Apex Legends Season 5 – Fortune’s Favor Launch Trailer
When she was nine years old, Loba Andrade witnessed her parents’ murders at the hands of the simulacrum Revenant. Orphaned and tossed into the system, Loba fought tooth and nail to overcome the adversity of her childhood. She grew up to become a famous high society socialite by day, and the Outlands’ most infamous thief by night. Now, her parents’ seemingly immortal killer has re-emerged, and she’s tracked him to the Apex Games. She’s looking for answers, treasure, and a way to take the one thing that’s always been out of her reach: revenge.
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on Xbox One, PS4, and Origin for PC.
Learn more about Apex Legends Season 5 – Fortune’s Favor: http://x.ea.com/63044.
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#PlayApex #ApexSeason5 #ApexSeasonFive #ApexLegends
“I Know Your Secrets”
Performed by Tommee Profitt ft. Liv Ash
Taqs:Apex Legends,Apex,Apex Legends characters,new Apex Legend,Loba,Apex Legends Season 5,Fortune’s Favor,Apex Legends Battle Pass,Season 5 Battle Pass,Apex Legends new season,Apex Legends game,Respawn Apex Legends,Battle Royale game,Battle Royale,Battle Royale shooter,Apex Games,squad play,multiplayer shooter,ps4,Xbox,PC,Origin,Respawn Entertainment,Electronic Arts,Titanfall 2,EA,Respawn,fun battle royale
コメント (3183)
Best Cinematic ever released no questions asked go with it.
La mejor leyenda de apex? Si sin duda ❤
I loved this one so much
I feel loba’s pain. This makes me want to cry!
Love her
The best trailer ever and it’s already been 3 years 😢 time flies
Forever ago… it’s only been 3 years? It’s already been 3 years? What happened in such a short amount of time… feels like it was just yesterday…
Missing this season big time. Especially cause of COVID vibes😪
The best season and trailer
Dude the animation is gorgeous! And so is Loba🖤👅
Revenant be lookin like penny wise when he’s bald💀😭✋
I main her
My favorite season 😄
this was the best apex season.
It’s so cool. i’m rooting for her eternally… ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Loba need a weapon her black market takes weapon
Here, because of thiefs, chase 😂
Still the best trailer they have made and Loba is still the best character in the game
Music chefs kiss
Three years ago we see this facility Loba breaks into, Now we see a similar facility in thief’s bane,
Crazy to see this story is in the game 3 years later
seems familiar now doesn’t it? 😏
To this day LoBA and REVE carry the Apex story behind them
I came back for the revenant and Loba’s parents comments. Those are gold
Прошло уже 3 года…. Как быстро летит время…
Я начал играть в конце 4 сезона, трейлеры 4 и 5 сезонов запомнились мне больше всего ❤
still gives me chills
I would do anything to relive this season again
There are so many times in this video that she should’ve died, but survives becuase of plot armor.
We can all agree that that bullet didn’t do anything 💀
Who else guessed it would be the girl at the end of the revenant trailer. Like it was kinda obvious I’m not going to lie
3 years
Now its season 16 this was good for season 5
Best trailer after season 2
This was peak Apex
Why was this recommended for me 2 years later
The comments from two years ago: The ring does not work
After two years Loba with relic, flawless tactic and a broken Ultimate.
And one of the most used legends in the game.
She’s so cute!
This was the peak
Still my favorite season ❤
I used to be hyped for trailers because of these, now even the game is trash
If only they perfect loba braclet in the game like in this trailer. Don’t let them fool you. She is extremely vulnerable when she throw it and land, and if targets follow the bracelet path..they can really shoot her down when it lands because she takes time to put it back on. Also you can’t use any weapons in between the throw. Also, they need to remove the long time it takes to put it back on. Just simply warp it back on her wrist. It also is very slow. Also you can be killed right in the middle of warp..like right when warp is happening. Also loba can only get two items just like everyone else from her own market..that is bs. lol! It’s hers, she should be able to get tons of stuff.
Guess it’s time to become a girl ❤❤❤
Wish she gotten her own game
What is the name of songs
The cake us unreal!
I started playing Apex in this season 🙂
I mean can you really blame reveant for killing lobas parents I mean just tell me on how much he can spent with those 10m coins
The day rule 34 changed for the better😏
I liked when seer did’nt use his tactical but instead used his ultimate only to get shot moments after, truly an apex experience.
Loba is so hot though
The queen has finally gotten her heirloom
Wow back when Apex was a good game and was fun for casuals. Btw I still love the game.
That bracelet got no cool down
So is revenant dead or not
The best season ever it hits hard
loba ❤❤💖💖💋💋
season 5 was the best season idc
I need to know what music that is
remember this was 2 years ago and just pop out in our reccomendation?
good times
She did all of that in high heels
Kil little garl
Me thinking about loba’s bm stick as a heirloom
Apex :
tbh, i wouldn’t even mind getting killed by her 😉
Если бы не нытье на фоне, то трейлер норм был
Revenant destroys loba as a character lol
revenant: “where yo mom at”
So fire
Like mother like daughter. Tries to shoot a robot with a nanocarbon protective mesh with a glock. So smart.
The battle pass was meh but tier 100 OH MY GOOOOOD PAY TO WIN WING MAN 😫
this will forever be one of my favorite trailers i love her so much lol
Best Apex trailer so far
All the other Apex trailers: 3 million views
Loba Trailers: 13 million views 😏😂
عمها رفرنت
2:10 they teased Olympus 2 years ago😱
This brings back so many good memories
Qual nome da música?
is this what mrbeast led us to?
L her parents
I still think it was too convenient for Rev’s head to be under King’s Canyon 😂
I like how they incorporated all her abilities even her finisher, it was a nice touch, can we just get a Apex series with all the Legends? But Wraith gotta be the main character, I wouldn’t mind to see my girls Loba & Valk be on Wraith’s team 😏
Wat is the name of the song that is playing in the video
2 years
my forever main
i really wish they bring back this kind of trailers with postmalone music
Hoy cumple 2 Años este magnífico Tráiler de lanzamiento de Apex legends
I can’t believe it’ll be 2 years tomorrow
why am i missing bout these times?so nostalgic…
Loba’s heirloom should be her stick
1 year Loba my waifu still the best !!!
Honestly Loba… if *You* were a contract killer who had to leave their actual “live” head behind while you ran around doing stuff, wouldn’t you keep it behind tempered glass? 🤣
Loba: uses bracelet a 3 times at once
Me: waits 30 seconds-
As someone who’s a little late to apex only been playing for a couple months 🙈 I main loba and this trailer just makes me love her even more 😩 I hope there’s going to be more on her story and I hope she gets her staff as a heirloom 😍 also can’t stop listening to this song now 🙈
11 de daño
Loba es demasiado guapa para este mundo
Still one of the best trailers Apex gave us..
the best season imo
Still the best one
me watching this in season twelve because I still feel bad for my girl loba
Best saison and Character/ Loba Main 🙋♀️🙋♀️🥰
Fortune doesn’t favor fools
I want that alarm sound
Thiccest video game character ever and man what a blessing that is.
Loba but no 30 sec cooldown
Whose watching this in 2022
This becomes best game on phone don’t forget my words
1:40 using jumpdrive 1:42 jumpdrive set.
She needed hammer points
1:20 1:25 1:49
There budget not as good as it suppose to be in new trailers
This was my favorite season, it brought so much lore, so much excitement, all the hype for this season was so well deserved.
É DO BRASIL 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
It’s amazing how the animators made this with only one hand.
one of the best seasons of the game stay love it
thx apex
Who else wants to see and apex fornite collab
This was the most hyped time of apex even this is the most gaped trailer
1:19 SEASON 11!! and still no Loba Bikini Skin Or That staff of hers easily can be a Heirloom
When apex trailers were good went down hill after fuse season
Developer: How thicc do you want Loba to be?
Respawn Entertainment: Yes
I wish loba wasn’t so sexualized but it’s kinda the devs fault 😢
Dangg time files
Best part 2:00 —-> 2:11
The Air Strike is that from Fuse
I saw if Revenant and Loba are on same team, Loba agrees for Revenant’s direction very annoyingly. She says, “FINE!!”.
I think a nail filer knife would be a good idea for her heirloom, just because she looks deceitful. Both classy and deadly at the same time.
Crypto is no where to be seen because he is Hiding Somewhere tryna get a good view of how Thicc Loba is with his Drone 😂😂
that staff should be a heirloom for Loba
I’ve been depressed for a while cuz Skull Town is
What’s the song called ?
Ayo this got recommended to me on season 11, what you tryna say apex?
Watching this in 2021 at 1:36 because…
I care about her character development and personality and nothing else
Rip skull town
The best season
Im mad she had a bomb strong enough to collapse all of skull town but decided to shoot the glass instead of using that
Season 5 was a year ago but now where on season 11 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Loba best waifu ❤️
I felt a disturbance in the force, as if… millions of hotdropping sweats cryed out in pain, took a look at the new legend and went silent
Nostalgia bro
Best season for me .
loba’s heirloom seems obvious to me..
By far the best season trailer
Season 11 is only a few weeks away, but ok
What is the song name
I like how everyone is a trio while Spider Man is a solo
Poor loba :(((
This trailer was soo good ❤️
We miss you… Skull Town
I still stand by my opinion that this is the best season launch trailer
2:11 If u didn’t notice they hinted Olympus to us 2 seasons before it released lol(look closely at all the words)
This trailer never fails to give me chills
Where is her dad?
Watching this on season 10
Loba took my Skull town
Probably the best launch trailer released by Respawn. The music makes it way better and Loba is a great legend!
That p2020 had hammerpoint so it oneshotted rev
かっちょいい〜⤴︎ ⤴︎⤴︎
T h i c c
Still Waiting For TF3
Apex she obviously needs to be able to whack people with her staff come on
Apex really deserves a full film
I just love loba
I like how this came to my recommended
After a year
I love this trailer but how dumb do you have to be not to think that there’d be bullet proof glass? No wonder she hasn’t gotten revenge on Revenant yet
This was the best season in apex imo
POV: Your in the future remembering the good old days of apex legends rewatching old trailers
Specters don’t die that easily
2:12 “last seen: on olympus”😦 it was right in front of our eyes…
Mad story :/
1:01 Thats what happens when you use p20, should’ve used a wingman
Y is this in my recommendation like 1 year later
Essa mina é braba
Don’t the robots have aimbut
Lobas heirloom should just be her staff.
Loba in season 5: revenge and fortune.
Loba in season 9: i like bangalore :v
0:08 .Idk if I am wrong but I think they might have teased fuse’s ult 3 seasons before he even came out.
another launch trailer, another new season i return to this cinematic masterpiece
Loba and horizon have my favourite trailers, wattson is a close second 🤌
I would like Loba to have a legendary holo that when cast has a picture of her parents in it.
Loba has the best entry I’ve ever seen.
i just realized those are the robots from titian fall 2
Loba has probably the saddest origin story (second is probably horizon)
Change my mind
I’ve just realized that in rev’s display when seeing loba it says in the right down corner “last seen on Olympus”, they teased olympus 2 seasons early
why is loba able to throw the flare farther than her bracelet?
as a loba main, i still f love this. amazing. wish there would be more skins for her
Best storyline in the game
Can’t believe it’s been a year since Season 5…..
I want to go back 🥺 I miss season five so much 😓
“Game Over Tincan”
i would pay $1000 just to watch a movie version of this
Who else got this in there suggestion after S5 was release a year ago
Personally in my opinion best season of apex
That man is hot af, and he just gets hotter each time I rewatch his trailer and subsequent trailers involving him.
Geez it’s already been a year….
The best trailer so far
How many golden helmets did she have, her tactical charged just as fast as octanes stim
If you look at the bombs dropped at 0:09, you can see that they closely resemble the bombs dropped at the end of season 7 to tease fuse. My theory is that Loba and Jaime hired Fuse and Maggie to cause a distraction on King’s Canyon so Loba could get in unnoticed. That way, nobody can pin the crime of breaking into King’s Canyon on Loba, because most of the evidence would have been destroyed by the bombs.
Skull town and Thunderdroome got sunk into the water
Like Ik she wants revenge on revent
They make the trailers like movies! I hope they make a movie about this season!
Seeing her teleport via a bracelet being thrown reminds me of Nix Ulric from final fantasy 15 kingsglaive.
a true masterpiece
I wish i know what the Name of the Song is
god I know it’s Season 8 now, BUT SHEEESH best season ever
Loba Kills Revenant
Wattson is just chilling and acting like nothing ever happened
loba best legend
It’s already been a year😭 since I started playing
I popped of that season
Who else thinks that at 1:17 the little spin she does with her black market would have made a cool banner pose?
I just got this in my recommended. I love this trailer.
My favourite season
alternative Revenant passive: Everytime Revenant dies, he will respawn instantly.
the season where i started playing apex
dis is amazing bruh
So we not going to talk about how this the best trailer they ever did and it had us the hypeiest 🤔😌
So you’re telling me she’s in her 30s?
If only her bracelet worked as good in the game as it did in the trailer here
I been having loba for a year😏😻⭐️
It’s been exactly one year since this was released… Awesome
Feel old yet, this was a year ago
1 year
Who got this their recommend?
I know that his head is safely stored but can you imagine that revanent has to Koke that all that’s left of him is a head plugged up with wires
The best video in Apex Legends ❤️Loba ❤️
Hands down best apex video
0:50 this is giving me goosebumps
Loba:*steal gun*
Robot:do you only think your f_&king funny
1:52 is when cooldown kills you
Never seen jennifer lopez act better hah yes maam
Season 9 in 3 days
Youtube:Hey yo wanna watch Season 5 trailer
bruh she be depending too much on the bracelet,
what if that one robot had grabbed her wrist over the bracelet
*byebye loba*
hey Apex, this is when your game started to decay and turn into eastern europe shitfest on european servers
Cant believe its almost a year
This trailer will forever be the best apex trailer
What is the music of the video?
Easily one of the best Apex trailers
You know, Loba’s parents died so she should be the main character, while her being one of the worst legend in the game
Why is this in my recomended
1:39 is rare footage of lobas tactical working
thicc thighs save lifes
Loba in cinematic: *teleports out of an explosion*
Loba in game: *waits 2 minutes for ring to land only for it to not work*
This was almost 1 year ago…
Who’s here after watching season 9 trailer
0:09 is this Fuse’s Ult..?
Уже 8 сезон😔
Wattson just living her best life haha
Lol they teased fuses ultimate in this video
So we’re just gonna ignore the fact that Rev’s original human head, not even his whole body, is just in a jar?!?
i miss season 5 bruh
Season 5 was the peak of apex. Season 6 was the downfall.
in this trailer there was no tp problems
Loba has the most views. What does that tell you? Besides the fact she has a big rear end?
Loba in trailer: Bracelet saves her multiple times
Loba in game: *wags finger*
Best milf 🙈♥️
Nearly season 9 and this is by far the best season trailer the music is straight 🔥, all the explosions are insane, the bracelet animations are simply beautiful, everything about this trailer is 🔥🤌🏼
The funny thing is she panicked when the alarm went off. If she just kept unloading she may have just destroyed it.
It’s been a year since this season dropped and I think we can all agree this was one of the best seasons ever
Rip skull town ]:
this is the best fucking trailer i have ever seen
I love loba because she destroyed the only place that wraith mains only dropped
0:09 Fuse spoiler
Lobas storyline is pretty sad
Remember when Spectres were actually a threat
Who’s ready for her buff in session ugh he bracelet will be so good and other things coming to her kit
Loba a abasloute badass
Loba with that dump truck 🚚 👌 tho
imagine if the bracelet was that good in game
She should have used the wingman and left the p2020 at home LOL
Oh you‘ve come back, because you know. This is, hands down, one of the DOPEST apex legends trailers to date!
Music: I Know Your Secrets – Tommee Profitt (feat. Liv Ash).
I had to come back and watch this for the nostalgia this was the best trailer and season ever nothing will beat this season since it was summer we had all the time in the world to play and the quest the best thing to ever come to this game it was so hype having to wait till next week to see what would happen and left you with questions like “Is Loba gonna kill revenant?” I just overall loved everything about this season I love this game in general
Wow never knew loba hated revenant so much
best trailer 💯💯
loba is so hot
Now I want to know who the head in the tube was
Can someone explain to me why a regular human beat mf stalkers😐😐😐
Revenant has shinigami eyes
R.I.P skull town
Damn….. Respawn really hate mirage
Ever since this I’ve been a loba main
I call out that her wolf bo staff will be her Heirloom it would be sick
Theres something i dont understand, she looks nd speaks like a mexican, but her parent look nd speak portuguese, how come?
Gotta love the Mirage entrance.
respawn somehow managed to make a female character who isn’t only attractive she’s a strong female character as well!
0:09 That Was A Fuse Leak For Season 8 ?
OMG its Loba who was the girl.
What’s the name of the song ?
0:09 fuse
Fortnite players: OMG LYNX IS SO HOT😍🥵
Loba from apex: hold my golden Armor 😀😏
*ender pearl
I think loba’s ring is an ended pearl
2:05 Wattson😂
Mirage calling pathy a tin can deeply wounds me
I wish they could add roaming stalkers so Titanfall veterans can have a bit of ptsd
Revenants ngl is my favorite character and he’s a badass
everyone looked at her at the end with the “you done fucked up look”
This is literally just the Sombra trailer
“De onion go back to hell”
Did Revenant grab those Stalkers from the bargain bin or some shit? Cause last I checked, those dudes can tank damn-near half a mag depending on the weapon.
The way how Loba walks on that bridge. Jesus
Why was bloodhound just running on the spot 2:06 😂
Damn. Season 5 is 10 months old? How fast time goes by..
I still love this Season
Who got this recommended in 2021
I just watched the live chat and in the first few seconds people are already saying she thicc
Okay, jokes and all I still love Loba. Once i realised there was a greater plot happening with the characters and the beef with Revanant, i got hooked to the game
0:08 hey that’s Fuse bomb?
One of the funiest seasons yet
Can I have thus music?
Wattson just be chilling while Skull Town and Thunderdome is in ruins
Literally the best launch trailer since season 3 and none after lol
came back for this trailer.. still the best trailer for me, that ending just give me chills
that “no!” sounds like that one vid were the kid ran around a trampoline holding a knife
Am I the only one that gets goosebumps everytime I watch an Apex trailer
You dont deserve my help demonio, remember that.
The one robot still there looking for his gun
its bc she was using a p2020
When your main come out on your birth day
She looks like Ortega from Altered Carbon.
who else wants the tombstick 🙁
“She was last seen on olympus” that is an season 7 Easter egg
The best followed by meyhem
I can watch a movie like that. The best apex trailer till now. LOBA and the background music ❤️
I still like watching this even though it’s season 8
Nadie yo cada vez que mato a un revenant con loba: DEMONIO GO BACK FROM THE HELL
Still the best launch trailer they have made and we are now on season 8.
man Gibby just saved a mrvn 🙂
How can Loba, literally just a Smuggler with no training in combat (we haven’t seen her use any of military grade weapons, just handguns.) meanwhile, in titanfall 2, a bunch of highly trained mercs/pilots have to unload a full mag of a flatline just to take 3 of them out? And I also think that a decently trained pilot, with good equipment and with experience in combat, would probably take out A couple of legends.
Respawn is lying Stalkers aren’t that easy to kill-
love how loba chooses when she wants to manually put her bracelet on like just why 😂 manually do it.
She is 100% my favourite character in Apex
I started playing when she got added :’)
Almost a year ago
Ahh season 5 my first season
I knew that little girl in the season 4 trailer was going to be a legend at some point
This is the season I joined and this is my nostalgia, this trailer is amazing
Can’t she just steal the head with her whatchumacallit.
*revent dies* loba goes back to home and
After Revenant’s full backstory that hit me hard.
we gonna ignore the fact that she ran across a small piece of metal on heels?
At the beginning of the video were they hinting fuse since season 5
its funny how they actually teased Olympus at the end and no one found out ;-;
Coming back to this trailer ‘cause it’s epic and we all love Loba.
Thic loba
Typing with long Fingernails gotta be so painful.
Has Explosives – uses low calibre Pistol instead
Yeah she’s Rey alright
loba everytime she fell off :
oh no, any way
Jesus Christ, this was 9 months ago
Should’ve used a wingman instead.
Here in 2021
bruh, when you think about it, season 5 also released during the virus
damn bruh this shit old
1:09 me and the bois when we find a weeb
was those robots from overwatch?
