Apex Legends: Inner Beast Collection Event Trailer
Kill or be killed when The Hunt takes over Battle Royale! Eliminate Prey Squads, or take down Hunters to earn rewards. Climb the Rewards Track, and ensnare 24 limited-time items before the event ends to get Octane’s new Butterfly Knife heirloom “Octane’s Prototype”!
Want to learn more?: http://x.ea.com/apxl/inner-beast-event
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
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コメント (889)
Oh nice, another CoLlEcTiOn EvEnT for an heirloom recolor. Smfh Apex, what’s happened to yall? 🙄😒
Stop buying the recolors people!! Maybe they will realize they are trash events.
As of this post this video has 12487 dislikes
Bruh this game so dead atp
Every events have Blue, purple, or pink skins, literally every event. It’s honestly sad that the artist team has yet to stop using those colors.
bad skins, bad mod, bad event
truly an apex experience
Respawn been full of shii lately with these events better off going 2 ply Fortnite smh
Was macht man um die Runden länger zu machen… richtiiig. Gleich alle am anfang niederhunten lassen. Das man diese runden gezwungen spielen muss ist dumm
Tf happened to the lore? Like, they really just abandoned the story in favor of cash grab events
I hope they bring the “Deep Sixed” pathfinder skin back
“Collection Event”
If you dont see the toxicity of this design then wake up.
You are only collecting this stuff with your credit card. Even an ungodly 100+ hours of grinding wont unlock the BS in the event so there is no “collecting” there is only paying.
Perfect for March.
just what we need a mode that makes third partying even worse
Wow they really are getting lazy
I want to say EA is crazy to think people are going to pay for 160$ for recolors, but there is always crazier people who do buy it
dogshit game
What are the devs doing
Ooh the ratiooooooo…
You would have to pay me to take those god awful dogsht recolors . the 301 is the only good thing in this event
Bro finally my first heirloom 🗿
Such a mid legendary skins worst event by far
Only skins worth it IMO: Howling Wind, Ferocious Bite, Steel Talon, and Mawful and Beast Hunter. Glad I got The Intimidator skin free, and not settle for this modernized version. All in all mid event can’t even earn at least 1 free event pack. And the only skin worth getting for free is the bow skin. Not cool EA (my money isn’t worth dropping for this content battle pass better)
Why not fix your depressing ranked system, ffs this is what happens when you hire participation medal blue haired developers
I’m begging you all to dislike this video for a terrible excuse of a collection event.
If it was for the new season I would have watched it on my big screen LED
Nothing like every enemy being 9 damage and getting knocked by a PK from 100 feet away
Recolors trash lazy dev
Please no more storm point, so boring
Pay to have,fcking doggshit game
160$ for something that took them like 10 minute at most, truly an apex moment
This is what happens when the community is willing to pay for just a color change nobody buy they will listen then
Recolor recolor recolor recolor recolor recolor
Love the apex fanbase❤
Another fantastic project for soloQ players <3
Pff -_-
My peacekeeper shots from that distance will most likely be 8 damage.
Respawn neeeds to fire their departments that design skins and hire better ones.
I’ll take it all for free
Is it just me or is Octane using his purple stim shot?!?!? 😲 1:06
Does anyone at Respawn care anymore?
Stop it please no more whack skins
Money money money, Recolorshit
When is it coming out
Literally the entire collection is recolors…
Fugliest skins event yet.
9k likes for 12k dislikes I think it’s deserved given the horrible quality of the event.
9k likes // 12k dislikes.
have you any consideration for community feedback? :^)
Nice recolor game of titanfall xd
They still have a lot of paint😊
Hahahahahah Valk died again
How hard is it to make new skins
please bring 3 strikes as a perma mode or at least make it come back every last month of the season so i can do my missions easly dont have time for long time playing
Skins look like trash
You know the event is trash when it starts with storm point
When did apex become pay to play, nothing but lagging and always getting kicked from matchs, it’s a joke now adays, it was a fun game. Now the last few seasons have been 100% trash.
Happy colors event
imagine making a recolor instead of a new one
😂😂😂 👎👎👎👎👎👎😂😂😂
Today is a good day. I open Youtube, go to my subscribed tab, and see Apex Legends with new content. I think to myself that it is a collection event, and I am excited to see what skins and heirloom there is. I open the video, only to see beloved skins that I already have given a bad color palette, with the same thing happening to the heirloom. Today is not a good day.
More recolors nice apex
What day is it coming on apex legends
Я уже устал от однообразие 🥱🥱🥱
New guns please, got enough skins, also take the wingman out of the drops!
imma be honest, this is easily the worst event cosmetic wise. kinda ironic considering it’s the best season content wise
Bros only droppin recolers
Respawn: Dam, theres so many legends without melee and character heirlooms….guess it’s time for another OG heirloom recolor 😈
Inner trash again collection event, pass
whoever spends money on collection events needs serious help
the last one just ended no? well its just another recolor cash grab
awful skins
what interest do I have in buying this sue again I have for barely 160
Bro this worst I have seen apex as day 1 player this not it
The most ugliest recolors they have ever made
Apex Legends: STORMPOINT!!!
Shame on you, developers! You keep on selling old skins for a standard price.
Look at Fortnite or Warzone! Look at their awesome skins! And what do you do? Lazy staff collecting money for doing 0 work! Best battle royale game in wrong hands! Hope you all get fired eventually! 🦶
How you guys feel about that color scheme
Another heirloom for me
Recolours in horrible colours, nah
No new map or legend
If you make a collection event with reskin, ok fine but than you have to sell it for half price
The Trailers Are So Good
No thanks
Half price?
seriously this is getting annoying and boring
Another bunch of overpriced recolors. Scumbag company.
fullprice recolor, thats AMAZING idea…
could you stop ‘recycling’ skin and try innovate for once?
Utter garbage.
Yes!! Something different for a change!!! Said noone at respawn ever.
I loved the part where EA advertises fully priced recolors to hide the fact they laid off 600+ employees. Truly an EA experience.
You guys knocked it out of the park with this season!
Some absolute muck recolours you have to pay for and a “new” game mode based around something fortnite has had in their game for years.
EA missing the mark again.
Why was it deleted from the mobile phone? I loved it so much. I hope it comes back 😢
Ew just ew
Not feeling the cosmetics
and people complain about valorant skins. VALORANT skins are miles better compared to apex. even the recolors in valorant has value to them.
