Mirage 22 KILLS and 6,253 Damage Apex Legends Gameplay Season 20
22 KILLS and 6000 + Damage With Mirage in Season 20
Lean-Batist Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Lean-Batist
supernoob channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSe91_6HaK0sXk0V57sdB7A
Contact: Instagram @hv_apex
#apexlegends #20kills #20bomb #4k #20kills #movement #gibraltar #gameplay #season20
コメント (16)
Is there a reason why your teammates are always life line and Gibraltar btw keep up the good content I love your videos ❤
How are you killing guys 300 meters away with an iron sight flatline with minimal missed shots👀 you not cheating are you
Congratulations for 100K subs🎉🎉
Love the idea of including a loss before the win! Keep up the great videos! Edit: I’m a new subscriber, and am wondering if you ever made or will make a video with you and your team communications during the game.
Could you show me your PC specs?
Hv my man you always find a way to make my day
You should do caustic gameplay next
Apex is in season 20 now??
good play
Pay for your next video can you try and get 25 kills with a 6K damage game as revenant
Hi, do you unlock badges by getting money? I am Brazilian
Congratulations For 100k Subscribers
Mastif man 😔
Parabéns Pelo 100 😊mil
wish i was as good as you
Good game