*NEW* Apex Legends Season 9 ANIMATIONS Secret Behind the Scenes – Mocap
*NEW* Apex Legends Season 9 ANIMATIONS Secret Behind the Scenes – Mocap
Original Source: https://twitter.com/jitterbot/status/1397933622552711176?s=20
I Upload Everything related to Apex Legends,including Music Packs, also learning to datamine upcoming skins. it will be intersting to see your guys response on those videos too, but for now i hope you enjoy these Voicelines and Music Packs
You can Comment down if i missed any voicelines or, if you want quips for a specific legend you can hit me up on Discord. HYPERMYST#8733
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on Xbox One, PS4, and on PC via Origin or Steam.
Learn more about Apex Legends Season 9 Legacy : http://x.ea.com/64060
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can i use them for my videos:-
Yes,You can But please dont RE-upload my content.
what editor do i use:-
Adobe After effects
do i also upload quest/legends spoilers:-
No, i think the writers really worked hard on the story of apex, dont want to spoil that for anyone.
why these Voicelines get played Twice :-
Because, Every Voiceline have 2-3 tones for them and sometimes they have really different wordings but the meanings are same
Taqs:*NEW* Apex Legends Season 9 ANIMATIONS Secret Behind the Scenes – Mocap,apex legends,apex legends season 9,apex legends season 9 animations,apex legends secret,apex secret,apex legends secret animations,apex legends finisher,apex finisher animations,apex legends behind the scene,Apex Season 9,Apex Secret,Apex Legends Heirloom Animations,apex legends behind the scenes,apex legends mocap,Apex Legends
コメント (1064)
Please comeback apex mobile😂😅
fix this game from cheater
Si porfavor 😂
So cooooooooooool❤❤
name of the song on the background?
i always find octane’s run cute.
O mai legal é ver a equipe de produção eu rindo kks
I really miss apex legend mobile😢
he is so cute❤
That sexy way of running in the beginning of the video is treasure 😊
nothing more funny than when you watch Octane walk in-game. 😆
Even though I don’t like apex legends this was incredible to see. And hilarious.
how do you get a job like this
Goofy ahh legend
Evil laughter 0:02 and 0:51
dragon ball z son Goku Vegeta Gohan broly gogeta super Saiyan 4
lmao 🙂
Perfect 😐😐😐
0:23 what’s the name of this thing?
Is that raven?
3° pessoa <3
“Thats perfect”
Octane .Strong and funny at the same time
Didn’t imagine ACEU is behind octane’s animatiok 🤣🤣
So cool
The actor must have had a blast doing motion capture for octane.
He’s 1 of the funniest characters in the game and seeing this is can’t help but burst out laughing.
Bang windah, kamu ngapain di thumbnail
Meu personagem favorito 🤩
I have legendry octane skin
Gotta say,the running in apex is awesome
His kids telling what their dad does for living must feel so cool that his job is so fun and exciting.
Que risa tan …
No me dejó terminar el vídeo ..
Octane one of my favorite legend he is so fast as freak booy
Сервера почините, ебанашки
Incredible 😂😂😂
Octane is my fav legend
I want to work on this set
My fav legend octane🥰🥰
this character is so funny and ridiculous at the same time lol 😂
0:48 bro she kick stalin
Kakakak top de mais
Respect man
I love the motion capture ❤️
Anyone here after apex mbile
this made me love octane even more
I guess we want to send octain to deadiction senter
My Legend
Wow 😂
This is so funny to watch since I’m a Octane main
Hehe esse jogo é foda!
I can say for sure bro enjoyed every second
I want to open Laos a little
Wooooo😁🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️Apex 💝
Octane running style is funny 🤣😹😹😹
if any day we have an apex movie, THIS MAN HAVE TO BE THE OCTANE
the bts animation is cool broh haha 🤟🤟
Perfeito mano akkakakaka
في عرب هنا 😅
Literally love their job
Muito bom kkkk
yeeeeah 🔥
Octain’s goofy ahh run☠️ his my favorite he has insane ability
Octane is the best legend in apex
1:20 wow
They are havinv soooo much fun 😄😄
Woooo 💯♥️
That awkward run so funny 🤣 😂
Awesome contents 🔥
alguien habla español por aquí 😂😂😂😂😂
Octane is hyper af
Muito engraçado kkkkks
Caralho a Ea games é foda demais amei o lançamento pra mobile do Apex legenddes
perfect, congratulations to the dev team and the people who played the structural role of the character, I love you!
I loved this guy
I like octane
Octane is so cuteee
Maaan, mocap seems fun
It’s funny in the game, it’s funnier in behind the scenes, change my mind
Seeing this it just shows how much work really is put in not just games but so many other things
octane sucks!