If I had to say about all of the launch trailers for these season on apex legends is this one
0:57 – She was alone, would be fine finish that on her mother tongue…
Would sound like:
“Demônio… Só volta logo pro inferno!!”
wend i see her i see sombra is it just me or
Season 5 was when I got my 1,000 kills with wraith I miss old wraith and I became a tryhard
*Wattson’s home gets destroyed*
Also Wattson: *swinging her feet*
*if loba doesnt get her staff as an heirloom, me and apex are gonna have problems*
This gives me nostalgia. I started playing in season 5
How tf was this at the beginning of quarantine
Its a good thing she had that gold helmet on to reduce the cooldown. Without that I think she would be screwed
Loba: almost loses to a spectre
Jack Cooper: weak
Broo those aren’t Bangalores bombs it’s the fuze teaser bombs
I think this is my favourite trailer thingy for apex
The only web app that worked is Gamecrookso maybe you want to try it out.
The only web app that worked is Gamecrookso maybe you want to try it out.
1:38 Nice tactical cooldown
Huge sneak peak to season 8 wow
Easter Egg: The Stalkers is from titanfall 2
Fuse ultimate in this trailer
0:18 does anyone think this should be the animation when you teleport? It looks like you’d be able do sprint straight away, it could be what she needs to make her tactical better??
if only she kept using her gun instead of switching to that dumbass staff skull town would still be arlund
Who’s here in 2021
Can we talk abt there’s no crypto😒
Kinda miss this season
Seems like the bomb from fuse
Many times I wish Loba would give Rampart a make-over.
0:09 Fuse ult?
I love abex
Kinda dumb how they made the girl whose father died a legend for the game because now it doesnt make sense when they’re on the same team…
Crazy how someone made the connection that the bombs at the beginning are fuses bombs that were revealed for season 8
If you don’t make a movie im deleting apex legends
So that was Fuse’s ult
0:10 Yo, that’s Fuse’s bomb!
no matter what season comes out, i always come back here. best fucking trailer!
0:09 fuse’s bomb from season 8
Watching this after season 8 trailer 🙌🏽
0:09 I think those belong to fuse
So the bombs that dropped was Fuse’s ultimate?
Should’ve use a kraber
The best apex trailer I’ve ever seen right now
Could those bombs be a teaser for fuses ultimate?
Is nobody going to talk about the Season 8 teaser right at the start
Soooo…the first bombs landing in 00:12 are from the new legend in season 8?? Like…an ability? I’m just guessing
I just realized that falling bombs at the beginning are the same like ingame Fuse’s teaser holy shiiiiit
holy shit, the amount of people thinking the begining is fuzes bombs is annoying. they are literally just gibraltars, what else do you think an air strike missle would look like you fucking muppets
Crazy how fuse was in this trailer lmao.
Sweet music
just realised those bombs at the start are fuse’s bombs
The bomb is from s8
To the people who ship them… that’s equivalent of shipping Harry x Voldemort
A simp : * pick loba coz of the…of the ? Well u know what I mean *
Me : pick revenant coz I hate loba with her seductive lines were my parents r with me
Wait, her accent isn’t as strong in the game… why??? It sounds sooo much better here tf
Am I the only one finding stalkers super bad ass?
Lmao i just realized that Fuse’s boms appear at the start of this trailer
Why is her teleport better in the cinematic than the actual game
lookin at those bombs now, they look like the new legend FUSE ability/ ult?
Imagine a bomb like Bangalores ult drops with big fire ring IT WILL BE OP
The missile from this trailer is a teaser for the next legend in Season 8
Damn that fuse’s ult
Came back to see Fuse’s Ultimate 👀
the bomb in this trailer are the same as the teaser in game for season 8
Fuse ult teased since season 5 lol
fuse was here
thats bomb is going to be a characters skill
Eeeyyyyy Are those Fuses bombs are at the beginning?!?!
Hey thay missiles at the starting seem like that fuse teaser currently in game and have ‘My new’ written on them. Was that the earliest fuse teaser?
Guys I now realise that this trailer give us the spoiler of the new legend for season
The bombs look at it
Season 7 bombs at the beginning
yoooo the bombs at the beginning are fuse’s
SO it seems that the new teaser was the bombs mirage deals with
And now we see Fuse’s ultimate in the beginning
Yep, it’s real, we didn’t noticed it, and we’re hyped and also scared for the next legend especially his napalm nukes. But how can he be on season 5 tho? 🤔
guys are those bombs are the season 8 character ultimate
So, the bombs at the beginning just like the ones that are raining down randomly from the skies right now, so how can this relate to each other
Just here to see the Fuse Bombs in the beginning
0:09 they just showed as Fuse s ultimate and nobody knew, that’s actually soo cool
Came back to see fuze’s bombs drop
Then I noticed; Watson being cute, and Loba using a R201 on specters
Wait… So now that there’s season 8 comin’, the at the beginning look like fuse’s so, TEASER????
*0:09** wait, aren’t those the mortars in Olympus right now??*
Had anyone notice that the introduction of Loba for Revenant , it describes Loba’s father’s last seen as Olympus? Way before Olympus became a map and also there is a place called Rev- Erie where’s Loba’s parents died.
Tell me, is that clip from 1:36 also teasing an ability of fuse?
3 seasons later we finally see what those bombs are
Oh my gosh, Merchant was right. The bombs at the start of the trailer weren’t Bangalore’s, it’s the new legend’s… Different structures and all. Does this mean that the Fringes destroyed Skull Town with Loba’s help??? As idk an act of war?? Very interesting
Edit: Um, I meant that it might be from Salvo and not specifically Fuse, especially since he strayed from the path Maggie picked- Oh, because they’re so close, it could be Maggie. She is a leader of a gang or a warlord in salvo, idk
Season 8 new legend teased in this trailer … WOW!
When I saw the bombs from the newest teaser for a new legend, I came back to this season and realized those are the same bombs from the new teaser
Who’s here after the season 8 teaser? 😀
Oh yea thats foreshadowing like a bitch with those rockets at the beginning.
0:09 are these already Fuse’s rockets?
fuse ult
Am i the only one who noticed, that the bombs at 0:08 look a lot like the bombs, that they are teasing on kings kanyon rn?
Wait at 0:08 the bombs drop but they aren’t gibbys or bangs so that means they’ve secretly teased the new legend for season 8 all the way back in season 5
Those bombs at the beginning look like the teasers from today, for fuse’s ability. At least, thats what the Gaming Merchant said
After all this time we finally know thats those bombs in the beginning are for the season 8 legend. What a teaser
bruh they teased Fuse in this 3 season before his release smh. i wonder how many more things go right under our noses
0:10 These are literally the fuse bomb teasers happening right now in late rings.
0:09 lol is that Fuse ability trailer? It doesn’t look like Bangalore or Gibby
Game over tin can
She should have used a mozambique
I love this song
Season 5 is my favorite season. It just has that pop and lore I love
You gotta love that Loba picture next to Loba when Revenant sees her.
Oh dude idk why but looking back at this trailer I’m getting a little emotional…idk if it’s bc of the season overall, the story or sth else but man that’s why I love apex
I like the way loan looked at her pistol and went oh
Im main Wattson and i love how shes sitting and kicking her legs like nothing is happening 💖💖💖
Maybe if she bought something bigger than a P2020 she could’ve killed him
Presentense los Latinoamérica nos :v
revenant nani?
Loba just killed half the lobby that got dropped skull town
Always protec Pathfinder ;-;
Can I just say it was funny to hear loba saying she knows where his head is and that is awesome and now she is going to let him live and suffer so she threw the code into a phase runner like a queen should 👑👑👑
2:12 it says last seen on olympus wtf I never saw that
this is literally their best trailer! the clips sfx aligned with the beat of the song? absolute chefs kiss
Love is revanat You like legend?
dayum she thicc
Whose here in 2020 ?
“wish to kill me little girl?”
“someday, but for now*gunshot” best shit I’ve ever heard
Maybe they should put loba’s staff in the heliroom :/
Lobs in an epic fight then everyone simp for Watson
The only apex trailer I disliked
Especial las nalgas y las chichis 😏
Me gustó mucho
I love how all the legends are standing there like y the f u do that???
This is my favourite trailer from apex but it still pisses me off that they ignore all balancing and handicaps in the actual game just to make the trailers look misleadingly cool and borderline on false advertising. I’d love to see this trailer recreated but with the games handicaps… won’t look so cool then huh?
I need music
1:01 Did she really thought that a p2020 would break that glass
Loba is sexy thicc
If anyone has played titanfall2 they know those stalkers would not go down that easy
if this real apex she would have been dead by now because of the jumpdrive cooldown and lets not talk about the crawling stalkers in titanfall 2
Isnt that a p2020?
maybe loba can have 2 bracelets like revenant and his silence 🧚🏼♀️✨
I just realized the new map Olympus was teased at 2:12 in Lobas description:
Last seen on Olympus.
I want to cry
I love Mirage that exploded 10 million times
Season7…….I came back to watch this because memories
2:01 nessie 😀
1:00 Damn it Tesla
Ah yes six months ago…
0:58 Demonio. *GO BACK TO HELL!*
Two questions
Why doesn’t Hammond robotics kills Revenant themselves?
And how does revenant get new bodies since all of those got destroyed?
Joder revenent the tostada demonio
I guess that staff she uses could be a great next herloom.
Jebac tą grę kurwy
Reinhardt contra Loba. ME ENCANTA.
BRO how is this 6 months ago?
I can’t believe this shitty season was out 6 months ago
she should have brought a devotion
How is Loba Plowing through those stalkers so fast? There so hard to kill!
Uh I’m sorry apex why didn’t I get cool music for MY entry?
this was the best trailer ever in my opinion
Worst season
Sorry about that by the way.
and the fact that someone hired him, she did not guess ?
а то что его кто – то нанял она не догадалась ?
LOBA , She is Number ONE
Imagine disliking apex videos
She would have died 7 times if it wasn’t for her abilities
When Revenant looks at her ” Last seen on Olympus ” The detail was always there guys…
I love Loba so f much ♡
She is a Brazilian Legend. Her nails aaaa💅🏼💕
This season is a mistake this season map is so fucking garbage it makes me sick to see how such a great game went to shit so bad fortnite doing better then this shit
What if loba’s heirloom is her staff thing?
Loba secretly dieting inside when she sees revenant
What did she do to Destroy Thunderdome and Skulltown?
Who remembers when this shot dropped? Everyone was in quarantine all stuck inside, and everyone was trying to figure out the vault Easter egg meaning. Good times kinda.
on the new map Revenant asks Bangalore to find the code source when she’s on the girl night. Also Octane banged Lifeline + the new map is where Loba parents died. Respawn story at its finest <3
I hope dir u that u neber come in the Situation that 9000 revenants fire at u
Omg i was so excited for her
Loba:had a sad origin
Everyone:haha booty go brrrr
whoever chooses music for these vids are really lacking taste.
We haven’t had skull town since season 4
Worst season yet
Why can’t we use Loba’s staff in a similar fashion as warframe
Can we respect the fact that the r-301 that loba used to kill the stalkers only had one mag in it and she only used that one mag and didn’t have infinite ammo like every cliche shooter cinematic?
I love
Loba tros belle
stalker getting one shotted by an r301 yeah sure respawn needs at least 20 rounds
at 2:12 when revenant scans loba , you can read at the bottom right of screen “last seen on olympus “
I love this trailer
Who else got this for season 7.
I played this season so much. I miss season 5 ngl.
2:12 last seen on olympus :3
All the things aside I will never forgive loba for destroying skull town it was my favorite place for getting quick kills
Best trailer for a season, it been pretty downhill from here trailer wise.
Song name please!
2:00 gives me chills everytime
Is her bracelet still broken just wondered
umm how did she use her bracelet again so fast theres a 29 second cooldown🙄
Bye bye loba now is horizon not you
ahhhhhh best days when there was no covid
Tons of robot killers her: STICK
Still the best trailer.
Ah yes I remember respawn saying that there would be a surprise for titanfall players here just for it to be a few stalkers
Just remember, one single grenade destroyed Skull Town.
I love the song I actually sang myself
1:38 paused is my new wallpaper
Nice trailer but Overwatch copy
Can i ask u a question respawn?
Foes loba have ender pearls
How the fawk can she run that fast with thos hight 👠
But what if loba had hammerpoint rounds? 🤔
Fun fact: the code show in the background at 0:50 is actual code from the Linux kernel (groups.c)
Nice touch, Respawn.
Who’s here from s7 stories from the outlands
Man this song gives me goose bumps man.
Lol time 228
last seen on Olympus!!
We want good trailers like season 3,4 and 5! 6th one was pretty bad!
Revenant: Come to kill me little girl? Loba:Someday, but for now….. 22 headshot damage Revenant: Like her mother, still don’t know how to use hammerpoint
wattson was thic, then loba is thicccccccr and if we follow this path, next simulacrum is gona have something thicccccc.
You want to kill me little girl 2:08
that one crippled stalker got the perfect view before it fell into the fire explosion for skulltowns grave
My favourite game ever st my life
Who’s here just watching apex legends trailer 😂
I love how gibby always kills mirage in these
If she had taken a Wingman instead P2020, it would be successful))
I’ve spotted a nessie 2:01
Now this season is only in our memories
I wonder if revenants two squad mates disconnected or there just waiting for the respawn beacon
God i fucking love her
Why does her accent sound more accurate in the trailer than in the game?
Respawn: lets make Loba older
Also Respawn: Lets not make anyone age
Rev: coming to kill me little girl?
Loba: someday, but for now…
*proceeds to shoot him anyway*
I love 💓 you
Yous should make her a heirloom that is her staff thingy
I would definitely beat loba
When season 5 was 5 months ago…
Why do they always hurt my boy mirage 😂😂😂
should’ve krabered the glass
Stupid girl
1:40 if only our bracelet was that fast
This is the 2nd best trailer right behind season 4 trailer
This is still their best trailer to date
I wish she could run and throw in game that would bring her up out of the D tier but they did update her ult but still trash but at least she is not in the D no more and up to a C
Revenent should have a voice line when he revives Loba saying ” You’re lucky that I didn’t shoot you when I killed your parents”
Oh god. It is so great when someone makes a portuguese character who speaks in spanish. Just lovely!
Why go through the work of making any European/South American/ African person that speaks portuguese if they all are going to have the same Mexico’s spanish ripoff accent.
Is Caveira from R6 really going to be the only character that sounds like someone from the country and not someone forcing really hard a “Portuñol”?
I’m so lucky I met the great hacker, expert in account recovery, exposing cheating spouse, view into private account and lot more, reach out to him for help at Instagram Hex_hacker09 what a genius ✅✅
I love this trailer and the game. But it’s hard for me to not think about Sombra from Overwatch when I see this trailer, lol.
Latina, hacker, throws a teleporter.
I love Loba’s Portuguese 😍
we want titanfall 3 we want titanfall 3 we want titanfall 3 we want titanfall 3 we want titanfall 3 we want titanfall 3 we want titanfall 3
Go watch DeUcEgAmIn he carried the #1bangalore (xbox1)in a match it’s epic
*T* *H* *I* *C* *C*
Pathfinder at the beginning of the trailer showed his down fall 35 seconds 😭
How was she running she should have been shot because you walk when using her tactical loba needs a buff
8d music
Wait hold up since y’all are talking about Watson does anybody know what happen to her dad can when ever she champion when I’m play she says”I did it papa wherever you I hope your proud of me”
Everybody: it’s not a P2020!!
One week later: I told you it was a P2020
How are they mass producing revenants
Rip r99
everyone watching the trailer:
god i was so hyped for this. my favourite season yet
I wish in game she could use her bracelet when she is running like in her trailer it would have made her a B tier plus maybe some seconds of immunity for her going in and out so she at least has a chance to run away
“Demonio, go back to hell!”
Imagine a playable stalker
Im so sorry for loba that her revenge kinda failed.
Who bets Loba’s heirloom will be her staff
All that in 6 inch heels
love this trailer so much more than season 6
احلى لجند
nerf r-301 she got a 20 bomb with it
wait mirage died?
How did Lara Croft become a Latina and get In apex legends?
i’m rewatching videos BUT THAT INTRO WAS FIRE 2:01
Who’s here literally for no reason
What’s the song
Who one watch this from season 6
loba:demonio go back to hell
ravenent:nice ass loba
still gives me vibes
I’m so hyped for s5
0:04 pathfinder downed because of his cooldown
Loba, you know your cool down time is 25 seconds stop playing. You still thick tho
Melhor trailer do jogo
Best trailer ever
Who else forget that this was a part of titan fall universe
Titanfall2 pilots: god damn stalker are walking tanks
Loba: hold my beer (destorys stalkers with ease)
i a fan of apex but never played it:( I only see my uncle play:(
pathfinder heirloom stories from the qutlands Love next event
Idk what fans were more excited about loba from season 4 arrives in apex or she the first thicc legend
Bruh kid you try to kil me with p2020 like your mother. You need some hopup kid
To more kills then your parents 😈😈
Yo I know this is a Cinematic and all but like anyone who plays loba knows that your burglar’s best friend can’t be used that fast
Best Apex’s launch trailer
loba wins ok owo
Don’t worry guys she had hammer points.
Whats with them and killing mirage
This never gets old for me even in season 6
2:05 i like that wattson is just sitting there and watching Loba argue with Rev
Loba is so cool😄she don’t like the seson 4 person loba thinks that seson 4 person kill her parents and it is😦
R-301 here
Also, this may be revenants scanning programming or genuine data, loba was last seen on Olympus, either she has a place there, much like revenant did, or that’s where revenant last saw her, when her parents were murdered
The source code is on psamathe, not an outlands expert, so psamathe and Olympus could be the same planet
It’s incredible how much better this is than the terrible season six trailer.
I want a loba heirloom of her staff
“Come to kill me little girl” well that’s scary
I really wish in the near future loba will get her staff as a heirloom
Apex: Makes a trailer
Clickbaiters: *Its free real estate.*
Wats the song called
I loved this trailer because the music was spot on. So vengeful.
can you please work on titanfall?
Come to kill me little girl?
“Someday. But for now…”
**kills him**
0:58 When you enter the boss battle you couldn’t beat as a kid.
Best Season Of Apex. Season 6 Is Trash 😐
Me as a kid: ooo new legend cool
People past puberty: DANM BOI SHE THICC
Did Greeks noticed at 0:59 that she said the Greek world δαιμόνιο (demonio, little demon)
Now the most useless legend. RIP Loba S5-S6
Loba Is
………………………. …. THICC!
I missed out on this beauty 😔
I want to give the APEX developers a shout-out. I feel like Loba was specifically made FOR ME. Her abilities completely fit my play style and completely made me, re-fall in love with this game! Please do not “nerf” her in any way! She is perfect the way she is!
Update: They reduced the amount of time to use Loba’s Ultimate, from 3 mins, to 1.5 mins. However…. You can no longer teleport through windows…. WHY?! I would rather it be changed back to how it was. :*(
I’ll just stick to good ol’ Pokemon on my nintendo…
Can someone tell me what was the middle head that loba called demonio go back to hell
thanks for the recommendation Youtube
Definitely gonna play this season when it launches
How. Can she flipping type with these nails
POV revenant revives Loba (RESPAWN beacon)
Revenant: You have a nice chat with your parents?
Loba, grabbing a p2020 without hammer point: *pew pew*
Revenant: *sigh* Like mother like daughter.
Me when I see this trailer: oh it’s sombra
2:07 everyone: holy crap skulltown just sunk underwater
Wattson: Doesn’t Doesn’t even notice a large Peice of kings canyon just fell, just sits on a rock
In Rampart’s story from the outlands animation, she needs a mounted turret, her in-game ultimate, in order to take out a single stalker. Loba takes out like 10 of them with one R301 clip and then defeats this poor dude at 1:25 with a single kick… I’ve got to say, the Stalkers in this franchise are a little bit inconsistent.
Wait did rampart make gibbys airstrike bombs cuz there is some graffiti like stuff on it
Kraber would’ve killed human head if revenant
I was today years old when I realized revenants mouth doesn’t move when he talks.. I feel so stupid
Let’s tighten fall 2 robots
Lmao apex team they were simps so they created her also now they have a fake video game stupid boner congrats lol
Music ??
me practicing spanish with satan: 0:58
At start Zylbrad:Dome max Dome
loba is so fucking thicckkkk omgg
I hate Loba. I loved Skulltown
she shoulda been carrying hammerpoints smh
If u guys play apex ur gay
goodbye skull town, tryhard wraith mains will miss you
2:05 heres wattson swinging her legs and its very adorable
Plz nerf Loba’s ass, Plz
1:13 When you land on a gun and spam the pick up button but you only get the ammo while the other guy gets the gun
0:09 seems like an early rampart teaser
Song name?
It’s I Know your secrets
Apex is basically the modern version of tf2
Hey is it just me or does loba in this cinematic trailer sounds more young than she is in the game in the game she sounds more older than she is in this cinematic
The fact almost all the legends are shown, just shows how popular skull town was
0:57 she really thought she could just break into such a huge stack of revenant buddies home and shoot the mind with p2020 as if it won’t be guarded enough
Wattson is probably the cutest legend
Thicc trailer
love me like you do
2:14 but for now… MOZAMBIQUE’ERE
It was so satisfying penetrating Loba players with the finisher as Revenant lol
Wait ✋ is loba not in season 6
0:08 Rampart ULT
Imagine a 3rd person shoter story/co op game like this or/and with this types of cut scenes. That would be incredible.
