in all their trailers but then they did it, another successful trailer
Finns run 30fps
Me still playing fortnite when it releases;)
Cant wait
Another alt account yay lol because cross progression is a sin apparently
yeah maybe u can fix ur god damn server , the server of this game is suck as hell
let’s be honest… The switch could barley maintain a 20 FPS with a game like Apex
Time to main Pathfinder even more!
1080 30FPS, Otro juego más que no podremos disfrutar bien :((
I will be playing this
the mobile version has to be the same for us to play all together just like epic did in fortnite.
Time to kick some weeb ass boys… The Nintendo people are trying step in
Running at 21 FPS
I am a nintendo switch player and i am happy this is coming to switch😁
put gyro controls on PS4 as well since it’s supported on switch
Four more day’s boys!
I have switch so ye
Time to get me a path skin
PS4 60fps、PC 240fps
Switch 30fps😂😂
This isn’t actual gameplay if it was the switch would’ve froze
Now, now I have a good reason to have a Nintendo Switch 👌🏻😎
ready for the 15 fps😩
e pra pc fraco os cara num faz uma otimização foda 🙁
Apex mobile update?
20 fps
Switch online is required?
Ahhhh!! Can’t wait
ya quiero ser apex predator en nintendo switch xd
30 fps
I highly doubt the graphics and FPS is that good on switch for a 32GIG device
I’m so Ready
I dont have any consoles except an switch so I can finally switch from grinding in overwatch and fortnite and go to apex (:
0:10 Sometimes go slow
Surprised to see a skin for the switch that’s free. None of the games has done this.
15 fps
If I get the pathfinder skin on switch does that go onto my ps4?
Will we be able to use our other accounts on the switch??
so 60 or 30 fps
as much as i love the nintendo switch, i wouldn’t bother playing it on there since i have a ps4 and pc…
They brought roblox graphics to apex 😮
Y en teléfono
Cadê os br
Yes now I can play whit my friend
app store for phones
very late apex
When will the game come to Android?
Apex in 144p?
Just fyi, the Japanese Nintendo Direct showed off this game running at 60fps.
Arrange your servers so you can play better ping
3 fps
Let’s goooo
I hope there is a way to link accounts… I dont want to leave all my stuff behind…😢
Apex Mobile is next
fps: 10
Ok that mean it can come to phone
No saben la frustración que les espera
Maybe It’s time to buy Switch
Good thing i have a switch
I have a switch and I’m so excited for apex in 4 Days and for the free pathfinder skin!!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!
good luck guys
it’s not good but it’s really good for a hand held Console
you guys think we can transfer the Pathfinder skin from Switch to PC?
your sayin you can play a game with packet gb can be played on the nintendo that can barely play fortnite will work?
Took you guys long enough welp guess it’s time to feel most alive…
pk is comin back to the lootpool
I got the Nintendo Switch when they first announced Apex legend for it a year ago. So excited to know we will finally be able to play it.
Slight problem with this. Itll probably be an overwatch situation where its like 2 fps on switch and the g-7 and 30-30 will become more useless than a dead clam
expectation: 1080p trailer. reality: apex 144p low
i CANT wait to harass all this switchers in pubs
I have a switch and this is amazing news!!!! thank you Apex!!!!
30fps or 60fps ?
Am I a omega virgin for maining path
New devices, nice experience
If Nintendo switch is cross platform that’s easy rp
Seems you guys are… switching it up a bit.
Couple more months and it’s coming to mobile 😩
Why are apex trailers so DAMN GOOOD!!!
Yaaaay now we dont have to only play fortnite
Can’t wait to make a smurf account the day this releases
When fix for Connection rejected: invalid token no marker????? Cant play 3th season……
Graphics 📉
g’day Nintendo switch..bring the party
New kils
it looks like my low graphics pc
oh great we got to teach people how not to take dibed stuff and teach them how every legend works
can you put your account on there from a different device that you have apex legends on
10fps gg
when will the game be released for mobile devices?
cant wait Mario and Zelda dlc
the frames tho
The graphics are horrendous oh well, at least I’m on PC
Ну что мужики, кто пойдёт играть после выхода?
2 fps de. Una
shit on the enemy squads while you shit on the toilet
am I gonna buy a Nintendo switch now? course I am
Why they do octane like that?
I dont care that the pathfinder skin will be used by everyone, I’ll see you all on march 9th
Mobile ???
Is there going to be Crossave?
will nintendo switch have crossplay?
1 fps incoming
We better be able to link accounts now or I am going to be mad
Downloading apex on my switch just to shit on everyone
Aim assist again like ps 4 or ps 5 and xbox?
Me (player pc): no.. god please no…….. 😭😭😭
I got a switch and ps4 time to get a 20 Bomb🌚
Day 1. I wish I could transfer my 1100+ hours of content from Xbox to Switch
does it 15 or 30 fps?
Pasti buriq
I wa
Nt a
Ndroid 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Whens mobile coming
Just one question, am i gonna be able to transfer my progress from Ps4 to Switch, or even PC and Switch? If not, i’m not even gonna touch this. I have a Switch, a Ps4 and a Pc but i just play Apex on Ps4 because of no cross-progression.
When is its time on the phone
I have a phone but I can’t afford a switch so GG sayonara
FINALLY, now put mouse and keyboard can be playable in ps4
With Nintendo Online god no
ah yes the 10 fps 😍😍
Apex Legends Mobile Android ???
Xbox Series x and ps5:60fps?
Nintendo switch:25fps
Gamers:oh yes
If exist in switch exist in SmarthPhone
30 or 60 fps ???????
Depuis que j’attends ça 😁
What about cross progression console to PC any updates?
I think that crypto should be improved, for example, when it destroys one of the enemies to steal his identity and thus end the opposing team
Can i connect my normal account to my nintendo switch or i have to start a new account?
Idk why they always do path skins especially when it comes to patches and buffs they forget about him
How did u make it to be possible to run this extremely high hardware performance requirements game on ns?
This is not a problem that can be solved by optimizing code efficiency.
‘Gameplay Trailer’
yo quiero una swich para poder hacer la revision del juego ni modo saludos.
Man, I hope they put in gyro aiming
so your telling me that you release it on Nintendo now when i just finished getting a pc so i can play the game, because i had a Nintendo and it wasn’t available and then right as i finish setting it up and test the pc guess what i see on my recommended😢
Its a me! A mastiff!
I hope for 60 fps…
I’m number 25 for kills this season with wraith my in-game username is VirusSC0N3 I have 7k kills with wraith so it’s ganna be easy to get that up going against stupid Nintendo players
Lol these Nintendo players are gonna get dogged on
This mean titanfall 2 can run in switch
Lol kinda feel bad for em kids gonna think he’s sweet otw to school nd get clapped with all his friends watching
Now even more 3rd parties shall come fourth
“Bring the party” mario
Se ve bastante mal :/
This is gonna be dope can’t wait to play
Pls you already know you wont be able to turn that smoothly unless u have the pro controller. The switches joycons scare me
I hope is Cross play. I Play on PS4 Pro. I Destroy the Switch Player🤣🤣🎉🎉🎉
So easy 🤣🤣🎉🎉🎉
It puts smile on my face so I don’t gotta play fortnite everyday lmao
Very interesting (no)
millions of players and it takes forever to find a match lol
one reason why i need a nintendo😌
Im so bad at Apex on PC i’ll resort on playing Switch without Crossplay
I want that path skin but my ass on ps4;(
Will you be able to link your switch to your origin account and get the skin on pc aswell?
Yo HOL’UP your telling me that we require a micro sd card for this game when I can play on fucking PlayStation pff’t hell that’s to much space
If Apex hits NS then it has to hit mobile
Wait doesn’t fuse say the word ass in one of his quotes
i cant wait to buy it does it work on nintendo switch lite can anyone tell me if it work on nintendo switch lite
Yes finally
Bruh ima die to a nintendo player watch
Oh how I love playing on a tiny screen in 720p 25fps
Gibby throws down a bubble shield and runs face first into fuzes ultimate
I have a switch and a phone . Nothing else so I’m rly happy that I get to play now
Cant wait to play… on march 9th lol i am gonna download i have a question… do you need member ship?
idk why it looks easier to play on the switch
Lifelines accent is so annoying
Can I link my xbox account to this one?
30fps ok
eww imagin playing on switch lul apex give em extra aim assist
server pc lag banget sekarang crosplay tai
hilangkan crosplay biar ga lag
Free 20 bomb badge
Some cocky bastard when they see my Switch Pathfinder skin: “Easy kill”
Me, dunking on said cocky bastard: “Easy kill”
A 30 fps le va a ir
Can’t wait for 20fps experience! YIKES
My friend can finally play with me now
As someone who has both switch and xbox, can i get it just for the pathfinder skin and then have it on my xbox?
Let’s hope we can play for free
Back then: No I don’t think we can put Titanfall 2 in a Switch.
hell yeah, prepare for the ez wins pc players
switch users will be lootbags lol
I play on pc but I can’t get the skin 😔
If you delay the release date again, I’m not gonna spend my money on bangalore’s heirloom
Ive been checking the eshop everyday since autumn started and we finally have an ETA
I feel like apex on switch should be its own thing because if it isnt it could makes the game more limited
Can I get the Skin on PC when I link my EA Account with my Switch?
Anyone else hoping they’ll release cross-progression?
I’ve been waiting for a long time for this to be in switch
Lmao controller drift go brrr
please have 60 fps please have 60fps please have 60fps
Is switch going to have cross play like other platforms
But can I have my data from ps4 to the switch?
waiting for mobile release
When is this being released
this is cool and all but we need account merging or cross progression
Imagine getting killed by a guy taking a crap on the toilet😂
But is there any possible way that ps4 players can add their account on it tho
I love your hand work Morgan harck on Instagram keep it up thanks to you for helping me to unband my account
Do we have to play with pc?
Imagine cross play with switch player haha . easy wins
O mg welcome Nintendo swit um Apex 🙂
Checkout my YT! I go off in my recent Apex video, make sure to leave a like !, all of my videos will not waste your time. (3/4/2021) at 5:17 Pm, Central Time)
I would be so hyped if only they had cross progression. I don’t feel like starting over 😔
I definitely been waiting for this. I hope you guys bring cross progression soon 🙏
Time to link accounts
Im getting this not only for the pathfinder skin, but for the fun
I hope there is a way to transfer currency and legends, but I doubt there will be. I really don’t want to get all my legends and cosmetics back.
Tem que melhorar sevido tá muitos rui no Xbox one. Legg tá correndo. ping tá rui de mais ajuda aí
They should add those emotes/dances to the game
Am I really gonna restart for the 4th time? YOUR DAMN RIGHT I AM
Everyone laughing at switch players coming to the game but wait till nintendo players dominate
10fps pog
idk u ever heared of Cross saving?
When android
Ahhh yes.. More people to drop bombs on 😈
Yeah good but when exclusive skin for ps4 abd xbox
only 5 days and i will play with pathfinder
Graphics actually look really good for it
Does are accounts link onto Nintendo switch
Took a while, glad to see it.
As a fan of Apex Legends this is cool but please please please fix the servers, disconnecting every match and the consistent lag during every fight is very inconvenient
So, cross progression when?
Might have to swoop the pathfinder skin
If there was cross progression I would be in immediatly. But so its just kinda cool. I mean it is by far the best BR out there and my favorite game at the moment so I am happy when our community grows but cross progession would be just amazing…
Watch me get an 20 bomb in my first game 🤣
I will buy a switch for that skin
Im glad I found a 128 gb micro sd in my house yesterday
Imagine the gameplay at 30 fps
so cross progression right?
Bring cross-progression!
I have a feeling it will be like Fortnite. 30fps and won’t look too good
You better work on crossaving 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
now i wish my switch didnt brake
Ohhhhh shit we here go aggain 30FPS!
this is gonna be hella fun, i hope
Lol time to clap some nintendo bots
I got the Nintendo just in time!!!🌚👍✨
I love Apex legends!!!
Ez 20 kills
Uff it comes 20 bomb
I’m trying to see the voice chat
I have PC my friend have Nintendo switch i can play with him ?
can we have emote?🙏🏻
Wow looks like shit🤩🤩
Are we gonna be able to bring our other console stuff to the switch apex?
30 FPS or 60fps?
Cool, but why is the trailer on Nintendo’s youtube channel age restricted?
Will the switch be able to handle it?
I hope this will lead the way for other source games to come to the Switch
I can’t wait anymore just release the game why do yall want us to wait
I have owned basically every console… and just lemme say… I can’t wait to have Nintendo kids joining us on crossplatform! the analogue sticks for every switch controller I have bought simply does not compare to that of Xbox… and with their obvious cap on framerate… woowee! I’ll be playing at an advantage being at 4k 60fps with a controller that has more precision 🤗
is this how PC players feel about now having the option to play against console players?
I personally am not threatened by the apparent “superiority” of the mouse and keyboard. I understand how the mouse may help with snappier precision aiming… but the keyboard is so binary, which like… makes all movement patterns way more basic
bruh i have a Nintendo switch by its charging port got destroyed unfortunately
Dear developers, please add Jack Cooper as a character to apex legends
Ahhhhh lo voy a descargar >:)
Me and my squad seeing a switch player spam crouch with spitty Us:OH HELL NO,RUN B RUN
Nintendo : Apex legends will realese on switch soon! *2021 starts and it still isn’t on switch* Nintendo: Apex legends is on switch now 😀
Apex legends is Best game fortnite for Kids 😂
why are people being so toxic about more people being able to play the game you like playing, just let everyone have fun and play? xd
will there be cross progression??
Crossplay ?
Where is my Mario’s skin
Pour les 10 ans d’apex legends on aura droit à du son. Les devs me l’ont dit… et pour les 20 ans un nerf de Gibraltar…
Something tells me the aim assist on the switch is broken😭😭😭
Nintendo switch players:Welp console and pc players get ready.
“Let’sa go” can’t wait for March 9
The lobbies are gonna be a cake walk now for awhile 😂
Joy con drift squad
Hell yeah bois
Are those taunts/emotes at 0:37 👀
When even Respawn knows that Fuse’s ult is useless
Why can not play apex in keyboard and mouse in xbox :((
I know I gonna suck but I’m still exited to be able to play on switch
Show já estava na hora
Finally, a good FPS Game on Switch
Выглядит конечно страшненько. Но это лучше чем его бы не было
Can you use SPECIAL characters while choosing a name?
Finally, I can play while going to war with the toilet
Edit: I got a squad wipe while taking a crap. My dad took my switch but it was worth it
crossplatform with pc? i hope
I love the game but can you please fix the stupid third party situation or add a feature where barrels add suppress because I was about to get 5K damage and I died to a third partyb
If you don’t make something to unify accounts this shit not going to float.
Fortnite has it, Warzone has it, how difficult can it be?
Or, do you want to keep boosting your player numbers with accounts from consoles?
Phone version ?!… waiting
a wait so long for this to come on switch then i switch to kkeyboard and mouse and it only just came out🤣
What a loadout wingman and kraber, that is def the average loadout!
Now this is how you grind to pred bring out in the store
I just hope this adds some player to the Bahrain server. Deserted server af , comes in top 5 most unused things on this planet after 3 of my teammate’s brain’s. 🤞
Looks good but can I use my mii characters though 😂
Bruh this is just same apex but you can play it in the bathroom.
You don’t understand how long I’ve been waiting
Lets go pathfinder skin
Maybe the peacekeepers coming back🤩
I’m sooooo hyped I can’t wait for this to come out and
Is there a Time limit of getting the free pathfinder skin
I hope no one thinks that is actual switch gameplay footage lol, I would be shocked if this port is optimized considering how poorly the gameplay ran on Xbox One
Jeep locked and loaded permanent ffs
The game is gonna look like Winter-3 Livesrteam…
imagine getting 360 kraber by a player thats taking a crap
dear apex legends, i went into the boxing ring then came out of it and couldent do anything but move couldent shoot couldent punch couldent even loot deathboxes
LOL that’s trailer i don’t even see a gameplay
This game dead. Never care that this game comming to switch. Unbalanced characters. So much bugs, server lagg, bad ranked system, bad matchmaking.
Bad optimation. What you think? Who like play with this shit bugged game played?
They are only money hungry dogs, but they cant developing this game. For this dead titanfall serie becuz they zero brain haved.
This game dont need fcking skill becuz if need skill then they nerfed fast. This game only to noobs.
If this really was captured on switch, this looks amazing
I dont understand why everyone says switch is bad
now i can play with my bro
POV: You’re trying to make a banger comment
I just can’t wait for this to come out
Cool but add cross progression
mopail no
Plz tell me this is on lite… Cuz if not ima be pissed… Lol
This is my plan to ruin someone’s day
I’ve been playing for years on pc with a controller
I have a controller adapter on my switch (i use an xbox controller)
I’m gonna use the pathfinder skin so people think they got smacked by a child on a switch
but it’s really a rank sweat who plays too much
Thanks for fixing pathfinder lol
Yes i can kill littel bots
Greaaat more bots to play with 🙄😂
Ok that’s dope.. but what about the next gen version?..
Just saying i think that the new pathy skin should be for everyone. Or like skin for each platform.
Octane – xbox
Pathfinder – nintendo
Mirage – playstation
Wraith – pc
My question is the game is in 30fps or 60fps
I wait so long…
15fps ^ 480p
Very excited
Yey lets go
Imma get pathfinder skin and then People will think I’m a noob 😂
Question, is gonna out with crossplay with other plataforms?
Everyone thats not a switch owner: oh mo its gonna be a 7 yo who scream into their mic
Me: xbox 360 chat flashbacks
Literally just got a switch and was wondering if I could play on it then what do ya know! Question answered!
Спасибо за мыло и 30fps. 🤮
At least ill quit fortnite because I got bored enough
Finally some good fucking news today
I feel like the controls are gonna be difficult af to manage, for me anyways
When are Xbox players finally able to turn off crossplay? PS4 and pc players can turn it off from the settings but Xbox can’t..?
Really wish cross saving was a thing
Yeah,are you ready for MOBILE 🔥🔥
Source engine error
No way it’s cosplay too I can play with my dad and also a style for Pathfinder hopefully I can be cracked as much as I’m cracked on fortnite
Ready to get some easy wins on Switch lul
Cyberpunk 2077 on Nintendo Switch
Was that 60fps?
is this cross platform?
It took that long for Apex to go on switch like I have a Lotta good stuff and good skins and lots of good gun wraps oh my Xbox and now how am I going to put all of that on my switch
is nintendo online subscription needed?
I wish they could bring it to mobile because I’m a mobile player
why does no luck for heirloom for octane main??
Imagine getting my ass wiped by toilet paper and a wet wipe because we all know just tp isn’t enough.
Fortnite copy
Como se nota la pantalla verde xd, demás que va a 2 fps xd
Fix te server’s
Ok but I want the exact hour 😭😭😭😭to be the first one to buy it 😂💀
Ahh yes let’s give them exclusive skins because why not
ok i’m gonna be honest, for the switch this game looks really good so fsr
Japan March 10
I feel so Good🤘🤘
I can’t wait to play on my beloved Switch!!
I will buy the season pass for making it possible to bring Switch, of course Im going to enjoy it with new characters 🙂
Thanks guys! It is great!
I want them to put apex on phone🙏
Yo creo que ni es un gameplay de verdad de la switch xd. Esto va ser tipo Expectativas vs realidad.
Kapan versi mobile nya?
Tbh the normal console graphics aren’t that good so I would expect switch to handle apex pretty well
Imagine getting squad wiped by a kid on the school bus going to school 😂
Switch players be ready
Apex Mobile😁
Not bad
Ass solos because I have no friends
Add solos
Please let me transfer my other console data. I have so many skins and hours poured into this game, Nintendo. Please.
When is cross progression coming I just got a PC and I wanna link my xbox account
2010 is here hahahahahahaha🤣🤣🤣🤣
PC Player: 144fps and more
Switch Player: 30fps with heavy fps drops 🤣🤣😂 good crossplay 🤣😂Next Step Apex legends on Mobile 🤣😂
Switch version with 60fps or 30fps ?🤔🤔 480p in handheld and 720p dock mode 🤔😂😂
Finally been waiting since last year 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
20 kill ez
Oh yea ez kill
pathfinder mains when they see the new skin: *SWITCH TIME*
EDIT: how the hell did i get all these lieks
Cross platform for switch ?
so exitced
How does this actually look so good
This is why I am lucky
Bruhh a kar and a wing man? Like to live dangerous huh
Now I’m expecting BOWSER to be a new legend. 🙂
I’m so excited now!!!!!! Can’t wait!
They really recolored Pathfinder’s red and white skin to be white and red.
Missed opportunity for Joy-Con colors, man.
Lmao- I play on a switch lite 💀
so a fucking tablet can handle this game but my ps pro shuts down every time
How the hell do I get 7 no regs in a row fix tha game shit
lmao this shit gonna run at 40 FPS
and if its cross play yall are gonna get ALOT of bad team mates
Y’all must of knew i was looking for it in the App Store brooooo🥳🥳
Path skin be dope tho
the pathfinder skin is just a reverse color scheme of Angel City Pacer
Why the fuck are some of the characters dancing? Emote hints maybe?
Como un poco tarde,no?
Ahh that’s hot
cant wait to get all those nintendo scrubs on my squad with their shit internet speeds cuz Switch’s dont come with an ethernet port.