How did horizon do?
Octane is one of the legends of all time
You can tell everyone enjoyed those sessions lol
I liked the part of the second finisher and seeing all of the legends behind the scenes of their animation is so cool
This shot is showing us future gaming. Real human orchestrating avatar goes up to 2d world? Huge.
I love how they’re having a good time
Omg only until the guy mentioned sonic did I realise it’s the reference to sonic’s idle animation
Coming back in season 12 i can say that there was a really dip in quality of animations recently : (
super de savoir son realiser les emotes sympa commme video
When I see this character and wound have to come up with a Alternate name I would call him 10 year old Boy after drinking lots of monster Energy drinks.
I have all skins and just use octane
I love octane
Even though octanes face is covered the actor is still addi by facial expressions
I freaking love Octane’s goofy and over the top animations!!!
Octane 🤣🤣🤣 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Octane has the MW2-3 shotgun run 😂
Octane running animation look like a new father putting his baby to sleep, octane be like ” goto sleep goto sleep”
1:16 what if it made the falling sound in the game that would have me dead
Back when passion was at respawn
Let’s go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We know how octane works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0:20 as he T posed I felt that
This guy is an apex legend 👏
octane is literally the most hilarious legend in apex
It’s really weird seeing how horrible Octane’s running postureis. The animations are good, but the character’s running style is awful on the body and for building speed. The dude can blow off his own legs to go faster, but apparently not learn how to run correctly.
This looks like such a fun job
Lol 😂😂😂
i love how much hes getting into it
I love this and nothing more needs to be said
They choose such good people for the mocap they fit the characters so well
So cool and funy
Genial, octane es un personaje que todo de el le queda perfecto 😁 es muy emblemático
I love this
i want to see the one with default emote
The guy whose laughing had a blast doing this
this matches octane so much, i love it
0:20 The sudden T pose though
this is like every child dream play time
How do i get this job lmao this looks so fun
This guy understood the assignment
Man this guy is good at copying octane animations
YouTube algorithm brought me here, somehow.
Did not disappoint
Wait how do they do that is it that suit they are wearing like how do they get it into the game because I’m making a game this could help a lot
Looks like they enjoyed making this game as much as I enjoy playing it
Love it… my main ❤️❤️
Octane on cocane
やっぱ apex legends といえばオクタンよ。
That dude is actually perfect at capturing octane
And people say fortnite did the most effort
Too easy 🔥🔥🔥
Take notes kids
Do they do this on the spot or did someone told them to do it exactly like that from the start ?
Im glad that octane is just being octane.
Im glad i main octane this is just BEAUTIFUL
Bro this how many people play octane
the animation director is asked: – how many carbon monoxide moments with octein do you need?
director: – yes
This is good very good 😂
I don’t even play Apex but damn this is cool
faster faster faster
so funny
(* • ω • )b
I love this
This is nice
Fkin octane run😂😂
My Favorite Legend
0:20 Tposes after killing a person
Wonder how they did the Gibraltar execution
썸네일 브베인줄
I just started playing this game 3 day’s ago and can’t stop. After I get my hair cut, and grab some food and cut my lawn I’m back at it. Add me idontknow8335
Menuda risas que se echaron para hacer las animaciones
so octanes actor is asian 😯
Its just cute how the director is always just
The way octane runs just never gets old
that was actually very interesting
This guy had the best job
0:01 That’s why I don’t choose Octain
Octane doesn’t have legs but it’s the one that moves the most 🤣
I really like Octain’s personality.
Except for Octain in our team.
WHERE U GET SO EXCLUSIVE INGO? Somebody tell me, is it respawn worker’s account? Who are u?
OMG soooooo 🤣…. This is refreshing to see thisssss ..
He did an awesome job performing as Octane. From one stunty to another, respect bro! I wish Octane animations were in my show reel haha. Best job <3
Why does this guy laughing he makes me so angry tho 🤬😡
Octane its the best main ever
I love seeing octain run
You laugh like my math teacher
bru this is a certified hood classic
Octane is the visual representation of adhd
They are enjoying themselves
He makes his own game sounds
Well atleast they have fuun at work making these 🤣🤣
good to know they had fun makin this
the t-pose after everything omg
As an octain main, I’m glad this was suggested to me
the most iconic character ever
Omg it looks so fun to do octains animation I would love to be a animation model for a character
These animations are already in game. Do you even Apex bro?