Nessie at 2:00
Do they know my secrets?
Apex is the most underrated game series
Loba master of thick passive thicc tactical thicc ultimate thicc
Anyone here after the season 6 trailer?
These literally are the greatest gaming trailers ever made. No other trailer has this amount of detail perfection in animation and perfect music tracks
Loba: uses 3 times jump-drive in trailer
In game: 1 time and then.
Who thinks they should add the satchel
Mirage:Game over tin can!
Gibraltar: *ya how bout no*
maybe do something about the cheaters if you don;t want ur game to die….only 1 milion active players remaining….me any my friends quited because to manny hackers
I cant understand revenets story
Who came after season 6 launch Trailer?😍
loba shos a p2020 deals 11 dmg and get fried by everybody and them checking the deathbox find a p2020
Anyone else came back to see mirage getting blown up again?
who’s here after season 6 trailer is out?
Yes, the fastest “who’s here?” in the west.
Me and the boys teaming up on paralysis demon be like: 0:58
This better than 6 season
Just came here after watching the Season 6 trailer to pay respects
loba thicc
Season 6 trailer ain’t out het
Who else watches this an unhealthy amount of times
why overwatch sombra copy ?
Season 5 was actually overrated
Why at the end of the trailer Wraith’s silhouette is all black and show the number seven in the chest?
Who here doesnt play the game but still enjoys the trailers
Que pito asco me da Apex una isla queda destruida, pero no existe la puta lógica y se puede jugar y si dicen que son unos muy buenos desarroladores (de mierda) porque jo meten 2 putas leyendas en una temporada
guys the next legend i-*gets killed by revenant*
Hry apex i got an idea for an new limited event is like basic apex but every ultimate will rechange every 30 sec ? Or somethink like that it would be fun
who here from mrbeast riddle
Is relevant dead now but alive in game
You and che should stick together like two sticks in the mud
Gibraltar has the most health and is the fastest healer and the fastest reviver. You see something wrong wit that cuz I do lol
The Music : Darude – Sandstorm
Program auto reload please I can’t stand swapping to agun and it having no ammo even though I know I pressed r2
My cousin picked a Mastiff over a wingman. Like if that was very dumb
Apex makes the best videos, stuff like this needs a netflix series
Dam I remembered this games before season 1
robbery juice wrld
Lobo my favorite
The final MrBeast riddle should have been to win a game of Apex Legends 😎
Whats the code guys lmao I gotta send it to MrRiddle
Who is from MrBeast’s Riddle??
Anyone here from MrBeast’s riddle?
MrBeast Hunt
anyone here from mr beast
Apex Legend for switch
We all know that p2020 did 13 damage to rev
What’s name of this song?
How the hell did she take out those stalkers so quick
I want my peackeeper back
I don’t get how every trailer has more views than the season 1 one
*flashbacks* *mama* *take her and go* *gun sound*
Pls this is a request
I know this is not part of the trailer BUT PLEASE ADD SOLOS BACK
Can u do something to make her played by more people
Why do so less people play loba
2:15 wanna learn what happened?
Revenant opened death totem and shotgunned loba
damm that’s a nice ass
Guys work on cross platform 📢📣📢😤
I cant play apex code error 100
1:40 she has no cooldown for her jump drive she’s hacking 🙄
I have a questions to the creators of apex legends , can u add something so u can try out legends you don’t have like in the firing range ? that would be cool .
the name of the background song?
Revenent is so badass and he’s technically the most powerful legend cuz he can’t die
i like how i did not die in this trailer
It would be dope if they made a movie like this.
This kinda feels different now after the quest…
2:11 Loba Andrade: Last seen on Olympus
Final Quest: Ash: Welcome… to Olympus…
They’ve been teasing Olympus since day one
can you make free heirlooms Please
can you make free heirlooms
I saw someone say “buff pathfinder” in the live chat…
wow amazing grafik!!
Give us a show. A movie. A comic. Anything, *ANYTHING* that expands the Titanfall Universe! You could do so much with it!
I just noticed that those 1:09 robots are from Titanfall 2
Loba was the little girl from the last season trailer!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!!?!??!?!??!?!
make apex good cause i cant play of orgin
What’s sad is that revenant is nothing but a pawn of the Hammond robotics
Please just make a lore YouTube/Netflix series in this animation style, everyone says they would watch it
you should create a movie about her life because im obsessed with this trailer and i want like a movie about
Mirage has been in practically every trailer
My best Season
Bigg up let’s stay in touch @#DVINEWIZDOM https://youtu.be/MpFFVnKyMcE blessings
As much as i love this game i ll not play this game again because of too much server issues and hackers. I hate this
This song is fire
Im from future 6 season has give new character Ash
trailer: “loba skill didn’t have 30 seconds cooldown”
explosion: wait that’s illegal
0:19 this music is amazing!
Apex should be a show
Is anybody gonna talk about the fact that 0:09 that that Nuke thingy has a little writing saying have a nice day
Also correct me if I’m wrong does any legend’s ultimate have a bomb like that I don’t know if that’s Gibraltar’s ultimate
there is nessie 2:01
1:07 this chick only playing Easy difficulty… come back once you’ve beaten master then I’ll save up for ya.
Also just found this if you pause it exactly on my time stamp it’s like she’s got a screaming hamster face
Love It!!!
f in the chat for skull town
0:10 DOME MAX!!! DOME!
If we get a tv series with this animation, ILL WATCH IT
Everyone:OMG she destroyed skull town
Wattson:I don’t give a damn,I’m just here to see the drama,¿¡WhErE iS mY dRaMa >:U?!
All of these trailers so far are so fucking epic
Yo solo vine a ver el CULO de loba
The theme music though
Can you give crypto a heirloom and it’s just his drone
Season 4: loba’s mother hits revenent with p20 for 12 damage
Revenent :are you serious ?
Season 5: loba hits revenent with p20
Revenent :someone just kill me already I can’t take this family’s female hitting me with pistol
Como se llama la canción de fondo?🤔esta buenísima😃
Me: watch’s with headphones at max volume
The music: *I KNOW YOUR SECRETS!!!!!!!!*
My ears: hurt
“Come to kill me little girl?”-rev
“Some day but for now”-loba
“Because when you do I want to be there”-rev
“Wait what…?”-loba
Imagine rev dropping in the middle of a fight because the glass would have actually had broke when loba shot it
This is the best one so far I love how at the end everyone is there also THE MUSIC
I guess loba didn’t use hammerpoints
Nice content buddy 🙏👀
0:58 When I see a spider in the basement
Edit : Holy cow! Look at all dem likes! I’ve never gotten more than three likes
I haven’t played since season 0
Damn its already season 5?
What fortnite says to mine craft 1:00
I fell like Watson is that type of kid where they have the biggest brain in the world but they still play with soft toys and they need protection from elite fighters like wraith so that bad guys don’t come and use Watson for their own good.
I have a crypto melee idea it should be his drone it looks like a sword pls do this it will be cool and if u do give me credit firey_pumpkin is my name ok thanks
Caught in the middle of your web now your hands are red every word you said felt hollow all of the promises you made are dead and washed away the mirrors and smoke don’t change what I know
I know your secret
I know your lies
I see the darkness
Living inside
No where to run
No where to hide
Cause I know your secret
I know your lies
Lost in the monster you become
Now your on the run
Living life behind the shadows
Crossed with a target on your head
Now you’ve made your bed
Nothing left to say now
I know your secret
I know your lies
I see the darkness
Living inside
No where to run
No where to hide
Cause I know your secret
I know your lies
Watch this on 1.25 speed.
Bring back solo mode!
Who was she trying to shoot?
If those Stalkers were using season 1 R301s then loba wouldn’t stand a chance
2:04 where are Mirage and Pathfinder hahaha?
this song is so cool
How can I donate for Apex Legends?
In season 4 trailer . When revenant sees the computer it shows the picture of ash (0:9 sec ) … That might be the new legends in season 6 …. And when revenant scans loba it shows .. last seen on olympus(That the ash told about in the final quest)
Месть до добра не доведет.
All killas to the front line
I remember this on trending
At 2:12 it says last seen on Olympus , the new map apparently
Still can’t believe we’re friends now.
0:59 This scene is sponsored to you by Windex. So clear it looks like nothing is there
I feel like Loba is prettier in the videos than in the game
It’s hard to type when I got a glock to my head
I would wish for lobas braclet to be as fast as it is in trailer
Who’s here after finishing the quest
Loba reminds me of sombra from overwatch
We need a movie with everyone’s trailers
0:28 What a f**king throw like that flare sailed. She’s got one hell of an arm.
I guess Loba didn’t use hammerpoints when shooting at the glass
Put the Stalkers in the Quest missions. I’m sick of fighting literally every single Prowler on the planet every single mission
F in the chat for skulltown doe
:Loba: someday but for now😏
: revenant : try to kill me little girl
Why do Mirage and Caustic always gotta die holy shit
Just need when loba pings a p2020 revenant says “It didn’t help your mother so no thank you”
Wow. Thanks a lot apex. You know when you get pissed off cause some one steals your loot you rage quit, but apperently when you leave it “ruins there game” THANKS A FUCKING LOT
Loba💙is beautiful
Love apex
It’s soo sad
I have blocked more people playing Apex Legends than any other game in the history of Xbox Live!
Rule34 artists: *It’s free real estate.*
It’s her dad’s fault
Wait……that’s hacking she used her tactical twice in the span of 5 seconds 🤣🤣🤣🤣
1:01 shoulda had hammerpoint attached
Security b*tch
Wish her staff was a weapon in the game
” Demônio, go back to hell! “
Loba could’ve Respawned her parents but she destroyed the beacon 🤷♀️ 🤷♀️🤷♀️
Lobo threw two jump drives within the course of 2 seconds. Should probably bring the severs down for a week to fix it
WAIT.. Loba’s heirloom could be her staff😶
Use me as a like button if you want the l star put back in drops
1:52 could you imagine if loba died and we didn’t get a new legend
Why she a theif isnt she rich?
This game deserves more hype
Почините игру вы не исправляет ошибки я каждую неделю качаю ваши обновления бесполезные как и вы и ваша компания но эта ошибка не уходит
Someone knows the name of the song???😭😭
What the actual hell is Loba gonna do against revenant?
Respawn good job that looks like boarder lands graphicz
it’s more than just a game now
Look I love fortnite but damn these guys know how to make a trailer
They need to buff Loba
Revenant: “Come to kill me little girl?”
Loba: “Someday but for now…”
**Proceeds to shoot Revenant in the head**
Doesn’t anyone not notice the fact the factory with a bunch of defendants how long has it been there for and how did it get their
Who saw wattson sitting down on the rock and shaking her legs
This still makes me shiver in how f*cking awesome this is. Best thing you have ever posted my guys
El video estava m me encanta el video
So its Loba’s fault we lost skull town…
1:01 “You can’t just shoot a hole into the surface of my head”
I fuckin realized that wattson has literal ADHD but can literally hyper focus afterwards and she doesn’t do well with understanding ppl
Like Buff cryto
Man, imagine being that robot you about to get your gun boom it teleports to your enemy and it fucking kills you with it
Like reverent
Coment: loba
Whoo! Damn, glad I get to fight with her am I right. 😉
Love this vid
Fortnite copied apex legends so bad!
I miss season 4
The music is good
What If We Got A Spectre Character
Ahahahahaha!! You couldnt keep the 45 min penalty for game abandonment up huh you guys are weak so ranked doesn’t mean anything thwre are hardly any consequences for leaving i dont want weak developers
Its sombra from overwatch she said
She really rocking that p2020 without a hammer point
When u play as loba and press ok on a mark by revenant she says angrily fine
And she doesn’t thank or welcome him
A little girl turned to a thief that a lot simp for wow that’s a gamer moment
loba it’s not hard to kill spectres just double jump behind them and use your data knife and hack every single one of them(requires being a pilot)
By far the worst season trailer in my opinion
Yeah fortnite is now trash I’m switching to get this I’ll play fortnite only with my friend’s sometimes but this is better
Lo sabia sabia jaja ahora cobrara benganza
I- HOW ARE THESE TRAILERS SO WELL ANIMATED? My god it must take forever to make these
i wanna see season 6 trailer just to see mirage flirting with loba
What did loba type???
Im sed with loba dad end mum
Like team revenant coment team loba
2:02 épica escena con todas las leyendas🤩🤩
It’s Lobas fault she shot revenants head with a P2020
Whybb b is this song so good
Why is it so hard to get xp even if you done a challenge
I guess loba’s heirloom could be her own staff
Bring apex to switch please it is so much fun
I like how no one is talking about the stalkers like wtf
Let’s be honest… we are all here for the THICC lady and comments 😏
Who else is maining Loba?😈👀
I thought they killed off loba just like forge and some random character would be the new legend instead😂
Revenant Come To Kill Me Little Girl 2:08
At the end I think that’s what will happen at the end of the questline
They all stab her in the back bc she a bitch getting everyone killed
I would love some support on my YouTube channel 🙏🏼. Apex and fortnite 💯
My God this was only a month ago
were the robots stalkers and spectres from titanfall
Bruh you have one of the most talented composers ever, why tf do these lyricized songs need to be used
la venganza
Make a new legends pls
how do they do the minimized screen on the video
I bet revenent didnt want to be like that
Doooooooooyyy Buenardddoooooooooo
Literally just sombra and genji put togeather
Whats with Titanfall 3?
I always love the trailers they are AMAZING
Is it me or did I just hear her scream like when she was little 1:52
why does everyone call Loba thick!? Very VERY VERY, strange
Good friend of mine! He´s absolutly good!! https://youtu.be/3_QK8vKmTTY
Rev: come to kill me little girl?
Loba: someday.but for now..
*Deal 11dmg with the p2020 then being punching to dead by rev*
Rev: ah just like your mother no hammer point
nice thicc
She didn’t kill Stalker on 1 hit impossible!
apex legend february 2019 pls
Please more caustic kind sir
Just a reminder that shot actually destroyed that revenant body he just keep coming back in different bodies
Guys I think she’s Latina
Who else wants the robot guards to be a pathfinder skin
Can south africa get a server?
Fortnite is better
No legends have the bombs at the start. Maybe this could be a tactical for a new legend as it’s 5 bombs and that’s not too op
We need Loba’s staff as a heriloom
1:30 The song: nowhere to run, Nowhere to hide. Only legends will remember this
So THICC and soooooi stupid
Apex I hot heirloom shards but it never gave them to me it’s been two days I’ve tried restarting my xbox and the game and nothing worked. Anything you guys can do?
Can they just make a tv show or movie already
This has to be the worst season. Its trash though the only saving grace is Loba.
Bring back to old Peacekeepers
Vine de parte de Epic Games,
¿que te gusta más?
Comenta=Apex Legends Season 5
Damn, spectres, in Apex? Almost makes you think they didn’t forget about Titanfall
0:58 quando ha parlato italiano ho sborrato
Revaneant: come to kill me little girl?
Loba:Someday but for now. No reg
So is that head she shoots the source code?
Can buff wraith to make her phase longer
Vaya culazo tiene ahora
Can we pls get cross play
Only thing I don’t like about this is how she used her ring every 5 seconds but in game you have to wait years
wenn ein entwickler noch nicht einmal merkt das seine waffen broken sind – siehe mastiff – die erste waffe die aktuell wohl auch um die ecke schießen kann … dann weiß ich auch nicht mehr weiter. wie schon gesagt, hauptsache der skin-shop läuft wie geschmiert. was kommt mit season 6 … ne waffe die durch wände schießen kann ? so lächerlich das game. echt
Hi just a little recommendation for season 6 the new legend should be jack cooper from the titanfall 2 campaign, his tactical should be a cloak so he turns invisible his ultimate should be his titan crushing the opponents and his passive is double jump. This is just a recommendation but if you add this to the game in season 6 I would be so happy
take down that black lives matter banner, I am very offended buy it! all lives matter.
Cross play?
Hi, I don’t know if you’ll notice this but I hope you make a mobile version for this game. I may not know how difficult it is to make a game like this in mobile but I’m sure that those people who don’t have the luxury to buy computers just to play this game would love to have a mobile version of this one. I watched this game many times in Shroud’s account and I freaking love it! I hope you’ll make it happen. Thank you😊
Loba : someday but for now..
Mean while octane searching for a weapon
Octane : Mozambique here
Titanfall Spectre’s 1:12
I haré penalti in ranked
She got pay back
anyone else noticed how slim and small that shield around pathfinder was? that couldn’t have been gibraltar shield.
“Demonio, go back to hell!!”
4 sec later: *MISSION FAILED*
Just fill in the blanks
Make a REAL movie your trailers are already amazing
Am I the only one who rewatched this a million times just to hear loba say “Demonio, go back to hell!” Yes? okay..
They should do a film abut her .. she has one of the interesting story like wraith 🔥
Loba and her family seem to really like P2020’s…
people that said dislike thought it said dis I like or they are Karens
Season 5 rules: you die you quit
Really wasn’t necessary
And the fucking cringey basic music choice for this trailer was just awful
Why didn’t the announcer say”we have a new kill leader”
Hey apex i spent money on the game 20 dollars but when i got to the game it didnt giveme my cois my account name is kylltank btw
Season 5 where mirage is fucking obliterated by a bomb
Path is useless fix it duude
Wtf are u doing? The havoc still broken
El video me encanta donde venden la pelicula de la lova
Everyone came for the song.. I’m too late to say this lol
Idea for a new game mode .
No recoil. Remove all barrel mods and all recoil from all guns.
Ngl apex picks the best songs for there trailers
I’m embarrassed with how easily those stalkers died kinda wrecks the continuity of the tf universe.
1:12 poor m.r.v.n he lost his gun
Porfi una colombiana xdd
Anyone else here from titanfall?
I’m tellin’ ya this REALLY needs to be its own animated streaming mini series! 😩💯
200 IQ story :O
I play apex its fu
El video estava mui duenode la loda 😜😜
Estuvo dueno el video. De la loda me gusta las avilidadesde la loda
Anyone notice that crypto is not in this trailer I wonder why
Apex in mobile plz
Everone there i cant whit to win loba i want revenge
Guys, can I use this trailer on my stream? Is there copyright for the song?
Me: I Need A Weapon.!
Teammate: Mozambique Here
Can apex add the option to play keyboard and mouse on console plz
A 14 yr old girl sang this song wow
Music pls
all she had to do was recover her parents banners
Respawn, season 5 is one of the best updates ever! But please fix server issues in Asia. Gotta give credit to the team that fixes most bugs in season 4 tho! Keep up the good work!
Fun fact: when loba is using her alt all the loot available floats in the air.
So maybe you could use that to your advantage to know if a teams near you.
mirage: game over tin can
pathfinder: stay right there…….perfect!
not surprised loba’s thicc she seems latin
I’m crying for the heirloom plz gimme the heirloom plz I’m depressed
This is a pretty late comment, but I need to say this. Did anybody notice that Revenant’s bodies didn’t have his scarf on them? I think that his scarf is something really precious to him, because he always wears it.
Next saison mouse and keybord on xbox and ps4 i swear to delete call of duty warzone like if you white me ✨💎💎👑👑💎💎✨
Can you make the peacekeeper a regular weapon pls
How many Nessys do you found? I found 2
Where can i get the full version of this song
Loba: someday, but for now
13 damage
It has a little bit better f blood and violence but not a lot
This also in the beginning says blood 🩸 and violence even though this is one of the trailers with out blood and violence
This is a great 👍 trailer
Love it
Always kill the kids they will come back for revenge. Kill the whole squad never let one escape….
The stalkers were trying to get some cheeks but can u blame them
u should add gifting to apex
The music is fire
I’ve never been more disgusted than when I logged in today and had to look at a pro black lives matter bullshit on the login.
I think origin should be ashamed of themselves
Si hablan español si no coman vaca
Alguien sabe cómo se llama la canción plis
Anyone else feel like “She-wolf” by David Guetta would fit decently well with parts of this trailer?
i love how when loba and revenant are on the same squad loba will always tell him to shut up
The next Legend should be Jack cooper
Wish there was a series of this and see how loba gets revenge and everything
The 8.1k dislikes are all the 9 year olds that play fortnite
And please load language from LATINOAMÉRICA.
Loba falls comes back some how you got bambloozled
When you put it on full volume with headphones, it sounds like a movie theater
I love that how all legends showed up around Loba after the blast makes me love every single one of the legends even more
Fortnite got nothin on this
Update pls Apex legend? and you get a end for game? im so fun to play Apex legend? update next season6 is get play to much player
Loba:waks in the apex games
Mirage:bam their goes a thicc ass?
octane:umm can i have that ass for 1 secont
lifeline:just looking at loba from a corner
watson: their y izz u morw thiccc than me
revenent :die
caustic:ummmm yea a new test subgect i can keep that ass now
Fun Fact: You could get into that place under skull town before the trailer came out.