I probably won’t buy anything on Switch. Bcs I play on Pc. But I’m hyped to test it out!
Respawn should make it so if you play with a friend who has a switch you get the Pathfinder skin to
Oh god, its laggy enough
I would love the pathfinder skin but cross save isn’t a thing don’t think I should play on 4 platforms but maybe
My favorite legends are Bloodhound and Horizon ❤
I hate this >:c
What about cross progression
Wait, so switch players get a re-skin of a gold pathfinder skin just for being o switch? Like what the f*ck. I’ve been playing for forever and I never got a gold ski for doing nothing.
Brrroooooooo nooo switch is bad how r they even gonna play tho with that 30 fps
Big possibility coming to mobile device
Switch players are gonna get 30 free levels of the battle pass!!! now that is so generous
Here we go, switch players can’t wait to play against y’all lol 😂
i would but cross progression still isn’t a thing
Idk if anyone’s seeing this but can you link accounts from another console?
How about you fix the laggy ass nigh unplayable servers before you bring the game to another platform?
Emotes in apex?? 0-0
Is this crossplatform
This game really said “Play on the go”
I play apex on my pc,xbox and now I can play it on my Nintendo switch :]
My eyes
A whole 5 fps
Not bad respawn thanks for bringing all the fortnite switch players over for me to kill and t bag their bodies
Thank you for putting it on switch
Is it going to have crossplay too?
No way man
there will be a lot of fresh meat to slaughter when it comes out ahahahha
Mine as-well play on phone then this
Okay who is day 1 smurfing?
I don’t understand how everybody is okay with Switch’s graphical capability
Hey! More legends coming to town!
I have a switch but I want to hear something does this need online
Im so hyped broooo lets goooo
Ok i have an Idea… How about you don’t bring this Game on every Platform, but fix your fucking Matchmaking!!!
OMG, this graphics…
If anybody in my lobby comes in playing on their switch. I’m roasting the hell out of them.
I wonder if you can link us your old account
On my birthday huh? Pog, looking forward to it
C’mon, P.A.T.H. is the best name for a skin you can come up with?
There better be gyro aim
About to be shooting back to back
apex is the worst game aver
Im getting it on the switch and gonna use my ps4 settings with a pro controller. And on my first game I will get a 20 kill win
Can i play this with a switch lite?
Yes finally I been waiting last year and it finally came
Apex will event skins ever come out like tombstick because we missed the event?
How Can console players get that path skin?
2M SUSSCRAB😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😊😊😊🤩
I feel bad for all the people on the switch who want to play games like this but the controller drifts
bruh i m waiting for 30 fps
Can i play on my Xbox-EA account on switch
So a 30 fps game in guessing
“With a free limited-time pathfinder skin!”
Me : i doubt it.
Wth mobil
Hopefully cross progression will be here when it comes out on switch
Where mobile werthion?
I’ve waited so long for this!
I want want to play this on switch lite
How many kids Is coming
The trashy dedication cytologically chase because museum unlikely whip failing a naive suggestion. kindhearted, grandiose beautician
The gameplay looks very good
Can we get motion control aiming?
Skin qla fea que nos van a dar pero porlomenos tendremos el juego
At least it comes on the switch when i get payed
I just can’t wait to play Alex Legends on a 720p display
Welcome to 480p fellas!
Took 3 season to bring it out?
Android next
What deal with satan himself did they have to make to get this running on the switch?
0:22 Does this suggest there will be emotes in game? I have thought of that before and I would love it
Wait. Will the Nintendo Switch skin transfer over to my ps4 and pc Pathfinder as well?
IMAGINE…the most optimized version of Apex is going to be on the Switch…720p peeps knocking you while you shout netcode-curses at your $1,000 monitor.
if i had to choose between cross play or progression i would choose cross progression in a heart beat
Seeing all the nice comments here puts a smile on my face and ALMOST makes me forget twitter exists
I feel like this was long over due, I already was hearing rumors for a couple months though, about time
So little info to everyone:
Shut Crossplay down or you will getting clapped by an 7 years old with fkn auto aim of death
Switch gets a skin but Xbox pc and PlayStation don’t? Or is there something I’m missing
Old add cross progression
Mow port this version for pc so i can play eith smoth fps
Finna be some ez lobbies
I was laughing when I heard I’ll high-five you all when I see u
Yo. Fix the game duuuude
Your game is buggggg as fuck
More people to kill
Ca serait sympa de mettre en place la cross save aussi.
графоном можно взять и обмазаться
30fps? or 25fps?
Still your cross platform play never matchmakes in ps4 f u
# finally
Fix your dumb skill based matchmaking
so cool
can you play between nintendo switch and ps4/xbox when it comes out?
Welcome to the Apex Games Switch players! It’s good to have you here!
The quality is better than I expected
They just grave some trailers of other seasons and put it with a image of Google of a nintendo switch
Skull town skull town skull town skull town skull town skull town please
Why is this happening? No cross save, will play and look like shit most likely. Not sure on this.
Finally, I get to play apex on my switch!!!!
oi will we be able to use are accounts from other Platforms to use on the switch I really don’t wanna make a new account 🙁
Can’t wait to be matched with a switch player so they can carry me
Finally 🌟
I guess it’s time to get one, I’ve been waiting for a reason, I thought Tekken 7 would get ported, but Apex is even better
Joycon players Vs pro controller players
My friend has been waiting so long to play this game on switch I can flex my heirloom on him finally
I love apex legends my favoryt game .
Welcome Baby Legends
But crossplay?
I quit the game because the black lives matter thing it’s stupid
Ok, but can we switch accounts though?
Yes switch players are raising
*stands up like Mike Lowery* shit just got real…..
PC > Switch > Other consoles
Maybe I should buy nintendo switch
10 fps gaming. Uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
My brother and old neighbor will be so happy
Can’t wait to drift.
Yesssssssssssssdsss!!!!!!!!!!!!uebdidbdidgsmdvjsvehs finally?!!!!!! Thank you wait a pathfinder ski is it free
I swear to god if I get trick shot by little Timmy using joycons I’m done with the game
9march say hello to all fortnite kids
We don’t actually have to play with the people on the switch tho right? I don’t want switch players on my squad
i need emote take L please
Ah yes finally I can get the 20 bomb badge
Why do I feel like it’s gonna be locked to 20-30 FPS
Se ve tan mal que serán lobbys bots cuando te encuentres gente de switch
Yay I’m so glad I can play my favorite game on my new switch!
The Graphics are bad, but it isnt the graphics that count; its the gameplay. And this, this, is a YES YES
I got a Nintendo so that is good
This is cool and all, but this is gonna run at 30 fps 🙁
Are they going to be in cross play lobby’s? 😳😐
What I want to know is can I cross over my saved data, and if I can how do i
Hopefully the gameplay does run smooth like this .there’s a lot of trailer show perfect gameplay but when people actually play, it’s terrible
playing that on the switch is going to be difficult. i’ve played overwatch on the switch, it is not fun
sorry apex but im on playstation now i just threw away my switch lol
oh shoot look boys it finally came out since they announced it on 2020
People will hit 1 shot outta 80
Okay if there are “millions” of players why do I keep playing the same mlg sweat lords in my public matches.
all right ima buying nintendo
Pobre gente de switch no saben los que les espera. Apex quiere trolear a todo el mundo con su ineptitud.
Is there gonna be cross play?
Your game is the worst and what identifies it is the lag and
Let us buy old music packs please! For the Love of god…
The Graphics Are Gonna Be Terrible 😭
looks perfect considering.
I have Nintendo and am getting when it comes out btw it will come out march 9
But can there be cross progression?
I need to get an Nintendo switch controller lol
bro the switch is gonna be running like 20 FPS lmao
Mobile soon?
The day i see i switch player in predator….
Bro I’m so hyped I was waiting for apex to come to the Nintendo switch
0:40 “take your legend with you” WAIT DO WE HAVE CROSS PROGRESSION!!!
Imagine getting squad wiped by a 9 year old in the back seat of there mom’s car.
Update: they made a new trailer and it’s got a little girl in the backseat of her moms car playing.
yo, so how do i enable switch graphics on my pc doe?
. . .asking for a friend . . .
More players to join the fight
Is there any way i can get the pathfinder skin on switch and then transfer it to my ps4?
Gonna be so funny when a bot is in the real lobbies cause switch ass
Will switch even be able to render graphics lmao
Well…maybe now I can drop a 4K
Still waiting for gta 5
and the gamelay? XD
Do I only go against switch players if I play this?
There’s a real game for just 30 seconds, if not less. But the skin is cool.
Will einer ein Fortnite acc für 3mio Birne?🤡
idk how it will run but I’m ready to see
so basically lower resolution pc apex
My brother is getting a Nintendo switch soon this March on the 26😥
Nintendo switch gets higher fps than my ps4 -_-
My friend’s ps4 broke a year ago, and I can finally play Apex with him now! Both of us are getting really bored of Fortnite, and he has been waiting since season 6. Both of us play on Switch, and I also play on ps4. Very excited!
I think my switch lite is going to die of i play this game
Imagine saying you’re a pred on switch
It’s been 3 years since we got a battle royale on switch LMFAO
Arreglen servidores mejor
30 fps > shooter> kek
Fortnite is gonna have a tantrum
@Apex Legends I’m assuming you have real time dual control stick/gyro aiming if you’re familiar with hardcore switch FPS/Splatoon community expectations?
Are you gonna be able to log on other accounts? I play on Xbox and have all legends and level 152 so it’ll be annoying if I cant log on
I’m glad Nintendo is opening its platform to other Ports, I can’t wait to see what’s next!
Anyone waiting for Apex legends mobile ?
Will we be able to connect our ps4 account ?
PlayStation exclisive pathfinder skin?
When is this dropping for android tho ?
Great more worthless teammates for me on ranked just what i needed
Me telling my friend its out on switch so we can play.
*then realises it comes on March 9th*
That did actually happen tho lets not talk about it
I’m buying a Nintendo switch case of this
The switch is absolutely trash for shooting games
fix your bugs first
Listen I love apex and respawn but they gotta get cross progression working
Quick Question does is support mic? And crossplay?
Wow I might actually get one now
Everybody gangster till they come out with a switch pro controller with back paddles then we get a bunch of ttv sweaty switch mains
New company goes to devil’s soul collection?
Is this going to come out on Samsung smart fridge
Really wish there was cross progression. Not gonna run two separate battle passes.
Maybe I can 360 kraber by actually spinning in my living room
Something tells me people with pro controllers are just going to obliterate the joycon users
goodbye warface it was nice knowin ya
in case if you dont know what warface is its a free fps game on the switch but the developers dont listen to the community so their Killen their own game half of the player base is probably gonna leave is apex come’s out
There’s about to be some cracked switch players
Will I be able to play with all my skins and profile from Xbox?
I do think the end result will not be as how comment hyped but the game is a welcome entry regardless.
Imagine fps on this version, when ps4 version barely holds 40 fps
Where is mobil ? I will Play apex on mobil
great more aim assist to deal with
I have waited…..2 years for this…..2 YEARS….and now I don’t have to play it on my bro’s PS4 anymore.
I wonder when apex legends is coming To Mobile
It’s all about a stable framerate anyway.
“G’day kids canyon!!!”
а зачем а главное нахуя?
lets go i love pathfinder!
480p graphics
i have apex on all platforms, so i have 3 different accounts about to be 4, will linking be coming out any time soon? i need it badly
Ayooo nintendo gang rise up
imagine the graphics and the fps
The switch will explode
I’d the pk coming back
I am happy we all should be.
There will be blood.
The Path Skin!!!!!
F for no cross-progression. Unless there’s a big surprise in 8.1 I guess
Мммм..какое мыльцо))
Why does the footage look cleaner than on my ps4 ? And even the ps4 trailers lol, shadyy my friend shadyy lolll
Partner up with your friends if you have any
Give us Android too
I am so pumped
Everyone in the Game: Vibin
Wattson: 0:22 SPIN
When will you release for mobile?
Mobile, NO????
I can now play Apex legends on my 1 hour lunch break at work
Just waiting for the mobile port
Incoming stick drift players
Now it’s time to expel my anger against tryhards towards the Switch people.
Jk I don’t even think there’s natural cross play with switch people
Imagine getting bodied by a switch player & then stop playing video games because you got shit on by a kid on switch
I know it’s not very possible but hope I can use origin account on switch
If this really is switch gameplay it looks better than i thought gonna try for sure
Cant wait for free wins
Every switch apex players are gangsta til someone playing at pc using controller beat da crap out of them
Maaaaasssstifffff legend
Nintendo maaaaaasssstiffffff leeeegeedg
Wow man. I’m surprised this game is even still going, died like 4 seasons ago,gotten progressively worse every season,only way they can get more players and more people to buy battlepass or skins is to target kids on switches 🤣🙈 so embarrassing, embarrassing game, embarrassing studio, embarrassing cash grabs every season, embarrassing servers
Let’s go I can crap on trash Nintendo switch players
How much fps
No excuses now to hold back releasing Apex on Android/iOS
And i guess they still aren’t gonna fix their servers?
All we need is samsung smartfrige and phone
Getting diamond 💎 will be easy this season 😂🤣🤣
0:44 who pushes amped cover like that lol
CrOSs PrOGgreSsıON
at least they dont hide how horrible it looks
It would be funny if it got delayed again lol
Lava on the map?
I have switch yeah
Finally Apex legends in 720p 30fps in low graphics but its…. portable :DD
no grass
I am waiting for crossover so I transfer data from ps4 to Nintendo switch
Each one of those pathfinders are going to get tbagged by pc sweats.
Apex legends is officially on all platforms
I need it to come faster lol and I wonder will it have bad graphics?
Is there cross-play?
On TV 60fps or 30fps?
my expectation:getting wins
30 fps:Let me introduce myself
I guess it’s time to switch
Okay, now I want a switch!
“Gameplay trailer”
Triple A developers take note. Ports can look good and run at 60fps on the Switch, you’re just not trying hard enough.
Up next mobility
Fix the sounds.
Cross save?
FUCK Revenant
All we need is mobile now
Omg there’s a huge graphical difference XD, I don’t mind tho I’ve been wanting to play this game forever!
Aim assist god console. lol
Can’t wait to fuck up some switch noobs.
dont care without cross saves, not going to start over without my skins.
Please private server on console respawn
Fynally the game is in Nintendo switch after 1 year of waiting
😂😂😂 Free kills incoming. 😂
Very nice!
Titanfall players are in eternal suffering. Splatoon 3. Apex on switch. And still no titanfall 3
Finally lol
Now we need solo’s
we are one step closer to apex mobile
we’ve come so far
Is this 60 FPS, though?
I’ve been waiting for so long.
Wheres the mobile version huh? Tell me where is ittttt???
yeah, playing with bad servers.
When is cross save coming so we can actually play on the switch?
“hey guys i’m predator on switch”
Ultra low 360p 20fps
How about oculus quest will be next?
Where is apex mobile wasn’t it suposed to come out in december 2020
Apex legends on the go?
Waste of time could better stay focused on nerf and buff legends
Now me and my friends can play together thanks respawn and Nintendo
Apex I love ur game but I missed season 7 because my xbox gold jas expired and can I link accounts
It just looks a bit awkward on the switch.
why is everyone so negative in the comment section dang… just let ppl play games
Make the Locked and Loaded Takeover permanent. But you can keep the Moz, we don’t need to drop with that. Good loot has always been too scarce.
How long is this gonna take.
Will it be on the lite aswell?
Playing it on the almighty Series X but I’ll try the Switch version too.
Hi Apex why isnt there keyboard and mouse support on consoles
Bangalore Heirloom????
Where the gameplay?
Even if this trailer is rendered on a pc. It still looks pretty okay. But. When can I preload it?
NO thanks. Nintendo’s online capabilities are shoddy at best, and apex’s servers are undeniably atrocious…. I don’t see this combination working all that well
Bruh I’mma bout to SWEAT
Emote⁉︎you’re kidding…
sorry, I Japanese.
I am not good with English
I’m using a machine so I’m sorry if I make a mistake…
will we be able to use our ps4/Xbox/pc accounts on the switch?
Please add cross progression. I want to have everything i have on my ps4 on my pc also
Good but when is it coming on kfc console and Samsung fridge
Great, I’ve always wondered what apex looked and felt like on ps1 graphics.
If you see that pathfinder skin chase it across the map
It felt as if Fortnite did apex
Yo imagine the bags….
that is what they call gameplay nowadays?
yesssss faster faster faster
Who the F plays on Switch?
the only thing that is wrong with this trailer is that the game is running smooth
Love it the way the gave Nintendo a free skin but dint give xbox ps4 or pc one
o god imagine coming across a poor nitendo kid
If this is anything like any other fps ive plaged on switch its not gonna run well or controll well. Joycons are not made for fps, pro controller would be reccomended.
Is it just for nintendo switch and not in nintendo lite, im not mad I just wunna know.
When is cross progression coming out ?
Waiting for Android/iOS version :'(
I only just realised how SHIT Nintendo graphics are
Where’s the better servers trailer?
The only thing I’m excited about is the free kills
I’ll probably never play this on switch but I’ll get it for the skin so I can have it on Xbox
Cross Progression please
When APEX on smartphones?
Imagine apex decides to put their game in mobile
please add cross progression
Now we can play in the toilet..no need AFK for toilet break
When we will try it on mobile?
How many fps on switch ?
You know for a fact the graphics are not going to look this good
15.5 fps?
F.O.V. has left the chat
How to get path skin
Time to get a switch
Free kills
I’m a switch player and this makes my day I have been waiting for so long oh and I’m getting a free skin for my fav legend
Now i can play with my friends
Plisss no crossplay cause every pc player in this game uses Aimbot if someone on this game kills you in 1 second watch his entire kill cam this game has more hackers than warzone
buff mozambiuqe make it 9 shot
わたしはにほんじんですが、このトレーラーを理解できません。MY BRAIN IS NOT SMALL!!!!!!!!
Soooo you didnt answer my question when i asked is it 30 or 60 fps ???
Trailers still cool and the path skin looks good
Imagine been a player since the start of the game, and If you want to play on switch you need to start from 0, no skins, no badges, no info of your long time kills carrer… bruh put the cross safe
I hope this works out. My little sister has been hyped for months to play together with me on Playstation via crossplay
какого блядь числа выйдет я уже заебался с осени ждать!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apex runs so choppy and stuttery on my xbox one s I’m skeptical for the switch. I really wish I can turn down the graphics on my console
Everyone is ready to bully some switch players
They didn’t have to make that bullying to my friend Octane man🤟😔
Creo que no se cual es mi contraseña para tener mi cuenta desde nintendo asi que es posible que no tenga esa skin 🙁
Wow switch get a legendary skin nd nothing for ps4 or xbox? C’mon now
man this shit is laggy on a ps4 slim how tf they gonna put this on switch
Awesome, more players to play with. And more gamers get to enjoy this incredible game.
Please add more servers, please. Sometimes the game will report the card.
No way this is how the graphics look on the switch…. hahahaha
Looks like free fire
Now there will be more raging kids in apex if its a crossplay.
Yes yes yes
I will now buy the switch just so i can play apex in bed 🙂
Replaying 0:09 to 0:12 again and again is just way too satisfying! ♥ Someone needs to make a gif from this 😀
This is about to be the only game I play…..for…a..LONNNNGGG TIMEEEE.
They forgot to say its 40gb
A new generation of free kills, nice
0 gameplay
I have a question would u still be able to sign in if u play on Xbox
When is it coming on mobile
Rip switch players with joy con drift
2021 and you got APEX … one of the finest first person shooters on the planet to play on a super powerful portable.
This is NOT something to whinge about!
it will is possible to connect our count withe pc ?
Finnally I can get a win on the toilet
Idk how this will turn out, playing online with a switch isn’t exactly smooth. So we may have to deal with extra laggy players or just have bad teammates. Idk how it will turn out, I have a switch so I guess I’ll try it out.
Wow what a nice birthday present for me. Thank you so much
Bout to be real Joycon drift after this drops
Fre skin 🙂
Still no cross progression..
Im actually gonna turn the sound of this whole video into my ringtone
스위치 50명과 겜을 해보고 싶다 20킬 확정 아니누?
This is the only reason I got a switch
I’m waiting for it to c9me out so I can download it!
My eyes are bleeding
I wish i have that thing
Can’t wait to get 20 bombs using motion controls 😈😈😈
smees like 40-50fps still good
U think there’s gonna be a mobile version
Where is fucking titanfall
Will we be able to log into existing accounts apex?
would be a helluva lot better with cross progression. just saying.
upsides: it will get more people to join the apex community
downsides: they will all have awfull movement and aim, the fps won’t go above 30, a big amount of these new people will be toxic asf and prob ruin the community (not that it is already ruined)
i would have switched to pc ages ago but after 2 years apex still doesnt have cross progression i cant believe im about to say this but even that stupid game fortnite has it
Bro I’m gonna get clapped by 6 year olds holding up the wait in the toilets
Apex switch is about to be so sweaty. We all gonna be technically smurfing on a hybrid console!
its my bday on the 9th of march apex legends i would love a heirlom my apex name is asr10-24 i would like either octanes butterfly knife,bloodhounds ravens point or wraiths knife
im level 70 on xbox but im going pro controller and tv 😈
Time to buy a switch
Even though I play apex on my xbox i do have a Nintendo switch
Imagine getting absolutely kettled by a 7000 damage bloodhound on switch
I’m pretty sure no one cares about the switch they just want the mobile version 🥵🤣
Why wouldn’t they make pathfinders skin blue and red, like the joy con colors?