I LOVE THIS IT’S PRETTY FUNNY LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love how octane’s personality is literally just “stupid silly fast guy” and he’s one of the best legends as a character
This was 5 years ago
Man, I didnt know Octane was an Asian dude
As someone who loves Octane, this had me smiling the whole time.
wow this was lowkey cool
I am surprised they did the kick up so smooth for octane finisher
Go Loba •~•
xD, nice.
Legend says that to this day that man is still running around and getting killed.
This cool
I had a feeling they did mocap. Why? …….. Because of that one bloodhound pose animation I see….
I like how he dose a t pose after every animation/motion capture
I didn’t know these were from real people
This game is broken but is the best fps game ever
I don’t play APEX, I play Titanfall 2. But my good friend came over last night, and he’s a huge APEX fan. I was asking him questions about the connections of Titanfall to APEX, and I laughed when he told me that this guy lost his legs in The Gauntlet trying to grenade boost lol
it’s looks so weird seeing someone doing it in a open area jumping around like a idoit
the guy in the back laughing make it more funny
What octane me main
They look like there having so much fun
Its the run for me 😩✋😂
awsome work out there
intro octain run is real kiling point LOL
It’s crazy how these actors can perfectly replicate the game!
t pose
Also this is from season 3 not season 9 lmao
Is real
This laugh is better than 70% of videos on yt
This game need UI interface update
썸넬 브베 나온줄..
That’s some skill right there.
So that’s where his stupid fucking run came from 🤣
During a few of them, he T poses at the end, is that like a thing he needs to do or is he just doing it for the lols
real octane
I want to run like him😂
i may have never played apex, BUT THAT RUN WAS FRICKIN HILARIOUS
You look amazing !
Exact copy of how Titanfall is made.
모션캡쳐 배우분 연기 진짜잘하시네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Octan good
this is class! lol
Almost forgot to watch this today
I want more 8)
Woah it’s so cool how accurate that guy is to match octanes movements!
Motion capture made video games so cool
1:20 my favourite
Yo sick
I gotta give them props for detail
I love these cut scenes I don’t really know why dude… But that’s insane xD
I need to see his butterfly knife skillz
im so glade i found this in my recommended
I saw this originally on igtv
This is amazing.
WoW 😍
They probably had the most fun with octane and loba lol
This character is going to be one crazy man
that was amaizing😁👍
I regret watching this video because we used to play season 1 with my friends and why are those memories still in my head?
me running away from my mom cuz i have a F be like:
*Octane actor moves 1 cm*
Everyone automatically: HAHAHAHAHAHA
so cute
ahah, amazing work
He finish a move, then
They must have had a lot of fun with octane
i like it😂😂😂
bruh how does one even get a job like this??
1:17 I imagine that’s what him hitting the ground sounded like
I fans
Wow massive credit to the guy doing all this for one character
wth is going on with the dude on the ground at 0:33? he looks like he’s glitching way too fast if you look at the right side
Octane the Mexican crackhead with an Asian ninja movement
I was surprised that it was time to upload to the back side
Very interesting
Thank you
T pose
I love the guy that keeps laughing in the background 😂.
Lol that run is basically “nope nope I’m out”
I love how much fun they are having at work. Awesome 😀
XD this vid made my day
Maan, this guys havin´ much fun at work. thats nice
Mukanya kek windah njr
Octane T-pose
i got an ad for valorant lmao
Me as a octane main is proud watching this
Well done sir,
0:24 イェッヘーィ!!ってとこ好き
Apex ses de la merde
love Octane – i am at around 2 mill stem atm – actually at 1.912 mil.
What is the Name of that Animation clothes?
Wow this dude memorized all of octanes movements perfectly!!!
Please give us more behind scene videos
spiderman did the pathy one?
I am so happy this was made it is so entertaining and you want to come back and watch it again
Alright, now that’s what we’re talking about
That’s so awesome
Wie nice
Octane is one of the Best
this actor is simply amazing
i feel loke they had morw fun making octane than anyothwr
Octane’s run looks so goofy irl 💀😂
Too good
so cool
This isn’t season 9 though or new or secret 🤦🏼♂️ click bait much
i dont like fake laught
He must be exhausted and his body got soared lol
That laughter tho
This is so wholesome
OMFG now I wanna see all legends…
This dude definitely had fun doing this
The walk… literally all I want is to see octanes walk mocapped
What a legend
I wanna see the octane non sprint actor
octanes the best in the game, just love his character so much
i guess youtube knew i needed to know the behind the scenes of my favorite legend
After watching this, I no longer cate about raritys of items and banners… They’re really dope just seeing how they were made
The guy running like Octane😂😂
I want to see every characters of this
It looks like they gave him a Red Bull, monster, and a 5 hour energy and said have fun
I absolutely love this
Wow they really have fun at their job
Respawn, add more variations sets for same movements, please.
