Apex Legends Season 20 Breakout
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#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,apexlegends,apex legends,heirloom,heirloom shards,movement,wraith,apex legends new event,aceu,apex predator,rank 1 pred,rank 1 predator,apex cheats,apex hacks,apex hacking,rank #1 predator,conduit,movement tech,apex pred,apex predators,apex legends perks,apex leaks,apex season 20,apex legends season 20,apex legends season 20 breakout,perk,rookie to predator,rookie to apex predator,solo to predator,solo to pred,rookie to apex pred
コメント (411)
Imagine complaining about configs in apex at season 20 🤡
Shitting on that controller team at 7:40 was soooo satisfying!
Hilarious to me that someone I’ve never heard of is telling him to get better but Hal just says “yeah they were really good”
To be fair if they take away tap strafing his aim isn’t that good. He would be in trouble. It’s why he was irrelevant before he got good at tap strafing
« u’re bad if u playing movement » who just 1vs3 some little roller dumbass ? BAHAHA
Faide the goat
8:30 this guy makes no sense faide 1v3’s and does everything they do without the game doing it for them lmao
Dude at 8:30 was super butt hurt😂
What res??
Nocturnowl is the biggest crybaby I’ve ever seen play apex every clip I see of him is him crying or complaining about something. He’s so annoying
If they have such a problem w mnk tap strafing they should go back to console 😂😂
Cope master Chubdubbz complaining about his trash play being the movement players fault
I’m loving the ranked content
I always wonder if these guys find out they get roasted in a video, obviously don’t complain when your wrong but like genuinely curious if they ever find out they get embarrased
avg roller thinking cfg is still a thing
Hal and Jordan are incredible players, but when it comes to mechanical skill they are more clueless than console players
Controller players complaining about movement is wild. You can one clip purple shield with a grey clip re45 dawg my bad I bounce around a little bit
“No skill” holy cry harder 😂
Being mad at tap strafing while playing on pc is crazy just use ur keyboard gang😭😭😭
Good to see faide is getting back into ranked and not torturing himself on solo q pubs lol
1:09 1:09
1:09 1:09
Please tell me how to operate this movement
Damn its TSM full team omg im dyng!😅 u realy insane faide 👍👍👍
Got his revenge on Hal
Bro the way you’re moving is insane
Yo also chill out
Yo bro i play wattson and i would bust your balls. You would never a game in a building w you on your team. J heads up
really, faide stop using configs, be simpler😤😡🤬
Faide pooping on you guys is Karma for not utilizing Ash
If tap strafing / movement is so easy why don’t they switch to mnk🤔🤔🤔🤔
“Ewwww” 💀😂😂😂😂
Those streamers were literally crying 😂😂
Hal is not the ceo of apex yall been hyping him up his whole career
Faide your amazing man ❤
Crazy you killed TSM. unreal. ggs
Hi faide can you gift me how many packs you want i love your Channel my nick:sushi_dog_2133 if you can send me a pack i tkanki you
so good
Sweet revenge on Hal😈😈
What is valkyrie doing, he is AI 😂
Faide VS TSM is better than any recent Hollywood movie.
I do not play apex sweaty at all isnt tap strafing just binding forward to mouse wheel and is not a config?
While controller is free 0 effort aimbot
ITS NOT CONFIGS 😂 the movement community wont tell u the real setup on keyboard n mouse running 200 fos 😂😂😂
A roller just said “Get good at the game. You can’t shoot people. You have no skills” lol the hell did i just witness
8:35 bitching about configs when they got removed…? Plus configs arent knowing how to use a zipline lmao it’s dumb shit like neostrafing. Making fun of someome for practicing so they can try and make up for how blatanly broken controller is through movement is just pathetic
it disgusts me when people completely disregard the situation at hand and theyr just like “rez me rez me”
I am Japanese and thank you for destroying a cocky Japanese controller player.