Fix the spitfire, stupid gun
When will the apex legends mobile be released?
Can wait to be stuck at 70 fov
I wish I had Nitendo.. But i suck when playing at mobile so ill play with my skilz LOLOLOL
Switch bot lobbys😂
Bro octane got wombo comboed
Bro let me catch anyone playing on a switch they getting tbagged
I just got my lite I’m happy:D
Oh well, guess I gotta buy a Switch then,
well i want to see someone actualy play it because it’s too graphic so it will porobably look like fortnite = very blurry and won’t be able to play or fight
Русские тут?
I feel like people are forgetting switch users can use controllers too lmaooo XD
Me who owns a ps, pc, xbox and switch
*Finally… I won them all.*
Cross platfor….. *forget that I said anything*
I have one and i have been waiting for this
Hey apex people dunno what to call you i really want to play your game it looks so cool but i cant so ya just want to give some possitive feedback about your game
Nice nice and nice maybe you can realease apex for mobile or smartwatches its gonna be the same buged fk game with no paid servers xdDDD
Why didn’t PlayStation or Xbox get this good of a skin
Please keep them separate from xbox/ps, switch crossplay sucks
Launch innnn. Iosss ipaddsss plzzz next launch to iOS iPads
So hyped, hope they add cross progression
Please fix the servers and buff Loba, Rampart, Rev
Android Samsung j7 neo
Do xbox player get the skin too?
Can’t wait for the mobile version. Is it coming any time soon
LET’S GO guys have fun by playing at 30FPS
Imagine crouch spamming button puncher on joy cons 😂😂😂 drift incoming 😭
Ps4 on keyboard 🙏
This VIBE ??👌👌😊
wow alot of players will get shitted on
i swear if i join a platinum lobby and my teammate is playing on a switch, im not gonna play anymore
i’m just hoping for shorter queue times
sooooo…. is cross save coming? 😀
About to drop all you little shits off
30 FPS mmmmmmmhhh
Please add refunding for heirlooms and other stuff
I’d like to see somone reach apex predator using the nintendo LITE or in only portable mode
No one:
Literally not a single soul:
Octane: *are killing throughout the entire video*
And móvil? When?
I have no idea how to play apex with joycon lol
Se ve mejor de lo que esperaba
Love you apex
Will the pathfinder Skin bé able on PC and console too or just on Nintendo?
Cross save??
I can’t wait for this and the 30 free levels…and especially the Pathfinder skin😳
It is coming on mobile or not
Did anybody realise mirage and rampart were dancing? Dancing in Apex?
I like how this time the shots are actually hitting their targets
:O ya quiero jugar
My body and my Nintendo switch are ready
Fuck yea
Path skin it’s for all player other console
Imagine your joycons running out of battery mid fight
it looks so bad
This is a fortnaitilization of apex
Is no one going to talk about the legends doing emotes
I don’t have Nintendo but i know come on mobile to plz come
Just like faster faster faster……
Long time wait 😢
now port tf2 and get it a 3rd life!..
Why does it say Unlock all Legends through Season 7 and not 8?
Imagine a full server joycons only. Potato aim galore.
Switch bois
Bang with the hands💀💀
Are we not gonna talk about the lifeline missing 100% of her shots at 0:46
But. . . why?
This don’t look bad better than I expected
Iam going to sign on my Nintendo whit my xbox account and then iam going to have the pathfinder skin in My main account 200IQ
need apex legends mobile like yesterday
nice switch quality
Graduations on 2M subs apex!
You really will need the pro controller for this, no way your playing this with that Square potato.
why do the graphics of the Nintendo switch make apex look plainer like a cartoon
2021 really is Nintendo’s year.
we got splatoon 3, pokemon arceus and pearl remakes, apex and fall guys
Is it for free in the switch
PLS tell me ASAP
I have Series X and Switch. Tried Apex on Xbox, but i want Switch version because of gyro aiming. After 1000 hours of Splatoon 2 (and many hours more with DOOM, Wolfenstein games, Realm Royale, BotW bow aiming etc.) I just can’t play shooter with sticks only anymore. I hope gyro is excellent and have a lot of settings. Even 30fps won’t ruin it for me, if gyro is good.
Is it coming out on iPhone to?
0:49 It looks so bright
Anyone know if this is going to be a 30 or 60 FPS game?
This games so good and I started playing only two weeks ago! Been playing non stop!
So much god damn aim assist
how do u play Apex with these small sticks tho
Yay! Can’t wait! 🥳
I wish cross progression existed so I could get that pathfinder skin and play on my ps4
open vc?🙄🙄🙄
Mobile next
Busco trío costa oeste
oh yeah OG apex player since the first season gonna destroy some people on my switch
Bienvenidos Nintendo
lets goooooooooooooooooooooooooo im om nintendo SO HYPEEEEEEE
so the prophecy wasn”t a lie
I dont like that skin
Вот это графон
I withing for MOBILE version
Ohh hell ye mobile is next 😀
O boi here i go killing noobs again 🤣🤣
Yes!!!!! now i can dominate on every console
Hope there is cross progression so I can use all of my other cosmetics
Yeah but I mean will Respawn ever stop giving us Angel City Pacer/Quicksilver reskins?
Switch players nos matarán cagando!
Finally its on my switch, I’ll probably play it on there to mess around as my main account is on my xbox. Now the real question is, cross platform?
Wattson is soo trash
Who laid the egg first octane or the chicken?
enjoy playing it on 15fps lmao
Good luck Switch players
Is it cross-progression so I can get all of my stats and skins off the PS4 that me and my brother share onto my Switch, I’m assuming this will be done via your EA account?
My mega man idea was better
Its probably gonna run 10 fps at its max
Hold up is there a way to link accounts?
Please be first person … please be first person .. please be first person 🤞🤞🤞
I want that path skin for my main but i dont have nintendo switch 🙁
Imagine reaching Pred using a Nintendo Switch 😂💀
Para cuando en mobile?
I’m genuinely really happy that people that only own a Switch get to finally jump into a match for the first time 🙂
Quality boutta be 140p
This performs better than my pc…
Can I get the Pathfinder skin on my Switch… And then use it on my PC account? :3
now you can play apex at a whopping 240p
Does that mean emotes?👀
Fix the audio please
Cant wait BTW I was waiting for year
That skin might as well be target practice
cant wait for kids play the game and i am ready to troll kids
Is this sweat resistant?
Need cross progression
splatoon gyro mains incoming
This put a smile in my face. Finally we have a good optimize battle royale on switch.
Bye Fort… welcome Apex Legends❤
Waiting for valorant next:)
Finally it was about time
Is it worth going on the switch to get that pathfinder skin?
finally, I can play on my Nintendo
at last i can play apex in the bathroom
So the skins only for switch players? This could work if cross progression existed but without it I just don’t care enough
get ready for all the trash randoms 😭
You did corect by the way i am xlordfnsx1431
I want that limited edition path skin on my main account. Wish cross progression was a thing so I could play my main account across my Xbox, PC, and Switch. At least the cosmetics would be nice.
Will it be cross-platform? I want to play with my sister, she has a switch and I have a ps4.
9 марта прийдут свежие куски мяса,вот они будут пищать🙈😂😂😂
Воу…надеюсь эти свичеры не будут в моей команде!
Мыло в глаз попало
When will it be available.on mobile?
Since they have like a special skin for pathfinder for Nintendo switch they should have a special skin for a different legend for Xbox and PlayStation
Its definitely gonna hit five fps
Any fortnite players switching 😏
Ya but can I transfer my data from my xbox to swich
We want apex on phone 😢😢
Free kills 🙂
ah yes, now I can get slaughtered by Switch users as well. Fun.
I wanna know what exclusive game mode the devs play. Hardcore duos or trios?
Omg so happy and excited
Looks like blurry oatmeal 🤷♀️
My question is..will I be able
To connect my pc account onto the switch ?😩
They better hope it isn’t cross platform
Graphic be like : ima ruin kiddos life
You guys play Apex!?!???!?!?! I play 3rd party and bad teammate simulator
So when the mobile gameplay
I hope there are motion controls
Those graphics are actually good wtf
12fps MAX
wait I thought I couldn’t carry my stuff from my playstation?
Ooh yeah! Ooooh yeah!
Good job Apex legends hopefully there are not any problems with the switch version
Finalmente, Apextosos en switch
Will there be crosplatform progression
Can you log in your already made account?
I never had so much hype to curb stomp noobs in my entire life 😈🤟🔥
People when they see the pathfinder skin: Heh free kill.
BREAKING NEWS: The comment section for this comment is now starting a war between switch users and everyone else!
News Update: As a person who has played fortnite in the Nintendo Switch (back in the original season 5) and have also played apex on ps4 and Computer. Calm Down guys.
Can you please come out with cross progression
Finally a shooter apart from fortnut..
more bots in conming
i cant wait to play in 12 fps XD
It’s about time.. for goodness sake.
Would I get the free pathy skin if I link my EA account to it i’ve already been playing on xbox I like the skin it looks very cool 😎
So is it pc against nintendo and xbox against ps4 players?
ay im ready i have the hori split pad pro
Are there going to be tilt controls because if so 👌🏻
Switch skin is free? Also can you link accounts?
30fps experience I’m hyped 🙁
hora de romper ort0s
Is it on switch lite
About time
This raise big question
If we crossplay with ps4 or xbox
Is switch counted as console?
finally I can play with my Nintendo friends 🙂
Legends in smash soon enough
I don’t think ima be getting out my bed a lot now🦟
Can cross progression be next? I wanna play with my lil brother on switch but I want all my skins from my ps4
somthing sus here the legend are dancing……is there an emote?????????
This won’t be cross-plat though, will it?
We need the mobileeeeeeee
but i play in pc cosplay or what ?
I can’t wait to destroy Nintendo switch players
Damn can’t wait for nintendo switch pro
I am so excited to play apex legends on my switch, now I can finally play without having to share the ps4 with my brother
I want mobile version…
Cant wait to see one for mobile…
Finalllyyyy. A game broken on not one, not two, but 3 platformss. Hellll yeahhh.
Ready to play it been looking foward to it
I’ve seen this ad way too much before the video
Will PC users be able to transfer their account t unlocks to switch or will it be like starting all over?
“NuMbEr 1 PrEd iN SwItCh”
Can’t wait to whoop y’all switch players lol
“All of this and more whith the Nintendo Switch Online sevice”
Bruh octane got Clapped😂
Can’t wait to drift with this!
When is it coming out?
Oh no sweaty switch kids are coming
xbox one 24-28 fps
switch ????
Will it be cross play ready?
Hope this game is free when it comes out
Wonder what Switch server issues will look like lol
Xbox and ps
Can i play with my main account on the switch tho?
Nerf Gibraltar
can we get cross progression too then?
Guys this is good. Since there’s no cross progression, you know that if you see someone running this pathfinder skin, they’re easy pickings since they’re on the switch. Using it is like putting a giant target on your back.
Is it cross progression??
Looks rather like mobile but with worse fps and Graphics
We gonna have to start a new profile?
Any Splatoon players switching? 👀
Dude said they are giving Nintendo players a free legendary
Hal: Aim assist approaches
I’m pretty sure the path skin is for Nintendo switch I’m glad I got from 2017 tho I’m happy btw that apex will now be on the Nintendo switch shop :>
If the game released on mobile devices this will be amazing but hopefully it work on weak devices and have a good experience I’m so excited
If they had cross progression that would be the best thing
I have a question can i put my progress from my ps4 to my switch?
00:20 anyone noticed the emotes?
I’m excited
The kids are gonna be e z
No mamen ya quiero abrir mi cuenta en cualquier plataforma
In 6 days I will play apex everywhere
I dont like apex being released from Tencent xd but its not gonna be that bad right?
This comes out 1 day before my birthday, wtf. I wonder how it’ll perform on my switch.
Big question, 30 or 60 fps?
Only 20 fps😌😗🤣🤣😗
please tell me someone else noticed this part, now with full legend audio because there was no background music, as you can hear Octane say “faster faster faster”, the portals (kinda) being heard, Wraith and Wattson’s grunts and WATTSON LAUGH. HOW WAS THIS NOT LOUDER IN THE SEASON THREE TRAILER!!!!!
If I die to little Timmy on his new Nintendo Switch I’m quitting.
So could I log in the same account on my pc version with this one ?
why i cant see cross save?
It won’t run that smooth as those video clips but I’m still excited.
Apex sone advice go give us new skins
Can’t wait to play apex at 15 FPS with the worst online service in gaming.
aimbotters are gonna have a challenge because nintendo switch gonna have the aim assist cranked to the milky way
i have been waitin for this
vamos respawn, ya lo vas a sacar en switch, no te cuesta nada sacarlo en xbox 360 y ps3 :'(
( o si? xd)
So how bout cross saves can we get that?
Bruh that pathfinder skin is a yellow skin
That music though
Will it still be cross play?
Now I can play this on 140 P. Nice
I just hope the aim assist isnt broken and if it is I hope I dont see these players in my PC lobbies
15 fps lol
thats what im talking about baby nintendo switch for LIFE!!!!!!
No offence but the graphics made me laugh compared to others
Yeah! I can now play apex legends and I get a pathfinder outfit!
Is it coming to switch lite too
What tf happened to this game? Lmao good thing I quit
Say it with me. NOT EVEN CLOSE
Waiting for mobile
I can’t wait to get third partied while I’m playing Apex on the toilet
Ah yes, inverted angel city skin for Pathfinder.
Is March 9th when Caustic’s Town Takeover starts?
Can’t wait for the skin the red will do amazing with the blue boxing gloves (yes I do have a switch)
Put this on 144p for a real time experience
Why it looks like mobile version 😑😑
i wonder if the switch skin is coming out on other consoles or just switch
O es mi imaginación o se ve muy feo (gráficamente)
Now bring cross progression please <3
how do i get the pathfinder skin if i only play on pc?
Fornite switch gonna loose a tone of players 😛
These switch players better watch out for console players 😉
Atleast respawn entertainment is better than rockstar games. (Literally)
return Wraith, I don’t want to play other characters, why are you making my favorite legend worse every time🥵😕
Not gonna lie, they all seemed like they were emoting, so maybe they are hiding something? Idk
Hw on earth does this look so good 😳
Can’t wait to destroy every nintendo
Look at man crypto that skull piecer did him bad 0:26
This’ll be a nice birthday present 🤩
And then they eat the poopoo
Pensé que estaba viendo el vídeo en 240p cuando mostraban gameplay
My Mother and for the glory of the allfather this is perfect
Will every platform get that path skin
Is it just me or does it look like the legends were doing emotes…
Flossing wraith isn’t real, she can’t hurt you
Yo look at this I just died by xxnintendoslayerxx i bet he’s outside right now or sunthing dang i shud play switch hold on let me grab it real quic
30fps+ maybe.. adaptive resolution with 480×800 of course
I need this.
Cant wait to camp in ranked oN ThE gO!
I don’t run a Nintendo Switch, but my friend does. Finally! A worthy opponent!
Can’t Wait To Drift On My Joy Cons 🙂
Oh sweet! some Nintendo cannon fodder. 😈
Ps4 – cool wraith,horizon,gibby
Xbox – cool octane,caustic,crptyo skin
Imagine the framerate, though, still looking forward to it.
Come out on March 9 which is my birthday lol can you guys guess my age?
And just when I got my PS5.
Time for ez kills.
Can we get cross progression soon?
39 on trending this game gonna get popular very soon and why do I see a massive skeleton in the trailer where skull town is meant to be? Skull town returning?
Thank you
Get ready to pub stomp
cant wait for a ttv warith with 3k kills to die to a nintendo switch LITE player
Can’t wait for 720p 30 fps lol
Espero que reviva después de tanto tiempo muerto
Good, this means were gonna get some new blood
*Running at 720p 30fps… 😂
YES 2fps lets GGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally a try hard game for nintendo
Seems they’re cutting Mirage a break for a change.
400p gameplay
Just keep her on the phone for fame, please.
Can we still link our accounts from other platforms onto the switch?
This trailer is so accurate because everyone is standing still and all skins are default
Wth does the eva 8 actually shots that fast….🤔?
So it s coming a new wave of shitty players to destroy?
Can’t wait to try it out. And then to hop back onto my origin account and make those switch noobs lives horrible.
0:11 Wattson’s laugh 👉👈
? Will i be able to use my xbox account on the swith
Wait if l get this on Nintendo does this mean l can get the skin on my other platform?
nintendo players its so hard
Cross platform?
Can i get into switch lobbies
Time to target those using the new pathfinder skin
“Take your legend with you”? Does that mean they’re adding cross progression to the game now? Orrrr?
Looks like a mobil game
cant wait to get beamed by a pathy with 99% aim assist
Hm it nice though what the cost of the performance 😂 I mean consoles can’t even sustain proper 60fps except new gen so I’d expect 30fps or lower which is unplayable
1fps fo today
cute pathy skin i wish i had a switch 💕
I cant wait to drop even more people, these switch players are going to be cake 😂😂
Cant wait to have switch players in the lobby!
Hmm still no cross progression. Shame…
Gonna have to give this a try, i mean who wouldnt, its free!
Stop being scumbags and add cross progression
oh yeah 20 fps gaming on the switch will be so worth it
Apex Legends Nintendo Switch pro league 💪
Time to fuck Nintendo switch players up with my 352 levels of skill and playtime since season 0
Imagine aim assist on this😂
*insert smirking face here*
Isn’t this going to run really bad?
about time
Pathfinder lookin fresh.
now we all know it doesnt look that good
cant wait for 25fps on lowest settings! but hey, its portable!
More noobs to kill hahaha
Oh god, There will be one player who will be the first Nintendo switch Apex Predator. oh god
30 fps legends 🤑😎
Was expecting Mario pathfinder but ok
crossplay is satan
I’ve been playing this on my Switch for months and already uploaded heaps of videos on my channel.
I can finally play with my console friends at 560p and 20 FPS
Welp time to disable crossplay
At 0:37 are those possible emotes?
I thought it would look bad it looks ok not best but it’s ok
This is pretty epic
Now all we need is cross progression and we’ll be set for life
What i dont get about these ports on handhelds is whats the point? Id rather play it on my pc i play consoles for exclusives
im deleting apex if i die to someone on a switch istg
Apex Legends has the best soundeffects and the music is also very good!
Still waiting for mobile
I swear if I get teamed up with any of these people… you know they’re gonna be bad
Pensei que fosse o Jaspion na thumb kdskkkkk
I thought it was Jaspion on the thumb hahahaha
MARCH 9?!?!??1
Feel bad for all the joy cons for when the new town takeover arrives
Its official we now have switch apex hackers. SMH
Pro Switch player: “Hey I killed you when I’m lying on my bed”
Imagine you’re playing ranked and you get squaded up with a 4000 damage wraith switch player
Edit: the comment section is visual cancer
This is great I’ve been waiting for this since apex came out
Also I hope cross progression comes out so I can have that switch skin on my main account
I’m pretty happy for this! Even though I have a Xbox I also have a switch!!
Where is the choppy gameplay? People said it was gonna be choppy, liars.
Finally, I get to dunk on these switch nerds
80% aim assist incoming!
Rip fov
0:20 no ok ne gonna talk about the emotes
will I still get the free 30 levels even though I already have an account on pc?
Please let us merge accounts
I’m gonna be sweat omg on these nintendo switch players
I want only to get Pred on switch peace
I’m at level 83 on the BP
I’ll buy it in a heartbeat if I had cross progression. I read on other sites that it won’t be getting cross progression untill later on? Why get this free game just for a skin? I’ll be looking out for Pathfinders with that Nintendo skin so I can spam my finisher on them🥊 🤖
is the pathfinder skin only for nintendo switch player or for all platforms?
I was going to get a switch in my Birthday and this will be a good game for the switch
respawn its been 2 years. when are you releasing apex for ps2?
time to not be able to see the enemy team xD
Wait is there cross play I was wondering because my brother has a switch and he wants to play with me
With Apex in Switch, Source Engine is in all plataforms.
I want to wreck switch players on my pc
That pathfinder skin is
finally i can put my nintendo to use 😀
🤩👍👍 apeks luve ❤
Honestly can’t wait to farm bots on the switch. 45k kill lifeline here 🥷🏾
when I saw the free path skin
Me running to my switch
As long is not cross play with Xbox and PS !
Damn bro, if I start playing Apex on Switch, I can see a lot of 20 bombs and 4K damage badges, Ranked would be so easy :(.
Bro, what resolution is that at? I had to check my Youtube video output (which was at 1080p) because it was so blurry. LMAO
60fps? Probably not. It all be capped at 30fps, so I hope it’s only Switch players and not cross-play.
Bruh there is no dances in apex what the part in 0:22
If only there was cross progression…
Congrats switch users! Cant wait to see you guys in the ring!
Congrats to Nintendo users
Now im really disabling cross play. The servers are shit as is. Now theres gonna be a huge chance that im gonna run into players lagging tremendous balls
90 pov, full hd, 30 fps, low settings, lets goooo
j hahaha, the Nintendo switch will explode if they run Apex on it xD
No way this runs this Smooth on the switch.
