APEX EVA-8.exe
Apex THAT EVA shotgun too fast bruv
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Suspect – She Loves The Aroma [AI Cover]
Bushbaby – Really Hot Bootleg
Season 20 really blessed Eva like dat
Business contact: Revetekbusiness@outlook.com
#apex #apexlegends #season20
Taqs:revetek,apex legends,apex,apex exe,apex legends.exe,apex season 20,season 20 eva,apex eva,eva.exe,apex care,season 20.exe,season 20,apex legends season 20,apex eva 8,apex .exe,apex.exe,apex season 20 eva 8,apex season 20 event,apex season 20 ava,apex new event,apex new season,eva apex buff,eva 8 apex legends,eva 8 apex season 20,season 20 apex,season 20 apex legends,apex new patch notes,apex patch notes,apex memes,apex meme edit
コメント (123)
02:39 The GOAT
Og Crash 3 Crystal collecting sound? LMAO
I actively run away if I hear an Eva firing nearby
funny even in 480p
2:00 song pls ?
Ahhhh this video is so good Rev! He always keep doing his funny exe! i really love it!!!
the edit king – lovely stuff as always
best apex content Ive seen. wp
@Cdnthe3rd in this video made my day, didn’t expect to see this 105 years old duder [+]
I know editing this is amazing I know finishing these edits is refreshing
didn’t expect a suspect song in one of these videos lmao
Craziest part of this vid is still using the R-99 after the devs cummed and shit all over it.
I respect the cdnthe3rd clip
The healing in this game is so slow
Love your videos and memes
supergalidey tutoriyal !
banger edit but give me that sean paul mashup name now
5 min like revetek try to use twixtor in his wideo
Started following when i played Apex. I dont play it anymore, but i will always watch your videos. Fucking hilarious.😂
Can you play the finals bro
Every video is insane.Ur too good sir
The 1 damage with an arc star 😂
great vid
The song for this is perfect. THUG LIFE
what’s that song in 2:58? so dope
I was wondering when bro was gonna drop another video and today I open YouTube and it’s the first video I see lol 😂 as always amazing video
Always a treat. No one can carry Rev’s jock…
Can anybody write the name of house music?
They turned the eva 8 into a fucking aa12
mag maggie + ballistic + shots shots shots = 30 sec of op
Song name ?
dude, stop reloading after two shots… you are triggering us
I subbed for two reasons: Superglide tutorial and SPARTA
Как всегда на высоте!
That Zlatan edit was something 🍗
With this crazy fire rate Eva feels more like SMG than shotgun😅
Great video Revekek, always a banger💪
I really like the tunes in combo with the editing to it dude! Also really nice you’re posting the tracks into the video description 🫡 mans is cooking
😂great video ❤
4:27 Relatable😢😢
Magie is better than lifeline with the eva
What is your Favorite wappon
shake that thing remix going crazy
The Eva is basically a full full auto now
Superglide removed?
Phenomenal 😂
apparently bro watch football
🔥🔥🔥 edits as usual 👏👏👏
banger rev
as usual fire
Nah Sean Paul over “just a lil bit” go dummy
I call Eva 8 the Electric Pepper Shaker 😂. Rev marvelous video again, had me vibe with the music and funny content. Keep it up.
I’m loving the music in the beginning of the video 😂❤
No Maggie Eva…
Revetek 2 questions
Can we have your playlist or where you get your songs from?
What football team do you sport?
uuh bro, great vid!
love your style of editing and the memes. makes me laugh all the time xD
keep it going
Remember guys guns are good until the pros get washed by them. Love you revetek❤
can i resub? 😬
Revetek uploads, i watch. Im a simple man 🗿🗿
the shadow of evil song in the end is sick
That Wraith supergliding next to you 😂
1:36 – dAT echooooooooooooOOO <3
anyone notice this? 1:06
Bro you good? Haven’t uploaded in a minute. Either life or Apex ain’t doing for you no more.
Mad maggie + EVA-8 + Auto reload shotgun is 99 % 🏆
I already likened subscribe. I don’t know what else more I can do for you.😢
I just subscribed
1:43 how?
My crouch button is touch pad on consol and I can’t superglide because of it….that last clip was just me😢
They made the octuple-tap hop up for the Eva-8
I think apex has some lowest tick rate, its not ping, its the game itself. Or lerp/interp set to 100 or less.
I get a notification from Discord saying Revetek dropped a video
My brain: dude stop doing assignments and get your ass to YT
This game was playable until half way through season 1 after that period its just HacksLegends ;/
I almost thought that mad Maggie was me for a second had to check🥲
moozmbeek here 🤣🤣😂😂
Так я и не пойму, когда же русские мемы то будут😢
0:23 song please i need that mashup!
as always, the content is top, bro
1:40 that happened to me way too often
my bussy is glazed thank you sir
that 300 edit with sparta earning their shields was so fucking funny
Most consistent Creator!
Nice ❤
Nothing better than some Revekek for Monday evenings.
banger vid, as always bro….
Editing skills getting better and better every vid👏👏
Each upload is always a masterpiece!
Now can’t wait for what’s coming next
whats that first song? its not in the description.
health drone on the superglide attempt got me a bit too hard
that pathfinder went crazy
4:43 it s because apex has 20 tick servers
revetek is amazing, I hope to be lucky enough one day to play Apex with him. I love your videos
I feel like I’m getting drugs on that Eva 8
revetek is js that guy hes js cold
Wake up guys, new revetek
This is probably the worst care package weapon so far, out of the 3 shotguns that have been in care package gold mastiff was without a doubt the best in S4 it did 144 to body, PK S6 was okayish but Mastiff again 13,14 was insane.
Apex 20 tick servers are firee 🤣
Yooooo the shadows of evil theme song at the end ❤. Ironically I was playing the at the time the video dropped 😎👌
apex had a good run. time to pack it up. 🥱
Nope. Still trash.
Lol another banger 😂😂
That intro is just sick
4:54 Pay to win LOL
1:52 mogh theme
Your posts genuinely make my day my friend
w, love the vids
Who does ikso think he is bruvvvv
Saw the notification on discord
The eva -8 shoots like Star Wars mode with hammer point 😅😅😅😅
Revenant technician