Yo Faide… i’ve been playing since season one, you’re my Apex goat 🐐 I just want you to know that I think you are the best
Какие-то нубы на контроллере , с такой чувствительностью двигаться ужас еще и стримить этот позор
bro saying get good at the game talking about a lack of skill while he’s using controller aim assist on a PC #MNKisKING XD GG boys
If you’ve been on m&k since the game came out and your loosing to controller payers let’s just call it a skill issue
“these configs man” Has 200fov
0:48 Y’all are in the god damn trenches. Got this video sounding like a war film.
“Yabai yabai” lol
21 seconds to wipe out hal’s squad
I think of guys like Enoch lol
8:27 Bro thinks Faide needs Confic X_X
8:27 they not real wtf im a hearing
A team With Faide, Aceu and Itzztimmy can take over ALGS.
Complaining about cfigs when they literally don’t exist anymore lmao
8:22 guy is a straight hater 😢😂
9:24 I guess buddy wants people to not move when he is shooting them!😂
Faide and his boy’s wiping out imperialhal squad such a classic🤧🤝
8:21 a quick guide on how to embarrass yourself.
nah bro called tsm ai thats crazyyy lol w vid faide
Everybody like the video for the consistent uploads
Faide and crew wiped TSM 💀💀 holy shit
the besat team in the world couldn’t beat Faide in his building…. That tells you how good he is :0
Do you ever react to how amazing you are 💀
can’t believe hal in the same game
When will the childish MnK vs Controller arguments stop? lolol. People complain about roller players, when the game literally wouldn’t exist anymore without them. It’s a video GAME. If you’re not a professional or truly grinding to become one, stop arguing about stupid crap like Aim Assist and tap strafe and just play the game… or Don’t! It’s that simple lol. Boggles my mind why people who like a video game just rag on it or other players 24/7. It’s not that serious.
lil man was mad cuz hes bad
its funny how controller players complain about movement but then get defensive when pc players complain about AA. LMAO
good vid faide
Nice win against the no. 1 TSM
The hal clip at the end 🎉🎉
If it was easy everyone would do it
Love the videos when he doesn’t use his stupid voice 😂😂. Faide >tsm
11:09 “super saiyan n*gro” 💀💀💀
i been a controller play my whole life played controller since the game came out. but switched to keyboard a couple weeks ago. the fact that the controller player playing on 2-3 sensitive that only just aims down sight and shoot is telling someone that has basically mastered the mechanics of the game let me remind you something that takes hundreds of hours to even get good at. compared to being able to grab a controller and play 4 hours and already one clip people. it blows my mind that dude actually believed what he was saying. let alone faide created one of those mechanics all people use is so funny to me.i don’t think he created anything in the game? so my question is how someone is bad at the game when they created and figured out a type of movement mechanic that no one else found. you don’t do that if you suck at the game, you do that because you are ahead of everyone that dude actually believe he is talented. the dude was absolutely fucking lost man you can’t even shoot the guy because you are an AI playing on what looks like 1-1 sensitivty🤣🤣🤣
Most Thumbelinas can’t do anything without aim assist. I think they should cut off their thumbs hahaha
Said I hate tap strafe then said you suck if you use configs. But not only have configs been removed but tap strafing isn’t a config 😂
You fucking suck if you use configs, plain and simple.
Faide literally shttt on TSM ..
Dunked on tsm 🤣
lolllll these downbad controller kids are pathetic
8:29 “you f*ing suck if you use configs”
I’m sorry but Respawn removed configs for controller, and tap straiffing isn’t even that hard for mnk. JUST USE SCROLL WHEEL
“Get good at the game.”
“All you do is” grind out your skill “in the firing range thinking you’re so cool Actually just get good at the game”
Let’s face it. If you’re losing a 1v1 with two teammate shields on you, you’re even more trash then whatever you consider “not good”
No one ever talks about the fact that a majority of pro players use mnk. If a controller was such an advantage I guarantee that pro players would use them more. A pro gamer is going to use whatever tools are at their disposal to win.
Also I have played with both and can say AA does not act like auto aim like many of you seem to believe. All it typically does is slow down your aim when it gets near an opponent giving a little more control so your aim isn’t all over the place. You still need to be good at aiming.