Do apex legends heart comments?
Will there be cross progression?
Если проекту делают порт, значит он развивается, збс, ждем больше контента и механик)
*Happy nintendo switch player noises*
Nice…. more noob ramdons
Cant wait to play apex at 20 fps
Congrats on 2 million subscribers! Love your game!
Teasing cross progression I’m guessing
My Galaxy Note 20 Ultra has more power than my switch… hopefully we get a mobile version and cross-save
Ok cool… so what about cross-saves?
I have a question if i started on ps4 and have a account when i get apex on the switch does all my skins and levels get transferred?
will it feature account transfer?
WTF brother free skin for this not fair for pc and ps4
When crosplay ?
And I just sold my switch a couple of weeks ago because I thought it wasn’t coming to switch 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️
I love this game !
Now I can play apex in the toilet.. LET’S GOOOOOO
Oh my god they didn’t kill Mirage
Finally I’ve been dried out on switch games to play
Mobile version?
bruh i want that pathy skin on pc it looks like a wack reskin of the angel city pacer
unban me respawn
See now here’s the question are they joining with pc?
Adios Kids!!
I’m so excited! I have a switch and I’m gonna get the battle pass + Horizon!
Dang. I know we all *REALLY* trying to enjoy those games of free real estate when this port drops.
Can’t wait to see the crazy drift shots
0:28 Pyramid Head? LOL
30 FPS confirmed
Can’t wait to execute someone while taking a dump.
The Eva-8 In Trailers: 💪💪💪
The Eva-8 In Game: I wish I was a mastiff
Im legit going to the store just to get an SD card for my switch for the game
My Xbox broke so i couldnt play apex for 11 months until now. Thank You Respawn And Panic Button you guys are -Legends- ❤️
Looks like y’all put the whole team working on that legendary skin, eh?
It comes out on my birthday ✨✨✨
in match emote alert!?!?!?!
Roblox Legends
All that’s left is mobile Apex 😁
Can’t wait to play apex legends in 30fps
Duuuude I can’t wait
Mamen en ps4 va a 30 fps en Switch va a ir a 5 xd
Finally my friends on Nintendo can play with me:)
I sooooooo exited
are we going to be able to cross connect or acc
With a pro controller in docked mode I can see this actually working, handheld, maybe not.
When are those emotes from the trailer coming to the game?
Once it’s on mobile it’s over for pc players
Well, all this means for me is that I’m going to solo queue with a bunch of 7 year old bots playing on their switch while waiting in the dentists office after a long day of first grade.
this is like perfect timing I’m going on vacation and I can’t bring my console so I can play w/ my friends on switch 🙂
I’m seriously about to shit my pants
instead of doing this why dont yall start working on titanfall 3
Wow. Just wow. If they had to downsize the game even a bit at all, I can’t tell a difference. Good framerate too. I was really skeptical of how this would run on Switch with it’s mobile hardware but WOW. Blown away, congrats Respawn!
Aim assist bout to be bussin’
When’s cross progression coming
If u want to see the real experience just turn the quality to 144p
apex psp when?
Will it be free like on console
Apex Legends in Smash? 😀
It could be Pathfinder, Wraith, and Mirage as different fighters in one pass. 😀
POG finally get to play without mnk and on the shity console
I’m really about to get dogged on by switch players too now smh
Free kills
Would love to have the pathfinder skin on my switch account and pc account oh wait…
“Join millions of players” *cough* “Join millions of sweats and cheaters”
00:09 they will kill octane
2 players in queue.
0:48 the eva-8 doesn’t fire that fast. Will it be getting buffed?
Okay but… cross play? I have a few friends that have the switch that I’d love to play with
Wait, mirage didn’t die this trailer?
damn bro they harassing octane
Take your legend with you means that cross progression will be add?
Can’t wait to drop a 4k 20 bomb on all the switch children.
But does it have Gyro Aim?
0:38 look at Bangalore
The JoyCon won’t survive this game
Shoulda made pathfinder into chibi robo missed opportunity
what about mobile???
0:16 Does this mean the peacekeeper will be back as floor loot?
Will we be able to link our accounts???
Reminds me when a game used to be in the Arcades then comes to the Nintendo or Sega Genesis systems.
wish it was crossplay so i could smoke a bunch of 7 year olds..
Fix up you’ll lagging ranked servers please! 🤦🏾♂️
This is great but will we finally have cross-progression? Why would I want to play on the guy if I have non of my stuff.
Ready to kill some bots on switch?
ok but how do i get this nintendo skin on my pc tho
I play pathfinder too so this lit
There going to get recked by pc and ps4 players
Buff patherfinder’s grapple hook
Pls we need a mobile version.
Introducíng dances?
What about mobile or iPad
Should I SWITCH when it comes out?
As a Switch Owner Im excited
Let’s go I’m on switch
Octane story of outlandd
please I need gyro controls PLEASE
cross progression please and mouse and keyboard support so that i can finally get off my potato pc 🙂
Welcome switch players !!!
So.. 30 fps or 60 fps?
You are killing poor Octane too much in one minute-long trailer.
Cross save??
Me:😔 switch got it gg
Mobile:wait I be there soon😼🤝
Yes yes!
I can’t wait to finally play apex legends!!!
*not to mention all the sweats I will be destroyed by…*
Like game is playable on pc, random freezes crushes and endless waiting
i havs a nintendo YES I CANT WAIT FOR THAT SKIN
Looks lit but the graphics
Watch this be a total disaster
Can’t wait for 10fps
The way I don’t have a switch.
Means I can’t get the pathy skin 😭😭
will i be able to connect my steam account tho?
Yeeeeees nintendo switsh yeeee 😀
The award winning battle royale without a crosssave system
So, in other words, you dont have any gameplay to show us. SMH
Now it’s gonna be on mobile:D
How do we get the pathfinder skin?
Just like warzone, the game is free, but the real cost is your storage.
Caustic is being very suspicious in the game thoughts? (event)
Oh yeah your random 3rd squadmate will be saying it wasnt my best because of the bus or subway had low wifi reception lol
when will the pathfinder skin become unavailable?
It’s about time!!!!! Can’t wait!!!!
As a pathfinder main i need that skin
Hahah more noobs to kill
Awesome! Can’t wait! 👏 👏
Switch *melts*
“Not actual gameplay” lol
Genial ya metieron bots ahora todo mundo va a tener medallas de 3k de daño :v
Stay away from this game, EA can and will ban you for no reason.
Cool but we all know the resolution and framerate is gonna be 480p 30fps
this might make me actually pick up my switch for the first time in like six months
Add an option to turn off cross play. Aim assist andy’s don’t belong with PC players.
A la otra podría ser como otros otros otro tipo de modos
Je vais pouvoir prendre ma Switch quand je serai en déplacement cool 👌🏾😊
Wattson’s laugh brings me life
Just hurry up and fix the servers
I can finally play on the go
How can I get the pathfinder skin in my PS4 acount?
You’re all fools 👿
When it release
FINALLY! After being long awaited for several months it’s finally here!
Wraith and Wattson really hit Shoryu into Tatsu on Octane lol
This is that I always want!!!
am i the only one that noticed this? emotes might be coming to apex 0:21
It’s the coochie pathfinder skin for me
Ya está disponible?
Another cancer.
Haha my it comes out On my sisters bday
Are they going to do apex on mobile too? Very curious
Yeah how about no to the fortnite emotes
FREE 20K BOIS 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶
hasn’t it already been released for Nintendo switch
Can’t wait to pretend I’m a noob when I’ve played on ps4 for 2 years.
So will we be able to use our accounts for the switch or will we be starting fresh??
What about cross progression? I’d love to play on Switch, but I don’t want to lose all my stuff.
next legend confirmed: the switch
Not to be mean but i cant wait to shit on switch players 😭😭
They should have made the path skin blue and red I think since u know the switch is blue and red
Yay, I can play in bed lol
As Playstation gamer. Nintendo definitely deserve this game! I’m Playstation gamer but I born as Nintendo gamer. So happy and excited to play with Nintendo gamer on apex legend console!
Imagine getting 360 krabered by someone doing a crap on their toilet
So it doesn’t look like a potatoe
Did someone see the emotes that the characters were playing?
Por fin alaberga lo sacan wey
And solo to reales?
That’s nice and all but… Titanfall 3?
new weapon? Or a devotion?
720p 30fps… HERE I COME BABY!
It’s going to be really weird. I’m happy theirs more players, but it’s going to be full of kids that aren’t going to be familiar with the controls. That and also the restrictions that the switch has. I don’t own a switch and i don’t know how the modem on it works, but I’m hoping that disconnecting issues won’t be a problem
ok but like, are those emotes that are gonna be added to the game?
Is it free?
Ez kills for us ps4 and xbox users🤣
I think a mobile port would have better graphics. Rampart look like Laura craft ps2 tiddis.
Welcome Switch Players 😉
I am really interested in if they are gonna get cross play and if so, how high the aimassist is.
I dont have nintendo but i play on ps4 and i whan te that red robot style
Time for every other console player too destroy them
Sooo much free KP
Mastiff Legends From Nintendo Switch
why it s not HD tho
i call hax no one wanted this.
Just waiting for the 1 FPS
Epic path
Nintendo switch users be rockin mastiff legends
Did anyone catch up the new emotes?
The first nintendo lobby will be weird, either all of them are new or most of them are smurfs
Okay that’s really cool but is there cross progressive????
can’t w8 to play this game at 30fps :/
Great we’re bringing little kids into this war
10 fps
you’re killing this game step by step…. on switch.. really…?
2fps be like
0:37 what are the legends doing?
Ummmm… Teasing emotes?
I have a nintendo switch and Im exicted to get apex legends
but can i turn off crossplay though?
Pixels the game
Can’t wait to clap switch players on apex
For anyone who is gonna be playing this on Nintendo Switch and is new, you get no mercy 😑
Yay I can play with my Nintendo switch friends!!!!
Finally!!!!!! Yes lord
Poto 🥵🥵
Por fin después de ace 5 meses desde el nintendo direct de 2020
Catch me playing apex in a freaking Applebee’s
I play on ps4 but have also a switch now i can play then where i want 😍
But they won’t add cross-progression
Looks ugly
Theyre adding emotes pog
Is there a mobile switch
*C* *R* *O* *S* *S* *P* R O G R E S S I O N >:(
Xbox one s, horrible performance, 35 fps.
Apex Legends.🙏❤️
Omg can we get it on mobile
Took long enough
Когда уже на телефоны выйдет? Уж очень хочется попробовать.
Cant wait to drop some 20 bombs on these poor switch players
Glad we couldn’t fix the game before we pushed it to yet another platform. Careful switch players, you can get locked out of your account at any time (42 days for me) and they will just tell you to suck an egg. EA is the worst company in the history of gaming.
But is it cross play
Is it cross play too? aint switch players on disadvantage then? If not, then time to hit master in switch i guess
Honestly surprised we haven’t gotten anything for the caustic town takeover but this is good too
I do have a switch but im a bit sad I wont be able to get the Pathy skin on PC
We just need cross progression!!
Remember when Apex Legends won best Multiplayer Game at the VGA. During that moment when the Respawn devs began walking towards the stage, you notice one of them shaking hands with Doug Bowser along the way. Doug Bowser is the current president of Nintendo America. Apex Legends on switch was teased years ago.
When is worlds edge coming back?
I play on ps4 there aim assist better be really damn good or im gonna have a field day
lmao 30fps?
Dude, thats not fair at all, so they can get a skin because they have a switch? Why no one does things like that about pc?
Is there cross progestin
I wonder will I be able to merge my Xbox progress?
If switch players get to play with Xbox/ps abd pc (doubt pc) they gonna bully them
I already have an account on the PS4 I just hope I’ll be able to connect my account from the PS4 to the Nintendo Switch if I can’t then I’ll be pissed
Does anyone know how many fps it’ll support? Hoping for 60 but expecting 30
Gyro vs controller vs m&k wars coming
another trailer, another day octane dies
Look more clear on the nintendo switch than my ps4
Can’t wait to fight you switch players it the battlefield… Best of luck and congrats…
The game will be even better if they let us use keyboard and mouse on apex on console 😊😊😊
we saw apex , we saw 🙂
Frags, frags and… Frags
I just want the event
My eyes!
Mobile must be coming soon🙏🏾😭
Now i have a good excuse to buy a switch, even if its a Lite
Aaand now i need the mf money
Gibraltar for smash?
Poor Switch players. Will never get out of bronze ranked
I can finally play with my si3
You know what would be kinda unironically fun…if you added motion aiming
Enjoy guys…im taking break after my 300+ wins overall 20k kills game….its an amazing game.
Now I definitely want a switch- Pokémon and Apex on the same device? Heck yeah
Cross progression?
The best br period. Don’t even start an argument cause that wasn’t a question. 😑😊😝
why does they have free-limited skin?
Yeah baby
To All Nintendo switch players(and for me because I have ns but play on ps4), we are accepting you in our giant apex family
Dang if thats actually switch game play it looks amazing cant wait
Hm hm Frames win Games
0:38 Are we just gonna pretend that they didn’t just tease in-game emotes!?
They should have made it cross progression… since this was a new version, it wouldn’t have been too hard in comparison with making the other consoles cross progression :/
Everybody gangsta till a switch player joins TSM and replaces hal
Buen video te amo apex
The performance is what’s worrying, considering you can’t even get a stable 60fps on Xbox One X
Will there be a mobile version?
Yessss I’m sooo excited! I can’t wait
Me who has it on my PC, PS4. And now switch.
I well for sure enjoy this. Think about I jump into rank with a friend on pc he get clap by 30fps lol. Love it
Switch players: WOW SO COOL
Pc players: Ah yes more free kills
Still no crossplay progession so wtf the point?
I can’t wait for this
God it looks so bad frame rate and graphic wise
I don’t have a Nintendo switch but my friend does, would it for free just like in PS4?
Welcome to the new legends, we welcome you with open arms
where is the optimization for consoles of past and new generations!?
If it wont be cross proggres, im not gonna play, anyone else?
Why does everyone assume that switch players are bots there going to be on a far weaker system then you and switch player are crazy good in fortnite warface etc. Just let them get apex and see how good thay are
Dont take this as a way to smurf
Is it possible to pass dat from my x box ea account to the nintendo switch?
Сделают ли теперь совмещение аккаунтов с разных платформ? 🥺
Will it now be possible to combine accounts from different platforms? 🥺
I have 3 Nintendo Switchs which means three accounts means 3 times the fun:3
We got it boys
Apex legends join smash bros XD
It would be cool if the pathfinder skin was a mario recolor for srvn mrvn
I just hope that I bring over my current account and not have to start anew
While i don’t play on switch, im so glad that other friends of mine who play on this platforms will finally wanna play with me. Thank you respawn.
Does this mean linking will come out bc I need it!!!
Waiting for ingame emote animations like in fortnite and ow
0:38 Bangalore got some beef with air
please put in South African servers
You can now kill from Mozambique on the Nintendo switch
🤘. Saludos desde MEXICO.
That pathfinder skin looks dope asf damn, sucks I won’t be able to put it under the same account on my ps4 one
Mobile too?
Apex cross progression, I don’t want to start from 0 on my switch.
I don’t want to lose 440 levels and 6 battle passes.
Ахах, буду тем, кто поиграл на всех платформах.
Pfft no one is going play on that alien device
Are we gonna get cross progression? Or should I forget that part now?
Will there ever be cross progression
Will it be cross-platform too like the rest or not yet?
“oh boy I cant wait to play apex in hd on my switch”
Switch: 360p take it or leave it
Can i still use my ps4 acount for it or do i have to start all over?
Can’t wait for my teammates to some how get worse
I need a new pc rip
Ojala y si vaya así de rápido y fluido como se ve
what if you
wanted to play apex on switch
but god said
Finally, I can play apex and take a shit at the same time
im just curious how this can be possible lol
Bot lobbies here I come!
Why Respawn doesn’t fix the game first? Same issues since day one and they make new skins all the time but they can’t fix the bloody game? What are you waiting? And whats the point of crossplay without crossprogress? Respawn and EA are just thinking how to drain our pockets that’s ridiculous!!!!
Is it possible to have the same account on nintendo switch because I have a nintendo and I want to obtain that pathfinder skin
10 or 30 fps lol
Cant wait for the smurfs
now you can wait for a loba fix in 12 fps!
ready for that aimbot aim assist and 5 fps with 100 ping lessgo
me playing Apex on my Nintendo switch with 30 FPS
Also me: beep boop bop
I can’t be the only one tired of seeing them do the same thing over and over. I don’t want to watch an unrealistic portrayal of the game. Just show the skins and do anything else with the people in your trailer.
Лучше бы на смартфон выпустили)
Maybe now my gf wil play with me
Really hope they add cross progression.
It looks more cartoony and I love it 🥵
Ngl lie I kinda want the suprise in the new update to be cross progression, since I’ll most lokey be playing on switch a lot
Man I hope all this wifi play doesn’t ruin this game. I’m predicting teleporting everywhere
But will I be able to use my ps4 account on my switch?
Mr bro has a switch and has been waiting for this!!! 😊
Hope It Will Come on Mobile Tooo🤞❤️
0:11 Watson: being Watson me: nose bleedz
I feel bad for all the joy con’s getting destroyed in 1v3s
Now people are gonna push so hard every single pathfinder with that skin 😭
I’m here for the pathfinder skin
Console players better watch out. Switch taking over
Pathfinder: After this, we should hang out!
The Legend nicknamed ‘Out’: *[nervous sweating]*
cant see many games competing with this on switch. cant think of any first person team shooters aside from overwatch which is a full priced game
I just think this is a short gameplay trailer with an switch intro but ok my friend have got only switch and he want play apex so ok
I’m afraid of the frame drops
Bruh when is cross progression coming though
Were my cross save
can’t wait hopefully it’s cross play wit playstation i can’t wait to get my 20 kill badge off them switch scrubs
Exclusive skin… sure
I don’t think you all understand the extraordinary lift in optimization it takes to bring games like DOOM to Switch to run at consistent 30 fps/720p when under load.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to have 60 fps and gyro, but there is no reason to believe it because of a one minute trailer out of Japan. Especially since they are aiming for it to work in handheld mode too. There isn’t a battle royale that runs 60 fps on Switch.
I’m not saying it couldn’t be done, either, but the processor speed is locked down on Switch and Nintendo QA probably won’t let it be pushed.
Unless somehow I am wrong, Switch players should plan on turning off cross-play if they actually want to progress in a ranked environment.
Can you please add cross save, I need all my PS4 skins on Switch and Xbox One 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
I hope they are compatible with console… now I’ll get to fry some noobs
mmm wattson 😩
So excited
Took that nice 5 damage at: 0:52
Did anyone notice that some legends had something like emotes??? Maybe we will get emote??
Can we like accounts from ps xbox or pc
Wow so glad they spent all this time doing this garbage shit to bring in .05% more players that will inevitably get ducked and never return. Glad this super small niche market was address and not the crippling state of the game.
Looks like I’m getting a Switch just for Apex and eventually a PS5 😁
Ok Rich Bros… Now we have to wait for PS5 octane skin
What happen of they release mobile version?
I love Apex
When is the mobile trailer coming out?
Can’t wait!!
hello, is it compatible with the Nintendo switch Lite? (sorry if the spelling is wrong, google translate)
Apex And Switch 2 things i love 2 thing that make me rage
Who’s ready to clap switch users 😭 no offense
if only my account information and cosmetics can transfer one platform to the other…
30 fps
Switch noobs incoming. Can’t wait to welcome them all to Apex. They’ll learn the game, yes. But for that first couple of weeks, a good amount will be treating it like any other fps.
Honestly, playing apex on switch sounds like utter dog shit lol. Should be pc/ps/Xbox only 😤
Me who bought the legendary Angle City Pacer skin after seeing the new FREE skin.
(They look identical)
I beg you guys please don’t bring this epic game in mobile 🥴🥴 just don’t ruin it cause if you do I can say you guys will lose most of apex players
Haha now my friends have no reason to not play apex with me 🙂
Ah yes the good old 30fps
Gday kings Kanyon. He sounds more bri-ish then aussie to be honest
Thanks , more wins against this console players
Anyone else ready
Ok who’s gonna tell em you never get to set those shields up with rampart?
The Switch isn’t something one considers when expanding the platforms for Apex. But this… does put a smile on my face.
Nintendo switch is for kids 😬
I have a switch. May see how it plays. Here’s hoping it works well when it’s out. Also that pathfinder skin is mine.
You already watched this on Instagram, you are here for the comments.
This makes me wish Apex supported a shared account across platforms. I’d love to play on my Switch, but not at the cost of losing all my cosmetics from the past few years.
Another controller player brother.
can’t wait for it to drop on mobile so i can finally grind ranked on my brand new nokia 3310
I have both p4 and switch is possible to get account linked?
March 9th is my birthday 🥳. This is a pretty swag gift respawn
I don’t know why people are complaining about it being 30 FPS. What did you expect? Be happy it coming at all.
Nice but nobody has a Nintendo switch
i’m fucking disgusted 😂😂😂😂😂
Maybe now you’ll fix the servers for console players absolutely joke… I know their working from home before anyone says anything hahah but come on guys i hate complaining supposed to be getting 26 ping but actually turns out am getting 70+ ping with 2% PACKET LOSS and that’s on every server aswell
Loving the Rampart love in this trailer
Exciting!! (pathfinder voice)
Génial, quel trailer !
watch until the new nitendo react to the trailer they will be so confused what lifeline said
Woooo yea baby that’s what I’ve been waiting for
I seen this ad on Instagram yesterday randomly, I was like huh?