Looks like garbage
Saving carfting metals for next event THIS EVENT IS💩
is it just me or the skins are getting worse?
Apex when are guys gonna release the other hairline prestige skin dive trails
I’m interested in the Jawbreaker skin for the p2020, and it’d be awesome to see it in an upcoming event in its original colors or a pleasant recolor.
They even recolor the banners 😭 😭
That bloodhound skin looks fire tho
Recolours look cool but reminder they are just recolours.
If only we could see dislikes…
those who sayin its recolor it aint about you son its for new players or who didnt got them you relic
goated trailer
Theres no way they gave Octane a recolor in a Bloodhound event bro. Respawn is dumb or smthn bro.
YAYYYY more recolored skins you need to pay actual money for. 🙄 Such scummy business tactics.
Ppl still enjoy this game fr? Haven’t played in a year. This event doesn’t look like it’ll bring me back either 😅
Well l be saving money 💰 , the skin recolor is awful 😖 another cash grab!
I would really like to see the like/dislike ratio on this video
Who ever thumbs up this video will get bad luck for a year
Trash event
mid. get on helldivers and leave this cash grab
time to show my inner beast and fall aslee-😴
It’s march 5th, where is my collection event???
Yo i can see the octane recolor in the lobby in that case infront of the marvin
Time to show my inner beast and destroy respawn hq 🔥
Don’t see one skin I want ! Looks terrible. Just being honest . Everything is red and blue
you just took skins that weren’t bad and even skins from BP and just killed them with a terrible color and call it new skins and an event THIS IS HORRIBLE
Someone check the designers room, if they’re even alive at this point.
Cuz getting recolors for an ANNIVERSARY EVENT was insulting, but this is getting out of hand.
Especially considering that Apex doing numbers right now.
But who am I kidding, people will still buy this slop.
Recolors as usual
Another recolor event 😴😴😴
the inner recolor
Please make sure someone in your cosmetics design team isn’t colorblind.
You will experience the 3rd party and then the 4th party, and if you’re lucky the 5th party with this new game mode 🎉🎉
Ребята вообще обленились. Походу зарплата не платят😅
Coin giveaways
An event full of recolours. A recolour of another recolour and that too at ita full price. What a joke.
Jesus loves u all ❤️✝️
EA: *makes an expensive event*
Also EA: forgots that the trailer needed to drop yesterday.
Another ripoff colored event
Even copied Beast Wars logo. A recolor copy and paste event
cool ltm, underwhelming skins. every single one is just an orange and purple recolor :/
Better be half off with all the recolors
wait until this under performs and they come out with another $300 collab event to make up for it 💀
They don’t even make new skins now 😅
Что за хуйня
At this point don’t be surprised if they release the next battle pass full of recoloers
Why is 90% of the content in this game now collection events?
Recolours 💀
maybe someday EA will hire artists to make skins
I loved it when caustic said “dogshit simply. Dogshit”
don’t make a recolor challenge
WOW, looks like they spent alot of time on these skin hope there’re full priced😃
I miss the early days of Apex. It was so much better.
0:12 その場所いたら死ぬよね?
For a second there I thought vantage was gonna narrate and not get a skin yet again 😅
0:58 woah that’s a weird way to spell “recolored”
Collection events don’t = content
What a terrible color scheme for the event
oh look another event with no Maggie skin…
What time
Didn’t they say they were staying away from recolors 😭 like I don’t mind them if they’re good and actually add to it but if it’s just a palette swap it’s just annoying
Let’s go baby
Trash skins, trash event, nice job respawn
You make me sad now Apex; just more recolors
I level 843 no herilooms 😑😑😑
160 for recolors is crazy
they need to fired whoever responsible for skins
You know what would be cool (That will never happen) If when you have the octane heirloom when ever you use his tactical ability he uses the stim from the heirloom instead.
Thankfully I have 38k crafting metals
ea never fails to miss 🔥🔥💯
That bloodhound BP skin got recoloured like 10 times.
There so expensive and by the time u completely the collection and it doesn’t really explain how to unlock it free as they say… Especially the red crafting miteral it’s impossible to get what’s the point of advertising…
A weak “event” that is nothing but mediocre recolours if I’m being frankly honest.
Again with the recolors?😐😑
Disgusting company. But clowns continue to buy these awful skins. Consumers are the problem.
Below Mid.
Ah yay, one of my favorite Catalyst lines! Been awhile since Bloodhound have voiced over something, I miss it.
뭔 내면의 야수야 그냥 리컬러이벤트지
스킨 좀 잘만든다고했더니 또 이 ㅈㄹ이네
Apex you guys are idiots your losing your mind can yall just steal some people from cod mobile marketing and then you’ll be set
Literal garbage event, but people will somehow still spend money on it 🤷🏼♂️
Recolors are absolutely absurd stop before you make you game fall off quicker like it did last season and the seasons before.
alright cool story, but listen please hire some good players for the in game footage. Get Extessy, or Timmy, or someone who can really show what is possible in this game.
What is this 0:32 bruh 😐
Every trailer with these 1hp kills…
Pattern up!
Que regrese en android porfa😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Recolors and you can’t even make them half off crafting
when will we get a conduit event skin bruhhhhh
At least give us the 50% discount… you guys did it for the Wraith Heirloom recolour, but not for the Revenant. Just please make heirloom/mythic recolours 50% off.
How do yall get away with stuff like this 😂
I wonder if respawn is aware that there’s a comment section where they can receive feedback directly from the consumers with which they can use to improve their game 🤔
This is absolutely terrible 😭
why recolor is even a thing?? just make new skins instead!
No mid price?
Not even updating bloodhounds animations OR giving a new character an heirloom AND its just recolours. Shameless EA classic
I dont think they even read the comments
The rank System keep getting worst you trying to fixate and you made it worst
Loved the part where EA collected the money from the braindead fanboys.
Ltm looks cool but ea and respawn need to stop it with the pricy recolors…. They make enough money on this game to afford new ideas…..