Wow 🤩
Who wants a mirage story from the outlands (and a new hairloom)
How can a free game have such badass trailers?
Happen to get this as an ad enough that I had to stop by to leave a sad comment. Coming from titanfall 2’s excellent story and Ludonarrative dissonance to see someone portrayed as a badass to thinking they would be dead in the second they stood still.
Reavenet:come to kill me little girl
I think this cinematic was made well
Nice video
This gonna be sick 😎
i’m crying blood because i can’t play this game, but i love its characters so much
it’s so cool how loba is the little girl from season 4 like
that’s so awesome
Revenant: “Deathbox here. Might be your father’s.”
At that point, the team is no longer a team.
revenants punch should be his hand knife instead of a fist
I LOVED the music for the trailer.
Loba just casually runs in heels all the time without falling?
bullshit you can’t kill stalkers that fast, and they use l stars
Loba I just hacked into a massive facility that is Impossible to break into
Also loba I shoot hed
It just dawned on me that she snuck under King’s Canyon while a game was in progress and blew up Revenant’s respawn copies but failed to actually kill the main Revenant hence why she’s surrounded by everyone at the end including him because she just permanently blew up part of the island which obviously interrupted the game. I’d really like to know if all the humans have similar respawn copies because that’s the only thing that makes sense as to why they have lives outside the arena.
Instead of making feminist and lesbian characters why not make feminine and beautiful charcters like Loba that every guy adores
That’s what you get for having a flashback in the middle of an important moment
Who is he? 0:53
i literally cannot stop watching this omg its so good
1:12 Loba finally knows that not to use P2020 without a hammerpoint anymore or else she will end like her mother.
Also has nobody pointed out the nukes and the silos⁉️
Im love Loba
Mirage: Game over tin can
Pathfinder: I have 20K kills and I’m carrying you, you just want me dead because of my golden knockdown shield don’t you?!
0:07 game over tin can love roger Craig Smith kind miss him as sonic the hedgehog
Sombras cousin is hot
Rip wattson she died 1 like 1 prayer
Who loves revenant from the seeing but hate him while he kills lobas family MEEEE
Wow amazing trailer is cool
I hate it how Loba took out all those stalkers like it was nothing, those things are meant to kill pilots and sometimes Titans.
Lobas mum shoots at revenant with a p2020gets scratched loba uses p2020 revenant dies
Return skull town
Can you bring back scull town
I know apex won’t see or reply to this but. , please add cross plat. It’s so annoying cause out of all my friends I am the only one who plays on PC. And it’s REALLY annoying when they make me go on PS4
Demonio 🤣🤣🤣
Change it from Rotating maps to Map Selection. I like worlds edge better but its kings canyon more
Epic game thinking they makes
good cinamatics
Reaspawn hold ma bear
The music for the trailer is sick keep it up 🙂
Love how Wattson is swinging her feet at the end, she is soooo adorable!
1:51 Isn’t this her scream from the season 4 trailer where she shouts:MAMA!
0:50 every leaker
What the title of music?
10 million views?? where are these players, im always matched against the same 60 people
This isn’t your first time watching this
Why is Mirage is always the one getting bamboozled
They should make a anime of this game. It would be lit asf
Revenant: *kills loba* squad wipe
Revenant: There more loba’s as everyone has her now!!!
today I installed apex legends in ps4
Ngl Loba is lowkey kinda useless the only thing she has is thickness.
Play the video in 0,25 speed and pause at 1:20. Look at the stairs… is this Bloodhound? I am confused af… o.O
I bet most of you started since season 3 and you guys are truly not a og and you guys are part of the sludge bruh I’m an og
I want a line for when loba kills revanent
The music in This game is OP. I love Apex. You?
Omg guys look at suasion
Чёт чухня, лол красивее ролики делает.
Apex is dead
The trailer is sick
Buff path pls
Wait is that the girl from last trailer
Hey, friends of EA and Respawn, I’ve been an Apex Legends player since its release. I have a YouTube channel TODAY directed to the game. I would like to have my profile (maicomshackur) on the PS4 platform, so I can organize private matches …as well as make tournaments online and private and broadcast Please give me that approval. maicon
Said we would get a character and weapon each season. You advertised that since launch. Plenty of room in loot pool for one. Disappointed
No one;
Not even a single soul ;
Mirage; *B A M B O O Z L E*
I think its the best and most epic cinematic trailer ever made
Cool starting
Dude we need a tv show based on this no cap
Bring back my god damn hop up for alternator.
I want a voice line when loba kills someone the voice line says your access just got denied
Apex sucks but this just made the game a whole lot better 😁
Bruh why was she screaming while she was falling there’s no fall damage 🤷😂
Dang I just realized that loba was the daughter… don’t call me slow I don’t play apex
Everybody Gangsta until loba kills revenant
Song: “ I know your Secrets”
What’s the song?
And Will there be a season 6
Will there be a season 6 trailer
If you didn’t know demonio means demon
So Loba is saying: “Demon, GO BACK TO HELL!”
I miss skulltown
Bring apex solos
Apex do u plan on bringing the voidwalker skin back to apex
Watson so cute
this is viewed from kim kardashian
What was the other song that they played with this as an ad
Apex where is crossplay
She fuckin blew up skull town 😭😭😭
After watching this trailer like 100 actual times, my brain finally connected that in the first few seconds of this trailer that Mirage(considered to be the worst legend since S1) BASICALLY BEATS Pathfinder (considered to be the best legend since S1)… explaining the ridiculous recharge time for the grapple and the overpowered buff for mirage… man am I slow 🤣😭
The 2 most badass Alex characters hate each other lmao
I got chills for this one lol
it would be great if revenant told loba: this is not the time to visit your parents (when to relive it)
Bro Alex is better th an fortnite
first i was a fortnite fan but not anymore i am playing ur game now yay
I am trying to find this rap song that was used in Apex Legends S 5.
I have watched this 50 times it’s so good
daimoniooooo !!!
Can you please fix the ps4 bug bc when you use wraiths tactical she goes too slow i tried playing apex also on pc and its faster so please fix it
Loba, She’s incredible
Apex how the fuck do you always pick such bops?
where’s the nf version at even tho i ain’t an apex player
*loba finishing reveanet* *comes back with his unlimited bodies*loba: b**** how dare you still live!?
Fixed the god damn servers. Shit is getting annoying.
These trailers are SERIOUSLY fucking Epic. I would oay a full 60 dollars for a story campaign for each of the legends. Respawn.. Please please PLEASE
My fucking GOD this was so good!
Is the titans ever going to be coming in? Or stela’s this a new titanfall game?
The loading screens make this a funny trailer, since they reveal that right after the end Bangalore bodied Loba.
They should add a campaign about loba and remanent
Man, I never was able to get into Apex bc I only play what my friends play, but these beautiful trailers make me come back
I like how the girl from season 4 is the main character for season 5
The best trailer
I just got loba and she is a beast
Who tryna play on the Soulja Boy console?
I’m rooting for Revenant. I don’t know why.
BRuH this game needs a campaign!!!!
This trailer is so good I love it
Apex legends i hope ur game does not die like fortnite because i love apex
*thats the same girl from the revenant trailer*
*why am I just realizing this*
The menacing rotation shot of the other legends leading up to Revenant is *chef’s kiss*
Grade A characterization!
Epic games: make a boring little cinematic
It’s cringey when the Apex Legends Ads have music that they didn’t make like NF’s Songs
I cant see wraith in the last 2 or 3 trailers wraith is very funny with mirage and she is a main character
Seeing Loba rip through squads of IMC Stalkers makes me miss Titanfall… Free the frontier!
Good player😁 forever👍 Apex legends😁 😎
these are so good
you need to make a move
Do you guys think 0:03 is the reason why Pathfinders grapple got nerfed🤔🤔🤔
They nerfing all the best guns this game is starting to become trash
The servers connection doesn’t work every once in awhile it’s making me not want to play this shit anymore
Estás si son trailers no como
Fornite y su ollo negro de su mamá
Is no one gonna talk about the stalkers?
It’s amazing how she commited the SAME MISTAKE OF HER MOTHER: a fucking P-2020
what dat music fye
This is the first thing of season 5 I’ve seen it looks amazing !! Well done apex
THis is such a good trailer!!!!
I dont play apex but i love these launch trailers
she would be better as a legend if she actually used the damn staff as her melee or atleast have it as an heirloom
When I saw that commercial at 1:18 I thought that was Spiderman into the spider verse the 2nd movie
ima start playing apex legends cause of the lo a skin that Assssss danmmmmmmm T H I C C C
Crossplay pc and consolas ?
Hola quiero reportar un error en el juego me echa de las partidas a cada rato y después me pone penalizacion es una mierda >:(
Así no puedo disfrutar del juego y todavía antes me echaba del cada 4 partidas
Yo juego desde Ps4
Fix the audio in this game it sucks and it’s getting old! Nobody has a fun time playing a game that’s broken when you can’t hear crap. I spend a lot of money when I shouldn’t because you guys are greedy af and take more than you should!
2:04. Artur kinda just teleports to bloodhounds wrist
I wish vehicles to drive was in apex legend season 6 and i will be happy
People hating this trailer just go away
tbh if i was in that situation i would of died
Game over, tin can 🤣 poor Pathy
Apex pls make a mobile verson for apple
Cool season, nerf the mastiff
Loba : “Go BaCk To HeLlll”
Robot : “YoU pIcK tHe WrOnG hOuSe FoOl”
0:23 music name ?
As you can see pathfinder can’t bear with the new nerf
This season sucks… sadly
ok everything is cool but we aint gonna talk about the music they used? its fire
Hello like just a thought yall make a character with a passive ability to wall run 😅
..I was thinking that character can be a ninja so his unlimite will me the same as mirage except the clones you could replace it with a cloud of smoke and this tactical could be a throwing knife that reveals the attached enemy’s location for a while
1:09 I haven’t seen these things in a long time
What is the title of this song?
I love apex legends
Fix the servers
She was legit leaked in the season 4 trailer
Damn she’s thicc
Apex has an actual story line while fornite….ermmmm
A jogabilidade está boa, jogo você não pode da 1 tiro q aparece 3 ou 4 esquadrão
What’s even more badass about Loba?
She does this shit in SIX INCH HEELS
Fortnite better
I love the trailer, but I don’t think that anything can top season 3’s trailer for me.
Literally I don’t care at all, now stop spamming this ad, it’s the only ad I see which is worse than some weird free Robux generator *REAL* (not real).
hope my songs gets good enough to be used in trailers like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xtWeXcqCMw
If your loba and your teammate is Revanant when she interacts with your teammates revanant she acts aggressive towards him than other legends
Loba: Demonio, Go back to hell!
Ngl Loba lookin kinda T H I C C
I’m so excited for season 6 who with me
she is literally just sombra from overwatch she even has a translocator thing
This shit give me chills I have never played this game omg 😍
2 player
😢😣 pliss
Loba is brazilian maaan she has a banner called carnaval with Brazil flags and a soccer banner with a brazilian player
I love her so much!!!!!!
She used her ability in under 20 seconds. Clearly cheating.
Imagine for a pve event the enemies were stalkers
Revenant:”Come to kill me little girl?”
Loba:”someday, but for now.”
Are solos gonna come back?I really liked solos
I love the trailer is even better then any fortnite trailer this trailer is AMAZING!! Keep it up… dont desapoint me
Apex should make a movie tbh
Ah i see they played the tits n ass card
Revenants head: goes to other planer
All revenants in the match: DISCONNECTED FROM SERVER. RETRY
I think how cryptos chin is a robot. reaveant as a human I think reaveant is crypto
No lie she looks like jennifer lopez tbh.
Also the revenant robot at 0:39 has the same face of that one transformer in dark of the moon.
Apex sucks Fortnite is better
Don’t waste your time. It’s filled with cheaters now.
She so thick I can’t stop playing here and if any I know picks loba with me In the lobby I get mad
Why loba isn’t using her jumpkit especially 1:31 She should’ve just wall run or glide https://youtu.be/sytzDXqMvBw
Yea, Loba super thicc! All that dunk in the trunk! 😍🤤 #SexyLoba
Are y’all working on a titanfall 3?
She’s like widowmaker 🥴😫
BloodHound though…. Badass as always, looking like a boss.
Of course they got political 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
Wattson is just too cute kicking her legs sitting there 😌
Quando vai lançar o modo scad
Loba: I’m being shot at!
Revenant: here’s cover
*drops Loba’s parents *
Pls add cross play
If a trained pilot can barely kill a stalker with a whole magazine how u expect me to believe loba deleted 3 with a stick
Reported for teaming
Y is every one like oh she thiccccccccccccccc I mean yea but it’s annoying stfu
everyone: haha lobas thicc
me: wattson is adorable kicking her legs while she sits
is it just me or did i want that glass to break and actually see revenant die
Epic 🥺😭
I wish the extreme measures is back 😢
everyone is talking about how thicc is she or throwing a joke of revenant saying you come to kill me little girl, but no one is talking about how epic is this cinematic, i really love it!
geez she forgot to get hamorpoint for her P2020
So god
Me: Seeing the new legend (😳) Also me: Straight away buys new legend (Loba) then in game seeing how bad ass she is !
You know you suck if you have to use a sniper
Ma Ahad hp
Wht is she sombra lol
hello. Affan
Loba should really have a movie.
Just me???
So basically, she’s sombra from overwatch, but instead of hacks she upgrades her teleports to use it on guns as well? question mark?
Yup, she’s the better Sombra.
Every time a new season comes this is one of the most things im excited for is the launch trailers they are so interesting and fun to watch
You think with that thick ass if hers she could have bring a bigger weapon/gear to shoot though revenant’s bullet proof glass right?
I need link sing apex
anyone else notice that when you thank a player that is revenant she’s like ‘im not thanking you demon” or something like that, i think its a nice touch
wow this is amazing!
Im in love with loba
Revenant: “Death box here, might be your father’s.”
0:07 : the majority of the patch note is just htis.
Welcome to Season5
Dear “Loba is THICC” people,
The devs mentioned that the other female characters in the game are not overly sexualised *cough* Overwatch *cough* , and that they purposefully made Loba “more appealing” to fit into her character of a deceitful theif.
Who tf was the brain in the jar?
And why so many revenant?
Yo creo que ya deberian arreglar los errores que hay en juego escuchar mas a la comunidad en vez de estarle pagando a strimers para que jueguen su juego no me mal entiensan a mi me gusta apex pero estan perdiendo jugadores por los errores del juego YA ARREGLENLOOOOO
intersting how apex wanted to play the modern mind set card with the non binary thing, but then they screwed up making the tech guy an asian and the criminal a latino character
I hate your game it is to hard and can’t understand you can’t do skilled matchmaking bitches.
Ranked became shitty so much that people just don’t care to quit in ranked
We want the peacekeeper back!!!
Music: I know your secrets Loba: nah bro
Srajwowanie kurwa
Song Name
Trash game along with ea being complete trash. Pay to win and bs like that is why gaming is dying. Trash competitive bs with people who spend their lives on this games. Your all trash. You make the game suck worse than even fortnite. Which I hate with a passion. Fuck apex and ea and respawns greedy bs
Am I good at this game?? Be brutally honest
Why change something that’s not a problem??? Been playing for almost 2 years now and you change how I LOOT?? Why??
Is it me or I predicted this character?
I remember in the Season 5 trailer, I posted a comment saying “What if she’s the next legend?”
the game may not be very good, but the trailers that Respawn makes are very amazing
I meant respawn not red pawn
Red pawn if your reading this can you plz make an event where if you complete challenges you get heirloom shards
I thought that when loba shot the glass revenant opens his eyes looks at loba grins activates the revenant units and gets teleported to safety
I haven’t played Apex Legends since season 3 and I just got it again bcuz of Loba and I love her ❤️
Does that mean that my family from the future will be dead?
I don’t speak Portuguese
I have to say it “SHE GREW UP” damn 🔥
who came here from all the ads
Is it reqiem
10 mio in 2 weeks (death Game)
Uhhhm… can loba kill revenant, even if he’s on you’re team?
My question is how can she run so good in heels?
It’s literally sombra 2.0
Najlepsza piosenka na świecie
Wow. I’ve only just come across this. From a GMV elsewhere. What a short. I’d watch this movie. If it were a movie..
This is epic
its very very cool
Ho is Pathfinder creator?
She is using ender pearls
Am I the only one wondering how she could take on a whole group of stalkers with ease?
I met APEX
Aslo I like the song Alex keep it up
K o
When will the Apex Legends Mobile game be released?
Apex looks like if Borderlands had a Battle Royale game because of the Cel-Shaded art, weapons, and desert settings. Kinda want to play, but its not on chromebook…
#Tommee Profitt
I know your secrets
Bruh did anyone notice Gibby, Lifeline, and Crypto are all missing
Give her witch skin with a broomstick
They should make a heirloom for her and it would be the staff
Your game so bad always error after update to s5 now I will stop play this forever bad game
Wait does titan fall and apex co exist in the same world because those robots she was fighting are from that game
That wattson at 2:04 is cute asf
Revenant: I’ve killed the girls family what’s the worst that could happen?
The trailer is accurate they killed pathfinder
How is this trash game still alive…
Lol I’m watching this on my toilet
just have to say i love the revenant and loba voice lines
I think i saw a no reg when Loba was shooting 😏
When you order Sombra on wish
In season six can you please add jump kits that you are able to get from chests and the max level of jump kits would be purple
Definetly buying here
Great another game turns into fascist asswiper
Kinda hard not to notice the southern robot after the Hispanic hero ……
No ones gonna talk about how she teared through the robots. I’ve fought them in titanfall and they don’t go down that easily
worst trailer in the universe
What a good legs she has!!
Loba: You took everthing from me!
Revenant: I don’t even know who you are
Loba: 🍑👀
fun fact… loba with an A ( laba) means in romanian masturbating 🤣🤣… wtf…
The song in the background is, I know your secrets from Tommee Profitt and Liv Ash
Revenant should have a voice line saying
“who you trying to impress your father?”
Guys im thinking of starting playin this game should i?
Is this Loba from revenant trailer?
I know this isn’t really important, but Respawn freaking made her drop the gun as it probably ran out of ammo. Like SO MUCH ATTENTION TO DETAIL!
So many people are like what are those robot things, for those people they are called stalkers. A more advanced version of the spectres for the titanfall timeline
How is this not a movie lol
wow it’s thicc sombra
It’s cool to see the stalkers making a return in a respawn game
Apex legends: like 😉
Fortnite: Comment 😒
0:53 “The Man Behind the Slaughter”
four words. overwatch, sombra and bastion.
Fortnite still better
Can i just say that loba has a sick backstory but why the thiccc?
*I will watch this over and over again*
the apex legends storyline is so fleshed out they could literally make a a tv series out of it
They had a story for Watson,revenant,and Loba. But in season 1 octane didn’t get one.
I know your secrets. 0:25
No wonder she couldn’t kill the simulacrum. The p2020 can’t even crack a white shield
It gives chills to see that little girl turned into this fighter
and too beautiful
e troppo bello
0:03 how pathfinder feels after the S5 update
So basically she uses ender pearls
Not to brag but I’ve seen her as a kid
1:10 shit no, they take so much damage? Why when I’m playing titan fall 2 and it’s around half a mag for each until you hit they’re heads. She’s mowing them down with like two bullets each? Like what happened to titanfalls Stalkers? Those guys tanked bullets like a lad!
good music
Come to kill me little girl?
Some day, but for now… I’m stuck in quarantine.
Buff pathfinder
There should be a rule that a squad can’t have a revenant and a loba together in the same squad
I’ve been scrolling through these comments for a sec and I’m kinda surprised that no one is making any obvious Sombra comparasons. Gotta say, kinda proud
We got the Mexican 🇲🇽,
We got the French 🇫🇷,
We got the Korean 🇰🇷,
We got the Robotic 🤖,
We got the Brazilian 🇧🇷.
Now all we want is the Italian 🇮🇹.
Use this song on next season trailer please!! On The Rise
by Generdyn, BELLSAINT
– –
Используйте этот трек в трейлере 6 сезона!! Будет круто! On The Rise
– Generdyn, BELLSAINT
p.s. Поддержите лайком ребят если вам трек зашел так же как и мне, и вы уже видите его в трейлере 😉
All I’m saying is to have a reprogrammed Spector (if that’s their name) as a legend, be the coolest and easiest due to having tf2 models and using all the diff models as skins
Loba vs. I forgot, make them jojo POSE.
Lifeline isnt in the trailer either
The ending remind me of Mortal Kombat annihilation
Ya no juego por que cada ves que quiero entrar a una partida los servidores caen en ves de sacar nuevo contenido mejoren los servidores por que es molesto
If u let keyboard and mouse on ps4 for this game I will download it again and play it all the time like I use to on ps4 plz add keyboard and mouse
oh mami can we get a human skin for rev
U should add gifting in the game
The Music: I Know Your Secret
any one else come here just to hear NF- The Search?