Anyone know who’s his name or his social media accounts? We need to show him love!
Must’ve been awkward for the movement actor/actress for wraith doing those possessed animations lmao
Can i see loba😊
Show me valk execute I’m trynna conduct research
harika 😀 izlerken çok eğlendim ya
I wanna main octane now
that was awesome
Me da ansiedad que se rían cada vez que el pibe hace un movimiento xd
People see this and think: fun work with games.
I didn’t know a person did this
Do all this but they can’t fix dous but also damn this guy needs a raise
The laughs, The Animations, The Fun There Having…..Love it
I literally love how octane runs
Krl q foda man!!
It’s insane seeing the lobby animations being captured, I’ve seen them so many times
Very nice
Imagine this would be octane cause he hides bis face yk?
I would like to see Pathfinders new robotic teabag animation in the making. Thank you
props to all the actors
I remember when I saw them do the same thing with titan fall
Respect 💪
Por eso octane es mi leyenda favorito sus animaciones y frases son la ostia
0:40 T-pose lol xD
Brah the laughs in the background complete me they had so much fun making it. Unlike projekt red bet they fckin hated everything that why it took them so long lmao
I very very love Octane
Gostei 👏
as an octane main, i really enjoyed this.
This seems so fun to make
He looks like windah Basudara
Intern coming back from a park or run…
the rest of the office: He’s perfect
I genuinely think the guy behind octanes movement / finishers needs a raise.
coolest job ever
I remember thinking why they dont add more than 3 finishers per legend. Now i understand the work and process and whats taken to make one
Bro that’s a lot of work for a few things done to create this game. I know my comment won’t make sense but it’s a lot of work lol.
Looks like a great job to have
2:00 So it WAS the refferrence
That last couple seconds of octane running in the field had to be max settings on 1440p with 240hz because wtf it looks so smooth
When she says she’s home alone
0:50 北の打ち師達のフェルトいる笑
And this is why the game is so good they were all laughing while he was doing it
I love how he make his sfx irl :))))
Who dislike this man !
Man, I wish I had this dude’s energy. And confidence.
Sangat menjiwai
Cool af goddamn this game!
The t-pose at 0:40 though. Asserting dominance
1:16 oh my god *YES*
why does he tpose after every animation?
Everyone looks like they’re having the best time of their life and I love it
that was sooooo good lol loved it
This is perfect.
This is Awesome
Show us the loba catwalk one
Alright besides the thing about how he runs different something i dont always hear people talking i about the souds
You can hear the different tipe of people running and Octane for me is already amazing
I fkng loved this
They look like they are having alot of fun. Reminds me of how in Watch Dogs, the guy moving for Aiden Peirce was too fast and had to be slowed down.
I want to see everyonee! 😍 amazing work!✨⚡️
I had so much fun just watching this!
This is why I don’t like Fortnite
I love behind the scenes vids like this
As an octane main this sort of made me feel whole
*it’s not what you think. i swear.*
I wanna see the wraith and loba versions
I fucking LOVE this type of vibe like just stupid random shit that everyone is laughing at and having a good time
I wanna see how he ran 👿👿👿👿👿
So when they say a lot of money and time goes into production I understand now , y’all still taxin on them bundles can’t even give 1/500th of your yearly profit to pros u need crowdfunding lol
I didn’t go looking for this, but I’m glad I found it
Me who doesn’t even play apex: interesting 🤔
I wonder who did the loba finisher heh…
in the game i think it is cool
well in the real life:
very impressive work !
1:48 soo satisfying
What are these boys on
Apex is better than fortnite
Sooooooo freakin AWESOME!!! loba next
The wheezes are priceless
I like how they do the tpose right after.
The laughing was so cringe
Imagine seeing this jump on your bed at 4:00 am 1:11
As an octane main this is beautiful
this is awosemo
does the animations change every season?
Wow never knew aceu does animiations for octane!
This is so funny seeing people acting like video games characters 🤪
I bet crypto is the easiest to motion cap
More more more! I can’t get enough of these.
They have so much fun with it
it so cute
this looks so fun
Damn i never realize that apex character is so well animated.
Hahaha please moooorrree!!
This guy’s a legend
Just watching them working and having fun at the same time is so wholesome
i-is there one for loba?
Where can i see the other characters?
Can we get one fot Loba? No particular reason why.
Real question is How do you apply to do this???
I’d love this job…but I also like my current job.