The only thing I want is that vantage skin
re-color el evento
Inner Recolor Indeed
is 1hp man i promise
Crazy how people still play this game
This colour is horrible
Its orange/purple pajama’s party? And recallers? Wow, what a surprise!! EA a mercenary? No way! Worst is that someone will send that money…
Apex legends wonder why people are leaving game more skins no content
Boy this game really has fallen off lol
a recolor heirloom with recolor skins… Ahhh what a truly apex moment…. didn’t forget they put recolor crypto in the shop all of sudden and when u buy it it’s gone out of nowhere, come without any event.. is like the rush to release it LOL
EA: put a fresh coat of paint on it and sell it again
Is the LTM going to be like bounty hunting? That’s kind cool!
Not making the same mistake again. Did this with the Imperial Guard event, just to find out they were all recolored. I knew the heirloom was but the skins😭😭😭. I’m not doing it. Cancel it, just throw it away and give us Newcastles heirloom and not another waist of $150.
Ahhhhh good ol’ dislike button. How I missed ya.
Every one gets one shot
To those who are buying and supporting this utter garbage, you are contributing to the problem.
horrible color combination
24 reskinned cosmetics
Another recolor!! What a surprise!! LoL
We need that bloodhound recolor heirloom no bs he should been one of the characters get it and give crypto one before bloodhound was crazy to me everybody use him don’t get me wrong everyone use crypto too I do too but come on now
We’re not going to recolor stuff after the peacekeeper greedy company lol
ADD SOLOS FOR SOLO PLAYERS!!! Like how other battle royale games have…
The Inner Give EA Your Money event💀
more recolors yay. i remember when respawn said they would do less recolors after getting a bunch of backlash. that was a lie, and make it even worse that colorway is the ugliest color combo i have ever seen.
I feel like this is marketed towards newer players
Didn’t Respawn say once that they’re gonna cut back on releasing so many recolors cuz they know the community doesn’t really like that? Or am I remembering wrong? 🤔
Recolors going wild rn
I wish i can come back to this game but it seems they’re digging their own grave
Recolors 🙃🙃
guess ill go play warzone
EA needs more $$$. A true Apex experience!
That caustic skin tho
Music slaps, but event itself looks meh.
Recolor 🤦🏻🤡♻️♻️♻️
Encore un évent de collection pour un recolor j’en peux ! Il y’a quelques semaines ils ont implanté celui de crypto gratuitement et silencieusement vu que c’est une légende très peu jouer, franchement c’est une honte ils devraient le donner à tout ceux qui on déjà l’héritage d’octane
ea canceled titanfall 3 for this?
Blessing ea for another event i wont be spending money on, my wallet thanks you
Team colorvriant would be sick.
Are those battle pass recolors being sold for $20…
Only good recolor is the Loba skin and u can only see it for like three seconds of the trailer
I love this game but this event is trash I will not be spending any money if they keep pulling stuff like this
is it just me or are we seeing less of heirlooms now
Recolor Legends
Respown ad a lot of red skins. Probably he won’t to make red the next map 😂😂😂😂
Respawn these skins are buns..
Hey instead of the 300th re color event can we can a basic audio fix and maybe a graphics update 120 fps stuff that matters for the game maybe at some point or even ever ok thanks
The disrespect in this trailer is insane octane got an event and cryto just drop like nothing
So what about Revenant
Bruv , literally recolours ,nothing special even if it wasn’t just a bunch of recolours.
nerf coind and rev is so op . no good event , pls respawn
You guys are shameless selling recolors for the 10th time
EA: “We should add a recolor section to the store”
EA: “New collection event. Hear me out…recolors, but in the Event section.”
Recolors again … 😢
That bloodhound skin is so bad.
$160 for 20 items that have already existed for literal years 😂 these not being half off is peak greed
what im supposed to see ?
When will this stop??!?!?!?!? ANOTHER collection event! Meaning, EA collecting your money! Listen to the players and give them what they want. For such a great game the developers are not listening. So frustrating
terrible skins
Another day another recolor event 😂
I like the part where respawn recolored old skins and made them look a lot worse and sold them at full price while also giving us garbage free rewards and a recolored heirloom
As if calling this content was a stretch they aren’t even new skins just recolors I remember a time when recolors were added and got with legend tokens
Apex is trash
No Newcastle heirloom 😢
Whats up with bloodhounds voice? lol
yeah full price recolor here go again
Yay… more recolors
Thank you respawn
you guys know exactly what I want 🥱
I really hope nobody spends money on this event. We really need to send a message!
They just don’t care about the skins anymore
1500 pesos de puro recolor
Game mode looks sick! Now the hackers with walls in this event will have the same effect as everyone else
Nice little $20 million for a bunch of recolors for EA. lol.
Some look cool but mostly the originals look better imo
YAWN… Give us a Titanfall |2 update; we never got the Arc Cannon, we did get the quad rocket, but only usable by the ai in frontier defense – G-2 and spitfire are still too much
Help 😢
so the event is just pubs
Another cash grab event
Give Vantage Fortified!
I just came to dislike.
This game is so disappointing
Heirloom recolors should come after EVERYONE get their heirloom just saying
Lol i just knew the comments would be cookin
very very cool
I saw the thumbnail as I clicked and INSTANTLY rolled my eyes at the recolor 😂 THIRD VERSION OF THAT SKIN. Hope the game modes fun at least.
Haha God, those look terrible.
2nd time that Rampart & Bloodhound skins got a recolor.
Recolors 🤮
And still no new Bloodhound heirloom animations?
Recolorex legends !
Umas skins feia, bicho feio…parece um sirigueijo, UM CARANGUEJO AMASSADO
when was the last time there was an event with new skins and not just recolors?
Another money grab scheme from Apex recolours for money
Don’t buy this guy’s
I guess legend tokens are completely worthless now
Absolutely disgusting
What a terrible event, just recolor.
these are some of the wackiest recolors yall have ever done. looks garbage. We want new skins!
They’re gonna start adding contracts like warzone aren’t they
yeah, im not playing ranked because its riddled with cheaters rn, and Im not spending 160usd on recolours that are orange and purple.. 😂
you have a lot of legends without relics, but you add a recolor for octane, thank you🫠🫠
great vid, but there are loads of hackers not new accounts either veteran accounts! aim botting walls tap strafe the lot more hacking then not
First thing I see as it starts is a recolor bloodhound and caustic 😀
This event is so bad.
Recolor, Recolor and Recolor
Thanks for your originality 🙂 and thanks to force us to play your mode 🙂
one day, maybe you will learn your lesson or please your players
These look like garbage I’m sorry.