Que pánic button haga el port de FIFA esté año porfavor 😭😭😭
Now what we really need is cross progression, I hate having my xbox and ps accounts not the same levels
Can’t wait to drop 20 bombs
I have zero belief that they recorded that gameplay on a Nintendo Switch because that aiming was too precise
I just hope there’s an option for no crossplay. I don’t want to be annihilated by everyone else.
480p 30fps?
Add the cross progression
Ground emotes not coming to apex 0:36
I hope corner peeking wont become a thing :/
looks better that what nintendo showed lol
Caustic gang where u at
It’s hilarious how they even downscaled the video’s footage.
Shits going to start overheating after only one game
Yay more platforms and more problems
took you long enough
no no no,NO NO NO,NONONO
I’m assuming it’s 480-720p at 60fps lowest settings with a few customized settings for the switch. Overall, if it’s 60fps I’m interested. If it’s 30fps than 🤮🤮🤮. All I want is mobile version now
I dont have a nintendo switch but this mean apex legends for mobile is close XD
Everyones gonna be default skins because no cross progression
30 fps?
Was kinda hoping for news of the ps5/xbox series x 120 fps update.
I’ll just keep playing on pc I guess witch is kinda bummer as don’t know near as many people on pc
I literally just got a switch perfect timing 🙂
I want switch graphics on my pc
The graphics must be a shit!
Account Link by any chance?
I wonder how many ramparts you would see on the switch.
ok but when cross save? i was playing on ps4 , now i have pc
The game is unplayable on pc, so imagine on nintendo. Full of server errors, cheaters every lobby and bugs all over. No thanks!
it was better to have cross save
Cant wait to get a 40 bomb while using a controller
oh crap… i can feel it. *APEX LEGENDS MOBILE IS NEXT*
Y la skin para Xbox cuando :(((
Pls buff packs
This is cool but they should have focused on a PS5 update 🙁
Another game for switch players to complain about lag and 30fps
I love how they show how trash fuse ult is. 0:51
Optimizarlo para pc
These players are going to get demolished 🤣
imagine playing fps games on consoles YIKES
If there’s even a nanosecond of input lag in going to be upset
Can we talk about how clean that pathfinder skin is😭 i want ittt
I hope there is cross play because than I can play with my cousin on Xbox
this was filmed on pc
I smell new poses or emotes
this not a switch gameplay LOL
finaly on the go play
Me: I’m totally gonna get this!
Remembers that multiplayer requires nintendo online
so is it cross data
Next stop: mobile
Woo hoo hoo
Omg yes
Didnt know they still made games for the ps3
I can see it already a player aiming the complete other direction and getting bodied yes fun for the whole family🙂
Is there going to be cross play on switch?
Hope they dont add all those dance moves like fortnite 😐
Now my gf and I can play together 🙂
Now if they could give us cross save so I can get my daily challenges done even when I’m not home but still team up with my friends on PS4 over the weekend on the same account.
Emotes on ground ? 👀👀
Panic Button behind it too?!
But the real question is.. how well does it run?
Soo… How any fps????
will you bring Apex on mobile
looks like 60 FOV. Wont get over 30fps. No game chat either lol. I guess free kills for everyone tho thats cool.
Join a trash servers*
where those emotes????????
That wattson kick though
Does anyone know if we have to save princess Peach?
I just wanna be able to kill noobs on cross play lol
Do we need Nintendo online, to play apex’s legends?
My switch running big enough games is a hassle for it already now a bigger game like apex it most likely run pretty bad
0:37 Has to be new ground emotes
0:35 WTF bailes en apex?
Cool, you can take your Legend on the go but the progression because cross progression DOES NOT EXIST IN THIS GAME
Man apex on the go now I gotta get a Nintendo switch
the race to Pred ranked using only Switch begins
F octane
Yeah let’s goooo 720p on an 8” screen with 30 FPS and 65 fov…. what a pointless port even the big consoles can’t maintain playable frame rates with acceptable fov.
But hey EA gonna make some American Rubels from it.
Iam scared
here we GOOOO EVERYONE USING A SWITCH EMULATOR. now its our chance to become predators.
Cross progression would be nice with all the platforms now
everybody gangsta till someone said “im a switch predator”
Can’t wait to make people mad when they found out they got killed by a switch player
i can’t wait i was already addicted on ps4 & pc now we got switch 😁😁😁
Awesome I love how big blockbuster games are expanding in to everything I can’t wait to see it in the app store or in the apple store…. People who hate are always gonna be commenting because people who love videos just sit back and enjoy what technology is all about keep it up EA!!
I can’t wait to farm kills on the switch players 😅😜
All switch players: hahahaha this dose put a smile on my face
If this was the first ever apex legends gameplay trailer people would be so excited to play apex
Cross save bruv cmon
30 fps looks SO GOOD!
Zeus do your thing
i’m so exited 😁
So do i have to buy the Battle Pass twice, uh?
Won’t play also on switch as There is not crossplatform progress🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼
i would play but drift is a problem
Is there cross save?
An android or iOS version will be appreciated
You switch players will get bodied by us console players🤣💀 see you in the apex games
Pc: 240fps
NextGen Console: 120fps
LastGen Console: 60fps
Switch: 30fps
Samsung Smart fridge: 999999999999999999999999+fps
This gives me hope that Respawn Studios will consider bringing the Titanfall series to Nintendo.
P.S. I would lose it so badly if it happened in a Smash reveal.
Another bunch of aimassisters.
If this was real it would be a level 336 killing you 3 seconds with a energy weapon
Can’t wait for mobile now
Nice 30 fps battle royale experience👍👍👍
Bro its gonna be so blurry
It would be nicer if they added the cross-progression!
Yay can’t wait to play in 30fps against bots
Soooooo…. How well does the game run on Nintendo Switch?
hype is real
super hyped
no matter how it looks
and could run 20fps
and still hyped
Why did they have to do octane like that at the beginning. Like damn
Cross progress ?
After this we put all pur hope and dreams that they can realize the cross save
As a pc player, all I can say is thank you to respawn for supplying us with some delicious noobs 🙏
Finally!! Im gonna get the 4K damage badge and the 20 kills badge so easy, this is gonna be fun broda’
So what are we expecting ? 15 fps mostly ?
0.8 aim assist aimbot😂
Finally i can play a different battle royale with friends.
540p FTW
I cant wait to see the switch tryhard go crazy 😭
Looks blurry as hell
Ooooooo, new friends to play with!!!
Crossave ?
Wtf its already march holy i felt like it was february 9th like 2 days ago
Pray its not locked at 30 fps or less xD
More noobs lel
How is a new player using a wingman and a kraber in the trailer
i need to tell my friend
Nice, cant wait to play this with joycon drift
here i am maining pathfinder without getting a legendary skin and these switch players get a skin for free. excellent.
Can we plz get an option to play on the switch with our main accounts at some point? Would be too awesome if you could always play with your one acc… 🙂
I just hope you can transfer your data to switch
Nintindo Switch eh? More kills for me.
I just wanna know what the fps will be like
anyone want to play 🙂
If i’ve played it in PS4, will i get all the ingame currencies / unlocked stuffs in Switch as well?
PS: Cant wait to play with it on the go <3
Un kraberaso y despidanse de su juego mario bros :v
Now I don’t have to worry about some asking me do I have a mic? Do I have a mic?do I have a mic? And then proceed to leave the game… So annoying
I can’t even play on PS4 cus it always kicks me out
please put worlds edge back on the map rotation
so, they are going to add emotes?
There’s going to be a switch player with 1k kills 100 wins 100k damage first few days
again trash skin
While it doesn’t look as bad as I expected, it still doesn’t look great. Poor switch.
Am I thinking wrong? Surely those on the Switch will be massively inferior players to PC players and even Xbox/PS4?
how many FPS 15?
Nooooo thes is not good
Girl power!
What? 2 hours ago? I legit just seaeched for this rn cause I was curious if it was out on Switch or not. Bruh, what are the chances?
Sweet! Now I can get waffle stomped by preds on a different system!
OH MAN! I can double fist frosties and be on the toilet.
Running at 30 fps is gonna suck. I don’t even what to play on that.
Anybody else a bit concerned that wattson was happy when she threw octane into lava, no just me
2021 : Apex Legends ports to Switch
2022 : Apex Legends Mobile
2023: Apex Legends VR
2024 : Apex Legends : The Series
2025: Apex Legends+ ( Streaming Service)
2026 : Apex : OnlyLegends (18+)
PC player : What the hell are you
Switch player taking a sh*t : DEATH
Bye ps4 here I come Nintendo
I’m excited but I just know it isn’t going to run very well on the switch’s hardware. Hell, Fortnite doesn’t even run that well!
And then you play and your switch explodes.
Oh no! I must buy the switch now
Mario🤝 Octane
Be used as punching bag in all trailers
next is mobile port
This game is getting bad 3rd parties tryhards, and really A BLM Badge LMAO. oh and the spamming
still hoping for gyro controls
I so want to try this. I have a baller pc but I still want to try it out lol
Pk in the floor?
It won’t play or look like that on the switch, I can see constant frame drops and 20 FPS at most haha
How to get pathfinder skin
but whose lobby are they gonna be in thier own like PC or r they gonna be thrown into console lobbies??
Free kills 💀💀💀💀💀💀
When is this award winning game coming to mobile ? 🙂
“new limited time skin”yeah and that skin will return 16273636 time again because respawn dosen’t know what limited time means
-cross plat?
+ yes
– (laughs in noob killing mode)
If nintendo switch version has gyroscope aiming. We’re all fucked
5 fps
Mi main pat eskin 😀 i am happy
This is just sad 🤣🤣🤣
I want that pathy skin sooo bad
But did u hear “take ur legends with you” hope for xprogression
My little sis can finally be on my team now. She’s always watching me play, and when I told her that it’ll be on switch in about a week she got so excited. Thanks Respawn, and Thanks Nintendo!
Nintendo Switch here. 4 GB LPDDR4 SDRAM at 1600 MHz with an Nvidia Tegra X1. Highly mobile. Perfect for light gaming situations.
ah yes, cannot wait to play the (comparatively speaking) fastest and hardest BR right now on the most uncomfortable controller design ever on a touchscreen-less ipad as the heat melts my fingers off.
Hey, at least it’s portable!
How do I take my legend with me when there isn’t cross progression?
And this would become my 3rd Apex account.
hi! i just got a switch but i was always good so i wanted to know if you can link accounts
Those Pokémon’s have evolved so much😭💛 I heard snorlax even changed his name to caustic
Wraith and wattson: *NO*
Pathfinder for smash
60 FPS on switch? KEKW, and 1 year and 5 months later
Me that no switch , maybe apex mobile ?
Who else is going to play on switch to not let anyone have fun
Esa es men la pusieron bien gg
Mobile pls
Time to abuse the fact that its switch and that means 90% of players will be trash cause of the controls
Can’t wait to poop on the switch noobs
Please we need cross progression
nobody’s gonna talk about the emotes at 0:21?
This is great and all, but i want cross-save now please.
Other Games: “What? The games been out for 5 years already? Not 2?”
Apex: “What? The games been out for barely 2 years? Not 5?”
Alright, lets scroll down the comments and check out all the PC, ps4, and xbox users hating and shit talking apex on switch.
I have a switch so I am excited but I also have a PlayStation and I am almost level 300!
im disappointed that life line didnt say “last one down and the boom boom” 🙁
Title: Nintendo switch game play trailer.
Disclaimer under video: Not actual game play.
Me: Hmmmmmmm
bruh its gonna have them cardboard graphics
Cant wait to play with my lil bro! Thank you apex!!
Joder qué chulo se ve en nintendo switch gracias panic button
Where mobile
now I’m waiting for the phones 🙂
so.. mobile?…
idk man i’m bored, tired of sitting on my chair.. unemployed and have no muns for switch…
Ayo there’s gonna be crossplay between Switch and other consoles?? BRUH switch players are going to get FCKED
I don’t have a switch but thanks respawn for putting a good game on switch
Why are there dances, respawn please tell me that that’s not going to be in the game, please respawn
Let’s see how this goes…
144p and 25 fps here i come
Cross progression?
не игра имба в неё б побольше ивентов всяких и колабов с рок звёздами было бы топ и игра стрельнула ещё больше
Can’t wait to one-clip these poor souls for some free kills!
Apex kindly give this pathfinder skin to whole community please… 💓💓
Is the mid-season patch at the same time as the Switch launch? ALSO the Peacekeeper may be hinted as switching back to floor loot???????????
man it looks so good on switch, it’s impressive
So uh is it gonna be like fortnite And do 30fps or 60fps but low Graphics/720p-900p I don’t play switch but my friend does so Im looking into this
Will it run steady 10fps?
I would love to play on the switch and pc with my xbox account. A good idea would be to start cross progression.
This makes me want to get a nintendo
When Apex get into mobile?
Every person who wants a 20 bomb and a 4K are about to convert to play with other bad players watch
aqui los comentarios en español, no olviden visitarme en twitch xD habra sorteo para un pase de batalla de apex c: exito
Can’t wait any longer
I have both PS4 and a switch. And it’s nice to know I can finally SWITCH up my console if I want to 😁
I need apex mobile
Is it cross-transfer?
The graphic is very bad…
so who else here is just here for the path skin
It’s only my idea, or Apex legends looks better than The Nintendo Direct?
i had waited so long for this and now it’s finally here! HALLELUJA
I saw this on the e shop a while back and got exited
bet i havent played on the switch in awhile
This is gonna make slapping cheeks in crossplay just that more fun.
Smooooth 15 fps 480p, let´s go!
Congratulations Apex Legends 🤟🤟🏿🤟🏻
When we will get mobile 🙂
All my console friends KDR bout to shoot up
“Take your legend with you” unless you’re coming over from another platform in that case leave all your legends and skins there and start over
That’s awesome that means more lag and will kick me out in the middle of the game cause of it 😀
Yes >:)
Yay I have the Nintendo
i sadly don’t have one so i have to wait for the phone version
cool…. I think switch need a better hardware now, for real
Can’t wait to play apex on a gamecube controller.
This is it ! Finally! Ws in the kitchen Ws in bathroom Ws in the roof
Ee wtf
The waits been soo LONG!!
Zero rep for revenant. I am utterly disappointed…
Put Wraith in Smash LOOOOOOOOL
I want that skin but my account is on ps4 🙁
I can’t even realize what will happen with Olympus grass on switch. Even my 3080 has fps drops on it.
YAY! I get to start yet ANOTHER account on a different platform and start from scratch. Majority of games these days support Cross-Progression, utter nonsense.
Cant wait to link all my friends accounts to my switch so they can get 30 free levels and a pathfinder skin
This is a really great trailer
We Bout to get shit on by Pc players no cap
Can’t wait to go Predator with my GameCube controller
If they had cross progression. I’d be a little more excited to get it.
Finally I can smash my bed instead of the table when I rage about my shitty teammates 😀
wait can you get the pathfinder skin in other platforms too?
I’m just wondering
Pro controller needed
Now if I could only have my cross progression for my skins and battlepass, I would be playing on nearly all platforms.
When this game first came out I thought: this would be an excellent game on Nintendo switch……now it’s a reality
Maybe also fix EU servers?
you think hitreg was bad when playing crossplay with console?
Respawn – “Hold my packet loss”
Respawn bring cross Progression in the game!
I’m pretty sure these are some kind of emotes at 0:38
Welcome Nintendo
Imagine auto-aim on nintendo, it will be too powerful
I really hope this has gyro aim!
I can’t wait to destroy some switch kids. This is gonna get spicy real quick😈
I got kicked out of a vc when they confirmed the date of this because i was so excited
Wow. Switch. Cool. Now I can play with my account on a different device…. oh wait no I can’t. Useless for most of us dedicated players.
More third party more aimbot and server lag which is respawn never fix whole life they just taking us wallet that’s it.
apex legends on 30fps yikes
Does any one notice at 0:44 lifeline has her own wepon
Do android next to use with controller!!!!!!!
I want that skin but on my PC haha
Why are the Japanese trailers at 60fps?
anyone watching this on pc:
I thought the skin would be cooler
The character in the teaser for all the people who own a Nintendo Switch
If I have a account that’s connected to my ps4 do I neet to make another one for nintendo or I can just log in and it will be just connected to the same account where is my ps4 apex account?
A bunch of my friends have a switch for their platform so its gonna be fun to finally be able to play with them
That pathfinder skin looks nice
Nobody wants a red robot we want a waluigi skin or link skin
Ok maybe R.O.B mains from smash want an red robot
Me da envidia saber que hay gente que puede jugar apex mientras caga
Well, the skin is not very good. It would be better to create a new one.
Crosssave please!!!
Sweaty PC players are going to tbag any pathfinders with that skin.
Pls.fixed ps4 login.. i cant get in lobby for past 1month
If i alredy have an account, i can put it in my nintendo switch?
GL HF switch players VS pc players …but it will be interesting …
Respawn, if you actually add emotes to Apex, i hope you also add “Schadenfreude”- Emotes like in Team Fortress 2. I would like to laugh at downed sweaty TTV wraiths
switch bois can play yessir
So is switch part of the Crossplay?
When is world’s edge returning?
That’s just great how they put some footage gameplay from pc to switch adaptation
Cross Progression too……? 🙂
Switch players are gonna get fucking ROLLED LMAO
Cap. Let’s see if the switch can handle it
Great probably a level 2 switch player is gonna take pathfinder from me just because of the skin
But y’all still cant make solo’s or squads’s
I see they learned from the OW2 trailer and removed the UI lol
I stick to my 1080p 240hz apex
Ya era hora pienso yo, tengo Pc, Xbox one y Serie X pero la posibilidad de jugar en Switch en viajes de negocios es bastante tentador
Take your LEGENDS with you but don’t forget to purchase EVERYTHING all over again because skins aren’t ON your account but for the console type, spent HUNDREDS of $$ on PS4 but don’t get them on PC. Scam.
So is Apex technically the first Source Engine game in Switch?
how do you get the past finders my sister has a Nintendo Switch, do I just need to like log in and then log out to get the skin, do I need to like do a challenge, how do I get the skin
now that Nintendo gets a free pathfinder skin i am going to beg to my parents for an Nintendo. Im fucking depressed now
No bad apex dont do that
Can we link our accounts for cross progress or we gotta play from lvl 1 and unlock all our legends and crap again
Letssssssss go
Really hope the mobile port isn’t by Tencent like cod mobile
I’d be curious to watch an real Apex gameplay on switch….and count its 20fps with polygons instead of textures
If this runs at 60 fps I’m gonna eat my sock
The pathfinder skin is so cool
Maybe with more people giving them money, Respawn will lower their cash grabbing…
Oh, wait!
We are talking about *EA*
how can u run it-
When this comes out, Prepare for some mayhem
Hope the servers run properly..
Are they gonna come out with a update for the new gen consoles to run at 120FP?
Yay! Now I can play with more of my friends!
Bruh my switch just broke and they give away a bew pathfinder skin🥲🥲🥲
It is possible that we’ll likely have emotes in Apex Legends in the near future! 😆😆😆
But the craze on controller and keyboard will never end
This is degrading for APEX LEGENDS… it should be limited for PC,Xbox and PS
So you can play on switch now but still cant play mouse and key board on a console lol
will it have cross play on launch?
So is the aim assist gonna be better than ps and Xbox?
Can’t to finally be able to play this game! Also canadian pathfinder
With or Without Cross Progression?
Honestly, I cannot imagine playing this game with those little Nintendo switch controllers lol
Can’t wait to get teammates on mobile
Welcome to the hell nintendo player 😈
Now all we need are 60hz/128hz tickrate servers on PC
Yeah don’t fix the cross play issues you already have.. just add more of it… omg 😤
My Brother is so happy
It looks dope!
When mobile??
To think just 30 years ago playing on my Gameboy to this. Imagine what the next 50 years will bring us in gaming.
Strap in tight folks!
This could have been a huge W if they added cross progression 😕
Will I be able to have my stuff from ps4 to switch?
March 9?! Early release? Let’s gooooo
Instead of doing this they should fix there servers 😀
Cross progression?
Won’t be a apex trailer without octane dying and caustic not included lol
hmm… something tells me this will not improve their network servers…
I don’t get the point why the gameplay is pixelated? xD
0:22 this Rampart animation is pretty cool and what she have in her hands too…
It doesn’t actually look that bad
The animation is gonna be the fps this shit runs at
I love how apex legends is just making so many more ways for people to have fun even with everything going on in the world right now it does put a smile on my face
Alguien sabe cómo se consigue esa eskin de patfinder
Dear Reapawn, first fix the cheaters problem in every lobby, then add more people to the game please. You are just letting more people to suffer cheaters. Thanks. ☺️🙏🏻
aww wait doesent this mean i have to make a new account agian?:( i have 3 apex accounts 1 on pc 1 on xbox and another on switch and all my good shit is on my xbox account PLEASE ADD CROSS SAVE EA/RESPAWN
That pathfinder skin is fire
Do I smell laggy crossplay?