“tHaT WOuLd NeVeR WoRk iN rAnKEd” ahh its nice to see it come into fruition
Oh no someone’s playing the game unconventionally and not the way everyone else does, how dare they!! lmao I find it funny when Faide dunks on these so called streamers how mad they get over his play style.
proof that even the best pro controller players cant compete against PC players. i mean, i know faide is a hella above average player. but if you play on roller… stop calling yourself a pro. ya aint shit
on some rs, how fat are you
“u can’t f** shoot at the people so u need to move around”
The words of gamepad player that need nothing to do for aiming
Are the eyes glowing red when knocking down enemies a new thing?
Imperialhal the most overrated apex player ever 😭
8:27 ahahahahahaahh ok bruh😂
Absolutely love the Faide ranked gameplay 👑
Most funniest thing in this vid that’s how controller players crying about movement
At this point just rename the game.
You super jumped and bro immediately started complaining about tap strafing, what a retard
Glad to see Faide grinding ranked. Would be nice to see him get pred this season just to remind everyone he’s not a “one-trick pony.” He is the best. And we know that. And we want everyone else to know it.
Controller brain is a fucking disease, if respawns listens to those players I will stop playing holy fuck “freakin tap strafing duude”
Gibraltars Gay read his bio,😮 gives “Dome of protection” a new meaning 😂
Fighting “Owl” Dude’s Ight Fr 🤣🤣 But Configs An Controller Was The Problem,, Not MNK, + You Embarrassed the one dude on stream so he had to talk some shit of course 🤦♂️🤦♂️
12:30 Did you just fckin …. killed TSM ? 😐
very good content
Get good at the game he says. While 40% of his shots r hit by a software. How ironic that is
so we are at the moment movement players that used to be called bad cuz they only move are destroying pro players like Imperial? damn be ready to see a lot of crazy moves in the next ALGS, you are a beast, found u in a match while ago and my tm8s that play more than me got wiped lol, ggs king
8:22 tell me you’re dog 💩without telling me you’re dog 💩
your pred already faide
“you suck if you tap strafe,” like what? Tap strafing is way harder than controller aim assist. get rekt.
cant talk shit if youre the one in the lobby after being 1v3d lmaoooo
Love how TSM got sent back to Lobby 🙂 Good shit m8 <3
That controller rage player is completely delusional 😂
super like dude ✌👌
ALGS champion get sht on by movement player lol
Hey faide I’ve been sick today and lying in bed. But there is nothing better to cheer me up and keep me entertained than another one of ur certified bangers! Perfect mix of funny, chaos, movement, and goat energy!👌 Thank u for everything faide I love u!!!❤️🔥❤️🔥😂🐐
Tbh saving the TSM clip for last was respectful on Faide’s part, he could’ve used them for clickbait💯
says you dont know how to play the game yet has AA cause you cant play on your input. wild.
controller “pros” be mad after their configs got banned
lmfao console take
chubdub sounds a little …… angry … I hate to say it
Ranked Faide arc is hitting
I can know your pc set up? I want to have a good pc gaming and your seem amazing
“Get good at the game, no skill”- trash aim assist abuser
what does he mean i hate tap strafing and then says get good at the game after being wiped by a single dude xd
They’re just jealous
i like that hal at the end just admitted they are really good and didnt call them bad for playing zip building like 90% of pros
aim assist bot talking about skills LOL XXD
The rollerbots crying about movement is cringe ong LOL
Movement is the skill gap in this game. And he complains couse he sucks at it
No David?….
10:03 Faide opened his domain expansion lol
I absolutely love when controller players complain about mnk movement. It wakes me up in the morning and lulls me to sleep at night. They have a computer doing half the aim for them then say “learn to play the game” after being sent back to the lobby. The cope is nutritious.
A triple controller team complaining about players mastering complex movement techniques is WILD lmao
10:27, you’re really trying to tell me that people that run with their gun out are top 750 in the world??? What has this game come to. It’s a damn shame.
Probably same kids who got mad they took tap strafe off of roller😂
People mad at Faide for playing the way he plays 😂 it’s funny everytime.
I’m on console and when I play with my pc friends and get into pc lobbies never have I ever once even had a thought about bitching and moaning about tap strafing and stuff.