Could y’all just give the new legends heirlooms instead of recolouring old ones :’)
Dude, I don’t understand why they can’t make new skins and new heirloom stop recolouring everything God I hate this company
Terrible recolor pallets and the ltm sounds like it’s the worst yet with the main feature advertised being just killing each other for loot like that’s even a little unique or fun…
Fix ur fkng game today crashed 4 times in One hour gameplay 😡😡😡
Respawn clearly sees everyone dissatisfied with recolors and they don’t care💀 smh
30$ a pop for a skin give me your money
I don’t understand why this even wouldn’t be a bloodhound heirloom recolor lol
Awful recolor skins 🤢
All father bless my walet; its death will be an EA honor.
Apex soung recolors isn’t new but Jesus, used some of the worst skins for a recolor event ngl
Everyone dislike
Apex devs: 🤡🤓🥴
Rampart skin is a recolor of a recolor 😐
the like to dislike ratio says it all
La de hacer nuevas skins no se la saben verdad?
That Bloodhound skin has gotten like 5 recolors already
Please make the skins half price Iike you guys did for the Wraith recolor!
nothing but recolors smh
R people actually buying these from EA???
I spent $500 for the first Octane knife but I wouldn’t get this one for free, oh wait I can I have heirloom shards but I’m absolutely passing you guys don’t fathom how long I wanted a knife finisher/execution and you made it the worst you possibly could unlike all my dreams
You all stuck on recolors when we got a new gamemode which imo is more impactful than skins. It’s a recolored heirloom makes sense for skins to be as well 🤷♀️
Recolor event. Wohoooo! 😑
I don’t see enough people talking about how Respawn are making fresh game modes that aren’t in other games
That’s cool and all but when titanfall 3
You mustve worked really hard to change those colors huh? Poor respawn, such a hard job you have here
Bruh im getting only Loba’s skin
Yo make ranked duos
Халтура, ещё и за фул прайс 😂😂😂
Apex recolor legends
Probably the worst recolors skin event yet
Next they complain they didnt hit their earnings goal for this quarter with confused pikachu face
As a true fan of this game this is mid mid and ultimately M I D💀
Not a single shield was broken in this trailer
Unleash the new wave of recolors
Classic Respawn recoloring and selling as new “content”
Hey Respawn, enough with the recolors. Its pathetic, and lazy. Do better.
Can’t wait for when I buy absolutely nothing from this collection event.
Respawn be doing less for their game than Mojang at this point.
Throw the whole collection in the trash
LAZY recolor. EA aint getting a cent from me during this event.
Evento merda… so faz recolor essa disgraça 🖕
And this is why Apex Legends be on the brink of being dead recolor event really🙄
Like this if you want apex to go bankrupt
How many recolors in this event? Yes.
Full price for real World money? Absolutely!
Truly a Respawn/EA moment of all times.
recolor event for full price? thaks for save my money EA
Re colors are lazy and greedy. When will they stop?
A bloodhound reborn would’ve went crazy with this theme 😢
More recolors Let’s go😂
L event
Am I going crazy or did they nerf ash’s ult at 0:33 to make it more noticeable on use?
It is good for everyone to go bankrupt early.
Is there any update for this event?
You guys literally said youd not do recolours in events. This WHOLE event is a recolour one????
I liked the part where they made 24 skin recolors and an heirloom recolor when half the roster still doesn’t have an heirloom. Truly an Apex moment.
Yeah thanks but no, Ill just stick to playing fortnite! 😂❤
Is it going to be 50% off for crafting like the previous recolor event?
i think whoever is in charge of these skin and event choices can’t read sarcasm cus it feels like it’s on purpose with these reskins at this point 💀
Y’all just a bunch of idiots. Stop complaining about recolor because they don’t care. Just don’t buy anything. It’s that simple. I bet if y’all just stop buying they’ll eventually come out with new stuffs.
3rd party event
Respawn: We are making new beast/hunt themed event
Players: yaaaay
Respawn: there is a new game mode where you get contracts on other players
Players: WOOOOOH!!!
Respawn: The final price for the event is a recolered heirlom
Players: woo…huh?
Respawn: All the skins are recolored previous skins that had animal characteristic
Players: …..
Respawn: The skins are all bright colors, and tacky
*thumbleweed where the players were*
I thought it was an event for Mad Maggies Heirloom 😢
one day the players in these trailers will have more than 20 hp……..
But does it give you the octane skin if you don’t have it?
Awful colors, thanks for recolor skins(no). Could be interesting rampart and octane skins, but those colors are truly awful. I just hope that game mod would be interesting
Remind us why we should keep playing this game again? Is this it?
After what happened with Rev’s recolor event, I am going to be a smidge hopeful they do what they did with Wraiths recolor and make everything half off. If not, just add challenges to the heirlooms so we can get the finishers if we already own them. Like deal 15k damage with (insert character) heirloom equipped
Great trailer … TERRIBLE EVENT skins. Like literally. Aside from all recolors they all the same color scheme and if that’s not worst they picked the two worst color combo to go with.
recolor event 😢
Reason they’re called respawn is because they respawn skins for new collection events.
His og hierloom looks way better that scheme is cheeks
Из русских есть
Old Recolor event: here we are sorry you get -50%
New Recolor event: here get pure normal event with pretty bad looking recolors
If they’re re-releasing that Cat skin that was exclusively from a twitch Amazon reward I’m gonna be frustrated.
Season 20 has the most CHEATERS ever in Apex history.
Is it atleast 50% off?
Do people want to give ea their money really so bad that they’re sad when the events have recolor/bad skins. Just don’t buy them and enjoy the LTM. Why is it always just about the skins these days.
So does that mean that it’ll be cheaper to get this heirloom like Wraith’s recolor or no? Because an added finisher does not justify buying this recolor at the full price of a regular collection event. I talked about that in the survey you keep sending out monthly. Apparently, it goes to deaf ears.
What a downgrade from last event
Low effort re re colors.
This event should be Vantage heirloom not octane heirloom recolor 😠
More skins great and copying COD..😂….just bring Titanfall 3. Remember what this was?
Really Apex? You can’t come up with new skins for BH? Just recolors? Glad I quit your game. Pure trash.