I cant wait to rage while taking a dump
Omg omg omg! Perfect timing to sell my ps4 for a switch
bois u know what this means
bot lobbies for days
next comes mobile
im… happy even tho i dont have it but happy for switch players but sad bcz i cant get the pathfinder skin when im a pathfinder main so this is my happiness in short :I
Alguien habla español
I wonder why people think the switch players would be so easy to farm. Most of them play on TVs. Yes, long range combat is going to be tough for them, but I’m pretty sure they’d still be solid. Still, at first there will be a bunch of people just starting the game -those will have it rough.
Get ready for your switch to explode 😂
Every kid is gonna be maining pathfinder
Does that mean cross save will come out?
Will my ps apex transfer over?
This is it for me I am out
new meat to kill 🙂
I have a nitendo I’m so excited 😀😀
Im ready bro
So they can give the switch Apex but they can’t give the new gen consoles 120fps? Sweet, very cool. Thanks devs
Cómo si se viera con esa calidad xd
0:21 I don’t have friends to play with anyone wanna play with me 😭😭😭
So exited to see how such a good game is doing so well I guess we will just have to see what amazing things you do next looking forward to it.
Anyone else hoping your skin’s and cosmetics port over I have like 3 heirlooms and I wanna have them on the switch. But knowing that EA runs the company and they are greedy goblins I doubt it but I’d be cool to have previous battle pass skins, charms, finishers, banners and other things from other accounts that have been there since day one
Yesiiirrrr 😎 imma play it with my subs
This looks much better than I thought it would. I want ONE win while in portable mode lmao. Is it impossible?
To all the people who have multiple consoles let’s be honest here, we just want the skin.
Can’t wait to get that 20 kill emblem whilst simultaneously rocking that 144p gameplay.
How can they just do my boi octane dirty like that
Switch scrubs are gonna get shit on by console and complain💀
I’ll be honestly the path skin is pretty disappointing ngl
Pc players be like: this is gon be fun
Now we just need cross progression PLEASE
imagine loading in ranked and seeing a switch pred
I want that path skin but I’m not getting a switch😭
im litteraly soooo excited
Aim assist on this is gonna screw us
I just hope there’s cross save
Can we log into the switch version with our current accounts and get the skin?
Can’t wait for that dude with 10,000 kills with wraith on switch! XD
I hope i can farm some switch noobs for 20bomb
Apex mobile please
Super excited!
See you in the Ring 👌
Apex bouta have a wholle lot more players 😃😃😃
İ dont have any pc and i dont have any Nintendo Switch but i have a mobile phone please launch it to mobile i am waiting it PLEASE
You don’t know how much I waited for this
This is great but it’s sad how little people know about titan fall 2.
We got more food boys
No I want one
Pls be 60 fps
I’m jealous of that pathfinder skin
Nintendo leaked gameplay doesnt look anything like this :d
I’m not as excited for this as I am the caustic town takeover but this still looks dope
Is switch going to be crops play because I have that’s on switch and the other on PlayStation and I’m on Xbox
F for switch players
While it’s nice that Switch owners will get to play this now…they are probably going to be frustrated a lot since they will have 30 fps and bad controls…and every other platform is 60 fps (or higher) and better controls. What I am saying is…you’re going to lose a lot.
Dear Switch players, please don’t die and leave like everyone else 🤣
But what about cross progression between accounts ?
OMG confirmed 60 FPS I say it’s Been 60 FPS!
I can’t wait to drop these killstreaks on these kids
I don’t own a switch but seeing that this will make switch users happy then I’m happy too.
Finally something I can give a fuck about this outta be legendary.
If a switch player gets an heirloom from me I’m gonna delete this game
Can they play cross platform with pc users?
10 frame legends
I normally play on Xbox but it will be nice to bring that game with me on the go
If I die from a switch player I’m deleting this game
Finally more lag and ddr floor pad players to raise my k/d to…..
0:21 Wait, did my boy Mirage just do the Carlton!?!? Are emotes coming in the game!?!?!?
No switch online please
I’m so glad I bought a switch 2 weeks ago😁😁😁
Something to get on road trips
Wattson is so cute aww 🥰
Hope the skin is for everyone
Now I can finally use my switch
Nice, now i can really play on mcdonalds wifi
Que chasco
Is the pathfinder skin for free ?
If only there was cross progression so I could transfer the path skin to my main account
Ah yes, I cant wait to add this path skin to my collection. Wait nvm cross progression doesn’t exist….
does “take your legend with you” mean cross progression?
Probably going to need to get a pro controller but I hope my joy cons can handle it after awhile lol
And CellPhones?????
now put titanfall 2 on switch
Comment section:
1% – yay fun
99% – yay fun while taking dump
Now i could third party while taking a big ol shit
Ah yes… Apex, but with crippling drift.
Could these be ground emotes? The possibility of them were leaked way back in Season 6 so maybe.
Either that or just new banner poses for the next event.
Next step, cross progression
Well, good to broad the player base! Will this have crossplay? If yes i sense LOTS of bots being destroyed.
Meanwhile: Mobile players crying in a corner watching everything else get apex
Jedi Fallen Order next please🤝
i wish items transfered 🙁
Damn that looks great!!!
Hope matchmaking is better and shorter than the PS4. So excited.
But don’t they have to add an account system? Or is all of my save data on my Xbox just gone?
I feel like people are underestimating how the game will look on the switch. The same company that’s porting Apex ported Doom, and Doom ran very well and looked very well on the Switch. I’m not saying it will run perfectly, there will be flaws, and we Switch users with older consoles will have to run it on lower settings, but it won’t run as bad as people are saying it will. Of course, I could be wrong, and the game might be unplayable.
It’s like Christmas noobs all over again
Keep the store up I’m going to get it soon please
Somebody of Nintento switch wanna play with me :)? Im a xbox player
I wanna a friend of switch
*20 kills incomig for You >:)*
Welcome to the games switch players
everything is absolute fun except potato servers
Omggg I’m so hypeeed!!!
Salaverga los de consola vamos a ser mierda a los de switch
Imagine using wing man/kreaber on switch 😂 these trailers are out of this world
This looks so good, Panic Button on steroids!
Hi i’m not water
_The problem of the Switch_
Is having a Jammed or damaged joysticks 🕹
Is there an option to switch off crossplay? Or an option to not play with pc user?
Oh cool, another Angel City Pacer Reskin
I have a switch I have been waiting since the day apex came out finally :)))))))) the best day of my life
So next annoucement: apex legends on Mobile. It would be nice;)😙😌 please apex give us the mobile version🥺
This looks suspiciously good. Is this the first ever working switch port lmao
Fuse ult needs buff for sure.
Hey everyone. Remember, on March 9th to turn of cross platform. See you guys soon:)!
0:21 is this a lobby animation or a idle animation for rampart?
Still waiting for Android release💀
Finally, my brother and I can play together on our xbox and switch
I’ve seen it all.
Bring on the new players!!!! 😀
Se encuentra uno de pc y le desinstala el Mario Bros XD
Im literally gonna buy a switch to play apex on my travels
Пацаны как такую графику на пк сделать
Really excited 😊
I fear for the graphics life :l
Umm android?
Too bad there’s no cross progress 😢
Is this a teaser for emotes coming to apex!
Let’s pray for all the little Timmys out there who somehow get put in Pred lobbies before level 20
And now we wait for mobile.
30fps 😅
It’s going to be running on 10 FPS 😂
Ok, but when we get cross save?
When you realize that most will play on handheld so they well have shit aim
Me: Pro controller”
Is there a 110 FOV ons nintendo switch ?
One step closer to “Mobile”, right?
If only they made their server as good as the game …it would have been a great experience
0:38 emote?
Can’t wait to get that pathfinder skin hopefully it’s free
The path skin should have the switch logo on his screen
Basically, they get more battle pass level than I have, even though I play everyday and they get a skin that literally nobody will have
It comes out on my birthday
Why is this so funny
Cross save ?
Please bring cross platform save files like Fortnite has 🥺
oooooo cool and mozambiqe original
Will there bé cross plateform
а может вы лучше пофиксите ЛАГИ появившиеся в 8 сезоне, чем выпускать дрисню на мёртвую консоль для мариоёбов?!ААА?!
I need that pathfinder outfit but i play on ps4 🙁
Y luego pal celular 🤑🤙
Good day Nintendo switch
Finally my nephews can quit bugging me to play apex on my Xbox 😅 ps apex legends has the best community 🙏🏼
10 FPS here I come!!
Bro I’m waiting on apex mobile bruh because I can only play the game when I have no school so when apex mobile come out ima be on it alllll day
I’m so happy 🙂
Cómo se obtiene esa skin de path,solo pa saber
Please make cross progression now
Great! So whens mobile coming out?🤔
I love how it looks 3 fps
Soooo is there crossplay or….?
I have 4 switch I play more on switch I dont like to play on any adder consol
I like the apex coming on a 1 week
I want Titanfall 3
A trailer is incomplete without a Mozambique kill
Nice intro
Apex: what can we do to get more money ?
yeah…. do it on switch but the game have no problems hahah what a shameeeee
Lacks tritshots
Now the gameplay parts of the apex trailers looks more realistic)
Do you have to be on switch to get the skin? I want it on my ps4 account but I have a switch
fix the servers! please!!!!!
Those people are gonna play while laying in bed, sounds so comfortable.
2 Octanes were hurt in the production of this film
Me waiting for mobile version
make apex legends for phones
Y’all notice them dance, ground emotes coming? 🤔
Apex Legends mobile coming soon???
this is cool but
i cant even load into apex
dad can we get a switch
my dad: no u have a ps4
Apex can we have one gameplay trailer where Revenant doesn’t die?
I can finally play with my brother!!!
Nat kicking Octane into the lava was cute asf lol not sure how much I’ll play on Switch compared to PC but definitely will give it a try
Time to smurf the hell out of new players
Imagine hitting pred on a switch
Got hacked, hacker used up all my premium currency and metals. I have pictures and videos as well as your customer support admitting that there was a strange sign in through origin (looks like the hacker was located in China since my history had Chinese in it). Your customer support hung up on me. None of the hacker’s friends were banned (they are on my buddy list because they were playing together on my hacked account) Refund me my battlepass money at the very least.. please. I’ll keep commenting til someone reaches out.
Switch gameplay trailer < putting the pc gameplay in a switch frame
Bro but can they play with ps and xbox or pc its my query please tell me
We pc and console players are gonna be trembling when these switch players take over.
ppl complaining about the graphics i would like to say that this is better than playing with a low end computer. i am grateful
15fps Master race
Ima cop this skin
I can’t wait to destroy the switch players 😂😂😂
I can’t wait to clap some Nintendo switch players
So I own 6 Heirlooms on 3 different platforms(PS4, XBOX and PC). You know where I’m going with this @ApexLegends
Not gonna lie honestly had my hopes up there where y’all were like surprise it’s out today lol
Графон сказал пока))
Can i use my xbox account on switch to get the limited adition skin?
0:10 as an octane main i approve
OK more noobs coming to apex
finally i can play my fav game on the switch (:
But no cross progession tho
are we getting emotes?!
I have nintendo
Kinda jealous of that free pathfinder skin. Can’t wait for all of the switch players
Great… Now do mobile😀
Can’t wait to play apex at 240p
‘Gameplay’ trailer ???? Little misleading that as this appears to running at a higher fps than Xbox and ps !!
That had nothing to do with pathfinder
It won’t be fun if I get put with a guy basically playing on mobile
Ima be the first predator on switch….wait….AYO WAIT
I can bring apex anywhere I want.. noice
Who will be the first switch apex predator?
So umm. Controller drift.
i have a playstation acount in apex can i use that same acount in the switch to get that skin
It will never realease at mobile believe me.
now add the option of being able to play with keyboard and mouse on consoles and there will be more happy people
I like how everyone is running default skins to show that this won’t have cross progression yet.
I have been waiting for this day
Kinda weird that the trailer for Apex on the Japanese Nintendo channel shows the game running at around 50-60fps, but every other trailer released is locked at 30fps
Nintendo 30fps switch 👌😂
say i have an xbox and a switch will i be able to link the two accounts?
I cant wait for longer to try it
I’m so hyped about this! Gonna spent my birthday money on this game lol
And cross-save?
Lol my birthday is on 9 march
What’s with the white angle city pacer skin
Get ready Nintendo Switch Players!
Your about to join
XBOX, Playstation & PC
It ain’t going to be easy
ITS ON!🏆🔫💥💣
Mozambique here ! 🥳
Ez Kills on Switch
Me: Hype because this is as close to mobile
Apex : So you thought 🤨
Well this is certain… NO ONE is gonna use it in handheld unless they have those pro Joy cons. Having said that, super pumped! Can’t wait for it, and hope they bring cross saving~
Does anyone know if I have my account on a ps4 would I be able to access my account on my switch
Add solos
Desiaria tener Nintendo switch para jugar esta maravilla de creación
This is sooo cool. I’m obsessed with Apex. I know we just about moved into season 8 but I was thinking for our next character to be a female with cool long hair in a pony tail like rampart. and her special move could be flying. Her move that could take about 20 second cool down could be ultra jump or something but u jump a bit higher than octanes jump pad. If you don’t mind making her I will be soooo happy honestly.
Thanks a lot
Is it just me or is Apex growing more than ever before?
See how they made legends dance to attract fortinte kiddos
Now i want to buy a Nintendo switch
I dont have a switch but the graphics look exactly what i thought it would look like
Now cross progression😒
Yay I have been waiting for this one!
Lmao I’m getting my switch on Thursday so this is cool
Nintendo switch players : alright we r going to enjoy apex legends
also them: how many legends do we have to unlock ?
That one kid: Where is Google stadia?
Can you release cross progression now?
is the path skin only free for nintendo players?
Lmao can’t wait to shit on some switch players
Nintendo In the past he has paid for his characters to be in EA games and I can imagine if they do it again and we can see Mario with a Devotion
I need that Phat skin
I can’t say I wasn’t expecting another Quicksilver reskin responded to that shit like drug addicts are addicted to drugs ( obviously I mean what the hell else would a drug addict be addicted to Jumping Jacks?)
R.I.P nintendo players 1 fps🤣
I want try it but i don’t have switch☹️
Yes! Yes!yeeeeees!
Damn Watson be cold 0:10
Punish players who leave the game until the end of the match. Or make SOLO mode
You are welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey apex do you mind telling me how many gb apex is on switch
When are we getting cross progression? That’s like a standard in every free to play game now.
I have waited a year now for this, only seven more days to go…excited
This is awesome for anyone with a Switch and nothing else! However, given that my wife complains about not being able to see people when she tries to play on her desktop PC, I can’t imagine playing on a 720p screen at no more than 60fps would be a good play experience.
Lol that wasn’t actual gameplay.
Now when does it come out for iOS and Android
aim assist gonne be 0.9
Come on why does the Nintendo switch people got to get skins and PS4 and Xbox don’t
The real cuestion is: We can vinculate our accounts from another platform?
0:43 what is that rampart aiming at…. I forgot its the switch…
Wait 0:37 emotes in apex legends?
Y lo 120 fps y 4k donde esta?
0:38 wait r they teasing something lol?!
0:39 cross progression between pc and consoles???
PS5 持って無くてswitch 持ってる人からしたらうれしいんじゃないかなぁ…
I’m going to buy a Nintendo switch just for playing Apex
new platform……:)
servers* fu^ked up:(
yo to all the play saying 20fps can’t wait to see ya’ll getting clapped by switch players
I mean not sure who actually wanted this (I’m sure there’s people but why?) But i welcome it
now i’m going to be able to play with my girlfriend. thanks Respawn.
respawn we were just joking… i didnt think you were taking us seriously-
I wanted a skin from Mario 😔👌
Looks like 30fps. However, if Panic Button decided to give us the Performance vs Quality option like they did with Rocket League, I’m hoping for 60fps or at least anything significantly higher than 30.
Who would win?
Nintendo gamer
Chad PC gamer
I have a nintendo and i want the pat skin
Yea welcome to the Apex Community, where the servers are potatos & every 2/3 games you get hackers beaming you LMFAO!
Please come to mobile ios
cant wait to play apex on switch lite😐
Poggers. Now give use cross progression.
make it avaible to mobile now
All I want to know is will there be cross progression?
I want that skin o.O im on pc tho no special skins for us 🙁
Ya know… if apex looks this good on switch, than ARK… I love you but you have no exuse to look bad on ps4
it would be cool if we could go in firing range offline
now mobile please
What a challenge for @zeus resurrected 😛 Teabag the TTVs from Switch lol
Pathfinder is……
Apex ples add cross progression
So steam users who play on the toilet have some dumpetition now
Alfin podre jugar con mi amigo :’D
Ps4 can’t hold 50 solid fps. Swich!!??? 25!??? Lol
so that means is it coming in mobile also? just curious…
drop yalls gamer tags here v
Congrats on 2M subs
The graphics look great for the switch that must have taken a whole lot of optimizing
i cant waittttt
I have nintendo swich an this is going to be fun
What about mobile version EA (Electronic Asshole)
Definitely gonna buy Nintendo switch now ! 😭😭
Not gonna lie, I was worried, but this actually exceeds expectations. You live to see it!
they added it on switch but on next gen consoles nope
1 semana mas 😉
fix the servers
When are they going to add cross-progression
finally i can cop some dubs while taking a massive shit
How do new players that haven’t played titan fall 2 get to get a free legendary skin and I get nothing when I played apex ever since a came out
Is there going to be a mobile version too?
All my Apex veterans out there let’s try to make launch a fun experience for new players and grow the game!
man this graphics looks like in real life, but unfortunately I have a short-sightedness
Lets goooooo
Waluigi skin for Mirage coming soon…
Cant wait to get myself in a lobby with my switch account and do solo duos
There was a missed opportunity of replacing Cryptos drone controller with a Nintendo switch.
Welcome to the big game, Switch players!
Well, me friend is very excited for this. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t know how much he is ‘bout tu die.
Does it run at a solid 10fps?
Boutta be 2 pixels lol
Well, i don’t care about the low textures because that’s what i use on PC but pleaseee let it run smooth and stuff.
But will there be cross progression soon?
“Apex is dying tho” lol. Clowns. Best BR on the market and one of the funnest multiplayer games I’ve ever played. It’s only the scrubs who are crying about the state of the game. Go play Mario.
I wonder how the movement is gonna be on this
0:10 I’m sorry I laughed so hard 😂😂😂
This bouta have ps1 graphics
More noobs in rank.
They probably have aim assist x2
PS4 and Xbox players to switch players: I look forward to meeting you all… *REAL CLOSE AND PERSONAL*
I love that they actually show ingame footage with the “worse” graphics.
15 fps gameplay
im so exited to play apex wherever i want🔥🔥🔥🔥
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu que chevere
I mean I love apex legends
So excited 🙂
Para cuando el apex en móviles? XD
Will it be skill based matchmaking or it will be the same like other consoles?
We need servers in turkey
I apex leagend
BIENVENIDOS hermanos de Nintendo switch espero que se la pasen bien !!!!!!
But you can’t improve severs …. smh dad
Nintendo getirme server getir server .
I do miss when peacekeeper was a normal shotgun you could find
We need cross progression
Graphics still look amazing 🤩
When fixed the servers?
Probably better to play it docked than handheld tbh.
30 or 60 FPS in switch version?
Oh no
Cant wait I love you Alex legends !!! It’s going to be my first time to play the game !!!
alterative tittle “introducing bum bum bummmmmmmmm BOT LOBBIES!” (this a joke btw im on switch
More players = Servers 💀
20 bomb here i come
Hmm, maybe their hinting ground emotes in future seasons ?? 0:22 and 0:37
Now I can die on the go. Thanks respawn 👍
Y don’t PC Xbox and PS4/5 players get a free skin it seems only fair
Bruh I want the pathfinder skin so badly but I still want all my other stuff
Cross progression por favor
I’m going to obliterate children and btw does anyone feel that Pathfinder’s skin could’ve looked like something a little more Nintendo or Gibi could’ve gotten a Wario looking skin?
Solo mod pls
Yo let’s fing go
pls a skin for Gibraltar or octane ! ^^
If theres no cross progression idrc
hype for this though I don’t have a switch 🤣
10 fps?
This looks like a different game compared to what they showed in the Nintendo Direct lol
Welp time to get the switch boys
They have better graphics than mine tbh
cross progression maybe??
Can’t wait for all the new Nintendo switch players that have little to no idea how to play the game and are easy kills
say hello to ur new 1 switch pred ME
“faster faster-”
may you rest in peace octane 😔😔
ok but gyro?
Can I link my EA account to get all my stuff from PS4 or naw
“not actually gameplay”
Finally! 😀
The game looks surprisingly good
1 day later wraith TTV main gets 10K kills
All I got to say is switch players are most def getting beamed🤷🏾♂️ I close my case
Yes finally
Hey switch, welcome to apex leyends
I can finalky get rid of fortnite on my switch and play this game for 600+ Hours
I want push apex predator on switch 🤣
Can you guys make a Nintendo Switch Case (skin or sleeve) where it looks like crypto’s drone controller thing because that’d be so cool
Watson really said Yeet with that kick tho
Not complaining but it looks like 640p 30fps 60fov lol
15 fps
こ な い で
sooooo no cross save???
what about smartphones ? 🙁
POV : You want the path skin but dont have a Nintendo switch😔
Pathfinder skin…
Oh come on he is dead
Ground emotes? 👀
So it’s angel city pacer pathfinder skin with a Nintendo logo?