Give me back my peacekeeper
Being this to stadia please
Dear Apex I have a suggestion that I think many other people have asked too and that is to have keyboard and mouse be able to be played with on console and my reasoning for this is that 1. For people who are used to playing on keyboard and mouse who have friends on ps4 or other consoles can still enjoy the game as much as others do 2.People who have not played with a keyboard and mouse can have a new experience 3.It could be beneficial to your game and possibly entire company cause people may want to play it but only has a console and a keyboard and mouse so they can play on their keyboard which could lead to a massive amount of people to go to other similar games or even spinoffs so there for I think that in your next update you should add the ability to play on keyboard and mouse
Revinent:come to kill me little girl.
Loba:someday but for now
Proceeds to shoot Revinent
And Loba didn’t open up the glass also because … ?
Alguém sabe o nome dessa música
Wait there was plot? I only saw that dump truck
Name of song?
Wow why does fortnite look so different?
What’s the BG music?
Skull Town Nooooo😭😭😭😭 Its was my favorite place
Discount Somra
0:02 That’s how they announced the pathfinder nerf
Where is the patch that u fix the noregs??????
Fix pathfinder. Is unplayable.
Add crossplay
great game
She witnessed that a bullet does nothing to Revenant when her mother shot him, yet she thinks it’s a badass trailer ending to pop a single shot and call it a day
When mirage said “game over , tin can” i felt that
Come to kill me little girl?
Someday but for now, *PATHFINDER GETS NERFED*
Mirage is always the unlucky one,and he really missed the “Fortune’s Favor” this time.
If only she’d thrown her bracelet along with wherever the head was teleported
Is it me or Lobas dad comes from the meme “Thats how mafia works”
Wattson in the end part where all the legends appear she was straight up V I B I N
Wait so what skull did she try shooting at?? What was that? Is revenant just a bunch of people’s skulls or was that like his main one? I’m so confused
Anyone help?
Terminator Dark Fate the sequel
Wait wait wait.
Revenant’s core is in Hammond’s hands. He’s out of their control, slaughtering both randoms and their people. And they’re protecting him??? *Why?*
Apex legends for Nintendo switch please
Where’s Crypto? I see the other legends but not him.
How to destroy a great game? Tell EA, I’m deleting
She was a child only a few months ago, just fyi
Es realmente hermoso escuchar como ella dice Demonio go back to hell mas en español sin duda el español es lindo se lucen @EA @Apex
Sombra is that you?
The trailer directly leaked the pathfinder nerv.
okay so crypto was not there and mirage died and pathfinder is maybe still alive but what did revenant do to the other legends
I want a voic line that revenant says die die die 😂😂😂😂😂
Just want to coming to kill me little girl one day but for now
Loba gets knoked fisherd to death
Why don’t they just make a tv show or a movie out of this shit it would be a hit
What is the name from the music
This game needs better tick rate not thicc rate!
did anybody else realize the apex is like Titanfall 2 but in battle Royale same weapons
Apex pls explain why can’t play apex anymore bc it is not letting me to play Everytime I press on apex it says details
Comon apex make a movie ,,,those are such a great trailers
This song goes well with this trailer! And it’s on Spotify 🔥!
She’s giving me Sombra vibes
When I saw her beating but with that staff I said DAMM SHES GOOD
This cinematic is everything i want in video game lore. I love everything about Loba from the fact shes always had the desire to kill revenant after all these years. Its also great to see them tie up loose ends by showing that the man we initially saw in the revnent cinematic was the thing keeping the simulacrum program running and was the reason he did normal things like shaving(i think thats wht it was called in the s4 cinematic correct me if im wrong)The one thing that really tied the fight scene together for me was the fact that she had attached the wolf statue her father gave her to her staff i loved that little callback!! Shes such an awsome character. The icing on the cake was when revenant even REMEMBERED Loba at the end and he KNOWS she wants him dead. I havent played S5 yet but i rly hope respawn adds in some dialouge easter eggs whenever Loba and revenent interact in any way
Loba is so op
Not nearly as well done as last season’s imo. Kind of felt shallow but I guess this was made during quarantine…
Octane: u r thicker than I thought
I rezzed a Revenant playing as Loba and the dialogue went something like:
Loba: you’re only done when I say you are
Rev: you saved me? Careful girl, people will talk..
Man I love the new dialogue between characters. Also makes me love how much of an asshole Revenant is 😂
Fun fact:This isn’t your first time here.
Damm sombra. What got into her.
Last season she was like 8.
Song: I know your segret
Mirage: game over tin can
Also mirage: dies
Pathfinder: games over thanks for playing friend
It realised on my birthday ahhhh I’m so happy
i have played apex legends a very long time ago an i still dont played it yet but now im impressed they can build such betifaul trailers……. i go play it tomorrow it seems like a good game
Can we all take a second of silence for mirage dying in all the trailers
I can tell that the artists had a lot of fun making Loba
Mirage dies in all trailers
What’s music name
Petition for her heirloom to be her black market staff
(Wait, then what would she use when she Ults🤔🤔🤔🤔)
0:17 Music?
Apex devs in season 5: Game over tin can.
Damn I want an Apex Legends Movie or Series
Amazing video
Ха смишно ета дурочка убила робота
yoo, when all the characters showed up to welcome her.. revenant be the mad uncle
0:03 Oof Didn’t See The Nerfs Falling Down
1 like = one % revanent will die to loba
1:40 Did you noticed that she has the “Lux Itineris” of Noctis from Final Fantasy XV?
Hey you stole the reapers from titanfall 2 and the Mozambique
Dose anyone know the name of this song for this trailer I love this song and the trailer
What song is being played in the background
Loba trying to end revenants misery
Oh look its sombra’s sister
Thanks for the 37 gig update. My hotspot loves running at 500kb a second after it. 🙂
Its a mexican!
Developer: How thicc do you want Loba to be?
Respawn Entertainment: Yes
The fucking mastiff you can win against red evo even if you have grey its 5oo powerful nerf it
Yo, for who don’t now, the legends don’t die at all , they are teleported to their “social area” and go back to the battle in the next round or banner Respawn
She thick.
Am i the only one Who wants to know the Name of the Song😅
God dam shes megga thickkkkkk
revenent: come to kill me little girl?
loba: some day, but for now…
also loba: MoSaMbIqUe hErE
What’s the song for the trailer
ну и дерьмом же стал апех
Overwatch Sombra
Nice to see precision chokes everywhere really helpful for the one sniper that can support it
What is the music
You’d think their security robots would be more resistant to gunfire.
How many black guys play this game? And they still dont have one…they are scared of black men.
Day 3 of loba, got my 4k so happy
warzone is better
“Game over for you, tin can”, they warned us!
What’s the song name ?
Try doing events like fortnite has since it would work well
Loba should just use that pole to be a stripper
Jk lol
I could’ve sworn i called that little girl being a character 🤔
Revinenent is too badass.
How us Pathfinder mains feel rn. 0:04
Everyone scrolling through the comments Have you said your goodbyes
Game Over Tin can! , mirage knew about his nerf lol
Je suis en live Twich, rejoignez-moi : https://www.twitch.tv/Kiiilogang
What if apex make a Team Death Match mode. For those who wanted to rest for BR. 🤔
Pongan el modo sólo de nuevo por favor
Put the mode only again please
Say whatever you want about the game, you can’t deny, Apex NAIL their trailers EVERY time
Loba: Heavy Ammo Here
Revenant: I need it.GIVE IT TO ME
Also Revenant: I Don’t Need to thank you
Lona: The fu —
Well girl it’s not gonna be easy to kill revant
Symetra do be coming to apex though
This game still relevant?
Pls put Apex on switch
Cause I don’t want o play fornite
Do u think it is a new robot as is coming next? The robot from the cave the gray and black?
Buff pathfinder
Maaxxxxx domeee!!!!
Gonna kill me?
Someday yeah but not rn
*kills him*
Instead of continuing to release shitty seasons, because they better not put the fucking Crossplay, we have been waiting for it for 1 year
That was the little girl
Can’t remember Stalkers going down so easily and not shooting from 10-20 meters.
WOW EA didnt bamboozled us and actually put the little kid in the game unlike chapter 4
Now introducing the Enchanted Stick with Sharpness 1000.
Fortune Favors those who pay for the Season Pass
Best one yet
How can i get the NEW skin of wattson?, literaly I can’t get informativo about this
saca apex legends mobile
We’re did the thing she tried do destroy go? Leaked info about season 6?????
Damn Loba parkouring skills is on point! She parkoured in high heels
“Game over tin-can” Mirage was serious but nobody has taken it seriously until now.
Imagine apex legends on vr tho
Very sexy 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
R.I.P Pathfinder, you will always be remembered ❤❤❤
Demoniyo ka robota
Loba teleport but wraith can’t get a god damn ciga……. I mean Buff
I CALLED she was gonna be the next legend
Why respawn do you tease me with the stalkers
Guys in the broken ghost quest we will be returning to night time kings canyon to recover the many different pieces for the broken ghost which are scattered across the map you will get one part of the artifact each hunt this Kings canyon is the same Kings canyon where the Halloween event took place last time where their will be zombies prowlers and killer robots that will try to stop you from getting the parts of the broken ghost
Did your om tried shooting this guy? Do you want to be next?
alright just gonna say it.
she T H I C C man…
2:02 I love how all the legends are standing before her. They look badass🤯 (well almost all of them considering Tin can and Mirage got airstriked)
I love Loba,but I don’t like she taking her revenge.Cause I like Revenant
Apex new legend
Some random guy after 24hrs 24k kills !
I just wanna say how much I appreciate loba and revenants banter during the game. I got revived by a revenant and he started bragging about murdering my parents then rescuing me. Such a great detail lmao
Is anyone else noticing that it’s a Hispanic hacker girl that uses a triangular thing to teleport? THEY STOLE SOMBRA FROM FUCKING OVERWATCH!
Devem ter muita merda na cabeça pra por a bosta da Mastiff como loot comum (y)
Need more rule 34 thicc af lmao
Apex im telling you. You need to make a movie. Your trailers are SO KICK ASS and the storys are awesome once you hit like season 10 you should make a movie were all the characters fight each other or do it how ever you want but im telling you i would pay lots if money to see that movie and with your guys as skills it would be awesome.like comment if you agree WE NEED A MOVIE……..GREAT TRAILER.
Did u guys see the Easter egg that the did for max a zylbrad Dome max dome
loba’s ass is slowing her down
Just shoot her in her unarmored chest and head??? Seems like a huge weak spot to leave your vital organs exposed in battle
Comes equipped with ender pearls and an ender chest.
Yawwwnnnnnnn boring
demônio vai para o inferno
demon go to hell loba says it
Cuando nerfean a mi Path 🙁
New Fortnite Update?
song name plssss,, anyone
I’m sorry but Apex isn’t the best battle royale game it’s fortnight
Apex trash
2:04 Watson is broken
Guys look at minute 2:00 when she look around at the legends. Theres one at the back white “7” sign on its chest. Is that wraith or new legend we dont know yet?
Everybody else: cool trailer
Me and the boys: that Bish THICCCC 🤪
The name of the song?
Esta bien perro el trailer
I mean she kinda thick doe
Song from this Trailer ?
Who else noticed that loba is just the high tech woman version of Nathan drake from uncharted
She’s a theif like Nate, and she kills people in the process
And the fact that she travels around the world is very similar to how nathan drake goes around the world to find treasure
Oynamak için sabırsızlanıyorum
“I like her more better” 🤓
I want More of these and the music
Am I the only one that could watch an apex movie cause these trailers are fire
Brought back old memories when I saw the Stalkers
Season six should have ASSASSINATIONS!
The fucking stalkers are back from titanfall 2
anybody knows the name of that song
I like how they brought back the stalkers
and i love how freakin weak they are
now i get why mirage said “game over thin can” they nerfed so hard path 🙁
“Game over, tin can.” xD
Who is the Singer?
Loba literally has ender pearls
05.12.2020 is fifth of December. Why don’t you use normal international date format “12 MAY 2020”? Thank you!
Skull town more like skull drown Cos it’s falling in the water. I know I’m hilarious
That pathfinder is zylbrad screaming dome max dome
It is not 5.12.2020 it is 12.5.2020.
Me: hey team theres tons of enemies there lets wait My team the moment i say this: 0:59
Welcome to the new season which is really beautiful but a shame. How can such a player reach such a rank? How is it possible in the new season after 24H. Imagine how many games this infected man destroyed. You can make 100 seasons in vain if a fool comes and destroys your appetite for this game. Let’s say like him but thoughtful to those at the end as they are. Honestly, I need 2 magazines to break a shield and they put you down in a few bullets. Let’s be serious. Good luck but it’s a shame the game is beautiful. A video down to see.
why is this game so frickin shit for ps4
This is why apex is better then fortnite
Well you know I’ma get some LOBA on my ******
I like the song, but is better Im not afraid by tomme profitt <3
Titanfall 3 could’ve been cool
The song name?
WOW excited for season 5
I can’t even go to match in your latest update . It’s supper buggy right now . Plz fix it or tell me a way to play it . It has so much lag in the lobby and jump out of the game every time you try to play the game in match or even firing rang !!
Plz do something about it
I like how she’s literally using the weakest weapon in the entire game.
WoW Girl very Cute
I knew it loba is the guy revenant killed in season 4 daughter
I just realized that the dying Pathfinder crawling away from Mirage is a foreshadow of how Mirage has been buffed like crazy while they murdered Path with the nerf
Omg 9.4m views on this trailer already? This game popping off
Am i the only one wgo got the creeps in the last scene Xd love this game
you are dead
Mirage saying “game over tin can” to pathfinder is season 5 summed up
Song name?
This game is super underrated.
She is kinda thicc tho
Loba is one of my favourite characters
1:00 tesla armor glass demo
رائع وممتع
I like how in all games and movies
The bigger the breasts , the stronger they are
Brazilian legend, don’t speak Portuguese in game 🙁 sad but it’s awesome anyway…
Whats her @
¿Alguien sabe cómo se llama la canción!?
*Loba destroying skull town 2 fucking up a plan* Almost the whole apex team up the hill: ,,Who are you b?That was the love of kings canyon“
Demonio sono muy cagado
This video should be just everyone shooting, but no one takes any hits. #hitreg the real update with season 5
Who’s here in season 6.
Didn’t she see her mom try that? No bueno
Buff pathfinder from 20 seconds cool down
It’s no surprise
It’s weird seeing Revenant without his Bandana
Its a shame how they treat path-mains looking the first seconds. Idk if its a good thing to kill the most picked legend of the game only to make the new one shiny
Is that Sombra?
Aaa im freaking love loba
[Verse 1:]
Caught in the middle of your web
Now your hands are red
Every word you said feels hollow
All of the promises you’ve made
Are dead and washed away
Your smoke and mirrors won’t change what I know
I know your secrets
I know your lies
I see the darkness
Living inside
There’s nowhere to run to
Nowhere to hide
Cause I know your secrets
I know your lies
[Verse 2:]
Lost in the monster you’ve become
Now you’re on the run
Living life behind the shadows
Crossed with a target on your head
Now you’ve made your bed
Nothing left to say now
I know your secrets
I know your lies
I see the darkness
Living inside
There’s nowhere to run to
Nowhere to hide
Cause I know your secrets
Yeah I know your secrets
I know your secrets
I know your lies
(Nowhere to run to)
(Nowhere to hide)
(I know your secrets)
(I know your lies)
this is my favourite game
It’s a touch sensitive keyboard, but I swear I heard the sound of keycaps 0:47
Shes pretty epic but revenant would still destroy her in a 1v1 i rekon
Ya des francer
Simp simulator 2020
please make apex mobile
damn she thiccc
The realism of the beginning of the video to the season we got is accurate 👌
Please someone tell me !!! What song is thisss
what is the song tho
What is this song? It’s sick
No mames es la ñiña
i feel so bad she looked so sick but when i saw the trailer i felt bad she just wants revenge bc he killed her mom
2:05 Wattson looks comfortable
Whats the song?
Soooooo great to see stalkers again… I mean this IS in the titanfall universe
sikes moment was when she sees all the legends
So pretty much tracer
Dayum she is thicc
Wow they stole stalkers form titan fall
Wow good Loba thicc i love you Loba
thats cute
she feels like sombra
based off the trailer she is a copy of Sombra from overwatch
Finally some characters with the cheeks
What song?
Trailer: 1 week ago, over 9m views
This game won’t die anytime soon
Loba gets rekt by revenant in the game
Revant _
come for me little girl
Loba_ some day ….thats scary
Somebody know the name of the music in this ?
just sombra but with extra steps
Like si viniste x rubius
Song name?
So this is Sombra, from overwatch, nice rip off.
Revenant: “Come to kill me little girl”
Loba: “Someday but for n—“
Mirage: *”B A M B O O Z L E D”*
Did anyone else freeze it and see that revenants consciousness is being transferred to base site 819?
Best trailer????
Revenant noooo!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“Game Over Tin Can”
*Get’s Bombed*
So in theory here, that is Revenant’s real head and maybe it’s there because he still runs from it. So if this is true then wouldn’t it have been destroyed (or at least the connection being severed) when Skull Town blew up and sank. Then wouldn’t Revenant have of just kinda shut down?
That the music??
Dude season 4 was good but this is better
Finally another thicc character besides Gibraltar
it’s you apex no wry I’m crying !!! it’s you my fav game ever omg 😢
from this trailer we know one thing…
game over tincan..
That one guard who didn’t get a gun be like
Wait what so revenant can basically die again and again and again as long as his human head is unharmed?
She came for revenge of her family and on revenant
Mirage basically dies first in every trailer
Why is apex not on switch
U ni me
*I realize that the first part of the trailer represents Mirage getting the BUFF and Pathfinder getting the NERF.*
Come to kill me little girl?
Some day… But for now…
*proceeds to deal 11 damage and dies to a squad of like what 20 people*
Edit: I just realized that her makeup never changes
Did you guys know each time loba gets kill leader revenant responds saying “your kill leader loba? I have atleast 2 kills over you… Mommy and Daddy…”
Apex i cant install te season 5
Who know the name of the song? ajajajjaja
“Game over Tin Can”
You cannot tell me that this isn’t a metaphor.
Mirage is the devs and Mirage players after receiving this insane buff, looking down on Pathfinder mains after he got nerfed out of the game.
They didn’t add solos so they were like: Hey what do teenagers like? Big asses, big tits hell yea! That’ll distract them.
“Game over, tin can” be hittin differently now
Song ?!?!
who is that at 0:53
What is the song?
Buff Pathfinder Pls
what sound name?
please tell me😭
Mas é claro que tinha de ser meu nome né kkkkk
Thottius maximus
How far hav u gon with apex on mobile..I’ve been waiting since u said u working on it and I’ve missed out on alot
Me: *sees her falling in the fire*
Also me:don’t worry it happened to me because i needed to wait 29 sec to do it 🙁
0:05 Pathfinder after nerf. My poor little baby. 🙁
For anyone that wants to know if u have two people on the same team as revenant and loba. They have a short dialogue if u ping stuff and say thanks
travels with a throw-able teleporter
hacks a computer.
how did sombra make it into the apex?
100% game ruined by mastif. no point in picking up other guns. pick mastif and get close… easy
Name song pls
Nome canzone
what is here cooldown time on her tactical??
its literally sombra
that intro was a foreshadowing to path’s biggest nerf and mirage’s rework
Apex can i pls use the end clip for a intro pls read this message.
Now I understand the first seconds of the Trailer… its over with pathfinder.
Как музон называется?
Bruh when she stood up and all the other legends were standing there sent chills thru my body
What is the title of the soundtrack? It’s so good…
Track be banging tho
Imagine being those two squads and stopping the whole match just to see skulltown get destroyed. I like how they’re all just standing there to witness what happened
I want to know BGM, so plz tell me someone!!!!🙇♂️
I told my brother she was going to be a character
Pls fix pathfinder
Didn’t they trick revent to be a human now I feel bad for him
Can you not make loba thick as hell ever damn comment I see on an apex vid saying she’s thicc as hell
The Game is so nice thanks for the cool Game @Apex Legends 🔥
Please bring crossgame
Wow what an entertaining and amazing trailer the animators did fantastic it must of take so long they must be so proud of what they did
Dam did you see those thighs THICK
It’s over tin can cries in nerf
That trailer is op
0:05 this makes sense now why Path loose to Mirage
Stalkers were a pain in the ass in titanfall
*skulltown explodes* Look what they did to my boy….
The end where all the legends are around her reminds me of the second opening of season 3 for my hero academia
She’s the fr the 4th hokage
I finally know what’s opening mirage and pathfinder means
Love the easter egg in the beginning. If you’re a pathfinder main, you know 🙁
R.i.p my sweet boy. We had a good run… till next time partner.
