EVERY Apex Legends Special Select Animation
ALL Unique Skins Special Legend Select Animations in Season 20 of Apex Legends. Apex Legends News. Apex Leaks. Apex Legends Easter Eggs.
Various Legends within the Apex Games have special and unique Skins that when equipped have special Legend select animations with this Apex Legends Easter Egg.
In Season 20 of Apex Legends, a brand new Skin for Fuse known as “Steeled Demon” will be releasing which comes with a unique Select Screen Animation, where Mad Maggie is driving a Trident!
These Legends and their Skins have Special and Unique Legend Select Animations:
Bloodhound – Youngblood
Bangalore – MIL-Spec
Valkyrie – Birthright
Wraith – Voidwalker
Pathfinder – Memoir Noir
Lifeline – Mischief Medic
Ash – Project 19
Revenant – Penumbra
Octane – Sun Warrior
Fuse – Steeled Demon
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コメント (95)
Which Legend Select Animation is your favorite? I love Revenant’s 😈
Bangalore sucks bc she would never beat a pilot a regular ass grunt vs a highly trained pilot yeah right
Bruh it’s Voidwalker don’t disrespect the name
Bangalores is annoying to see as a titan fall player
It’s not accurate at all
Yes she may be a highly train soldier and a captain I believe but a well trained soldier isn’t gonna do Jack shit to a best of the best pilot
Their whole thing is to be efficient and resourceful with their weapons
That Bangalore one is so fucking stupid
How do I get that fuse skin I neeeds it in my life
it there one for wattson?
Tf ? How do u get the conduit one??
This is somehow my.first comment on this channel
How do you unlock these
Mirage needs one
YOU FORGOT REVENANTS CLASSIC SKIN!!!! His classic has old legend select animations!
How did a grapple pilot use cloak? That’s my question for Bangalore’s animation
I remeber felling so scamed when the path skin came out and wasnt for crafting metals
Bangalores is gas ngl
After 745 conduit games i got her loba entrance!!
Revenants one is just fnaf 2 jumpscare
No love for loba
Revenant got two of them, second one is when you eqquip Classic revenant skin and you got all select animations beforme he reborn.
Mystic skins should have a different select animation. They cost people $160 and are not easy to get free if you don’t spend money on the game.
Bro forgot project 19 ash I’m hurt
i think imma buy the fuse one its so cool
you forgot ash
Voidwalker* phasewalker is the Recolor. Also forgot project 19 ash and the rare conduit selects
Revenant just wanted to give the judge a hug
No way conduit tried imitating loba’s intro animation.😂
Oni fuse goes hard and the made the motherload a gourd 😮
My main wattson s shocking stuffer
Octanes is so bad for a skin why did they choose rhat
Revenant from FNAF 2
You also forgot the christmas wattson skin, where it was rocks she exploded but when you select her with the christmas skin it’s snow she explodes. Also don’t blame you for not talking abt that one though, it is a very small change.
Also wattson elf skin
That Rev one is absolutely amazing
I have never seen that octane one. I have over 1000 hours on this game as well
Japanese theme again. Why not an Australian theme
young blood 🔛🔝
Getting some serious ghostwire: tokyo vibes from the fuse one
No way the second one beats a pilot that’s bs
I have Wraiths but Pathfinders is my favorite.
Everyone talking about how he forgot Ash, but what about the original revenant skin?
Does the valentine skin for bangalore, V-spec also have the animation???
i got this video twice in a row wth
How do I unlock these?
Ash 19???
Rev has two
Pathfinders is just too good
Where Ash?
Bro skipped ash
I like how some have special music like pathfinder.
octanes sun warrior is my all time favorite to see as a mirage main
Conduit has one ?
Fuse’s skin is definitely inspired by the tyger claws gang from cyberpunk
And it’s voidwalker if memory serves
You forgot ash bud
Crazy that every time this list gets updated y’all leave out several select animations (usually the nifleheim hundr white raven intro, which was unfortunately nerfed 3 seasons ago to no longer show the raven IF YOU HAVE OVER 60 PING)
Can anyone tell me how to unlock these?
Memoir noir is so damn loud but I love it everytime tho haven’t taken off the black recolor since I bought it
What bang she’s just standing there pointing her pistol at nun who she fights a bot??? Can’t be a pilot
I’m pissing myself for the fuse one
you said phasewalker it’s supposed to be void walker
I need the fuse one more than I need frog and I really need frog
Im def buying the fuse one ive been a fuse main since season12
That’s fuse tho❤️🔥🔥❤️🔥🔥❤️🔥🔥❤️🔥🔥❤️🔥🔥❤️🔥🔥❤️🔥🔥❤️🔥🔥❤️🔥
Ummm what about Ash?
I wish I had gotten that octane skin now FFFFF
that fuse skin is top tier wthhh
Why don’t they let you unlock intros and set them?
You forgot revenant clasic, that uses the old select animation
Memoir noir is my favourite
The youngblud one is nice
Where’s ash’s project 19?
The revanant one is just foxy jumpscare
Bro forgot Ash 😢
Its got to be wraith valk or ash mainly because i own their skins
Mirage still gets no love
Hello?? Ash
Fuse Skin looks ass for it to have a special intro
I like how most of them are from their backstory/origin
i miss when these were exclusive to sfto skins
Damn i shoulda copped the octane one
Would’ve loved to see fuse pop a knuckle cluster at the screen or something 😂
Loba need one
Love that apex just retconned the death of viper in Titanfall 2 just for a damn skin 💀
Why doesn’t sun warrior have any sound effects
When the holo pilot has cloak instead of a hologram. If I’m not mistaken that’s a militia pilot.
No project 19?
I’m Buying that fuse skin as soon as possible not only the intro animation is fire the design is also
We gotta love the lifeline one 🤩