Lmao, nocturnal’s teammate was saltyyyy
Eso fue muy increible contra el equipo de hal
maybe ill play on apex pc again if the community stops hand holding and playing on controller. Like its PC, learn MNK! its so worth it
Faide is the best player in that building. Man took out arguably the best player/team in apex history🤦🏽♂️
“You have no skill… all you do is practice”☠️☠️crazy sentence
8:24 lmao bro just accept he is better lol
Loving the uploads, keep it up faide.
bro called tap strafing a config lmao, turn off aim assist and i wont tap strafe lmao
theres no way that chubdubbs guy is actually fucking talking 💀game does half his aim for him lmfao
aint no way a guy thats using roller is saying he has no skill lollllll
No third parties this time hal 😅
These consistent uploads might cure my depression.
chubdubzz what a trash can, lol dude complaining about mnk
Not TSM complaining “they always play this building with an f-ing shotgun”… Like okay? Do that too then 😅
Not to mention, how about you recall how you got dumpstered by Aceu and lyric a couple seasons back as if both Aceu and lyric haven’t competed at lan AND use movement?
Watching these pred games from faide is surreal bc I knew he was that good but thought it would never happen 😮. “Ewwww”
I’ve never seen worse clickbait in my life. Make a short next time if the only pro team is gonna be a 1-2 minutes of fighting.
How in the hell are you gonna say the entire video is against pro players and the only lan team is in the last minute of the video? Talk about some clickbait. Jesus.
Controller players are sooooo embarrassing
blud mad he can’t keep up with the movement😂🙏
He is right you are fr cool and this is skill😂
Where in this entire video is an actual pro player? First it was you talking crap to gruic for playing zip lines as if you created that shit when you know full well you learned that from aceu and lyric, the original movement gods. Now it’s you trying to slight pro players as if you actually went up against a lan team. Who has ever heard of this loser crying in lobby about movement? His brain is slow don’t compare him to an actual pro. Country bumpkin wishes that’s for sure but he is no pro at all.
First of all, this nocturnowl loser is not a pro player. Hes not even predator for that matter so idk how this is “movement players vs pro players”. Where in this entire vid is an actual pro team that competes at lan? I believe in practicing movement and aim as THE GAME REQUIRES ALL TO BE LEARNED but don’t compare those losers to actual pros. They’re over there crying about getting revived like that didn’t just throw their game. I would’ve cussed out at country bumpkin loser in a heartbeat for crying like that.
Lmao predators bots sounds insane 😂
controler hating tap strafe lmao stop cheating u fucking noobs
all predators gave up for aim assist lol
Crying beacause he has the movement of a oiltanker while he is playing on a console i used to play COD on as a kid😂😂🤮
Faide on ranked ❤
Everytime a see faide playing with teammates i predic immediately that the only survivor of that team is faide only 😂
Controller players only argument is jitter aiming BUT soooo many roller content creators can as well like exstasy it’s just crazy how when ever they say “MnK is OP” they always conveniently ignore people like him completely capable of moving like hes on MnK with the benefit of aim assist with out scripts or anything
I’ve seen clips of Faide and his team getting boddied by the TSM stack, you have no idea how much i enjoyed watching him and his team defeat them here 😂
Lmao don’t tell me that there is ppl that doesn’t know cfg are officially banned from all different type of platform😂 damn this dude is a total moron😂
8:46 as a controller player (I’ve never touched mnk) that guys such a whiny bitch, the one who SHOULD be getting good at the game is him bc he should learn to track the tapstrafing, he literally stated that all mnk players do is sit in firing range tapstrafing, and he can quite obviously practice tracking 🤦♂️ so sad how these ppl find excuses as to how mnk players are “bad” or “cheating” when controller players have aim assist to combat that. Fucking pathetic 😭
Reps is on MnK. What tf was that. I’m ten times more agile on rollers.
8:23 bro says get good at the game while playing with a controller that aims for him and is the reason why the game is dog shit
all buildings belong to faide …….. When you find someone hopping like a monkey, just run away…
“ChubbsYT” was in his feelings 😂😂
Waiting for the Intro 😢
Roller Rager alert
Play octane w the new heirloom pls
Best apex youtuber I like the consistency keep up the hard work💯
8:21 dude was coping hard but im going to assume he thought faide was a roller config user
Should I turn off vibration on my controller while playing? Or is that lame?