Pathfinder in Season 5 after Grappling Hook’s cooldown increased: 0:04
Deleting this garbage game until they fix Pathfinder.
“Come here to kill me, little girl..?”
“Someday… But for now—“
*Deals 11 damage with P2020, to an EVO SHIELD, and then gets shot down by all 7 of those people.*
She is thicc
The need of pathfinder is massive you can’t even play right know with pathfinder I mean 35 seconds for the grapel to charge 😱😱 it’s a lot and that’s horrible
It’s not my birthday but thanks for the 🎂
only thing that’s CRACKED about loba
*t h i c c*
Loba got that dumptruck
I love how all the legends are standing there and revenant just has an awesome line
The new hero is Like sombra from Overwatch but with a better back story
Yo I might just start playing again, but seriously make a movie bruh
Where were these people during titanfall?
cool new character
But like, why does every piece of top secret information on this one planet.
Who here has forgotten that this is season 5
I really don’t like this patch so far and theyve just made Kings Canyon into a hot mess, Worlds Edge was pog as was S1 Kings Canyon
The first 8 seconds, very accurate
God damn she thicc af 🤤🤤
That beginning with mirage and pathfinder makes SO much more sense now😭
Nombre de la canción???
On season 6 we are getting a character that has the ability to invisible.
Name of song?
Tell me this isn’t sombra from overwatch
apex always make one hella good trailer. goosebumps
A better revenge story than the last of us 2
Season 5 still has NF in some of the ads. Still keeping the credit for him, who else?
Wraith voice actor: Talks about the game making their legends not oversexualised.
*MEANWHILE…In season 5…*
(btw this is a joke so if you dont want to get r/whooshed)
Crosss playyy ?
Actual footage of pathfinder crawling around nearly dead after exposure to Season 5 nerf
Ok, yeah, it’s a badass trailer, but how the fuck did all of those combat robots:
A: go down in one shot each
B: Not shoot her the moment they detected she had a gun.
This game is so underrated man.
Idk of anyone remembers the movie suicide squad but thats what apex kinda reminds me of 😅. The trailors are realllyyy good to
how a girl with such a nice derriere, move so good!
90 percent likes or from apex legends fans the 10 percent dislike are fornite players
So no ones gonna talk about it ?? Seriously nobody ? Maybe cuz I’m older but it was my nephew”s son who brought it up while we were playing just now ……”she has a big butt”
loba is amazing
whats the song name ??
Dont even play it but the trailers I cannot miss. To Much Epicness
She bad
The first 10 seconds is what pathfinder will be this season
The pathfinder nerf sucks yall should be ashamed at respawn
You know I don’t know why lobas so bad couldn’t she just get her mom and dad’s card and respawn them mean apex logic.
stalkers from titanfall 2? ummmm… Hell ya!
“Girl you’re thicker than a bowl of oatmeal!” 👈😎👈
Mirage was right, it is game over for PF
*pick rate drops heavily*
ok, lots of revenants
Bruh loba has an enderpearl
She got enderpearls
Bring back pathfinder.
Fix your company season five
I knew it, she would be the next
Big lie APEX only pro YT players can play first LOBA is fuxking 22:15 and I still can’t chose LOBA in loby jebac was kurwy
They seem to be better at making animations and stories than the actual game.
Man this game making my playstation act crazy I want my money back I spent almost 300 dollars on ur game and now its breaking my playstation
cuál es la canción del tráiler???
I see you’ve heard about me
Dummy thicc loba cobfirmed
J-LOba is in the place :p
Somebody know the name of the music?
This could be a movie trailer
Thank you for making the peacekeeper a care package weapon
Ngl those Stalkers would have beat her ass, there is no way that 2 shots and hitting them with a pole would take those things down. Those things were a struggle to kill as Pilots
,,come to kill me,little girl?“
,,someday,but for now…“
Let me get your birthday present“.
I miss Titanfall
So does anyone know where those robots were originally from or just me?
absolute W A G O N
Season 4: *Loba* escaped from the deadly *Revenant* who murdered her family.
Season 5: She’s back, All grown up, And seeks for Retribution
How will this personal rivalry go down?
They were trying to warn us. RIP Pathfinder.
No wonder, path is on the ground at the start of the video, they nerfed the fuck outa him
Revenent: “Come to kill me little girl?”
Loba: “Someday, but for now…”
**I need light ammo**
Edit: I MaY KnOw WhAt HeR hEiRlOoM iS gOnNa Be…..
What happen if Loba and revenant in a team.
Why did she say : Go to hell Demonio? Like… Who is that?
macro was right she became a legend
she reveng for his father
9 million views in a week, but “aPeX iS dEaD”
This trailer is damn good. At least they make an effort to make their new season starts interesting.
Well I’m gonna install this game again 😛
when did mirage die?
Apex Legends, more like Apex Bellends
I wonder what her heirloom is going to be 🤔
I knew the little girl was going to turn into a legend I love her already
What’s the point of this i mean i quit Fortnite and i played this when it first came out and i got bored instantly and now it’s just like boring and makes no sense
He can’t climb in the game but I was told this video that he climbed a whole skyscraper
They always have the best trailers lmao just make a full on movie
Dope music
Come to kill me little girl?
Someday, but for now…… Healing! Faster, Faster, Faster
Somebody know the music ?
We already know the heirloom
She’s looks garbage
imagine if loba and revenant team up to kill revenant’s AI
Gimme the song pls. Every single trailer has the best music ever
Bruhhhhh Pathfinder literaly a dead tincan now
This is tooday.
which song?
Sombra from overwatch looking kinda different
Пока круче трейлера к выходу сезона 3 не было, но этот тоже норм
can someone give me 20dollar giftcard so i can change my name, my ig is mdxcrz
1:51 I can hear her child self scream when her father sent her down the elevator. D:
Hello this Season 5 can‘t by me can you please help me
Hype lol
The is fire
4 minutes
Fun Fact: Tanjiro is inside the suit of bloodhound with his crow.
The robots are from titanfall
She’s the bad person sh emugged sonic
Just bring CROSSPLAY PLSS!!!
I knew it I predicted it
That was so epic😲😲😲
Mi actualización? Ya es 12 >:c
Can’t wait
Damn boi she THICC
May 12. -> i wait the season 5… 😀 where is ?????? update missing? or ? 😀
The 7.7k dislikes are from 9 year olds who play Fortnite
Am I the only one who think that her face looks so similar to Allison Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy?
It’s may 12 and there is no update when is season 5??
1:09 I hope this robots are a new skin for Pathfinder 👍
Revenant: Come to kill me little girl
Loba: someday but for now, need healing
Genji: that’s my line 🙁
*P 2 0 2 0*
Discount sombra
Apex: the game where time goes quicker than light speed, but only affects one person
wow she sucks, almost died like 5 times.
When you start the game with a Mozambique, and your friend pings a single light ammo gun…
Now the players of loot have their own skin 🙂
Still not gonna play it.
Petition to make the apex animation team to make a Netflix series.
Everyone talking bout loba and skull town n stuff but like anybody else wana know what was around pathfinder when the bombs fell also I think ik what it is so apex said all the recon characters are gonna be able to use survey beacons like bloodhound and crypto they will keep their pasived but gain that apparently but what if pathfinders new passive is the shield at the beginning of the trailer tho :O
Loba : “P2020 here”
Revenant : “didnt help your mother. keep it.”
Loba is the sombra of apex legends
I couldn’t help but notice them cheeks 👀
Now ik why Apex is better than Fortnite because it swears, good effort, a good cinematic and a good story line
This gets better every season
Crossplay ????????
Why is no one talking about the music?!
Only titanfall players rember what those robots are
I feel like its little bit weird to say thicc to Loba because like just 3-4 months ago we saw her so little like 9 yrs old, i dont know why but for me its little bit weird to say thicc to her xd
Did anyone else see the season 5 trailer and know the knew the new character was the little girl in the season 4 trailer.
They call me captain ovious.
I heard Loba said badword at 1:02
Can we just get a damn movie already 🤦🏻♂️
SO HYPED ITS TODAY. Love you apex legends keep up the great work. Love you. People who love apex legends👉🏻
This game is bullshit, so many cheater in game!
What’s next, a character that can take away your guns just from a 3 second look. Ain’t gonna lie, that would be very cool and useful.
Oh no a character with a data stealing staff, we already have warframe we don’t need another.
This game has downgraded every season
What the name music?
I wonder i revenant and loba have a special voice line after they execute each other like
Revanent: Target killed
Loba: That was for my parents
Mirage:calls path a tin can
Path: mirage is my best friend
Quien mas sedio cuenta que la pistola que dispara al final no aparece en apex legend
there better be a legendary octane skin on this season pass
I like the song
Everyone’s gangster till the air strike drop
Finally a legend that can overcome wraith.
Who knows maybe she had hammerpoint rounds
Eh not better than the season 2 trailer
I knew it u could see the the hatetred in her eyes I the 4th season
im watching apex trailers for its music selection at this point
i love this trailer
New grenade at 1:36
this game is ass…
Im now a Sombra main i mean Loba main.
If Loba gets an heirloom before Bangalore im’ma be sad
So she’s basically Sombra but thiccer noice.
Y’all hyped tomorrow?
Loba hot
Best legend ever
If she’s the legend for season 5 then maybe forge will be the season 6 legend since he was the legend everyone thought was gonna be released for season 4 until revenant was announced
people still play ?
Is it just me or is loba lookin hella thick
Don’t let loba thiccness distract u from the fact that Mr Krab sold SpongeBob soul for 62 cents 😳😳😳
While all of this is happening crypto was exposing the syndackit and mirage was spamming for his teammates to get his banner and pathfinder was grappling to the moon
I played a little when it first came out,is it worth getting back into now?
who are you?
So, One day revenant gets murdered by Loba and the real face of revenant, which we saw in the trailer of season 4, Will returninstead of him in a new legend with new abilities. Would be awesome tbf.
I might start playing Apex again bc shawty is bad frfr…
Loba-“Go back to hell” *Shoots P2020*
Me-“So you really thought they’d leave him one of if not the best assassins out there behind regular glass? No wonder he killed your entire family, you’re a bunch of idiots.”
Apex should make a movie. Omfg that would be so cool. The introductions are already like a min movie imageeeeeeeeee
Hay que decir que Apex hace muy buenas animaciones deverian hacer como tipo serie estaría muy cool
Game over tin can Mirage 2020
1:46 that robot thinkin daaaaaamn girl
I have always wanted to see a mage in this game and still waiting. But you did a great job with loba
What is the song name
It’s taco Tuesday
Cross platform please
I love Loba voice, then in her ability trailer her voice is different 😭
Was that revenant real bodys head in that container i can’t tell
Why is it Kings canyon and not Worlds Edge?
She’s way to op, wtf
Omg! Loba is the little girl 😀
That’s a good idea
Muy peroon
Man… I dont even play Apex like that but, this has made me interested to play again
Жопа прикольная, но я не понял причём зде арех
Is it just me or most epic scene where it shows almost the whole cast of character idk but its dope
So the rumours were true
Everyone talking about how loba is thic and p2020 memes I’m over here freaking out because I see titanfall robots
Good ass
you can track at the beginning of the video
This music just hits different
Anyone know when cross platform drops?
Cara na moral pq ele não contrataram um brasileiro ou português pra dublar ela esse português misturado com espanhol e foda
I dont really care about this game but thats a big ass my boi
My brother was the acter of revanat
This would be dope movie to watch
I don’t think she had P2020….
Loba’s Heirloom looking gonna be good.
Jesus Christ she’s like *”Qiyana” from league of legends*
I feel like apex should make an animated series based on the characters backstories and maybe used the show to tease new legends. Might just be me but I think having an animated tv show based on the apex games would be awesome
Why can we not play it says it’s not updated
Loba is Thicc
shes using enderpearls
Best trailer yet for me
Jeez she must have a big inventory with all those ender pearls
Day 1 of trying to get apex to pin me so I can impress my friends
Revenant: “Come to kill me little girl?”
Loba: “someday, but for now..” **Need to recharge my shields**
I would like to play Apex but my PS4 has no more space 🙁
The whole update in a nutshell:
Now this is better then Fortnite
Is it just me or is Loba dummy Thicc
Stalkers with R-301’s, when did they get that downgrade?
Fans: Cheering
Players: Liking
Haters: Hating
Rule 34 artists: Drooling
this game needs a campaign or something to explain all of the characters backstories
Новая звезда хентая
All I gota say is swiper no swiping 3xs n she’ll leave me alone😉😂 lol
Apex legends should have a marvel crossover
“Come to kill me little girl?”
“Someday, but for now…
Mozambique here!”
Un poco trecho peor con buena continuidad de la otra temporada
she’s probably gonna be op depending on how many times she can use her teleportation
1:00 mirage rework early gameplay
wait what if those rockets that came out of the sky were going to be bangalore’s new ult 👀👀
Apex stories and animation are fucking amazing, love the feel for the new season ❤️❤️❤️
*I don’t remember asking*
Урааааааа!!!!! 5 сезон
1:20 what are the odds of ever looking that badass with an heirloom now? At least a little better than the old <1%?
Please make an apex movie
I know your secret=lobA says
how do you know I was watching porn=revenant
Bullets weren’t enough to get through the casing around Revenan’ts head. OK. But come on, she dropped a Skull Town on it!
0:12 “Dome, Max dome!!”
wait loba before you kill revenant take this
Devotion lmg
loba where did you get this?
long story now go
how did she get the red marks around her eyes
Just fucking add solos and your game will be better I ain’t waiting until August
nerf revenant
I thought she was Brazilian
Ecryone expected this
Don’t touch my no no square plss
Apex season 4 trailer. 9.9 million views. Apex season 5 trailer. 8.5 million view in 5 days. Well played Respawn
how to stop watch this trailer?it’s too cool can’t stop!!
Lobo is everything wraith wanted to be
Apex team lead : so we need a new character.
Apex team : Have you ever heard of Sombra from OW?
Apex Team lead : I think you’re on to something
Ra season 5 đúng lúc apax legands ra moblie 😀
is this American date as in 12th May ?
Where is crypto in that revenant sence
Hold up is this the girl from the revenant trailer ?
This gives me Into the SpiderVerse vibes
Those are stalkers from Titan Fall 2 that was awoken if I’m not mistaken
Believe me or not but AOEX HAS THE BEST ANIMATIONS!!
The cinematics are super good
Who thinks apex should be a tv show
Another Mexican
“What did I tell you about ending the blood line?”
Why is she just dummy thicc and thats ur fault
It’s impressive she’s so limber and Mobile with that wagon holding her back 😳
No matter what gun you’re using specially in our 301 even this was an R 22 and tighten fall two you could not shoot down a stocker that fast it’ll at least take you wanna magazine take out a single those things have health!
Loba deserves vengeance!!
Bruh I’d be scared if I was her at the end like damn thief vs all of the legends
Can you please give me a apacksqueens About it 1000 pls my username is Dracula333 plllsss
If revanant is helping a knocked loba he should say get up before I finish the bounty
Que rica chuleta
Song: I know your secret
Tommee Profitt Feat. Liv Ash
“Come to kill me, little girl?”
Aaaaaaand that is when Revenant rose to my favorite legend.
no one:
the comments here: coMe tO kiLl Me liTle giRl
hey it’s me snowy tree is so wide left Apex because it’s my controller broken I know you have been watching me play or not hacking like that stuff so I just want to let you know Apex that I love your game and I really love playing it more than fortnite
Wait so tracer
Can we talk about how Wattson is in the background just swinging her legs back and forth all innocent <3 lmfao
1:38 so she will get two charges?
I hope they make a titan pilot for the next season that would be awesome his side ability would be invisibility and his main ability would be to summon a monarch class titan and his passive would be wall running who else would agree that would be cool if it happened
“Mmmhh” Using that gun like it will kill me
yo why she so thicc tho??
Revent: come to kill me little girl
Loba: Someday but for now 11 damage
A great battle..https://youtu.be/AFngMGkZX8s
It is🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Why shoot the head with a gun when you have bombs like that?
What’s the song called??
Wait, where is that? Am I missing something? Is that the girl whose father was killed by revenant?
Could apex bring back the Christmas event back
Literally Anyone:…
The Apex Fandom: _damn boi she_ *_T H I C C_*
We need Crossplay and mouse &keyboard support.
0.22 Revenant to be getting a bald spot tho
Unreal Tournament 2004 teleporter –> Kinessa’s Teleporter. –>Apex legends Teleporter
That trailer was pretty nice
When the trailer ends: loba shot revenant
But loba did not shoot revenant after it ends a nerf gun bullet bounced off revenant
end criptato
Suis-je la seule personne à avoir seulement regarder dans ce trailer la poitrine et le postérieur abusé de ce nouveau perso ? 😅
1:54 that’s one big throw…
thick. insta like
XD 12 may 2020 thats day where my moms new phone is ganna get delivered
If that staff isn’t her heirloom my life is a lie
Anyone else notice the topper on Loba’s staff is the last gift her father gave her before Revenant game ended both her parents?
man she thicc
Whats with the ass respawn are you ok
Are u paying attention Hollywood this is how you make a badass female character right
Check out apex gameplay on my channel!!!
She already has an heirloom interesting
2:09 when nobody jumps with in the the beginning 😂
What the hell , somebra on OW , hmmm ?
Im I love you Fortnite
2:04 where’s Lifeline? I don’t see her
So like why are stalkers good now in titanfall 1-2they were dirt
It’s a bit similar to Overwatch Sombra Lol
Fortnite better
Im already tracer
Der Hype is Real
any small Apex Youtubers want to grow? 👉🙄👈
So she teleports… They could make her look somewhat different from Sombra at least
Revenant: Well look at you it took you a while but you found me daughter.
Loba: Your not my family you killed the only family I have ever known.
Revenant: You wouldn’t be here if it not for me. I made you the woman you are today so in my eyes you are my child. My child of death.
Loba: No that not true.
Revenant: Look in you heart you know it to be true. Your just like me a taker whether it be a taker of jewels or lives your a taker all the same.
In a sense revenant is loba Matches Malone the man who killed batman parents.
Or Revenant could say: Who are you again.
Shut up we don’t like it
Если она не лесбиянка,то Респауны Ван лав.
What’s the song in the background called?? It’s really good!
They should add a new gun
Colt 1911 in apex legends??!?
does anyone noticed that crypto is not in the end of the video?
Give us crossplay!!!!
Sssssssssooooooooo cccccooooolllllll
I really hope that we get more lore this season. Plus the music in this is 🔥
She should use different weapon, not 2020 XD
Wait there’s no blood in apex??????????
Dis dousint make sents revenant head in outison and nothing happend
0:58 9 year old me meeting the principal that fired my favorite teachers
I love how her name stands for female wolf in Spanish I think
am I the only one trying to spot Crypto-
My comments. Is theregoing to be crossplay?and why isvloba a sombra from overwatch rip off?
Imagine if mirages decoys could shoot next season
Revenant: kills loba
Also revenant: whole squad down
I recon her heirloom is gonna be that spear
11′ Damage
I called it that the girl from season 4 would be back!
To another level 🔥
i havent played in a long time but seeing all of them on his side is😲
why she use a p2020 when she had an r301 to shoot the face with 💀
Mirage is very mean
Will solo finally be a thing now?? I*might* reinstall if so
I hope that her staff is the heirloom
This looks awesome she’s gonna be great
I’d smash Loba. Don’t @ me
Xd im missing the season 5 i cant play
With how curvy she is it’s gonna be impossible to hit a center of mass shot
1:18 She reminds me of Jade from MK when she did that pose
Yo the new Avengers trailer looks lit
One question, they are going to remove Pathfinder from the apex and if so don’t remove it it’s my favorite character and if they remove it I will get depressed!
This shit filthy on god
1:58 Where is Crypto?
Another heirloom coming up
Damn. She thicc.
so the add another ability from titan fall 2. the rewind from what i can see.
we like fortnite we like fortnite
Jaime: What did I tell you?
Loba: don’t do anything crazy…
Jaime: and what did you do?
Loba: something crazy…
love it
You think she would learn from her mom the pistol doesnt fucken work
I know ravanant is not dead
Were gonna need a Apex Legends movie soon. You know that right ?
This should have 30 million views
For people that played the titinafall series you would know the beaked robots are stalkers which I Found as maybe a little cool Easter egg?
Jesus Christ, i hope this Legend’s good
This is the best season yet
I miss Apex so much. That peace and hemlock meta before my sister broke it.
NO KILLCAMS!!!!!!!!!!!😡
Loving IT!!
What this song?
For some of you that dont get why she is shooting that machine at 0:53
That is actually the machine that controls revenant and if it is destroyed revenant will shut down… Or thats what i assume…
Simply out of this world!!👍👌
Wattson:oh gosh what a beautiful view
Hentai Material approved
One: I hope they explain what happened to ST and second, Does anybody know Loba’s OST cuuuuuz that shit hitttin
music name? ,-,
I won only 4 matchs In apex legends. I am at 99lv..