1:47 is too satisfying
this is legendary
I love octane ❤️
I just love octane 😄
i feel like Octane is just in it for the fun
This… makes me happy… this is why I never bad mouth a game. How much work is put into the gameplay, design, characters, creativity. This… is why I want people to stop bad mouthing a game… because not a lot of companies will go through this amount of work.
bruh some random send this into public osu lobby and idk i quite like it
More plz
They should have added that T pose.
Who did the Gibby sit finisher 🤔
Thats dope
Props to this guy to having enough energy to perform a murderous crack addict
i wanna see loba’s
as an octane main, i truly truly enjoyed this. LETS GET SOME MORE FINISHERS!
Love this!
Wait what the thats the PUBG guy what is he doing here
it’s nice to see they’re actually having fun
as an octane main, this is fucking awesome to see
That laugh 😂
I adore the unnecessary expenses they make
I love his character
In the i sound a real laughing cringe😂
What kind of medicine did that actor took
Видео про смех 2:20
Does anyone know if there is more footage of this
This was so entertaining
This man is working for sure XD
Can we talk about the guy meking the movements with that energic and spirit ? Also, the people that work with the guy loves so much the movements than even record some moments for them selves🤣
Midnight – Octane behind the scenes
5am –
Spider-Man behind the scenes
How do I get a job doing this?!
sooo cute octane🖤
Guy behind the camera is having the time of his life
Wow he moves just like Octane does in game!
Main octaine heare speaking
Im pretty sure octanes diet is primarily crack and 5 hour energy
Amazing😂 but uhmm… how you guys did Loba?
I saw this video on a meme and some dumb fuck commented “yo he kinda moves like octane?”
The finishers is definitely what got me
This is actually awesome lol, couldn’t stop smiling
That’s was so funny 😂
I really wanna how they did it with wraith running naruto style.
ight now loba
It’s incredible how mu h work and effort the people at respawn put into their work
This is almost 3 years old if anyone’s curious
What I love is how the people involved seem like they are having a BLAST
*I Swear Octane is the only Olympic runner that id support if it came out that he had been shoving 5 tons of cocaine into his system before a sprint*
So this is how you act out a crackhead
i wonder if T-posing was scripted too lmao
Is just amazing !!!
Mocap actors, the unsung heroes. Awesome to see them in action!
Wanna see who does Loba.
Every time I see octane running with a gun makes me laugh lolz..
Damn that’s awesome!
plot twist: octane is the one controlling the guy’s animation.
That was amazing
I want loba 🙂
Will we be getting any new finishers any time soon?
Ok thats cool now explain it to me how did they did femne fatale on loba im diyng to know it🥴🥴
so funny
This is so cool
Any chance we can get Loba’s animations?
Asking for a friend.
I think the one in which Octane throws the frag and them tries to run away because he just realizes what he do, is the funniest one
Ok now lemme see loba 👀
I just love the laugh
thank you for the upload.. im sad to see it was only 2 minutes and 20 seconds it felt alot longer.. hopefully we can see more of these videos this was awesome!!
there should be Oskars for mocap
best legend
The iconic T-pose
this is so cool
Bocil epep butuh liat ini
I want to see this for all the legends
So when we gonna see some loba motion capture then? 😳
Super acting
He does lobas animations too
Now I need to see Horizon’s and Bangalore’s 🏃♀️ animations.
madddddddddd respect to this guy
I want more of these
I want to see Wraiths!!!
I want Loba version of this
Who did loba
The laughs make it so much better
they need to release more of these! im invested
“Secret behind the scenes” they literally posted it on Twitter.
god i love BTS content for this game 🥺🥺 i want mocap videos for every legend
i dont want the video to stop
Was really hoping to see his new default emote acted out
This is why I love animation
sound effects 100% necessary
This was incredible! What an athletic and talented guy! His performances bring so much personality to Octane!
totally love it!! nice vid! now, can we get that Loba walk next vid :3
Man tposed on him
Time to go down the rabbit hole.
Too bad his facial expression is wasted lol
The guy laughing in the back through out the whole video had me dead
I wanna see lobas now!!!
I’ve watched this video about 100 times now and his laugh always gets me
i love that guys laugh
wow cool 😂😂
Must of been fun doing octane
Octane run always makes me laugh,the best haha
I wanna see the heirloom mo-cap now
Ok. Now we need to see Wattson’s animations
This was the coolest thing ive seen in weeks
So happy I’ve watched this lol brings me joy
The octane guy is stuck in work forever he has to do the lobby scene over and over and over again 24/7
0:09 dababy
This is funny xD
i wold love to do this job
I love it ❤️
This is a god amongst men
POV: you’ve watched this more than 10 times
OMG! This actor is a LEGEND!