24 untamed skins more like 24 unwanted skins
New skins & heirloom ❌️
Recolor skins & heirloom ✅️
Yeah, nah… you can keep your recolors, I’m done with this game.
Miss the days me and the boys played this seasons 1-2, haven’t played it in years.
EA 😂
Evento de mi3rd@ con skins recicladas 🤮🤮🤢🤢
Can’t believe that people are immature enough to complain and cry over digital cosmetics in a videogame.
Recolors, on recolors
foot make skin, brain make dead.
At least discount the event if it is all Recolors. At least the game mode looks fun
Oh ok so recolor LTM😕
At this point just let us re-paint our skins
pls make more airlooms not recolers
No revenant skins again ???
0:52 no, that’s what Frank Castle says and he’s actually good at killing people.
Also since Straight Shot I find normal Battle Royale to be boring and slow, this is why I only play Mixtape. It gets straight to the point and there’s no need to worry about running out of health/ammo.
Add Mixtape healing to the Firing Range, just like how infinite reloading is an option.
Newcastle heirloom? 😔
Doing a recolor full price. Truly an apex experience.
They should spend 250 million dollars on a new anti cheat.
Para que raziel no llore 🤙
Nice recolor collection event 😢
Recolor same old greedy apex this why I stopped
nah that bloodhound is fire!
Color scheme is hideous
Inner recolor event 🤡
Slow season here we come
not a single skin looks remotely intreseting or unique. whats the point?
I’m not getting any of these
This looks so mid compared to others we’ve got like Harbengers
Be cool when they fix the missing assets and remove that bright pixel at the bottom of the screen.
More like Recolor Beast
They are just some recolor
It’s more about spending money on skins now than the actual game lol… Looks like they running outta ideas for apex. Shout out to the streamers that’s still keeping this game alive!!
Seems odd they still haven’t released a single Conduuit skin
How do you make an event about hunting and chasing preys and you recolor octane’s heirloom instead of bloodhound
Recolors 😭😭😭😭
glad I don’t play this game anymore 😂😂 battle royale is such a scam
Welcome to another RECOLOUR event
How about instead of a recolor……… you give someone else who doesn’t have a prestige skin???🧍🏾♂️
Wow more reskins thanks Apex😃
As an octane main, the heirloom recolor looks mid- I’d much prefer a prestige skin… hopefully that’s next
3/10 no effort. Just recolors.
Maybe try creating new models for skins and recolors to go on? Ya know… like NEW content? Not REUSED content….for your LIVE service game
EA is the equivalent to a c h i l d P r e d a t o r in the gaming community
I’m sorry but that color scheme, 🤮🤮🤮
Untamed recolors 🐯
instead of fixing and innovating the game they add 160 recolor skin ……
Bloodhound’s voice sounds off in this trailer. Is it the same voice actor?
Maybe one of the worst events I’ve seen. Everything is a recolour. Even the heirloom is a re colour.
Trash event
Red and purple clash together they don’t complement each other very well
You recolor the worst skins in apex legends and want us to pay 160 for them? NAH
if this aint lazy, idk what is
Stop making re colors and create new skins with abilities modifications baso on the skin
Recolor Heirlooms should not get their own collection event. They should just be placed in the store like Crypto’s heirloom recolor. There is still plenty of Legends that have not received an heirloom or a Mythic Skin. Focus on those first!
I have almost every heirloom in the game and still have 300 heirloom shards ready to go. I love Octane but I won’t be getting this one due these poor money grab practices. Do better Respawn!
Worst event ever it’s like they didn’t even try.
This is awful
boy do I love unoriginal 160€ events where literally all of the skins are recycled recolors
Lol surprised you’re not showing the what 12 banner frames that go with this event .. that I bet not a lot a people want to spend money on a banner frames…
Another cheap event for the same skins, priceless
Even the skins are 🤢 if nothing else let me spend money.These look awful like a hairless cat.
At least there are gameplay elements. I don’t know why people in the comments are being children. Of course we’d get recolors for an heirloom recolor. You don’t have to buy anything and you don’t have to play the game.
select skins, move slider to purple and orange. MONEY !!!
This might as well have been the anniversary event, with all these recolours
EA Sports: It’s only recolors
Never catalyist skins😢
Recolors for a collection event? What a waste. Just add the recolor heirloom to the store or as a “store sale”. WHAT ABOUT THE EXISTING LEGENDS WITH NO HEIRLOOMS? MAGGIE?
Nah I’m skipping this “event”
Shame people are still gonna buy this garbage
The new LTM seems pretty cool. Don’t like all the recolors though.
More Neon colored b.s.
Nobody cares about your recycled events ban the cheaters
I haven’t played this game in like 2 years and even I recognized at least 3 recolors. I see things are still business as usual
MR BeAST!!!!1!
I hate you Ea and respawn 💀
An overpriced recolor fest based off of the worst transformers movie ever made with the theme: “shiny red and purple”
Behold, the best idea ever.
24 Untamed Recolored Skins😮
Trailer is nice as usual. But the trailer one shot elims are getting played out and kills the trailer’s vibe knowing it takes way more
Even with EA canceling star wars FPS to support apex more they can’t make a event thag isn’t just a recolor event
worse and worse every season, again recolors for 160$, sorry I am out of this game, fix it first and remove all the cheaters and aimbots.
You’re getting lazy respawn…
i genuinely see no hype in this. i really thought they were starting to recover
Bro these recolors are fire 🔥 finally good color combinations.
Reduce reuse recycle ♻️
They give the same legends new skins that’s so frustrating, you never see any cool skins for most the legends but they’ll be dammed they don’t give octane and caustic new skins
I feel bloodhound heirloom recolor wouldve been a better fit
how are they all oneshot like bruh……
Apex spends a cool 4hrs recoloring skin sliders. The color blind manager of quality: “Looks good. Ship it for 160$”! -such a respawn thing
re colors boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A whole event with recolors including the heirloom? This is giga laziness, why do we keep giving these guys our money when they don’t even try.
