INSANE Wraith SOLO 25 KILLS and 5,600 Damage Apex Legends Gameplay Season 20
Wraith 25 Kills and 5K Damage Apex Legends Gameplay Season 20
Lean-Batist Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Lean-Batist
supernoob channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSe91_6HaK0sXk0V57sdB7A
Contact: Instagram @hv_apex
#apexlegends #20kills #20bomb #badge #wraith #gameplay #movement #solo #solopubs #season20
コメント (20)
Now THAT WAS A VIDEO!!! Great Job
Teach me master! ;d
The arc takedown in the beginning was insane…love your Wraith vids!
what sentinel???
Que massa cara, te acompanho a um tempo 100k escritos! Merecido pelo seu foco e dedicação! Abraços.
Which screen recorder are you recording the game with?
Why did I get a fortnite ad 😂😂
Anyone know if you can unlock damage badges in this stupid hunt LTM? I know you couldn’t in the final fantasy event. Learned that the hard way 😂
What servers do you play on?
love the solo vids . . . . shots are on point . . . question tho . . . why when i play, i have to lead the enemy with my shots about 1-2 feet in front of where they are running (enemy is not even that far away . . . maybe 10 feet away running perpendicular to my line of sight). . . you arent having to lead your shots as much as i do . . . . is this a known problem with the game or internet?
How did you tat that barrier? 4:00
#700 👍🏽
Gg 🔥
Good games