I mean most of the time i die after landing..
But despite knowing i will lose i still play just for fun.
I love this game.. I hope i get a New graphics card some day hard to see at 720p
I have a little theory I’d like to share. I think the head in the case is revenant’s human head, preserved so it can function without a human body. Revenant (the human head) remotely controls the revenant robot we see in Apex. If it gets destroyed, he can call on another one from the factory racks so he can continue “living”, hence the quote when he gets respawned in Apex “Why can’t I just die already?”
no pathfinder at the end disrespectful T_T
I just got mad tracer vibes from her 🤔🤔🤔🙄
Some people act like Revenant the villain but he’s a hero remember there was a bounty on lobos dad for a reason he was a drug dealer
So it was likely that somebody was going to put a bounty on his head
a brazilian one nice
What is this song
In the season 3 trailer on the dropship, imagine loba, revenant and pathfinder all in one squad
Loba discovered Ender pearls
why don’t you put apex legends on switch
05.12.2020 ?
Apex can u put a campaign version of the game where you do each one of the legends story like wraith story when she was in a IMC faicility
Respawn : We want to make more thicccc characters
1:51 if you hear closely in the backround there is the audio of young loba saying *Mama* when her mom was killed
thats op
Видеоролики найс, как спелые розы без запаха!. а вот сама игра пахнет одним заработком..
Wattson at the end is soo cute , swinging her legs 🤗🧡
1:35 why nobody talked about this new BOMB
What is the Song of the trailer
Por un momento pense que era mexica por decir Demonio
Anyone know the title of the music please
¡¡Me encanta la música ese corto está increíble la personaje se ve espectacular!! Pero no crei que la meterían tan pronto hubiera sido mejor meterla tiempo después para que nos sorprendemos mas!!!
i want already.
Fek, she so sexy!!!!
I watch this like 5 times per day idk why lol
2:14 the same mistake her mom did
What’s the song in the back ground ??
Best one ether
Stop destroying Kings Canyon for once man as i see my boy Skull Town is gone
She’s Apex Legends’ new Sombra
Wheres apex mobile
Thick sombra?
Make loba so something when she sees a vevent or that red dude I don’t know his name it dose the have to be any help or just make her be startled a bit
OMFG another Gibby buff
Super cool
hay ra nhiều video hơn nhé
(Now just a suggestion) someone should try to see what the password loba types in was 🤷 might be useful
They followed up on the grill yessssss
Un méxicano
Kinda wondering why she had the jets on her back when she wasn’t one of the legends until after this trailer.
What song?
lam cai nay co ton thoi gian lam ko
I just realized that that was that little girl holy ship
Did anyone else laugh as hysterically as I did when Mirage got bombed? I love how he’s the whipping boy
I wonder who will be the new legend in Season 6 because they always tease the character in the release trailer like in Season 4 it showed Loba and Season 2 Crypto was there.
Epic epic epic! Can’t wait for this new map. And gosh the game keeps on giving, don’t worry Loba I will Mos Def deliver your revenge. 😑
Dolores likes it
Loba: can teleport where ever a he trows that item
minato: hold my beer
Love at first kill
Now I’m wondering who is the thiccest. Loba, Wattson, Gibi or Caustic
This looks incredible! Love how there is so much story in Apex!
What’s that song called
give us back the turbo charger
Do people really still play this game?
How did loba catch up to the legends age?
2:04 so are they all their to look cinematic or are they there to beat the crap out of her sinking a part of their map
Sombra looks different here
She looks badass
Quite sad too see my main be on the floor like that but oh well 😂 I guess
0:11 Tobey Maguire scream!!!!
Yo this be some sombra actions
Fun fact: only Mirage, Loba and Revenant talked in this trailer
I thought that the little girl was wrath lol
They basically implemented Sombra from Overwatch in the game
Well looks like revenant a getting an update 🤔
Wait…so season 5.
But the game still runs like shit, Looks like shit, Has some of the worst server tick rates of ANY BR today. Still has mass cheaters.
And it’s still not in final release?
Ty for letting me know what you guys care about, I’ll be sure to never re install.
I think it’s the little girl from season 4
Does anyone know the song?
damnn she thicc
what is this song?
I swear loba and sombra are the same voice actor
She’s just sombra from overwatch hahaha
Best BY
I’m just in love with this game
Add PSN: xShadowPeek
When cross play ? Pls
Seeing the Stalkers deployed, really makes me want a Titanfall 3. I’m not much of a Apex fan, but the cinematic trailers are so incredibly made every time. Good job Respawn.
thicc gurl
We need tf3
Wait season 5?!
I bet her ult is where she can take enemy weapons or take weapons from the at far range
This is so sick
This is gay
Can we just take a moment to observe how well-animated this is?
Looks like that ober watch character
muy epico que salgaaa yaaaaaa
The best
extra thicc
She can pull weapons. Grab weapons or loot death boxes from a distance in game maybe?
Ya agreed that tin can always lucky
I kinda liked apex because they didn’t sexualize the legends though
How’s this game still a thing? I mean I already know fortnite is long dead
Revenant:Come to kill me little girl?
Loba : someday but for now..*11 damage*
(Not mine)
I think they are ading a semtex grenade
Loba’s ult stick is the gift she got from her father in the 4th season trailer. Look at the top of the staff.
*New legend come out*
*Rule 34 artists*
Sooooo. Loba is basically Sombra from Overwatch?
go back to hell😍
why the face looks like old tomb raider or tomb raider legend or anniversay its looks to simlar for me
“Fortune favours the bold” bruh tryna to steal miss fortune’s line
a lesbian kills joel in last of us 2, you get to play as that lesbian for half of the game, the other half as ellie, dont buy it
Battlefield 6 OST on my channel
The best game ever✅✅✅
Me encantó cuando dijo “demonio” ♡
Amo Apex pero mi pc esta mal y no puedo jugar, i’m crying
I’m a level 22 and somehow getting in lv 250 lobbies.is this a glitch or skill based matchmaking
Darn I was hoping the would be another support character like lifeline
Well maybe she’s a support character
Bruh, she thicc
So her ultimate either steals a random weapon around or provides it randomly based on 1:10
ufff hermoso, estará mejor que la season 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrDlxDPeJog
alguien habla español/anyway can speak spanish
So she’s pre much using ender pearls as her ability sick
that booty tho
Lifelines saved
Welp season 5 is gonna have a lot of bull shit from what I can tell. We got teleporting and shit now!? This to much ain’t gonna be no balance and people thought wraith was bad
There is a lot of falling 😂
what has this game become
am I the only one that whispered “Sombra” a couple of times??
Teared up a bit i cant wait 😂
anybody wanna add me and play together; my psn is x_orbital_killa (prefer any1 with a mic)
Bro, I don’t know what u doing but take my money because that ass is mine.
Honestly the legends staring over her is epic and poetic, like she was just a little girl when the games started
She’s thicc af
Anyone gonna acknowledge how dumby thicc she is
Wait is that Sombra?
i kinda saw this shit coming
Cross play please:(
This reminds me of sombra from overwatch down to the abilitys
Damm she got the 🎂🎂
Is the “Have a nice day” that is written on the missile a reference to MFKZ?
Still using a P2020 to kill revenant. You knew what happen to ur mom.
What’s this BGM?
The miss fortune of Apex
Crossplay para cuandoooo?
That’s where all of thoes recover banner revenants come from
Imagine if this game got a story mode and team death match
rip Bones ….
1:09 The robots similar to codiw’s robots!
Mirage: I’ll get that Tin Can next time. — < —
Sombra looks sick…wait…this isnt overwatch
She thiccer than a snicker
Did she try to break glass using a p2020?
Man would freaking love a story mode for this game
I love this
2:03 gives me jumanji vibes
I swear to god apex would have a dope campaign story
Does anyone know if we lose our legendary pieces at the end of the season
Everybody is just watching all the drama going on under skull town like they knew that was gonna happen
In another official trailer she says “smile more”.
So, this is all turning into a Sexism, Feminist story now?
Don’t bother commenting if you dont know who Brie Larsson is.
It’s a translocator xd
Yikes season 4 was short
If you wondering demonyo means it’s devil
If only ea put this much effort into fifa 🙁
Minecraft players gonna be happy with this new champion skills
This season is gonna be…
At least there was some Titanfall in the trailer.
Please nerf the L star it’s to over powered
A spanish-speaking character who throws beacons and translocates… where have I seen that before?
Broo the fucking robots from titan fall hell yeah good stuff respawn for keeping the tatian fall aspect the your were sposed to do since season 0
I love that Mirage has died in basically every trailer
I want her she thick
Wait a minute…that’s sombra
Ok, who’s next? McCree?
they made her so curvy
whats the song?
When the hell did season come out
I kinda wanted octane would run pass with his hand up saying what’s good mi amigo and they would high five and she would say nothing much Chico
Revenant gang where u at 💀
Song name?
2:09 school bullies
Algún mexicano:( ??
If only the gameplay was as good as these animations
Soundtrack please 😍😍😍
Am i the only one that read “Fortnite” ffs
I just wish apex was on nintendo
I like how her staff has the wolf
I guess this is very scary the hamond robotic killed a guy and the he’s head was at hamond fucking killer bitches
This music, could someone give me the name? ^^ THANK YOU
I like her.
Hammond: This…is Revenant.
Loba: Dear God…
Hammond: There’s more!
Loba: No…
I hate those stalker robots from titanfall. Little pieces of shit ate my titan’s health as a chocolate bar.
she cant have ravange becuze hi will respawn evry match
very cool cinematic, sad that the game is dead
So there’s Ender pearls in apex now?
هذه اللعبة عشقي المفضل
She’s basically somber from Overwatch?
This is so epic. I love you Apex!
XD THAT IS SOO THICCCC it doesn’t even look good
100 percent she is going to get nerf
Lights in lab: *automatically turn on for Loba*
Loba’s flare: Am I a joke to you?
Estuvo chidooooo!!!!!
Mirage: “is she wear a tutu wtf?”
un momento….sombra………tu no estabas en talon que paso con tu pelo morado?
What is the music plz?
What’s that background song?
She must be playing on easy or something. I remember those fuckers were tougher than that
What song is this
Introduce the “YOU DIE” from dark souls
1:02 … It’s TRANSPORTATION, not TRANSPORTAION…………………………..Take it Apex, little mistakes happen sometimes
Ring sonic
imagine before loba can get to revenant, someone else like mirage kills her
When is it
This is stolen but I’ll keep it up
Btw this is not mine and idk but I saw this comment and it’s legendary
0:09 “Dome Max dome!”
The back music is really cool
People in here making the jokes about p2020. If you hit every shot and manage not to get hit you can easily down and kill someone. Wanna know how I know? I’ve nearly done it on 2 separate occasions. First time they got saved by a teammate and the second time I missed and they hit.
Confirmado: L1 tira un enderpearl :v
I love it
Goodbye Revenant ^^
Dont be loba shes very clumsy
People: wow, its cool
Me: wow this big ass
Will we see cross platform
2:02 that sequence is such an eyegasm
damn boi that’s a thicc ass girl
Let’s go season 5😍
I can already see lobas staff being a heirloom
She is colombian?
She clearly based off of sombra
dome max! dome!
loba: you killed my parents
revenant: i heard you pick me up…
Welp, time to head back to Apex
I go in search of thiccness
I ❤️
Imagine the robots at 1:09 become ai’s like henchmen in Fortnite
epikardo se la rifaron
Sombra is that you?
That Gibraltar start was just awesome
Fix the bug CE-34878-0 Application :CUSA12552
This gives me goosebumps
Uuufffff se vino
Who realizes that her tactical ability is from Unreal Tournament. Are people so young already that UT is unheard of btw?
Still no crossplay??
I thought that the Staff that she has was going to be her Heirloom.
How about stopping the game from crashing every hour on PS4 Pro. If you crash out of the game the devs should spawn you back in that instance with full armor and a flatline havoc loadout.
Porn animators: *Eye glowing intensifies*
She looks lame. Where is Forge?
Ulepszycie revenanta
She is gonna be played for mostly one reason only, if you know what mean…
This trailer was SO well made!!
best trailer ever
That phrase where have i heard it before…
Miss fortune (league of legends) , oh ok yep
1:00 Out of all guns. She tried to kill him with a P2020……..
مافي عرب الي عربي لايك❤️
Thick ass latina with Ender Pearls
2:04 squad goals
Did u guys noticed that she speaks Spanish?
Para cuando una película?
She killed those robots pretty quick. Must not have had purple shields.
The specters give me flashbacks from titanfall 2 Master difficulty. Those tin cans are just a huge pain in the butt.
Yo add a story to this game
Wait are all the characters on Revents side or what?
Omfg im so in love with the lore for all the characters. Respawn did an amazing job on this universe. Like normal
So they made tracer
Damn she doing all that with those nails tho. They gotta be made out of fuckin titanium or some shit how arent they breaking?? 😂
2:02 just a badass moment
I never knew it’s been so long she’s like 21
Whats the song in the trailer
Valorant will push u DOWN .
Türkçe altyazı nerede ?
This song reminds me so much of the one that was used for the For Honor Marching fire trailer
This games trash
Can’t wait to use ender pearls in apex legends
damn, didint expect this, wish there were more epic outland stories like this
Loba *T H I C C*
If this gets 1K likes I will post my first video which is me eating a bowl of shredded paper
She’s finna change the game massive and it’s gonna be a banger
Just what we needed more badass females cant wait
Tracer and Sombra child lmao
Loba is just amazingly thicc, I might not be able to play her
I remember someone theorizing about TF2 lore, the arena being simulated. They just placed the rev simulacrum storage facility right under the apex maps. Id say apex legends are simulacrum training grounds and all the legends are simulacrums.
Rip new weapon
He should’ve smiled more
What is the name of the musik?
are u guys going to do anything about the r5apex.error or is it something i need to deal with?
Loba: you’ve taken everything from me
Reveant: your feelings for them are not real
Loba: they are real to me
Amazing,the new legend have ender pearls
This is the third time where mirage get blown up by a explosion
Did Pixar design this character cause she’s got a whole dump truck ass boi
Did anyone notice that when she fell of the bridge she made the same scream when her mother died
She kills him
1:09 the Walmart employees trying to stop me from eating all the colorful rocks in the display fishbowl.
Make apex great again
I make the other people not smile
Umm it’s sombra
Isn’t she the dauther of the man that revenant killed?
can’t wait to use her tactical
I like how people think straight people are simps just because they don’t want to be a fucking dick to women I mean right now with all these karens taking their kids to protests? Clearly natural selection isn’t working if you try to defend these karens you are definetly a simp
Por esto apex es mejor que la basura de fortnite
loba= tracer+sombra
Season 5 at Kings Canyon
Legends : Ah Sh*t, here we go again xD
Seeing Zylbrad and max begin of the video be like
“DOM MAX ! DOM!!!!”
I knew about her!
I dislike where the new comment section is. I find myself still scrolling to the bottom.
Her heirloom will be Butt Plug 1000%
Revenant should gat a skin called The Protector, and it would be one of the robots in the trailer
NGL Loba is a hottie 😳
RIP Lifeline and Crypto mains, neither shown in the entire video
Wraith mains sweating
let’s be honest, in the end that wasn’t p2020 in the end
I really hope those treasure things aren’t micro transactions that you need to buy keys to unlock
Macro was right all along!
She is pretty much sombra from overwatch
1: the teleport thing is a translocater
2:can bypass the console that literally was holding reverent’s human HEAD
It’s already season 5??? Goddamn
So that was the surprise?
A bunch of stalkers. Wow.
Who’s watching this when the trailer is trending
Tips to Kill Loba: Aim for da booty
wait. if Lobs uses puts her bracelet on a pole… does she… ummm
Thank god my man pathfinder is ok 🦾
shoy de bola
Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
-1945 [Colorized]
시즌 나올때:허
She gets a heirloom staff 👀
ok can we have Titanfall 3 now?
Yeah the trailer ist good but the character warent wont be good as every time.
girl power!
Let’s be honest this games gonna beet fortniet
Bet that place is a new map
Loba: *kills Revenant*
Revenant: I’m not thanking you
“Come to kill me, little girl”
“Someday, but for now”
*P2020 bullet bounces off like it did in last season’s trailer*
Apex legends would make an amazing anime
Revenant: Not gonna work, i have totems all over the place.
Loba: (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻.
Yall have to do a story from the out lands for revenant
Correct me if i’m wrong, but i think mirage was killed in almost all of the cinematic trailers.
Wait a minute fortune ?
Fortune son?
I do t like it
عن نفسي فيه اجوا بطله🤤🕹
Its a Valorant copy.
A Mexican chick that can throw an object then teleport to it? Sounds familiar
Actually sombra reskin, voice actor and all xD
Please fix octanes ultimately
Just want to say how perfect this song is for the trailer
Buen CuLO que se maneja la chica esa :v
Not sure if anyone noticed.. when she shot at what is revenants “brain” the message read on the left half:
Solace Production Facility 217 compromised security measures activated transportation in progress
And on the right:
Psamathe Production Facility 019 powered up standing by to receive transfer complete
Psamathe is the system where Octane & Lifeline are from.. this is very probable where the next map will be located
this skin
Still do be waiting for Titanfall 3 doe
So she has a device that when thrown she teleports to it….sombra 2.0, she’s even Hispanic
Guys if y’all don’t nkow that girl is the little girl she’s a wolf like meh WE SHOULD ALL GET HER XD
Zylbrad: dome max dome! lol
When season 5 will come on 12 of may or 5 of December?
this was cool
At the end, Bangalore is the only one with a gun so she could probably get an easy dub with all the teams grouped up like that.
Revenant is just like me but loba Andrea is to op to be teleports
Is it just me or is looking kinda thickk
Are we ever going to get Titanfall 3. Plz Respawn.
I don’t see much difference between Loba and Sambra from overwatch, there both Spanish and can teleport, coincidences ? I think not
Junk…meet trunk
Long time no see specters
i think we have new heliroom
* YAWNS * 😴🛌
” That was cute….can I go back to Warzone now 🚶♂️ “
to bad we cannot have a NEW map– WTF
0:58 when my brother asks for a glass of water, who refused to give me one, 2 year 5 months 17 days ago…
why does Wraith have a white 7 on her
Went back to this video just to see how the “Yes, but for now…” meme has been doing.
did anyone else notice that cypto is missing from all the legends at the end
Im go warzone good bye fucking game
FREE HUGS NO MASK REQUIRED die from a hug not a needle
We want Titanfall 3
No one is talking about the *sea* RIGHT BEHIND skull town in the ending scence.
Revenant:Come to kill me little girl?
Loba:someday but for now…
Revenant:To late girl.
I just realized crypto isn’t there🤯
Damn sombras in apex, nice
We need steam
We want steam
Don’t know why….The more I watch it….the better it gets……:D
I fucking love how the music was used in this trailer at just the right times. If the music wasn’t there then this trailer wouldn’t be what it is
Apex legend i love you
I’m here 2 hours before the gameplay trailer premiers
Apex is gonna be the new gen BR we’ve been looking for from Fork Knife
What’s her passive??
What’s the soundtrack?
I know it’s a game BUT…………she TTTHHHHHHIIIIIIiiiic
what is the music at the beginning of the video?
Mirage is so weak, he can’t even sprint anymore……
Why did you have to make her “thicc” now all the creepy simps are gunna invade the Titanfall games and ruin another game franchise
Reminds me a little bit at iRobots 🤔😂😂
Holy shit I didn’t know Sombra was in this game.
1:52 Me, falling to the void in minecraft before throwing an ender pearl
“Come To Kill Me?, Little Girl”
~Revenant 2020
Jesus FUCK, can legend not destroying the map in their debut like Octane???
Im still waiting for the guy, in the first reveal trailer of Apex i wanna see him get into the game
Zlybrad -DOME! MAX DOME!
Also this looks f**Ken sick
Dose anyone know what the song is?
Sombra copy.
Hey crypto, where are you…
Looks like a straight Sombra rip off from overwatch
Respawn entertainment: we need a new character.
Developer: cool, I’ve been working on a character with a teleport beacon, kinda like sombra from overwatch 🙂
Respawn entertainment: wait, cut out that first bit.
Developer: I’ve been working on a character with a teleport beacon, kinda like sombra from overwatch 😐
Respawn entertainment: cut out more
Developer: a character with a teleport beacon, kinda like sombra from overwatch :/
Respawn entertainment: MORE!
Developer: Sombra from overwatch?
Respawn entertainment: perfection!
Skull Town: Goes down in epic explosion.
Bloodhound: A Yes, my bird.
Ok,she looks T H I C C.
Its going to be litt
0:09 i can hear zylbrad screaming DOME MAX DOME
(basically sombra)
Man! Sombra got thick……… Well thicker😉❤️
I think revenant is the boss for apex legends lol he seems to be so domineering over the entire game lmao
So she is a modified version of Sombra from Overwatch?