I really enjoyed the re-color part… prime gaming
More recolors, and the color scheme isn’t even good looking
Que pena por parte de EA y Respaw que desperdician un evento asi , todos pero todas las skins son recolor y ni hablar de la reliquia de Octane recolor pedorro que no tiene nada mas que color diferente .Seria mucho mejor un aspecto prestigio para Octane
Typical apex fans, cry cause they want more content and then cry when there’s more content
Yeeeeeeaaaaaaahhh recolor event!!! 🗣️🔥‼️
I am a firm proponent of the “If you don’t like it, just don’t buy it” mindset. Especially when it comes to cosmetics in video games. A whole event for recolors tho? That seems very lazy.
Enters Nvidia control panel. oooh free recolours…
this “collection” was made in 3 hours
That art at the end of the vid is 🔥
I see nothing to warranty my wallet opening. Bring back straight shot please, just run it all season…
Recolored the bloodhound skin once again
Why it’s not 50% ?
Another Event with no Lifeline Skins
Recolor event just what we asked for
Will mobile phones come back? 😢😢
trash recolor game
This is the most disappointing recolor event.
If it’s a recolor event, it should be 50% crafting mats.
Les skin sont beau mais bon c’est encore que des ricolor
EA: “24 untamed cosmetics”
Everyone: “24 unchanged cosmetics”
One of the worst if not the worst collection event of all time
if ya dont half price it a lot of backlash EA it is all recollors
Recolors of Recolors? 🤡
Respawn Dev that looks out for Mad Maggie, please she needs new dive emotes 😢.
Wake up respawn ..
Why do we support this game?
Valk saying “Fangs out!” and immediately getting shot is too funny.
Ah yes, a recolor event. 🥵
cant wait until they actual make new content
Trash skins, trash event
octane looking like black panther
Any news on apex mobile?
Everything recoloured but at full price 💯💯 Good job, amazing new content
Recolor legends
Wow, an entire “event” of recolors. So original. 👏
i love the heirloom recolor
hate the price
why couldnt they be nice and do what they did with the kunai
The fact that people still donating in this garbage is beyond my understanding. Just leave it and let it die. This way we will get something new faster. Jeez.
Possibly the ugliest event ever
Nope wont buy ,nfix your servers, fix constant 7nfair lobies pass hard pass, helldivers 2 is way better
Recolor Royale
more recolors…. quite pathetic if you ask me
Looks awful all around, from the re colored heirloom to the recolored character skins. RESPAWN and EA will always take the easy greed route
Horrible skins
Ah yes, another overpriced event with already existing skins, but in a different coloring. My god these events make me realize that there’s no good future for this game if stuff like this continues
free heirloom?
This redefines “Low Effort” by a large margin. Skins looking terrible, Event looks like a mediocre afterthought….
I corrected name for this event:
Reclolor Event.
no discount for def bad recolors, no actually good rewards in free tracker, just holosprays and charms. truly an apex experience
EA: give me money for the same 💩
nominate it in “worst collection of worst game mode”
it even not approved with diversity of theme and colors – sweet baby inc. eating bread for nothing 😀
Alot of complaining but yall still gonna either buy the skins or still play the game lol this is yall fault 🤣 they been doin this from season 1 haha
I actually hope nobody buys these skins or sale’s are low because wow, EA is Really taking advantage of us
No lie that gibby skin is on it’s 4th recolor 😂🤦🏾♂️
Otra porquería para sacar el dinero… Con una porquería de recolor 😅😂
i come back when they return evo shield for loot…
Another recolor event. Pfff New skins events pls EA work
Stop giving us recolors..
why this looks like Mr.Beast collab
Colors are awful , just good to see they have a new game mode with the event. Let us “USE OUR LEGENDARY TOKENS FOR RECOLORS” 🤦🏽
Come see the new event! It’s called Apex: Recolor
who remembers when RESPAWN CREATE recolor for we can buy with red coins of the game LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Truly an Apex moment, where in the trailer the PK hits for 99 damage every shot!
New map instead frick
Why 80% of the event skins are recolors
That mask on the Rampart skin is literally the same mask from the Kitsune battle pass skin from a few seasons ago
skins are SOOOO bad
Yall gotta chill if theirs recolors its a reolor heirloom if theirs new skins its a new heirloom or the anniversary event
its possible to give us the answer about When you will update old prestige skins with sky dives trails? 2 Why you dont update original heirlooms with the same recolor finisher ? 3 when wraith and Revenant recolor heirloom will be update with heirloom finisher?
They really chose the ugliest colour combination imaginable and made an entire collection event off of it
What they needa do is make a resurgence game made and make the healing alot faster or a sprint and heal because its not it the way it is
Sooo they want us to pay to look like a Nerf gun?
Y’know y’all should make all of these unique BR game modes in their own separate playlist, like a BR Mixtape
Wraiths recolor vs octane recolor
Respawn are creating new recolors heirllomms with finishers you know what will happean no one will buy the old ones, why you dont put the same stuff in the old and new , and give the possibility to player to chosse what he likes more
Recolour legends strikes back
Clean heirloom ngl
I kinda hate it ngl. Who puts purple with orange 😭 it’s horrible!
Lazy. Also not sure about this mode. Tine will tell i guess. Hope its an LTM and not forced to play it
recolor event
Recolor event. Respaen has reached a new low level.
Recolours were a mistake
Let’s go more recolors
Hard pass
An heirloom recolor for an event recolor. Makes sense to me 💀
This might as well be a bloodhound recolor they had more lines than octane who’s recolor event this is💀💀
This skin is gonna make it easier for 6 man teams smh.
This is the best event in apex history.
20 fkin dollars for one skin fk ea
people are dumb enough to actually play and buy stuff.
Ea selling skins for the cheaters to shoot
Looks good. I like the colour theme
How lazy the dev are in apex for recolors
Respawn: yes
EA, pls, more recolors and recolors of recolors, that’s what we actual needed
Recolors for legend skins, fine. Just don’t buy it you dont like it… But recolors for heirlooms should just not be a thing at all. Or at least not something you need to pay for.
Apex we have something new here’s re colors of re colors
yeah more recolored old skins + recolor heirloom what a joke
What a color pallete
Ummmmmmmm season 17 make over event??????????????????? This is just like the season 17 event that we had the uprising
I can’t wait for 24 unoriginal cosmetics, truly an apex experience
Another recolor event with a takeover in the br that no one asked for with one new feature that other games have had permanently and for the longest time… wow…
Inner beast recolor event?
Stormpoint is worst map
“Okay gang, helldivers 2 is out and it may very well be multiplayer game of the year. How do we retain our players?”