Thank god
Where is mobile
Ojalá que también regalen la skin de Pathfinder para los de play
Plays Apex with joy cons*
Joycons : alright I’m gonna drift
Please also add gyro aiming to PS4/5.
nerf spitfire.
720p medium graphics 30 fps
Pc players are going to flip when they get killed by a switch player
Okay, time to make diamond 4 times in 1 season then
please please say this means cross Progression ?
0:16 Ummmm Peacekeeper next update!?!?!?!?!?!
Can’t wait for my switch to blow up
omg nitendoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Make them start from season 0 😂😂
aggiungete nuovi server madonna cara che quelli che abbiamo noi su pc fanno cagare invece di fare sta merda su switch
Hoffe kann meinen Account verknüpfen
finally I’ll get my 20 bomb badge 🤩🤩🤩
When apex for toaster
I wanted mobile🥲
Is cross progression gonna be available when this releases?
Come on brother step up to pay outrageous money for same skins with different colors and for heirlooms font do anything extra other than look cool.. $200 cool each..
Crossave please ?
I wish there was a way you don’t have to restart your progress.
Why nintendo switch have a legendary skin but on steam we got charms that you doesnt really pay attention to them
I know its for the nintendo but come on
We need mobie more than Nintendo switch
Turns out they somehow add motion controls so streamers have another control scheme to cry about.
So in order to get that path skin i have to play on PSP or mobile ?
FIXE SERVER F°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Will You be switching ?
Hey res pawn can you guys make it so we can transfer accounts from platform to platform. With the release of the switch version that would be great
287 personas: Todo bien en casa?
287 people: All Good at home?
Lets go 30 fps apex legends
not a pc still hehehehehehehe
Its gonna blow up in my hands, can’t wait
Switch smurf accounts are coming. Prepare all other platform players. We must unite.
I knew you guys can do it by putting Apex on switch! 🎰
Por que siento como si ese gameplay no fuera de la condola
Im sorry but the quality…
You will need switch online correcto?
Welcome switch players to the arena, i hope you dont make your joycons drift because were gonna get intense in here
This thing about to lag sooo bad😂
Ahora sí, ya tengo ganas de comprar una Switch GG!!
love you apex :3
This about to be extremely scuffed
I instantly went to my Nintendo switch but then saw the apex legends Nintendo switch release date is the 9th. ;(
We also need cross save PLS
Hooray for 20fps gameplay. They’re gonna be nuked in cross play
emotes?? 0:22
But what about crosssave/crossprogression?
Pathfinder x Megaman is good skin
Need to bring solos apex is boring right now
sorry i am unsubbing i just don’t like apex, i like fortnite.
Everyones talking about pc players smashing switch players but y’all know its only crossplay with other consoles right? And switch players kinda have an advantage over the other console players cause they have gyro aim.
Thank you very much for you apex legends finally get the game for nintendo switch
0:38 ground emotes?
Everyone: haha you have to use joycons on apex
Me: I have a pro controller
Also me: destroys everyone in 1v1
This is cool, hope whoever plays on switch has fun.
That pathfinder is like after this we should hangout
Ngl im skeptical, that other trailer from the switch direct the game looked like garbage lol
A accidently bought micro sd card👀
I don’t have a Nintendo switch but this does put a smile on my face 😀
Lets gooooo I just got switch this xmas
Get me cross progression already
“Nintendo players waiting for this be like:”
Can’t wait for #1 switch player
Im confused, the last japanese trailer was at 60 fps
Did anyone notice that?
Can’t wait to play apex at school lol
Get ready for all the Apex Legends Content Creators to post videos “Playing Apex Legends on Switch”
Just bought a Nintendo switch yerrrr!! Now can I transfer my xbox progress over?
Aim assist 0.8??
I don’t have a switch but that pathfinder skin would make a fine edition to my collection
Han pasado 84 años Xdi
Actually I thought that the graphics would be really decreased, but actually they look pretty decent, I want it… The only thing I miss, and next big deal for Apex will be cross save, but for now I’m so hyped
People who saw water’s video be like: Yeah, I read manga
If there’s cross progression I might bite. If not, then why would I stop playing on PC? I have a PS4 but that feels scummy. Everyone knows all console players get carried by aim assist lol, they deny it but they themselves know it’s true. Add gyro though and the switch players will most likely be up there with PC.
A Day Later The Best NINTENDO Player On Apex Legends💀
30fps legends
wow this trailer actually looks like its recorded from the switch, like things clearly aren’t as high res and stuff, like this is a genuine display of the switch gameplay
Next is mobile 👀👀
fix your server first
We can now bring the mayhem to the Nintendo switch! Very poggers
My body is ready
No tengo nintendo pero me alegro por los que lo querían jugar en nintendo, se nos unen nuevos jugadores de mi parte les doy la bienvenida 🙂
everyone gangster until switch players start flooding lobbies with path skins
Whos going for number 1 pred on nintendo
Apex a 700p
Exiting 😀
Хотел бы верить, но верится с трудом
More yummy bots to eat.
Vera maari vera maari 🔥🔥🔥
Hahaha hahaha Wingman popping off on console need big skills but doing it with joycons will need god level skills!!!
Or game breaking aim assist?
I want to take my progress from the Xbox to Steam 🙁
I feel really bad for Xbox players don’t have exclusive skins.
This the best thing that happened in 2021
Cross savvveeeee please I would love to just game on my ps4 then have it on my switch to play it when I travel
We Need Apex Legends Mobile🥰
Imma get a Nintendo now😂 if I do I’ll have ps4 and that
Wow is apex legends gonna be the game that makes me keep my switch on me at all times now? Sorry Pokémon sorry smash.
So does nintendo only get the free pathfinder skin?
I play on ps4 but on Nintendo switch I won’t be able to log into my account because there’s no cross progression right?
Now just announce cross progression & you’ll be solid 👌🏼
Is anyone ha having this problem?
At least I don’t have to lug my giant computer everywhere to play this. 😂
more noobs to slash on crossplay
Good! New players to kill…
Welcome nintendo boys
Please tell me this comes with cross progression
There is a bug that we can’t loot anything from the boxes :v
Those graphics and resolution lookin’ crisp
I wish I could get that pathfinder skin cannot wait for his buff
Apex is on all platforms. Make cross save
Switch players:Hi guy-
Pc,ps4,xbox players:PREPARE YOUR ASS
I don’t even wanna know how the FPS looks like on switch
Ok but if we already have an account and get the Switch version do we still get the Pathfinder skin?
Finally something to replace fortnite with
Can’t wait to farm Switch players to the fullest extent
Cool but my Nintendo Switch Broke
90 fov lookin ass
*I can’t wait to play on 15 frames per second*
I guess ill Get my 20 bomb now at least
Bruh Apex On Switch Comes Out When My Switch Breaks.
First pred switch player
Can’t wait to die from joycon drift ffs.🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
Ea keep adding shit but doesn’t fix the servers
Freaking awesome! And kudos to Panic Button for porting Apex Legends to the Nintendo Switch!!!!!
Dammit now way more fortnite kids are playing this game and I’m an apex veteran back then it was no fortnite kids
Switch listos pa que los violen
Will it be in the cross play???
Les joueurs switch ils sont éclater
I want my PS4 Apex account on the Switch 🥺🥺
Preciso que vcs arrumem a wraith ela está muito fraca
The graphics tho..
and you need the Wi-Fi
The rise of new legends (players) are upon us
i’m wondering if you can connect all your data from your other computer or console on to the switch so you can have your on account on the 2 devices.
What about mobile
When mobile coming out tho
So this is why Respawn hasn’t fixed the servers yet! They were working on the Switch version! Right Respawn?
Thats cool that I can play apex wherever I want on my switch but what about cross-progression?
haha 20 fps lol
Yes yes yessssssss
I have been waiting for so long
Ik everyone will be playing this in detention at the back of the room
I just saw waters vid on this lol
Time to destroy some noobs
I have a nentendo yesss
they will have 3 god teir battle royales
ah yes.. they not gonna make titanfall 3 soon.
Cant wait to clap cheeks with me on pc 😁
I waited a year and a half….Its amazing
O MAH LAWD YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Watch out for switch preds
I have it on Xbox can I get my xbox account and items on my switch cause if so I’m switching
But are they ready for this though? All the raging and fuckin seventh parties lol
Here we go again !!!
I like des Idea
Can we have a Xbox Exclusive? Atleast s Badge? Would love a Badge or something for Bloodhound lol
Fresh meat incoming 🍖
Switch shall know the pain of mastiff legends
If this is the same quality gameplay as I get on my Xbox I may buy a switch for this.
Slideshow master race!!
I love you guys, Now i can finally play apex with my mom!❤️❤️❤️
Do we Need online??
Apex is taking a whole new level of a lot of new players
I am curious cross progression will come to? Please tell. And if didn’t came so how at season 7 origin players can get their account on steam?????
Do on mobile!!! I’m waiting so much
Waiting for phone version
Next up mobile devices?
Bruh … Retro apex (?)
16k 240 fps
so no cross progression then? ok.
Switch predator… XD
Okay but tell me why they are dancing- are we getting dancing emotes now-
There‘s something about this trailer that reminds me of the good old days in Apex. Before Season 3. Season 1 and 2 were the best!
They going to have a huge disadvantage
0:37 Emotes ???
Mobile is coming…. I can feel it
Wow this looks amazing for switch it seems the game runs better than the cutscenes
Holy shit i can take a shit and play the game
Is there a cross progression because I am already on pc?
Corss progression pls
30fps or 60fps?
Ground emotes👀
I just hope I don’t get switch players as random teammates.
framerate modcheck
I cant wait to rinse them all😎👌
More FNG’s to kill. 😎
Cant wait to play Apex when I’m taking a shit 😂
Been waiting for this for SO LOOOOOOOONG
Thank god some complets bots
Поздравляю с двумя миллионами!!! 😎
Goodbye shitty servers. Hello shittier servers
if they can optimize it for switch, why don’t they optimize it well for computer?
Excited to see you all in the ring. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of *Miis* to go around.
!!!!!! Cross Progression is must !!!!!!!
my birthday is on march 10th and i have a few friends with switches . My birthday gift is 4k 20 kills
Seems like it was due season 6 due to the lack of horizon and fuse in the trailer
I think the pk is comin back
And when is mobile release ?
Still don’t know why they did this. Why release your game on outdated hardware, that can barely run your game? If you release this game on switch, why not mobile? Or ps3 and xb360?
I cant imagine why you would ever want to play Apex on a switch either… Like, you be playing on a handheld screen with 15fps and 150+ ping because you have to be on Wifi, and the servers are bad enough already
edit: NOT complaining. Im just confused on why. Why’d they focus on doing this
Looks like shit lol
bringing back the tofu blocks back huh
Coming in 7 more days man let’s gooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
This will just increase the amount of toxic children. Respawn, this might be a good investment, but it certainly isn’t good for the existing community
i wonder if it will lose as many frames and have as many stutters as it does on console…..
Millions of players?! there are only 150k in game now on steam!
looking at trailers amazing
Its embarrassing to see a hand held console preform better than my pc
Lets get it now I can finally talk to my friend bc we can only talk to each other on Fortnite but I deleted fortnite
I’ll play for the whole March 9th at 720p30 in respect to Switch players…
All this plataforms and you dont have cross account 👍🏻
Playing with PC but I don’t know why I want to play with Nintendo Switch too.
Cool another platform that pc can bitch about i honestly think pc is scared of us controller player’s while they have the advantage smh lol
I can’t wait
It’s only a matter of time before they make it for phone
Lets go
Oh the 9th, come on, are we there yet
I am sorry happy 😊
Apex puts emojis a la fortnite because fortnite is a copy
Fortnite players: Aqex lejendz copi fortnite
No pos, si se ve medio ogete… 😅😅😅 Con gráficos bajos, MUUUUY BAJOS
Get ready to get smacked by console and pc players
Ahh time to play apex at school now 🙂
Got 3 Tv with 3 Switch Docks I’m so fucking hype
Apex makes the best trailers.
the pathfinder skin looks coolXD
Damn you guys really cranked that goddamn resolution scaler. I wonder what other optimizations to overworld/player models or the engine we’re made if any!
If they get crossplay it’s easy 20bombs for everyone else…
Look ar him with his Nintendo switch in that corner, what a nerd.
Sees him play apex
I was ready to give away my Nintendo switch to my nephew, but at least somebody has to teach him that in life s*&$s happens :/
Yes im a cunt but if you’re a nintendo player please add nobodylove_me. I want to get my first 20 kill there lol
i have a switch and i really want that pathfinder skin
Cross progression please!!!!?????
Hopefully in Apex they will add cross-progress so the Path skin would be safe!
0:37 These are definitely teasers for emotes :0
Iiimmmmm getting that path skinnnnn
Finally my little cousin won’t be left out anymore when he comes to my house
Can we be able to sign in to our other acount on switch
Can’t wait to make a smurf account on my gfs switch
Imagine getting no scoped by a switch player…
And now we have emotes 0:38
Gyroscopic aiming support? Maybe for playstation too?
Can’t wait to clap some Nintendo players when this gets come out.
this looks decent 😀
Now can we get a proper next gen port?
It’s all fun and games until the Nintendo switch starts to make loud noises and floats
Mobile players?
I hope we can link our Xbox playstation and pc accounts on the switch.
Okay now please put a permanent solo mode
Me and my sisters can play apex together lets go
Why is nobody talking about that PATHFINDER skin
everybody gangsta till someone said “im a switch predator”
Cross progres? 🙁
xd bad server
I have a nintendo switch and it is gonna be so lit
If only I could link my accounts🤧
The graphics on the switch are going to be worse than a potato screen.
Oh boy bot lobbies and easy 20 bombs here I come
Who else wants to see if Zeus can be number 1 on switch
I am glad to be on switch And get ready Nintendo switch players
Is the pathfinder an exclusive skin because i would love that skin on pc😭
all Nintendo bois play apex now plz
This announcement would’ve been a PERFECT time to announce cross-save (also known as cross progression) so people with existing accounts can link it to the switch. I’m excited for this NGL, but having to make a new account makes me know I’m hardly gonna play it.
а где здесь геймплей трейлер? 🤔
dang our poor boy octane just got KO’D by two woman yikes! He might like it tbh
Wait so can this also mean that Apex might come on mobile in a few months too
Noo 6 year old childs
Welcome, Nintendo!
happy for you respown!!!!
when will be tetris release?
its about time lol, now me and my friend can play
My god that pathfinder skin is clean
Еб*ть мыло в 720p….
This will be a great victory
isnt this just apex on xbox and playstation but all graphics set to low
If I ever see that pathfinder skin in my lobby I would prob target them knowing they are gonna be a free kill
Dood…. I can SEE how pixelated Pathfinders Switch logo and textures are all the way from here 😂🤦🏻♂️
Crazy how the Apex mobile beta this week will probably look better than the Switch version😭😭😭
When you realize that there still isn’t cross progression so you kinda don’t wanna play switch
so how we getting that pathy skin? is it for nintendo only bc i have a ps4 and a switch and i wanna know if i can get that skin on my ps4
God more low level partners to deal with.
We need cross progression
Next character for smash? probably Mirage… getting killed again..
there is a good reason to buy a switch
its go ive been waiting along time for this baybeeeeeeeeeeeeee finallly its on switch
Im already level 169 (Nice) on the ps4 so This is gonna be great!!!!!
new Apex in 144p
I want my pathfinder skin 😐
Yay all pathfinder mains you have new skin you can use
🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊 🥺🥺🥺🥺🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊
Dear Switch users,
Please enable cross platform so we can get into easy lobbies 🙂
Now I can play Apex literally all the time!
when will it be on the phone
Still no cross progression.
They did my boy octane wrong at the beginning
Good luck playing on -100 fov
Please turn back bloodhound road warrior skin
But what we’re saying is … what about the cross progression launch…?
Imagine sweaty switch players when they discover the crappy servers
if you want to feel the experience of playing on the nintendo switch, then you need to watch this video in 360p
I don’t 100% get it though,
The game is fun and play it where you want to play it and all of that, but after the last few maps the game can hit the lowest of 45fps on PS4 right now….. so my question is how LOW will it get with the switch?
If you ever feel useless remember they gave them a Nintendo switch skin which is barely visible because of the bad graphics hardware
Waiting for Apex Mobile
the fact this is running at all is is amazing. gg
Noice and wow a free skin is nice
Me when no switch
Did they just confirm emotes?? Why is no one talking ab that.
24 fps………
Finally I can play on my bathroom know
Don’t have a switch but GGz
Are people reading comments and just copy paste them or what?? Cringe
我們需要的是實際遊玩畫面 而不是這種預告片
me waiting on mobile ;-;
Okay cool but where is the collection event trailer? :p
Let’s get the party started
Please dont make mobile version with tencent and spoil apex!
Alright, time to order a switch controller!
It’d be great if y’all added cross-progression so I could take my PS4 gear to my Switch.
I’ve been waiting all month for this
I hope mobile will be next
oh boy another reskin of that path skin
when theres more people playing apex then subed on there yt
Cant wait to play with 10 fps!!!
Portability isnt something one considers when trying to dominate the outlands. But this… does put a smile on my face
“gameplay trailer” 58 seconds of winning poses and whenever they show actual gameplay they zoom out so we don’t actually discern proper resolution.
Come on folk.. we know these tricks already, we’ve been around the block a bit.
Panic Button made this and Doom and Warframe on the Switch im sure the frame rate is locked and its gonna be perfect 👌
I’m excited to see what frames it’s gonna get 😬😐
when mobile(android)?
Lets welcome our Nintendo Switch brothers to the party i can’t wait.
PS4 gameplay trailer when
Next on mobile🔥🔥🔥
See all you legends in the Arena
Noice, took you long enough :>
I’ve been waiting for this for a long time, considering I had my switch for a year now.
All they have to do now is add split screen
Can’t wait to see justin trying to kill me with a spitfire
60 fps?!
Ok so when mobile and pve zombies mode?
Is crossplay there between pc and ps4
Are coming cross progression too?
Are we able to connect our accounts
When does this come
Now I can get my 20 bomb
My phone could probably run it better
Noooo Nintendo switch noooo!
OMG no!😵🤦♂️
At least you will become even more famous. You deserve to overcome Fortnite and Warzone, you will be the king of battleroyals (and also Kings Canyon) 🤣🤣🤣
IOS release data!!!!!
PC players in switch lobby’s this is going to be great
nintendo switch gonna be cross play with bigger platforms??
And still no cross progression
Aimassist in apex rn: ,,its my time to shine,,
I don’t have a Nintendo switch but this does put a smile on my face 😀
People : Nintendo will die in 2021
Nintendo in 2021 releases apex
I want that pathfinder skin
Fix this game
*I’m already inside*
Can’t wait to finally be able to play with my nintendo friends
If it aint 60fps
on 15 fps 480 p
I mean, free kills
0:47 octane dies
My poor boi
Mario and Luigi are Available ? 😀
Cross progression plz!!!!
Just looks like low end pc graphics also….. good luch with those tiny switch buttons and joy sticks thats are designed for a toddlers hands
Alright let’s go!
Optimize the PC version, thanks
Ready to beat the shit out of all the lvl 1s playing on switch
We’re growing boys
Me and my brother will finally play together!😁
Congrats on 2 million subs
Imaging seeing animal crossing characters killing wraith mains
Apex on the toilet is now a possibility
Yey new friends
Come onnn mobile
480p 🔥🔥🔥
Its AIM ASSIST time.
Imagine being in character select and next thing you hear is
30fps shooter with joycons, nope!
finally, loba ass on switch
Finally..after so long…
It is here
You gotta love that path recolor
Cross-save? When ?
it will be great for apex to do mouse and keyboard on ps4
Hey does someone know if it is cross platform??
How. How did they do this
How much fps will apex on Nintendo Switch have?
When’s cross save coming?
The prophecy will be fulfilled
“This does put a smile on my face”
Now we can finally get 3rd partied while taking a dump
Play this video at 240p for an early experience.
Come play apex legends on switch with a glorious 10 FPS
Is this crossplay aktiv with Playstaition?
Can we get cross peogressiom though
Switch users: yay fun new experience on my switch!
Every other platform: Lets get these 20 bomb/4k badges boys!
very clever to get pc footage and downres it to 720p to make it look legit
ladies and gentlemen imma start playin apex every where including my bathroom
0:37 new victory poses at the end of the game?
Imagine having ground emotes
Idk how these switch players are gonna play on lowest settings 25fps vs PC players
As long as they bring back the option to disable crossplay then I’m good.
All I can say is… FINALLY
Let’s enjoy!
It’s going to be a total shit show with how many bots and new players there are. I wouldn’t be surprised if I can get a win on my first game on the Switch.
When apex keep teasing the ground emotes but doesn’t release them yet
Pause the trailer in the third person views of the legends, those animations aren’t the afk animations or banner poses 0:35
Imagine if the Path skin can be transferred to other platforms
пиздец, как плохо
When i downloade apex on the switch, did i have the skin on ps4 too?
Is what I would say if we had cross progression… This is still really cool though
Hi frends 🖐🏽
no me lo esperaba este trailer ahora saquen la del towntakover de caustic
no way its here
Wish I could get my Xbox stuff on my switch
why is pathfinder’s skin….just angel city pacer….but better
can we have that too?