Faide got his lick back 😤👹
clean TSM roster , NaH man!!
LMAO controller brain cant comprehend
shittin on hal’s team like this was nutty to watch
kkkkkkkkkkkkk bom dms ver volante se fudendo e ainda chorando
im pretty sure taxi banned me from faides channel the other day.
By far the most insane vid I’ve seen. Absolutely Owning the whole Tsm team
Faide for president <3
Faide is the only one in this game to solo a esports team with only movement
8:22 🤣 are you kidding me these kids have no idea how much work you gotta put in to move like this man🔥🔥🔥 W Video Faide
its always the rollers complaining especially the ones rocking the most useless predator badge in the game
omaga config dont work any more what is this blud yaping about 8:40
“Get good at the game” aka got fucked by papi faide
Dat guy was hating on you bro. U got extreme skill n 90 percent of people don’t have patience to practice daovement you have.❤ ur vids.
I hate how people complain about aim assist when people like faide can do what they do on mnk but to play on controller and say a guy on mnk had got no skill because he’s got good movement it’s just dumb, my guy was mad.
“Movement is no skill” Ok bro, shoot me then. Why you don’t just kill me?
Let’s all pretend configs can still be used for movement. “Get good at the game” FoH, sir. lol
Yo you fucking annihilated me on Olympus last night! I knew it was you when I couldn’t hit a single shot
movment player kilelr controler palyer
Everyone’s talking about rollers complaining. While im complaining about the match making system making my casual ass play against ppl like his lobbies and its beyond un-fun. Im a typical blue collar man who just wants to enjoy the game yet im matched against ppl playing like its a tournament. 😒❤ “get good” so i can plah against better players more? Lol wut?
If you can move like faide and hit your shots you more then fucking good faide in my opinion is the best player in apex
Last clip says it all 😂
how is the literal dogshit whos using aim assist saying ”you cant fucking shoot people so you use movement” lmfao the absolute irony of that sentence is baffling
Hal didn’t even rage. He admitted he got outplayed in that situation.
this roller dude … i cant
8:13 100 percent config auto armor swap, but yet he is complaining about configs after getting wrecked. Also, jumping like maniacs as they shoot, but complaining about mnk moving around like little kids without aim. Now, I am a controller player, but this dude and his team are just hypocrites.
Aim assist isnt as abusive as streets say and ill die on tht hill. Mnk have clear advantage argue with a wall
Idk why people say Hal is so good he literally plays like a bot
Bro straight yelling at the top of his lungs entire game 😅
The fact u don’t even need configs for any of the movement he’s doing is hilarious
Faide carring the whole apex content.
Not them saying no skill 💀
Kinda embarrassing to acuse someone for being good at movement because you couldnt kill them or out play them
So, the real question is “would you sex up a bald Wraith”, then 🤔
No way he said you have no skill😂😂😂😂😂
Is faide playing with randoms?
Seriously Hal?!🤣
The Roller was so bad even the aim assist wont work on him.
This is what I wanna see. Faide against really good players
8:30 What? he do not know what he is talkin about
Men I love you so much ❤️❤️❤️
everything that controller player said didn’t make no sense at all! Jesus!
Controller say « learn to play the game »
Hal : « he’s really good
Thats the difference
8:20 shameless😂
8:22 lmao what bro yapping about faide just used zipline not using tap starfe just reposition even faide using manual aim😂
8:22 bro’s playing on controller, has no right to complain
Blaming movement on configs after Respawn literally removed them from the game is crazyyyyy bruh, imagine bitching about something non existent while having aim assist
Did faide just shit on tsm 😂 I love it. My fave team vs fave streamer
saying faide has configs is crazy
Faide mocking hal with that thumbnail 🥶 *pred bots*
Yes! The day finally came when Faide killed TSM!
gg japanese guys for being so chill
Lmao TSM shat on 😂😂😂
Bro controller players saying “get good at the game” is the most head pounding shit ever
8:36 No hate but this dude literally didn’t know that that was faide the movement God without using any configs 🤣
complaining about tap strafing while on a pc but choosing to still abuse aim assist is… interesting.
