INSANE Octane SOLO 25 KILLS and 5,883 Damage Apex Legends Gameplay Season 20
Octane SOLO 25 KILLS and 5000+ Damage Apex Legends Gameplay Season 20
Lean-Batist Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Lean-Batist
supernoob channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSe91_6HaK0sXk0V57sdB7A
Contact: Instagram @hv_apex
#apexlegends #20kills #20bomb #badge #octane #gameplay #movement #solo #solopubs #season20
コメント (41)
You are happy to fight with beginners.😂😂
What should I play on controller or keyboard and mouse?
Bros enemy are both
Wow! What a game! Congrats hv! 🙂
MnK on Console LMFAO
are u using streched res and if yes what is it?
die gegner wahnsinn 🙂
Бля народ русскоговорящий, скажите плз, где это он играет и как без мувмента вообще в него не попадают? Что то не чисто тут
What servers do you play in, please I would like to know
estou te analisando e estou com suspeita de chet
6:25 look at that! You can revive your _whole_ team thrice!!!
Meh 25 kills and 5883 damage is pritty average
Underrated Demon
the fact is that apex ledgends allows you to shoot in virtual reality, where you endlessly lost and got pleasure, or you won and got pleasure, and don’t fuck in reality the army in which there is little food that they will put in the coffin next to the peeled potatoes in Russia the Kremlin the center of Russia the Kremlin this 11th century, so that they understand, any army, even abroad, kills itself by creating itself, its own army to destroy the earth and not other planets
Is this South American server? How is everybody so damn bad?
Inspiring 😀
Amazing gaming skill, let goo🔥
Wow, you play very cool, handsome
Just in case you don’t know you can swap shields but it won’t get rid of your shield it will just add on from whatever they had…, if that makes sense to you
17:48 thank that other team for killing him or that was GGS😮💨😂
In which server do you play?
I like octane,you are good🥰
Dude I don’t see how people move so quick in this game, even without movement characters
Can you buy me a heirloom pls I don’t have one 😢
setting please, sensitivity
Don’t speed up play back my timer said it’s at 1.25x on normal yt play back speed
Vcs fazem live ?
bro can you show your video settings
I just want to see Bros octane banner bruh😂
You are à pro
15:45 The helmet went from white to red in seconds. How is that possible? And main thing since when are there red helmets?
9:31 bruh I thought that was a person
Ima be like u when I grow up💀
Op bolte❤
How can u get 20 bomb and 4k dmg everyday? Can you give me some tips to get at least 4k badge on wraith or octane
bros a god
U r pretty decent at the game