“How bot a recolor only event?”
“First of all, promoted.”
So every skin is a recolor using the same 2 colors?
At least y’all said “24 Untamed Cosmetics” cause the word “new” would have made it false advertising.
Fortnite better
Woo can’t wait for them to recolor legends evolving skins 🙄
This is hilarious
More recolors……..Great 😒
Bruh, this skins look sooo bad. Who was in charge of the color palette?
Releases a event around “hunting” and Bloodhound..
Gives the heirloom recolor to octane makes sense… On top of that instead of releasing the worst recolors known to men fix the crashes on Playstation… I crash every every 10 minutes since the update!
New mode gave everyone ask passive
nice, lets pay 30 money for recolours
Fortnite had this bounty system
I don’t see any new skins… just lame recolors
I’ve played since release still no heirloom
So no discount!
Only in trailers peacekeeper one shot
Collection event trash the mode seems decent tho
How are they going to make a recolor event in the worst color scheme possible
Recolor legends
No Straight Shot 🙁
Recolor event fully overprice skins 🤢
These are really just not it. There’s a reason purple and orange don’t work together. Lazy recolors, common Apex L. Dora the Explora lookin ah
money event
recolors for full price, I love this
so which recolour did everyone one dislike the most
My favorite part is the reused skins with new colors SO COOL
I love the part where a full squad sitting in out of bonds area yet not killed by timer
Truly an apex legend ranked experience
Respawn how long will you scam your fans.
Great. Another recolor event. Just what the community asked for.
A youtuber told me im not supposed to like this because its a pubs takeover. So I LOVE IT WOOOO! LETS GOOO!
You mean Beast Recolor Collection
so.. recolors?
Fans: we dont like recolours
Ea: yes
so the new gamemode in the game where you hunt down enemy teams and take their loot to win the game is hunting down enemy teams and getting good loot so you can win the game
Why can’t they just give us the apex mobile skins? Like I’d actually spend money on those skins…
Trash event…
I just got my first heirloom shards a couple weeks ago choose to buy octains with no knowledge of the recollect coming out. Looks like I’m gonna have to work a lil extra to be able to get the new one.
ahhh yes, overpriced recolored cosmetics legends
yay more recolors
these recolors looks bad… in my opinion that don’t import
Am I the only one who thinks all these skins look like the caramel dairy milk wrapper or the orange dairy milk lol
More like RE-vent, amirite?
season was going so good until this $160 recolor event…
Need better recolour designers
All recolors?
Loved it when Bloodhound said: It’s time to hunt wallets
Truly an Apex Legends moment
revolt central
The worst recolors
There is +1 million of colours in the game, need more events recolor 😂
Reskin Legends 🤑
This a whole lot of orange. If it was about hunting why not release a new map to go with it. Just another basic cash flow operation.
recolor apes
My favourite part about this trailer is the addition of hew heirloom animations for all the heirloms that only have one or two. Truly a moment.
Yes a octane recolor
FULL recolors 🤌
can’t wait to spend 150 euros for some same pixels let’s gooooo
2/10 🫤
At this point it’s recolor legends when’s the last time we got new skins?
Year 5 of a game. Get ready for recycling of everything. FFS Apex use your community to build real content.
trash recolors
Well…after a REALLY strong start to Season 20 with all those changes, this event takeover is most certainly a pass and every recoloured skins are a big L
Bueno más recolores nice ápex 🤡
Recolors! Get your red hot recolors right here!
This event may have re-skins but I’m happy enough that we get a change into battle royale with this, so i take as something a little nice
Game fell off so hard, all they do is release overpriced recolors
I’ve been holding onto heirloom shards for a Pathfinder evo skin.
No one cares the game is dogshit
How about instead of making us pay a down payment for recolors, you drop the price by half and give us actual detailed skins and 2 heirlooms at the end, watch how much money you make if you just give people what they want
This is the ugliest skins I’ve ever seen
3rd time they re colored that bloodhound skin
I loved that the main focus of the trailer was bloodhounds 3rd recolour instead of any of octanes truly an apex moment
i feel sorry for the people who are forced to make a recolor, the people who set up this trailer. i mean the colors work together but its literally like if you were the sixth alternate color of a much better original skin. this is just a waste of manhours.
on a immature note : eww eww eww eww, play helldivers 2. eww eww eww eww play helldivers 2 instead. or team fortress 2, or like, uhh, speedrun super mario odyssey again
i miss apex legends from season 3
meh, im actully getting bored of this game now. its just not worth playing anymore. its been pretty boring lately
This was fire 🔥 I like how they got the color theme even though the skins may be recolors but still nice though
Recolor no way 100% skip
If I gained a penny for the amount of times that respawn recolored a cosmetic, I’d be rich
Theyre all recolors 😭😭😭
Titanfall is the core of Respawn’s DNA.
Recolors and skins dont count as content
Amazing! Recolors! Totally something we haven’t seen before!
0:29 my teammate pushing in
literally worst event ever
I wasnt excited until i released that its some AWESOME RECOLORS I LOVE RECOLORS
my friend bought the anniversary collection event before this so he didn’t have to have any of these skins in his inventory when he gets the Octain heirloom recolour. at least the anniversary event had some new skins (the Watson one being my favourite).
They released it lets go im serious
Why tf would I want to pay $160 for a different colored heirloom I already have. What idiot is sitting in the office making these decisions
Collection event full of the ugliest recolors.
With respawn entertainment never fail to disapoint
Stop bringing recolors to events, we want something new
They better give us free packs cos for 100% recolours that’s real cheap
100% garbage.
amazing! <3
WTH were you thinking I know your testing us At this point guess what yall Going to buy it anyway More power If you like the skin but Man this is boo boo Cheeks
It’s hard to respect a product when the product doesn’t respect the consumer
They relase events on the worse days I swear, TUESDAY
Love the part where every cosmetic is a lazy recolor, truly an apex experience
Please donate it to me 🥺☺️
It’s just exhausting at this point
“24 untamed cosmetics”
Sorry but they’ll keep untamed 💀
Hey it’s the seasonal recolour event 😵💫😴
ppl who are buying this BS and defending it are the problem.
Nah this whole collection is bad from the terrible coloring in the recolors to the end reward of a trash banner frame and bland finisher.
sheesh 😮
I see a whole lot of nothing 😒
Like me to dislike
Are seriously all skins recolours?!