Mobile pls
good job respawn
welcome to the apex family
With this, I’m guessing switch players will be able to play with PlayStation, Xbox and other switch players. With pc matches, a pc player needs to be in a party, like normal
Lmao all the dislikes are from people without consoles
Now we need crosss progression?
yesssssssss!!!!!! finally
*Apex esta en Switch*
Los de Xbox y PS: Cagaste
I love the skin
And then two years later we’ll get Apex legends mobile
Crossplay? Xd
U will see, after console aim assist, it will be switch aim assist. Such a pleasure !!
who’s ready to get 3rd partied on the Nintendo Switch? =)
So like cross progression? Orrrrrrr
If u look well you can see the legends doing emotes in the battleground are those going to be the emotes for apex respawn?
Just a theory
As a PS4 player I CAN’T WAIT TO MEET THE NEW SWITCH LEGENDS DOWN THERE! Hopefully y’all gunna be worthy opponents, ‘cuz we surelly ’bout to unleash the whole hell uppon you.
I’m download it
Disclaimer: runs only up to 20fps max, and graphics will be extremely restrained. (nobody will take apex players on switch seriously)
Bro, that pathfinder skin 🙁
To all Nintendo Switch users, may I know why this is a big deal? No offense just wanna Know cause I don’t have the Switch hehe
Ads cross save pls
Where’s Apex Legends Mobile?
Here’s to hoping for some Nintendo themed skins!
Imagine lets say Horizon with a Samus Suit skin.
I don’t have a switch put I’m glad more players get to play Apex
Protip: The Mozambique is ALWAYS the best gun in the game, so pick it up!
Third party yay
will have cross save?
I guess we have emotes now
Finally I’ve been waiting for this for ages
Finally some fresh bots
Okey get me nintendo players then I will crying them .
Cross save progression ???
Hopefully they go cross platform so we can smack them 😈
🥺🥺 they get a cool path skin
Why are they getting a free skin?!
If only cross progression was a thing…
Amazing! I hope cross-save becomes real next
-20b¡ fps
As long it plays decently quick i will take lower graphic details. In times where Quake 3 was king, everybody remotely competitive was doing r_picmip 🙂 My kids can’t wait joining the cannon fodder 😀 where dad is decent enough to carry them 😀
this is perfect i can have bots now
Wow amazing ❤️❤️ always loved Apex legends and they keep on amazing me
Let’s hope cross progression is also a thing. Can’t wait!
aim assist on this thing is gona be cranked to 10
all apex needs to do is fix the server. Its unplayable now
Is the pathfinder skin free on Nintendo???
Apex in the 90s
Do u get the path skin if ur not on nintendo switch?
Gameplay 30 fps, good port
As a level 390 moving to switch, I feel bad as you are all about to get you’re shit rocked
Ok, but… where are the mobile version?
Bro come on now all we’re gonna face is some 9 Yr old with a switch who can’t move his fingers correctly
Respawn: * adds apex on switch *
Everyone: Ah yes, the console wars are over
Octane:faster fas—
Wraiht:shut the
Wattson:fuck up
Aim go brrr
It’s so good
When can i play on keyboard and mouse on console?
I’ve been waiting for this for a long time now. Now I’ll have two platforms to Apex.
M8 I will link my account on the netendo switch because I’m a pathy main 😏😏😏
0:38 land emotes???
Give the legends nintendo character skins pls respawn
Will Apex releades on android and ios too? because if it runs on switch it will rin on the most mobilphones too.
What about mobile??
You should make version for android and iOS
Nice my favorite game Is coming to Nintendo switch lol
Naaa increíble
Oh wow I can’t wait to delete all my games to get enough space for apex
And the Apex Legends Mobile?:(
I can finally play apex while taking a shit?!?!?!
The only thing that really worries me is the frame rate.. and who’s it going to match Switch players against (other Switch users, console players.. etc). While it’s well optimized it’s still one of the more demanding BR’s and the trailer does make it quite hard to tell exactly what they’ve toned down (resolution scale doesn’t seem to be at a 100%). Never the less, I’m hyped!
When Nintendo switch doesn’t get a chance to get the Anniversary skins
Time to play apex on the road 🥳🥳🥳🥳
I play Apex on my Ps4 but im gonna enjoy this Switch Transition lmaooooooo , Noob 🗣🗣🗣🗣
Apex on the Go. That’s awesome. 🎉🎉🥳
And the crossave??
i’m an octane main and seeing octane getting punched is the worst also i was 9 seconds in and i see that
Is the pk coming back
Not a Nintendo player but still cool to see.
Después ápex para roca próximamente
Can’t wait to play this on my switch at 20 fps
So no cross progression but at least Apex is on the Switch now so I can play with Animal Crossing enthusiasts……
Finally on switch
Which Legend is going to Smash Bros?
Too bad there’s no cross progression to use that dope pathfinder skin on different platforms
Nintendo glitch
“Not actual gameplay footage”
Oh god the Graphics…The Textures 🤮 a Ps3 and Xbox 360 would Make this game look 10x better than it does on Switch think I’ll continue using my Xbox and sell my Switch
Will there be cross progression so I can have that pathfinder skin on my pc account
Can’t wait to get mastiffed in the face by lil Timmy on his switch…
Shut up and take my money!
I can’t wait to run 5 fps on my nintendo switch
Y’all hype until y’all end up in console lobbies
Lets pray for that one kid who has PC friends and gets into pred lobbies with them
Anyone know if it’ll be cross platform???
Everyone who got the golden Path recolor a week ago seeing this path skin: bruh
But i to POOR to buy Nintendo
My switch is going to explode. But it’ll be worth it.
Dear Nintendo switch players be ready 🙂 ur gunna die
I’m patiently waiting for Titanfall 3. Anyone else?
So you’re telling me we’ve got a chance at mobile apex?
If you play on Nintendo switch you will get the path skin, but, is there a way to put that skin in your PS4, Xbox, or PC account. I have switch but maybe I will just play to see the path skin. Does anyone know if you will be able to use it in other consoles?
The big question is how does it work ?
Bringing more players in let’s goo🔥🔥
i really didn’t hope any of you expected 60fps out of this game with the older xbox and playstation can’t hold 60 🤦🏾♂️
On switch can i have the same account that i have on pc?
I’ve been playing fortnite on switch since it came out so it’s nice to finally have another gosh darn battle royale for me to play because I’m getting tired of fortnite
0:37 Emotes? Yikes…
I’ have a Nintendo and I’m ready
YAYAYAYA can’t wait to try it
Come on Respawn u giving a good looking Path skin to them and we getting shits every day…. Plsss
Can’t wait to get salty lobbies
yet no cross progresion
Ok I’m going to be honest that path skin is clean and you switch players might be cracked
Ok!! so who is xcited for chaos theory event!!
I see a peacekeeper twice that’s more than I find in one season
Pls respawn bring it back mastiff is too op and unskillful
I have bin waiting for this
Imagínate perder y romper la consola accidentalmente jajaja
When will mobile come out apex???
Free limited time skin for the character people barely play with because of the nerfs and map design… Smh
New fresh meat to kill 😛
I have been waiting for apex to come out on switch since apex came out
Docked mode will probably be better
Docked: 1080p 60fps
Portable 720p 30fps
My question is *“how?”*
15 days later some random youtuber :
Winning ALGS on Nintendo switch.
I need a Caustic Bowser skin and a Mario gibby skin
If I get it on my switch I can’t use abilities because that button it broke
Bro apex is blowing up alot
soon will there be any official information on the mobile version?
15 fps?
You sure know if I’m getting destroyed by a nintendo switch user I’m destroying my GODDAMN setup
This is the best part of today
Ayy March 9 my birthday
At least add cross progression
*Everyone Liked That*
Anyone notice how fast the Eva 8 was going or am I tripping
About time 🙂
Cant wait for 30fps gameplay
А чего добились вы?
They gonna look like bots
I knew something was dropping today
Bring Android Version entire Asia’s population will play it
As a ps4 pathy main, I am sad.
Sad pathfinder noises
As the PC community says
*Fresh Meat*
The graphics make u feel like u can play it on the DS
Can’t wait to play apex in school and reach master
Y’all better not be salty when I spank you with my GameCube controller 🙂
Cross-platform PLEASE !!!! 🙌🏻
oh omg ohhhhh omfg
and still no cross progression
mmm Yes
did this footage really come from the switch
I really hope its optimized, even if it can run a steady 30fps
But ned subscripcion
60 FPS awsome
Does anyone know if I will be able to share my play station account with the switch?
Goes to download apex on switch then sees it takes up 60GB of my switch 😭 sticking with console 😂
Hell yes! Apex on the go! Hoping for cross progression! This is going to be 30fps locked, just like Doom games and I’m totally okay with that 🤖
Noobs back on the menu boys
Can’t wait for all these free kills
I have a smile on my face now
Hey get back to class
What about cross progression for those who want to switch their platform???
Thank you apex 😍😘🥳🥳
welcome nintendo players hope you enjoy the game
I have never been this hyped for a port to another console before.
Cant wait to bring lifeline with me and ask her what 1 + 1 is
I low key feel bad 4 the switch players playing on 30FPS when my ps4 can barely give 40 FPS 😂
And when is mobile version coming out?
0:32 how do you get that skin I need it now
Looks pretty good!
Bruh the switch can barely run fortnite
WELCOME NINTENDO SWITCH PLAYERS! And for your sake don’t crossplay with anyone.
Omg I can finally play Apex while taking a shit😃😃😃
Pretty sure they were showing off new banner poses at 0:20 and 0:37.
I’m ready!!!, as Spongebob once said after he got the switch
Um how to get the path finder skin?
Like is it exclusive to Nintendo or is it gonna be a mini event?
Что ж, осталось ждать арех не мобилу)
the Xbox could also have an exclusive skin, just like Nintendo and Pc
Dont get me wrong i will TRY it but without cross save i wont be playing consistently
But is there cross progression?
This looks way better than I expected, I mean the switch is not powerful but I’m happy what you guys did with it 👍
Nintendo wellcome to the family🙌👍
Cross save?
The servers will explote
I already got it on my PC but ima get it on Switch just because😂😂
Let’s gooooo🥶🥵
Wow, nice “new” legendary pathfinder skin. It’s not like a recolor or something.
I’m crazy or come emotes in gameplay
Will be able to get that pathfinder skin??
Oh yes I can’t wait to drop my 20 bombs all day.
stick drift
Still waiting for apex mobile😢
Hey switch players, come join the party of being one clipped by pc player predators in your bronze game!
Se puede vincular la cuenta de Nintendo?
Yes u can finnally play with new people and make them good and not loot stealers with bad aim
Welcome, Switchers… we’re gonna crush you! haha
When is it coming to mobile tho
Finally, I can bring my second favorite game with me on the road
Hopefully we get cross progression… I want those extra tiers
Is there cross progression?
Where mobile apex?
Man if there was account merging this would be 👌👌👌
Can’t wait for switch lobbies
Para los de switch bienvenidos a apex que se la pases bien jugando 👍
Lets goooooooooooooooooo
Imma put my ps4 to rest for while
Ahhahahahahahaha it’s time, I can finally bully my sister on Switch, I’ve been hyped about this since the news about it came out 😂
When you see this in your feed and it’s 16k views
I hope i can login my pc account to switch
Ich bin froh das ich es jetzt auch auf meiner Switch spielen kann
This looks awesome even though I play on PS4 I’m probably gonna download it on my switch
This is how I’m gonna get my first 20 bomb
Wow, this is great. I’m excited for the mobile APEX Legends.
You dont have to pay the nintendo online?
No way🤯🤯
Titanfall 3 plz
Apex I have a question I have a Nintendo and Xbox can I get my Xbox account on my Nintendo for apex
Yo, let’s goooo
Emotes coming to apex?
Can’t wait to get 3rd partied by a full stack of sweaty preds while on the go!
Is the pathy skin free on all platforms?
with crossplay … i guess console players werent enough we are going to get nintendo players too ?
i want the pathfinder skin but its only on nintendo🙃
Time to destroy some Nintendo switch 2 year olds
They should add an ultra low setting mod like fortnite for potato pc gamers like me.😶
I’m sorry but these switch kids are gonna get destroyed
Omg it’s happening everyone stay calm
Im Steel waiting for solo mode 🙂
Octane get bullied again
Apex trailer always be lit 🔥🖤👊🏾
I cant wait to play. 😁
Happy 2m
Can’t wait for 30FPS!!!!!
Oh god are they doing emotes? O-O 0:21
We pc and console players are going to shit on y’all
yeah gimme dat skin
Yes,this is good
Can we put out ps4 account on our switch??
what lts gooo
WTF, can we prepare for the mobile version?
60fps on switch impossible
I can finally play with all of my brothers 🙂
We’re gonna need nintendo online just to play a free game prob
my friends who play on switch are gonna love this lmao
The gameplay is going to be a slide show with how low the FPS is
I wonder what’s hidden in this trailer
Damn ok this actually looks playable! My trash ass pc can barely run apex, so im happy its coming here
I just hope I can link my current account
Mobile is gonna look worse
Really !? Those white highlights could have so easily have been turquoise to match the switch theme
Android platform for neeeed it
Will switch players have crossplay?
I left my zoom class to watch this! And it was worth it! 😁 👍
gonna be honest here, those graphics look amazing
I pray for all my future lobbies to be switch lobbies. Free Wins Baby!
I’m glad I bought new JoyCons that don’t drift, because I guarantee you that if you play this with drifting JoyCons, you’ll probably never win a game
Is it going to be free
For it being on the switch the graphics actually don’t look half bad they look kinda good
Apex legends is the best battle royale ever
0:39 imagine emotes in apex
LESGO, we be vibing with that 30 HZ 🤘
Exclusive pathfinder skin?? Jokes on u respawn I have all the consoles nothing is exclusive!
Everyone gangster until switch players play cross platform.
No está mal me gusto mucho pero solo jugaré con octane
I’m downloading!!
Early People get your tickets here!
Is there cross play
for more accurate results watch at 144p
Ah yes 10FPS a great experience
Faster faster fas…
Please Apex Mobile
Nintendo rank should be easier
0:16 peacekeeper returns to ground loot?!?
Apex Legends Server fixed pls thx u
Finally once my brother gets the ps5 all my brothers can play altogether
I’ll be in Diamond on the Switch in no time😂
Can we log into our main account into the switch version?
welcome to the Apex community Switch people
Next up: Mobile
They just leaked emotes 😀
Yay their not rescheduling again
We gonna see a lot of smurfs
120 fps on next gen console … ??
What about mobile
0:37 emotes confimed?
Nintendo yey
i just bought a Nintendo switch
Ig I’ll try not to go try hard on all switch players
Switch apex legends: *plays at -2fps*
Wheres 15 fps and 480p?
everyone gansta till the #1 switch pred kills you
Lmao can’t wait to absolutely destroy Nintendo players lol
That Pathfinder skin is swick!
cant wait to test spitfire on this platform 🙂
Finally don’t have to listen to my ps4 that sounds like a airplane engine
Claim that ur anoyyed of the bots here and is a apex fan ima buy a switch just to promote apex
Time to get my 20 kill badge
Apex Legends on 3DS 😏
Ngl expected worse
Holy s*it
Apex legends mobile plis
Will I be able to use my account?
I’m still playing playing on PS4
I’m happy for Nintendo 🙂
I have a bad feeling about the performiance
finally, apex 30 fps
Announce chaos theory
I wanna play apex on ps5 with that path skin
i wonder who edits this videos
There’s no way these are the frames and graphics
1500 likes and only 2 minutes… wow…
*shows a full on PC gameplay*
10fps incoming
Cross progression??
yes now i can finally grind while im away from my xbox 🙂
now let’s just hope there’s cross progression
0:10 boop boop bye
I said it “24 fps”
Cross progression??
Why no cross progress
Lol 5 views and 1.6 likes… YouTube ya better lay off on the weed
You’re kidding, this will run terrible
Is it going be cross progression so I can get the Pathfinder skin and use it on my ps4 account?
Ps4/ps5 for life fuck switch
I can’t wait ❤️
Yo quiero ese phat
Can’t wait to destroy these poor people with my PC thanks to crossplay :)))
Very clever including the “switch snap” throughout the whole trailer
Graficoa de carton
Wen in calculator?
I am NOT telling my brother about this
This actually doesn’t look bad
Lets GO!
I primarily play on xbox but I’ll get it on switch definitely
Heart attack 1.0
I’ve played since release and now that my PlayStation isn’t working I hope this is good and I destroy everyone on these servers
Cap no way it runs this good I expected 1 framed a sec
Theyre gonna be playing in 20 fps
Yess but where is mobile
Thats it
Does this make me cringe severely? Yes. Am I excited? Also yes.
Nintendo players will dominate the e sports scene
Am I gonna be able to use my Xbox account there. I don’t want to have to use a new account
0:38 those are some interesting emotes
OMG 0-0
Para mi esto es un gameplay de
Apex legends para androide xd
Can’t wait for shared loot so I can get this skin on Xbox 🙂
A blessing from the lord!
Oh no the bots have came to the apex channel everyone stay calm
Apex mobile anytime soon?
Can we move the pathfinder skin to xbox or PS4/PS5
i’d buy a switch for this on the go exp.
Too bad this trailer was leaked
Man I can’t wait to clap some kids on switch! Better get a pro controller, cause I’m clapping your cheeks!
Cant wait to get more kills
Now I can play at work this isn’t gonna be good
Already seen this mate
Bring back the pk and I will be happy
Oh, YES finally we got the release date march 9th
I wish daddy fuse was real hes so hot
early people can like —>
Why do you have to do my boi octane like that 🙁
cant wait to get my 8 year old neighbors to download the game so I can clap them in 1v1’s
Yes switch finally gets a good game
Clapping time
Like if you’re hyped
Oh shit
So isn’t the pathfinder skin like 300$?
Yes I’ve been waiting
wonder how this is gonna go….
lol 2 frames max
Hell yeah
Omg let’s gooooo😭💕
10 fps
excelent now EA please can you make cross saves
might buy a switch just for Apex
156th let’s go
Pa cuando skin exclusiva para xbox?
As a person who have Nintendo switch almost 4 years I’m happy
Nintendo switch players who have been waiting for months can like
Please make this cross progression
Nice Nice
Well this was quick and SNAPPY
what do you mean it’s called switch? There was a snap sound effect!
Actually looks decent
Yes more bots
looks better than me trying to play the game on my pc..
don’t forget to turn off cross-play
A Day Later The Best NINTENDO Player On Apex Legends💀
Lmao why is this on switch makes no sense lmao
Cross save is coming next?
Yayyy someone worse than console players
100 people cant be first
Lmao this already hot leaked lol
That pathfinder skin mad thicc 🤤
My brother can finally play Apex with me
Damn, gonna make me level to 500 on a whole another console huh? lmao
Cant wait!
congrats EA for ruining a great Battle Royale
Can’t wait to rock 360p
switch servers baby.
10 bucks it runs like like potato’s
Let’s goooo finally
Crypto with his Nintendo switch flying the drone
The time has come for us to rise up
Yoooooooooo lets GOO
Your next SFTO Apex, hand it over
Imagine if apex like this comment
Can’t wait to destroy a fresh batch of new player’s
*”Disclaimer: Runs only at a maximum of 24fps for the cinematic experience”*
The boys gonna have fun
Nintendo switch
Jesus is coming back
Get this game shifted to phones already 😭
Me “In combat”
Apex: And post Now
Edit: I actually said in combat 1s before the video came out.
Cant wait to play on 5fps
Apex 👏🏾👏🏾
Let’s be honest, the only reason why people will be playing on the Nintendo switch is to get that pathfinder skin. If not that, if you wanted to play apex why didn’t you get a Xbox or playstation or PC?
It was time already
Yo mama
Oh no
Nice für den free skin
Can’t wait to play at 2fps! 🙂
*Horizon with Mario Hat or im leaving*
I’m early let’s go
This does put a smile on my face
Portable legend
What about android and ios?
Fresh meat for the predators have fun kids
The day we get cross progression is the day a majority of players from console will move to pc
Yes finally!!!!!
mobile soon?
When are we gonna get in game emotes? 0:38
This is lit
for mobile pls ?
So many new bots let’s goooooo
Lets go my lil brother is on switch so i’ll play with him
Ich kann nicht mehr warten
Time to swith thing up 😏
Ok I’ll take it
When it I’ll be coming to android??????
Roblox graphics
10 fps
Cross save ???
I want to play with my siblings now
30 fps lmao
Wow, no I’m gonna buy me a new nintendo switch
Finally let’s go, now I’m rooting for cross progression
1 minute ago😐
So cool I like apex
Hello friend !
Add cross progression please
Woo now we just need apex on mobile
Everybody Gangster until the boys start playing apex at school
Hmm let’s gooooooooo
This is a good trailer. Dont u guys agree?
damn bro
I cant wait
I can’t wait to bully my little cousin in Apex on nintendo switch
Letsss gooooooooo
Been on apex since day 1
The time has come pals
Yo early!
this is a good game
*Oh Yeah !*
Dude let’s goooooooo!!!!!!
That pathfinder skin is fire
Oh yeah nice!!
Finally the Frontera goes bigger
Already seen this but still here
As a person with a Nintendo switch, this brings a smile to my face
I can’t wait