Man got his revenge lol but if Hal Knew he would go on try hard mode.
dropping a like my g, good stuff
“Get fucking good at the game”
How did you see the spider?? Is that wall hack
chubbdubz is bad `
8:47 who cares if I sit in range and try lurch all day
O cara simplesmente some na frente deles, e ainda querem nerfar o Ain assist, wtf, TEclaro e mouse tem muita vantagem em relação ao controle, tem que nerfar essas movimentaçoes ai isso sim!
😭 rolled tf outta tsm
8:22 bro was soo pained and configs don’t exist or work anymore 😂😂💔
Ironic controller player. body blocking the zip, and face tanking a pk like a bot.
Talking about no skill 😂
“They always play that building with a shotgun” proceeds to continuously go in that building lol like the outcome is going to be any different
On todays episode of To catch a Crybaby
Controller player talks about no skills.
Holy shit…
Brooo what, the way Faide killed TSM, like whaaat lol Faide’s the best omg🔥🔥🔥🔥
He pushed up the shaft and came on TSM
8:06 13:38
daddy killing ai rollers ❤
“Get good at the game seriously” – someone who has the game aim for them 😂
RIP Reps with Faide movement
We had a heated argument of who would win in a fair fight ..faide or hal..and i guess we now have the answer 😂😂
Great video King 👑💜
Yall gotta Most definitely like the video when faide gets BOTH POVs
Faide vs Streamers🎉
Its a Dia lobby not Pred…
the satisfaction when controller gamer starts complaining about mnk lmao.
8:22 i thing respawn already patched CFG what is he Yapping about
The only way to beat Faide is to stay away as far as possible from the building that has zips. It’s sometimes funny that pro players fall into his trap and follow him.
No way he called Verhulst A.I.
I’m convinced Faide with ziplines could wipe most pro teams
Amazing vid as always, you truly make me want to save money up for a pc. MnK just seems like it’s so enjoyable to play, but it would definitely be hard to make the switch for me since i’ve been on console my whole life lol. You are truly an inspiration, for PC and Console players alike, so thanks for making content!
Use the same team and win algs for once
Cleaning TSM stack is just best clip I saw.
Faide could kill me with kindness.
Always funny to see people abusing aim assist complain about movement+aim and “getting good” at the game.. lol
triple roller stack try not to complain about movement challenge
Wraith loves it when Faide plays her!! I can say that for every other legend too
Lmfao the tsm pov, movement 🚫 aim assist ✅ brain 💀
Mozambique putting in work in the beginning
hals hating
I hope the quality of the video will be better
Please refer to ayex
Ooh my god faide vs l’impériale 😲🤯
I love the ranked gameplay!
8:23 bro is so mad lol
Shameless controller masters players talking down on respectable, hardworking MnK players smh
having a bot to aim for you and saying “get better” is crazy
best part about these ranked gameplays is faide obliterating pred streamers
Most skilled player
8:25 yea Faide get good at the game bruhh
lmfaoooo my boy Faide stays having streamers questioning their Apex careers lol luv it
everyone said Faide was only a pubs stomper now is crying in the corner
He can be CEO but faide is the Chairperson
the amount of times people assume tap strafing is straight configs just hurt my brain. Especially when its just zipline or superglide movement lmaoo
All fun and games!!!
GG’s Goat 🫶 PS: I wasn’t the one talking shizz lmfao stop attacking me 🤓
Faide should just go solo pro for some entertainment in the pro scene also hal doesn’t deserve to be pro
So, when are you putting the haters to rest by getting to Pred using only the STAR WARS Science Force Trainer II Brain Sensing Hologram Electronic Toy as your input method?
“I’m dead if you don’t rez me” guy was the reason they lost
TSM_MNK looks like TSM Switch against Faide
every controller player thinking that MnK players use configs when controller players invented the use of configs is just hilarious. pick a better platform to play on lmao
In future seasons apex should add training courses in the firing range eg timed tests like Titanfall 2’s gauntlet.
Bro ur x mode what a master.