I wanna be the guy in the chair for this stuff!
Those guys are having a blast
And they said you can’t have any fun at work
This guy is so good at copying octanes movements its pretty much the exact same thing
Me Smiling
Thanks for showing us the people behind the pixels
Thats perfect
Faster faster faster
This is amazing
where did you find this?
That run at the beginning is fucking perfect
1:21 i maughed so hard at this when i 1stly saw it in game
Kind of cool, I want to see how they did Valkyrie all of a sudden and revenant and genuinely everyone
I want to see how they did pathfinder’s walk
Let’s us see loba behind the scene 👀👀
that run animation is hella funny
no wonder why they laughing so hard
What is the actors name?
The running just really make my day
Me in my room at 4 am:
They truly have fun making this game
Imagine letting people watch this without context
0:20 Yo he t-posed the guy too
subbing instantly
I would kill to see the mocap for revenant
Mom said it’s my turn to get pinned
I love it
Deserving for the best legend
Wait so someone anime ran as wraith and got paid for it what
Been streaming Mobile version for days now. I really love Octane in TPP he looks so goofy.
that was hust amazing
It’s so funny to watch 😂
Can we get loba
Where is the wraith one
This is on the list of Things i didnt need to watch but im glad i did! 😂
This is great
So that’s why Moy said Octane is the most Fun to Animate Among the Team and his Right Leg is the Only Removable thing within his Body…
Well, hey now! That’s me!!!
Look ma, I made it on the youTubez! 🙂
i just want to give a shoutout to all my fans whats up
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 the way the dude ran in the beginning idk why I didn’t expect that but that shit is funny
Is it just me that thinks it is crinch that he makes noises when he do the animations…
Can we see more of this
2:10 is that moy :03
If this is octane how will be revenant.
I wanna see more for other characters
dam people can run as fast as octane cool
More of this type of video plisss
It makes me happy to see them having fun with this lmao
Badass video!
This is awesome every time I see this
So Octane is actually Asian? Didn’t see that one coming!
not gonna lie 0:22 was super cool
Octane will always be a goat 🐐
i was not watching the viedso i was listening the laughs
Ok but I gotta see how they made lobas flip over the staff finisher 👁👄👁
Ok now i want this to every character
Now I want to see all of the legends animations
what’s the music at 00:59?^
The T-pose every after action
isnt this the famous korean actor
sweet content
Jajajaja epic
I now can sleep soundly at night
Season 9?
isnt this from like 2019 or somethings?
this is season 9 animations ? do you even play this game ?
As an octane main, I’m glad I saw this
It’s so beautiful how they love what they do
OMG this is so funny. Love how people just laugh in the background 😂
Doesn’t this guy dose lifeline moments too?
As an octane main this is amazing
This is beautiful
I do the octane body wiggle before anything it keeps you fresh.
never knew they used motion capture
super cool, wp by the actor
Wanna see every legends animation
This is soooo cooool !
Apex in third person 😍
legend’s Audition
Nice they can animate how much fun there were having motion capturing into how much fun octane has in game
They should have shown that power walk tho
if you have more do this vids it was soo funy☺️😂😂
Things I’d kill to do:
1. Voice act as a playable character,
2. Mocap a playable character,
3. Main that character and be the best
I want that emote bts
0:25 “FUCK YES!!”
That was the best thing in this video😂😂😂
Respawn should do this for every character
When my friends are in a firefight without me 0:02
We want more of that
More!!!! I love behind the scenes of games so much and I would love too see more of apex being made!
Octane Mains unite! can I get a hooyah?!?!
I want to see valks and pathfinders
I really enjoy watching that
The way he copied Octane’s movement nailed it
Haha, great job!!
This guy must enjoy his work making the animations for octane lol. I would love it if I was him
This is so cool man
yall hiring?
So cool to see behind the scenes❗️
I was hoping to see how the emotes were made, especially his legendary lol
Wish there was a lifeline one i main her
0:41 I see he did doing T-pose 👀👄👀
the “Kaaaahh!!” always make me laugh hahahaha
The running animation with the gun had me rolling 😂😂😂😂
That run got me lmao🤣🤣
Damn, just goes to show how much the personality of each legend is affected by little things like idle animations
The dedication of this man really gave octane a personality through movement!
He’s making big bucks by doing all of this lmao
Thanks for this i loved it
More, please !!!