So sombra
Is that new character Brazilian? 🇧🇷💚
anyone noticed that crypto isnt in this trailer at all ? well mirage path and gibby is in a war .. but wheres crypto ?
so the abilities are teleporting and picking up item without contact…
Did anyone see zylbrad at the live chat? I did
Thicc teleportation chick vs revenant
Music ?
Looks like it’s Sombra?! o-o
The music really ruins it.
Song is “I know your secrets” by Tommee Profitt
Looks like Sombra got an upgrade
I got an idea for her passive ability
Revenge: Friendly fire aplied to revenant
Everyone “this is going to be the best season so far”
1 week later
Also everyone “loba is so shit, i want worlds edge back, they shouldn’t have buffed mirage”
Revenant como obtuvo el tótem?, Siempre que voy a dormir me preguntó eso :v
bring back 4:3 stretched res, thanks
Dome Max Dome!
wow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG_q-BIRaSM
Kinda reminds me of Sombra from OW
Only titanfall member know what the things that were attacking her are called
The best goals of the Champions League
How Messi has destroyed the world’s best goalkeeper https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCneW4qj55HCn74NyfiNpywQ/videos
I wait for this Legends 3 Saison because all Randoms steal the Items… and finally my dream is true😍🙏
but waht’s the new gun?
That’s a shit ton of revenants
Fortnite trash
Nobody is talking about the stalkers
Huge league of legends vibes here
It’s nice and all
But why isn’t it on switch yet!
Note that mirage doesn’t appear in the end sequence ^^
R.I.P skull town
I have a theory(still have a lot of holes and bullshit-ness in the theory but I will think of it):All of the legend here is actually is a clone and the real person is just enjoying somewhere else while the apex game still go on with the revenant clones(like u see in this trailer,that’s why there’s a lot of them),all being programmed to act and do like the originals,Reason why Rev didn’t see the other legends look like him probably because he could only see himself as a Similacrum but still sees other as a normal person…
She should have brought Hammer points to get through the glass
So uh. Simularcrum from titanfall 2 and apex legends (ash and revenant). Their heads were found by hammond robotics and that’s weird because that’s what’s used to control the simularcrum BUT, Their programming seems themselves ad humans. I feel that’s disturbing.
Apex Legend should be a 16+ rated movie beter than Hunger Games.
Suomi finland perkele
Idk if the devs read the comments or not but it would be nice if u guys added a trade in system like suppose I had a gold skin I should be either able to trade it for another skin or for the 1,200 crafting metal
I bet there has no emotes with MUSIC.
0:9 ODST dropping in
Who sings this song? I want to hear this song again and again…..
Depuis quand ils font autant de vues ces zgegs
2020 spanish
Fix EA server
mirage:game over tin can
the bombs: STOOPID i aint gonna let you get the chance
Hoping Loba Abilitys aren’t trash and good customizes for her meaning quips banners skins finishers because i might main her if it’s bad then i am sticking to crypto.
where’s pathfinder crypto gibraltar and mirage
Zylbrad: dome max dome 0:10
SHES FILIPINO? Demonyo is Filipino it’s like calling it a demon
Sombra Overwatch
Well, I don’t play Apex but I can say one think.
Please Apex keep doing this fantastic job
*Loba gets released*
Apex: *adds new heirloom*
Let’s be hoist the new lendgend isint closes as cool as relavent
Rip skull town
Finally a hero for the gays n gals
Behold a new wraith, since they screwed up the old one up, am i right???????
in about 7 more hours the gameplay trailer would drop , make sure to watch it too.
the most of 60% in players use wall hack 40% aim bot , gzz apex nice job, every 10 games i meet 5 hackers 1 use aim bot and 4 wall hack. WHT THE POINT IS AM PLAY 4 SESSON 5 SESSON 100 SESSON, the apex never bann the hackers , why? why lose money from them (skins and crafts). this game lose to many good players , why the apex never care for hacking. gzz epex gzz.
The begin of season 4 and i think ‘this girl is the new legend of season 5’ and its is😂😂😂😮😮
She made a mistake using P2020. I think she should’ve used the Wingman. 🤔
@Macro predicted it
Loba is the best legend
Hmmm thicc
So she uses enderpearls? Cool
Hentai boutta be so fire
I’m callin it, lobas taking wraith outta business
What’s name using with this video
She’s Sombras sister?
Damn she thic asf
Audaces fortuna iuvat?
this is hot
Game over tin can
I know your secrets plays
Take her and go MAMA
Loba: *joins Alex for just an out*
Hentai animators: hold my beer
Is this sombra lol
плиз если вы русские поставь лайк а
She would be cooler with a jump kit
i always hate when people say fortnite is better. i always tell them if you say that again ill come over to your house and slash your tires
It was so cool when she teleported back up and then All the legends where there
Bro I just want cross play
Do you guys think that it would be cool for other people to have the special voice lines each each other
Kto z polski?
Dang bro sombra popping up in apex too! This is some great new content for a dead beat game
My Latina sister did all that in leather and heels!! She’s my new main, I already love her. This trailer is also hype as all Hell. Fantastic job Respawn!
But it really Is still on the map but making a New One isn’t It? You have the Money and Always di the same things at least on innovative thing.
Sombra rip-off :/
This season better be better
0:06 Mirage you’re evil
Damn Sombra’s in Apex!?
P2020 vs revenant
plot twist: she died by getting killed lol
Ah I love to see apex beating fortnite in trending
*YASSSS* Sombra
Loba be kinda thick and fine tho
she has stacks of ender pearls ready for the picking
Her ability reminds me of what’s her name in Overwatch? Sombra?
Everyone in apex rn- LOBA THICC BRO
Wattson- *sad baguette noises*
She’s mine, don’t touch her! *Revenant Voice*
I did not even know what you just released
Thanks Apex, you are in my son home work
What’s the song
Saw Loba holding a staff….
Me: Heirloom?
ngl she kinda dummy thicc
The devs made her so thicc and she did it all in
I like fortnite is on season 12 and apex is on season 5….
It feels like Camilla cabello was singing
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 skull town
The need to make a titanfall 3 already
It’s still season 4
When revenant kill loba he should say whole family down
this is some GOOD shit
plis link music
Sin palabras
Who else thought it said fortnite in the title for a sec
These trailers get better and better every season! Can’t wait for season 20!
is that a new pistol she’s holding in the end of the trailer?
She can TP and steal gun? Wtf
Wow the video seem real not a game or something like that
Yeah why not, one of the best games ever made, time to ruin it
Yes. That sombra right…
This is badass!!
W nowym sezonie mogli by dodać pojazdy
Anyone catch wattson sitting on the rock at the end? She straight vibing lol
Worst season, worst trailer. This is game is getting boring, that’s why fortnite is still better
Ok, so are we just gonna ignore the fact that Loba just took down a ENTIRE LINE of Spectres with an R2? I’m calling bs
Loba is basically an enderman
Apex fix your god damn server
Where is Crypto. Look back at 2:06 and watch the characters. Crypto is not there.
Also, Gibraltar is missing. Sombody please explain.
1:35 New grenade :0?
So no one wants to talk about how they copied fortnites S5 theme…no…ok
I get chils every time i see an apex legends trailer.
Ото либо нехуй убивать отца
YouTube: Let’s move the comment section for no reason
If we could choose between kings canyon and world edge is better than waiting for hours !!
My University exams aren’t cancelled but Schools boys bashing Apex whole summar
10 seconds in new Bangalore ult rework
This is amazing
Its going to be poetic when revenant kills loba during a finisher
“You were next anyway”
Knowing my luck on the character select screen, I’ll get to try her out in battle a month after her release, for now, I’ll just sit in the firing range going “haha, the gun goes brrr”.
Yea release that 3rd person mode shit again please cause she got some cake
What is this song I need it in my life even tho it’s somewhat short it just is so good
1:06 what’s that on her ass
Its wath song ?
i m confused , between big butt and big head hhhhh: https://amzn.to/2zib3Qs
Bro why is she so THICC???
She look sexy😍
“Game over tin can”
I swear they got that from Gavin in Detroit become human…
Please add back solos for a limited time or permanent. Any solo game mode honestly
Yooooo I legit forgot this game existed until this popped up on my recommended
Sombra from Overwatch
She is coming in my brithday 🙂
Rumor has it that that wasn’t bulletproof glass. The P2020 is just does practically no damage.
2:05 peak Watson in the background
What’s this song?
Everyone is so impressed because the trailer is so dope. Me: 👁👄👁 loba is fineee
Can we have one of those defensive robots to be a pathfinder skin or the next legend
Ok but why is she built like Squidward when he ate all of those krabby patties
Reminds me of sombra..
Let’s be honest, this isn’t your first time watching
What time is it dropping? may 12,Tuesday. Is it at midnight
I new it
Whats the music?
Titanfall 3 please
she’s the only one disturbing the peace on the rocks
0:11 f por Mirage… F
I really liked this game and started shooting videos about it. I will make good content.The game deserves a lot.so I decided to start shooting about it!as well as other youtubers!developers thank you for your creation
She thicc
im no longer playing apex when Season 5 comes out because i am scared of Loba and especially toxic try hards using her. i can see the power she holds will kill my noob ass every game sadly.
edit; im kidding….but i might consider this.
Dude she is just like wraith.
Loba use her teleportation thing and wraith just use her portal
Sooooooo… Sombra?
Why designer make Loba has a big ass ???
Are those robots are coming to the game or it’s just me because there in titanfall
i’ve watched this so many times it’s unhealthy😔
mirage mains: “look at how they massacred my boy”
i am also a guilty mirage main
Yall just sleeping on the fact that revenant would demolish her in anything but you dont want to address that because you think she thicc
Why does she look so much like Bangalore
I don’t even play apex. I’m just here cause I’m bored
The fact that no ones talking about that smack song in the back is honestly disappointing…gotta do better comment section!!!!!
😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 Alicia how do you have to
Bru her hit box gonna be thicker then Gibby’s 🥺
Me when i see loba:
0:17 song??
I knew she was the next legend
Me: theres a gun named Volt
Okay reping the clan you know
1:07 When the exam gets harder partway through.
Rule 34 artist…
Have your fun
Season 4 felt so short.
In a actual melee fight who would win Loba or Revenant
Damn in just 2 days it now 7.1 million views
Apex can u give me wraith heir loom i love it and i even made a paoer one pls apex
I love you
Ngl her outfit kinky
Head shot
Overwatch : hey l’ve seen tnis one
Apex : loba Andrade
Mirage: I sure hope I don’t have to drop with that robot he kinda freaks me out…
Revenant: “DEATH STARES”
Mirage: never mind he’s fine everyone’s fine.😅
Loba: try’s to kill revenant
Octane: dude you stole my hype train
Billy Graham – start at 2:30 Jesus loves you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKnsbsU6hc8
So she can teleport herself and lot to her, Season 5 is going to be hectic
Not gonna lie. That was pretty weak sauce. Good visuals but not a good season launch trailer. More of a character trailer,
All it takes is a click. Emotional Wreck💔 OutNow
How in the world did this season get so many views in a short span of time compared to the previous ones?
so technically she is sombra from overwatch
Apex this is insane
She crazy😨😨😨
I knew she will come to the game once I saw her evil ass look in the season 4 trailer
Bro that’s insane
So is there any relation to what she actually typed to hack revenant?? or is it just for show?
No Offence Respawn, But This Is Just Sombra From Overwatch…
Nice! A Mexican character
I thank Apex for removing Skulltown.
sombra is that you?
La musique magnifique 🔥😭 i know you secrets de rien elle m’a donné envie de chialer je l’adore
How would loba work because what if some guy picked revnant and another guy picked loba???????
i can feel loba and revenant become friends when revenant will tell loba that her parents are bad people. maybe im wrong.
Who else is gonna think her staff is gonna be her heirloom
No ones ganna play if she can teleport and steal other people’s guns
I hate lores ruin a game
What’s the name of this song??
What is the songs name though? 🤔
“Come to kill me lil girl”
wtf is the music🤮
Those robots legit look like they came from Infinite Warfare. It’s even funnier considering the company.
The greatest band
as a Titanfall 2 veteran, I know that a quick burst from an R-201 would only maybe kill one stalker.
There’s been 5 seasons already?
Only true minecraft veterans know what that bracelet refers to
more brown and Black women, you love to see it
i can see the hentai already
Garbage trailer
Okay, I’m convinced, this can’t be the same universe as Titanfall. Stalkers don’t die to a few bullets, those mother f*ckers are tanks and can 1v1 a titan and still do decent damage. This is so unrealistic.
What are you revenant death
So lifeline and crypto at lobby
Are we going to have revenant human face skin?
Volte para o inferno demonio
Come to kill me little girl WHAT
very nice i don’t care
Why wraith in the back look like a whole man tho
Nice heirloom teaser
So much diversity…unless you’re a white male XD
Sry but this game is dead
Can the robot security things be potential characters?
1:13 that’s her ultimate
Hey look, another minority female
I keep forgetting this is in the titanfall universe not borderlands 😂
Jesus, what a dumptruck of a ass. Season 5 looks good!
Ну обаный рот
Сломала череп
hey apex hope you put this leagind when revenat kill that crarrecter from season 5 put him on season 6 he will be half robot and please do it
I respect apex
There cinematic trailers are next level sick with so much detail
8th time watching! Who else?!
Holy Shit The New Fortnite Season looking really good
what thicc leg 🙂
Loba shoots revenant
Revenant: gold knockdown shield
Loba scrunched up Kermit face
was that yellow explosive a new grenade 😱
Oh Man! This is hot as hell!!!
Apex legend’s POC representation is outstanding compared to every other game ever.
Why did the other legends stop fighting
This games dead why y’all still updating it
The man that was killed by the robot that’s her daughter she looks cool looking lol she s badass I will make my big brother buy her on apex
Yo, Loba aint got no buisness having all that CAKE
You will die one day and will be spending your entire eternity either hell or heaven no other option. You have a choice to either follow the broad way right into hell or one and only one narrow way which is found only through Jesus Christ into heaven. God is still giving a chance today, tomorrow may be too LATE! – DON’T IGNORE!
All that I got from this was some girl with an. Ender pearl
Please add a permanent Solo mode pleaseeeee😭
Ion even play apex but this was nice🤙🏾💯
Revenant: Came to kill me, little girl
Loba: Someday, but for now…… handle with corona
Caustic: why is every one looking at me
Song name?
At 1:10 don’t those look like the robots from titan fall 2 ? Not saying apex is copying anything just wondering if anyone else noticed that
Song name ?? 🙂
I think apex legends should be a movie
the height is nothing to be afraid of. no fall damage
Hi five
she got bamboozled
The ending is like that cringey tiktok where an fboy would say
“What if we”re dangerous”
When this game is available on mobile?
Pathfinder nvr dies 😎
does not make sense how she says someday, then 2 seconds later tries killing revenant
Was there are new Pistel
So basically she has an ult that can steal the weapon of the enemy and her Q ability is teleportation? Interesting this create a new concept of the battlefield I guess.
People still play Apex ?
damn, she thicc as hell 😳😳
Wish I could play it but ea is stupid as shit so my account somehow expired and because of coronavirus Im not gonna get any help because they don’t have enough people there
Mirage: Game over tin can
Pathfinder: DOME MAX! DOME!!
Loba got that wagon 👀
vaina mas hueso… malisimaaaaaaa esa intro
Ways to say garbage
– A
– P
– E
– X
Waht is this song call
This game sucks
You had season 1 over fortnite that’s it y’all fell off
R.I.P Skull Town
I read this as Fortnites Favor
Sombra got thicc
Apex is still a thing.. ok den
bless boty loba hahaha
Rule 34 artists do your thing
Lmao with her ,octane and wraith we aint gonna see anyone on a map anymore
Now all the tryhards and TTV players won’t hog wraith anymore lol
What would happen if the glass isnt bullet proof
Revenant:Skinsuit Over The- * Death Box Falls On Ground *
Teammates:HE RAGE QUIT!
Coool https://youtu.be/JwKNHP4CtYM
All the dislikes are from the fortnite players
I can’t be the only one who kinda wants a Mech Pilot from Titanfall in Apex Legends.
For all of u who like mirage 1 like one pay respect for mirage dying
I’m ready to play ender pearl girl
Why you gotta do skully like that man
1:51 Mamá!!! Trailer season 4
what song is that
Reminds me of Sombra but really excited to play her
1:36 so is noone gonna talk about the new grenade?
Why is there a silhouette with the number 7 there at 2:05
Eh its probably just wraith
just saying respawn u need to make like a movie cause u guys make the best trailers every hands down
1:02 I guess the apex games thought ahead.
Everyone came here for the new Character… I came here to see an animated fighting scene with stalkers in it.
Love it
I cant wait
Loba Thicc
Loba: Oh wow! I have access to the ai making these robots! Let me just use a fucking pistol instead of my big ass staff to kill it cuz the staff actually can go through the damn glass instead of a pistol with no hammer points.
I wonder how their gonna explain her age, there would have to be a time skip surely….right?
I see she already has a heirloom💀
Aquí esta el comentario en español que buscabas.
*How are you??? Who is quarantined ???*
5th Time I’ve watched it, no complaints
I believe the gun that she shots at the end is the new gun
I thought that was China Anne McClain lol
You need to get any account hacked? Jakobbhacker on lG is a pro and he can help you in minutes
so path and mirage are dead?!
Now I wish I played this morning than every single game I own
Season 2 trailer: new weapon, new legend and map changes.
Season 3 trailer: new weapon, new legend and map changes.
Season 4 trailer: new legend make a carnage
Season 5 trailer: new legend using p2020 for kill a immortal robot.
anyone else noticed all legends except for mirage,gibraltar,lifeline,crypto,pathfinder were there.Something is happening!
ديم والله متحمس
Octane is probably drooling over her since she is Spanish or Latina lol
Que trailer lindo não vejo a hora de chegar 12 de maio ❤️
They didn’t make her seem as cool as revanent
The crazy part about it is she did all of that with high hills on
I really dont like the ending, I was hoping a true rivality not a response like: Someday (smiling). Although it matches well with her personality
Let’s be honest, the devs made her as thicc as humanly possible.
This game is gonna fall like battle field v feminism ruins a game
Oh look it’s overwatch
Anyone else notice that pathfinder, Gibby, crypto, mirage, and lifeline werent in the camera shot?
Note: *Read The First Two*
Oh sombra gotten a upgrade nice
Im gonna be so mad if someone snatches my mastiff off my hands downs me with it and then teleports to safety……
Loba i love u
я начинающий ютубер помогите с советами
Is it a bad thing to only want to see Loba doing cool things for the next few trailers?
Mirage: “Game over tincan”
Me watching this for the second time: Ah so you have chosen death
Ah… The cruelty, the pedo influencd imagery and the violence of it all….
idk bout u guys but im still on revenants side
Oh shit 😂
Bro imagine the new legend with the 3rd person xD
Damn I need these guy to stop with apex and make a new Titan fall
Demon go back to hell 😈
0:11 Gibraltar’s shield might be nerfed, just my opinion tho
That teleport is literally from unreal tournament
I bet the teleporter is gonna be the alt
She went full star lord, the dumbass ruined her only chance of getting revenge
los trailers de apex me dan ganas de jugar
Cañones de los reyes :’) más nueva leyenda :”)
Why is no one talking bout how she place that c-4 I keep hearing everyone say gibby cause the damage but it was clearly her am I trippin?
were is pathfinder
https://youtu.be/q6_SXqaOLr8 11 HOURS of Gentle Night RAIN, Rain Sounds for Relaxing Sleep, beat insomnia, Meditation, Study
Guys remember the p2020 might of had hammerpoint on it
Vabbè, sta burinata da fattoni non dice niente
Broo apex should get inna studio n create a movie already
Has she been grown during season 4 ?! 🤔
Wattson being adorable af, swinging her legs in the background. So savagely cute.
For real, how buffed has the P2020 become, I think she one-shoted him with just a headshot
Wait so if loba going to be in the apex games then she would need a card to show up because in the first trailer for the game the man with the beard gave a card to mirage because that might be where he got it because in his lore he worked as a bartender so will the guy in the blue hair “loba’s friend” will hack into the system and make a key card so she could join the games and fight revenant or will she throw her bracelet right when the ship is going and teleport in there well then that would mean that she would have to make friends so she could stay on the ship then looking suspicious in the ship because it is shown in one of the trailers in season 2 that every legend has there own room so then she would have to make friends but then she would have to find a squad but if all the squads are filled then she would have to be just running around trying to find revenant. So this is just my question how is she going to get in the apex games lore wise because we know the lore is different from the gameplay
Ayo where the fuck is crypto
Why you don’t give Middle East server , we play a lot we need to feel a same players playing with 0 ping why us why , we need server in Middle East Apex Legend , 3 years of play with 200 ping i feel their and poring , why just whyyyyyy , Give everyone his right
The pistol she used wasnt a P2020
No wonder she teleports, her butt’s too big to move