@8:30 the most outrageous thing I’ve ever heard from a controller player
ohhh le rageux qui se fait détruire dans le bat me fume il appuie juste sur L2 et R2 c’est enculée
What fov is that guy using @8:10
Some Roller players are so fun with their jokes
faides teammates are just movement no aim
Ok im convinced if i play with faide…i will have seizure 😂…..because that one wraith is faide …learn more owl 😂😂😂😂
Bro is unmatched on WRAITH – Nice to see the boys ranking this season too
roller on pc is some of the most CORNIEST SHIT EVER
faide is the goat. been saying this since i first started back on ps4.
08:30 He is so mad i love it 😀
chubdubbz….shut your god damn mewth
8:30 blaming about skill while he needs to use a controller to play lmao xD
most consistent player in the game hands down. cannot change my mind
The zip line even beats professional players. It’s too strong.
There will be an outrage from TSM fans bcuz of this video
that rolller dude said u have no skill xd. lil bro plays on roller wtf is he yappin?
How did faide end up with japanese enemies. Was he playing on japanese server or they were on american
Tsm was doing so well until they touched a zipline XD
lol i know nocturnowl irl!!
Why do you say eww at things that aren’t gross, ask stupid questions, and have the most childish scream I have ever heard.
‘get fucking good at the game’
As he’s using a roller
bro said cfgs like hes not roller stacked 💀💀💀
the only thing I understood when this Japanese man spoke was that he asked if you were super sayan ahah
Me watching this live 👀
Me watching it again on youtube 👁👁
Bro I was not expecting tsm at the end. Wtffffff
its pc sarver
Controller players complaining about MnK practicing in the firing range and telling them to “learn to play the game” is craaaaaazy
This lil bro raging because he and his team sucked against faide
Nice man!
13:00 I can’t believe they just wiped out TSM stack. Faide is the best <3
Imagine him in algs, ew a spider
lmaooo rollers are sooo madd 🤣🤣
@tsmimperialhal GOT POOPED ONNNN
8:28 Talking about you can’t shoot people as if they don’t have aim assist to aim for them 💀
You guys are cool
imagine complaining about config when that shit doesnt even work anymore XD
I love adding other peoples perspectives 😂 that’s so funny. You should send these people the links to your videos 😂
Faide is crazy
Faide is John wicks son
horny asf
Faide movement is the best
yo faide, can i get a wassssup?
Love hearing roller players complain about mnk practicing movement😂
8:25 man said configs when respawn has clearly fixed and patch any uses of configs 🤣🤣🤣the saltyness man.
faide makes these kids eat the crustys in between their toes
Exposing these PrOs and CoNtEnT cReAtOrS one video at a time xD
Faide if u see this let me remember you literally nothing but your insane level
“Yeah they’re really good 😐” -Hal
8:22 roller rage is so funny
I like how they cry about zipjumps but then just randomly spam space bar with an lstar
Can you do vid for the new octane heirloom 😊
Bust on me
You would post as I’m going to bed, d***head😂🫶🏼
Staying up til 2 just so I could watch this masterpiece
Faide im pregnant
You and people who play like you, are the reason I will probably NEVER play this game. 🤣 But I have to say this, you and your teams gameplay, is like a beautiful piece of chaotic art. 🤙🏻💜
Another post🎉🎉❤❤best novement player in the world faide i love watching you videos
Like if you agree 👍
Love you faide!!!
faide thanks for another amazing vid🔥🔥
That’s it I’m fanum taxing your level three gyatt
I’m convinced Faide could kill me with a pencil ☠️
Early ashhhh
Are you going to make a video on the new octane heirloom?
He had to prove them who the 🐐 is
Always instant commenting these days lol. I’m tapped in daddy
I’m loving this rank content for sure! Apex is back baby!
Why does YouTube have sex bots all of a sudden
Notification gang
Wsg faide
Hand cam?
finally im waiting for this
Balls and shaft
I clicked so fast i was the first like and comment. Side note always going insane.
Wow bro ❤
Mmmmm Mmmm Good!🔥
chicken apple pie
Haven’t watched yet but w vid
14 sec Gang