I wanna see Lobas finisher haha
I always wanted to see who did the Octane movement animation
I can die now *dies*
Everything was awesome until the annoying laugh 🤦♂️
Good, now show us loba finishers from below and Loba Golf Emote
I want to see all of the characters, this was super enjoyable
yoo i wanna see this with every character
This guy actually did an insanely good job
Hope they did the same but with rampart, would be funny to watch
These are NOT new Apex Legends season 9 animations…
Why do they always t pose at the end
Can you show mirage next
The life of octane
I never really played Apex legends,
But I think Octane is one of the coolest looking characters.
octane is my fav legend on apex legends
i love this
His the reason we have octanes dooky run😂 i need to see the wraith run
Meanwhile naruto run removed from from wraith, we cant see em now
Need more of this content :^)
I want to see loba’s pleaseeeeeeeee……….loba I need to see her actor pleaseee 😭🤤
So cool
They should make it with every legend
I want to see wraith
I wanna see all of them now
I wonder how Loba’s is filmed
Epic 🤣
Honestly brings more life to the game seeing this
it’s so nice seeing them having fun recording the motion capture, truly wholesome
take a shot of expresso and hire that person and the results will follow
Moy es un crack
the guy is stress out
need to see wattson’s
so good
This is awesome! Ready for the others now! 😂
A yes T-pose. 0:17
People would of loved seeing this back in the day might of brought more hype
This looks dumb but funny 😅
i wonder what the other legends behind the scene animation looks like..
I would like to know what energy drink the octane mocap is drinking
God we really need the T pose 🤣
2:15 season 11 new open world story mode
Damn , I would pay to see warsons. She is so cute in game.
i need to be casted if they need future MOCAP, i’d run in there with crystal meth shards half way in my nose and take a fat kids epi-pen for more adrenaline
He puts the octane, in octane
As an octane main I needed to see this.
You did not search this but glad you found it
Please add Motion blur to apex ;-;
easy money
I wanna see Lobas next
The secret behind the thicc
I gained so much respect for the animation team and the actual people doing the animations 🥺
Are there any more of these vids?
Bro what kind of job is this it looks so fun and cool 🤩
I m curious how do they record the emote while running and jumping animation xD
It’s a joke
As an octane main really appreciate this vid
Yo there really good at bringing characters to life and I love it
We can all agreed they did a great job!
His octane imitation is on point it looks like it’s him 🤣
The laughter, you can tell they really love doing this
This was cool to watch
I want more of these stuff 😀
Thanks to this guy, now everyone mimics his movement in the bathrooms
Anyone know the name of the guy?
He went threw so many motion! Finding the one they wanted… 👏 amazing
More….. MOAR!!!!
i wanna see the butterfly knife part
love it
I want more
is that moy parra in the grey hoodie?
They are having so much fun, it’s just incredible
The best of all the legends
This guy is cool af. U give perfect emotes and stuff to Octane we all appreciate that.
This seems like it would be fun
Where’s lobas at
And here I thought Octane was latino. But he looks Asian
I’m tired just watching him be a crackhead without the crack
The way he was running had me scream laughing
2:14 apex legends open World
i LOVE watcing Apex Legends mocap. I hope we get to see more of this.
How do I get this job lol.
what i want more plz
I need to see every legend please
Give me more
When octane runs im the game i can’t help but laugh
Bro, the fact that they laughed so hard at the run animation. Makes my day.
When is respawn going to make this a collective edition like how Bungie did back in the for Halo 2 days I would throw my money at that immediately!!!!!
Well there you have it boys and girls this how good people are at suff like this
Hahhahahahahha nice
All aboard the octrain!!
I can’t stress this enough but we NEED to see how they did Loba’s finisher
More of these pls
Can you also find rampart , loba , horizon and lifeline please
this is awsome thanks for that you made my eavening
The ending animation looks like it would be an amazing open world game like breath of the wild, or fallout in 3rd person
More of these pleeeeaaassee!!
1:16 had me laughing
I need more of this
Clickbait its NOT new
Next I wanna see Gibby giving them the cheeks
I love how happy they are while doing this. Shows they’re having fun
Imagine how hard would it be to make emotes
We need to see loba 👀🌚
That’s so awesome
That just looks mad fun to do
Would love to see more if that’s possible
My dream job
Like I just love how that dude started running 😅😅
Wow. More legends motion capture please
I’m trying see the “You should smile More” animation 🤧 for research purposes ofc lol..
imagine playing with octane and instantly die bcoz u just used the stim
estuvo bueno el video
But my question
*who in their right mind came up with Horizon’s bouncing walk?*
If you can get any more of these, please post, I love it
Only if Octane mains were as sweet as the character.
Plz I need like all the animations of every hero
It sounds like they really enjoy what they do, I’d love to see more of mocap behind the scenes.
Woah Working and Exercising?