Really next event without revenant skin 😢😢😢
It’s a good thing I have shards for Octanes recolor because those skins are terrible
Yes making 2-3 types of recolor for a Single base model is just TRUE APEX EXPERIENCE!! and I know some dum f* will buy this too
FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
FOMO marketing capitalizes on people’s fear of missing out to drive consumer engagement, urgency, and action.
Their event skin get worse every season. Looks like good skins are going to be rare or over priced.
New skins are fire
SON HORRIBLES!!! porque voy a querer llevar una skin tan llamativas y feas ?
Worst collection event yet, dissapointing Respawn.
Bruh dfq is this
Octane: Today’s a good day to cheat -death- 😂
Does bloodhound sound different to anyone else?
뭐.. 유출로 알고있긴했는데 진짜 리컬러 언제까지할거임..
We making it into the savings acc with this one
Love how everyone is on 1HP, just like my teammates, truly an Apex Experience.
24 untamed recolours 🙄🙄
U should put “Recolor Collection Event”
Yall were doing so good…
Back in my day, recolors only cost legend tokens.
I love the part where there’s only recolors
I dont care about they cosmetics i just hope the new gamemode will be fun
“New” recolor event
Add another challenge for those that can’t gift
I’m just waiting for lifeline Prestige
Remember when apex wasn’t about supporting EA’s addictions
This isn’t a collection event. This is a recolour event ffs Respawn why
re-spawn likes the re-colours alot
Back to back recolour event gg
0:18 What Octane mains think they’re doing when they take on a whole squad alone
Que delicioso 🎉🎉🎉 😋
So this prey mechanic is basically Warzone’s bounty system lol
Recolor Legends
More micro transactions!
Full recolor zzzz
Good event👍
Nahhh come on dude they’re just recolouring skins and calling them an event 😢😂
wow recolors who would say it?
I love the part where respawn says “it’s respawnin’ time” and releases skins that we’ve seen 20 other recolors for. 🔥🔥🔥
Ahhh ye.. the $200 recolor collection event..
Great job customization team 🙂
🤡 💀
Amazing how legends are getting recolor when even they’re other legends that doesn’t have their heirloom ! MF
Just drop Maggie heirloom bro
more recolors event, truly an apex experience
that’s a cool recolour blood hound skin but it be nice to see an actual new skin not a 3rd recolour skin from the original skin back in season 13
Yay… recolors. 😒
time to grind ranked
They look horrible
No recolors, more heirloom shards pls
Opłaca się tyle kasy wydać na heirloom? Czy dalej będę lamił tak czy siak?😂
These recolors all look worse than the original. The red and purple look horrible
Who’s ready for the event to take over normal br so you will have to deal with 3 stack preds that can see you the entire time
Give me more rev skins
nah they got the evil banner cards its over
Aslong there’s no OP sword, I’m all for it
I hope this brings some audio fix with it
another recolour event
Kind of rockin with the heirloom recolor 🔥🔥
When they make 3rd party an event game mode
I already got the bloodhound dragon skin when it came out, sure would be nice to be able to buy the recolor with legend tokens
Only the Vantage Skin seems New and that’s only because she hasn’t gotten that many Skins.
But besides that, almost every Legendary Skin looks like a Recolor.
It’s just recolours …
Gotta love selling my soul for recolors🔥🥶🥶🔥🔥🥶
Mid recolors
Can’t wait to pay for a hue pallet swap
Recolors 😔
Yay more recolors 😐
oh boy, more recolors. disappointing, do better. we need another ban wave already.
Evil octane: MUST. GO. SLOWER
Finally octane gets his heirloom recolor
not worth it at all apex needs to stop being lazy
Inner life savings event 🗣️🗣️
Use me as dislike button
Im not the only one who thinks the recorders look horrible
Just recolours? Really? Im from Brazil,and to get the full event skins is almost one monthly salary
Garbage, recolor event, it’s trash
Proof people love getting sold the same things multiple times
In the case of Valk, it would be great if the red phoenix concept skin came out, but it’s a shame it still hasn’t come out.😭
The worst color palette possible
Ew pass
More like Recolor Skin event. Yikes
Recolored event ._. Make new skins oml
Inner Cashgrab
i love it when its just recolors of existing skins with no discount even though they look bad. truly an apex experience
So we’re just not charging our shields?
EA: make new apex skins “NAH”
EA: recolors for an event for 160 “GIVE US YOUR MONEY”
Second recolor event, yaaas
3rd recolor of that bloodhound skin ☠️
Giving octane a recolor while other characters don’t even have a heirloom yet is crazy also recolor skins really…
No loba love😢
Another full price recolour event. 1 step forward and 2 steps back with updates 💀
Why is the Loba skin not in here 😭
hideous skins ngl
This is a recolor Temp
Yuck skins, cool game mode
Ya se les acabaron las ideas verdad ?
Bro these recolors r bad
Time to show my inner beast and NOT buy the event 🔥🔥🔥
Bro is that a rampart recolor of another recolored skin 😭🙏
Another event with a bunch of recolours and barely any new content, truly an apex experience
Another skins from the recolor factory. So lazy guys
More recolors, just what i need
Need that octane prestige
This is cool but having recolors is a little disappointing.
Got here before 1k
Yes a new Vantage skin!!!🤩
bloodhound skin is crazzyy.
I love the part where they’re all one shot
why is the new mode a takeover make it a ltm
Wow skins you already sold for 20$ all with the same recolor how fun everyone get excited
What is with Prestige skin for octane?😢
Well, another recolor, yay.
Apex Recolor of Legends
eehhh… kinda mid isnt it?
owo whats this?
Danmmmmm cant wait
apex posting a collection event? ON A MONDAY? aren’t we lucky
What is this hunny??💀
La filtración te arruina apex
Add a 4 player team mode
Looking fire ngl. Might make me play again. Might
Oooo another recolor event…
all reskins
Oh…recolors again
as expected, more recolors.
5th can i get pinned pls
so isso😂
huh looks good
mid ahh skins
Second, I think😂
Octane heirloom gonna go crazy
😮 hey squad 😂
Inner recolor event
let’s go!!!!!!!!!
Send me the heirloom pls😅😅
First comment 🎉
give me apex coin