Now fix your game 😃
Octane is by far the most fun and cool legends in apex
I wonder how the gibi finisher look like 😂
just so you guys know, im having rough time almost a year due to corona i lost a job and shit got really hairy and yall laughter somehow wipe all my sadness idk why it work but thanks..
0:17 they should’ve left the T-pose in the game just to assert dominance
I main octane because SPEED
so many laught…
wow its the best live action, cool, really
Motion captures are amazing
this made my day and today was my last day of school
we want more
Covid sucks man, They were having so much fun doing there job which is a rare thing in life. This was so awesome
As an octane main this is VERY interesting.
Its so fun to see how he has the same energy as octane
cool animation de Revena t ? pls
I need to see loba next 😏
Ok, this was AWESOME
Animating octane seems like a lot of fun because man’s is a drug addict 😂😂
I never realized how goofy Octane’s run looked until a real person does it. Hahaha. The finisher and banner animations are super duper dope.
I hope to see more like this, there’s more or just this one??
Now this was awesome.
I need to see every character’s BTS mocap animations
I think the devs enjoyed their time animating Octane a bit too much 😂
How can you not smile while watching this
Each legend having their own set of animations for just about every action including standing still is one of the reasons im so addicted to this game.
I wuv
Sir, you actually made my day. Thank you.
Description “PlEAse dOnT rEuPlOAd MY ContEnT!!!11!!1”
you literally copy and pasted the video off of twitter lol
That is so damn cool! I would love to see more of this
He’s soo good but none of these are new animations lol
This guy does a great job, this is so cool
Now I’m curious of who made Revenant’s mocap
I want more Respawn!
This is amazing
Who else tryna watch Lola’s? 👀
Como pueden haber 5 weones que no le guste este video, almenos unas 5000 personas si
I would so love to do this, seems so fun
If only they show us how they did Gibraltar’s force of gravity finisher
That is freakin cool
OH man that run animation got me good
My life has purpose now
More please 😭
I want to see wraith animations behind secene
Please I need a series on this
bro this is so cool
I absolutely love that they had fun with Octanes animations especially on the first clip. I would laugh if I were them to seeing someone run like that lmao
2:14 This looks like an openworld games with Octane as the main character. Definitely would play it just for Octane.
I’ve seen so many videos of the mocap footage for several games but I have never seen one with so much laughter 🤣🤣
I wanna see this for horizon
i want this job
ngl this seems like alot of fun to do
its incredible how much work goes into these animations. sometimes i just stop to look at these animations mid game in all their glory only to get a charged sentinel shot in the face and run like a little biit…
Mocap is like in my top three favorite things about Apex.
I want more of this
this is awesome👊🤘🤘🤘
They look like they’re having so much fun.
Guys, i reported at least 5 smurfer, why they dont get a ban?
I hope we continue to give more love to the mocap artists just like the voice artists
You can tell they had real fun doing this 😂😂😂😂
i wanna see all of them now omg
omg octane mocap is perfect ahahaha
plz tell me there are more behind the scenes of this because its funny XD
I want more where can I watch more??
I love watching behind the scenes motion capture. If there is more motion capture for other legends I would love to see them.
imagine how fun your job is if you did this
i wantmore
This would be a fun job
The real octane, so cool, you never realize that they put all this work behind the scenes.
Great best game animation 💉
that was so good XD
I just got randomly recommended..
I’m glad I watched this
Damn we need moree other legends
Es latino…pero el actor es asiático
I need to see everyone now. Especially, Horizon. She has the most unique run animation.
This is actually so cool
How do I apply for this job? 🤣
Hold on… I love this 🥰
We all gotta give a big “ThankYou” to everyone who was involved in bringing our favourite characters to life!!
this job looks so fun omg
Can we get for loba PLZZ👉😒👈
octane got the best mocap
I need more
I really need to see horizon actress 🥺❤️❤️
please more 😀
Thank you for this blessing xD this is great
Best fuc*ing video ever
And we’re seeing something that happened as late as early 2019 – just now.
Octane is one of the most well animated legends
200th like.
Would love to see wraith and loba or Valk or rampart
Wow that was Awesome where did u get that ???
Simply breath taking
so cool!!
I didn’t know that I needed to see this, but I’m glad I did.
The laughter is giving me life😭
More of this please
The same way they made the Titanfall 2 animations
0:20, 0:53 love the tposes
This is so cooll hahahaha
need more
I could watch an hour of this😂
first clip is me when the pizza rolls are ready
This is actually really dope
Yo that’s kinda funny… Uhm- I mean.. That’s cool!…
Octane Mains?
I always wanted to see who did octanes run
My life is complete now
Thats honestly cool how they make that